Correction Slip No.4 To IRTMM
Correction Slip No.4 To IRTMM
Correction Slip No.4 To IRTMM
\ o(
Executive Director Track/ M&MC
Railway Board
Tele: No.011-47845531
Email_ID: [email protected]
DAi As above
File No. 2021/Track)ll/fK/12 (Computer No. 33512/1)
t64l5o7 / 2023 / o/o DDTk-lll
Lucknow - 226 0l I it6n ti..{i.ntbt rdrr.F
ffi 22.082023
{, TM/HM/22lCS
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rtRii+ ttooot
Rqq Correction slip no' 4 to IRTMM
2120fi r ack-lll ff Kl24 daled
q-<{ Railway Board's order vide letler no
s letler reg arding workrng of
ln compliance to above referred Railway Board' (1) & (2) of Para 9M
Track Machine staff, a dra ft correction in IRTMM-2019, Sub Para
proposed to be issued as following
of chapter 9 (at Page no 2 77) is
1. kiy Roster- Roster of the staff WeeklY inRoster- track machi ne organization
working in track machine organization working as
falls under contlnuous c lassification
falls under continuous cla ssification as come
per HOER exceP t JEISSE who
pe r HOER. The stafl is rostered to
work for a Pe riod of 6 days at a slretch
under Excluded category. The staff
followed bY o ne day of rest. ln respect
under continuous category ol HOER
to over tame, the staff will be governed
is rostered to work for a period of 6
day s at a slretch followed by one daY
by extant ans tructions under HOER in
of rest and staff unde r Excluded
regard to the principle of averaglng
category of HOER maY also tar(e rest
as per stall under continuous
category ol HOER ln respect lo over
time. the staff wil be governed bY
extant instructions under HOER in
regard to the principle of averagtng
Three Weeks Roster- Staff working
Three Weeks Roster- Staff under
on track machlnes may be rostered to
continuous category of HOER
working on track machines maY be
work for a Period of 3 weeks at a
rostere--d to work for a Period of 3
siiercn followed by continuous rest for
a oeriod of one week at headquarters'
weeks at a stretch followed bY
rest for a Period of one
ine three weeks continuous roster wrll continuous
at headquarters and staff under
include the actual period of journey week
taken from head quarters to the Excluded
category ol HOER maY
olace ol work and back The also take rest as Per stafl under
individuals shall not be employed for continuous category of HOER The
more than 1 2 hours on any daY ln three weeks contlnuous roster will
respecl to over time, the statf wlll be include the aclual period of iourney
governed by extant instructlons under under taken from head quarlers to lhe
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Generated from eoffice by sANJoy ABRAHAM, DDTKlll(sA). DDTK-lll, Track Dte on t9/12/?o23 c2tzo pm
Frle No. 2021/Track-lll/TK/12 (Computer No. 3361221)
t 648507 / 2023 /O/o DDTk-lll
HOE R in regard to the principle of place of work and back. The individuals
averaging as applicable to 3 weeks shall not be employed for more lhan 12
roster, The implementation of three hours on anY daY. ln respect to over
weeks roster shall be governed bY time, the staff will be governed bY
exemption communicated by Railway enanl instruclions under HOER in
Board from provisions of Railway Act regard to lhe principle of averaging as
1989 from time to time. applicable to 3 weeks rosler' The
implementation of lhree weeks roster
shall be governed bY exemPtion
communicated by Railway Board from
provisions of Railway Act 1989 from
time to time.
t*q:edtmcrdso@gmail. com
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Generated from eoffice by sANJoy ABRAHAM, oDTK- t(sA). DDTKiI, Tra.k Dte on 19,/tz/2o23 oztzo pm