Interior Design
Massa Ashmar
When it comes to interior design, a color scheme is like a group of colors
that team up to make a room look amazing. It's all about choosing colors
that go well together and create a certain mood or vibe. The colors you pick
can make a space feel cozy, energetic, or even calming. So, it's important to
choose a color scheme that matches the look and feel you want for your
room. It's like assembling a dream team of colors to bring your space to life.
The Colour Wheel
• A color wheel or color circle is like a fancy
way of visualizing colors in a circle. It helps
us understand how colors relate to each
other. It shows the connections between
primary colors (like red, blue, and yellow),
secondary colors (like orange, green, and
purple), and tertiary colors (which are a mix
of primary and secondary colors). So, the
color wheel is like a roadmap that guides
us in choosing colors that go well together
in our designs. It's a handy tool for creating
beautiful color schemes.
There are three primary colors.
Types of Colors on the Color Wheel
Also known as parent colors, the
primary colors are:
• Primary colors : Red
Primary colors are like the boss colors that Blue
can't be created by mixing other colors.
They're the building blocks of all other
colors. When you use primary colors in
your design, it really makes things pop and
grabs attention. You can use them
individually or mix them together to create
different effects. So, if you want your
design to have that wow factor, primary
colors are the way to go.
Types of Colors on the Color Wheel The three primary colors allow various
color combinations. Overall, there are
three secondary colors. These
• Secondary colors : combinations can be: