Curriculum Models
Curriculum Models
Curriculum Models
3.0. Introduction
3.1. Learning Objectives
3.2. Models of Curriculum Development
3.3. Tyler's Model (1949)
3.4. Hilda Taba,1962 Model
3.5. Salyor and Alexander Model
3.6. Nicholls and Nicholl's Model (1972)\
3.7. Willes and Bendi Model (1989)
3.8. Futuristic Model (1989)
3.9. Need Assessment Model
3.10. Hunkins Decision Making Model
3.11. Glathorn Naturalistic Model
3.12. Weinstein and Fantini Model
3.13. Post-Positivist Model
hs chapter deals with various models of curriculum development like Tyler's
Model, Hilda Taba Model, Nicholls and Nicholl's Model, Willes and Bendi Model,
Futuristic Model and Need Assessment Model, Hunkin's Model, Glathorn
Naturalistic Model, Weinstein and Farntini Model and Post-Positivist Model.
The learners after completion of studying this chapter will be able to
Know tlhe Tyler's Model, Hilda Taba Model and others
Understand these models
Applythese models in different situation
Develop skills in these models.
Textbook procedure
Of all procedures all
procedures for selecting and organizing curriculum
experiences, the text-book procedure isself-explanatory. The content of a
curriculum based on this approach is determined in alarger part. It course
or a
writers of textbooks are sufficiently expert to know assumes that the
youths who are to pursue and give curricular
what is appropriate for the
experiences and use the textual
material in teacher learning process. While such persons
much basic data and do a real service in bringing generally have access to
together and
they are capable accurately of diagnose pupil background andorganizing materials,
need. The text-book
serves as a tool to the teachers and students. In
determining the course content and
activity, the teacher's role is to select the textbook that serves as a basis for the
Education becomes successful when an effective planning is there and it should
be clear on its means and ends. Curriculum should be
developed with perspecaye
systematic endeavor such as stating with goals, content, methods,
whichis a very material and evaluation. It also depends on various sources
learming experience,
students, society, disCiplnes Or subject matter. Besides it focuses on for
what context, what purpose, the process to be adopted, etc. The
whom, in
curriculumis designed and developed based on approach, style, source etc. Broadly
bene are two approaches to curriculum
1. Scientific/ Technical
3. Society
through two screene :e
These identified objectives need to be filtered / refined spesife
going for
philosophy of the school and psychology of learning that help in
instructional objectives.
on the learning experiernces and the
The attainment of objectives depends can be selected from
perception that the learner brings to the situation. Experience
development. Then the
the Educator's know how about the learning and human
should be interwoven within
basic elements such as ideas, concepts values and skills
principle which deals
the subjects. Finally, he says that evaluation is an important
Tyler did not visualize any
with effectiveness of planning and action. As such
and Hunkins could
diagrammatic representation of the model. However, Ornstein
visualize the diagrammatic representation of the model.
Society Philosophy
Sources Screens objectives
Evaluation experiences
Determine goals
and objectives Select and create Select evaluation
curiculum design |Develop implementation procedure
Nicholls and Howard Nicholls' Model known as Nicholls and Nicholls'
a cyclical model that makes it flexible and more relevant to curriculum
Modelis by the teachers. It starts with situational analysis. It is somewhat
thefirst step of the Oliva Model but not as broad as to specifying the need
the society.It is limited only to the school. The second step is the selection of the
of and
objectives. The same as Tyler
considers different sources when selecting the objectives but
Eisner,this model
matter is not taken into consideration and again the society" is limited to
the subject
school and the immediate or local environment. The third step is the selection
the advocates the
organization of content. The same as Taba and Eisner, this model established
and and organization of the content with the use of the four
proper selection
criteria: significance, interest and learnability. The fourth step is the
of methods. This step is analogous to the selection and
selection and organization opportunities of Tabaand Eisner,
organization of learning experiences and and response of Eisner
respectively.It also overlaps with the modes of presentation
presenting the content to the learners.
hecause the "method" involves the manner of
previous models it also concludes in
The last step is evaluation. The same as the
I. It is Time Consuming,as situational analysis is long time
2. It is difficult to maintain logical sequential analysis.
Willes and Bondi (1989) used the terms analyze, design, implemernt and evaluate
todescribe four stages in curriculum development. These planning process include
four broad stages of involvenment.
They are :
1. The Analysis Stage : In this stage scrutiny of pluses and minuses of the
current program plan, including determination of future needs and
requirements is made.
2. The Design Stage : In this stage selection of preferred direction for future
and preferred methods and solutions is processed.
3. The Implementation Stage : In this stage the action plan to facilitate
initiation of the program plan is developed.
4. The Evaluation Stage : In this stage collection of data to allow
determination of programme effectiveness is undertaken.
Burton and Merrill's Four Phase
Merrill is
The four phase model for needs assessment proposed by Burton &
applicable for practitioners in a variety of disciplines, and recognizes both internal
and external clients. Additionally, this model focuses on "the application of
course" and
assessment in the development of instructional materials at the level of a
intentionally does not address societal and organizational results. Doing so, the
authors acknowledge, relies on the assumption that the acquisition of skills
in a course will contribute to desired societal outcomes and organizational outputs.
This rolling-up - from inputs to process to products - may result in an internally
individual or
efficient plan of operation where inputs and processes are linked to
Small group payoffs and assumes, rather than ensures, that higher level results at
societal and organizational levels will follow. Burton & Merrill's model utilizes
instructional goals, rather than measurable performance objectives, which are
presumed to possess the specificity necessary for practical and reliable decision
making, and to be accurate.