Time and Timetables

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Time and

> 2.1 Time
Worked example 1
Tick (✓) all the digital clocks that could show the same time as the analogue clock.

The analogue clock shows half past two, but it could be in the middle of the
night or early afternoon.

2:30 is a 12-hour digital time.

02:30 is a 24-hour digital time in
the middle of the night.
14:30 is a 24-hour digital time in
the afternoon.

You are specialising when you choose a digital time and check to see if
it satisfies the crite~io that it is the some time as the analogue clock.
2.1 Time

a.m. analogue clock digital clock hour minute p.m. second

Exercise 2.1
1 Write the missing numbers.

a 5 minutes = - seconds b 4 hours = __ minutes

c 3 weeks =_days d __ months = 2 years

e 120 seconds = _ minutes f 600 minutes = __ hours

2 Match each time to the correct digital clock.

half past four 4 o'clock half past three

3 Find the time intervals for each pair of dates.

a I 2 February 2020 I 123 February 2020 \ _ _ _ _ _ weeks

b 1 January 2001 131 December 2008 \ _ _ _ _ _ years

C 1 March 2009 30 November 2010 _ _ _ _ _ months

25 )

~ 2 Time and timetables )

l . -- - - - - - -

4 Circle the digital time that shows the same time as this analogue clock.

3:45 9:15 9:45


5 Complete the following table using the information given.

Digital dock, Analogue do

Spoken time,


'eight thirty a.m.'

'half past eight in the morning'

26 )
2.1 Time

~ 6 Joe says, 'To change any time after midday from 12-hour to 24-hour time
you just add 12 to the minutes.'
Is Joe correct?
Explain your answer.

7 Write the missing numbers.

a 2 years =_weeks b 10 hours 30 minutes= __ minutes

c _ _ hours = 2 days 14 hours d __ months= 6 years

8 Complete the table to show the times shown by these clocks.

Use 12-hour clock time with a.m. or p.m.


A evening

B night

C evening

D morning

27 )

2 Time and timetables )
9 Match the times to the digital clocks.

Time Digital clock

quarter past 7 in the evening

twenty past ten in the morning

half past two in the afternoon

quarter to eleven in the morning

10 Write these times as 24-hour clock times.

a 10 a.m. _ _ __ b 6p.m. _ __

C 11 p.m. _ _ __ d 80.m. _ _ __

11 Convert the times in this sequence to 24-hour digital times.

What is the next term in the sequence?

Quarter to four in the afternoon - 4.45 p.m. ➔ 17:45 ➔ 15 minutes to seven

in the evening ➔ ?

---- ➔ ---- ---- ➔ ---- ➔ ----

12 Complete the table to show the 24-hour digital clock times.

ten past four in the afternoon

quarter past seven in the morning

quarter to ten at night

:a >
2.1 nme

13 Write these times as 12-hour clock time with a.m. or p. m.

a 15:1 0 - - - - b 23:55 _ _ __

C 11:10---- d 03:05 _ _ __

14 Pierre leaves home at the time shown on this analogue clock.

He arrives at school 20 minutes later.

Write the time he arrives at school in 24-hour digital time.

15 Tick (✓) the time which is closest to 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

3.35 p.m. D 13:05 D 03:15 D 15:25 D 3.35 a.m. □

16 Five girls run a race.
Here are their times.

Sara 85 seconds
Milly 1 minute 34 seconds
Ingrid 91 seconds
Petra 1 minute 28 seconds
Neve 100 seconds

Place the girls in order at the end of the race.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

29 )
___ 2 Time and timetables ___,)

> 2.2 Timetables and time intervals

Worked example 2

Here is part of a bus timetable.

Bergsig 12:00 14:16 14:30 16:16

Greenside 12:42 14:58 15:14 16:58

Newlands 13:22 15:35 16:00 17:36

Pablo catches the 3.14 p.m. bus at Greenside.

How long does it take him to travel to Newlands?

6 mins 40 mins Use a time line. Work out the

◄ ~
time from 15:14 to 15:20 and
► then from 15:20 to 16:00.
15:14 15:20
6 + 40 = 46 minutes

60 Or, subtract 14 minutes from

60 minutes (the number of
- 14
minutes in an hour)

Answer: It takes him 46 minutes.

You are critiquing when you identify advantages and disadvantages of each method
to help you choose the best method to use.

Exercise 2.2
1 Write how many minutes are between each pair of times.

I 08:15 08:40
b 10:05 10:55
l minutes
I 16:20 16:55

30 :>
/I - A
2.2 Timetables and time intervals

2 Write the numbe r of minutes between each of these times:

_ _ _ minutes

b Twenty -five past eight in the mornin g

_ _ _ minutes

3 Here is a train timetable.

Train timetable
Train 1 Train 2 Train 3
Hightow n 9.10 a.m. 10.05 a.m. 11.00 a.m.
Newbridge 9.25a.m. 10.20 a.m. 11.15 a.m.
Bridgetown 9.50a.m. 10.45 a.m. 11.40 a.m.
Donbury 10.00 a.m. 10.55 a.m. 11.50 a.m.

a How long does it toke to travel from Bridgetown to Don bury? _ _ _ minutes

b How long would you have to wait for the next train if you

arrived at Hightown station at 10.30 a.m.? _ _ _ minutes

c What time is the latest train you can catch at Newbridge to arrive

at Bridgetown by 11.20?

31 )

s _ _ _ _ ___ _, )

Practice b each pa ir of tim es.

. . etw ee n
4 W rit e ho w ma ny minutes are
_ _ _ mi nu tes
a l..___11_:o_s _I I 11:20 ]
_ _ _ mi nu tes
bl L- _13_:o_a ___.I [ 13:28 ]
_ _ _ mi nu tes
c '--1 _1 4_:o _a _)
[ 14:40 I
sh ir hires a bike. He mu st return it by p.m . I
5 a Ba I
It is 3.2 5 p.m. now.
have lef t?
Ho w many minutes does he

_ _ _ minutes
b Vijay hires a bike for 45
He takes the bike ou t at 3.1
0 p.m.
the bike?
At wh at tim e mu st he return

m Paris to Lo nd on by tra in.

6 Alana wo nts to tra ve l fro
on by 5.3 0 p.m .
She wo nts to arrive in Lond
15:13 16:13
12:13 13:13 14:43
Paris (depart)
17:39 18:39
14:30 15:39 17:02
London (arrive)
can leave Paris?
W ha t is the lat es t tim e she

eta ble fo r Ollie's class.

7 Here is the morning tim
Thursday Friday
Tuesday Wednesday
la!Jn'.!, Monday
Ma ths English
Ma ths English
9.00-10.30 English
Br ea k Br ea k i
Break Br ea k Br ea k
10.30-11.00 j
Sc ien ce Ma th s
Mo ths Science Ma ths
ek ?
sp en t do ing Sc ien ce in on e we
W ha t is th e total number of hours

32 )
2.2 Timetables and tim
e int erv als

to wa lk from ho m e to
8 Tara takes 25 m inutes home?
ho ol at 9.0 0 a.m. W ha t tim e di d Tara leave
She ar rives at sc

'N 9 Th is do ck has been

refle cted in a mirror.

clo ck show? _ _ __
a W ha t tim e does th e
t Leroy.
ck as he se ts of f walking to m ee
b Bruno looks at th e clo
lki ng ? _ _ __
ro y at 1.0 0 p.m. Ho w long wa s Br un o wa
He meets Le
every Saturday.
10 Heidi goes sw im m in g
turday, 1 December.
She goes sw im m in g on Sa
Altogether, ho w m an y tim es do es He id i go sw im m in g in

ilw ay st at io n ta ke
---- .
th e sa m e am ou t f tim e.
at io n to th e ra n o
11 Al l buses fro m th e bus st mplete th e t1m

. etable.
. th e em pt y boxes to co
Fr.ll ,n

Bus timetable
8.0 2 o.m. 9.05 o.m. 10 .0 1 o.m. 11.03 a.m.
Bus sta tio n
8.12 a.m. 9.15 o.m. 10.1 1 o.m.
Shopping ce nt re
8.36 a.m. 9.39 a.m.
8.54 a.m. 9.57 o.m.
Roi/w ay sta tio n

33 )
and subtraction of
whole numbers
> 3.1 Using a symbol to represent
a missing number or operation
Worked example 1 symbol

Write the missing number.

85 +0 =2 00
ck wh ether the box represents only one digit or a complete num
Always che
tween 85 and 200.
You need to find the difference be
Method 1: Count on from 85.
+15 +100

◄ 85
~ =::::::-.200 ►

Method 2: Subtract 85 from 200


20 0- 85 =1 15
Me tho d 3: Use known facts.
85 + 15 = 100 so 85 + 115 = 200
Answer: 85 + 115 = 200

34 )
3.1 Using a symbol to represent a missing number or operation

Exercise 3.1
1 Write the missing number.


2 Write the missing number so that the scales balance.

850 150 300

3 Write the missing digits.

4 Write the missing number.

5 Here is a number square with two missing numbers.
The numbers along each edge must add up to 80,.
Write the missing numbers.

35 )
3 Addition and subtraction of whole numbers

6 Write the missing number.


7 Write the missing number.

8 Write the missing number.

9 The numbers in the two circles add up to the number in the square.


Use the same rule to find these missing numbers.


10 d and Dare single digits

Write all the possible answers ford and D

36 )
3.1 Using a symbol to represent a missing number or operation

~ 11 Here are six digit cards.

0 [1] 0 0
Use four of the cords to make this calculation correct.

12 Complete the number sentence.

304 is __ more than 296.

13 Break the 4-digit code to open the treasure chest.


Code is: Write one

digit in each
lettered box.

37 )
3 Addition and subtraction of whole numbers

14 Here is a number triangle with some numbers missing. Tip

The numbers along each edge must add up to 90.
Use the numbers 30, 40, 50 and 60 to complete the You could use number
number triangle. counters and move
them around until you
find the right arnswer.

~ 15 Here are five number discs.

Use each number once so the total across is the same as the totaf down.
Find different ways.

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