01-Performance Extended Con Cyclic SMA-AICSG9-ver15
01-Performance Extended Con Cyclic SMA-AICSG9-ver15
01-Performance Extended Con Cyclic SMA-AICSG9-ver15
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Alexandria, Egypt
Alexandria, Egypt
ABSTRACT: This work presents a numerical study to investigate the performance of extended
end plate bolted connections using SMA bolts under cyclic loading. A model is developed to
implement the material constitutive relationships (non-linearity and super-elastic behavior of
SMA). Outputs have been compared and verified against previous experimental data that show
good agreement. NiTi bolt materials is implemented, and Auricchio’s model is used to simulate
the super-elastic behavior of the SMA bolts. Comparing ordinary steel bolted connection with the
proposed system shows major improvement in minimizing residual rotation (without losing great
magnitude of the connection capacity). A parametric study is then conducted using the verified
model. Connection capacity and residual rotation are of primary concern. Variables considered are
the SMA material physical properties (six parameters), bolt diameter, and bolt length. The
assessment of the connection performance is identified as ratio between relative residual rotation
and relative moment capacity (CI). Results indicate that the physical properties starting of
transformation loading stress and bolt diameter have significant impact, while bolt length has
small effect. Other physical properties variables have no influence on the mentioned concerns.
However, increasing the connection index (CI) reflects high residual rotation, which guide the
connection design to minimize it to achieve minimal residual rotation.
The occurrence of destructive earthquakes and its resulting damages have clearly shown the
need for more advanced techniques to protect the building structures against earthquake
excitations. Moment Resisting Frames (MRF) are one of the most capable techniques for resisting
lateral loads Sultana and Youssef28. The mentioned resistance is developed from the structure
members and their connections, as ductile behavior and plastic deformations to dissipate the
developed energy. Above certain lateral loading magnitude, the structure cannot back to its
original status and residual deformation is existed. In most of the code provisions, AISC 20101,2
and Eurocode3 20056 the locations of these deformations are determined in the beginning to occur
near the connection in the column, connection panel zone, or in the beam. Depending on that,
connection configuration is essential to guide the developed deformation. Although the connection
has great performance against lateral load, it is considered as fully restrained type AISC 20101, and
it is still creating plastic hinge in the structure members as essential requirement in its design.
The weak performance of pre-Northridge earthquake steel moment resisting frames is related
to geometric nonlinearities and brittle failure of welded beam-to-column connections FEMA-350a
, 351, 352, 353, 355e, 355f.8,9,10,11,12,13,14 As a result, research work is done to investigate the
performance of bolted connections, and one of the most common types is the extended end plate
connection, produced many configurations as shown in Figure 1.
To asses connection performance against lateral loads SAC loading protocal FEMA-355d 12
recommended by AISC. In this protocol, the interstory drift angle imposed on the test specimen is
controlled as shown in Figure 2 continues with increments in angle of 0.01, and performs two
cycles each step.
To enhance connection performance by making super hinge or removable small deformed part
of the structure is a pressing matter. This is especially important to prevent any unexpected risks
from the happened residual deformations, saving time and financial costs. To satisfy super-elastic
demand new material is developed with the ability of re-centering, therefore the shape memory
alloy (SMA) is selected, to play the spring part. SMA material has super elastic behavior and
damping capability.
SMA are one of the most well-known types of smart material and they have found extensive
uses since their discovery in late '30s. A shape memory transformation was first observed in 1932
in an alloy of gold and cadmium, and then later in brass in 1938. Particularly, the concept of
thermo-elastic martensitic transformation, which explained the reversible transformation in
martensite, was introduced in Kurdyumov and Khandros18 based on experimental observations of
the thermally reversible martensitic structure.
All NiTi SMAs exhibit two distinct crystal structures martensite and austenite. This
transformations have been identified in two main transformations. Start loading, martensite is
stress-induced, resulting in a stress plateau in stress–strain curves, as shown in Figure 3. The
martensite becomes unstable upon unloading, and it transforms back to austenite with restoring the
initial un-deformed shape. The recoverable strain of SMAs can be as high as 8–10%, this is called
super-elastic effect (SE).
Figure 3 SMA, Superelastic Effect (SE) Figure 4 SMA, Shape Memory Effect (SME)
Upon loading above a certain strain, the de-twinning process of martensite occurs and the
material is easily deformed to several percent strain, as shown in Figure 4. Unloading results in a
residual deformation, and by heating can be recover to its initial shape, this is called the shape
memory effect (SME).
Unusual SMA macro behavior and properties imply non-conventional constitutive models. The
traditional inelastic models do not provide an adequate description of complex behavior of this
material, so a new class of inelastic models is the generalized plasticity based on an internal-
variable formalism. This generality makes the model an adequate tool for representing constitutive
materials with complex behavior Lubliner and Auricchio19, Taylor and Auricchio30, Simulia,
Many connections are developed to avoid residual deformation, or at least to minimize it. This
is occurred by the meaning of super elastic hinge creation with moderated energy dissipation
capacity. Hongwei, Cho and Wilkinson16, proposed retrofitted rigid extended stiffened end-plate
bolted connection with long shank SMA bolts and specific connection details, to prevent beam
buckling. The results show that the deformations of the connection at peak load are recoverable
upon unloading. The SMA connection shows moderate energy dissipating capacity, and shows
obvious semi-rigid characteristic and its ductility is significantly influenced by the bolt length.
Fang, et al.7, explored the feasibility of SMA bolts used for extended end-plate connections
through experimental studies. It was mainly observed that the connection with the SMA bolts had
a very good re-centring ability with moderate energy dissipation. Ductility of the connections was
less satisfactory due to the relatively early fracture of the furthest bolt in the threaded area. In
addition, slight degradation of rotational stiffness was observed as the cycle number increased.
Wang, et al.31, proposed connection is integrating super-elastic SMA tendons with steel tendons.
Test results showed that connections equipped with SMA tendons exhibit moderate energy
dissipation, double-flag-shaped hysteresis loops and excellent re-centering capability after being
subjected to cyclic loads up to 6% inter-story drift angle.
The objective of this study is to achieve super elastic hinge performance, by using SMA bolts
in the extended end plate connection to reach minimal residual deformation. Based on this
objective, to evaluate SMA bolts contribution in existing connection three steps process has been
conducted. Firstly, FE model has been proposed to simulate the connection behavior under cyclic
loading, where models have been verified by comparing analysis outputs with the experimental
results. Secondly, SMA bolts replaced steel bolts in the verified models, where connection
capacity and residual rotation have been compared with the original connection. Thirdly,
parametric study has been conducted to obtain the effective parameters that affect both the
capacity and residual rotation of the connection.
Modeling 3D steel connection has gained attention and continuous study from researchers.
Sherbourne and Bahaari 23, Bahaari and Sherbourne 3, developed a three dimensional finite
element model for simulating endplate connections by using solid (brick) elements. The model
was assumed to have a continuous connection between the nodes of the bolt head and nut, and the
nodes of end plates. As a consequence, the relative motions between bolt, column flange and end
plates were numerically simplified. The bolt shank behavior was represented using truss elements
instead of solid (brick) elements, which prevents the numerical model reproducing properly the
bearing action between bolts and bolt holes, because the interface between the bolt shank and the
hole boundary was neglected. So the stresses distribution in the end plate and around the bolts are
not reveal the true status.
Mashaly, et al.20, developed three dimensional model with using shell elements for the column,
beam, endplates, and stiffener and solid elements for the bolts components (head, shank and nut).
The interaction between connection’s components has been defined by gap element” interface
element”. The mechanical properties of the gap element are to reflect the normal and tangential
behavior of the interaction. New bolt technique is presented, a bolt head and nut is simulated as
shell element and connected by link tension element (bolt shank), and results are accurate and
significantly saving analysis time.
Hu, et al.17, and Gerami, et al.15 used solid elements for all of the connection components,
consider the welded components as one part, and simulate the interaction between attached parts
with surface to surface contact element. FE model results show good agreement with experimental
results, and bolts arrangement variation, in general has insignificant effect on the moment capacity
of the connection.
In the presented FE model, since beam web could be buckled during loading, no symmetry has
been taken into consideration.
Connection material is steel. It is ductile material which has two main phases to be considered.
Elastic phase which is defined by modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio, Then plastic phase is
defined by using yield stress and plastic strain in tubular data. For the cyclic loading combined
hardening is preferable. Yield stress, plastic strain tubular data has specified form, which is true
stress against logarithmic plastic strain with the next formulas:
Where is true plastic strain, is true total strain, is true elastic strain, is true stress, is
Young’s modulus
The selected element for bolted steel connections is the reduced integration brick element
C3D8R. In order to control the hourglass modes Simulia24, a very dense mesh finite element model
has been set up.
Interaction definitions between parts are two types. For the welded parts interaction is
simulated as tie constraints for the welded contact surfaces. For the attached parts (End plate and
column flange), using gap element could lead to analysis diversion due to the produced sliding
between column flange and end plate. So it is not preferable in cyclic loading. Using contact pairs
interaction is executed by generating surfaces and contact pairs for the attached elements with
specified tolerance, Simulia26. In some cases master surface is penetrate the slave surface and lead
to diversion analysis. The robust alternative is the general contact, which defines all the parts
surfaces of the model and strengthens the slave surface in the sliding regions to avoid penetration.
Interaction properties is defined for each surfaces. For the attached elements interaction
properties are “Hard” contact for the normal behavior using Penalty standard, and for Tangential
behavior is “Penalty” with friction coefficient 0.3.
Meshing procedure is executed with more care for the end plate region. End plate thickness
divided into four layers of elements. Beam flange and web thickness have two layers of elements.
This process has been done because the solid element has no rotation on its nodes. Applying cyclic
loading is generating at the same region of the end plate and column flange two main shapes. First
shape, when the load is down (in respect to the top and bottom beam flange location) so lower
region of the end plate is in compression and upper bolts are in tension. Second shape, when the
load is moving up the compression stresses are generated in the upper region and lower bolts are in
tension. This causing instability in the model. This defect has been solved on two steps. First by
making the meshing in the face of the end plate and column flange in this region are identical in
position as shown in Figure 5. Second, when the end plate is deflected, the mesh points are not
identical in position, using the general interaction, is performing constraint to avoid penetration
between surfaces.
Bolt, solid elements,
End plate and column
flange meshing view
FE model surfaces
Since the test is executed in horizontal alignment, no gravity loading is considered. At initial
step, the two ends of the column are hinged by holding ends surface from moving in the three
direction to give partially restrained behavior. For the beams lateral support at four points are
added. Two points are on the top flange, and other two points on the bottom flange. At step labeled
“pre”, Pretension loading for the bolt is applied by bolt load with linear amplitude. This procedure
is executed for all the bolts in the mentioned step. Cyclic loading protocol is performed at next
step named “cyclic”. On the middle beam tip (as in Lab. test) vertical displacement is applied with
tabular amplitude to produce the required rotations. Instead of simulating stiffener under the
loading point which make the model more complicated, MPC constraint is used. This make all of
the points on the surface slave points to main loading point Simulia25.
End Plate thick. 1 ½ inch 1 inch 1 inch
When the models are completed, analysis job has been executed for each. Output results have been
shown in Table 2. A comparison between experimental results and FE model results, which show
good agreement.
For the chosen experiments, during running the FE models, hysteretic curves have been
conducted between applied moment and connection rotation, and have been compared with the
experiments data sheet. Results show matching behavior, mainly for the maximum and minimum
values as shown in Figure 6, Figure 8, and Figure 10 respectively.
Failure models have been discovered for the mentioned experiments. Firstly (4E-1.25-1.5-24)
experiment in Figure 7, it shows clearly when flange buckling and torsional web buckling
happened in (0.04 rad) as mentioned in the lab. Sheet (Suminer 2003), and deformed shape
(experimental and FE model). Secondly (4W-1.25-1-30) experiment, fracture in top bolts which
observed from the stresses in the bolt cross section as shown in Figure 9 as mentioned in the lab.
Sheet (Suminer 2003). Thirdly (4ES-1.0-1.0-24) experiment, it shows showing clearly when flange
buckling and torsional web buckling happened in (0.04 rad) as mentioned in the lab. Sheet
(Blumenbaum 2003), and deformed shape shown in Figure 11.
FE Model Results Exprimental Results
Figure 11 Connection (4ES-1.0-1.0-24) after testing, Experimental and FE model
Discovering SMA bolts effect in the connection behavior is required to evaluate the use of it.
Using the verified aforementioned connections, as platform to implement SMA bolts in these
connections is quite suitable tool. Putting into consideration the type’s variety of the verified
connections can give robust decision for the effect magnitude for each.
The super elastic behavior is defined on the uniaxial behavior in loading and unloading cycles
as shown in Figure 12. This material is included in the model by using the over cited “USER
MATERIAL” Mercuri21.
Figure 12 Super elastic behavior based on the uni-axial tension test (Simulia, UMAT27)
For connection (4E-, results shows dramatic changes in the connection behavior.
The connection capacity has been considerably decreased, and residual rotation have been sharply
decreased as shown from hysteretic charts Figure 13, and Figure 14.
By separating the residual rotation and erecting relation between it and applied rotation as
shown in Figure 15, SMA bolts connection reduce the residual rotation significantly along the
cyclic loading history. This reduction is observed in loading and unloading for the both directions
(up and down). Results for the connection with SMA system show degradation in moment
capacity to be 72%, and residual rotation has been decreased to be 9% in the SMA system.
Figure 16 Connection (8E-4W-1.25-1-30) FE Figure 17 Connection (8E-4W-1.25-
model, Original bolts Configuration 1-30) FE model, SMA system
Repeating the previous process, relation between residual rotation and applied rotation is
shown in Figure 18. It shows reducing in the residual rotation along the cyclic loading history for
the SMA system. This behavior is noticed in loading and unloading for the both directions (up and
down). Results for the connection with SMA system shows degradation in moment capacity to be
95% and for the residual rotation to be 48% in case of SMA system.
For connection (4ES-1.0-1.0-24), Results shows massive changes in the connection behavior.
The connection capacity and residual rotation have been dramatically decreased as shown from
hysteretic charts, Figure 19, and. Figure 20.
Figure 19 Connection (4ES-1.0-1.0-24) FE model, Figure 20 Connection (4ES-1.0-1.0-
Original bolts Configuration 24) FE model, SMA system
Applying the same process as shown in Figure 21, it shows sharply in the residual rotation
along the cyclic loading history. As previous connections, reduction is noticed in loading and
unloading for the both directions (up and down). Results for the connection with SMA system
shows degradation in moment capacity to be 55% and residual rotation 0.4% in case of SMA
Reading in parallel the relation results of the three connections, substituting steel bolts with
SMA bolts in the strong plate connection is keeping the connection capacity and significantly
reducing the residual rotation, on the other hand in the weak plate connection, Although it reduce
the residual rotation, the connection capacity is sharply decreased.
Implementing SMA bolts in the connection has changed its features. These changes are mainly
effect on the values of residual deformation and connection capacity. This is due to the
magnificent super-elastic material behavior of the SMA. Although residual deformation is
decreased, main disadvantage is the reduction in the connection capacity. Parametric Study is
conducted to find out the effect of the new introduced material on the connection. Parameter
categories mainly are, SMA material properties, and SMA element geometrical dimensions. SMA
properties have wide range for each property DesRoches, J. and Delemont5, as shown in Table 3.
Physical properties
Mechanical properties
Recoverable elongation up to 8%
Chemical properties
From that, four values for each studied parameter is considered. Lower and upper extremes, in
addition two middle values are taken, to assure the parameter influence. Same concept is applied
on the element geometry parameters. All of the studied parameters have been measured relatively
to the steel bolt material and its geometrical dimensions. Considered parameters are shown in
Figure 22.
SMA, Modulus of elasticity
(E-sma). (Parameter, E-sma/E-st)
SMA, Transformation strain
(T-sma). (Parameter, T-sma/El-st)
SMA, Start of transformation loading (Fys-
sma). (Parameter, Fys-sma/Fy-st)
SMA, End of transformation loading (Fye-
sma). (Parameter, Fys-sma/Fu-st)
SMA, End of transformation unloading (Funs-
sma). (Parameter, Funs-sma/Fy-st)
SMA, End of transformation unloading (Fune-
sma). (Parameter, Fune-sma/Fu-st)
SMA, bolt diameter
(DIA-sma). (Parameter, DIA-sma/DIA-st)
SMA, bolt length
(LEN-sma). (Parameter, LEN-sma/LEN-st)
Figure 22 SMA Stress Strain Curve, parameters
Initial Model
According to Practice22, Modulus of elasticity for the all the steel grades is equal to 210 GPA.
Also Poisson’s ratio is equal to 0.3. The stress strain curves for the steel parts of the connection are
taken as Elastoplastic (bilinear curve) with strain hardening equal to 0.5% of the modulus of
elasticity between points of yield stress and ultimate stress.
In the previous verified FE models, model has great size (about 32,000 node, 20,000
elements), and simulation time is completed not less than 9 hours. To decrease the running time,
and to keep the accuracy in the acceptable range, some trials have been performed. Accordingly,
some steps can be taken as follows:
Using dependent parts instead of independent parts, to decrease the allocated memory.
This leads to conduct meshing procedure directly on the assembly.
Flanges of the column and beam and web of column and beam have two layers of elements
crossing its thickness, enough to simulated buckling rotations.
Flanges of the column and beam and web of column and beam have ten rows of elements
crossing its widths.
Web height of beam has twenty elements.
Meshing size for the end plate, doubler, continuity plates, and column region in this limits
is small and equal to half of the flange thickness, This has been achieved by making the
meshing seeding identical for mentioned parts and region.
To decrease the number of nodes, linear bias is used for the beam from its welded end to
the end plate (fine mesh) to its free end where displacement load is applied.
On the column, bias seeding has been done from the column middle region to both ends.
Above procedures and precautions helped to decrease the model size (less than 17,000 nodes,
and 11,000 elements), therefor run time has been kept under 5 hr.
Numerical Results
FE models have been run according to the mentioned parameter values. Hysteretic curves have
been conducted for the each value of the considered eight parameters as shown in figures from
Figure 24 to Figure 31. Each figure at least is assembled from minimum and maximum values of
the considered parameter, and in the rocket changes more than two have been assembled.
Hysteretic curves for parameter values can be classified in identical curves they are clear in
Figure 24, Figure 25, Figure 27, Figure 28, and Figure 29, which show that parameters are non-
effective, and varied curves in Figure 26, Figure 30, and Figure 31 which show that parameters are
effective. Upon increasing in parameter values, the residual rotation grows too, which is causes
more magnitude of dissipate energy.
Output results for each parameter have been displayed and analyzed to verify and evaluate its
influence on the moment capacity and residual rotation if any, from Figure 32 to Figure 39. Used
parameter values (x axis) in the mentioned figures are relative values, between SMA parameter
and relevant steel parameter. Figures are conducted to present three connection features in relative
format (Y axis), between connection equipped with SMA bolts (sma), and connection with steel
bolts (st). Firstly, Relative moment (M-r) which expressed of the moment capacity developed from
using SMA bolts divided by the moment capacity from the initial connection (steel bolts).
Secondly, relative residual rotation (RES-r) which expressed the residual rotation developed from
using SMA bolts divided by the residual rotation from the initial connection. Thirdly CI which is
ratio of (RES-r/M-r).
Modulus of elasticity for SMA (E-sma) is displayed in Figure 24 and shows steady behavior, it
can be explained that maximum magnitude for SMA modulus of elasticity is less than half of the
steel modulus of elasticity. In the same manner, SMA parameters Fye-sma in Figure 27, SMA
parameters (Funs-sma), and (Fune-sma) in Figure 28, and Figure 29 respectively.
On the hand, transformation strain (T-sma) rang is ten to twenty from the steel elongation
value, and also has constant behavior, so the connection ductility is governed by the steel
elongation, and no change for any extra value of (T-sma).
For the start of transformation loading (Fys-sma) parameter is displayed in Figure 26, where it
shows significant behavior for the relative values from 0.20 to 0.4, then rocket behavior to 0.50,
and steady up to 0.80. It was concluded that the requested residual rotation (0.0 to 1.0) has
conjugate parameter ranges from (0.2 to 0.5). For the SMA bolt diameter (DIA-sma) has rapid
change till ratio 1.1, conjugate capacity reached 0.98. LEN parameter has moderated influence as
shown which it effect only between 0.8 and 1.0 on the connection capacity.
Connection Assessment
In this study connection performance has been evaluated with respect to the moment capacity
and residual rotation. In the effective parameters figures, with increasing in the moment capacity,
residual rotation is increased also. The increasing rate for moment capacity, and residual rotation is
not linear thought the chosen parameter values, and there is optimum zone. Which holding almost
moment capacity value, with low residual rotation. To reach this zone, and to give criterion for the
connection ductility connection index (CI) has been proposed. Proposed connection index (CI) is
established to evaluate the connection performance depending on the capacity and residual rotation
Where: (5)
According to the previous studied parameters proposed connection index (CI) has range from
0.03 to 1.0 in the SMA system. The lower extreme is expressing super-elastic behavior with lower
capacity in the effective parameters. Upper extreme is reflecting capacity similar to original steel
connection configuration with its capacity and residual deformation. In non-effective parameters
connection index is constant value all over the chosen parameter values as shown in the previous
figures for SMA system. Reading connection index in parallel with capacity (M-r), and residual
(RES-r) charts, it shows, if connection index value around 0.25, it achieved more than 88% of the
connection capacity with 20% residual in SMA system. When connection index is reaching 0.5,
the connection capacity is 96% with corresponding residual 45% in SMA. It means, gaining 8%
increasing in connection capacity increasing the residual 30% more.
Figure 24 Hysteretic Curves, E-sma Figure 25 Hysteretic Curves, T-sma
Figure 36 Funs-sma Parameter Figure 37 Fune-sma Parameter
1. The first objective is to give a method to enhance the behavior of the extended end plate
connection under the cyclic loading. The verification work is not to prove the FE
modeling reliability, it is to prove the used data, and feature of the software, and how
much is the simulation process is close to reality. Multi-purpose FE software ABAQUS,
is utilized for connection FE modeling under cyclic loading. Results show good
agreement with experimental tests.
2. Material properties of the SMA have been introduced to the model. Super elastic behavior
has been presented. It is clear in case of strong plate connection, the SMA bolts
contribution is preferable. Because connection Capacity is 72% of the original capacity
and residual rotation is only 9% of the original connection. Contrary for the weak (thin)
end plate connection, the connection Capacity is 95% from the original capacity, and the
residual rotation is 48% from the original one. For the stiffened connection capacity is
55% from the original capacity and the residual rotation is 0.40 % from the original one.
3. Parametric study gives clear vision on the effective and non-effective parameters in
respect to the connection Capacity and residual deformation. Non effective parameters
are, Modulus of elasticity (E-sma), Transformation strain (T-sma), End of transformation
loading (Fye-sma), End of transformation unloading (Funs-sma), End of transformation
unloading (Fune-sma). Effective parameters are, Start of transformation loading (Fys-
sma), bolt diameter (DIA-sma), and bolt length (LEN-sma) has small effect.
4. Based on the connection Capacity and the related residual rotation new connection index
is proposed. It is absolute value. (0.2 <CI<1.0). Lower boundary gives very low residual
value, and upper boundary gives the high residual value. Connection design quality is
reached with the index is near to the lower boundary.
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