Enumerating Esoteric Attack Surfaces by Jann Moon

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Enumerating Esoteric Attack Surfaces

For Bug Bounty Hunters, Penetration Testers, Private Investigators
and OSINT Aggressors

By: Jann Moon

Copyright © 2024 Jan Slezak.


Preparing for Battle_________________________________________________ 4
Required and Recommended Prerequisites_________________________ 8
Scopes and Strategies_______________________________________________ 11
Continuous Recon__________________________________________________ 14
ASN (Autonomous Service Numbers)_______________________________ 23
Reverse Whois_____________________________________________________ 29
Ports_______________________________________________________________ 40
Third-Party Services________________________________________________ 47
Dorks_______________________________________________________________ 57
Subdomains________________________________________________________ 71
Certificates_________________________________________________________ 80
Passive Subdomain Enumeration Tools____________________________ 89
Active Subdomain Enumeration Tactics____________________________97
Permutation_______________________________________________________ 114
Content Discovery_________________________________________________ 123
Spidering For Endpoints___________________________________________ 132
Endpoints from JavaScript Files___________________________________ 138
Fuzzing with Wordlists____________________________________________ 163
Connections Through Analytics Tags,_____________________________ 173
Uncovering Cloud-Based Assets___________________________________ 174
Miscellaneous Tips ________________________________________________ 179

Preparing for Battle

Hey there,
Thanks for checking out my book on expanding esoteric attack
surfaces for penetration testers, bug bounty hunters and OSINT
aggressors. None of the content in this book should be too punishing
in terms of difficulty, even if you are not the most seasoned gladiator of
the cyber realm. However, for this tome to serve as your faithful
companion in any effective manner, you should know some basic
things before starting or you'll have a less than ideal experience.

It is highly recommended to use a Linux system to make this

whole experience a lot more palatable for yourself. I will tolerate your
set-up as a virtual machine or as a native OS but ideally, I strongly
recommend that you use a cloud (VPS) box that you connect to
through SSH and experience without a GUI, existing and thriving in the
cold, calculating darkness of the Linux terminal.

If you are using a Windows OS, my favorite terminal application is

ConEmu, which even allows you to run a bash shell within your

Windows OS, set Powershell to “Run as Administrator” by default,

utilize flexibly-divisive window multiplexing, custom color schemes and
the extensive array of features you’d come to expect from Linux tools
like Terminator. If you do use a cloud box, you can use any provider,
such as AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and
more, all with their own neat deals for new users. After my fairly
extensive personal trials with a bunch of these providers, I am currently
using Digital Ocean.

- AWS slammed me with massive bills out of nowhere (Ok,

they probably weren’t “out of nowhere” if I had read the
agreement and billing stuff more clearly) after I stopped
using it. Either someone hacked into it or some other
nefarious event occurred (maybe I forgot to turn it off, even),
but I was really only left with one option - act confused and
frustrated to customer service and whine to my bank until
the charges were removed.
- Google’s GCP was fun but at multiple points would freeze
my account for up to 72 hours to do a “malware
investigation”. Each time I would submit a report saying
that “Yes, I am hacking the Department of Defense, but it’s
totally fine, I am a professional and a genius” and they would
give me the account back, but it was a little annoying and
would hinder me from getting things done for a day or
- Microsoft’s Azure has a UI design that is comparable to how
I’d envision a labyrinth architected by a school of blind

infants would look like, allowing everyone using it to

experience the confusion and darkness the infants I
mentioned would have been born into. To its credit, the way
it is organized is thematically on-brand for Microsoft. If
you’re working through this, I can vouch for the cloud boxes
they claim to have, as I did find them eventually, so don’t
give up, you may even find them soon.
- Vultr doesn’t allow any bug bounties or pentests regardless
of permission or anything else and will ban you immediately
and delete all your data without warning. Vultr takes a
massive L for this.

Reasons to use a Cloud Compute Box:

- First, you are given a publicly accessible IP address that can do

things like host payloads (PostMessage XSS, CORS), run servers,
check vulnerabilities like blind XSS, SSRF, RCE and more. In case
you are running a sensitive OSINT investigation, your personal IP
will not be exposed throughout active recon measures. You could
port-forward your home router and all that, but this is way easier,
faster and safer.
- The internet on these boxes is a hundred times faster than my
home network and can be utilized non-stop, punishing victim
servers with 10,000 requests a second via FFUF. Then when they
ban you, it won’t affect your local IP that is running Burp Suite
without all the insane scanning and server abuse tied to it. You

can often flip the IP to a new one easily and circumvent any bans
that your targets try to catch you with.
- The amount of bandwidth you can blast at your targets from your
home PC can’t even compare to these cloud boxes. Even on the
cheapest plan with any provider, I could blatantly abuse tons of
targets with senseless nuclei scans, brute force endpoints, assault
servers with port scans and fingerprint them continuously and
still never use more than 6% of my monthly allotted bandwidth.
- Your cloud box is easily accessible from any computer, granting
you access to all your notes, output from tools, firing off new scans
and more. You can even check it from your phone, and yes, even
while driving!! Do you think the top hunters have time to solely
focus on driving at any point in the day? Highly doubtful. If you
want to be the best, start valuing performance above your
personal safety.
- Getting comfortable with cloud services is definitely a skill
relevant to most IT jobs. Plus, setting up various tools and services
can expose you to things like port forwarding, configuring servers
and further advance your Linux terminal knowledge.

Usually, lots of these cloud providers offer you a fat stack of cash to
incentivize you to forfeit your payment information, so be careful about
running up resources past the cash bonus date. For example, they
might wave 300$ in your face, but it will vanish after 30 days, regardless
of how much or how little you use. Unlike a couple powerhouse service
providers I’ve had business dealings with in the past, Digital Ocean has
never launched a multi-hundred dollar bill out of the darkness at me

that left me confused, frustrated and firmly cornered me into making

the only reasonable choice - calling my bank and saying that I lost my

If you’d like to try out Digital Ocean with a free 200$ credit and help
me out a little bit, here is my referral link:
Thank you! If you need any help setting up SSH, adding and mounting
additional memory after spinning up your box or figuring out any of
the nuances interwoven throughout this provider’s available services,
please don’t hesitate to ask (preferably your cloud provider but I guess
you can ask me too).

Required and Recommended Prerequisites

It is highly advisable that you use Linux for your engagements. Debian
and Ubuntu are dependable, though you can bypass manually
exhuming many popular tools from Github by using an offensive
cybersecurity focused distro like Kali Linux or Parrot (Security Edition).
Pentesting distros like Blackarch and Athena OS are very neat, but you
must accept your fate as an unchained soul, thrashing alone in the
bottom of the ocean and any issues you come across will probably need
to be fixed by yourself, the free-spirited commander that decided they
were clever enough to end up at the same finish line as everyone else,
though with many more fancy tools, handsome Desktop environment
and whatever else you gain from taking this lonely, hostile road.

You should totally set these up in a cloud environment, however, I can’t

stop you if you decide to use a virtual machine, Vagrant, dual-boot OS,
Docker or whatever workaround you devised, thinking it would be
better, quicker, cheaper or easier. The only one that could be
somewhat reasonably argued is “cheaper”, but that is only if the value
that you place on your time is significantly lower than you should, for
the sake of your own self-esteem.

I will assume you know how to maneuver through your Linux

environment via Terminal and feel comfortable performing common
user actions like moving throughout your file system, changing file
permissions, installing tools through Github, Python and Golang and
common actions necessary to use Linux as an advanced user, a bar that
appears high to the general public but anyone could get there in a
couple weeks with average effort. Basic Bash scripting is not required
but will definitely make your life easier through being able to automate
things and not having to remember every script and argument for the
many tools you will use throughout your time as a vulnerability
researcher and hunter. Also, for most of the tools, I am saving the data
to a file by piping the output by appending “ | tee -a
tool-domain-output.txt”. If you want to be very powerful and super
smart, you can use dark genius Hahwul’s gee
(https://github.com/hahwul/gee), which is tee, but with many added
features like uncoloring text, filtering via built-in grep, splitting strings,
converting the output to JSON, Markdown or HTML and more too.

Finally, in my Linux host, I always run as the “root” user. Since I am way
too busy to type “sudo” all the time (even with my alias of “s”) and I am
way too smart to break anything by accident, I recommend you
become confident, fearless and value your time and become the actual
owner of the piece of technology that YOU bought. Don’t let anyone
tell you how to run your Linux sessions, unless they are offering you
absolute power without regret or restraint (like I am, right now). So you
won’t see much of “sudo” in this book, because I am a super user from
the second I touch the keyboard and you should become a leader, by
following this advice.

Note: At the time of this writing (January 2024), the current version of
Python is 3.12. There is a surprisingly high amount of scripts that are
broken and won’t run with this version, so I generally install and run
Python tools with `python3.11` to avoid this error. You can try with 3.12
but if the tool is vomiting error messages across your terminal, this is
the first thing I would try to do to fix it. This includes running setup via
`python3.11 setup.py install` and `python3.11 -m pip install -r

Scopes and Strategies

Pioneers in subjugating classification systems for engagement

variables have generally split scopes into three main categories. Split
into loosely-defined groups based on the number of assets included,
how many the client or program manager considers as worthy of
securing and other factors, it is actually very simple to parse the
campaigns, engagements and programs into these three defined
categories. I first heard of the term “Scope Based Recon” by Harsh
Bothra (harshbothra.tech) in an article he authored, defining differences
in methodology dependent on how the target defines scope for the
While I think everything should be in scope, as it would benefit the
hunters, as well as the hunted, through the discovery of more
weaknesses within the attack surface they are aware of, as well as the
discovery of assets within their attack surface that they are not aware of.
In my opinion, the strongest argument for this position is the fact that
any malicious actor will not care about any defined scope, potentially
using lateral movement and privilege escalation to dance in and out of

any imaginary boundaries being set for the people you hire to do
“attack simulation”. Yet each self-imposed limit punches holes into the
realism and by transitive property, value, in accurately evaluating the
security readiness against mean and clever bastards in the wild.
Throughout social engineering, physical attacks and supply chain
exploitation attacks that permeate the threat landscape, it's clear that
there’s plenty of attack surface for an organization to try to secure,
without it imposing further restrictions on hunters and penetration

Anyways, I will go through this book assuming the scope is as wide as

possible to show you how to uncover the most shrouded secrets, lying
dormant beneath the frostbitten dirt at the bottom of a cavern hewn by
time and blanketed with dense fog. When the fools that tighten the
scopes on their programs, they also tighten the metaphorical noose
around their metaphorical neck, while a malicious hacker
metaphorically portrays the hangman, waiting to kick the metaphorical
chair from under their feet, sending them into metaphorical death

Very liberal scopes give the hunter the ability to perform “Horizontal
Domain Enumeration”, instead of the vertical kind that is synonymous
with wildcard domain scopes.
- Vertical Domain Scopes: Includes subdomains of a target and will
ideally be clearly defined as a “wildcard scope”, with a syntax that
looks like “*.domain.com”, or occasionally “domain.com”. The latter,
if the program owner is either a moron or prefers being

intentionally vague and wasting the time of their devs, triagers

and us.
- Horizontal Domain Scopes: much more rare to find as it
somewhat tears the cap off of the total amount they’ll be paying
out to hunters, as well as the total amount of time will be piled
onto their developers in the form of an eternally growing list of
vulnerabilities. This scope will include other domains owned by
the target organization. For example, if you were hunting under a
Colgate bounty program and they allowed this, you could also
hunt on the Tom’s of Maine toothpaste brand domains (sorry, not
actually a small family-owned brand). These loosely defined
scopes will often include various TLD’s across their main domains
and whatever other assets you can exhume from the cobwebs of
the internet (though it is sometimes a bit of a challenge to prove
that your target is the real owner of the assets).

If you are hunting on a target with a really impressive, loose, broad and
inclusive mega-blanket style scope, discovering esoteric resources that
are ripe with vulnerabilities ready to be harvested will be far more likely.
With an extra juicy, thick and prominent scope, where all assets tied to
an organization, umbrella, family or trademark; certain recon
techniques can be used to find esoteric and neglected assets usually
less hardened than the proprietary prizewinners and the
triple-reinforced front entrance to the stronghold. These techniques
- Horizontal Domain Enumeration
- CIDR Enumeration

- ASN and IP Enumeration

- Acquisitions
- And any other recon methods available under small and medium

It is very important for me to mention that recon is not a linear process.

If you are familiar with OSINT, it is a similar workflow, where some piece
of data will appear and allow you to discover an even greater attack
surface, by utilizing steps you’ve already performed, but now including
what you just found. For example, you can find some subdomain in a
Javascript file deep into your research, which could be linked to a very
different IP, leading you to discover more VHOSTs and whatever else
spirals out of it. I tried my best to make the order of sections in this
book logical, but there are things that connect all over the place. Like a
web. Not so unlike the web you will use to find, traverse and incinerate
these targets like a deadly spider, except for the part about burning
your home down.

Continuous Recon

Once you enumerate the various assets (IP ranges, subdomains, JS files,
subsidiaries, etc..), a crucial technique to remain two-shakes of a lamb’s
tail ahead of your competition is to utilize your enumeration techniques
over time, comparing your new data to discover changes and prioritize

attacking them. Ideally, this should be done through automation

wherever possible (and on a cloud box, with a cron job executing
whenever you want, as it never sleeps) to allow you to focus on tasks
that require manual parsing or doing whatever you want, as long as it
doesn’t include repetitive tasks that could be automated. Once your
tool or script is finished, it would ideally compare the new findings to
the old results and alert you of any differences.

The legends at the Project Discovery team, responsible for a very

prominent slab of many web hunter’s toolkits, have a flexible and
dependable tool that makes notifications easy to add onto any script or
tool chain.
Notify: https://github.com/projectdiscovery/notify

Install through Golang via:

go install -v

You must fill out the configuration file for the tool to work. If you install
it the way above, you can find it in your home folder at
“$HOME/.config/notify/provider-config.yaml”. If you downloaded the
executable from the “Releases” section on Github, you need to
download or copy-n-paste the contents of the file and put it in the
expected folder. You can be notified through Discord, Slack, Telegram,
SMTP, Googlechat, Microsoft Teams or any custom webhook you prefer.
As you can imagine, there are all kinds of ways to alert yourself as soon
as your framework discovers a vulnerability, when your blind XSS server

gets a succulent request or when that person you like leaves your
message on “read”.
To pipe your tool output into Notify, that’s exactly what you do.

recondescending -domain babyfat.org | notify

To save your output to a file, then have notify query it, you can run the

recondoleeza_rice -domain onlyfans.com -output plzlisten.txt

; notify -data ./plzlisten.txt

Personally, I like to be a little indecisive and do some of both.

recontroversial -domain slimes.jp | tee slime.txt | notify

When the scope says something very brief like “All assets owned by
[ORGANIZATION]” for their scope, I get very excited. It produced a
strong feeling that tells me I should put on some sunglasses and start
kicking out the windows in my home, because I’m about to find some
bounties and upgrade them anyways. With enough initiative and
courage, this sentiment will resonate with you as well.


Let’s punch it into full actionable and useful information mode here,
because most of us know what acquisitions are (it is when a company
buys another company and then it falls into its cavernous wide scope).
Sometimes, companies include some whiny disclaimer in their policy
that says you can’t test a vulnerability for the first 90 days that the
acquisition becomes public (if you think you might cut ahead of the
curve, explore the new acquisition before the probation period, maybe
you accidentally send a few curious requests around and wait to report
them, I’d probably advise you to check out the plethora of other
programs, as you don’t want to tip them off early and have them catch
it in their logs and fix it).

So, where do we find out about new acquisitions so we can slide in

before anyone else does to fill our basket with low hanging fruits?

- Company blogs, websites and social media pages. The official

sources, so you can pretty confidently attest to their accuracy.
Different organizations may be more active on one platform than

the others, so check their LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and

Pornhub accounts to make sure nothing slips through your

- Financial Reports and SEC Filing data. Once an acquisition is

complete, companies need to disclose it in their yearly financial
reports and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings.
Much of the data within the report won’t be too relevant, beyond
the names of the new subsidiaries, but you never know. Following
the news of your target can also lead you to unexpected deductive
reasoning patterns that may guide you towards making educated
guesses about where the weaknesses are hiding.

- Private reports published by your target. If you purchase a

stock of your company, which may only be a few dollars, they may
send you various publications throughout the year, ask you to vote
on tentative board members, announce plans and goals for the
future and other interesting pieces of information, including

- Newsletters. Sign up for these when you see them and link them
to an email address used for OSINT and recon. These newsletters
sometimes send unique endpoints to surveys or whatever that
can’t be found through spidering or search engines.
- Miscellaneous sources. including press releases, industry analyst
reports, stock market announcements, job postings or anything

else offbeat and interesting you come across in your hunting


Recent Mergers & Acquisitions Resources:

I am doing some groundbreaking recon research here for all my good

boys and girl baddies reading this text right here. I have never seen
most of these sources mentioned in any other article, book,
presentation or jail kite, so if you’re catching this quick enough, y’all
have elevated yourselves in bounty lore to my level. Welcome to
frontier-status bleeding-edge merger awareness.

- https://intellizence.com/insights/merger-and-acquisition/largest-
- https://www.owler.com
- https://www.crunchbase.com/discover/acquisitions
- https://github.com/themarkib/google-acquisitions
- https://news.mergerlinks.com/

This next one is succulent but will likely dry up before the 2nd edition of
this book. It is a paid source of data but can be circumvented by
tricksters as clever as ourselves. There is a seven day trial you can sign
up for but we need access beyond next weekend and don’t want to
surrender our email address as we are too busy for the account
verification process.

The domain with the goods: https://mergr.com


To bypass the membership paywall, go to Google and search for:

site:mergr.com “targetorganization.com”

While it won’t allow you to see the full list containing the latest
chronologically listed mergers and acquisitions, I searched for the most
recent acquisition and it did appear, so we know that Google is quick to
parse each update into its search results.

Finally, I got this method from the very skilled Jason Haddix (@Jhaddix).
OCCRP follows 414 million public entities and they parse and allow you
to access various datasets involving these entities. To get to work, visit
the following URL, register and search for your organization’s name on
the front page.


You’ll likely get a bunch of hits, some unrelated, but look out for a
dataset called “US SEC (CorpWatch)” and click on the company name
(not “US SEC (CorpWatch)”. Head over to the “Assets and Shares” tab
and fatten your dataset.

Zseano Accidentally Leaks Power Level by

Projecting a Beam of Exploitational Empathy

Wrapped in Deductive Reasoning into the Minds

Of Developers; Reveals Delicate Vulnerability
Resulting in Affixing Personal Profile to Target’s
Unlimited Money Faucet

Highly revered web-hacking shotcaller Zseano (creator of

bugbountyhunter.com, “Zseano” at HackerOne, X, Medium and more)
described following a target’s financial news and how it helped narrow
his focus onto the most likely vulnerable-prone elements of their attack

Through his recon, Zseano estimated that the target was struggling to
boost their financial standing as they edged closer to the date where
their quarterly report was due to be released. Underperforming
financial reports send a strong signal to insecure stockholders and they
begin to psychologically torment themselves until they are actively
deciding to cut their losses, shoveling their money bank into the banks
and hedge funds. A mastermind like Zseano can look at a situation like
this and translate his findings into something valuable and actionable.
Knowing that the target organization would be desperate for a boost in
revenue as soon as possible, certain safety procedures in the software
development lifecycle would descend in importance, as pushing the
new features that could generate revenue to the clients would be the
top priority.

He pulled the pages from the target and compared the code base to
prior data, discovering the hastily implemented features and getting to
testing. The features were dropped to generate revenue as he
predicted and he started testing the payment feature with “dev-mode”
test cards (for example, 4111 1111 1111 1111), experimenting with different
countries and banks, until discovering the right combo and accessing
an alternate payment system. This system did accept the test card and
he was able to run as many ads as he wanted to for free on the testing
domain. The lesson here is that a deep and thorough mindset for
recon, coupled with continuous discovery, can lead you to an
unexpected vulnerability. Once he cleverly positioned himself towards
attack surfaces likely to crumble, the path towards exploitation could be
followed logically for a hunter with a solid understanding of
foundational hacking techniques.

ASN (Autonomous Service Numbers)

Starting our recon with a wide net and then falling into more
obscure and esoteric crevices to find the hidden treasures seems like a
logical approach, so ASN enumeration seems like a logical place to start.
If your target has a powerful enough internet presence that they
register blocks of IP numbers to host their many domains and web
services and they host the content on their own servers (rather than
using a CDN like Cloudflare or cloud hosting, like AWS, Azure or GCP),
they likely have registered their own ASN. You should always check the
owner of the ASN or the IP ranges within it, if it belongs to a cloud or
CDN provider, there will be no point scanning the IPs within it and it
may even be illegal. Owning your own servers and ASNs has become
less common since cloud providers have become commonplace,
however, if you find an ASN and verify that your target is responsible for
the number and its subsequent IP ranges, all is good.This can be very
helpful to us, because we can set our sights on a block of IP addresses
and comfortably perform active recon on them, as we know they are
definitely owned by the organization.

ASNs exist so that BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) can identify how
data travels throughout the internet. ASNs benefit organizations by
allowing them to define and implement their own routing policies. This
means they can control how data flows in and out of their networks,
optimize various performance features, implement security measures
or otherwise manage traffic. Depending on geographical region, ASNs
are managed by regional internet registries (RIRs) like ARIN (American
Registry for Internet Numbers), RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens
Network Coordination Centre), APNIC (Asia-Pacific Network Information
Centre). It is also important to note that an organization may possess
more than one ASN, if they want to connect to multiple ISPs, have
backups or any other esoteric reason.

Sometimes you may be lucky and have the ASN defined for you in your
scope from the organization itself but other times you may need to do a
tiny bit of work (really, it really is not much). Once you go straight for
the ASN and begin parsing the organization’s assets, you can find direct
IPs that allow you to bypass WAFs, plenty of leaky SSL certs and various
hidden hosts and services.

You can grab the ASN from searching for the organization or the ASN
on https://bgp.he.net.

You can also query whois data, which is a database of domain owners,
their addresses, their e-mail contact and their names. You can do this
via querying whois via the terminal, as seen below.

whois -h http://whois.cymru.com $(dig +short


Here’s some ways to punch an organization right in the ASN:

I. Using Amass. (Download the binary at

https://github.com/owasp-amass/amass or via `sudo apt install
amass` in Kali, Parrot, Blackarch, Homebrew, Winget and Void Linux )

amass intel -org <ORGANIZATION-NAME>

amass intel -asn

ii. Query ipinfo.io and ASN will be given in the response.

curl http://ipinfo.io <ip>

iii. Using Harleo’s excellent tool Asnip

go install github.com/harleo/asnip@latest
asnip -t <IP or Domain> -p

iv. Using nitefood’s very useful tool asn. Though the other tools are
concise and follow Linux’s “do one thing and do it well” credence, this
tool overwhelmingly makes up for the void of creativity present when it
came time to name it. Beyond just ASN, the tool delivers organization

name, RIR region, IXP presence (geolocation of the server), global AS

rank (based on multiple factors) and a bunch more. It queries a lot of
free and paid API services, including Shodan, Greynoise, Whois and
more. Since it offers quite a bit of functionality, there are some
requirements beforehand (assuming you are using a Linux box like
Ubuntu, Debian, Kali or Parrot) and then the installation script (no
malware, I promise).

apt -y install curl whois bind9-host mtr-tiny jq ipcalc

grepcidr nmap ncat aha

curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nitefood/asn/master/asn"
> /usr/bin/asn && chmod 0755 /usr/bin/asn

Usage follows a simple syntax, and its usefulness might earn it

justification for the name “asn”.
For target, you can use ASN (both AS999 and 999 formats are
acceptable, case-insensitive), IPv4, IPv6, organization name, domain or
URL (even with wonky ports and protocols)

asn [target]

iii. Using ProjectDiscovery’s asnmap, which matches the quality of their

other tools, spoiling us these past few years. You can install it by
building it yourself with Golang or downloading the executable in the

format of your choice here:


go install github.com/projectdiscvoery/asnmap/cmd/asnmap@latest

Usage also allows targeting a versatile bunch of formats :

asnmap -a ASN
asnmap -i IP
asnmap -d DOMAIN

Once you have the ASN, you can then search for it on Shodan, Censys,
Fofa, Zoomeye and other similar services (more on those later). Below is
the syntax shown through some example queries.

● Shodan dork: asn:as394161

● Censys: autonomous_system.asn:13335
○ autonomous_system.name:”CLOUDFLARENET”
● Zoomeye: asn:42893
● Fofa: asn="8094"

If absolutely everything is falling apart, here are two more places to get
ASN and IP range information.


Reverse Whois

When registering domain names, the information is added to a

centralizing and publicly accessible database known as the Whois
repository. It keeps track of registrar names, e-mail addresses,
associated organizations, domain owner, domain registrar, registration
and expiration dates, and domain name servers. You can use this to
your advantage by finding out aforementioned information on your
target and then searching the same value across the entire database to
discover other domains owned by your target.
For a browser-based way to pull some data from this method, there’s a
few options.
Reversewhois.io is free but limits output per query to 1,000 results,
which is sometimes less than 10% of what we can get, depending on
our target. Also, there isn’t a super clean way to get the output into a
useful format but I generally copy and paste the list it returns and save
it to a file, so that it looks like this:

1 1800rentcat 1999-03 MARKMONITOR

.com -15 INC.

2 321cat.com 2007-09 MARKMONITOR

-22 INC.

3 800caterpil 2002-02 MARKMONITOR

lar.com -13 INC.


Then pull the second column only with choose (or awk if you hate

cat reversewhois-output.txt | choose 1 | tee cleanoutput.txt

A paid option that is well worth the investment is

https://www.whoxy.com/reverse-whois/. You get 1,000 lookups for just
10$, which I bought a few years ago and is finally coming close to
running out after a fairly heavy battery session. There’s also multiple
tools that utilize this API key so it can easily be integrated into your own
automation script or the tools you’re already using.
One such solution is Gwen001’s related-domains tool, which you can
install via the following:

git clone https://github.com/gwen001/related-domains


python3.11 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the tool with the -k flag for API key and -d for target domain.

python3.11 related-domains.py -d example.com -k


You can also query the tool directly using the syntax below. Options for
the mode parameter are domains, email, organization.

curl https://api.whoxy.com/?key=xxxxx&reverse=whois

CIDRs and IPs

Assuming you have your target’s valid ASN, you can pull the IP ranges
under it via the search function on https://bgp.he.net or through the
mxtoolbox site here: https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx
Choose “ASN Lookup”, type in your target’s ASN via the format “AS9999”
and you will be gifted the IP or CIDR ranges.

Using asnmap to get CIDRs from ASN or otherwise.

asnmap -silent -a AS394161

asnmap -silent -org GOOGLE
asnmap -silent -d domain.com

There is also a barebones command you can fire off to get your ASN and
its associated IP ranges. 1

$ whois -h whois.radb.net -- ‘-i origin AS36459’ | grep

-Eo “([0–9.]+){4}/[0–9]+” | sort -u

An alternative way to find these ranges that will most likely always be
available, is to use the hacker security blanket known as nmap. This
tool will be explained in further depth in the “Ports” and
“Fingerprinting” sections of this sacred tome, since nmap’s extensible
and adaptable scripting language capabilities are capable of wearing
quite a few hats. There is an Nmap script to find IP ranges that belong
to an ASN that

nmap --script targets-asn --script-args

targets-asn.asn=17012 > paypal.txt

Clean up the output from the above nmap result, take all the IPs in a file
and then run version scanning on them or masscan on them.

nmap -p- -sV -iL paypal.txt -oX paypal.xml

Barebones, as in you could close your eyes and point at any random, hairless, newborn Linux
distro and you should still be able to pull off the command, because “whois”, “grep” and
“uniq” are (or at least, should be) standard to all of them. If you ever use an unfamiliar Linux
distro and one of those tools responds with an error, you should use your OSINT skills to find
the developer and humiliate him, in the same way that he shamed us both when he made
the choices he made.

Once you have a list of CIDRs, you want to turn them into a list of IP
addresses that are hosting servers or services that you can investigate
and destroy. I like to use a tool called prips, to expand CIDRs into a list
of all IP addresses belonging to it.

If running a Linux distribution like Ubuntu, Debian, Kali or Parrot, you

can install it from apt.

sudo apt install prips

Otherwise, you can get this version from Go, that is not the exact same
tool, but it does the same thing.

go install github.com/imusabkhan/prips@latest

To use it, follow the syntax below.


Save this list as it is, for fuzzing VHOSTs later on. To do something
interesting with this list right now, we can feed them into a tool that
does reverse DNS lookups. As DNS servers normally work by feeding
them a hostname (which is easier for users to remember) and the DNS
server will return the IP address, so your browser can find the content it

wants. Reverse DNS works in much the same and opposite way, I think
you get it.
A no-nonsense or funny business tool that does this, is charismatic
Hakluke’s tool, hakrevdns, available at
You can funnel your IP straight from prips, as seen below.

prips | hakrevdns | tee hakrevdns-CIDR.txt

You can also set specific DNS resolvers for hakrevdns, which will
produce some subtle differences in results. Currently, the best and
most updated lists can be found here:

After running hakrevdns, you may notice that the output may not be
ideal for piping to another tool. You will also probably want a list of just
IP addresses that hit hosts and there are a couple ways to do this, but
one will accelerate your race to the arthritis finish line at a significantly
faster rate.
Just for historical accuracy, here is the way that makes your bones

cat hakrevdns-CIDR.txt | awk -F “\t” ‘{print $1}’

35 (and so on…)

OK, some of you will probably say that awk has a lot of other uses and it
is very versatile but I’ve been lucky enough to live during an era where I
can find other tools to fulfill those uses and avoid the deep dive into
awk that many Linux users likely drowned in. Educated hunters of the
modern age will be pleased to discover an alternative tool called
“choose” can produce an identical output at a faster speed, available as
a pre-compiled binary for Linux at
The charming syntax can be seen in action below:

cat hakrevdns-CIDR.txt | choose 0

Choose can predict how you are trying to parse the data that you feed
it and the number corresponds with which section you want it to
output. The count begins at 0, like almost everything else in
programming except for awk. To grab the last field, use “choose -1” (and
“choose -2” for the second-to-last field and so on). You can also signify
which field separator to use with the “-f [field_seperator]” syntax or
output multiple fields like below.

cat data.csv | choose -f “,” 0 3 5

Slapping around IPs until they leak juicy tidbits must be a specialty for
Hakluke, because he has yet another method of expanding attack

surface from a list of IPs again. Hakluke’s hakip2host acts similarly to

his reverse DNS tool, but it queries DNS PTR lookups, as well as Subject
Alternative Names (SANs) and common names (CNs) on SSL
certificates. As certificates have their own section a bit later in the book,
I will let myself tell you about them a little later. For now, just think of
them as the tickets at Chuck E. Cheese, except for some worthless
plastic vampire teeth that have never been worn on any Halloween,
they expand your target’s attack surface, which can be worth thousands
of dollars.
Install the tool via go:

go install github.com/hakluke/hakip2host@latest

And use it much the same as his other tools that punch IP addresses.

prips | hakip2host

DNS-PTR] new-creditcenter.paypal.com.
[DNS-PTR] slc-a-origin-www-1.paypal.com.
[SSL-CN] api.paypal.com
[SSL-SAN] svcs.paypal.com

If you wanted to create a file with just the subdomains, you could do so
like this.

prips | hakip2host | choose -1 | sort -u | tee


Or just the IP addresses

prips | hakip2host | choose -2 | tee valid-IPs.txt

Or if you don’t care about where the data came from.

prips | hakip2host | choose 1 2

Let’s push our recon further to try to bypass reverse proxies that may be
protecting the origin IP of a domain. Allowing you to target the content
directly through the IP in your browser, bypasses WAFs, load balancers
and some other protections that your target organization has
outsourced to third-party vendors to protect their assets. While you can
report the origin IP discovery as a vulnerability, it is somewhat low in
severity, and the organization’s goons will likely say something smug
and predictable like “So what if you can get the origin IP? It is so secure
that we don’t even need the WAFs protection, unless you can prove
otherwise?”, so it is ideal to find another vulnerability like an XSS or
SSRF to chain it to. Anyways, Hakluke has a tool for this purpose called
hakoriginfinder. It works by sending a request to the IP address and
the target host, then comparing the response for similarity using the
Levenshtein algorithm.
Install it via:

go install github.com/hakluke/hakoriginfinder@latest

Then serve up prips with your CIDR range and set the -h flag with the
host you want to test for with hakoriginfinder.

prips | hakoriginfinder -h


You can also parse the data to ignore all the “NOMATCH” results and
remove the “MATCH” word on the remaining output, so you are left with
the more pipe-ready “protocol://IP_Address:Port” syntax.

prips | hakoriginfinder -h

https://admin.example.com/ | grep -v “NOMATCH” | sed
‘s/^MATCH//g’ | tee hakoriginfinder-output.txt

You can also use a tool like imAyrix’s cut-cdn, to remove IPs that are
protected by WAFs and load balancers or hosted on cloud providers.
Since they host multiple unrelated domains on various ports, doing any
kind of scanning will be out of scope, get you blocked by the provider
and disappoint you when you think you found something overflowing
with vulnerabilities, but find out that it actually belongs to a Mongolian
basket-weaving forum and they are not interested in paying you for
your hard work. Even with the WAF’s protection, you can still look for

vulnerabilities on the domain (the one that is actually in your scope)

and wrestle their defenses, hopefully leading to smuggling some nasty
code past them, but any kind of attacks or direct access via the IP will
be off-limits.
Install cut-cdn via go (no “Releases” , so time to figure this out, if you
haven’t yet).
go install github.com/ImAyrix/cut-cdn@latest

First, it's a good habit to update both the cloud providers (-ua flag) then
the ranges (-ur) to have accurate data. Skipping this step and hunting
on a target that isn’t in scope makes you feel like a badass when you
find a vulnerability and can’t turn it in (or dumb-ass, smooth brain,
whatever your inner bully tells you after you fail things).

cut-cdn -ua ; cut-cdn -ur

prips | hakrevdns | cut-cdn

And here, a few web-based tools that serve up similar information, just
in case the world descends into some kind of hell spiral and Github is
tortured out of existence.


Across each IP address, there exists 65,535 possible ports for services to
run on. Although you can run almost any service on any port, services
generally have default ports and many tools will parse them based on
these expected ports. For example, web servers generally run on port
80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS, while you will occasionally see
servers running on 8080,8443,8001,5000 or any other port. At this
stage, we need to have either a CIDR or a list of IP addresses so we can
fire off requests at their ports to see if we can find a service that your
target probably doesn’t want wide open to the public, some outdated
software that your target has neglected to update for some time or just
more attack surface to wage war against in later steps.

First, since we may have a pretty chunky list of IP addresses to test and
65,535 ports for each one, we want a tool that is fast and violent without
sacrificing too much accuracy (without sacrificing any accuracy, ideally).
A long-time staple for penetration testers, hunters, people that like to
have the ability to send 10 million packets per second (like me) and
people that need to scan the entire internet within a few minutes (not
really me), is a tool by robertdavidgraham called masscan. Now this is

an impressive tool, but it needs to be reigned in to get effective results.

This became clear to me when I scanned the entire internet so fast that
it didn’t even find one open port.

A version is available on Github

(https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan) but it's easier to
install via apt, and available in most distros, while not being very fun to
compile on your own.

apt install masscan

I should also mention that the output is pretty disgusting, to the extent
that I learned how to use jq to parse JSON, rather than have it burn my
corneas ever again.

masscan -p 1-65535 --rate 100000

--output-format json --output-filename scan-results.json

Armed with our list of open ports, we need to find out what is actually
running on them and whether the answer to that question deserves
further inquiry, probing and punching. Nmap has been a long staple in
the hacking and infosec community and is usually what is running on
the screen if you ever see someone “hacking” in a movie. With nmap,
you are able to check for open ports on local and remote networks,
check for live hosts and even do a good bit of service enumeration.
Through the use of scripts, nmap has been extended to be able to brute
force logins, perform user enumeration, check for CVEs and anything
else there is a script for. Many hackers run nmap as their first

command to get a quick, comprehensive, surface-level understanding

of a target, informing them where to focus next.

You may likely have nmap on your box already, but if not, then install it

sudo apt install nmap

Before running nmap, there is a worthwhile script that doesn’t come

bundled with the tool. To add it, download the following file, move it to
your nmap scripts folder and then update your tool’s script database via
the commands below.

mv ./vulners.nse /usr/share/nmap/scripts/vulners.nse

nmap --script-updatedb

Nmap has a vast dune of possible arguments for doing all kinds of
wonky things, but I’ll list the ones most relevant to the type of person
this book is for.

-iL : Scan targets from a file


-A : Unlike popular opinion, this “A” does not stand for “all”, but rather
“aggressive”. This flag enables OS detection, version detection, script
scanning, and traceroute
-sV : Attempt to enumerate services running on open ports and their
-T4 : You can enter between 1 to 5 to signify the speed that nmap will
fire off packets. The default is 3 and I’ll nudge it up a bit if I can get away
with it, occasionally using “2” if the WAF is very finicky and abrasive to
my requests.
--script [script or category] : To specify which types of scripts you want
to run against your target, you can either list them individually or use
preset bundles of scripts by writing “auth”, “vuln”, “intrusive”,
“discovery”, “exploit”, “fuzzer” and a few more.
You can find all their names and descriptions here:


Definitely use the vulners script mentioned during the installation of

this tool. A basic and useful way to drop it on your enemies is below.

nmap --script nmap-vulners -A -sV -p 1-65535

I mentioned earlier in the book that recon (nor any workflow in hacking)
should be looked at as a linear checklist. While having a methodology,
being organized and following your plan will help you significantly
avoid wasting time, becoming overwhelmed, performing redundant
work and forgetting to look for certain things, an attack plan that is

responsive to nuanced and subtle oddities throughout testing is best.

You may start with a single domain and its corresponding IP address
and set your session off with nmap, like an OG, and

Another alternative you can use, with a good amount of speed, as well
as accuracy, is projectdiscovery’s “naabu”. It incorporates nmap but it is
often wonky so I’d just use it for port scanning and then do a separate
nmap scan that you can fine-tune the scanning and the output. Grab a
compiled version from:


Or Compile it yourself with Go.

go install -v

Using it is fairly simple, read the docs if you want a deep dive but I don’t
think anything will surprise you much.

naabu -host gentrifier.com -p 1-65535 -o output.txt

For the best overall output, my favorite tool for port scanning has been
Rustscan. Some people say they’ve had issues with this tool’s accuracy
but I think they’re haters and losers because I’ve never experienced this.
Get the tool from the releases, because tools written in Rust are

awesome to use but compiling them is akin to being waterboarded in

nail polish remover.

Assuming you’re using an Ubuntu/Debian/Kali/Parrot host, install the

file you grabbed above like so:

dpkg -i rustscan_1.10.0_amd64.deb

You can run rustscan like so:

rustscan -a [target domain/IP/CIDR]

You can use additional flags to set the rate of scanning and decide
which ports to scan, but the speed is very commendable and you want
to scan all of the ports, which is the default. It will also automatically
funnel its results into nmap with some basic values, but to set your own,
use two consecutive dashes (--) and follow them with the nmap flags
you want to use, like below.

rustscan -a -- -A --script vuln -T4 -sV -oA


After you find all the open ports for your target’s hosts, you can then do
some research into fingerprinting the service further (later in this book),
looking for CVEs and known exploits(maybe in the next book) and

trying to figure out some clever way to bury it (don’t actually DoS it or
otherwise take it offline).

Third-Party Services

Some individuals decide to make it their job to be super overbearing

and nosy into everybody’s business (literally and globally), poking and
prodigy as much information from every server in the entire existing IP
range as is legally and ethically redeemable. Ultimately, these
individuals decide to start organizations and profit off of low-key spying
on everybody and placing the blame on individuals who haven’t had
the opportunities to learn about web security or the devices they own.
Anyways, it is actually pretty awesome and they have my total support,
whether they are surveying the cyber-landscape or grossly invading
individual’s rights and profiting off of them. They usually claim they do it
for an altruistic reason to increase security awareness but I wish they
would be honest with me. Hey Shodan and Censys and Greynoise! I
think it is genuinely awesome that you expose dummies to malicious
individuals and keep the world entertaining.


Known lovingly as the hacker’s search engine, Shodan scans the entire
range of possible IP addresses and their top ports, making the
information searchable by service, product, OS, country, keyword and
more. While most don’t utilize it to its full potential, some have been
very successful and used Shodan to discover well paying vulnerabilities
(check out talks by OrwaGodfather for Shodan mastery techniques).
There is benefit to using the web interface, as opposed to just the
terminal package, unlike most tools. You can certainly use Shodan to
search for domains, IP addresses or keywords but probably the best
filters to use with Shodan are the following:


"ssl:Swinegames Inc."

If you get tons of results, you can filter them via negative filters by
adding something like:

-http.title:”Page Not Found”


You can find a list of all the Shodan filters here:


The command line tool also has its uses and can be installed
via the following command.

python3.11 -m pip install shodan


To perform a search:

shodan search "MongoDB Server Information" port:27017

shodan search "Citrix Applications:" port:1604 org:”Yahoo”

Get a list of subdomains, IP addresses and more about a


shodan domain dhs.gov

Search for a specific IP address:

shodan host

One interesting way to search for new attack targets via Shodan is
through Google Analytics tags. You can often find it within the content
of a sites main Javascript file (typically app.js or main.js) or sometimes
within the HTML code. It will look something like: GTM-TL2KT9H or

You can search the body of server front pages for this Google Analytics
code via this filter:


You can also use Shodan to scan its database by favicon hashes.
Favicons are the tiny 16 x 16 pixel image icons that show up next to each
tab in your browser, serving as an insignia to the organization or if not
specifically defined, sometimes the framework that the site is running

on. Anyways, there are tools that exist that create a hash of a site’s
favicon and then you can search that hash value across Shodan to find
other related domains and subdomains.

One such tool is MurMurHash by Viralmaniar. To install and run the tool,
follow below.

git clone https://github.com/Viralmaniar/MurMurHash.git

python3.11 -m pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Then run the tool via:

python3.11 MurMurHash.py

The tool will ask you to enter the URL for the favicon you want (just
enter the main URL, not necessarily the endpoint of the favicon.ico
image file). If a valid favicon is confirmed, you’ll receive a favicon hash in
the form of a 10-digit number, that you will then copy into the following
Shodan filter. The example below uses the favicon for Spring Boot, for
which Shodan will list all of them across the internet.


You could also use the command-line version of Shodan as well, like so:

shodan search http.favicon.hash:116323821 --fields

ip_str,port --separator " " | awk '{print $1":"$2}'

If searching for a specific technology (like Ruby on Rails, Spring Boot,

etc), you can add the org:"Target Organization" flag to the search as
well, to prevent getting millions of results.

Another excellent tool that gives you some quick details about your
target quickly is Shodan’s own nrich. Since it is written in Rust, it works
really well and really quickly but can also cause despondency to those
who try to compile it themselves. For those who have in investment in
retaining their own mental health, you can grab a release for all
platforms here:


As nrich only accepts IP addresses as an input, you can resolve your

domain or subdomain list into IPs with projectdiscovery’s dnsx
(described later on, in the section about resolving permuted
subdomain names). The command to do this is below.

cat subdomains.txt | dnsx -any -resp-only | nrich -

Here’s a few more awesome Shodan relevant resources to keep you


An online interface to search Shodan through various dorks to find

vulnerabilities and interestingly weak services:


Some lists of neat and interesting queries:



And some other good info:




Another similar service I need to mention is Censys, found at

https://censys.io. Oftentimes, I find Censys to be more comprehensive
than Shodan and I believe it scans more ports than Shodan does. Make
sure you register an account and head to https://search.censys.io to get
the most of the service. You can search for domains, IPs, ASNs, CIDR
ranges or whatever else you may be looking for.

One way to use Censys is to try to expose origin IPs for servers that are
protected by Cloudflare or another provider. To do this, use the search
to look for your target domain. Then, look to the left column under
ASNs. Try to find the ones that belong to your organization and you will
be left with IPs that are generally unprotected by WAFs and are ripe for
heavy port scans.

There are also other similar services that are definitely worth checking
out on your own. Zoomeye.org, quake.360.net and Fofa.io are a bit
tough to navigate and register for as they are in Chinese but if you can
find an API key on Github, I strongly recommend using it in your tools.
Services based in the greatest country in the world include
viz.greynoise.io, hunter.how, onyphe.io and app.netlas.io.

Some even list the CVEs that the server is vulnerable to, check it out on

But you already probably knew about Shodan and Censys, right? All of
us have spent more nights than we’d care to admit watching
middle-aged Russian women working in a Siberian post office or found
some offshore vessel and pressed all the buttons we could find until
some alarms started ringing. So let’s dig a little deeper into some
places that the normie bounty hunters won’t even consider looking


This domain is pretty awesome and even beats Shodan and Censys in
presentation and depth of data, just not the breadth of data available.
Signing up is quicker than it takes a cat’s whisker to twitch and then we

can start piling on the queries. It matches most of the search operators
available in Shodan and Censys, while simplifying the ones that Censys
constructs in its own convoluted way and transforms them into the way
a rational human would expect them to appear.

Fullhunt.io is a pretty cool guy, as it actually found more servers than

Shodan or Censys and presented the information in a more aesthetic
way. There was also more of it, all available to the free account that
allowed me unrestrained access to the data they decided to give me
access to. One place where fullhunt.io doesn’t annihilate their
competition is in their ability to spy on the entire internet. Multiple
domains that I tried to enter had no data at all, though I’m certain that
Fullhunt plans to expose and document every corner of the internet
eventually and their ability to do so will coincide with their aggressive

growth investing in more probes and scanners. Anyways, this site looks
HOT. Don’t take my word for it, feast your eyeballs below!

Another resource that I’ve never seen mentioned in any hunter’s

methodology or resources lists is AnalyzeId (https://analyzeid.com) . If
you thought that these guys solely uncover associated domains
through reverse IPs, then you’ll feel rightly humbled when you visit their
front page and are specifically told that they do “More than just Reverse
IP”. If your fragile concept of consciousness hasn’t been shattered, you
can then use the site’s functionality to try to enumerate some more
assets for your target. The service is targeted towards SEO professionals
and domain flippers (or upsellers? Internet branding
vulture-revivalists?) so many bug hunters will be sleeping on this

service. That would be a lot more empowering if you weren’t about to

see the shackles they mummify you with when you search for your
target domain.

If you look closely above, you can see that they grant you just two
miserable results before tormenting you with the rest of your queried
data, albeit smudged and out of focus conspicuously on the sections
that you really want to read. I’m hoping these cruel business practices
change someday, either by the warming of their hearts, by legislation or
by violent force, as I don’t know any other services that use Google
Analytics, GTM tags and Facebook tokens to discover related hosts. I
almost always end up checking those manually when I am parsing and
deobfuscating the JavaScript files but this is a quick and visually clean
way to get this info.


Using Dorks for your recon is one of the easiest and most rewarding
victories you can enjoy. Dorks are filters you can employ into your
Google, Bing or other search engine searches to find vulnerable things
that should probably not be indexed (and unprotected). You can find
some shocking shit with these and there are way too many to go over
so I’ll drop some sweet and nasty ones and their general category of
usage below.

Using a reductive technique for subdomain enumeration is sometimes

pretty awesome. First, you search for your domain like this:


Next, if you have tons of lame results like “www.domain.com” or

“blog.domain.com” or a billion forum responses at “forum.domain.com”,
you can remove them with the - operator before your filter.

site:*.ladyboys.com -site:www.ladyboys.com

Continue removing subdomains until you are left with something

interesting. Or nothing :(

Next, you can find sensitive documents for your target organization
using the following dorks (replace Neurolink with your target
organization, obviously).

site:docs.google.com/spreadsheets "Neurolink"

site:groups.google.com "Neurolink"

“Confidential” Neurolink filetype:pdf

intitle:”index of” intext:”config.yml” OR

intext:”database.yml” OR intext:”settings.py” “Neurolink”

intitle:”index of” intext:”database.sql” OR

intext:”dump.sql” OR intext:”backup.sql” Neurolink

intitle:”index of” intext:”api-docs.json” OR

intext:”swagger.json” Neurolink

intitle:”index of” intext:”dashboard.yml” OR

intext:”settings.conf” OR intext:”config.properties”

You can also use it to find self-hosted bug bounty programs that aren’t
part of the majors (H1, Bugcrowd, Intigriti) and will have significantly
less competition. You can find a good list here:


You can also run through some dorks with some great tools. A
common issue is Google will slap you with a CAPTCHA and mess up
your whole firestorm of requests against its servers but there are some
workarounds that clever people have discovered. One great tool that
doesn’t suffer from this issue is dwisiswant0’s go-dork at which can be
installed through Go via:

GO111MODULE=on go install dw1.io/go-dork@latest

You can run via the following syntax, with -q being your dork or query
and -p being the amount of pages the tool will pull from:

go-dork -q "intext:'jira'" -p 5

As the output is just a list of endpoints, it can be conveniently chained

to other tools like hahwul’s dalfox and projectdiscovery’s nuclei to find

If any of this looks extremely difficult, you will still be spared, as

someone has put in extra work, just so you can do far less. An entire
frontend web UI has been set up to give everyone’s brain a vacation and
you can find it at https://dorksearch.com

As you can see in the image, you don’t need to remember the operator
syntax or much else, as you can pull from a list of over 7,000 pre-built
queries, neatly organized into categories of variable juiciness. You can
also build your own with the “builder” feature, which will hold your hand
very tightly so you can’t make any mistakes.

Another building service that is focused on using Google’s advanced

search operators, rather than abusing them is Advangle

Here’s a technique that may help you find the final piece of attack
surface that danced through every other technique you used and
remained hidden. Essentially, it is just a regex search for the domain
name, though you will still need to manually verify that the asset is truly
owned by your target organization. While this could be accomplished
via a google dork like “site:*target*.com”, there is a much cleaner way
that will automatically deduplicate apex domains.

DNSlytics (https://dnslytics.com/) offers a handful of passive third-party

intel services including reverse IP lookups, typo awareness (so you can
find, avoid or typosquat phishing servers), parsing historic DNS records
and options for monitoring domains for changes and the subsequent
notifications you’d expect. Most commonly though, I use DNSlytics for
a keyword-regex search across their threatening agglomeration of
domains. You can access it directly by making a slight modification to
the URL found below.


You can also use DNSlytics “name” operator and utilize their “domains”
search feature using the syntax found below.

name: *KEYWORD*

For example, if I wanted to target any sources about a small Japanese island that
once had a bustling Mitsubishi coal mine, that eventually shuttered its doors in
the 1970’s, cleared all inhabitants from the island and became an powerful
example of literal and metaphoric societal decay through its haunting remnants
of brutalist architecture, I’d replace “KEYWORD” above with “hasima-island”.

In the case that your target has a lengthy history (particularly of web
activity), it will likely have inconsistencies between apex domains across
parameters like registrars, IP spaces and many more due to the many
various people making various decisions over various time periods and
locations. Due to the shifting needs of an organization and the unique
footprint it weaves across the web, there will never be a perfect solution
to the issue of horizontal domain enumeration. This is not only an
exciting and liberating challenge, but it also creates an opportunity to

excel and continue finding innovative ways to outperform your peers.


Dorks can also be against Github to find leaky repos made by forgetful
employees of the targets you are looking for. There’s a lot of tools that
tackle these tasks but since there are a lot of random blobs of numbers
and letters through GIthub, there are a lot of false positives that show
you meaningless information. In my experiments, at least, I haven’t
produced nearly as much interesting or relevant data as when I’ve done
manual investigations and parsed through the code myself. Also, tools
won’t pick up on things that might interest you, such as secret
subdomains, links to private documentation, weird syntaxes that spell
out usernames or passwords and otherwise cool things that won’t be
caught in the filters used by the tool. Tools also can’t understand
context, so something that may not be sensitive via a relevant dork
could still spell out directions to the treasures hidden beneath the
surface. To build your own dorks, here are the most relevant Github
● filename:FILENAME to search for specific filenames. For example,
the “config.php” file that stores MySQL passwords for Wordpress
sites. You can also do a search like “filename:.php” to search for
all PHP files. Some other interesting ones to search for are
“passwords.txt”, “private.key”, “id_rsa”,
“config.yaml”, “backup.sql”, “dump.db”, “debug.log”,
“error.log”, “credit_card_numbers.csv”,

“customer_details.xls” or whatever neat stuff you can think of.

● extension:EXT will search for files that match a certain extension

or file type. You can use ones like “conf” for (some) configuration
files, “env” for environment settings, “pem” for files that store SSL
certifications and potentially, private keys. Another useful way to
use this filter is to search for data serialization format files, such as
“yaml” (Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Github Actions, Jenkins),
“json” (Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Drupal, IBM cloud,
VMWare, Chef, Puppet, many NodeJS apps and more), “xml” (used
often by Apache Ant, Spring Framework, Tomcat, Maven, KeePass,
many .NET apps) or “properties” (found in many Java applications
like Spring Boot, Apache Commons Configuration, Kafka, Tomcat,
Eclipse IDE), which commonly contain API specifications or other
private information.

● org:ORG can be used to search for your target organization, such

as org:”Caterpillar, Inc.”

● language:LANG captures files of a specific language type only.

● user:USERNAME can let you search through all of a user’s files if

you happen to find some working for your target organization.

As with most things in anti-sec, having a methodology you can repeat

and check off each step is conducive to finding valuable vulnerabilities
or secrets. Oftentimes, it is adaptable and you change your course

based on the information you find, but it sets a good starting off point
and allows you to progress to the next step instead of getting stuck and
losing faith in reality. So here’s a general outline of things to look for
against your target.

1. Start off the recon by searching for your target domain alone
“drillerkiller.com” (also try sub.drillerkiller.com and drillerkiller,
depending on how many results you’re given). A helpful filter you
can use at this stage is “NOT”, to filter out results that are not
helpful. If you have a domain that produced a billion results, you
can cull the useless ones like so:

yahoo.com NOT www.yahoo NOT blog.yahoo

yahoo.com credentials NOT www.yahoo NOT gmail.com NOT


Yeah, it works better when you don’t add the “.com” on the NOT
ones for whatever bizarre reason.

Next, search for the organization via org:”Torture Star Video”. If

you can find your target organization on Github, you’ll at least get
to skip the part where you verify that the secret is definitely

2. Besides repositories, you can also look at code, commits, issues,

discussions, packages, marketplace, topics, wikis and users.
Generally, I’ve only found useful things in the code and commits
sections, the latter of which has people that things their secrets

disappear after they update their git repo after removing them
from the new version.
3. If you have a ton of results that would be too ridiculous to parse
through, you can chop down results via using keywords, such as
“Jenkins”, “oauth”, “JDBC”, “credentials”, “config”, “pass”,
“secret” and whatever else you think will yield some nice fruits.
I’d also recommend searching for whatever language you see your
target using that is not accessible, such as PHP, C#, Python, Java
or Ruby. Bash can also be a good one to look for, as you may find
start-up scripts or environmental secrets hidden within the code.
4. Next, you can enumerate the employees of your target
organization through finding them on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Oftentimes, employees don’t list their company affiliation on their
Github pages but will be much more open to doing so on
LinkedIn or other social networks.
5. Search in your site’s source code for terms like “github” and
“gitlab” and you might find links to hidden repositories. This can
be done easily within Burp Suite under the “Target” tab or if you
have downloaded all the pages, you can grep through them that

Some additional tips:

- Always test your discovered secrets to see if they are still valid.
They’re not really worth much if its an expired login, however, you
could still try to brute force some common passwords under the
username, discover username naming contexts or try some

altered version of the password (for example, you discovered

“Winter2019” which no longer works, so now you can try

- Also, be aware of the context of what you’re looking at by reading

a little bit of the code. If the repo is just some test data to illustrate
how a tool works, it is supposed to be private.

- You can also use wildcards like “*.domain.*” in case they have a
“.net” and a “.com” and whatever else for a TLD. You can do this
EVEN if those other TLDs are not in scope (just make sure they at
least belong to your target organization). If you find something
awesome and expresses measurable business impact or an
unacceptable amount of risk inherent without mitigation, then go
forth and write a good report that explains these things without
too much jargon. To the surprise of good samaritans (or VDP
lifers), they will many times accept your findings and reward you.

- Set your search results to “Recently Indexed” to get the most recent
results, for obvious reasons.

- Github leaks are very time-sensitive, as there is always a race for

the credentials between bug hunters, the individual that made
the mistake, the target organization’s security team and actually
malicious entities. A top recon tip is to save the Github search
results into a folder of bookmarks in your browser, then you can
rapidfire click your bookmarks and see if anything interesting has

appeared. There’s totally a way to automate this and make the

requests without opening the browser yourself and playing “Spot
The Differences” as your retinas slowly fade to light gray spots over
the next couple decades.

- Here’s some Github dorks that have been especially effective in

my personal experience.
- filename:sftp-config.json password
- filename:.env MAIL_HOST=smtp.gmail.com
- extension:sql mysql dump
- filename:wp-config.php
- filename:.env DB_USERNAME NOT homestead
- filename:credentials aws_access_key_id
- filename:.s3cfg

For tools that automate this process, the most popular tool is probably
Trufflehog by TruffleSecurity, which has been getting better and better
and continues to be updated pretty regularly. It is pretty helpful as it
scans through all of the past versions of a repository, which would be a
nightmare to do manually. You can grab a release here:


Search across all versions of a specific repo :


python3 trufflehog.py --regex --entropy=False


One thing that hurts me physically when I use the entropy method is
an avalanche of false positives. I am really glad they eventually added
the feature to turn this off because a lot of useless, but random-looking
blobs like checksums, commit hashes referring to git submodules, file
hashes used for storing mega-files in git-lfs and git-annex and very
boring public keys) get swept up in the results in nauseating amounts.
Anyways, you can turn off entropy if its heuristics are also poisoning you
and you can use a search mode that uses regex instead, oftentimes for
better results.

trufflehog --entropy=NO --regex {git_repo_path_or_url}

Gitrob is also really cool and comes with a great interface to parse
through the data it finds. Since there’s a lot of false negatives in any
tools in this area (or even through manual exploration), this makes
crossing off the useless ones much easier and more enjoyable.

Grab a release here:


You’ll also need to designate a Github API token via this syntax. Place it
into the end of your .zshrc file or in your user’s .env file.


Basic usage looks like this:


gitrob -repo https://github.com/weaksauce/badrepo

Jason Haddix also has an awesome script that will spit out a bunch of
links to Github searches with the dorks pre-ordained throughout them.
This beats typing them and can lead to some easy wins.


Here are some links to other resources or tools to aid in your conquest.

Lists of dorks



Other Tools:



I am almost certain you know what these are so we can just get to the
actionable and useful commands that act as the shiny coins on the
silver crumbly part of the scratch tickets that are an organization’s
attack surface. This will definitely be the part of recon that will yield the
most attack surface and as such, has the most techniques, tools and
competition involved. There are teams of people and proprietary
services that will probably always beat us in terms of endless
hammering to discover subdomains, so the secret to finding things that
others haven’t will come down to creative wordlists, obscure services,
making sure your API keys are filled out and anything creative or
non-automated that you can work out. Also, chaining unique
combinations of tools can produce results that others haven’t and
figuring out how the developers behind the domain think and what
shortcuts they may have taken, at the cost of security.

Passive Subdomain Enumeration


Passive enumeration refers to methods that do not disturb or interact

with the target server in any way. This can be useful in OSINT when
dealing with very paranoid targets or other highly sensitive situations,
where your target’s behavior may be altered by being alerted of any
unexpected attention on their end. Essentially, we will be querying
publicly available sources, databases, certificate transparency logs,
online code databases, and online services to find these subdomains.

Passive Subdomain Discovery with Shodan

Shodan is better utilized for other purposes but you can still sometimes
get some cool subdomains from it. You can do it either through the
command line tool, mentioned earlier via:

shodan domain target.com

You can also gather domains with a little more success and much
kinder output with the shosubgo tool by incogbyte. For whatever
reason, it sometimes pulls a few more subdomains than the regular
Shodan tool. It’s baffling but acceptable. It can be installed via:

go install github.com/incogbyte/shosubgo@latest

Or grab a pre-compiled binary (virus-free on foe nem)


Attack the domain you hate the most:

shosubgo -d bridge9.com -k stolenshodanAPIkey


One other tool I’d like to mention here is wtfis by pirxthepilot. It uses a
handful more API keys than just Shodan but it promises to use as few as
possible of your monthly queries and tries to use the community/free
tiers as much as possible. You can find the repo at
https://github.com/pirxthepilot/wtfis or you can install it via python’s pip:

pip install wtfis

Set as many of these environmental variables as you can for maximum

useful output from the tool.
● VT_API_KEY (required) - Virustotal API key
● PT_API_KEY (optional) - Passivetotal API key
● PT_API_USER (optional) - Passivetotal API user
● IP2WHOIS_API_KEY (optional) - IP2WHOIS API key
● SHODAN_API_KEY (optional) - Shodan API key
● GREYNOISE_API_KEY (optional) - Greynoise API key
● WTFIS_DEFAULTS (optional) - Default arguments

Usage is simpler than set-up, with the following syntax to find what you


Passive Subdomain Discovery with Censys


Censys is a service similar to Shodan that scans the entire possible

range of addresses across the top 3,500 ports and indexes the data.
You’ll need a free account to use search filters and operators. You can
access it via its web interface at https://search.censys.io

The easiest way to get started is to search for your domain in the “Hosts”

You can also combine search terms with simple boolean operators.

parsed.names:skinsuits.com and tags.raw:trusted

You can also get a pythonic version of Censys for the command line.

Install it via:

python3.11 -m pip install censys


To use this in a productive way, you’ll need to grab your pair of API keys
and enter them into the tool.

censys config

The simple way that the Censys command line tool provides a list of
subdomains these days is with the following simple syntax.

censys subdomains oldmilk.org

Since nothing can truly ever be free, Censys leaves us with a torturous
output that is not compatible with any tools that exist today. So clean
her up gently like this.

censys subdomains cozy.tv | choose -1 | sort -u | tee


To search by organization name, you can get a fat JSON file with a lot of
information, including ASN, IP, open ports and their associated services,
certificate hashes and some more stuff that isn’t super important for
what you’re probably doing.

censys search 'services.http.response.html_title:

"Facebook"' --index-type hosts

Similarly, you can get Censys to filter out non-living subdomains and IPs
through the following command.

censys search 'services.tls.certificates.leaf_data.names:

cannedhorsemeat.com and

Takin’ it Easy with ShrewdEye

Shrewdeye (https://shrewdeye.app) is a killer service that lets you cut

corners (speed, simplicity and opsec) while also getting better results
(and parsed in the output you deserve) and it is rumored that they even
do it for free. Shrewdeye stores lots of scheduled subdomain scans via
tools like Assetfinder, Subfinder and Amass into their backend, which
can be queried and parsed into a finely aggregated text file. After you
enter your target domain, you can also have Shrewdeye check to see if
any of the subdomains are resolvable and available online, right before
your eyes, blessing your IP from punching these subdomains and
potentially getting banned. If the domain is not in Shrewdeye’s
database, it also starts firing off the three aforementioned tools so it will
have it for you shortly.

Finally, Shrewdeye has one very awesome feature that every hunter
would be using if they knew about it. Under “Surface Monitor”, you can
drop a list of wildcard domains that you are tracking and receive an
email notifying you when anything new shows up. I’m sure many of
you had a tool, bash script or cron job that was supposed to do exactly
this but somehow it disappeared and you didn’t really care too much to
fix it. Well, now you can truly set it and forget it for free. Enjoy this
feature and don’t tell too many people about it, because once they start
hitting their monthly email limits, they may not be so recklessly liberal
with the availability of these tools.

Third-Party One-Liner Blasters

Here’s a list of some one-liners you can use to query various third-party
passive subdomain enumeration services or slap them all into a bash

script. These are all public and available to anonymous access, so you
won’t need to sign up or use an API key.

Querying the elusive Riddler.io:

curl -s
M" | grep -Po "(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | sort -u |
tee riddler.txt

Wayback Machine / Archive.org Subdomain Pull:

curl -sk
txt&fl=original&collapse=urlkey&page=" | awk -F/
'{gsub(/:.*/, "", $3); print $3}' | sort -u | tee


curl -s "https://jldc.me/anubis/subdomains/$domain" | grep

-Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" |
sort -u | tee jldc.txt

curl -s <https://rapiddns.io/subdomain/example.com?full=1>

| grep -oP '_blank">\\K[^<]*' | grep -v http | sort -u


The penultimate source for search engines that may pique your interest
and lead to the nuclear devastation of your target organization was put
together by edoardott in the form of
awesome-hacker-search-engines. You could do all your recon in the
browser and if you find some way to rip through a good chunk of these
with automation, scraping and scripting, then god bless your heart (and
please share it with me). There are untold hidden treasures lurking here
and the best of you will discover them. Heed this warning with sincerity
: be careful with this link, it is quite easy to open 666 tabs and spend all
afternoon here.



To increase security by providing a way to validate the legitimacy of a

domain and help curb phishing and impersonation, SSL certificates are
acquired by domains from registered certificate authorities (CAs). In
order to be able to effectively monitor and audit these certificates, they
are recorded in a cryptographically secure manner, then published and
accessible to everyone via Certificate Transparency Logs. These logs
exist to be monitored proactively and allow domain owners to discover
if fraudulent certificates are issued for their domains, while also keeping
certificate issuing entities accountable, as anyone can trace these
timestamped certificates granted to malicious entities back to the
carefree CA and browbeat them into obscurity.

Conveniently for us, we can utilize this to monitor certificates ourselves

or see their entire backlog of them to enhance our recon efforts. On the
other hand, since logs are never removed, there may exist a lot of crap

subdomains to parse out that haven’t existed for a decade, but that’s
nothing we aren’t dealing with every minute in this game.

It would be remiss not to mention crt.sh first. You can view the site in
your browser and use the search function (which accepts wildcards
using a “%”, like %.kindboys.com) or query it directly using the syntax
below (with your own domain as a value, obviously).


Because of its unlimited, unauthenticated free tier, constantly updated

and a profusion of historical records dating back to the invention of the
internet, crt.sh is generally regarded as a grounded, excellent source for
certificate recon for hunters like me and you. To get a parsed list of
subdomains from the terminal, you can use the command below, then
pipe the output to a file for your records.

curl -s https://crt.sh/\?q\=%25.onlyfans.com\&output\=json |
jq . | grep 'name_value' | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e
's/"//g'| sed -e 's/,//g' | awk '{gsub(/\\n/,"\n")}1' |
sort -u

Certificates with Censys

You can also use Censys, which claims to hold the largest collection of
certificates at over 5 billion certificates logged. Pro accounts are
marketed to organization’s for monitoring their own resources, so the
free account gets you total access to their data.

. From the web UI at “https://search.censys.io/”, you can set the dataset

to “Certificates” instead of “Hosts” and search for your target domain.

Through the command line, here’s a few queries to execute to increase

your target’s attack surface (just replace my stupid domains with your
real ones).


e.dns_names:[fromdariver2daC.com] ]

A tool that does a lot of special stuff under the hood and presents you
with a nice list of IP addresses coupled with their open ports, ready for
further investigation, is projectdiscovery’s uncover. You can conjure the
binary yourself via the method below, which will also set you up with a
default config file in the expected location. Otherwise, you will have to
create it yourself if you go to their releases page, and there’s a lukewarm
chance something will go very wrong (the location it should be found
at is $HOME/.config/uncover/provider-config.yaml though).

go install -v

Uncover works by giving it a query and it will work its mysterious magic
and give you some endpoints; their usefulness ranging across a broad

spectrum of value and their origin highly confounding. You’ll want to fill
out as many API keys as you can for this tool, as most of these providers
will not return anything without them. By default, it checks Shodan,
but also has the ability to find hidden attack surface assets through
Fofa, Censys, Zoomeye, Hunter, Quake, Netlas, CriminalIP, PublicWWW
and HunterHow.

Specify your provider or providers with the -e flag and your query with
the -q flag. Queries can be any variety of things from domains,
technologies (i.e. “Jira”, “Nginx”), organizations or even a file with a list of
dorks or subdomains.

uncover -q 'tay-k47.com' -e

uncover -q 'ssl:"Uber Technologies, Inc."'

You can even use it for passive port finding via the third party services it
queries (not including an engine defaults to Shodan).

echo | uncover

Finally, a hyperfast and direct way to chop up, flip and serve
subdomains from a TLS certificate is glebarez’s cero tool. Embodies the
Linux ideals of doing one thing really well and produces results ready
for any pipe you decide to send them through.

go install github.com/glebarez/cero@latest

This tool takes domains, IPs, IPv6, CIDR ranges and even non-HTTP
protocol targets as inputs and fires back like an overactive chain gun
shooting the shields off an organization’s attack surface.

cero whitecastle.com

cat deez_subs.txt | cero -c 500

cat cidr-ranges.txt | cero -p 4443,8443,2083 -c 1000 | anew


I’d like to take a quick detour to talk about tomnomnom’s tool

anew. It is super simple, super clever and super useful, as I use it
every ten minutes during every session.
As much as I love using “tee -a “ (show output and append output
to file), 90% of the time, I need to follow it with a couple more
commands to remove duplicates and route the output to another
file, then overwrite my old file with the new file. This tool
condensed that workflow into a single command, only appending
new data to your output. Just like tee, it will create a file if one
doesn’t exist already.
Use cases for this are overwhelmingly frequent - essentially,
any time I need to update a list of subdomains, URLs, JS files, IP

vita -d goatpig.org > goatpig-subs.txt


python3.11 subj.py goatpig.org | anew goatpig-subs.txt

The output will show only the newly discovered subs. You could
also utilize this by piping it to a file and setting it as a cron job, so
you could see which subdomains were newly discovered, or
routing it directly to notify.

subscout -t goatpig.org -o subscoutput.txt

cat subscoutput.txt | anew goatpig-subs.txt | notify

The Content Security Policy (CSP) header serves as a security

protection against XSS or other malicious content by defining and
restricting the locations that code is allowed to load from. Rather than

hosting all their content on one server, most modern websites pull their
resources across cloud providers, image hosting services, content
delivery networks and official Javascript libraries, in an effort to deliver
content faster through the parallelization capabilities of browsers.
Setting the CSP header to trusted locations is commonly
misconfigured, in addition to some “trusted” services offering anyone
the ability to host arbitrary code, can make the CSP a minor
inconvenience for many malicious actors. However, this is a book about
recon and the assets often listed in the CSP headers can illuminate
more assets that serve to increase our opportunities for finding
vulnerabilities against our target.

Let’s get straight to the point with a tool that gets us there quickly -
0xbharath’s tool domains-from-csp. Without flexing your head too
hard, I’m sure you understand that it does a thing and spits out
domains from the CSP. Install it via the following instructions:

git clone https://github.com/0xbharath/domains-from-csp

cd domains-from-csp

python3.11 -m pip install requests click

The tool takes a full URL as its first argument for input and lovingly add
“-r” to resolve the output as well.

python3.11 domains-from-csp.py https://slimetimelive.com -r


You can also directly pull the contents of the CSP header using curl, for
double-checking or integrating into your automation scripts.

curl -s -I -L “https://www.newyorker.com/" | grep -Ei

‘^Content-Security-Policy:’ | sed “s/;/;\\n/g”

Our good boy here also has another tool that compliments and reflects
the prior script. 0xbharath’s assets-from-spf earns its namesake and
delivers exactly what we deserve, some assets from our target’s SPF
(Sender’s Policy Framework). Prepare your terminals, my friends.

git clonehttps://github.com/0xbharath/assets-from-spf

cd assets-from-spf

python3.11 -m pip install click ipwhois

Fire it off with this simple syntax (add an -a flag if you want ASN
included in the output as well).

python3.11 assets-from-spf.py morbidsniper.gov

One other field that can help you find subdomains, as well as
associated domains for your target (lovingly referred to as horizontal
enumeration by some), is the “Subject Alternative Name” (SAN) field.
This field allows domain owners to add multiple hosts on a single SSL
certificate, so they are generally filled with locations where the domain’s
content is hosted and other domains owned by the same organization.

Here’s a tool by projectdiscovery called tlsx, because we might as well

mention everything they’ve ever made in this book. You can grab it via

their “Releases” page (https://github.com/projectdiscovery/tlsx/releases)

or punch in the following:

go install github.com/projectdiscovery/tlsx/cmd/tlsx@latest

There’s more features than nightmares that geniuses like myself suffer
through in a week, but to fulfill our most common recon needs you can
pull relevant SAN data and common name (CN) data via the -san and
-cn flags.

echo | tlsx -san -cn -silent

To restrict the output to a list of domains, you can add the -resp-only
only. You can make a cool chain with dnsx to resolve your output and
filter out invalid locations, followed by httpx, to add some more
information, like the site’s title, server type, basic technology and status

echo | tlsx -san -cn -silent | dnsx -any

-resp-only | httpx -td -title -cl -sc -ip -server -cname
-asn -cdn

To wrap up certificates real quick, here’s a couple browser based

sources you can check out if you’re tired of the terminal.


This service is neat because you can visually see if the certificate is
under a cloud CDN immediately and you can focus on culling the
weakest gazelles in the herd. This service is also known for being a big
snitch, listing off which WAF is being used and other details without
even being pressed too hard! This isn’t even dry snitching, there’s no
plea deal on the table, entrust.com isn’t even charged with anything!!
Absolutely mind-boggling snitching we are witnessing here, just
absolutely disgusting stuff.

And here’s just a few more resources if you aren’t satisfied or feeling
physically ill. Maybe some services are slacking on keeping these
updated and organized, so be proactive and find a favorite you can



Passive Subdomain Enumeration Tools

The absolute and undisputed Chad of passive subdomain enumeration

at the moment is projectdiscovery’s subfinder, as evidenced by its
notoriously high prevalence in all recon frameworks and its absolute
blast to the (Github) stars as soon as it was introduced. The tool is

commonly underutilized by smooth brains that fail to add as many API

keys as they can find, afford or steal from the internet. There’s also a
couple arguments you shouldn’t miss that can be found below.

Releases can be found here, but I think it is better to install it as it will

automatically create the correct default location for your config file.


Install via Go, the preferred method for the privileged ones like

go install -v

Usage should look like the command below. Don’t forget to use a
freshly updated list of resolvers and use the -all and -recursive flags for
maximum output.

subfinder -all -recursive -rL ~/resolvers.txt -d


Another very advanced and impressive tool is OWASP’s amass, which

has a handful of varied and unique features, including the ability to
conjure a visual representation of your data, storing a database of past
searches (which is useful for comparing searches over time and
discovering which subdomains are newly active) and even possessing
its own scripting language, giving users the ability to make it
extendable with new features. Like the last tool, it is crucial that you

deflower the config file with as many API keys as possible, as it will
deliver tenfold the results compared to a virgin copy of the tool. The
default location that amass will search for your config file is
“$HOME/.config/amass/config/config.ini”, in case something is
wonky on your end and you need to fix it.

The “intel” feature does a more OSINT-related type of passive

enumeration, with the potential of extending beyond just subdomain
enumeration and potentially discovering additional CIDR ranges, ASNs
and related domains. In addition to the -org flag, you can set it to an
ASN with -asn (i.e. -asn 6107), a domain with -d (i.e. -d
doomburgers.com), a CIDR with -cidr (i.e. -cidr or any
combination of those.

amass intel -org “Bacon Boys, Inc.”

Once settled on a single domain to enumerate, you can move on to the

“enum” feature and set it with the -passive flag for passive subdomain
enumeration purposes.

amass enum -passive -d baconboys.org

amass enum -passive -config -d baconbros.gov -o


Amass being exceptional in your results is heavily dependent on the

APIs you insert into your config. To see a list of all the API keys that are
being utilized and which ones you are missing, you can run:

amass enum -list

Definitely make it your goal to find ‘em all, the free ones, at least. It will
literally triple your output here.

The third megalith of passive subdomain aggregation tools I’ll mention

here is findomain by… findomain. I won’t retread the same material
here, let’s just get to it. Download a binary of your choosing here and
don’t forget to fill out the API configuration file, I am really serious about


For the big boss power command, see below.

findomain -t stonecold316.net --external-subdomains --ip

--http-status --lightweight-threads 100 --http-retries 2
--resolvers ~/resolvers.txt

If you want to be a unstoppable madman, you can also add --pscan for
additional port scanning, -s for screenshots

Shifting gears a little bit, this next tool parses all Github repositories to
uncover mentions of subdomains related to your target. This brilliant
piece of code is known as github-subdomains by gwen001, who has
enriched my toolkit with many awesome tools based on clever ideas

that fulfilled needs I didn’t know existed. Install the tool via the
following command:

go install github.com/gwen001/github-subdomains@latest

This tool requires you to have an active Github API token, either in a file
(listing one per line, if you have more than one to use) or via set in your
Linux environment. You can set it for your current session via the
following syntax.

export GITHUB_TOKEN=token1,token2...

The syntax to use it is pleasantly simple too.

github-subdomains -t ~/githubtokens.txt -d longpigs.gov

Gwen001 also has another similar tool, although it returns much less
output. Albeit, it is mentioned here because in the chance that it finds
something, it will likely be the only tool with that finding and we are
going for total uncompromising comprehensiveness of our recon
methodology. It does the same thing as the Github one above, but
targets Gitlab instead.

go install github.com/gwen001/gitlab-subdomains@latest

Add your Gitlab API tokens (or steal them) and run it with the same
syntax as above.

gitlab-subdomains -t ~/gitlabtokens.txt -d doormouse.org

Listed ahead are some lesser known tools that consistently add
something new to my automated script of around twenty different

subdomain enumeration tools. The past few are obviously great but
since everyone knows about them, they won’t uncover the most
obscure paths that you are likely seeking. I have spent countless hours
grinding through Github tools with a seldom few stars to present you
with this information. Let’s fucking go.

Hueristiq is one of my favorite new creators and every tool he has

put out has the gold standard of excellence and adds something
genuinely unique to the standard bug hunting toolkit. His passive
subdomain enumeration tool, xsubfind3r, is no exception and it has
added subdomains after running multiple frameworks against a target

Grab a compiled binary version here:


Or do it yourself.

go install -v

Installing the tool through this method has the added benefit of
automatically creating a config file for API keys, which is an absolute
necessity if you want to have self-respect while doing these things. If
you grab the binary on its own, you will want to head to Github and
grab the config file, place it in the default location of
“$HOME/.config/xsubfind3r/config.yaml”. The majority of them have
free tiers, although there are a couple that cost money, like intelx.io and
some that are special and elusive, like chaos.projectdiscovery.io (invite

only, from the clever demons on the project discovery team). Signing
up for these doesn’t take long and it will probably double the amount of
results you get from using the tool. For API keys that aren’t easily
attained, you can try to steal them from people that accidentally posted
them online.

You can use the tool like so:

xsubfind3r -d militant.zone -t 66 -o xsubfind3r-output.txt

Another great one that I’ve recently discovered is puncia by

ARPSyndicate, which claims to be “The Panthera Puncia Of
Cybersecurity”. It holds a bunch of exploits within that it will readily
unload on an unsuspecting unpatched victim but it is quite adept at
finding subdomains…. Passively that is.

python3.11 -m pip install puncia

The syntax always begins with “puncia subdomain”, followed by your

target domain and then the output file you want to save it to.

puncia subdomain pantherskin.com pantherskin-subs.txt

Bufferover.run is a commonly queried API Here’s another one-liner you

can use if your smuggler’s run is rewarding at the expense of some sad
human who is unable to stop leaking bufferover API keys.

Free tier:

curl 'https://tls.bufferover.run/dns?q=.YOURDOMAINHERE.com'
-H 'x-api-key: <your api key here>'

Paid Tier

MAINHERE.com” -H “x-rapidapi-host:
bufferover-run-tls.p.rapidapi.com” -H “x-rapidapi-key:

Dnsdumpster is a neat source that provides subdomains that aren’t

found elsewhere sometimes. Pulling the information isn’t too easy, as it
doesn’t have a super clean API to hit but you can use the script below to
do so and pipe the output into your records or any other tool. Save the
following to a script, grant it executorial powers (“chmod +x
dnsdump.sh”) and then run it via “dnsdump.sh domain.com”.


# extracting the CSRF token so our request doesn’t get


r=$(curl -i -s https://dnsdumpster.com | grep csrf)

csrftoken=$(echo $r | grep "csrftoken" | cut -d "=" -f 2 |

cut -d ";" -f 1)

csrfmiddlewaretoken=$(echo $r | cut -d "=" -f 12 | tr -d


subdomains=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Referrer:

https://dnsdumpster.com/" -H "Cookie: csrftoken=$csrftoken"
r=free" https://dnsdumpster.com | grep "<tr><td
class=\"col-md-4\">" | grep $host | grep -Po

echo $subdomains | sed 's/ /\n/g'

Active Subdomain Enumeration Tactics

When we no longer feel the weight of the ironwrought boots of

paranoia and we abandon our interest in being a cybernetic ghost,
seldom leaving a drop of ectoplasm across their network packets, we
can decide to bully the target ourselves a little bit. We use active

techniques to do things that no one has ever done before to create new
dynamic options for potential subdomains (or at least, not published it
openly and indexed it into a search engine), we want freshly
enumerated results or we want to test (and uncover) a naming pattern
we have noticed our results from the passive subdomain testing. .The
main reason, of course, is to increase our attack surface and find things
that have been intentionally obscured, ignorantly forgotten or
otherwise. These barren wastelands that once served packets en masse
to the world tend to be more likely to serve strange and ugly
custom-code projects from decades ago, sites that grab your attention
for their painfully low-resolution graphics or almost hateful use of colors,
in a way that deeply wounds people who enjoy seeing contrast when
they read and subjects the color blind to virulently inequitable access to
information. As with any path you take, but significantly more evident in
cybersecurity fields,

First, let’s talk about zone transfers. Simply put, this occurs when the
data (domain names, IP addresses and more) from one DNS server’s
zone is copied onto another, secondary DNS server. Utilizing the zone
walking technique can uncover hidden or forgotten subdomains,
internal targets without official DNS routing and shed heavenly light
onto the infrastructure of your target.

The following tools come with every Linux system (and Windows) that
I’ve tried so you should have them. If not, I will pray for you.

Replace “zonetransfer.me” with your target domain.

With dig:

dig ns zonetransfer.me +noall +answer

dig axfr @nsztm1.digi.ninja zonetransfer.me

With host:

host -t ns zonetransfer.me

host -t axfr zonetransfer.me intns1.zonetransfer.me

With nslookup:

nslookup -type=ns zonetransfer.me

nslookup -query=AXFR zonetransfer.me name.server.here

Since we already have subfinder, you can use it for brute-forcing

domains by using the -b flag to enable it and the -w <WORDLIST.txt>
flag to specify a wordlist to use.

subfinder -d freelancer.com -b -w jhaddix_all.txt -t

100 --sources censys --set-settings CensysPages=10 -v

Amass has also been mentioned previously in this book, but here is how
to really push it to the pavement.

amass enum -d streetsharks.com -active -o

amass-active-streetsharks.txt -brute -alts

These flags will also show you the source of where the subdomain was
pulled from, the IP that each subdomain is connected to, perform brute
forcing of subdomains and also perform alterations on them. Amass is
pretty great as it keeps a database of findings and hit tons of APIs but it
isn’t the fastest bruteforcer.

For bruteforcing subdomains, the best tool I’ve found yet is puredns by
d3mondev. Besides being really fast, it does a couple other cool things
like removing all the unusable characters from your wordlist and
switching everything to lowercase, detects wildcards, built on top of
massdns to query a stupid amount of resolvers and then validates the
final results instead of spewing crap all over your screen. The validation
process is actually a DOUBLE validation from trusted resolvers, so it
avoids all those poisoned ones out there looking to do bad stuff to good

Download a binary here.


Or build it yourself via:

go install github.com/d3mondev/puredns/v2@latest

Run with like so:


puredns bruteforce subdomain_list.txt domain.com -r ~/resolvers.txt

You can also get a really good list of resolvers via this command:


If you need good and massive wordlists to feed into this tool, look no
further than the links below.

Assetnote is one of the best security researchers in the bug bounty

space and does some seriously good work. They have created a huge
file of potential subdomains as a result of their tireless scanning across
the internet. It’s called “best-dns-wordlist” and contains about 9 million


Next, n0kovo created this wordlist by scanning the entirety of the IPv4
space across the world and pulling all the subdomain names from every
TLS certificate in existence. It performs quite well and is around 3
million entries long.


If you need a smaller wordlist for shorter sessions or not using a VPS like
you should. You can try this good one by six2dez, at about 100,000
entries long.



Virtual Hosting (VHOSTs) allows multiple domains to share their

existence across a single server. Organizations opt into this method as
a way to reduce resource overhead, save on costs and ease of
management. Having one server support these domains makes
applying changes and fixing problems a bit easier, as all the content is
accessible in one place, while also being isolated enough that their
effects on each other are insignificant.

VHOSTs can be configured onto a server in a couple different

ways. First, each domain may have its own IP address and when the
server hosting them receives a request, it can properly route the
browser towards the correct resource. The client cannot really interfere
with this process, so it is safer, but it adds to overhead on the
organization’s side, as they will need to continuously obtain IP

addresses for each domain they own and the associated work involved
with the continental internet registries that reign over them.

Therefore, many organizations use a name-based virtual host

configuration setup instead. In this configuration, the server will look
towards the “Host” header received in the request to accurately route
the user towards their desired content. Through various
misconfigurations and differences in server software, all kinds of
interesting vulnerabilities can occur when the “Host” header is
manipulated, leading to the server sending the user and their tainted
data into their internal network (SSRF) or mixing up requests due to
incongruencies between the front end and back end, leading the server
to give you another user’s data (HTTP Request Smuggling).

The most prominent way of finding new VHOSTs and increasing

your attack surface involves using a wordlist to fuzz subdomains and
comparing the response from the server. While this may sound like
DNS brute-forcing, there is no DNS server involved since subdomain
resolution is based on the server configuration and utilizes the HTTP or
HTTPS protocols, rather than DNS. When HTTPS is involved, the SNI
(Server Name Integration) is an extension of the TLS, which tells the
server which domain name it is attempting to access.

Due to the various configurations, VHOSTs can be a little wonky to

detect and to do a really comprehensive check, you can run a manual
check, as well as a few automated tools. So many times, I’ve run two
tools with the same purpose and found different results, as they use
different methods, query different APIs or data sources or sometimes

one just sucks and the developer should be punished and stripped of
any respect. So, let’s say you find an IP within your target’s owned IP
range and want to test it yourself to see what it’s hosting (generally, port
80 is a redirect to 443 so I jump right to it, but you know, be as thorough
as you feel comfortable with). At the time of this writing, Caterpillar Inc.
is a public program on HackerOne with a wicked huge scope, so feel
free to punch their assets as hard as you want until that changes (FAIR

So we check the IP address and verify that it is owned by our

intended target.

nslookup name = aemha-intweb.cat.com.

The output from nslookup gives us the green light to probe further.
However, we get served with a 404 when we try to check the site.

curl -i -k https://aemha-intweb.cat.com

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

date: Sat, 20 Jan 2024 06:26:41 GMT

server: Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)


We can try messing around with things here in a few ways. We can try
to pull the URL by using its real IP address and see if we get a different
response. This will help us to verify that the server is storing multiple
sets of content and using information from the request to decide where
to send the client.

curl -i -k https://

HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable

pragma: no-cache

cache-control: private, max-age=0, no-cache, no-store

content-type: text/html

This is one spot that many pentesters arrive at and believe they have
exhausted their options on this endpoint. You can continue probing
this with a nice list of potential subdomains that you can insert into the
host header and check the responses for differences compared to
requesting the IP on its own, as well as deviations from responses sent
to the subdomain you are trying to resolve.

So you can automate this a manual way with some bash scripting or
use a handful of tools, though I have gotten varied results, so I make
sure to use a few tools, double check any positives and manipulate a
few things in the requests to see if I can get something interesting to
return. Still using the same IP address in the examples above, I added
my specified host header into the request.

curl -i -k https:// -H "Host: signs.cat.com"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 02:58:41 GMT

server: Apache/2.4.37 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)

And in contrast to just sending a request to the subdomain.

curl -i -k signs.cat.com


HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

Server: rdwr

Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 02:59:02 GMT

Content-Type: text/html

And checking this subdomain on nslookup points us to another story as


nslookup signs.cat.com


signs.cat.com canonical name = redirect4.cat.com.

redirect4.cat.com canonical name =



So there is a lot of wonkiness inherent in how people implement these

things and the creative configurations they decide on can expose all
kinds of things that were meant to be internal. In the case of internal
servers, organizations typically have their local network configured to
handle the routing and as this content is not intended to be public,

Sometimes your targeted subdomain might look completely lifeless

and forgotten.

curl -k -v terminal.ecorp.cat.com


* Could not resolve host: terminal.ecorp.cat.com

* Closing connection

Is it really unresolvable?

nslookup terminal.ecorp.cat.com




** server can't find terminal.ecorp.cat.com: NXDOMAIN

Trying to probe a little bit more, and interestingly enough…

curl -i -k https:// -H
"Host: terminal.ecorp.cat.com"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 03:17:44 GMT

server: Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)

x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN

accept-ranges: bytes

<title>Caterpillar Rocket BlueZone Sessions</title>


It took a while before I even came across some of this VHOST

information and how much more enumeration you can actually do. For
whatever reason, this is a very underutilized part of the recon process,
possibly due to a lack of articles doing a real deep dive and the
subsequent lack of awareness of these techniques. Compared to other
subdomain enumeration methods, enumeration of VHOSTs is vastly
underrepresented in the offsec tooling landscape. I have found that
digging into VHOSTs using this semi-manual process to be the most
comprehensive method, seldom shared in our circles. You can
definitely supplement it with some tools that can start to point in the
right directions to try the manual probing just revealed to you. If you
find something you want to dig into deeper, you can use Burp Suite’s
“Match & Replace” rules to force the host header you want into the
request or add the desired entry into your /etc/hosts file.

My favorite tool for this is wdahlenburg’s VHostFinder. As it was

his blog (“https://wya.pl”) that first introduced me to this conscious
probing of VHOST servers, the multiple steps of enumeration that most
penetration testers fall short of performing and a shared belief that the
current tools available aren’t doing exactly what we needed, in exactly
the way we wanted, VHostFinder addresses all these shortcomings and
has found me some excellent attack surface that would be remiss to
me otherwise. You can install yourself by entering the following into
your terminal:

go install -v github.com/wdahlenburg/VhostFinder@latest

Once you’ve gotten together a good list of subdomains to test and an IP

that belongs to your target, basic usage looks like the following.

VhostFinder -ip -wordlist domains.txt -verify

If you have a list of IP addresses to test, I circumvent this problem with a

little bit of simple bash scripting.

for x in $(cat ips.txt ); do echo $x && echo "\n--------\n"

&& VhostFinder -ip $x -wordlist domains.txt -threads 80
-verify | tee -a vhosthunt-catmassive ; done

Absolutely include the -verify flag in every scan. Finally, if you have
multiple domains belonging to a target and you want to fuzz a list of
subdomains across them, you can do the following.

VhostFinder -ip -wordlist subdomains.txt -domain

cat.com,solarturbines.com,catwatches.com -verify -threads 80

Sometimes, when the target is massive and I already have thousands of

valid subdomains connected to my target, I want to fuzz only the valid
subdomains to save time. Basically, have a subdomain list without any
definite losers and extract the apex domain name from it.

If it is a single domain, you can use sed.

cat valid-domains.txt | sed ‘s/cat\.com$//g’ | tee


Or if it's a mix of domains from the target, use Tomnomnom’s unfurl, a

tool of incalculable value. Grab a compiled release at:


Alternatively, compile it yourself.

go install github.com/tomnomnom/unfurl@latest

And use it, as seen below.

cat valid-domains.txt | unfurl format %S | tee


Unfurl gets daily use from me, along with Tom’s other tools like anew,
urinteresting, httprobe, gf and more; many of which will make a quick
appearance in this tome.

Although VHostFinder does pretty much everything I need it to, it can

always be useful to run a few tools, as there are often differences in
outcome and I’ll mention a couple more here for that reason.

Jobert Abma, co-founder of HackerOne has a neat tool for this that has
existed for a while and can be found here:

It has similar parameters to VHostFinder and requires Ruby to run.

ruby scan.rb --ip= --host=domain.tld


Another tool I’ve discovered recently that is also really useful, is

dariusztytko’s vhosts-sieve
(https://github.com/dariusztytko/vhosts-sieve). This tool automates
much of the process for you, which is great, though in doing so, it
misses certain vhosts and there is no way to configure some of my
gripes into the tool, hence, the importance of running a few tools on
your target. The tool works by resolving your input domains list to IP
addresses, though unfortunately there is no way to input your own IP
addresses list, in the scenario that you are given CIDR ranges in your
scope. Next, it divides these domains into resolvable and
non-resolvable groups. The tool discerns that the non-resolvable IPs are
the candidates it will test for virtual hosts, but misses the chance to find
virtual hosts hidden on IPs that do resolve. Overall, the tool is great at
checking multiple ports, has an impressive validation methodology and
is very simple to use, as it only requires a list of domains to get started.
Just keep the manual checks in your methodology and don’t get lazy or
you’ll likely miss something valuable (not every time, but definitely
some of the time).

git clone https://github.com/dariusztytko/vhosts-sieve.git

python3.11 -m pip3 install -r vhosts-sieve/requirements.txt

Run the tool with the following syntax:

python3 vhosts-sieve.py -d domains.txt -o vhosts.txt


Finally, this isn’t directly related to virtual host enumeration but

can definitely help point you in the right direction, in case you are
dealing with a massive scope, padded with endless subdomains.
Hakluke’s hakfindinternaldomains is an excellent tool with an easily
understandable purpose, as just knowing the name of it will already
explain what it does. As I mentioned earlier, virtual hosting is
sometimes used for an organization’s internal purposes, intentionally
unresolvable to be obscured from the internet en masse. Employees of
the organization will have their /etc/hosts file attuned to these hidden
gems, as they are intended for usage within the organization only.
Often intended for staging or pre-production environments, these
assets will usually lack the protections that intentionally exposed
ironclad domains are adorned with. Though this tool will point you in
the right direction, you will still need to do some work to access them -
either through the virtual host exposing methodology explained in this
book, finding an SSRF vulnerability, finding a misconfiguration or some
other clever way. However, you will be able to fast track that process a
bit by knowing which targets to punch at first.

Compile it yourself by entering this into your terminal.

go install github.com/hakluke/hakfindinternaldomains

Usage is very straightforward, like hakluke’s other tools.

cat domains.txt | hakfindinternaldomains | tee internal.txt



Once you have a decent list of subdomains for your target, another
technique we can use to uncover esoteric attack vectors is the
mutation, contortion and disfigurement of current subdomains. Since
there’s a gang of tools and they possess some differences in how they
vomit forth wild and twisted perversions of your current list, I think it is
worth checking out a bunch of them and writing an automation script
that will chew and mangle your current list via each tool. Though their
internals are varied, their purpose and output is fairly similar, so I won’t
spend too long talking about them and just hit you with the parts you
need to start ripping and resolving your guys.

If you’re still a little lost because of my colorful explanations, I’ll break it

down. You have a subdomain list in a text file, with contents like:




Then we input our own wordlist, the contents of look like:




The tool will combine these in tons of different ways

(dev-api.wrinkles.org, morbid-skinbags.wrinkles.org,
420.shame.wrinkles.org)and then fire off thousands of new
subdomains at a DNS server, of which 99.9% of these will be lost into
darkness. If it says that every ridiculous domain is valid, then we will
have to parse it through a server with an option that can be told to test
for and filter out crappy wildcard responses. OK, let’s see what these
tools can do for us.

Gotator, a tool that brags about being able to stuff over a million
mutated subdomains within two seconds is written in Go (which is
good) and is a staple in every recon session I’ve done for a while now.
And also, so are the rest of these tools I’m going to show you, because
they are all in a script together for maximum attack surface expansion

go install -v github.com/Josue87/gotator@latest

gotator -sub creamsoft-subdomains.txt -perm

permutations_list.txt -depth 1 -numbers 10 -mindup -adv -md
> gotator-creamsoft.com

The one-liner above is pretty good, but here is what the arguments
mean if you want to experiment with them yourself.

The “-sub [subdomainsfile.txt]” and “-perm

[permutationfile.txt]” are your subdomain list and your
permutation wordlist, in the formats explained at the beginning of this
section. It is important to realize that since there are so many
permutations in these tools for each subdomain, each subdomain and
each line in your permutation list will increase the time the tool takes to
run exponentially. When the output is too extreme for reality, I’ll chop
the subdomains down to ones that are resolved to a domain or swap
the permutation file to a leaner one.

-depth [Number] If set to 1, the permutations would add one level of

subdomains below your current list (as in api.doomed.com would be
mutated to dev.api.doomed.com, gentiles.api.doomed.com but not
crt.goyim.api.doomed.com, which would introduce a depth of 2)

-numbers [number] This specifies how far up and down should

numeric permutations go towards. For example, setting this parameter
to 10, dev-2.whiteriders.net, it will check dev-3.whiteriders.net,
dev-4.whiteriders.net, up to 12. If there is no number attached to the
subdomain, it will make 10 permutations, adding a number

-mindup This minimizes duplicates, beneficial for all sessions.


-md Uses input from your subdomains file and includes it in the
permutations, so dev.api.boiledalive.com would churn out
dev-api.api.boiledalive.com, api.dev.api.boiledalive.com and more.

-adv Adds a couple more permutation methods, including some

switch-ups with the two text files and appending them with dashes.

Next, let's rip through a tool called ripgen, another tool that creates
permutations. My simple one-liner for using this tool can be seen below.

cat badboy-com-subdomains.txt | ripgen | dnsx -t 1000

-silent -o ripgen-results.txt

Goaltdns, an update of the pythonic-based altdns tool from eons past,

gives us another way to whip and flip our subdomains for esoteric

go install github.com/subfinder/goaltdns@latest

Resolving Permuted Files

Since a lot of these permutation files have massive output and I’m
definitely not trying to keep a massive list of 5 million fake domains
making my laptop heavier by stinking up my hard drive, you should

avoid even letting these touch down in a file, instead opting to pipe
them directly into a DNS resolver and saving only the valid subdomains
you discover.

For maximum effectiveness, you need to have an updated list of DNS

servers, to make sure each of your mutants is being accurately resolved
and you aren’t missing a golden goose of vulnerabilities. One effective
pathway to this destination is through using a tool called dnsvalidator
by vortexau. Grab it and install that bad boy via the commands found

git clone https://github.com/vortexau/dnsvalidator.git

python3.11 setup.py install

You can use the massive list of thousands of nameservers found at

https://public-dns.info/nameservers.txt as your input, the great lists kept
current by Trickest or any other reputable source of your preference.
You can run it against the URL of your file without even downloading it
via the command below.

dnsvalidator -tL https://public-dns.info/nameservers.txt

-threads 100 -o resolvers.txt

Assuming you already have a big, stinky and bloated file of fake
subdomains, you can use the hyper-fast puredns by d3mondev to start
cracking them open.

Now you can drill through these bad boys, save the valid ones it spits
out and delete all these big, nasty files that serve you no purpose

puredns resolve stinky-mutant-subdomains.txt -r

resolvers.txt --write valid_domains.txt --write-wildcards

You can also pipe the permutation tool’s output directly into puredns,
so all those hideous subdomains never need to touch your hard drive.

gotator -sub targetsubs.txt -perm perms.txt -adv -md |

puredns resolve | tee gotated-n-resolved.txt

The tool is also quite efficient with bruteforcing subdomains.

puredns bruteforce commonspeak.txt redrooms.com

Another tool fulfilling the role of insane bastard resolver, is

projectdiscovery’s dnsx.

You can install it through go.

go install -v

Or grab the compiled release.



I usually set it to record any response it receives like so.

cat badboy-com-subdomains.txt | ripgen | dnsx -t 1000

-silent -o ripgen-results.txt

If your output is popping regardless of the nonsense that is entered as a

subdomain, you’ll want to have dnsx use its very bleeding-edge
wildcard filter. Apparently, it does multi-level DNS-based wildcards,
which I am not afraid to admit is a term that I’m unfamiliar with. Add it
by tossing in the “-wd [domain.com]” into dnsx’s arguments.

Finally, you can knock out both brute forcing domains and permuting
at the same time, you can check out bp0lr’s tool dmut.

You know the drill at this point.

go install github.com/bp0lr/dmut@latest

My command of choice that I have saved to an alias is the following

(your domain goes after the -u parameter).

dmut -u $1 -d ~/wordlist/dmut-permutations.txt -w 100

--dns-timeout 300 --dns-retries 5 --dns-errorLimit 25
--show-stats -o dmut-$1-results.txt

Bp0lr strongly emphasizes the importance of having a frequently

updated list of resolvers, otherwise you’re going to be missing

subdomains. You can use this built-in feature to invoke a fresh rotation
of them that saves to ~/.dmut/resolvers.txt via the following

dmut --update-dnslist

If something goes wrong for whatever reason, you can always access
the files it pulls here: https://github.com/bp0lr/dmut-resolvers

And if those ever stop their continuous rotation of fresh resolvers, this
seems like a pretty solid bet for the time being:

Subdomains acquired and ready to hunt?

Oftentimes, our excellent and comprehensive efforts have left us with a

massive list of subdomains and a consequently herculean task of
deciding what to investigate and attack. I almost always send my list
through a custom httpx script I wrote that saves an output with as
much data about each valid subdomain, in addition to a file of all the
200s, another with 404s, one with 403s and a list of all the IP addresses
found. Then you can easily send the 403s list to a “403 Bypass” tool,
start fuzzing the 404s for endpoints with a ffuf for-loop (because they
probably have something on them) and the 200s to a spider like
Katana, Hakrawler or GoSpider. You could also send everything to a
screenshot tool (or just the 200s if your target is Yahoo or something)
and pick what looks interesting visually.

If hunters were crazed hammerhead sharks, these signs would be akin

to a cruise ship full of amputees with puncture wounds that just

capsized. Essentially, you will be more likely to find an easy meal with
less than typical effort. Some strong signifiers include visually dated
web sites (you’ll know when you see it, the lack of web fonts, color
palettes that make your tummy hurt , CSS only capable of creating
rectangles everywhere and the corners on text boxes are so sharp your
screen’s pixels unalive themselves trying to render them), ancient
messages found in the site’s footers (“All Rights Reserved 2002”) or
outdated authenticated methods (any 401 status codes). Old
frameworks are likely not updated and may have CVEs that have been
festering in their bones for many years. If you see functionality that has
many opportunities for lots of tests, such as registration, password reset,
logins, file uploads and an abundance of customizable content, that
subdomain elevates itself on the priorities list. After many successful
years of hunting, zseano likes to target very large organizations that
likely have many teams, oftentimes in internationally different locations.
If these diverse teams are writing code in separate places, at separate
times and there is some functionality that merges these two code
bases, the lack of communication and incongruent work practices will
likely produce pieces that don’t fit perfectly together.

(To my USA friends: Do you still think that diversity is a strength?)


Content Discovery

Once we’ve done all of our horizontal (domains) and vertical

(subdomains) enumeration, we want to start finding active endpoints,
pages or content that the server is hosting. This consists of static files
that are default to the framework the page is using (boring) and
customized content developed for the target domain (potentially not
boring). There are a few primary ways to find these endpoints,
consisting of…

1. Third-Party Endpoint Collection Services: consisting of querying

websites like archive.org (Wayback Machine), urlscan.io,
commoncrawl.org, alienvault.org and more
2. Spidering the website with a tool or proxy
3. Extracting endpoints from JavaScript files
4. Fuzzing endpoints with wordlists

Third-Party Endpoint Collection Services


For whatever purpose, these benevolent actors spy on everyone all the
time and release the data to anyone that wants to see it. They are
usually eternally growing, with some even storing the same page over
and over across arbitrary time periods, like archive.org.

Archive.org, or the Wayback Machine, provides multiple versions

of any page on the internet, as long as they spider it themselves or an
individual requests it. There is also a useful way to look at the entire list
of endpoints under a domain, via the URLs tab. Furthermore, you can
filter the list for interesting extensions that commonly include dynamic
functions (non-static pages), such as .php, .aspx, .jsp. You could
also look for admin sections (/admin/), configuration pages (.yaml,
.json, .xml, .conf) or JavaScript pages of yesteryear.

Besides being engaged through the web browser, it is a bit more

efficient to use command line tools to pull much of this information.
The most well-known being tomnomnom’s waybackurls, which can be
installed via slapping this into your terminal:

go install github.com/tomnomnom/waybackurls@latest

Usage is quite simple and ready for pipe travel, just throw whatever
domains you want at it.

cat domains.txt | waybackurls > urls

A couple more options are available and can definitely be useful,

including -get-versions, which pulls all available versions of a specific
URL and saves them locally.

From the list in the image above, you can use wget or curl to pull any or
all versions. A quick bash loop to accomplish this could be:

for x in $(waybackurls -get-versions

https://puppetcombo.com); do wget $x ; done

Or you could pipe it into another of tomnomnom’s tools concurl. You

can grab a release here:

Essentially, you’d just pipe the output right into concurl and be done
with it (the -c flag means concurrent download streams, which

shouldn’t be set too high in this situation, as archive.org does give out
some short IP blocks, though they are fairly generous with their server

waybackurls -get-versions https://puppetcombo.com | concurl

-c 3

A more recent and more thorough approach to scraping this poor

service can be found in xnl-h4ck3r’s tool called waymore. This tool truly
does deliver way more results than anything else out there, though it
does take a bit more time (but you have plenty) and a substantial bit
more bandwidth (but you are using a cloud machine so who cares).
Instead of just pulling the URL list from the Wayback Machine, it can
pull all of the archived pages from all times, so you can parse their
contents for more links, developer comments, secrets and whatever
else lay dormant waiting. Some tools that pull results from third-party
URL aggregating services hit rate limits and wrap up their business,
without telling you the results may be incomplete. Waymore is aware
and will wait until rate limiting cools down a bit, which also takes
waymore time but I think it's worth it. Just make sure you automate it
and take a nap, instead of drooling at your desk and you won’t even
notice the time pass. Waymore queries CommonCrawl, VirusTotal,
Alienvault and Urlscan, so I don’t even really need to talk about any tools
that query those services on their own.

git clone https://github.com/xnl-h4ck3r/waymore.git

python3.11 setup.py install


To pull just URLs (otherwise, the default will pull URLs and responses):

python3.11 waymore.py -mode U -i domain.com

The URLs will be automatically saved into the folder that waymore was
download to, under ./results/domain.com/. It’s important to be
aware of how much content your target has as it can be an
unreasonable amount of hammering against the API providers and
your own machine (for example, Twitter.com would pull 28 million
pages of content). You can remedy this situation and come out with
something that doesn’t put you on suicide watch a few different ways.

- You can use -l [integer] to limit the amount of responses that are
saved. The default is 5,000, while 0 means unlimited (as in, all of
them). A positive number of 500 would download the first 500
results, while entering -500 would download the 500 most recent
- You can use the -ci [h/d/m] flag for designating preferred capture
intervals to hourly, daily or monthly. For example, if set to
monthly, it would only download one response per month,
regardless of how many versions are saved on archive.org.
- You can use -mc [status-code] to only download responses that
match a certain status code, i.e. 200 for valid responses.
- You can use the -ko flag, followed by a regex value that the
response must match in order to be stored. For example, to pull
only the JS files, you would type “-ko ‘\.js(\?|$)’” as an

There’s even more ways to limit the potential avalanche of results this
tool can suffocate you with, such as limiting the CommonCrawl
databases it will parse, setting limits on beginning and end dates (no
data before 1997 will likely still be available on any server in its
unchanged form) and more. It’s an incredibly valuable and deep tool
and I highly suggest you check out and alter the config.yml file that
comes with it to really customize the data output you’re looking for.

Ok, there is one place that waymore doesn’t pull URLs from and that is
across all Github repos. Fortunately, there’s an app for that, gwen001’s
github-endpoints. As with his subdomain extracting tool, set-up some
Github API tokens into a file, one-per-line and you are good to go.

Install via golang in your terminal:

go install github.com/gwen001/github-endpoints@latest

Then run the tool like so:

github-endpoints -t ~/github-tokens.txt -d domain.com

Also, this tool is great when you need a super fast list of URLs and has
been a staple in my arsenal so it would fill me with a feeling of
incompleteness if I didn’t mention it; gau by lc.

go install github.com/lc/gau/v2/cmd/gau@latest

The syntax is simple, though I always include a couple flags to filter crap
out of my results.

gau -t 200 -subs -b

ttf,woff,svg,png,jpeg,jpg,gif,ico,woff2,css -random-agent

The -t flag for threads, -subs for including subdomains, -random-agent

to alleviate the likeliness of being IP banned just a pinch and -b for
blacklist, followed by a bunch of extensions I truly hate seeing in my

Another tool that hits a couple more third-party services is hueristiq’s

xurlfind3r. Often grabbing me a handful more URLs to add to my
aggregate list, this tool also hits services like intelx.io (steal some keys)
and bevigil (free API keys). Make sure to fill out the config file with the
API keys though or all of this is meaningless.

Install it via:

go install -v

This tool also has the ability to take a list of domains as an input (-l
list.txt) , can parse a domain’s robots.txt files from the Wayback
Machine (--parse-wayback-robots) and even the source files of past
versions (--parse-wayback-source). You can also filter by regex, for
example, to pull only JavaScript files from the output.

xurlfind3r -d domain.com --include-subdomains

-m '^https?://[^/]*?/.*\.js(\?[^\s]*)?$'

Finally, another tool I really use consistently when I want a quick

overview of a domain’s parameter entrypoints so I can get right to
punching in some injection payloads (yes, the “spray and pray” or “low
hanging fruit” method) is devanshbatham’s paramspider. It works by
pulling all the endpoints it can find across multiple third-party services
but only if they have parameters (so you can just go right for the XSS,
SSRF, LFI, SQLI type vulnerabilities immediately without any fat getting
in the way).

git clone https://github.com/devanshbatham/paramspider

You can use -d for a single domain or -l for a list of domains.

paramspider -d boltthrower.com

Your output is automatically saved and parameter values are filled with
“FUZZ” as a default. If you want to swap the value for something else
use the -p [FUZZ-value alternate] syntax. A potential use could be
dropping in a XSS payload and then piping it to httpx with a matching

response regex to only see the URLs that reflect your payload for your

paramspider -d 20buckspin.com
-p %00%00%00%00%00%00<script>alert(313313313)</script> |
httpx -silent -mr 313313313

Those few tools combined should get you a sweet set of scraped URLs
to start the endpoint enumeration game with. Combing through
online resources is only part of it and there’s plenty of hunters that just
run “waybackurls domain.com” and nothing else. That is not the way.

To wrap up this mini-section, here’s some one-liners to query these

services yourself in case you’re making your own automation tools and
don’t want to rely on anyone else.


curl -s
com/url_list?limit=100&page=1" | grep -o '"hostname":
*"[^"]*' | sed 's/"hostname": "//' | sort -u


curl -s
tput=text&fl=original&collapse=urlkey" | sed -e
's_https*://__' -e "s/\/.*//" | sort -u


echo "domain.com" | xargs -I domain curl -s

main&output=json" | jq -r .url | sort -u

Spidering For Endpoints

Part two of the endpoint expansion saga will discuss the well-known art
of spidering. Spidering works in much of the way that search engine
bots index the internet; you feed it a page and the spider extracts all the
links from it. Then each of those links is visited and the subsequent
page is scanned for links. You repeat this until you discover the entire
internet or run out of new places to look. This is generally done
automatically, though doing some of it manually can give you a much
better understanding of the functionality and organization of the web
app you are testing.

For very basic smooth brain manual spidering, I like to use a browser
add-on called “Link Gopher” that spits out a swath of links inherent to
your current page.


Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/link-gopher/

Output looks like (plus a list of domains discovered as a separate list on

the bottom):

The next method combines a manual approach with a tool-based one,

though it requires Burp Suite Professional Edition, which is worth it if
you're planning on being a lifer in this field. Jason Haddix is the only

person I’ve heard really go into this so I’ll just briefly touch upon it so
you can catch a buzz and go to the source for the full dose.

1. Turn on Burp Suite, open up your proxied browser and collect all
the requests and whatever they happen to suck up along with
them. (Don’t discriminate or scope gatekeep!)
2. Turn off passive scanning, we’re just sucking up buttloads of
endpoints here. For scope, turn on advanced mode (regex) and
just use the keyword to filter endpoints (for example, just do
meatballs instead of meatballs.io).
3. Spider yourself as much as you can across your target domain and
then spider all the wonky hosts you picked up (with the spider
feature, not manually this time). You can also highlight all the
hosts that are in scope and send them to one of the spidering
tools I’m mentioning in a couple shakes of a lamb’s tail (katana,
gospider, hakrawler).
4. You can also highlight anything that looks relevant and right click
to “Copy Links in Selected Items”.

To export all this data, you can hit “Engagement Tools” > “Analyze
Target” or save the output as an HTML file. Honestly, there isn’t a super
clean way to interpolate the data from this into your current
methodology or plans for automation but you can end up with a ton of
extra places to look, which is awesome if you have a huge scope.

Now, let’s get into spidering with tools. There have been a couple
classic spiders for years but recently, projectdiscovery’s katana has been
my go-to champion that was immediately integrated into my scripts.
Here she is, fellas.

go install

You can obviously run it like a stupid idiot, as seen below.

katana -u https://moronbrothers.org

But I hope you are far and above this type of behavior by this stage of
the book. If not, I guess you can just live in the hell that you created for
yourself and when you’re ready to pull yourself out of it, do that and
send me a message to let me know how you did it.

My general-use katana command looks like the following:

katana -nc -jc -kf -fx -xhr -aff -jsl -ef

woff,css,png,svg,jpg,ico,otf,ttf,woff2,jpeg,gif,svg -r
~/resolvers.txt -list my-urls.txt -o katana-output.txt

A quick explanation is due, I suppose.

- -nc : no colors, sometimes they mess with the output when

piping to other tools and put hideous artifacts like “[92m” at the
beginning of each line.
- -jc : enables parsing discovered JavaScript files and crawling
their endpoints
- -kf : enables parsing and pulling from “known files”, such as
sitemaps and robots.txt, then feeding them back into the input
- -fx : enables extraction of form, input, textarea & select elements
and feeds those values into the input to discover more
- -xhr : extracts XHR parsing magic during headless mode for
some more potential discoveries
- -aff : automatic form filling, to potentially discover new
endpoints via the web app’s logic of processing requests

- -jsl : utilizes the magic genius of JS parsing with jsluice, a tool I

will discuss in a little while
- -ef : removes hideous extensions that pollute your URL list
- -r : being my own resolver list
- -list [your URLs.txt] or replace this with -u https://sweetbaby.io

You can also set its spidering strategy, tighten and loosen scopes and
some more wild features. This tool is still pretty fresh so I’m sure it will
have consistent additions of new features but this is a very righteous
origin story. There’s other great tools in this lane as well, like Gospider
by jaeles-project and hakrawler by hakluke, both of which I used
extensively for years and had no issues with. After doing some test runs
against katana, the results were fairly close but katana edged ahead.
I’m going to assume it's because of the features that other crawlers
don’t have, like integrating the Javascript parsing capabilities of jsluice
to conjure and feed itself new potential endpoints, the experimental
form-filling capabilities and the flexible headless crawling that hasn’t be
challenged or even imitated in the current offensive web crawlers
landscape. The ingenuity and execution of some of you human beings
never ceases to amaze me. Well, we live in a society.

Endpoints from JavaScript Files

Part I: Separate and Stockpile

As we descend through the endpoint gathering rituals performed by

hunters across the ages, this one may be the most revered. Javascript
files are often filled with hardcoded API keys, secrets, credentials and
other quick slam dunks, but you have to parse carefully. Since a lot of
the value here obscures itself from automation, there is generally stuff
to find, since lots of people don’t want to do the work. Beyond
hardcoded treasures, these files describe other endpoints, HTTP
methods, some semblance of fragmented and primitive API
documentation. These files often lead to all kinds of bugs and
endpoints, as well as being prone to subtle changes over time that
often introduce their own vulnerabilities. There’s a bunch of different
ways to attack this topic so I’ll just start hacking away at it.

To start off this frenzied JavaScript methodology, my first step would be

to gather all of the endpoints from the past steps in this section - the
ones pulled from various third-party services and then spidered to find
as many relevant endpoints as possible. At this time, you could use

something like httpx or fff to weed out all of the bad endpoints (cat
urls-gathered.txt | httpx -mc 200,302), though I think katana
should’ve done all of that if you feed the third-party lists to it as your
input. Once you have this list, you can pull all the JS files from it with
the following command.

cat urls.txt | grep -E -v “\.json|\.jsp” | grep “.js” | tee js-urls.txt

To make sure that none slipped through the cracks of reality or ended
up somewhere chaotic, I like to run my URL guys through a tool called
getJS by 003random. Install away, my friends.

go install github.com/003random/getJS@latest

You feed it your URLs and it will extract all the JavaScript files within
them for you.

cat urls.txt | getJS --complete --resolve --insecure | anew js-urls.txt

The --complete flag will make the tool print full URLs rather than the
paths, --resolve ensures that only valid, accessible endpoints are output
and --insecure will allow the tool to work in spite of some potentially
grotesque certificate upkeep habits on your target’s side. I’d also
recommend that you don’t be too exclusionary at any stage in the JS
enumeration segment with cutting out URLs that don’t appear to be in
scope. Many times, organizations host JavaScript files on CDNs, cloud
hosting services, Google Analytics and more, yet they are still unique
files specific to your target, rather than a generic JS library file that is
shared across the entire internet (there are those also, and they will

bloat your data and waste your time, but you cannot sacrifice some
good boys just because of this).

Alternatively, if you’ve been exploring the web application through Burp

(and you have the Pro version), you can highlight all your target URLs,
right click and go to “Find Scripts” - which grants you the ability to save
them all into a big, sad file that you can grep through, I guess. Not my
favorite method but it exists - at a cost. 🙂 During dark times like these,
heroes arise through the fog of anti-cosmic confusion and create their
own rules for the rest of us to follow. One such benevolent force of
lawful neutrality is known as 0xDexter0us for providing the tool
uproot-JS (grab a release at
https://github.com/0xDexter0us/uproot-JS/releases). Drop it as an
extension into Burp Suite and then you can find a new option to save
the JS files in the top menu.

Endpoints from JavaScript Files

Part II: Extract and Extend

After spending considerable time and effort into finding and separating
our JavaScript files, let’s get to choppin’. This is an area where the more
time you spend staring at these walls of (often hideous) code, the more
rewarded you will be. It's OK if you don’t want to do that, because
there’s another path with less rewards, however, it is presented with less
required suffering. You can use tools to pull the obvious things out, but
it's likely a handful of talented young hunters have already spun the

block on these endpoints before you even got invited to the program.
Let’s break down some methods for parsing these guys.

1. Manual human eyeball scanning and collaboration with the

human brain to understand data through cold, slow reading. If
you can’t do this at all, then this is the worst solution for you. I
recommend you find a fun way to learn basic Javascript (reading
will be enough, though being able to write will definitely help you)
and Gareth Hayes’ book on “JavaScript for Hackers” to work on
this shortcoming, but you can definitely cushion your
methodology with tools that will literally highlight things that
might be interesting. But no tool is able to cleverly decipher how
these files could all be related and predict potentially interesting
but unexpected strings, so a manual approach utilizing our
unique cognitive abilities will always be preferred here.
2. Feed all your JavaScript files into tools that scan their contents for
interesting strings, such as hardcoded API keys or credentials, or
common functions that are often ripe for exploitation. It is likely
that the source code holds hidden parameters and endpoints that
the spidering tools didn’t catch, potentially due to their
uncommon presentation or even obfuscation to intentionally
make their discovery less likely. Some neat tools to use for this
include tomnomnom’s gf, nuclei’s Javascript-focused templates
and being clever or creative with grep.
3. You should also use tools that parse Javascript files and find links
for you, that you can then turn into a wordless to fuzz your target
domain (and its associated domains and even completely
unassociated domains).

Since there’s some overlap between the second and third

methods, I’ll proceed to tell you what to look for and which tools
can help you find the secrets and the expanded attack surface
together. In our Javascript files, we want to discover…

- More endpoints. You can grep for basic slashes “/”, protocols
“https://” or parts of paths like “/api” or “/users”. API calls
will often be connected to HTTP methods (“POST”, “GET” or
simply the word “method”) or connected to strings like
“send(“ and “api”. Endpoints sometimes mention the
headers required in the request for a successful response, so
you can also grep for strings like “Content-Type”,
“setRequestHeader” and “.headers”. Finally, searching the
JS file for your target’s domain name can point you towards
hidden subdomains and endpoints too.
- Parameters. Javascript files will often describe how an
endpoint should be interacted with and what parameters
are needed for a successful API call. Grep for strings like
“parameter” and “getParameter()”, or even specific
parameters connected to vulnerabilities, like “return=”,
“redirect” or “url=”. You can also add “var “ and then test
the name of the variable against any relevant endpoints with
various injection vulnerabilities.
- Leaky treasures such as API keys, tokens, secrets and
credentials. You can use various tools or grep for these
yourself with terms like “secret”, “admin”, “token”,
“passw”, “debug” and more.

Let’s get into the bleeding edge of Javascript illumination methods in a

very rapid fire way.

Getting URL endpoints from JS Files:

- First, a simple one-liner that will pull the very obvious endpoints
from your JS file.

cat file.js | grep -aoP "(?<=(\"|\'|\`))\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?&=\/\-\#\.]*(?=(\"|\'|\`))"

- And another, by sratarun via Twitter, for pulling all parameters

from a JS file and then checking if they are valid on their
respective endpoint.

assetfinder example.com | gau | egrep -v

'(.css|.png|.jpeg|.jpg|.svg|.gif|.wolf)' | while read url; do
vars=$(curl -s $url | grep -Eo "var [a-zA-Z0-9]+" | sed -e
's,'var','"$url"?',g' -e 's/ //g' | grep -v '.js' | sed 's/.*/&=xss/g'); echo

-e "\e[1;33m$url\n\e[1;32m$vars"; done

Of course, you can replace assetfinder and gau with “cat urls.txt” or
something similar if you already have a good list to work with.

- Jsfinder by kacakb. (https://github.com/kacakb/jsfinder)

Install via:

go install -v github.com/kacakb/jsfinder@latest

It extracts endpoints via Javascript tags like “src”, “href”,

“data-main” and more. You can use it via piping a list of URLs like

cat list.txt| jsfinder -read -s -o js.txt

Or via command line arguments as below:

jsfinder -l list.txt -c 50 -s -o js.txt

( -c is concurrency, which we can push above the default of 20

since we are all using cloud machines, -l is your list and -o is
output as expected)

- Aranea by leddcode (https://github.com/leddcode/Aranea)

A unique approach that does some neat analysis across a single JS

file or the tool is also able to crawl your target as well.

Clone the repo and basic usage for a single JS file can be seen

python3 aranea.py -U https://example.com/script.js -M analysis

For the crawling features, use the crawl method instead of


python3 aranea.py -U https://example.com -M crawl -T 100

Without pointing it at a specific JS file, it will attempt to find

main.js or its equivalent. If your JS file is rotten and corrupt inside
and avoids using a .js extension, add a -S flag (probably for
shameful, sad or stubborn).

- The golang version of the classic linkfinder, GoLinkfinder by 0xsha

(https://github.com/0xsha/GoLinkFinder) is probably the most
well-known tool for this purpose.

go install github.com/0xsha/GoLinkFinder@latest

Usage is simply inputting a URL (though deceivingly with the -d

parameter, generally used for domains).

Golinkfinder -d https://invictusproductions.net/ | tee golinkfinder.txt

- EndExt by SirBugs is one I really like for its purity and simplicity. Clone the
repo and then build the go script into an executable file.

go build main.go
mv main /usr/local/bin/endext
Now you can run it from anywhere via:

endext -l js_files_urls.txt

You just feed it a list of JS endpoints and it sends out a list of nicely
formatted links
- xnLinkFinder by xnl-h4ck3r
Probably the most intense tool for finding URLs and has the
fattest output as well. Clone the repo and install via python3. The
most basic usage is as follows:

python3 xnLinkFinder.py -i target_js.txt -sf target.com

Both the -i flag (followed by a list of JS URLs) and -sf flag (followed
by in-scope domain) are required.
You can also insert a Burp Suite save file.

python3 xnLinkFinder.py -i target_burp.xml -o target_burp.txt

-sp https://www.target.com -sf target.* -ow -spo -inc -vv

The -sp flag is for scope prefix, to remove all the trash that browser
proxies absorb from all over the internet and -inc will include the
input links in the output as well.

My favorite features of this tool include the ability to parse

endpoints into multiple outputs, including a list of parameters
discovered and a general wordlist for fuzzing endpoints,
parameters, subdomains or anything else you can think of using it
for. Peep the syntax below, my friend.

python3 xnLinkFinder.py -i urls.txt -o output.txt -op params.txt

-owl wordlist.txt -sf voidwanderer.com

- Jsluice by bishopfox
This tool appears to have made a quick rise in many bug hunter’s
toolkits and from a look at its impressive code, it is pretty deep,
versatile and quite impressive at catching weird edge cases or
unique JS attributes and parsing them successfully.
Installation is done through go:

go install github.com/BishopFox/jsluice/cmd/jsluice@latest

It has multiple modes but the most useful for me is the URL
extraction one. Syntax can be seen below:

cat urls.txt | jsluice urls | tee jsluice-urls.txt

There is a lot more information you can parse through via the
official Github page (https://github.com/BishopFox/jsluice), as well
as a series of blog posts beginning on the BishopFox blog.

Finding sensitive and interesting things in JS files:

- jsleak by byt3hx
A quick tool to easily insert into your automation is the simple and
effective jsleak, install as below:

go install github.com/channyein1337/jsleak@latest

It can be used to pull links via -l (extract the superior full URLs with
-e instead) and secrets via -s.

cat urls.txt | jsleak -s

cat urls.txt | jsleak -e

- jsluice by bishopfox, mentioned above can also be used to look for


cat urls.txt | jsluice secrets | tee jsluice-secrets.txt

- SecretFinder by m4ll0k (https://github.com/m4ll0k/SecretFinder)

Clone the repo and install the requirements with pip.
SecretFinder will run through a whole domain looking for goods.
python3 SecretFinder.py -i https://example.com/ -e
Ignoring common JS files that exist unchanged across various
CMS and frameworks can be ignored via the -g flag. You can add
multiple values into (just one) parameter by using a semicolon to

separate them as seen below:

-g 'jquery;bootstrap;api.google.com;woocommerce;_next'

- Carridi by edoardott (https://github.com/edoardott/cariddi)

Install via:

go install -v

I like to max out the tool to its ultimate effectiveness, which can
make a large domain take quite a while, as it crawls, parses and
crunches endlessly. The key to ultimate power with cariddi is the

cat urls | cariddi -oh target_name -rua -e -s -c 200

-err -info

The -oh flag saves the output as a nice HTML file, -rua uses a
random user agent to avoid being banned by some servers, -e for
juicy endpoints, -s for secrets, -err for hunting for error messages,
-info for interesting information and -c for concurrency, set to a
vindictive and cruel level of 200 simultaneous palm strikes to the
target server.

- JSFScan.sh by KathanP19 is one of my favorites.

Clone the repo and set-up through Docker for best results. I have

set it up myself by altering the script and it was still messy (due to
my failures, not KathanP19’s). While in the repo’s folder, enter:

docker build . -t jsfscan

docker run -it jsfscan "/bin/bash"

And a pre-configured session should begin. Have your target list

as a list of full URLs (beginning with http and all that). Usage is
pretty easy beyond that, as I like to run the shell script
( ./jsfscan.sh )with the -all flag, as it gathers links, endpoints,
secrets, makes a wordlist, hunts for DomXSS possibilities and puts
it all together in a nice HTML report at the end.

./jsfscan.sh -all -r -o -l target.txt

The -r and -o flags create the report and include all findings in an
automatically generated output directory, while -l points at your
target list. This one does pretty much everything you would ever
want your JS punching toolset to accomplish.

Since you made it this far, I’ll toss you some info on a tool that can make
you very lazy but I think you’ve earned it. Scripthunter by robre
combines and automates multiple JS hunting tools and features into a
simple and direct bash script for you to blast your targets with. Clone
the repo at https://github.com/robre/scripthunter and make sure you
have the required tools it needs to run (or not, you’ll discover they are
missing extremely quickly). This is a sweet tool that pulls JS files from a
few third-party URL stockpilers, then does a bit of spidering, a bit of

fuzzing and some analysis. The fact it uses custom wordlists already
goes beyond 90% of hunters and the way it absorbs data, digests it and
creates more data to feed itself with is reminiscent of my spirit animal,
the ouroboros, so I am naturally drawn to its magnetic energy.

Clone the repo and run the tool with this simple syntax:

./scripthunter.sh https://voidwanderer.com

One drawback to this tool (and all automated tools) is an issue that is
known as the “Christmas Lights Conundrum”. With some cheaper
brands of Christmas lights, when one bulb breaks, all the following
bulbs decide to unalive themselves too. Similarly, automated
methodologies and frameworks have the potential for something to be
a tiny bit wonky with your target and it derails one portion of your chain,
causing everything after it to wither and die. For example, the
spidering portion might not know how to parse some weird technology
on the first URL it tries, decides it's done and feeds an empty output to
the next tool, continuing this sad chain of passing empty data all the
way to your text editor where you excitedly awaited some interesting
results. When you have the benefit of doing this work one bloated
pipe-heavy terminal command at a time, you can catch these unique
intricacies and adapt to them immediately, saving yourself from being a
detective that follows the trail of empty text files backwards to where it
all went wrong in your bash script.

Before you report your “sensitive” secret…

You should check if the API key you found is still valid before you report
a useless and expired (or worse, intentionally public and harmless) key
to spare yourself time and humiliation. There’s a great repo called
keyhacks (https://github.com/streaak/keyhacks) by streaak, that is
essentially a cheatsheet for tons of different API keys and checking their
validity, typically with a quick curl request. There’s also an interactive
version here (https://github.com/gwen001/keyhacks.sh) by gwen001 that
is nice to have ready to fire off in your arsenal.

If you find a Google Maps API key, I’d recommend you enter it into
ozguralp’s gmapapiscanner, which will tell you the various methods
the key can be abused or not. Unfortunately, reporting this vulnerability
is hit-or-miss depending on the program, I have seen people get decent
bounties and I have also reported it, with a thicc report that clearly
shows examples of me burning through $3 of credits in seconds but
they didn’t find it too worrying. There’s been some changes to the
terms, usage and settings in the past few years by Google, that has
changed how some programs view the business impact of the bug. It
can definitely be abused to waste money, burn through monthly credits
and barricade customers from using the Google Maps functionality in a
web app. This isn’t too important if it's just the mini-map on the

“Contact Us” page but for a rideshare or food delivery application that
incorporates it heavily in their workflow, a denial of service to the map
integration could be tragic.


For speed and security, many web developers compress their

Javascript, CSS and other asset files into hideous and frustrating blobs
of characters; typically done through an uglify-ing tool called Terser.
Though browsers can correctly render the mystifying code, a “source
map” is generated throughout the uglification for debugging purposes
(a few frameworks use a standard one though). This file provides a map
that can return the compiled code back to the original code. These
source maps typically end with extension “.map” (like tragedy.js.map or

Elucidating these bad boys is now trivial through this feature in Chrome
browsers and I’ve never seen any hunters mention it.

- In Google Chrome, go to “Developer Tools”, go to “Settings” (the

cog wheel icon) and at the bottom of the “Sources” column is a
feature named “Allow DevTools to load resources, such as
source maps, from remote file paths” which is disabled by
- Under “Experiments”, there is also the potentially helpful feature,
“Resolve variable names in expressions using source maps”
and the potentially unstable and dangerous feature “Use scope

information from source maps”.

- Now you can click the three vertical dots to the right of the cog
icon, go to “More Tools” and choose “Developer Resources”. The
newly spawned tab will show the location of any connected
source map files.
A couple tools exist to assist you with this task. First, the browser
based Source-Map-Visualization by sokra


and npm’s “unmap”, installed via “npm -i unmap”

To use unmap, download the .map file you are targeting first, then:

unmap ./app.js.map

The tool will output a list of URLs extracted from the source map,
although it is slightly silly because they will be prepended with your
current directory.


Fingerprinting : How To Label and Stereotype

Your Enemies

This section will be fairly brief, as fingerprinting is rarely very

difficult and since life is fair, the rewards for playing this game tend to
align with the challenge it takes to get to the “prize”. Essentially, we
want to figure out our target’s tech stack, which will allow us to more
finely customize our strategy and adapt our methodology for further
enumeration. This knowledge may hint at which vulnerabilities are
more likely to be present or perhaps, in some unrealistic utopian
pentesting fantasy, the version of the obscure CMS you are testing
matches with a metasploit module released last month and put a
plastic bag over your head to make sure you aren’t dreaming. Oh yeah,
and it isn’t a CTF either. Maybe you keep looking for fingerprinting
articles from time to time, thinking that there must be something
deeper, some skill that you can sharpen to be better than someone else
but maybe you’re just like me; and you keep searching and waiting.

Wappalyzer is a popular browser extension (and now Burp Suite

extension and Golang library) that fingerprints the current site you are
browsing and goes impressively deep, telling you the Javascript

frameworks, libraries, protocol versions and some things that would

actually be difficult to fingerprint, surprisingly.

For example, did you know that Google Docs is written in Java?

That fact took my mind on a journey. So imagine this: since a young

age, you worked really hard to learn programming. Making some 2D
platformers, then making a bit of cash designing websites as a
teenager and then started taking it very seriously. So seriously, that it
became your life and eventually, you applied to Google. After an OK
performance, you were kinda bummed that you probably wouldn’t get
the job. However, a couple weeks later, you receive a call. The called ID
says “John Hammond”? Congrats, you made it!
You wear your nicest Moncler polo to your first day at work when you
hear the words that immediately make you recoil and wonder how your
life could have been different had you not wanted to understand

“You’re gonna make Google Docs…. in Java!”

The last two words seem to tear your soul from your skeletal frame,
repeating and bouncing in your head like ancient war drums beating to
the death march of the foreign armies that will raze your family lineage
to a violent end. The sound of those last two words is almost inhuman,
as if the mid-tones were slowly scraped from the tonality and left a
scrambling hulk of high pitched shrieks, like rusty guillotines wrestling
in fast-forward and the opposite end, where the tones are so low they
feel like anchors, pulling your withered husk into the bottom of the
ocean at a speed that would terrify you; were you still in a human form

that could comprehend its surroundings. As if they chained iridium

boulders to your back and coated your flesh in plutonium, the weight of
the burden of the task would be incalculable in a way that would be
funny if it didn’t have the gravity of a black hole senselessly sucking in
weaker, but still unfathomably dense nearby black holes into it.
“Maybe. It will be used across the globe, possibly to write stupid shit like

this. Maybe”.
The new developer let out a weak laugh that probably sounded like a
sigh. Now that the chronologic expectations involved in the passage of
time, all narrative restraint and divisions across literary genres had
seemingly been lost, he could gladly without a need for understanding
its purpose. His faith had never been stronger.

The penance endured by this developer, with a resolve strong enough

not to blast this information out to anyone that would understand,
allows you to use the tool today. So beyond some pretty comprehensive
fingerprinting abilities, Wappalyzer can also instigate some fairly bizarre
tangents when it exposes some dusty, dark secret like the one I just
shared with you.

The inception-like screenshot above inspired this short horror

masterpiece, thanks for reading. Seeing it is still chilling, even after all
these minutes.

As I cautiously dug a little deeper into Wappalyzer to understand its

offerings and nuances, a specific sentence seemed to catch my eye
almost instantly, though it was not particularly unique in style or color.
Maybe I’m alone on this, but does this sound like something you should
get started on immediately?

If you looked too quickly, you might have missed the part where it says
“100,000 URLs” but I didn’t and I got right to work preparing one by
combining lots of bounty platforms and parsing various scopes
together into a 100K megascope. So I’ll spare you the penance and let
you know that this sassy piece of code is very sensitive, dropping errors
that cannot be ignored if one of your 100,000 subdomains has a comma
in it or is prepended with “http”. It could just ignore that line and keep
it moving, but it forces you to go back into the file, edit it out and
resubmit, only to be fed where the next problematic line happens to be.
The best part was when I put that whole list together after 25 minutes
before it hit me with an error saying “Free users can only track 50
subdomains”. I had no choice but to do a 360 degree pirouette and
moonwalk away from my computer.
Overall, this tool is quite good, maybe the best at what it does, but

power like this doesn’t come without a price and I paid for it with a
double scoop of horror and anguish.

Another browser option is to use BuiltWith.com again, though I

think the command line tools are the most useful for fingerprinting. I
suppose if some gnarly CVE is released and you make a mad scramble
to BuiltWith to see a list of every company ever using it, then parse the
2% (probably less) that may possibly have an active bounty program. If
this sounds like you, there are better ways to live, my friend.

My great adoration for httpx reappears, as you can add the -td (or
--tech-detect parameter) and get a nice little blurb about your target’s
server, framework, CMS - though that is not this tools intended purpose
but it is useful when you’re feeling lazy or have a lot of info to parse
quickly. If you annihilate it with parameters like I always do, you get a
good starting point on its tech. Here’s a random, recent example below:

https://www.lynxexpression.com [301,200] [] [610554] [text/html] [Lynx:

Men's Grooming, Lifestyle…] [] [vhost] [pipeline] [http2] [AS16625, akamai-as,
US] [] [san22.kona.unilever.com.edgekey.net] [Adobe Experience
Manager,GraphQL,HSTS,Java] [https://www.lynxexpression.com/home.html]

You can find my primitive and extremely based httpx script that
resolves, fingerprints, splits output into clean, pipe-ready files based on
status code and usage at the link below:


An old favorite that still works quite well is whatweb, rising to

such fame you can even find it in the default Debian apt package

manager (and of course, Kali, Blackarch and Parrot). Syntax is simple

and have always used the maximum enumeration aggression setting of

whatweb -a 3 analogworship.com

Whatweb is a forgiving beast, you will make whether you include the
full URL or just the domain. You can also use -iL list-of-guys.txt to
fingerprint a list of domains or whatever you have in there.

On the more bleeding-edge side of fingerprinting developments, you

can find the highly intelligent Praetorian-Inc group with their tool

go install

Very similar to how whatweb is used, fingerprintx follows the syntax

popularized many years ago, setting the standard for fingerprinting
tools of the future. It seems pretty similar, but I’m sure it’s a lot faster
and holds a lot more data and makes absolutely sure it’s correct before
spouting off some false positive that wastes your time.

fingerprintx -t praetorian.com:80

fingerprintx -l input-file.txt

For reasons I don’t fully understand, I always gravitate towards this neat
little guy called webtech. You can install webtech through pip:

pip install webtech

webtech --update-db

Then we keep our brains smooth and not risk reading a single word in
the README file, because its as easy as this:

webtech -u werewolf.fi
webtech --ul list-of-questionable-online-vendors.txt

If you’re into having more control than expected, you can add --rua for
random-user-agent or --user-agent “Broken Microwave, Made in
Germany 1939” to keep the WAFs on their toes. I’m sure most have
never faced a nearly century-old microwave, powered by the dreams of
men overtaken by occult power fantasies and focused that chaotic
energy into such an impressively engineered microwave.

Fuzzing with Wordlists

While an overwhelming majority of hunters, pentesters and recon

enthusiasts use wordlists with tools like Dirsearch, FFUF and Burp
Suite’s Intruder, they are seldom utilizing the breadth of techniques
available to them. Using a peasant’s common wordlist intended for
quick and general endpoints and firing it at a large organization’s server
is akin to throwing a wet marshmallow at a phalanx of surgically
enhanced cyborg mercenaries; ineffective and generally more sad than
First, let’s chop it up about fuzzing endpoints with wordlists, the
hunter’s often first attempt into some potentially sensitive discoveries
(and sadly, some hunter’s last or only attempts as well). We all run the
common “raft” lists or maybe “dicc.txt” and this is fine for CTF boxes,
obscure VDP programs or to get a quick understanding of a few
endpoints of the application. For some sweet non-duplicate findings,
you should really be doing these few things…
1. Fuzz each directory you find recursively (you’ll really need a
cloud box or it will be too painful and slow to continue on your

2. Use custom wordlists created by sourcing things related to your
3. Use targeted wordlists based on fingerprinting your target’s
server, framework, technology, target industry (financial, medical,
tech). For example, after fingerprinting your target, you’d use an
Apache (server) wordlist, a Wordpress (CMS) wordlist, an API
wordlist and relevant language wordlist (PHP for Wordpress).

If you don’t have any sort of massive, sprawling data dungeon

consisting of wordlist files yet, you can fatten your stockpile very quickly
by cloning the following repos.
For the hyper-lazy: You can run this script, which will grab quite a
lot of popular and much less popular wordlists, including many for
cracking passwords and others for a little of everything.

Next is my secret wordlist repo, many of which are completely custom

or combine a handful of small, obscure and interesting lists.

Some fat and solid packs below too:






And of course, the GOATs:




If you grabbed all the above, you are probably set for life.
Just supplant them with your own creations.
Share them only after you have exhausted them on every
bounty program in existence though!

For finding endpoints, it is easy to get lazy or forgetful with how

comprehensive your fuzzing can be. The hunters that get the goods
take it just a pinch further than the average hunter. Do your best to
include fuzzing beyond the standard wordlists and include the
following as well:

- Javascript wordlists. This can either be custom or default

wordlists with the “.js” extension added (“-e .js” in dirsearch and
ffuf). These files often hide in folders like

domain.com/assets/js/FUZZHERE.js or
● Documents (xls,xlsx,doc,docx,pdf,…). Again, default or custom
wordlists work best here with the extension flag added. You can
then take it further by scanning for more details with exiftool
(“exiftool -a weakdoc.docx”). There is also metagoofil by
opsdisk (https://github.com/opsdisk/metagoodfil) that automates
some of this process for you through dorking but you’ll need to set
up some proxies to choose this route because Google likes to
violently force feed anyone acting slightly suspicious with

Finally, I’ll mention Ademking’s “Repolist”

(https://github.com/Ademking/repolist), which I imagined some time
ago but was too untalented and distracted to create at such a high
caliber of quality (or any caliber of quality). Very cleverly, it takes a
Github repo URL as an input and creates a wordlist based on the files
within it. This is beyond helpful for any targets using open-source
components and CMS that you can identify through fingerprinting. To
use this silver bullet to slay your werewolves of choice:

pip3 install repolist

Very simple syntax seen below:

repolist -u “https://github.com/octobercms/october” -o

You can even pipe it into ffuf, to immediately use it as your wordlist..

repolist -u "https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress" | ffuf

-u "http://example.com/FUZZ" -w -

If you want to trim some useless fat, you can stick to a certain branch (-b
BRANCH_HERE) or just directories (-d) or files (-f) exclusively.


Do not be satisfied with simply discovering endpoints, as each can

harbor hidden parameters that can be discovered through Javascript or
they may be completely hidden in inaccessible code, leaving your only
option for exposing them to fuzzing.

There aren't too many hidden gems to guide you towards where hidden
parameters reside, as they can potentially hide in any endpoint. Using a
bit of deductive reasoning and experience, you’ll pick up a sense for
looking at the more interactive endpoints to target. There probably isn’t
much point to fuzzing every single blog entry for new parameters as
you’ll typically get the same useless results, but endpoints that involve
customizable features, ancient code and the usual horrorshow locations
that other vulnerabilities tend to reside are best. You always have the
option to be a madman and fuzz every endpoint too.

Of course, awesome wordlists for parameters are more effective so just

pull the fatties out of my Warlusts repo mentioned earlier and add to it
by extracting your discovered URLs through spidering with Katana or

Burp Suite and using unfurl to isolate them. Enough of this….

conceptual talk… let’s get to the tools, my friends.

- ImAyrix has a neat tool called fallparams, installable like so:

go install github.com/ImAyrix/fallparams@latest

It creates custom wordlists from taking an input of URLs, crawling

and analyzing source code, saving you time and killing you with

fallparams -url “https://nightmare.mit.edu” -crawl -output


- Sh1Yo’s x8 is probably the fastest parameter fuzzer I’ve found yet,

just pick your URL and a wordlist of parameters and it will output
any interesting responses it finds (different content-length, status
code, reflections) when parameters are added and removed.
Since it's written in Rust, it's fast but not always fun to compile, so
I just download the release like a smoothbrain.


Syntax is what you probably expect at this point too.

x8 -u https://kvlt.fi/endpoint.php -w params.txt

The output of this tool is excellent as well, as it shows you how the
addition of the newly discovered parameter changes the
content-length of the response, the status code and whether the
parameter’s value is reflected as well.

- S0md3v’s arjun (https://github.com/s0md3v/Arjun) is probably

the most well-known parameter fuzzer used by hunter’s today.
Using a very clever methodology, the tool attempts about 25,000
different parameters through only around 50 requests over 10
seconds, as well as pulling names for potential parameters from
the initial response it receives on initial contact with the target

pip3 install arjun

The simplest usage can be fired off like so:

arjun -u https://drakkar666.com/endpoint.php

You can change method via -m POST or -m JSON, or input a list of


arjun -i urls.txt -o arjun-out.json -m POST


Fuzzing Headers

Primarily used for finding bypasses to 401 and 403 status codes,
there are some neat tools that make this easier and also include some
bypasses that don’t involve fuzzing headers.

● https://github.com/gotr00t0day/forbiddenpass
● https://github.com/lobuhi/byp4xx
● Burp Suite’s 403 Bypasser Extension

Brute-Fuzzing Authorization Headers

A 401 status code is used to prevent unintended users from accessing


an online resource. After a valid user logs in to the site, an

“Authorization” header is attached to each request for the remainder of
their session, using the syntax seen below:

Authorization: Basic admin:password

If seeing a password in plaintext makes you feel uneasy, don’t worry!

The credentials are encoded in base64, providing a very frail and brittle
coat of protection, which is just one reason it is no longer
recommended for protecting modern web assets. If a site is
implementing this type of security, it is likely outdated and may have
other zany security issues as well. Brute forcing these headers should
not cause any accounts to lockout, so you can fire off as many requests
as you feel is appropriate when you fuzz directories on the server.
To start trying to crack these, we need to create a list of common
usernames and passwords in the format below and save it as a text file.


Then you just need to base64 encode each line and use it as your
fuzzing wordlist in Intruder or ffuf. Put as many as you feel is
reasonable - generally mixing and matching 100 common usernames
to 100 common passwords will leave you with 10,000 requests. I’ll let
you decide if that’s OK to fire at your target, no judgments on my end.

No one should have to do this manually and if you don’t even want to
learn how to automate this process, that is totally fine too.. Probably not
the ideal attitude to hold in this field, but again ,no judgements.. Just
use this top secret script I made instead..


Gather your users list and your password list and run it like this:

401WordlistTool.py users.txt passwords.txt

It will give you an output file containing base64-encoded blobs of every

possible combination of users and passwords. Then just run ffuf like so:

ffuf -H “Authorization: Basic FUZZ” -w output.txt

-u http://target.com/secret -fc 401 -c -v

“Please be responsible with this tool”.

But no judgements, my friend.

Connections Through Analytics Tags,

Google Tag Manager and Other Tracking

Generally found in Javascript, oftentimes appearing via the syntax

“google-gtm.js?id=<STRING>”. Once you find this Google Tag
Manager ID, you can head to
and find extra endpoints, API keys and more interesting items. You can
also run a dork that looks like “inurl:gtm.js?id=” to find some nice pages
with potentially sensitive info or hidden endpoints and parameters.

You can also try to search for the unique identifier, a public (or private)
API key you discovered on Google, Github, Gitlab or the aggregate code
harvesting search engines.

One service you can search directly for a Google Analytics tag is
SpyOnWeb (https://spyonweb.com/) and find related subdomains or
domains owned by the same organization.

Uncovering Cloud-Based Assets

This section will discuss a few ways you can leverage various tools and
services to discover hidden assets your target may be utilizing.
Sometimes, in bug bounty, these won’t be explicitly mentioned in the
scope details, however, if you find something that shows a gross
violation on user privacy or sensitive information that can be used to
damage an organization’s reputation, trust or digital assets, they will
generally reward you for providing this information to them.

The main providers of cloud assets are Amazon’s AWS, Google’s GCP
and Microsoft’s Azure and you can occasionally use dorks to find your
target’s cloud assets.

site:http://s3.amazonaws.com “target[.]com”

site:http://blob.core.windows.net “target[.]com”

site:http://googleapis.com “target[.]com”

site:http://drive.google.com “target[.]com”

You can also try these dorks without adding the “.com” suffix, just be
aware that not everything you find will be related to your target so use
your best judgment and an elevated form of common sense before you
hype yourself up for disappointment.

A killer service that is essentially a Shodan for cloud assets is Gray Hat
Warfare, who provide an impressive and extensive S3 bucket database
you can search at https://buckets.grayhatwarfare.com Using the free
version of the service shows you a fraction of the results and you’ll often
be teased with hundreds or thousands of locked bucket assets.

I’m sure your mind is thinking, “I’d like to download every IP address
belonging to a cloud provider and scan their entire range for hosted
content relevant to my interests”. Luckily, that is exactly what I’m about
to show you how to accomplish.

The hero behind the site https://kaeferjaeger.gay does a weekly scan of

the four biggest cloud providers and pulls all of the SSL certs within this
range of IP addresses. You can visit the aforementioned domain and
pull these lists for yourself, the size of them is actually much more
reasonable than you probably expect.

Once you have those saved to your local workspace, you can run
through them and extract whatever domain you are targeting with a
one-liner like this:

cat *.txt | grep -F ".target.com" | awk -F'-- ' '{print

$2}'| tr ' ' '\n' | tr '[' ' ‘| sed 's/ //’| sed 's/\]//’ |

sort -u

You can also get a list of IP ranges from Amazon themselves, then use it
for your own processing to discover assets.


From here, you could pull all of the US based ranges used for hosting
with the following command.

jq -r '.prefixes[] | select(.service=="EC2") |
select(.region=="us-*-*") | .ip_prefix' < ip-ranges.json |
sort -u > us-aws-ranges.txt

Next, we can feed it to masscan and rip all of the “HTTPS” resources into
a neat file.

sudo masscan -iL us-aws-ranges.txt -oL us-aws.out -p 443

--rate 200000

awk '/open/ {print $4}' us-aws.out > aws-443s.txt

Finally, we can send it to a tool like tlsx and end up with our own list of
domains to query locally at our convenience and discretion.

cat aws-443s.txt | tlsx -san -o tlsx-aws-ranges.txt

With this list, we can now easily grep for our target organization from it.

cat tlsx-aws-ranges.txt | grep target.com

There’s also various tools that will search S3 buckets for you, based on a
keyword. This is very similar to subdomain scanning and can end up
with some neat finds. Misconfigurations used to be viciously rampant
in this area, due to some very insecure default settings but a few years
ago, Amazon realized that many of their customers are smooth brains
and catered to them by changing this. Still, some people go out of their
way to make their assets insecure and there are still interesting things
being discovered here once in a while. There’s a lot of tools for fuzzing
the internet for S3 buckets, most of which are not in active
development since AWS increased their security standards, but I’ll note
a couple cool ones here.

Redhuntlabs’ “Bucketloot” is a few levels above the rest, with its ability
to scan through AWS, DigitalOcean, GCP and custom domain bucket
resources with a thick list of regexes that will alert you to interesting
and sensitive discoveries. You can get it at:


Another excellent and very different option is sa7mon’s “S3Scanner”,

capable of searching through AWS, DigitalOcean, DreamHost, GCP,
Linode, Scaleway and custom bucket assets as well. It is actively kept
updated andn functional, as well as being used in a few well-known
frameworks like ReconFTW, Axiom and ReNgine. It is also written in Go,
which is so much better than Python when it comes to needing fast,

multi-threaded workflows, which fuzzing definitely falls under. Grab it

Usage involves giving a keyword or list of keywords (words related to
your target, most likely the name of the organization and domains it
operates, sans the TLD).

s3scanner -bucket Weyland-Yutani

Add the “-enumerate” flag if you want the tool to parse all the contents
of discovered buckets as well.

Miscellaneous Tips that Transcend Existing

Classification Standards

For this final section, I’ll drop some juicy recon lore that didn’t fit super
cleanly into any other section of the book. Thanks for reading this far
and I hope your baskets are filled with low hanging fruits for a long and
prosperous time.

- Searching for Copyright Strings: On the bottom of many

websites, exists some copyright in the footer. You can grab that
bad boy and slap some quotation marks around him and funnel
that info into a Google search. This will help you discover both
subdomains and horizontal targets. You can totally swap the year
and repeat the search multiple times, to find older and neglected
targets to assault.

Google search: “©2024 Hilton” inurl:Hilton

- Sweet Strings Subsisting Submerged: After spidering, fuzzing

and pulling your endpoints from third-party sources, you can be
really thorough and save the output of all the valid endpoints into
a folder (or just gather them all up in your Burp file). Recon
grandmaster Orwagodfather blesses us with the following tip:
search for these strings and hope to find some lucky scores.
“Drive.google” , “docs.google”, “/spreadsheets/d/” and
“/document/d/”. You could also try to find these as dorks by
searching for each one along with “site:target.com” too, but
there’s a chance that you might miss some that are mentioned in
a Javascript file that is hosted on a CDN or something.

- Not exactly sure where to fit this recon tip but I think it will be the
underdog golden goose for someone on some day, though I
haven’t figured out the specifics yet. If you were attuned to the
same vibrational frequencies as me, you’d know this thing will be
significant (just not in an overwhelming majority of scenarios). It’s
a search engine with a unique filter, called MillionShort
(https://millionshort.com/). It removes the first one million
commoner normie results from your search, because nobody is
browsing or subtractive-dorking their way to the contents found
on page 10,000. Maybe use this to find some very
common-sounding but actually very rare subdomains of

something like Yahoo? Make it your deus ex machina and tell me

about it if my visions have come true yet.
- It’s extremely unlikely that you don’t already know this, but most
domains have a /robots.txt endpoint that contains pages the
domain owner prefers not to index into search engine results.
More exciting, is the .DS_Store file you can sometimes find as an
artifact left on Apple computers. Then, you can use a tool like
https://github.com/lijiejie/ds_store_exp to extract information from
the file, which can often disclose paths on the domain used
during development.
- Another place to extract additional URLs during recon is from APK
files (Android applications). There’s various places to get APK files,
but I’ve found APKpure and APKmirror to be trustworthy and
comprehensive. A great tool for extracting the URLs is
APKURLGrep, available at https://github.com/ndelphit/apkurlgrep
- You can also extract EXIF data from PDF documents and photos
hosted on your target using exiftool. Mileage from this method
will probably be fairly unrewarding, but it could point to a clue
that leads to another clue and ends somewhere interesting


Note: Some steps may not apply to your target.

Check Acquisitions

- Company blogs, Websites and Social Media Pages

- Financial Reports and SEC Filing Data

- Newsletters and Private Reports

- Misc Sources (Press releases, job postings, etc..)

- Third Party Sites (intellizence.com, owler.com,

crunchbase.com, mergerlinks.com, mergr.com, aleph.occrp.org)

ASN (if applicable)

- bgp.he.net

- discover if target actually owns an ASN and hosts

their own domains

- amass intel -org ORGANIZATION_NAME

- amass intel -asn ASN_NUMBER

- nitefood's tool "asn", projectdiscovery's "asnmap" or

harleo's "asnip"

- Shodan dork asn:asXXXXXX


- Censys dork autonomous_system.asn:XXXXXX

or autonomous_system.name:"ORGANIZATION"

- zoomeye asn:XXXXXX

- Fofa: asn="XXXX"

Reverse Whois

- whoxy.com/reverse-whois

- gwen001's "related-domains"

CIDRs and IPs

- asnmap -d domain.com

- nmap --script targets-asn --script-args


- prips | hakrevdns

- prips | hakip2host

- prips | hakoriginfinder -h URL

- ImAyrix's "cut-cdn"


- masscan

- nmap

- naabu

- rustscan


- ssl.cert.subject.cn:"domain.com"

- ssl:"Organization Inc."

- http.html:"ua-XXXXX" (Google Analytics Code)

- Favicon Hash tools (MurMurHash)

- http.favicon.hash:XXXXXXXX

- nrich




- http_favicon_hash:XXXXXXX

- domain:domain.com





Google Dorks

- site:domain.com -site:www.domain.com

- Google Groups, Docs

- Dorks looking for config files, backup files, api


- Tools like go-dork or dorksearch.com

Github Dorks

- Tools like gwen001's github-subdomains,

github-endpoints, github-regex, michenriksen's gitrob or
trufflesecurity's trufflehod

- Manual searching


Passive Discovery

- Shodan, Censys, Third-Party Services

- Query rapiddns.io, JLDC, riddler.io, Archive.org,

DNSDumpster and more

- Passive subdomain tools like projectdiscovery's

"subfinder", OWASPs "amass", Findomain, hueristiq's
"xsubfinder", ARPSyndicate's "puncia"


- crt.sh

- Censys Certificates Search


- cero

- CSP or Oxbharath's domains-from-csp tool

- SPF or 0xbharath's assets-from-spf tool

- ui.ctsearch.entrust.com/ui/ctsearchui

ProjectDiscovery's "Uncover"

Active Subdomain Hunting

- Zone Transfers

- Brute Force

- Permutations


Content Discovery

- Passive URL collection (archive.org, urlscan.io,

commoncrawl.org, alienvault.org)

- xnl-h4ck3r's "waymore", devanshbatham's

"paramspider", hueristiq's "xurlfind3r" or lc's "gau"

- Spidering website

- projectdiscovery's "katana", jaeles-project's

"gospider", Jason Haddix's Burp Suite Passive Collection
while you browse target method

- Extract endpoints from JS files

- Pull from collected URLs and feed to 003Random's


- Grep for interesting strings or use tomnomnom's "gf"

- use 0xsha's "GoLinkFinder", kacakb's "jsfinder",

leddcode's "Aranea", channyein1337's "jsleak" or BishopFox's

- Pull source maps

- Hunt for secrets

- m4ll0k's "secretfinder", edoardott's "cariddid"


- projectdiscovery's "httpx", urbanadventurer's

"whatweb", praetorian-inc's "fingerprintx" or rverton's

- use Wappalyzer, builtwith.com or retire.js

- Fuzzing endpoints with wordlists

- General wordlists

- Targeted wordlists based on fingerprinting data


- Custom wordlists based on content

- Fuzzing Parameters

- s0md3v's "arjun" and Sh1Yo's "x8"

- Fuzz Headers to Bypass 401s and 403s

- Google Analytics Tags

- Cloud-Based Asset Enumeration

- Misc Tips

- Copyright and Footer search in Google

- Extract endpoints from APK files

- EXIF data extraction from PDFs and Images



A special thanks to the following human beings that have

selflessly contributed to the tools, techniques, research and
concepts that shape and progress this field. Their penchant for
creation and destruction across the cyber realm ensures our safety,
while simultaneously establishing the reality that no one of us will
ever be safe. I highly recommend you follow their research and their
lives for knowledge and inspiration across Github, Twitter, their
presentations, blogs and anywhere else you find them and their work.
Again, thank you - without y’all this book would be a pamphlet about
the best ways to guess passwords and subdomains.

Hahwul https://www.hahwul.com/
“Hahwul” at Github, Twitter and Hackerone.

Harsh Bothra https://harshbothra.tech

Harshbothra_ on Twitter
Harsh-bothra on Github

Project Discovery https://projectdiscovery.io/

Projectdiscovery at Github

Jason Haddix
Jhaddix at Github, Twitter

Zseano https://bugbountyhunter.com
Zseano at Github, Twitter, Hackerone

hakluke https://hakluke.com/
Hakluke on Github, Twitter, Youtube and Medium

Harleo https://harleo.me/
Harleo at Github
_harleo at Twitter

Gwen001 https://offsec.tools/

Gwen001 at Github
Gwendallecoguic at Twitter

Trickest https://trickest.com
Trickest on Github
Trick3st on Twitter

Six2dez https://pentestbook.six2dez.com/
Six2dez on Github
Six2dez1 on Twitter
Six2dez_ on Hackerone

Dwisiswant0 on Github, Twitter, Medium and Hackerone

Nahamsec https://nahamsec.com
Nahamsec at Github, Twitch and Twitter

Tomnomnom https://tomnomnom.com/
Tomnomnom on Github and Twitter

Owasp-amass https://owasp.org/www-project-amass/
Owasp-amass at Github

Nitefood at Github

Imusabkhan at Github
Musab1995 on Twitter

M4ll0k on Github, Twitter, Bugcrowd and HackerOne.

KathanP19 on Github, Twitter and Medium

Xnl-h4ck3r on Github, Twitter and Youtube

Devanshbatham on Github
0xAsm0d3us on Twitter

ImAyrix on Github and Twitter

Robertdavidgraham on Github

Vulnerscom https://vulners.com/
Vulnerscom on Github and Twitter

Viralmaniar on Github
ManiarViral on Twitter

Jakejarvis https://jarv.is/
Jakejarvis on Github and Twitter

Sushiwushi on Github
Sushiwushi2 on Twitter

Trufflesecurity https://trufflesecurity.com
Trufflesecurity on Github
Trufflesec on Twitter

Michenriksen https://michenriksen.com/
Michenriksen on Github and Gitlab

Techgaun http://www.techgaun.com/
Techgaun on Github and Twitter

Bishopfox https://bishopfox.com
Bishopfox on Github and Twitter

Tillson https://tillsongalloway.com/
Tillson on Github

Kootenpv on GIthub

Incogbyte https://rodnt.github.io/
Incogbyte on Github and Twitter

Pirxthepilot https://pirx.io/
Pirxthepilot on GIthub

Edoardottt https://edoardoottavianelli.it/
Edoardottt on Github

Glebarez https://t.me/glebarez
Glebarez on Github
Blegmore on Twitter

0xbharath https://www.disruptivelabs.in/
0xbharath on Github and Twitter

Hueristiq http://hueristiq.com/
Hueristiq0x00 on Twitter

ARPSyndicate https://www.arpsyndicate.io
ArpSyndicate on Github

D3mondev on Github and Twitter

Wdahlenburg https://wya.pl/
Wdahlenburg on Github
Wdahlenb on Twitter

N0kovo https://infosec.exchange/@n0kovo
N0kovo on Github and Twitter

Jobertabma https://hackerone.com
Jobertabma on Github and Twitter

Dariusztytko on Github and Twitter

Josue87 on Github
JosueEncinar on Twitter

Vortexau http://www.vortex.id.au
Vortexau on Github and Twitter

Bp0lr https://www.micropay.com.ar/
Bp0lr on Github and Twitter

Jaeles-project https://jaeles-project.github.io/

0xDexter0us https://blog.dexter0us.com/
0xDexter0us on Github and Twitter

003random https://003random.com/
003random on GIthub
Rub003 on Twitter

Leddcode https://leddcode.github.io/

Kacakb https://github.com/kacakb

Gareth Hayes https://garethheyes.co.uk/

Garethhayes at Twitter

0xsha https://www.0xsha.io/
0xsha on Github and Twitter

Sirbugs on Github
SirBagoza on Twitter

Byt3hx on Github

Robre https://r0b.re/
Robre on Github
R0bre on Twitter

Streaak on Github, Twitter, Bugcrowd and HackerOne

Shifty0g on Github, Twitter and Bugcrowd

Karanxa on Github
ItsKaranxa on Twitter

Berzerk0 on Github and Twitter

Danielmiessler https://danielmiessler.com/
Danielmiessler on Github and Twitter

Ademking https://ademkouki.site/
Ademking on Github
Kouki__adem on Twitter

Sh1yo on Github and Hackerone
Sh1yo_ on Twitter

S0md3v on Github, Twitter and Medium

Opsdisk https://opsdisk.com/
Opsdisk on Github and Twitter

0xPugal at Github and Twitter

Praetorian-inc https://www.praetorian.com/
Praetorian-inc on Github

Ndelphit on Github
Delphit33 on Twitter
Whoareme on Hackerone

Lobuhi on GIthub
Lobuhisec on Twtiter

SA7MON https://danthesalmon.com/
Sa7mon on Github

Redhuntlabs https://redhuntlabs.com/
Redhuntlabs on Github and Twitter

Gotr00t0day on GIthub

Using all of this information with efficiency and creativity will make you
a recon professional with a bright future. Just remember to be patient,
be thorough, check assets over time with an automated method and
find some unique methodology that is effective for you.

Jann Moon is a penetration tester and bounty hunter with a deep

interest in recon and web hacking. He has worked as an audio
engineer, touring black metal musician and an illustrator for clients like
Dungeons & Dragons, TMNT, Brutal Truth, Bastard Noise, Noisear and
Vermin Womb. He has also worked as a technical writer for Linode,
been a cybersecurity expert in court cases and discovered CVE
zero-days for fun and profit.

If you’d like to send any questions, ideas, fix errors, pool resources for
glorious purpose, collaborate or otherwise, you can reach me at:

[email protected]



Thanks for reading!


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