Jan. 3-4,2019
Jan. 3-4,2019
Jan. 3-4,2019
The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts, principles, and processes of humanities and social sciences.
A. Content Standards
The learners:
B. Performance Standards
- shall be able to produce a creative portfolio that will integrate their learning in specialized learning areas under humanities or social sciences.
C. Learning Competencies/ Define Anthropology, identify the Interpret Geography, identify the Interpret History, identify the fields, areas
Objectives fields, areas of inquiry and Describe Economics, identify the fields, areas of inquiry and of inquiry and methods of History.
methods of Anthropology. fields, areas of inquiry and methods of Geography.
Write the LC code for methods of Economics
Introducing the disciplines within the Social Sciences: 1. Anthropology 2. Economics 3. Geography 4. History
A. Reviewing previous lesson Daily routine: Daily routine: Daily routine: Daily routine:
or presenting the new Prayer, Checking of Attendance Prayer, Checking of Prayer, Checking of Attendance Prayer, Checking of Attendance
lesson Recalling Attendance Recalling Recalling
B. Establishing a purpose for Teacher will present a picture of GROUP ACTIVITY: GROUP ACTIVITY: SOUNDS From the assignment, the
the lesson man’s evolution. Process Group the class into five (5). LIKE teacher will distribute paper
questions: 1. Are you familiar with List down 10 things which you The learners will be grouped into strips among learners and
the picture? 2. What element/s of can’t live without. The groups will five. Each group will be given a require them to write the news
the picture captured your present to the class. chance to pick a set of words that headlines that happened on
attention? 3. What branch of (7 minutes) sound like specific geographic their birthdates. Then, the
social science is responsible for features through their group learners will post it in the
this picture? representative. blackboard.
(5 minutes) Set of words 1. Mt. Everest= (3 minutes)
Mouth- Eve- Rey- East 2. Sahara
Desert= Saw- Hour- Add- East-
examples/instances of the SOCSCI PUZZLE The learners will supply DISCUSSION: Each Each group will describe the completed set happened on your birthday? or What was
new lesson the letters to reveal the meaning of group will classify what of words Mt. Everest, Sahara Desert …) happening on the day that you were
Anthropology. among the listed things then present it to the class born? 2. Share your insights about your
(5 minutes) falls under the needs (10 minutes) birthday headline. 3. Which branch of
or wants. The learners Social Science does our activity
will present it to the represents? 4. Define history? (15
class by group. minutes)
- (8 minutes)
D. Discussing new concepts GROUP ACTIVITY: The teacher will ask the learners: Based from the learners’ analysis of the The teacher will discuss. History has
and practicing new skills #1 SOCSCI SORT The learners will sort the 1. What is your own ideas activity, learners will be asked. 1. What is different fields. Accomplish the Wheel
pictures into the three branches of regarding Economics? your idea about Geography? Graphic Organizer by identifying the
Anthropology (5 minutes) The keywords that may arise will Elicit as many ideas as possible from the various branches of History that deals
be written by the teacher on the students with the given themes, examples, or
board to come up with a Teacher then clarifies what Geography is. interests. Write at the center your
definition of Economics. (10 minutes) answer. Example: Islam, Christianity,
(10 minutes Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism =
_____________ History Different fields:
Diplomatic, Economic, Asian, World,
European, Environment, Military, Legal,
Cultural, Modern, Women (10 minutes)
E. Discussing new concepts The teacher will discuss the methods used The teacher will present a The teacher will use power point COMPLETE THE ANALOGY: Scientist:
and practicing new skills #2 in studying Anthropology graphic organizer that shows the presentation for the discussion about test tube Teacher: chalk Historian:
(10 minutes) relationship of Microeconomics physical and human geography. ______________________ Processing
and Macroeconomics. (10 (Presentation contains pictures of different Questions: 1. What is the connection
minutes land forms and bodies of water such as, Mt. between word-pairs? 2. What is the tool
Everest, Cordillera, Bohol, Baguio, of a historian? 3. Why is a historian like a
Tagaytay, Sahara Desert, Bodies of water detective? 4. What is Historiography? 5.
such as Pacific Ocean, coastal areas, Differentiate primary sources from
rivers, lakes etc.) secondary sources.
(5 minutes)
F. Developing mastery (leads to GROUP ACTIVITY: Group Scenario The - CLASS ACTIVITY: GROUP ACTIVITY: HUMAN TABLEAU In The teacher will require learners to
Formative Assessment 3) teacher will assign each group to the PICK N STICK The groups, learners will perform human accomplish a worksheet. (See
different branches and let the learners learners will classify activities referring to a certain place such as attachment)
relate it to the different methods used in words written on meta hilly, mountainous, coastal, rivers, lakes to (3 minutes)
Anthropology. cards and post it on its show their way of life.
(15 minutes) corresponding field of (8 minutes)
- (5 minutes)
G. Finding practical applications The teacher will present another scenario Cite specific situation in your life Teacher will ask “How does your Do you find History useful to your daily
of concepts and skills in daily to the learners: “If you are an where you can apply the environment affect your way of living? lives? Why did you say so? (5 minutes)
living anthropologist, what specific Filipino principles of Macro and (3 minutes)
tradition will you be interested into? Microeconomics. (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
H. Making generalizations and The teacher will ask the learners about the The teacher will ask the learners From all of the aforementioned, what is your During the past week what were the
abstractions about the definition, branches and methods used in about the definition and fields of understanding about Geography? hottest issues that the different fields of
lesson studying Anthropology Economics. History examined?
Answers: 1. Anthropology is the study of (10 minutes)
humankind 2. 3 branches: Physical or Answers: Geography is the study of the
Biological, Cultural, and Archaeology Answers: Economics seeks to features of the earth and the location of
3. Methods: Ethnography, Participant understand people’s activities living things on the planet. It is divided into
Observation, Interview, Focused group concerning production, two main branches- the Physical Geography
discussion, life history method, ocular distribution and consumption of and Human Geography.
inspection. goods and services. (3 minutes)
(5 minutes) The two fields of Economics are I
Microeconomics and
(5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning The teacher will ask the learners to CONCEPT MAPPING: Paper and Pencil Test (10-item quiz) Final Complete the sentence prompts.
accomplish the 5-3-1 Chart (5-Methods, 3- ECONOMICS Definition, Etymology, Branches of History is the study of ________.
Braches, 1-Definition) Expected output: (Needs, Geography Among the fields of History, I am
(5 minutes) (7 minutes) interested at _______ History because
Wants, Microeconomics,
I’m fascinated with _______________.
Macroeconomics) An example of primary sources that I will
(5 minutes) deal with _____________ History are
An example of secondary source that I
will deal with _____________ History are
J. Additional activities for The teacher will ask the learners to search
application or remediation the internet for a significant event that
happened during the day of their birth.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
E. Which of the following
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?