Gec 11

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Daet, Camarines Norte



A. Vision : MABINI COLLEGES, INC. shall cultivate a CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE in education.

B. Mission : MABINI COLLEGES, INC. provide quality instruction, research and extension service programs at all educational levels as its monumental contribution
To national and global growth and development.
Specifically, it transforms students into:
 God-fearing
 Nation-loving
 Earth-caring
 Law-abiding
 Productive, and
 Locally and Globally competitive persons
C. Department Program :
D. Course Code : GEC 11, GEC 12, & Elective 3
E. Course Title : Gender and Society
F. Course Description : Gender and Society is a three-unit course that ignites awareness to the student’s understanding of our country’s current problems in Gender inequality, Gender mainstreaming,
Gender preferences, and the like. It equips the students with a broader perspective on their gender roles as they discern stereotypes and discriminations dictated by society. It
prepares students to be more gender-sensitive in words and actions as they build a new society filled with gender-responsive individuals.
G. Credit Units : 3 Units
H. Prerequisite : None
I. No. of Hours : 3 hours lecture per week/ 54 hours per Semester
J. Schedule : Monday-Friday
K. Consultation Time : Monday and Wednesday 8:00AM – 2:30PM

L. Institutional Learning Outcomes/Program Educational Objectives

1. Demonstrate competence in teaching across the different learning areas in elementary education/ demonstrate competence on teaching children with special
Needs/demonstrate competence in teaching preschool pupils/demonstrate competence on teaching in one of the learning areas in secondary schools particularly,
Mathematics, English, Filipino, Social Studies, Culture and Arts, or Physical Education.
2. Practice professional and ethical acts in the work place and other human relations;
3. Participate in research activities to improve teaching-learning conditions;
4. Engage in lifelong learning through graduate and post graduate studies, and training in the field;
5. Demonstrate effective organizational communication for sound interpersonal relations; and
6. Involve in service-oriented activities in the organization.

M. Program Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, Socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political context;
2. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/ discipline;
3. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environment;
4. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners;
5. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant and sustainable educational practices;
6. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes;
7. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the changing local, national, and global realities;
8. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities

N. Course Intended Learning Outcomes

1. Discuss the context of sex, sexuality and gender following the Philippine social norms.
2. Identify current gender issues in the country.
3. Analyze gender stereotypes and gender inequalities as experienced on the four levels of socialization: at home, in school, in peer groups, and in mass media.
4. Familiarize with the Philippine Laws concerning sex and gender.
5. Determine action plans to counter abuses or discrimations about gender.
6. Convey positive support on the different gender spectrum.
7. Counter gender discrimination characterized in words and in actions
8. Apply gender sensitivity by correcting inappropriate gender expressions.
9. Reinforce erroneous acts that shows disrespect towards the different genders.
10. Design a gender responsive platform for the whole campus.
11. Appreciate the differences of all gender representations.
12. Adopt respect for all genders.
13. Discern corrupted ideas against the different gender representations.
14. Rise for support for all genders.
15. Be attentive to gender maltreatment regardless of one’s personal gender preference.

At the end of the discussion, the
students can: Lecture / Discussion Reciting of the VGMO’s Copy of syllabus
Institutional and Student Handbook 3 hours
1. Recite the VGMO of the Department’s VGMO Sharing of thoughts and insights Reflection about the VGMO’s Handouts/
institution and their Introducion to the course Departments
department Department leaflets Clarifying the course outcomes Introduce everyone by sharing their: Leaflets
2. Accept the responsibility of -Story of their name (if it was meant
realizing that those are Course Syllabus for a boy or a girl) Internet materials
relevant to their studies -Favorite sport
3. Discuss the context of sex, -Favorite color
sexuality, and gender -Hobbies
following the Philippine social
norms. Introduce the course description,
objectives, and requirements.
At the end of the lesson, the students
can: Legal Basis for the study of Create a timeline following the social Power point
Gender and Society Gender and Society with Lecture/ Discussion changes in the creation of laws presentation 6 hours
Familiarize the Philippine Peace Education by strengthening gender development in
Laws concerning sex and  CHED Memo no.1, s. Tumambing-Espinol et. Oral questioning the country. Provide a basic Other online
gender. 2015 al. (2023) background about the laws and resources
 CEDAW (1981) Learning Activity agreements to be discussed in class.
 1987 Constitution, Art Google classroom
II., Sec. 14 *Other supplementary Oral Questioning Quiz identifying the laws discussed.
 RA 7192 andd IRR references
 Beijing Platform for
Action (1995)
 RA 9710-Magna Carta
for Women (2009)
At the end of the lesson, the student 7.5 hours
can: What Constitutes Sex? Gender and Society Lecture/ Discussion Power point
 Primary characteristics Fostering a Gender Quiz categorizing examples of Presentation
1. Discuss the context of sex, (reproductive organs) Equal Society Group Reporting characteristics either as male or
sexuality, and gender  Secondary by Rodriguez & female. Other online
following the Philippine social characteristics (height, Rodriguez (2023) Oral Questioning Reflection Paper no. 1: Comment on resources
norms. bone structures, etc.) the article: “Sex Myths: It’s The Man’s
2. Determine action plans to  Reproductive roles. Short Activity Responsibility to buy condoms.” See: Google classroom
counter abuses or  Reproductive *Other supplementary sex-
discriminations about gender. responsibilities. references myths-mansresponsibility-to-
3. Reinforce erroneous acts that buycondoms-3132649
shows disrespect towards the
different genders
END OF PRELIM PERIOD PRELIM EXAM: (September 18,19,20 & 21, 2024)

At the end of the lesson, the students What is Sexuality?

can: Lecture/ Discussion Quiz differentiating sex from Power point 6 hours
 Psychosocial Gender and Society with sexuality. Presentation
1. Discuss the context of sex, dimensions of sexuality. Peace Education by Group Reporting
sexuality and gender  Discovering your sexual Tumambing-Espinol et. al. Reflection Paper no. 2: Comment on
following the Philippine social orientation. (2023) Oral Questioning the article: “Explore and Indulge
norms. (2015). Julia Buencamino Suicidal
2. Identify current gender issues *Other supplementary Short Activity Letter.” See:
in the country. references ge. / julia-
At the end of the lesson, the students Types of Sexuality
can:  Heterosexual Lecture/ Discussion Group reports shall consist of. 6 hours
 Homosexual Power point
1. Discuss the context of sex,  Bisexual Gender and Society with Group Reporting  Definition of the type of Presentation
sexuality and gender  Pansexual Peace Education by sexuality.
following the Philippine social  Asexual Tumambing-Espinol et. al. Oral Questioning  Brief origin. Other online
norms. (2023)  Characteristics resources
2. Identify current gender issues Short Activity  Recent issue involving the topic
in the country. *Other supplementary sexuality. Google classroom
3. Adopt respect for all genders. references  Group’s reaction towards the
4. Counter gender discrimination issue
characterized in words and in  Provide a 10-question quiz for
actions the class to assess their
understanding of the topic.
END OF MIDTERM PERIOD MIDTERM EXAM: (October 19, 21, & 22, 2024)

At the end of the lesson, the students Sexual Harassment and

can: Paraphilias Lecture/ Discussion Write a personal experience of sexual Books 7.5 hours
 What is Sexual Exploring Gender and harassment in any environment and
1. Discuss the context of sex, Harassment. Sciety by Ecoben (2023) Group Reporting describe how you felt. What did you Power point
sexuality and gender  Types of Sexual do or did not do to counter the Presentation
following the Philippine social Harassment. Oral Questioning attack? Given another chance, how
norms.  Examples of Sexual *Other supplementary would you have protected yourself Other online
2. Identify current gender issues Harassment (at home, references Short Activity from the harassment? (to be resources
in the country. in school/ workplace, submitted in secrecy)
3. Counter gender discrimination peer groups, and mass Google classroom
characterized in words and in media)
actions.  Examples of
 How to counter sexual
At the end of lesson, the students can: What is Gender? Gender and Society
Fostering a Gender Equal Lecture/ Discussion Interview an individual who does not Books 6 hours
1. Discuss the context of sex,  Dimensions of Gender Society identify his/her gender as male or
sexuality and gender  History of gender by Rodriguez & Group Reporting female. Ask how he/she is described Power point
following the Philippine social  The Gender Spectrum Rodriguez (2023) in the community or environment. Ask Presentation
norms. Oral Questioning how he/she discovered his/her
2. Convey positive support on Gender and Society with gender identity. Other online
the different gender spectrum. Peace Education by Short Activity resources
3. Appreciate the differences of Tumambing-Espinol et. al.
all gender representations. (2023) Google classroom
4. Adopt respect for all genders.
*Other supplementary
At the end of the lesson, the student
can: Gender and Socialization Exploring Gender and Lecture/ Discussion Essay on how socialization affect Books 6 hours
Sciety by Ecoben (2023) gender identification.
1. Identify current gender issues  Agents of Socialization. Group Reporting Power point
in the country.  At home Presentation
2. Convey positive support on  In school/ workplace *Other supplementary Oral Questioning
the different gender spectrum.  With peer groups. references Other online
3. Counter gender discrimination  Portrayed in mass Short Activity resources
characterized in words and in media
actions. Google classroom
4. Apply gender sensitivity by
correcting inappropriate
gender expressions.
5. Reinforce erroneous acts that
shows disrespect towards the
different genders.
6. Appreciate the differences of
all gender representations.
7. Adopt respect for all genders.
8. Discern corrupted ideas
against the different gender
9. Rise for support for all
At the end of the lesson, the students Gender Discrimination and See: Filipino Men:
can: Inequalities Machismo, Henpecked Reflection Paper no. 3: Comment on Books 6 hours
Husbands And Sudden Lecture/ Discussion the article: “The Persistent Challenge
1. Define emotions  Machismo vs Unexpected Death of Gender Wage Gap in the Power point
2. Differentiate different kinds of marianismo mentality, Group Reporting Philippines by Janvie Amido.” See: Presentation
emotions and feelings  Misogyny and misandry. https://
3. Create a poem that relates  Gender inequality (or Oral Questioning tent-challenge-gender-wage-gap- Other online
their emotions on a certain gender discrimination) at southeast-asia/ philippines-janvie-amido resources
situation home, in school, in your Philippines/sub5_6c/entry- Short Activity
peer group. 3875.html Google classroom
 Gender crimes See: “Misogyny vs.
/e/misogyny -vs -sexism/
END OF PRE- FINAL PERIOD PRE-FINAL EXAM: (November 20,21,22 & 23, 2024)
At the end of the lesson, the students Gender and Society with
can: Laws Supporting Sexuality Peace Education by Quiz on the different Laws Supporting
and Gender Tumambing-Espinol et. al. Lecture/ Discussion Sexuality and Gender.
1. Familiarize with the Philippine  RA 9710 Magna Carta (2023)
Laws concerning sex and of Women Group Reporting Reflection Paper no. 4 Comment on
gender.  RA 6725 *Other supplementary SOGIE Bill. 6 hours
 RA 7192 references Oral Questioning
 RA 7877
 RA 7600 Short Quiz
 RA 7322
 RA 9262
 RA 8353
 RA 7822
 RA 7688
 RA 10354
 SOGIE Bill
At the end of the lesson, the students Gender Sensitivity Gender and Society with Group Activity:
can: Peace Education by Lecture/ Discussion Video Vlog on Gender Sensitivity
 At home Tumambing-Espinol et. al.  At home
1. Discern corrupted ideas  In school/ workplace (2023) Group Reporting  In school/ workplace 6 hours
against the different gender  Within peers.  Within peers.
representations  Rise for  Mass media *Other supplementary Oral Questioning  Mass media
support for all genders  Be references
attentive to gender Gender Responsiveness Short Activity
maltreatment regardless of
one’s personal gender
END OF FINAL PERIOD FINAL EXAM: (December 18,19,20 & 21, 2024)

O. Suggested Readings/ References

 Peralta, Eric Paul, Botor, Nephtaly Joel B, & Laude, Teri Marie P. (2019). A Course Module for Gender and Society: A Human Ecological Approach. (pp. 21-37).
 Video: “10 Sexualities To Know About” watch?v=SEurlKy2bN0
 Video: “The Origin of Gender” watch?v=5e12ZojkYrU
 Video: “Girl, Boy, Bakla o Tomboy?” /watch/?v=382311055788900
 “What is Sexual Harassment?” article/what-sexual-harassment
 “Overview of Paraphilic Disorders” com/professional/psychiatricdisorders/sexuality,-genderdysphoria,-andparaphilias/overview-of-paraphilicdisorders
 Saquilayan, Vicotrio Y. (2011). Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology with Family Planning. (pp. 66-68).
 Medina, Belen T.G. (2015). The Filipino Family, 3rd ed. (pp. 144- 154) (pp. 109-110).
 Lerner, Phyllis & Sadker, David (1999). Gender Equity in the Classroom: Viewing Guide.
 Campbell, Patricia B. & Storo, Jennifer N. (1994). Girls Are… Boys Are…: Myths, Stereotypes & Gender Differences.”
 UNESCO (2015). Module 6: Pedagogy and Instructional Materials in A Guide for Gender Equity in Teacher Education Policy and Practices. (pp. 65-69).
 Upadhyay, Ushma D., Hindin, Michelle J., & Gultiano, Socorro (2006). Before First Sex: Gender Differences in Emotional Relationships and Physical

P. Course Policies
1. On Attendance – In virtual sessions, attendance is not mandatory, but your absence should be complimented by information on why you cannot attend
the synchronous session. On synchronous sessions, the submission of outputs is equivalent to attendance.
2. Questions and clarifications on the lesson, task/assignment /project/ output will be entertained after every session.
3. Quality work and class participation are required. Recitation will be done during synchronous sessions.
4. Answers to assignments, projects, tasks, and activities taken from the internet is prohibited and will be marked as invalid. Honesty and integrity
(Doing the right thing even when no one is watching) must be practiced at all times.
5. Worksheets and assignment are given enough time to prepare, but must be submitted on or before the scheduled date and time of submission.
All written work must be computer generated, follows rubrics/criteria, with all reference citations (if the information comes from the internet sources)
and submitted on time. Quizzes could be synchronous or asynchronous. Major assessment will be on face to face set up following the respective schedule time.
Q. Grading System

Per Rating Percent PREFINAL RATING SYSTEM `Institutional Rating System

Major Examinations 35% Major Examinations 45% Pre-Midterm 25%
Class Participation 45% Class Participation 35 Midterm 25%
Quizzes 15% quizzes 15 Pre-Final 25%
Recitation 25% Recitation 15 Finals 25%
Attendance 5% attendace 5
Project 20% Project 20%

Prepared by:


College Instructor

Reviewed by:


Dean, College of Education

Approved by:

Vice President for Academic Affairs

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