Mobile & Computer Repair Skill Training Proposal 14022024
Mobile & Computer Repair Skill Training Proposal 14022024
Mobile & Computer Repair Skill Training Proposal 14022024
The fact that the lower middle class and the middle class has a lower
purchasing power leads to the compulsion to hold on to existing devices
and spend on repairs rather than purchases of newer mobiles
Ease of Learning:
Learning mobile repairing is remarkably accessible. The simplicity of the
learning process allows individuals to acquire essential skills without
encountering the complexities associated with other professions.
Digitalization Initiatives:
Government initiatives such as Digital India have led to increased adoption
of technology across various sectors. This has resulted in a higher
dependence on electronic devices, making the need for quick and efficient
repair services more critical.
Notably, the chances of failure in mobile repairing courses are minimal. The
straightforward nature of the curriculum and assessment processes ensures
that the majority of students successfully complete the training, obtaining a
valuable certification.
Project Objectives
With the shortage of professional technicians not only locally but also in
remote and rural areas the need for technicians is on an increasing trend.
Profit potential extends beyond repairs as these small ventures can be
clubbed with calling recharge, accessories, hardware and software
replacements has made the gadget repairing a source of not just livelihood
opportunity but also entrepreneurial venture.
In conclusion, the demand for mobile phone repair technicians in India is
intricately linked to the nation's digital evolution, economic growth, and the
widespread adoption of smartphones. Your corporation's support in funding
initiatives to train and empower technicians will not only address the
pressing need for skilled professionals but also contribute to socioeconomic
development and technological empowerment in both rural and urban
communities. Together, we can harness the opportunities presented by the
expanding mobile device market and make a lasting impact on the lives
and livelihoods of individuals across the country.
No. of direct beneficiaries: 120 trainees spread over 4 quarters for this
program to be
completed by 31st March 2025
No. of indirect beneficiaries: 480
This count assumes that an average family will have 4 additional dependents.
Family members (Spouse or Parents or Siblings or Two children).
Curriculum of the training program – Android & Apple phones and Laptop
(3 months program including OJT – On-the-Job Training)
Project Budget
*Fees is shared between student & sponsor to avoid ownership & build ownership
1 location; 1 centre; 3 months training; 1 batch/day
Beneficiaries are monitored from registration till the end of the vocational
Practical method of training imparted with hands on experience combined
with theory sessions.
Periodical performance assessment.
Theory, practical and viva examinations are conducted at the end of the
Metrics we track:
Overall Satisfaction% (Training feedback)
Entrepreneurial exposure & inclinations
Training Success Rate % (Participants completing evaluation)
By location and by work stream:
• Success Rate% (Participants turning entrepreneurs/employed)
• Net Revenue and Average Revenue generated.
• Tele and in person support for 6 months post course completion
Candidate will be provided with course completion certificate and course material
Basic tool kit will be provided to every successful trainee
Candidate can jumpstart their own business with at home/rental premises in rural towns &
Mobile/Computer services can be complemented by sales of simple accessories like SIM
card, mobile protection glass etc.
Candidate can earn approximately INR 20,000/- p.m
Placement support
Understanding schematic
Blog diagram (ZXW and Borneo)
Itunes error and how to fix them
Fingerprint circuit and jumpering
Battery and display error message
Face ID circuit and common problem
CPU drill method and technique for error 9
Motherboard swiping and many more
Work on small components
Using hot air station
How to use Oscilloscope – latest technology
Laptop Chip-level
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