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Course Objectives:

1. To introduce the students with the fundamentals of management and its processes.
2. To facilitate the students in understanding individual, group behavior and organizational
culture and climate impacting learning organisation.

Module-I: Foundations of Management

Introduction to Management and Administration, Evolution of Management, Management Levels;

Managerial Roles and Skills; Management Functions: Planning,Organising,Staffing, Directing and
Controlling, Management Process, Decision Making, Contribution in the filed of Management by
Peter F. Drucker, Michel Porter, C.K. Prahalad, Barnand, McGregor, Rensis Likert and McKinsey.

Module-II: Organisational Behaviour- I

Introduction to Organization Behaviour, Nature, Scope, OB Model, Personality: Traits and types;
Perception-Factors and Process, Employee Motivation - Values and attitude; Barriers to change
attitude, Developing Emotional Intelligence at the work place, Interpersonal relation and
Transactional Analysis.

Module-III: Organizational Behaviour- II

Group and Team- stages and effectiveness; Conflict Management process, Leadership- skills, roles,
Styles (Managerial Grid), Women leadership in India.

Organizational culture, Organizational climate VS organization culture, Factors contributing towards

creating and sustaining culture,Organization Design, Change Management- Change Model and
Organizational Development, Learning organisation- Organizing Knowledge Resource.

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course, students should be able to:

CO-1: Define, remember, understand, explain and interpret various concept of Management and
organizational behaviour, managerial levels, roles, and skills managerial functions. such as
Planning,Organising,Staffing, Directing and Controlling.
CO-2: Analyse and identify various aspects of individual organizational behaviour such as
personality, perception, values, attitude, motivation and their impacts.
CO-3: Evaluate group and team dynamics, including stages of development and factors influencing
effectiveness, and assess leadership skills, roles, and styles, including the Managerial Grid
and the role of leadership in organizational context.
CO-4: Integrate and implement important managerial and behavioural skills to empower the students
to appreciate the requirement of behavioural code of conduct in the world of business.
Text Book:

1. Management, Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter, Agna Fernandez, Pearson Education,

2. Organizational Behavior, Fred Luthans, McGraw Hill, 2017 References:
3. Organizational Behaviour: Human Behaviour at Work, – John W. Newstrom, Tata
McGraw Hill,2017
4. Organizational Behaviour –Text and cases by Aswathappa, 12th revised edition,
Himalaya publication
5. Essentials of Management, Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich ,Mark V Cannice,2020
6. Behavior in Organizations, Jerald Green Berg & Robert A. Baron, Pearson
Education,2010 5. Management and Organizational Behaviour, Subbarao P, Himalaya
Publishing House,2017 6. Organizational Behaviour, Sarma, Jaico Publications,2009
7. Management and Organizational Behaviour, Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, PHI,2009
8. Organizational Behavior, Kavita Singh, Pearson 2010

Mode of Evaluation: Assignments, Quiz, Mid Term Tests, End Semester Examination

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