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Self Declaration of income by proponent (Graduate/Diploma)

(Vide PLI Dte letter No. 25-01/2022-LI dated 01.12.2022)

I, Shri/Smt/Miss………………………………………………………………………………………........S/D/W
born on ………………………………………, do hereby furnish the following self declaration of income
to purchase Postal Life Insurance as per POLI Rules-2011 and its amendment from time to

1. I have passed Graduation from ……………………………………………………..University

recognized by Central/State Government in the year…………………………….
I have passed Diploma from …………………………………………………….. Institute recognized
by Central/State Government in the year…………………………….
2. I am employed and working as…………..………………...……………………………………..in
…………………………………………………………….And my monthly income is
I am self employed and my source of income is ₹……………………………………….per month
from ………………………………………………. (Nature of work)
I do hereby declare that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and

Signature of the proponent

I am satisfied about the adequacy and regularity about the income of the proponent.

Signature of Sales Force

Agent Code-…………………………….

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