LECTURES PERIODS DATE / REFERENC E UNIT-1: Principal Stresses and Strains And Theories of Failures 1. Introduction-Stresses T1 on an inclined section of a bar under axial loading, compound stresses 2. Normal and tangential T1 stresses on an inclined plane for biaxial stresses 3. Two perpendicular T1 normal stresses accompanied by a state of simple shear-Mohr’s circle of stresses 4. Principal stresses and T2 strains-Analytical and graphical solutions 5. Introduction- Various T2 theories of failures like Maximum principal stress theory 6. Maximum principal T1 strain theory, Maximum shear stress theory 7. Maximum strain T1 energy theory, Maximum shear strain energy theory UNIT – II: Torsion of circular shafts and springs 9. Theory of pure torsion T1,T2,T3 10. Derivation of Torsion T1,T2,T3 equations 11. Assumptions made in T2 the theory of pure torsion 12. Torsional moment of T2,T1 resistance 13. Polar section modulus T2 14. Power transmitted by T2 shafts 15. Combined bending and T2 torsion and end thrust 16. Design of shafts T1,T2,T3 according to theories of failure 17. Introduction-Types of T1,T2,T3 springs 18. Deflection of close and T1,T2,T3 open coiled helical springs under axial pull and axial couple 19. Discussion on springs T2,T3 in parallel and series MOCK MID-I EXAM MID -I EXAM UNIT-III Columns and Struts 20. Introduction-types of T1,T2 columns, short medium and long columns
21. Axially loaded T1
compression members 22. Crushing load, Eulers T1,T2,T3 theorem for long columns 23. Assumptions, T1,T2,T3 Derivations of Eulers critical load formulae for various end conditions 24. Equivalent length of a T1,T2,T3 column, slenderness ratio 25. Eulers critical stress, T1,T2,T3 Limitations of Eulers theory 26. Rankine-Gordon T1,T2,T3 formula, Long columns- subjected to eccentric loading 27. Secant formula, T1,T2,T3 empirical formula 28. Straight line formula, T1,T2,T3 Prof. Perrys formula 29. Problems UNIT –IV DIRECT AND BENDING STRESSES 30 Concept of Stresses T1,T2 under the combined action of direct loading and B.M 31 Problems on stresses T1,T2,T3 under the combined action of loading and B.M 32 Concept of core of T1,T2,T3 section 33 Determination of T1,T2,T3 stresses in the case of chimneys 34 Determination of T2 stresses in the case of retaining walls 35 Determination of T1,T2,T3 stresses in the case of dams 36 Problems T2 37 Concept of conditions T1,T2,T3 for stability- stresses due to direct loading and B.M about both axis 38 Problems 39 Problems UNIT-V Unsymmetrical bending and shear centre 41 Introduction, Centroidal T1,T2 principal axes of section 42 Graphical method for T1,T2 locating principal axes 43 Moments of inertia T1,T2 referred to any set of rectangular axes 44 Stresses in beams T1,T2 subjected to unsymmetrical bending 45 Discussion about T1,T2 principal axes 46 Resolution of bending T1,T2 moment into two rectangular axes through centroid 47 Location of neutral T1,T2 axis 48 Deflection of beams T2 under symmetrical bending 49 Introduction to shear T2 centre for symmetrical sections 50 Introduction to shear T2 centre for unsymmetrical sections 51 Problems on shear T2 centre – I section 52 Problems on shear T2 centre- L section 53 Problems on shear T2 centre- T section MOCK MID-2 EXAM MID-2 EXAM
1.A Textbook of Strength of Materials by R.K Rajput, 7e ( Mechanics of Solids) SI units S.Chand and Co. New Delhi 2. Strength of Materials by R.K Bansal, Lakshmi Publications 3. Mechanics of Materials by R.C Hibbler, Pearson publishers