CSEC Office Administration P2 2006
CSEC Office Administration P2 2006
CSEC Office Administration P2 2006
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2. Begin each answer on a new page.
01 237020/F 2006
Office Admin Paper 2 2006 138x216.qxd 16/10/08 14:06 Page 2
1. (a) Identify TWO duties of EACH of the following positions in the Administration Office:
Clerk typist
Secretary (4 marks)
(b) List THREE activities performed in the office which support the production of goods
and services in a business organisation. (3 marks)
Total 15 marks
+ +
- 3-
2. (a) List THREE types of information which can be found in trade journals. (3 marks)
(b) Identify TWO means of communication, and give ONE example of EACH.
(4 marks)
(c) Brenman's International Company has its head office in San Francisco, California. The
company has branch offices in Kingston, Jamaica; Port-of-Spain, Trinidad; and London,
England. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m. local time in each city.
(i) Calculate the times in London, San Francisco and Port-of-Spain that correspond
to the times calls are made from Kingston, Jamaica. Indicate the times using the
24-hour clock. (3 marks)
(ii) State the implications of contacting office staff in EACH city from the Kingston
office at the times indicated in (i) above. (3 marks)
(iii) Calculate a suitable period of time, during office hours in Kingston, Jamaica
when the four cities can be linked for a conference call. (2 marks)
+ 3:()()
p.m. London (5 hours ahead)
Total 15 marks
3. (a) (i) Identify THREE pieces of information that an immigration oftlcer can obtain
from a passport. (3 marks)
(ii) Identify TWO documents that arc required when applying for a visa to enter the
United States of America. (2 marks)
(h) State the actions that you should take in EACH of the following situations.
(i) A customer would like to gain access to his wife's personal chequing account.
(3 marks)
(ii) Your supervisor has asked you to inform a new employee about ways to safeguard
confidential information. (3 marks)
(iii) You have observed your co-worker leaking customer information to the media.
(2 marks)
Total 15 marks
4. (a) List THREE reasons why a receptionist should make use of a diary. (3 marks)
(b) (i) Give TWO reasons why the alphabetical filing system is important.
+ +
(2 marks)
(ii) State ONE way a company involved in exporting may use geographical filing.
(1 mark)
(iii) List ONE type of document which is best filed under a numerical sy.~tem.
(1 mark )
(c) Listed below are some of the companies with whom you do frequent business.
First Caribbean International Bank
Price Waterhouse Coopers
The Ship Inn
Elliot Mottley & Sons
Percy King Auto Parts
Sparks Catering Services
Total 15 marks
5. (a) (i} State TWO ways in which the employer benefits from issuing protective clothing
and gear to employees. (2 marks}
(ii) List TWO ways in which an employee benefits from workmen's compensation
when injury occurs on a company's premises. (2 marks}
(iii) At M&J Company Ltd. the statistics show that employees often leave the job
within two years of employment List TWO possible reasons for the high labour
turnover in the company. (2 marks)
(b) Use the PE1TY CASH BOOK form provided to post the following transactions.
Date Details
$ ~
May2 Cash
6 Fares 35 50
+ II
Motor oil
(5 marks)
Balance the cash book as at May 31, 2006 and restore the imprest. (4 marks)
Total 15 marks
6. (a) Identify THREE ways in which the computer can he used to increase the efficiency of the
Sales Depanment. (3 marks)
(b) In today' s market place, businesses accept either a debit or a credit card. State ONE
similarity and TWO differences between these types o f cards. (3 marks)
(c) Some answering machines are programmed to operate without manual assistance. State
FIVE advantages of this to the organization, and THREE disadvantages of the system.
(9 marks)
Total 15 marks
7. (a) Give the meaning of the following terms as used in trading documents:
(h) Kai Marquis, a graduate from Alma Mata High School has designed a line of clothing
which he thinks will be appropriate for the youth. He has used fabrics s uch as cottons
and linens which are narural and light. Many of the styles are appropriate for street wear,
relaxing, graduation and other formal occasions, and they are affordably priced.
+ He has asked your company Knocking Threads Ltd. to adopt and market the line for
him. Your manager has asked you to draft the press release for marketing this new product
In not more than 50 words, prepare the draft press release which will attract the attention
of potential buyers. (9 marks)
Total 15 marks
8. (a) Identify THREE tasks !hat are typically performed by a clerk in the factory oftice in the
preparation of a shift roster. (3 marks)
(b) The clerk in the Dispatch and Transport Office must liaise with the Sales Department.
Give THREE benefits of lhis interaction in lhe dispatch of goods. (3 marks)
(c) Following is the Planning Master prepared by the Supervisor of the production process
at Mi Belle Robe Ltd. for two jobs. A and B, to be produced.
(i) Use the information in the Planning Master to complete lhe Cost Analysis Sheet
provided for the two jobs. You must show the total cost of materials used,
machines, tools and equipment, and labour. (5 marks)
For Week Ending July 30, 2006
+ B
100 100 yards Moulding
Labour @ $500.00 per week, per person
Tota115 marks
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Dale Voucher Totals Postage Travel Stationer y Miscellaneous
Received Details
$ ~ $ ~ $ ¢ $ ¢ $ ~ $ ¢
+ I
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Office Admin Paper 2 2006 138x216.qxd 16/10/08 14:07 Page 10
Question No.
8. (c)
.................................... Candidate No. ......................... ... ........................... .
A 500.00
B 1,000.00
+ +
01237020/F 2006