LGR08 - Rats Bastard

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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Adventure Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Adventure Start: Riot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Ivy Enclave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Duelists’ Grotto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
The Braggart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Steam House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Lair of the Harkson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Adventure Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Appendix I: NPCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

By Stephen Radney-M
Illustrations: Raimundo Pousada Cartography: Dorwin Cooper and Stephen Radney-MacFarland Additional Material Ving
Playtesters: Lisa Gordon, John Grant, Andy Heckt, Chris Lindsay, Matt Lovell, Ijla Rotelli, Reid Schematika, Aaron Schrader
and Jeff Simpson.

Sources for this work include the following: the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting, The North, Complete Warrior, FORGOT-
TEN REALMS ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 2nd Edition box set, and Volo's Guide to The North.
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This WIZARD OF THE COAST game product contains no Open Game Content. This work may be reproduced for personal use or in its entirety for use at RPGA-sanc-
tioned events. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM License, please visit www.wizards.com/d20.

This is an official RPGA® play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game
events of all sizes, visit our website at www.wizards.com/rpga. For questions specific to this document, email [email protected]


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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, DUNGEON MASTER, FORGOTTEN REALMS, RPGA, the d20 System logo, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are reg-
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Visit the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CAMPAIGNS website at www.wizards.com/rpga


INTRODUCTION Throughout the adventure, shaded boxes provide player

information for you to paraphrase or read aloud when appropri-
This adventure is optimized for 4th-level characters. This means ate. Sidebars contain important information for you, including
that it is primarily designed and balanced for a group of four or special instructions on running the adventure. Information on
five 4th-level characters. If your group deviates from this size and nonplayer characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated
strength, each encounter features a section titled Scaling the form in the adventure text. Full information on nonplayer char-
Encounter so that you, the acters and monsters will either be given in an appendix of this
Dungeon Master (DM), can cre- adventure or can be found in the Monster Manual or FORGOTTEN
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS MINIATURES ate a more balanced encounter.
REALMS Campaign Setting.
To run this adventure it’s recommend you If there are only four or five At the end of this adventure you’ll also find an RPGA Table
have the following miniatures: PCs in your group, and all are of Tracking sheet. If you are playing this adventure as part of an
the same character level, it is RPGA-sanctioned event, you need to complete it and return it to
From the HarbingerTM set: pretty easy to use this section: your senior gamemaster (see below for more details).
11 Orc Warriors (75/80) to represent orcs just use the level entry that cor-
4 Evoker’s Apprentice (5/80) to represent responds with the PCs’ levels.
Lesser Thayan Wizards For groups of mixed levels and
1 Drow Fighter (62/80) to represent Dusk groups with six PCs, first deter-
2 Goblin Sneaks (42/80) to represent elite mine the average character RPGA SANCTIONED PLAY
goblins level of the group then add a +1
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an RPGA event
modifier for groups with six
from the RPGA website (www.wizards.com/rpga), but you may
From the Dragoneye set:TM players. Treat that value as the
have received a copy of it from other means. In order to play this
level of the group. Use your
2 Thayan Knights (38/60) adventure as part of the LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT campaign,
DM’s discretion, though. If the
1 Kerwyn, Human Rogue (22/60) to repre- a worldwide ongoing D&D campaign, you must sanction it as
PCs are having too hard or too
sent Sparrot the Jack part of an RPGA event. This event could be as elaborate as a big
easy of a time, feel free to
1 Carrion Crawler (41/60) convention, or a simple as a group of friends meeting at their
increase or decrease the level of
6 Goblin Skirmishers (31/60) to represent challenge. The goal is to chal- DM’s house.
goblins In order to sanction the event you must be at least an RPGA
lenge the PCs, not overwhelm
1 Goblin Warrior (32/60) to represent or even underwhelm them. The Herald-level Gamemaster. The person who sanctions it is called
Lazurak in goblin form the senior gamemaster, and is in charge of making sure the event
most enjoyable D&D games are
runs and is reported in a timely manner. The person who runs
the ones where failure and
this game is called the table DM (or usually just DM). Sometimes
From the ArchfiendsTM set: death are a possibility, but suc-
(and almost all the time in the case of home events) the senior
1 Red Wizard (37/60) to represent Belvyn cess and reward are attainable
gamemaster is also the table DM. You don’t have to be a Herald-
Keth. through daring and smart play.
level Gamemaster to run this adventure if you are not the Senior
1 Halfling Wizard (18/60) to represent Jeriv Note: If you are plan-
1 Cleric of Kord (13/60) to represent Jottess ning on playing this adventure, By sanctioning and then reporting this adventure you
stop reading now. If you read
accomplish a few things. First, it allows the PCs that participate
There are no miniatures for the steam farther than this paragraph in this adventure accumulate experience points (XP) and gold
mephits, but you could use the Medium Fire you’ll know too much about its pieces (gp) to advance their LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT char-
Elemental miniature from the Archfiends set challenges, which kills the fun. acter. Second, the RPGA bases future adventures on what the
Also, if you are planning on
(54/60) to represent the critters protected by majority of PCs do in past ones; the PCs’ actions shape the direc-
playing this adventure at an
their plume of vapor. tion of the campaign. And lastly, players and DMs gain rewards
RPGA-sanctioned event, read-
for sanctioned play if they have signed up for the DUNGEONS &
ing beyond this point makes
DRAGONS PLAYER REWARDS. This adventure is worth four points
you ineligible to do so. for that program.
This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play on July
29, 2004.
PREPARATION If you are looking for more information about LEGACY OF THE
GREEN REGENT character creation and development, RPGA event
As DM you need a copy of the three revised edition (also called sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS PLAYER REWARDS, see
version 3.5) core D&D rulebooks to play this adventure. They are the RPGA website.
the Player’s Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Monster
Manual. It is also recommended that you have the FORGOTTEN
REALMS Campaign Setting book, but it is not necessary. You’ll also
need a set of polyhedral dice, and something to use as the battle
2 grid (a vinyl or laminated grid usually works best, so you can use
wet-erase markers to draw battle grid features), and enough
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS miniatures to represent combatants on
the battle grids.

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND market called Duelists’ Grotto in search of a half-drow by the

name of Dusk. According to Keth, the half-drow is part of a gang
With the exodus of orcs from the High Forest, many things have called the Rat Bastards, and it is they who are responsible for the
changed in Loudwater. Shockingly, the newest Green Regent orc deaths. While Keth doesn’t know the gangs motivations for
who is an orc. And since his selection by the goddess Mielikki the murder, his information is solid. Suspicions aside, Keth had
this past Shieldmeet, that orc, Otar, has gone missing. While no other motivations other than brining the murderers to jus-
some orcs have migrated as far as the Graypeak Mountains, oth- tice…at least in this adventure, anyway.
ers have settled in and around the city of Loudwater. Tolerated by With some more investigation, and maybe the “help” of a Rat
many of the powerful human (and sometimes even elven) mer- Bastards spy in the Duelists’ Grotto, the PCs find out that the
chants of the city, due to the fact that the orcs do jobs humans gang keeps it lair in a place called the Steam House, located in the
and elves shy away from, a large population has settled on the worst part of Loudwater. Depending on the circumstance of their
southern edge of town, just beyond the earthen embankments of investigations in the Duelists' Grotto, the PCs could either sur-
Forestview Gate. In a tent and shanty town they dwell in relative prise the gang or find them ready for a thick fight. After the com-
peace, entering the city to earn coins that keep the members of bat, the PCs find little to trace the group to the murders, but an
their tribes alive. search of the place, or proper questioning of surviving Rat
Over almost the last month orcs of the High Forest have Bastards may point them to place under the Steam House.
been found murdered in the Low Town of Loudwater. More In the steam tunnels under the place, the PCs find who is
specifically they have been murdered, or at least found, in the ultimately responsible for the murders, a barghest lieutenant of
blocks around the Red Boar Tavern. The earliest murders the infamous Hark, Lazurak the so-called Harkson. In another
prompted the High Lord of Loudwater, the half-elf warrior and a plan to try to destabilize the city, Lazurak and the Rat Bastards
former Green Regent, Kalahar Twohands, to make a decree pro- committed the murders to motivate an orc uprising…and almost
tecting the orcs that have settled in Loudwater almost as if they succeeded. In the tunnels the PCs face off against the rat’s bas-
were citizens. And while the citizens of the City of Grottos are, tard and his goblin servants, and hopefully thwart the Hark yet
for the most part, very tolerant people, ancient hatreds die hard.
While the orcs have been peaceful and accommodating toward
their new neighbors, may neither trust nor like the orcs, so no
one was surprised when the murders continued. ADVENTURE HOOKS
At the beginning of the adventure, eight orcs have been
This adventure begins in the Red Boar Inn, one of the most
found dead in the neighborhood of the Red Fellowship’s head-
renowned inns of Loudwater’s human-dominated Low Town.
quarters. Each was found in the morning, mutilated and brutally
Unlike much of the City of Grottos, this section of Low Town fea-
displayed, usually accompanied with a single message “The only
tures very congested, muddy streets and lacks the picturesque
good orc.…”
foliage-covered building many associate with Loudwater. The
neighborhood surrounding the Red Boar Inn is a hive of taverns
ADVENTURE SUMMARY (most seedy by Loudwater standards) warehouses, craft guild
The adventure starts in the Red Boar Tavern, the unofficial head- buildings, and coster headquarters. It is a place teeming with
quarters of the Red Fellowship, and the locale the murders seem commerce and merchants. There are many reasons why PCs
to be centered around. While the PCs are there, the place is could be in the area. Here are a couple of suggestions. Whenever
assaulted by a group of angry orcs of the High Forest living with- possible tailor the hook to the characters.
in Loudwater. Lead by an orc whose brother was one of the mur- · The Red Boar Tavern is a very common place for adventurers
der victims, the group is positive (though mistaken) that the Red and mercenaries to look for work. At the inn’s center is a large pil-
Fellowship and the Rein family are responsible for the deaths. lar made from a huge oak felled here a century or so ago by the
Here the PCs are the only thing that can stop a serious catastro- Rein family. Would-be employers post bills on the pillar adver-
phe from happening, because even the orcs of the High Forest tising their pay and needs. The search for work is always a good
tend to lash out violently when confused and angry. Hopefully start for adventurous and mercenary groups.
the PCs can stop the orcs from doing serious damage to the · The PCs may be on a Low Town ale quest—a popular pastime
patrons and the tavern itself. for young adventurers—sampling the various brews of Low
For reasons appealing to individual groups, the PCs become Town’s taverns and inns. This is a good start for a group of whim-
involved in searching for the real orc murderer. Quickly they sy adventurers played by mature players.
find that the Loudwater Guard is rather apathetic toward the · An orc of the High Forest character, or a Scion of the Green
crimes, and downright unhelpful to outside investigators. They Regent character may be investigating the murders of orcs that
are also stymied by the fact that there seems to be almost no wit- were killed outside the tavern in the past month. Maybe one of
nesses or real clues. The entire investigation seems one big dead the orcs was a relative of the orc of the High Forest PC, or maybe
end until they meet a quiet Thayan boy. a scion heard that one of the orcs was related to Otar. This start
gets PCs ready for the main action of the adventure.
The boy leads them to the Ivy Enclave, the local Thayan
· The Red Boar Inn is the unofficial headquarters of the Red
Enclave, where the PCs find themselves in the presence of a real 3
Fellowship. Members of Stedd Rein’s organization spend much
Red Wizard of Thay. Beyvan Keth, master of the enclave gives the
of their down time at the establishment, as does its master from
PCs valuable assistance in their search, and asks nothing in
time to time. Groups with one or more Red Fellowship need lit-
return. This should make the PCs suspicious, as they are lead to a
tle coaxing to spend a night at the Red Boar Inn.

reduced. The amount of experience points reduced is dependent

TROUBLESHOOTING THE on the current character level (see Table LGR7—1, below) of the
PC the raise dead was cast on. Record the proper amount on the
ADVENTURE “XP Drain” field of the Session Tracking sheet. These two costs
Reequipping the Characters: If you are playing this adventure as are the only costs for the raise dead (even for 1st-level characters),
part of the LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT campaign, players come and overrides the rules found in the Player’s Handbook. When a
to their event with their characters fully equipped based on their character is brought back from the dead it is not recorded as a
current level and gold piece value. They can reequip their char- character death (don’t mark yes). Just record the gold debt and
acter when they are in a town by spending their Coin on Hand experience drain.
(CoH). They can even increase their CoH by selling items for
half their listed value. LGR7—1: Experience Point Drain for Raised
Loudwater is a small city with a 15,000-gp limit. This means Characters
that characters can find items worth 15,000 gp or less for sale Character Level XP Drain
within the city. LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT characters also 3rd 1,500 XP
have a gp limit on which items they can buy based on their level. 4th 2,000 XP
While it is possible to find items for sale in Loudwater, there are 5th 2,500 XP
few shops that sell items “over the counter”. As the PCs go up in 6th 3,000 XP
level, their prestige grows and opportunities to purchase more 7th 3,500 XP
powerful items become available. 1st-level characters can only
purchase items found in the Player’s Handbook. Characters that
are 2nd-level and higher can purchase Player’s Handbook items
and legal magic items. At 5th-level the gp limit is 4,500 gp, while ADVENTURE START:
the 6th-level gp limit is 6,500 gp, 7th-level gp limit is 9,500 gp,
and the 8th-level gp limit is 13,500 gp. RIOT (EL 6)
In events where you have a limited session time, you will For whatever reason, the PCs find themselves in the Red Boar
want to put a limit on at-the-table equipment purchasing. No Tavern. In many ways the Red Boar Tavern is more like a mar-
more than 15 minutes should be spent for this activity during a ket than an inn. Within its spacious common room there is plen-
normal four-hour or five-hour session, and even then some ty of eat, drink, and be merriment, punctuated by intense mer-
groups may not finish the adventure. cantile and political maneuvering in shadowy corners. Its
Running the Investigation: A large part of this adventure is patrons are mostly humans, dwarves, and halflings, but it is not
an investigation. More so than just about any kind of adventure without a small number of half-orcs, as well as a number of rogue
it requires you to think on your feet. Give the players the free- elves and half-elves. Elf and half-elf patrons are usually outsiders
dom to look into leads, alternate sources of information, even and of the adventure persuasion, as many local elves see the Red
dead ends, and generally think outside the “boxed text.” This also Boar Tavern as a den of human insensitivity and pettiness.
means that you may have to ad lib from time to time. Don’t be Orcs of the High Forest, becoming more numerous in the
afraid to this; in fact have fun doing it. Don’t worry about being city as of late, are grudgingly served, but it took a decree from
consistent either. Remember, people’s point of view rarely jive High Lord Twohands to move the Red Boar patrons and staff to
with one another, and some people’s point of view can change this toleration. Almost a month ago, two orcs were killed in the
wildly from moment to moment: especially if they are unsure street outside the tavern. Though the slayings occurred only two
about the facts but want to seem knowledgeable or their judg- bells after sunset—during a period of typical great activity at the
ment is clouded by their own beliefs and biases. Use the adven- Red Boar—the authorities could find not a single witness to the
ture’s encounters to abstract what information the PCs could pos- slayings. In response to the slayings the high lord issued the
sible gain through the investigation, and adjust keyed encoun- “Decree of Reception,” making the visiting orcs who obey the
ters based on what the PCs are doing at the time. laws of the city protected persons, with rights comparable to cit-
Raising the Dead: At this point the PCs may have gained
izens. He also placed two guards to watch over the place.
enough renown, and hopefully enough gold and experience, to If the high lord put forth the decree and stationed the guards
come back to life. Like many things that involve XP and gp cost, to deter orc murders, it didn’t work. In the coming weeks six
raise dead and other spells work differently in DUNGEONS & more orcs were killed in the neighborhood of the Red Boar
DRAGONS CAMPAIGNS. If a PC dies, and his or her companions are Tavern—roughly two a week. While after the discovery each
able to bring the body back to Loudwater within 11 days after the murder caused subsequent increases in local patrols, the high
time of death, Prior Athosar, the local leader of the temple of lord’s men have no leads or real evidence pointing to the mur-
Lathander, is able to cast raise dead and bring the character back derers, and they could go on unsolved if not for the intervention
to life (assuming the soul is willing). This incurs a 1,100-gp debt, of adventurers.
which may be divided up between the characters that were Current controversies aside, the Red Boar Tavern is hot-bed
played during the session. This debt is forever subtracted from of news and employment. The pillar in the center of the inn is lit-
4 the equipment value of the character, and reported in the “GP tered with notices of employers looking for workers, adventurer
Debt” field of the Session Tracking Sheet. Additionally, the char- and otherwise. Many folk in the tavern talk freely of their busi-
acter that came back from the dead has its experience points ness or engage in gossip, but stray away from sensitive subjects,

such as the new Green Regent, the history of the inn’s pillar (at Use Illustration 1 to help describe this scene. The inn’s patrons
least they will not talk about pillar with elves, half-elves, or even follow the lead of the surviving guard, scrambling for the back
gnomes), not to mention the recent orc slayings, the presence of door. This in turn creates a crazy jumble of bodies blocking the
the Loudwater guard, and the high lord’s current decree. egress, and many targets for orc falchions.
At some point during the night the typical business of the inn Creatures: Unless stopped the orcs exact revenge on the
is disrupted in a major way. Haargh, a respected druid in the patrons with savage competence.
Loudwater community of High Forest orcs, has rallied a small Orcs (11): hp 9, 9, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 4, 4, 4; see Monster Manual.
hoard. Haargh is the brother of one of the latest murder victims, Haargh: male orc Bbn1/Drd3; hp 25; see Appendix 1.
and though he didn’t care overly so for his brother, he does not Tactics: The orcs’ only real tactic is to do as much damage as
want the death of kin to go unavenged. He is sure that the orc-hat- possible. Once combat starts the only things that can stop them
ing humans of the Red Fellowship are to blame, and that they will are force of arms, spells, or orders from Haargh.
not be happy until he and his people are exterminated. He has no Development: There are many ways that the PCs can stop the
evidence to his suspicions, “the winds told me” he tells his own slaughter. The obvious one is to defeat the orcs in combat. This
people, and is in fact dead wrong, but his words have weight in may be easier than it seems, because while the orcs definitely
the orc community, and on this night he and his hoard march on want revenge, they are also afraid of what may happen to them
the Red Boar Tavern. and their families for this outburst. All of their courage is cen-
Allow the PCs to attempt a Spot check (DC 10) to spot the orc tered on their leader, Haargh. And if he falls, the remaining orcs
mob pass by the window. If they make it, allow a full round of scatter. A PC who attempts to look around and measure the mood
actions before the orcs enter the inn. Once they enter, the fol- of the mob can make a Sense Motive check (DC 20). Success
lowing occurs. Feel free to modify the action in this read-aloud notices that while angry, the orcs are also very nervous; some
text if you feel the PCs’ actions would affect it. seem on the verge of panic.
Haargh isn’t immune to this unease. It’s actually possible to
Ahead of the pack is a large orc decorated with tattoos of stylized start a parley with him. Treat him as unfriendly rather than hos-
wolves and arcane-looking symbols. He carries a greataxe. One tile for the purposes of a Diplomacy check to influence his atti-
of the city guards moves forward to his hands raised, and says, tude. Remember the PC attempting the Diplomacy will suffer a
-10 to the check for starting Diplomacy as a full-round action. If
“The high lord wants no trouble here.” The orc cuts the guard
the PC is able to change his attitude to at least friendly (DC 25) he
down with a savage swing of his greataxe, almost cleaving the
halts the attack. Changing his attitude to indifferent (DC 15)
soldierin half at the torso. The orc screams in rage: “High lord
can rot. We are here to take what has been taken. My axe brings
opens the opportunity to attempt another check, halting the com- 5
bat for a full minute while Haargh contemplates the PCs argu-
justice for my people!” The orcs behind him shout in fury and ments (an negating the -10 on the second check). Haargh can also
agreement. The other city guard drops his weapon and runs. be bought. Offering at least 100 gp for him to turn around and

walk away produces such an occurrence. After all he didn’t really many people in the tavern die, and the orcs basically “trash the
like his brother all that much, and the gold will go along way to place.” In this case the High Lord Twohands is forced to arrest all
better his people. the orcs involved with the attack, and put the southern orc settle-
Further Development: After the PCs either stop or weather the ment under martial restriction, basically revoking the “Decree of
slaughter, the next trick is to get them involved with the investiga- Reception,” at least for a time. In this case orc of the High Forest
tion. Like adventure hooks, the PCs are forced out of the city as well, but with whatever opportu-
following are some ways in nity to enter the investigation you used, find a plausible way to
Near-IInvisible Eye
which you can motivate the PCs grant the orc a “writ of passage” from the high lord, allowing him
During the riot at the Red Boar someone is or her to reenter the city, and thus participate in the investigation.
to take a closer look into the orc
watching from a distance by way of a scry This is easiest if the orc is a member of the Order of the Jade Blade,
murders. Use the one the fits
spell. Allow PCs with an Intelligence score of but plausible in cases where he or she adventures with members
the group best, or even create
12 or higher a chance to notice the sensor. your own if a good opportunity of the Green Scions or Red Fellows. If the orc character tried to
The Intelligence check DC to spot the sensor presents itself. defeat his fellows in the tavern, a member of the Red Fellowship
increased to 25 due to the commotion in the Haargh Demands It: could procure the writ in thanks for saving his life. Of course, the
inn. This sensor, like the sensor in the more carnage the orcs are able to incur proportionally increase the
During a successful parley with
Investigation encounter, is the eye of Beyvan Haargh, the orc druid difficulty to grant the orc PC a writ, but under no circumstance
Keth, the master of the Ivy Enclave. Keth “requests” that the PCs look should an orc character be denied participation in the adventure.
watches the PCs again when they are investi- find the real murder. He gives
gating the murders. At least once during the them three days or promises
investigation, allow qualifying PCs to notice that the orcs will torch the Red
Scaling the Encounter
the scrying again, but this time at DC 20. 3rd-llevel Characters (EL 5): Haargh is a Bbn1/Drd2 (hp
Boar Tavern to its foundation.
20); see Appendix 1.
A Scion’s Quest: If there is
a scion of the Green Regent in the group, the goddess Lurue 5th-llevel Characters (EL 7): Haargh is a Bbn1/Drd4 (hp
comes to that character in a dream. On the behest of Mielikki she 35); see Appendix 1.
comes to ask the PCs to find out who is killing the orcs, and bring 6th-llevel Characters (EL 8): Haargh is a Bbn1/Drd5 (hp
those displaced people justice if possible. Strangely, she adds, “I 43); see Appendix 1.
cannot abide that by the moonlight their death comes,” before rid-
ing off into the moonset of the PC’s dreamscape. If there is more
than one scion in the group, pick one for the dream visitation.
Clear Our Name: Groups with members of the Red Fellowship, Once the PCs decide to delve into the investigation, they’ll find it
or those who are sympathetic with the Red Fellowship, are aggravatingly slow going until they get help from the Thayans.
approached by the organization and asked to look into the mur- Use the following information to move on the roleplaying until
ders. The group feels as thought it is being set up, and wants its the PCs feel like their at the end of their rope, or about 15 minutes
name cleared as soon as possible. If there is a Knight of the Red of roleplaying, whichever comes first. Don’t drag it out too long,
Fellowship (a character with both the Agent of the Red or the players will not have a chance to finish the adventure. That
Fellowship and Red Fellowship Recruit cards) Stedd Rein makes said, there is useful information to be found here, just not a lot of
the request personally. it. Hopefully the PCs can track down one of the notes left at the
The High Lord is Troubled: A PC that features at least one mem- crime scene, and find out that more orcs are missing than mur-
ber of the Order of the Jade Blade gains a quick audience with dered orcs have been found.
High Lord Kalahar Twohands himself. The high lord is frustrated
that the orc slayer has not been caught, and is afraid the guard is
not properly motivated to solve the crimes. He asks to PCs to act Talking to the Guard
as his agent in tracking down the murder, and promises a sub- Within the city, the Loudwater Guard is split into armories. An
stantial reward if they do. armory is a mix police station and weapon storage, bringing order
It Was Murook?!: You could make the most recent victim a to its neighborhood, and supplying weapons to able-body folk
friend or, in the case of orc of the High Forest PCs, a relative. who can defend the city in times of need. Each armory is under
While it takes a good group that’s able to “role” with the punches the command of a fist captain, who oversees a staff of three to five
to pull this off, there’s nothing like a friend or relative’s death to fists (sergeants) who in turn oversee a patrol of 5 to 10 guards. The
move the plot along.
armory for this area of Loudwater is the Geenfunt Armory, which,
Dealing With Consequences: Based on the PCs actions many
logically enough, stands at the end of Geenfunt Way within Funt
things could happen. If they were able to subdue or parlay with
Market. The Geenfunt Armory is officially commanded by Fist
Haargh, the orc is still responsible for the death of the guardsman,
Captain Nesrin, a dandy of a half-elf rumored to be the illegitimate
and that’s a pretty serious offense in the city. He’s arrested and put
son of Gauntlet Harazos Thelbrimm (Knowledge [local], bardic
on trial. The adventure conclusion deals with Haargh’s fate, but
knowledge, or Gather Information DC 20). Whether or not he is
the orc is resigned to it at the arrest. He tells authorities, “If I
the gauntlet’s son, he definitely leads a charmed life, and is never
6 killed the man in cold blood, I deserve to be punished. But at his post when the PCs come calling. He can be found most
remember that my people have died too, and those responsible
nights at the Merry Mer-She, a rowdy and bawdy tavern on the
likewise deserve to be punished.”
boarder of Low Town.
If the PCs did nothing, or were not able to stop the orc attack,
The senior of the three Geenfunt Armory fists, a gruff, unrea-

sonable, and stubborn dwarf named Keshel, oversees the bodies, they are directed to the Pits of the Dead two miles south
armory’s daily business. No matter how the PCs approach her, and east of the city’s earthen ramparts. Here the dead of folks
they find that she is very defensive about the investigation, and who have no burial plans are laid in mass graves after being
strangely pessimistic about its ultimate outcome. She warns the blessed by a cleric of Lathander. While most of the orcs have
PCs that if they interfere with her investigation she’ll arrest already been covered with earth, the last two sit among a small
them, but the next moment admits that she has no idea who is pile of dead waiting for blessing and a dirt blanket.
committing the murders and that she doesn’t think anyone ever When the PCs arrive, the burial cer-
will. “They are like perfect crimes, I tell you, perfect crimes.” The emony has just begun. If the PCs bribe A Week in the Realms
fact is Keshel is an administrator and a warrior and not the person the gravedigger (at least 10 gp) and talk
Remember a week in the Realms is 10
to be leading this investigation. the cleric Kelivin (human male Clr3,
days instead of seven. People in the
It takes time and patience to get any kind of help from her Lathander, NG) into letting them dis-
Realms call this unit of time a week, a
(Diplomacy DC 20), and even then she only shares the details of rupt the dead long enough to find clues
the crimes, tells the PCs where to find the bodies, and tells them to the murder (Diplomacy 15—and ride, or by the very descriptive term of
of old drunk Hookus, the only “eyewitness” to the crimes (see then only reluctantly), they can investi- a tenday.
below). gate the bodies. Investigating the bod-
If the PCs decide to track down Nesrin, they find that he’s ies of the two orcs is a messy and smelly business, but can yield
even less help than Keshel. He has been so busy (socializing, some good clues. One of the orcs arms is mauled, but a druid or
drinking, and carousing) lately that he has no idea that orcs are ranger (Knowledge (nature) DC 15) may be able to tell that a wild
being murdered. “Orcs dead…let’s have a drink to the poor bas- animal native to this world did not create the wounds. Someone
tards,” is his chief response. Unless the PCs want to party with looking at it with knowledge of worlds beyond (Knowledge
him (and not talk about he dreadful business of dead orcs), he [planes] DC 25) can pinpoint that the creature that mauled the
directs all their inquiries to “my right hand” Keshel. orc is definitely from the lower planes, and may be able to tell
(DC 30) that the wounds were created by a barghest, a fiendish
shapeshifting outsider that becomes more powerful when it
Details of the Crimes devours the body and soul of a creature.
The PCs can track down the following information either from More still, a thorough search of the bodies (Search DC 20) finds
Fist Keshel or by spending time tracking down witness of the the notes still in the mouths of the orcs. Instead of keeping the evi-
crime (Gather Information DC 25). When describing the mur- dence, Keshel put the notes back where she found them. The note
ders remember your audience. When playing with younger play- was written by Lazurak the Harkson, and may be useful when the
ers, hold back on the grizzly details. PCs find the remains when PCs find other documents written by
The first two murders occurred some 20 days ago. The two him in the Steam House. They also find that each orc is missing a
orcs were found on the steps of the Red Boar Tavern, their throats single canine tooth. It looks like the killer keeps trophies.
were slit—probably with a dagger. The bodies were found by
drunk patrons leaving the Red Boar. They almost tripped over Looking for Witnesses
the bodies on their way out of the tavern. In the mouth of each
The lack of witnesses frustrates everyone involved with these
orc was a peace of paper. On the paper was written the following
murders. The Red Fellowship is frustrated because it makes it
message: “The only good orc is a….”
look like it’s a Red Fellow conspiracy to kill orcs. Orcs hate it
The next murder occurred about five days after the first two
because they don’t know who to look out for, and, better yet, who
bodies were found. In the early morning hours one orc was
to seek revenge upon. And it frustrates Keshel, because she has
found hanging from a nearby warehouse sign. He had been dis-
little idea how to find a criminal unless she actually sees the
emboweled, his entrails dripped from his corpse into the gutter.
crime occur. That said, there is one person who says that he saw
This orc sported a wooden plaque tied around his neck. Written
the crime, an old mad drunk halfling named Hookus.
on it was the now familiar message, “The only good orc is a….”
Hookus haunts the neighborhood around the Red Boar beg-
Three bodies were found a week later. Actually their heads
ging for change, which he uses to buy cheep grain alcohol. He
were found atop of spikes outside a barrel maker’s workshop. The
has drunk so much of the stuff he is now partially blind, his eyes
bodies were found stuffed into barrels behind the shop. On the
obscured by cataracts. If the PCs gain Keshel’s “cooperation,” the
barrels was carved “The only good orc is a…”
dwarf tells them about Hookus, but dismisses his claims. The PCs
Just three days ago the last two were found. One of these was
can also find out about the halfling with a successful Gather
Haargh’s brother. They too were found just outside the Red Boar
Information check (DC 15).
Tavern. The circumstances of their death were almost exactly the
Hookus claims to have seen the last murders. He says a dark
same as the first slaying, but one of the orcs arm looked like a
elf and demon dog committed them. What he saw was Dusk and
wild beast had mauled it.
Lazurak, but everyone thinks he is crazy. The fact that he is
All of the bodies were found no more than two blocks away
always flailing drunk, is almost blind, and always rather incoher-
from the Red Boar Tavern. ent, doesn’t make him the most credible source, but he’s right.
Other than Hookus no other witnesses can be found but every-
Investigating Bodies one has a favorite theory that they share with little prompting. It 7
goes from the standard “the Red Fellowship is behind it,” to “the
The dead are not kept on ice, and the authorities in Loudwater
orcs are killing themselves with tribe warfare and trying to blame
know nothing of forensic science, so if the PCs want to examine
it on the Rein family” to “Otar must have been killed by this orc

murderer too…maybe the murderer is a servant of Mielikki Regent Returned had the opportunity to abolish the treaty but
making things right after the Green Regent fiasco.” declined, believing that the trade goods offered from the treaty
outweighed the any threat from far off Thay (Knowledge [histo-
ry] DC 15). The one condition was that no Red Wizard within
Talking to Orcs Loudwater could own a slave. For the continuation of business
Orc characters, and even some non-orc characters may get the this seemed a small price to pay. It is even rumored that Beyvan
idea to talk to the orcs about the murders. Non-orc characters are Keth, master of the Ivy Enclave supported Nanathlar Greysword
going to have a hard time getting any information from the orcs, in his uprising against Pasuuk Rensha (Knowledge [history] DC
as the orcs start out unfriendly, but the proper diplomacy will get 20), though few can guess to what reasons the Red Wizard may
make them talkative and trustful. Orc and half-orc characters have done so.
don’t have such problems. Today, as typical, the enclave is abuzz with activity.
Once the PCs gain the orcs trust, they find that all the orcs mur- Adventurers, pages, and even the squires of elven nobles enter
dered work in the area around the Red Boar Tavern, or were travel- under the enclaves arches to haggle inside. The arches are decorat-
ing that day to pick up provisions from merchants in that area. ed with dueling bald-headed and tattooed wizards cast in brass.
Talking to various orcs, the PCs soon discover that the orcs The walled and towered enclave is partially
think 11 of their number have been murdered, but obscured by the crawling ivy. Most business is
only eight have been found. Three more orcs who done in the enclave’s large courtyard, which is
worked or traveled in that area have also gone miss- crowned by four towers. Between the towers
ing. The missing includes two powerful warriors are three distinct shops: one for weapons and
(Turug and Koskurk) and a druid of Herne named items, one for scrolls and magic knowledge,
Gevgor. These orcs have also been killed by the Rat and the last for potions and components.
Bastards, but were entirely devoured by Lazurak. Behind the shop for scrolls and magical
Their bodies are nowhere to be found. knowledge is the enclave’s fifth and largest
tower, and supposed home of the enclave’s
master, the centuries old and rarely seen
Strange Boy Beyvan Keth.
Eventually when the PCs are frustrated, or when As the Thayan boy escorts the PCs
they have investigated for long enough, a strange through the enclave, they are ushered
bald boy approaches them. He is no more than 10 through the crowds and toward the scroll
years old, wearing exotic robes. Silently, he beck- shop. Patrons and merchants alike ignore
ons the PCs to follow him. If they ignore him, the group as they are led into a side
he stays with them, silently try to get them to antechamber strangely unnoticed at first
follow. Use illustration 2 to help describe the (A Spot DC 27, or a Spellcraft DC 23 deter-
boy. He doesn’t speak, and flees if attack, but will mines that the antechamber is hidden by a
come back later. A successful Knowledge (local) subtle illusion that the boy dismissed with an
check (DC 10) recognizes that the boy is Thayan. The equally subtle whisper), beyond which is a mar-
boy takes them to the Ivy Enclave (see below). ble staircase leading to a pair of double doors at a
four-way intersection. Flanking the door are two
IVY ENCLAVE (EL 0 OR EL 9) imposing warriors. Each wear exotic fluted armor and bear the
shorn and tattooed head’s of Thayan fashion. Their demeanor is
This encounter is predominantly a roleplaying one. Much of it is
stern, focused, and their eyelids, heavy with dark cosmetic or tat-
scripted, leading the PCs to the abode of the local head of the Red
tooed to give that appearance, have an almost soulless quality. It
Wizards of Thay, but the way that this luminary deals with the
takes no check to recognize them as member of the infamous
PCs is based on your best judgment and roleplaying moxie. If you
Thayan knights—almost-invincible warriors mystically bound to
have the time and inclination, pull out all the roleplaying stops in
protect their masters. As the PCs approach, the knights open the
portraying the manipulative Beyvan Keth—get up from the
double doors in unison.
screen, walk around, and interact with the players. He should
know all their names at this point, and greets them like old
As the door opens, a gust of hot and dry air rushes out from the
friends, knowing that familiarity breeds trust. The PCs could try
chamber beyond. Beyond comes an overwhelming scent, both
and make this a combat encounter, but only at their own risk.
musky and of rich spices, it is a very unique smell—exotic and
The Red Wizards deal with threats quickly, ruthlessly, and know
foreign, arcane and intoxicating. The hallway beyond is bright,
how to get rid of bodies in ways that only higher magic can undo.
drenched with sunlight—obviously a magical effect given the
There are few in Loudwater (Knowledge [local] or
overcast day you just left in the courtyard—and opulently fur-
Intelligence check DC 5) who don’t know that the Ivy Enclave is
nished with southern silks and rich, foreign carpeting. One of
the local Thayan enclave. To many of the town’s adventurers it is
the Thayan knights points toward another flight of stairs at the
known simply as the “Market,” as it is the place where many buy
8 magic items, spell components, and scraps of arcane lore.
far end of the corridor and says in thickly accented Common
“The master waits above.”
Established during the Rensha Rule through the treaty that
bound one of those rulers with his Thayan wife, the Green
Both of the Thayan knights follow the PCs down the hallway and

continue following as the PCs ascend the second flight of stairs, in the group, or the PCs in general are sympathetic to the plight
which in turn leads to a second doorway. This one lacks doors, of the orcs, Keth explains that he feels some kinship to the orc
opening into a room that seems impossibly large given the size of refugees in Loudwater…after all, he knows first hand the trials of
the tower in inhabits. Read or paraphrase the following: being a transplant from a culture whose members are not trusted
by the local population. “Prejudice is the first son of fear, and fear
This light-filled chamber seems impossible at first glance. Lined is nothing more than the dying of the mind,” he explains.
with pillars and opening into a sun-drenched and alien land- If there are scions of the Green Regents or members of the
scape, dry and warm air jests past you. On the far end of the Order of the Jade Blade among the PCs, he paints himself as a
seemly open air Parthenon-like structure sits an aged Red patriot of Loudwater, as a man who sided with justice and right at
Wizard sitting atop a plush couch. His warm smile seems out of great personal sacrifice during the War of the Green Regent
place on his deeply wrinkled face and tattooed head. He reach- Returned. Because of that past, he would do anything to help
es for a walking stick. agents of the Green Regent or the current high lord. He under-
The Thayan rises, laughs a knowing little chuckle and says: stands if PCs are skeptical, saying: “All I can give is my word of
“Worry not, we have not kidnapped you. Don’t believe every that, and hope that you will believe me. I think my history and
foul story you have heard about the people of Thay. This is all an actions should outshine any misgivings you have about my her-
illusion created by an old and foolish man exiled from his itage.” He believes that attacks on the High Forest orcs could hurt
beloved home.” his beloved Loudwater, putting new guests protected by the high
lord’s decree against the general population. “Whether or not we
Use Illustration 3 to help describe this scene. This is Beyvan think the high lord’s decree was the right thing to do, it is our
Keth, master of the Ivy Enclave. Though he claims to be foolish duty to do the will of the legitimate ruler of the town…I bet you
and sentimental, he is neither, though he does prefer the climate never thought you would every hear a Red Wizard say that,” he
of his home to the, in contrast, cold and wet clime of the laughs. “We are strong believers in law and legitimate authority
Delimbiyr Crescent. A shrewd and manipulative man, Keth uses after all…we did throw off the shackles of tyranny ourselves long
his aged looks and easy manner to hide his cold calculations from ago,” he adds.
his enemies and business associates. With a kind smile and calm- Among agents of the Red Fellowship he sees a conspiracy to
ing voice he presents himself to the PCs as an admittedly strange discredit the organization. He does not believe the Red
benefactor. As the PCs may suspect, he has been watching them, Fellowship has anything to do with the murders, but sees the
and couches his reactions and motives for helping them with rea- locale of the crimes as no coincidence. He tells the PCs that he 9
sons that fit the PCs’ goals and own personal desires. believes that the new organization has a good heart. He believes
If the PCs actions are motivated by a sincere desire to stop that the Red Fellowship will do great deeds if given a chance, and
the orc deaths, either because there is an orc in the High Forest it would be his pleasure to help ensure it survival. “After all, the

Rein’s have a great fashion sense,” he adds with wry laughter. aptitude. Keth wears a ring of counterspell (touch of idiocy). That
If the PCs detected Keth’s scrying earlier in the investiga- and his formidable Armor Class (AC 22) and Saves (Fort +6,
tion, he fesses up. “I did have to gauge your intentions. I wanted Dodge +8, Will +12) not to mention a number of contingencies
to make sure we were of like mind.” (shield, resist energy [fire, electricity], heroism) keyed to be set off if
Keth is a true and practiced diplomatic chameleon. He is he is attack, keep him safe during the PCs’ initial assault. His first
very adept at putting even the most skeptical person’s mind at action is to cast dimension door and flee the area, leaving the
ease about his true intentions. Trying to ascertain Keth’s true combat to his protectors, the pair of Thayan knights who brought
motivations for helping the PCs are going to be almost impossi- the PCs to his chamber and a host of lesser wizards hiding behind
ble. An enchanter with a talent for illusion, the Red Wizard is the illusions of the seemingly vast room. These protectors attack
adept at keeping the truth hidden between layers of arcane mis- to destroy those who assault their master without prejudice.
direction and canny deceit. A successful Sense Motive check Creatures: The Thayan knight and the lesser wizards fight
(DC 30) does determine that Keth is not leading the PCs into a in unison like a machine, with the knights serving as meat shield
trap, but that he does have very selfish motivations for helping while the wizards provide ranged and buff spell support.
the out—his pretenses are exactly that. He does have some Thayan Knight (2): hp 74, 49; see Appendix 1.
respect for the Red Fellowship, and does not want to see the mur- Lesser Thayan Wizards (4): hp 19, 19, 18, 17; see Appendix 1.
ders pinned on them. Divination can gain similar knowledge. Tactics: The Thayan wizards cast their mage armor (from
What is true is that he does want to see the murders stopped. scroll, duration 1 hour) from the cover of the illusion when the
More importantly, he wants to see a street gang called the Rat PCs enter the chamber. At the first sign of trouble they also precast
Bastards—the true culprits of the murder—utterly and com- their shield spells (from scroll) and fox’s cunning while still in hid-
pletely destroyed. The PCs investigation of events has given him ing. They cast their remaining spells as is prudent, aiming to buff
the opportunity to do so without having to deal with it directly. the Thayan knight (with enlarge and bull’s strength) and do as much
Once he has earned the PCs’ trust, he supplies them with the damage as possible with powerful evocations. They attempt to take
information they need to bring the orc murders to justice. out rival spellcaster almost immediately, knowing that it is often
well-placed spell slinging that wins most battles.
“Look here,” Keth says, pointing to a reflecting pool that sits
Further Development: If the PCs flee the fight, the powers
next to his couch. A magical image appears in the pool. The
pursue as far as the market—they don’t want to disrupt normal
image focuses on a cloaked figure striding with uncommon
trade, so allow any quarry getting that far to escape. Keth allows
grace through the throngs at High Moon Market.
them to escape without further reprisal, impressed by the ability
Keth continues. “Here is one with blood on his hands. One
of a gang aptly named the Rat Bastards. Why they kill the orcs, of the group to survive and evade his protectors.
I don’t know, but I believe it is more than just prejudice. This
one is known as Dusk, and haunts the Duelists’ Grotto. Find Scaling the Encounter
him, and his companions and you task may be done.”
5th-llevel Character (EL 10): Another Thayan knight joins
Before the magical image dissipates, Dusk turns around as
the battle from downstairs (hp 53), and the number of wiz-
if to face you. Maybe it’s a trick of his cowled cloak, but for a
ards increases to six (hp 20, 19).
moment Dusk looks like he is of drow decent. Keth, as if read-
ing your minds, answers unsaid question: “He is half-drow— 6th-llevel Characters (EL 11): Two more Thayan knights
why he is allowed to stay in the city, I do not know.” join the battle from downstairs (hp 53, 51) and the number of
wizards increases to eight (hp 22, 20, 19, 16).
Development: If asked why he doesn’t do something about this if
he knows who is behind it, he laughs.

“That is rich. I wish I could, but I am a merchant, and a con- DUELISTS’ GROTTO
cerned citizen, nothing more. While the people of Loudwater Set snug amid the warehouses and merchants of Low Town,
no doubt would say they appreciated my help in these matters, Duelists’ Grotto is not technically a grotto, but this medium-size
I don’t think they would trust justice coming from the Red marketplace is called one by locals. Some sages suggest that the
Wizards. The solution to this problem would be suspect. I don’t place was once a true grotto when the elves ruled Loudwater and
think it is fair, but I old enough to know it is true. That’s why I Low Town was nothing more than patchwork meadows and
would even suggest that if you find an end to this, it’s best not to copses. In those times a grotto stood here where elven house
mention our little meeting here. I don’t need a share in the scions and wizards could air their differences with duels, both
glory. Your success would be seen in better light unobscured by mage and martial (Knowledge [history] DC 15). Another story of
my shadow.” creation credits the Duelists’ Grotto as the first real human grot-
to—a thing not of sylvan splendor and enriched with elven
Keth does not share any more information with the PCs, stating magic, but created of cosmopolitan necessity, reflecting the new
that he has shared all he knows about the murders. He then soul of the City of Grottos (Knowledge (local) DC 15). Many
10 politely offers the PCs the door. members of the Red Fellowship are proponents of the second
If for whatever reason the PCs decide to attack Keth, they story. Whether or not either is true, the supposed “grotto” was
are in for a world of hurt, if not a running fight to flee the Ivy overtaken with human development in Low Town during the
Enclave. Keth has survived the centuries by guile and magical Rensha Rule.

This “grotto” has two main entrances, one by Geenfunt Way tigates (see The Braggart, below). Late the second day of their
and the other by the Pool’s Walk. This cluster of weapon smiths, stake-out, the PCs have a chance to Spot (DC 20) Dusk leaving the
jewelers, merchants, and open-air taverns inhabits a cobblestone grotto, heading west on Pool’s Walk. If the PCs follow, they go
courtyard surrounding one of the town’s public wells—the worst past the Braggart (see below) and tangle with Sparrot.
of the town’s public wells. Its water has a disgusting sulfur taste Ask Around: Asking around has the chance of yielding quick-
that even dogs find unpleasant. er results. A bit of roleplaying and a successful Gather
At almost all hours of the day the place is bustling with activ- Information check (DC 15), along with the requisite coins (at least
ity. While the well of the Duelists’ Grotto is not a draw, its famous 5 gp), gets some tense and half-hearted denials of Dusk’s exis-
weaponsmith’s and merchants are. This is the best place to buy a tence. “It’s a myth of the grotto,” one tavern server lies, looking
weapon in all of Loudwater. It is also the best place to find a around nervously. “An urban legend.” Persistence and time (at
sword arm. The various taverns are favored haunts of eager sell- least a day and 10 more gold coins) along with a better check
swords, off-duty guardfolk looking for some coin on the side, and (Gather Information DC 25) garners improved results. A gem
talented swashbucklers. merchant tells the PCs to wait at the Braggart, a seedy open-air tav-
Upon entering the grotto the PCs quickly realize that finding ern on the far end of the grotto, explaining that Dusk is seen there
any particular person in this busy place will be a trial—even if often. Of course, by this time Sparrot the Jack has heard about the
that person is a half-drow. There’re a few ways that they can go PCs and their search for his business associate (see below).
about it. Following are some of the main ways that the PCs can go Throwing Some Serious Cash Around: The Duelists’ Grotto is
about their hunt for Dusk. Use them as guidelines to run the a place of merchants—money talks. Throwing extra money
encounter, and don’t be afraid to ad lib in cases of groups who around helps ease some people’s fear of Dusk and the Rat
come up with novel approaches to the problem at hand. Bastards. For every 25 gp the PCs put down, they gain a +2 cir-
The Sit and Wait: This is the most time consuming method, cumstance bonus to their Gather Information checks. If the PCs
and ultimately the most frustrating. While Dusk does frequent succeed a DC 35 Gather Information check they find out that
this place, he does not do so daily. It’s a two-day wait before the Dusk inhabits a place called the Steam House off the riverside on
PCs to get a chance to spot the half-drow. But don’t let the PCs Pool’s Walk. Finding out this information bypasses the
know that too quickly. Allow a Spot check every hour. Spring a encounter with Sparrot, and allows the PCs to catch the Rat
false alarm or two in for good measure. Eventually the PCs’ curi- Bastards unawares inside their hideout.
ous behavior sparks the interest of some of the locals, including Development: Unless the PCs were able to find out about the
persons on the payroll (or those fearful) of the Rat Bastards. Steam House by throwing a lot of coin around, they will run into
Eventually the PCs’ curious behavior and questioning gets back one of the Rat Bastards at the open-air tavern called the Braggart.
to Sparrot the Jack at the Braggart tavern, and the wererat inves- See the encounter below.


THE BRAGGART (CR 4) progress to the Steam House. He has no wish to die; in fact, he
wants to let the rest of his gang know more about whom they’ll
Nothing more than a tumbledown group of stalls pieced and soon be tangling with.
lashed together to keep out most precipitation, the Braggart
Sparrot the Jack: male human wererat (human form)
open-air tavern is marked by a sign featuring a smug-looking
swordsman saluting onlookers. The clientele of this watering swashbuckler 3: hp 27; see Appendix 1.
hole is just as ramshackle as its architecture—at any hour of the Tactic: Sparrot’s main goal is to size up the main warrior of the
day and night most are either drunk or hung over. The servers, group, to get a feel for his or her tactics, and to determine whether
attractive but rather low-rent men and women subjected to or not the group as a whole plays dirty or not. Treat these goals as
pinches and vulgar suggestions from the patrons, hustle here and your own, play the role of Sparrot, and determine what he learns
there in an effort to always keep the grog constantly flowing. and can warn the rest of the Rat Bastards about. As soon as he has
As the PCs search the establishment for their quarry, Sparrot taken more than a quarter (7 hp for the optimized level) of his hit
the Jack, a wererat swashbuckler in league with the Hark, and a points in damage, he yields, hoping to end the fight. He accepts any
member of the Rat Bastards spots them. At this time he should yield his opponent offers, or ends the fight once he has brought his
know that the PCs are looking for Dusk. Within the Duelists’ opponent to unconsciousness. He has no desire to look like a ruth-
Grotto he and Dusk have been very careful to stay clear of one less murderer in front of folks that trust him, thus blowing his
another. The gang extorts protection from many businesses on cover. He would rather kill the PCs at the Steam House.
the north end of the grotto (including the Braggart), and Sparrot Development: How this encounter develops depends on how
plays the role of the “inside man,” keeping a good reputation with the duel ends. If Sparrot yields, or accepts a PC’s yield, his
the business and keeping his ear to the ground. Because of this, demeanor changes after the fight. Smiling he holds out a hand of
no one in the Braggart or the rest of the grotto knows that Sparrot friendship to his former opponent.
is a member of the Rat Bastards.
Sparrot goal here is to test the PCs and report back to Dusk. “That was a good fight. Thanks for the fine exercise, friend—I
He is going to pick a fight with the PC who appears to be the most needed it to clear my head. Just to show you that there is no hard
powerful warrior of the group. He picks this fight by creating a feeling, I will give you something you want. I know you are
commotion—he stealthily pushes a server in the direction of that looking for that drow bastard Dusk. He shacks up in a place
PC. As the PCs search the Braggart, have Sparrot’s mark make a called the Steam House, not far from here on Pool’s Walks. It’s
Reflex saving throw (DC 15), failure indicates the impact knocks none of my business, but I hope you give him hell. The crea-
the server on the ground, success means that the server stay on ture’s a scourge to this market, and the people of Loudwater.”
her feet, but drops her tray of ales, the ceramic flagons shatter as
they hit the ground. A successful Spot check (DC 20) notices that A successful Sense Motive check reveals that Sparrot’s word
the rat-faced Sparrot gave the server a slight push. After the serv- about Dusk are insincere, but he doesn’t seem to by lying about
er or the flagons hit the ground, Sparrot calls out “Why don’t you the location of Dusk’s base.
idiot’s watch where you are going.” Whether the PCs saw him If Sparrot’s opponent does not accept his yield, the wererat
push the server or not, his reaction is the same: uses the information about Dusk’s base to parlays it for his life.
When the PCs leave the grotto, Sparrot uses his Quaal’s feather
The spry rat-faced man gets up off his chair with an acrobatic token to warn Dusk and the rest of the Rat Bastard’s of the PCs’
hop followed by a slight stumble. He seems a little inebriated. approach. He then quaffs his potion to cure any damage done by the
Still, with a flick of the wrist his rapier is out. “Your very visage PC and follows the PCs to the Steam House at a discrete distance.
is an offense to me, and I plan to do something about it…that is Sparrot’s chief weakness is his Will saving throw, so, possibly,
if you have enough honor to face me in a duel…after all this is the PCs could charm or compel the wererat to spill his guts. Detect
the Duelists’ Grotto.” His comment brings snickering and some thoughts can also yield good results: Sparrot is a schemer and his
open laughter from the tavern’s patrons. Wagers begin to surface thoughts are full of platitudes to himself for being more
change hands. cleaver than these do-gooders. The one thing Sparrot keeps hid-
den at all costs is the fact that he is a wererat and an agent of the
Use illustration 4 to help describe this encounter. Dueling is Hark. He has been “undercover” for so long, this information
somewhat legal in the city. That is, there is no law prohibiting it, never surfaces. He knows that revelation is a death warrant in
though occasionally the winner in lethal duels is brought up on most cases, but even so some spells and certain circumstance
murder charges, due to the circumstances, just who witnessed the could get him to reveal those facts as well. If the PCs are able to
duel, and, of course, who was killed. Most duels are not lethal compel, charm, or detect the truth out of Sparrot, chances are he
though, ending when one side yields. A successful Knowledge loses his opportunity to warn Dusk and the Rat Bastards, and
(local) check (DC 10) confirms to the PCs that dueling here under changes the encounters in the Steam House.
these circumstances should not cause any legal repercussions.
Sparrot is not really drunk, he is bluffing, something a suc-
Scaling the Encounter
cessful Sense Motive check reveals. Whether the PCs think he is
12 3rd-llevel Characters (EL 3): Sparrot the Jack is a 2nd-level
drunk or not, Sparrot fights well. What he does not do is let the
swashbuckler (hp 19); see Appendix 1.
PCs know his lycanthrope nature…not in this fight, anyway.
Creature: Sparrot the Jack has two goals: test the mettle of the 5th-llevel Characters (EL 5): Sparrot the Jack is a 4th-level
PCs (more specifically, its chief warrior) and to slow their swashbuckler (hp 35); see Appendix 1.

6th-llevel Characters (EL 6): Sparrot the Jack is a 5th-level

swashbuckler (hp 43); see Appendix 1.

As Pool’s Walk winds toward the western edge of town, it ceases
being a major thruway, as foot, wagon, and horse traffic prefer the
shop-cluttered Vine Street. Pool’s Walk continues on to the lower
docks, a place crammed with warehouses, flophouse, shady feast-
halls, and other parlors of ill repute. While there are many spots
in Low Town where Loudwater looses the picturesque charm it’s
known for, this place is surely the worst of the lot. Even the most
pristine forest has its shady patch filled with rot and mold, and
that is what this section of town is to the City of Grottos. Among
this blight, standing atop a bare knoll looking over Pool’s Walk, is
the silent Steam House.
Once a novelty feasthall and meeting place offering the
medicinal values of steam sweating—not to mention quiet,
obscured places to meet and engage in all matters of scheming
and illicit activity (Knowledge [local) DC 15)—the Steam House
has fallen out of favor as of late. Actually, it has stopped receiving
regular patrons all together ever since the Rat Bastards made it
their base of operations.
The house sits atop a natural hot spring (the very same spring
that gives the Duelists’ Grotto’s well its sulfur taste), and uses that
powerful spring to fuel its steam room. Small tunnels close to the
spring lead to the Underdark. When the Hark’s minions allied
themselves with the illithids of the Flayer’s Corridors, gaining ceramic tile. Because of the humidity in the place, a Balance
access to the tunnels under the region, they found there way to check (DC 10) is required to run or charge, and the DC of all
this place while searching for the crypts under High Lord’s Hall. Tumble Checks is increased by +2).
(The Hark’s endeavors there are documented in XGR1 Under Lighting: Periodic continual flame lanterns light the interior
High Lord’s Hall.) Seeing it as an important foothold into the city, of the Steam House.
the Hark placed one of his most favored agents—Lazurak, Other Entrances: Other than the front door, the only other
dubbed the Harkson—in charge of operations here. Not really entrance into the Steam house is by the two large steam chim-
part of the Hark’s brood, Lazurak is a barghest who attached him- neys on the roof. Locked grates guard each chimney (average
self to the bandit lord as a way to stay on Faerûn. The Hark has lock; DC 25), and it's a 20 foot drop from the top of the chimney
been so enamored with Lazurak that he calls him his son, feeling to the large vent immediately below in the Steam Room (area 3)
a kinship drawn from the Hark’s own fiendish nature. While the
Hark is the true master of the Rat Bastards, Lazurak is his lieu- 1. Entrance (EL 0)
tenant, commanding the gang from his lair below the Steam The front entrance is an iron-reinforced door (2 inches thick; Hardness
House, and aiding them in the murder of orcs of the High Forest 7; hp 30; Break DC 28 [locked]) bearing shut peephole that sits very low
in another of the Hark’s plans to destabilize Loudwater. to the ground and a corroded bronze plaque attached to the middle of
Much of what happens in this encounter is up to the PCs’ the door. The following is engraved in Common on the plaque:
actions. If Sparrot was able to warn the rest of the Rat Bastards of
their approach, the gang is ready for them. If not, The PCs can get We serve by appointment only. If you don’t know how to make
the jump on them. an appointment, go away.

Steam House Qualities The phrases is repeated in Dwarven, and again in Orc, thought
Unless stated otherwise, the Steam House has the following qualities. the Orc version is a recent addition, carved hastily into the door
Doors: The doors in the Steam House are simple wooden rather than engraved into the plaque.
doors (1 inch thick; Hardness 5; hp 10; Break DC 15 [locked]). The door is locked (good lock, DC 30), but if knocked upon
Walls: The walls are magically treated wood (6 inch thick; the peephole opens within moments. The response is dependent
Hardness 10; hp 120; Break DC 40; Climb DC 21). The walls were on whether or not Sparrot the Jack was able to warn the Rat
treated mostly to stave away the affects of the steam's moisture, but Bastards of the PCs’ approach. If he was, read the following:
it has the extra effect of making this place as strong as a fortress. The peephole flies open. A voice that sounds like a halfling’s
Windows: The Steam House has no windows. says, “your early…that will cost you extra. You can either come
Floors: The floors in the Steam House are either slate or Amn back in a few minutes, or the charge increases to 50 gold.”

If the PCs agree to pay the extra fee, the halfling opens the door, Jeriv: male halfling Sor4; hp 14; see Appendix 1.
allowing the PCs entrance into the foyer (see area 2). If the PCs Tactics and Development: See area 3, Steam Rooms, below,
choose to wait, he opens it later, giving the Rat Bastards more
and the sidebar Sparrot Returns.
time to prepare. If the PCs ask for Dusk, the halfling replies
sheepishly “Who’s that?” No Sense Motive check is needed to
realize that halfling knows exactly who the PCs’ are talking Scaling the Encounter
about. When the PCs persist, he begins to haggle. “How much is
3rd Level Characters (EL 3): Jeriv is a Sor3 (hp 9); see
it worth to you?” he asks. And begins to haggle for an entrance
Appendix 1.
fee to see “the boss.” He is actually just buying time for the rest of
5th-LLevel Characters (EL 5): Jeriv is a Sor5 (hp 19); see
the Rat Bastard’s to prepare for the PCs approach.
Appendix 1.
If Sparrot was not able to warn the Rat Bastards, or the PCs
bypassed the encounter with the wererat entirely, the halflings 6th-LLevel Characters (EL 6): Jeriv is a Sor6 (hp 23); see
response is much different. Appendix 1.

The peephole flies open. A voice that sounds like a halfling's says,
"cant you read?! You don't have an appointment, which means 3. The Steam Room (EL 5)
you don't belong here!" With that, the peephole slams shut. This large chamber is the steam room. Back when this was a
semi-respectable establishment, the clients of the spa would sit
here to sweat. Sulfur-smelling steam rises up from two vents on
He then runs off to warn the rest of the Rat Bastards in the Rats'
the floor of the chamber. Around the chamber are a number of
Lair (area 4). A successful Listen (DC 10) hears the pitter patter of
benches. The benches are bolted to the ground, and moving over
halfling feet as he goes. He and the other members of the gang
them counts as difficult terrain. Combatant standing atop the
prepare for a possible assault, but hope the PCs just go away.
beaches gets a +1 attack bonus for fighting on higher ground, but
only if he or she succeeds a Balance check (DC 12). Failure forces
2. Foyer (EL 4 or variable) them to the ground (same square) and inflicts a -2 circumstance
Beyond the doorway is the Steam House’s foyer. A small dais-like penalty on the attack for the fumbling strike.
stair leads down to the main floor. The floor is decorated Amn tile. Also, the heavy steam in the rooms has an effect similar to an
To the right of entrance is a small obscuring mist spell, but it hampers vision and gives cover at 10
Sparrot Returns (halfling-size) writing stand and feet rather than 5 feet.
If Sparrot was able to warn the Rat Bastards stool. To the left are benches, and Creatures: Who is in this room is dependent upon the PCs’
of the PCs approach, he follows after the PCs. hooks to keep clothing. All the actions to this point. If Sparrot was able to warn the rest of the
During the fight with the Rat Bastards, the hooks are empty. The place is Rat Bastards of the PCs’ approach, both Dusk and Jottess are
wererat shows up in his hybrid form. He humid, and the floor is a little buffed and ready in this room. Jottess waits 10 feet in front of the
comes through the front door, attacking the slick. door, ready to smack any anyone except Jeriv that enters. Dusk is
PCs at the rear in most cases. Use the hit Once the door is open hiding 15 feet north and flush on the east wall, awaiting a chance
the PCs see that their greeter is a to sneak attack, flank or to take out a pesky spellcasters. If the
points from the Braggart encounter. His
middle aged halfling man wear- PCs caught the Rat Bastards by surprise, the duo might be in here
hybrid statistic block is among the Rat
ing spectacles and the clerk’s if Jeriv was able to call out to them. If not, they will likely be
Bastards for this encounter. If the PCs are
cloths. This unimposing figure is unawares in their lair (area 4).
able to bypass Sparrot, they don’t encounter
Jeriv, the sorcerer of the Rat Dusk: male half-drow Rog4: hp 24; see Appendix 1.
him here. Bastards, as well as their book-
Jottess: female half-orc Clr3: hp 25; see Appendix 1.
If the PCs entered the Steam House under the false pretense Tactics: Buffed and burly, Jottess stands ten feet from the
that they are clients, or by haggling with the halfling to see Dusk, doorway (right on the other side of the bench) axe at the ready to
the bookkeeper takes them to the writing stand and makes nota- beat on those who enter. The bench doesn't provide cover, but it
tions of their payment. Jeriv then invites them down the hallway does stop anyone from charging her from the north (and stops
toward the steam rooms. If possible, he follows the PCs, but is not her from charging the south). As state above, Dusk tries to lever-
fazed if they don’t allow him to. Once the door is open, the trap age his roguish abilities to the best of his ability within the con-
is sprung, and he works with the rest of the Rat Bastards in an cealing clouds of the Steam Room. Wherever he is, Jeriv spends
attempt to finish off the PCs (see area 3). the first couple rounds preparing his defenses (casting from the
If the PCs force themselves in, the combat with Jeriv starts scroll of shield, and quaffing the potion of blur) and then attempts
immediately, as the halfling hustles to warn Dusk and Jottess in to target fighter-types with his Tasha's hideous laughter. If possible,
the Rat’s Lair (area 4). Usually getting the drop on the Rat he targets warriors in combat with Jottess, providing her with
Bastards like this takes Sparrot the Jack out of the equation as softer targets.
well (see the Sparrot Returns sidebar). Development: If the PCs have the sense enough to keep one
Creature: Jeriv supports the other Rat Bastards with of the Rat Bastard alive for questioning, it is possible to get cru-
14 spells,specializing in the manipulation of the minds and attitude cial information from them. Either by magical means, intimida-
of his enemies. tion, or by promising to let the gang member go, the PCs can gain



each square = 5 ft.


5 Floor Vents
Side View of Steam House and Lair
(also location of ceiling vents)

Steam House


Warding Beast Lair

2 4
Mushroom Patch


Lair of the Harkson
Location of ceiling vents


the following information: PCs who played LGR-1 Extermination may remember the mush-
rooms from the goblin lair. Those minions of the Hark grew the
The thing is the Hark's favored…his son, so his goblins say. It is mushrooms in a dank cave. These mushrooms came from area 2
a shapeshifter like the Hark's brood, but it's no wererat…it's in the Lair of the Harkson, below. Dusk took them in the hopes
something even worse. It's a hellish creature that can devour an of eventually distilling a poison with them. The chest also holds
entire creature with its hungry jaws in a half score heart beats. a red glowing continual flame torch, used the by the gang to pass
He dwells in the caverns below this house along with his tribe the warding beast below the Steam House (see Lair of the
of goblins. Harkson, area 1). There is also a brazier in the corner. A search of
the brazier (Search DC 12) locates a section of parchment not
A successful Knowledge (the planes) check (DC 16) recognizes entirely consumed by flame. There is some partial words on the
the creature described as a barghest. parchment: “Hark wants” and “more orcs de,” right below it, both
After a proper interrogation Rat Bastard may even show the written in Infernal. A successful Intelligence check or Forgery
PCs the hidden passage behind Jeriv's podium. While one of the check (DC 10) recognizes the handwriting as the same on the
members of the Rat Bastards gives the PCs this information they notes found in the dead orcs’ mouths. All the notes were written
leave out some key information. Though they know about both by Lazurak the Harkson.
the carrion crawler and the steam mephits, they warn the PCs
about neither. The description they give of xxx is also in his nat-
5. Secret Passage (EL 0)
ural form. While they mention he is a shapeshifter, they don't tell
This chamber is hidden by the secret door (Search DC 20), the
the PCs that he usually masquerades as a goblin-like creature.
door is opened by turning the writing stand to the right. The
While the Rat Bastards will betray their master to save their life,
podium is attached to the floor and the door’s lock mechanism .
their true hope is that the master will destroy and devour the
The complicated device holding the secret door shut may also be
PCs. The Rat Bastards are sore losers.
disabled (Disable Device DC 20). If the PCs find the opening
The steam vents lead down to a cavern far below the building
mechanism read or paraphrase the following:
(Lair of the Harkson area 3: Steam Cave). Removing the grates
takes some elbow grease (Strength DC 24) but once removed the
Turning the writing stand to the right triggers a loud clack, fol-
PCs can attempt to traverse the rusty pipes down to the caverns
lowed by a rusty creak. A small door, only a few feet high and
below. The pipes wind in a looping path to the Steam Cave.
half as wide, opens on the west wall.
Surprisingly, the climb is not too difficult, requiring two Climb
checks for the worse spots (DC 20, DC 10 if the PCs are using a
The door leads to a crawlspace that barely has enough room for a
knotted rope) with the consequence of failure being a 10-foot
small ledge before dropping into a rough hole with only a rickety
drop, and loud crashing noises. Not that it matters, unless the
ladder to traverse it. The ladder lead down to a secret passage that
PCs are actively and successful moving silently down the pipes,
winds its way down past the carrion crawler “guard” (see Lair of
the steam mephits hear their progress and ready an attack for
the Harkson, area 1: Warding Beast) and eventually to the Lair of
when the PCs reach the Steam Cave.
the Goblins (area 2). Using this passage bypasses the encounter
with the steam mephits in the Steam Cave.
Scaling the Encounter
3rd Level Characters (EL 3): Dusk is 3rd level (hp 17) and
Jottess is 2nd (hp 16); see Appendix 1. LAIR OF THE HARKSON
5th-LLevel Characters (EL 5): Dusk is 5th level (hp 30) and Either out of discovery and curiosity, or by getting surviving
Jottess if 4th (hp 33); see Appendix 1. members of the Rat Bastards to talk, the PCs should find their
6th-LLevel Characters (EL 6): Dusk is Rog5/Assassin 1 (hp way under the Steam House and down to the lair of the Harkson.
37) and Jottess is 5th-level (hp 38); see Appendix 1. Here their investigation takes a turn toward the sinister, as they
find that orcs are actually being slain by the command of the
Hark, a creature whose meddling will eventually have to be
4. Rats’ Lair (EL variable) stopped.
This is where the Rat Bastards dwell when they are not being...
well...bastards. The old owners of the Steam House used this Lair of the Harkson Qualities
small secret room to hide contraband, now it hides the Hark’s Unless stated otherwise, the caverns below the Steam House has
miscreants. A pair of bunk beds is in the room, but since Sparrot the following qualities.
works in the Duelists’ Grotto, only three of the beds are usually Doors: The doors between the Steam Cave and the rest of the
used. A chest holds some 500 gp, and three potions of cure light caverns are made of magically reinforced Iron (2 inches thick;
wounds, the gang’s current loot. There's also a bag of large, almost Hardness 15; hp 120; Break DC 32 [locked]). The reinforcement
dried mushrooms in the chest. The mushrooms are speckled and is to limit the rust and corrosion, but it also makes the doors very
smell terribly of an earthy rot. A successful Knowledge (nature) strong.
16 check (DC 15) recognizes the fungus as species called deaths- Walls: The walls are unworked stone; It takes a DC 15 Climb
breath mushrooms. Typically found in the High Moors, the check to move along an unworked stone wall.
mushrooms are a goblinoid delicacy that is poisonous if ingested Floors: The caves have natural stone floors, but all are level
by others (Fortitude save DC 10 or nauseated for 2d10 minutes). and stable enough not to hamper movement in any way.

Lighting: There is no natural lighting in these caves. 5th-LLevel Characters (EL 5): Increase the number of carrion
crawlers to two (hp 17).
1. Warding Beast (EL 4) 6th-LLevel Characters (EL 6): Increase the number of car-
rion crawlers to three (hp 19, 17).
The path empties ahead into a natural cavern chamber. Here
and there a number of bones litter the chamber’s floor.
2. Lair of Goblins (EL 2)
The bones on the ground are that of unfortunate humanoids par-
Along with Sparrot the Jack, Lazurak brought a group of High
alyzed and then consumed by the chamber’s warding beast. The
Moor goblins with him to accomplish his tasks in Loudwater.
beast has been conditioned not to attack groups carrying red
Due to the general animosity toward goblinoids in the city
glowing continual light torches, like the ones found in the Rat’s
(which Lazurak has experienced personally in his goblin form),
Lair (Steam House area 4) and the Gallery of the Barghest (Lair of
they have been of little use—the last action they saw was when
the Harkson area 4), but is so hungry it does so if it’s provoked
they stormed the Steam House to take it from its former owners.
(that is, if the PCs investigate the labyrinth of tunnels the crea-
They have been stationed here for a month or more in a general
ture typically hides in). The beast comes forth from the labyrinth
malaise. More than anything they want the chance of a fight, and
and attacks creatures carrying different light sources.
the chance for fresh meat. They are tired of eating the deaths-
Creature: The tunnel labyrinth is home to a carrion crawler,
breath mushrooms that grow here. When the PCs enter the
a pet and warding beast of the Rat Bastards and the Harkson. He
chamber, they are barely able to contain their glee at the chance
is usually feed every few days, but has been neglected as of late. It
supping on human, elf, or dwarf. As the PCs enter the room, be it
lashes out at any sign of life (and thus potential food) with reck-
from the secret passage or by way of one of the Steam Cave doors,
less abandon. read or paraphrase the following. Of course, adjust if the PCs are
Carrion Crawler: hp 15; see Monster Manual. successfully stealthy in their approach.
Treasure: Among the litter of bones, a partially buried in the
ground, the PCs may find (Search DC 25) an ivory scroll case con- A group of goblins sit around a small fire. Some cook something
taining a divine scroll of magic weapon. at the end of sticks, others look drearily on into the darkness fid-
Development: The winding passage continues on to the Lair dling with dirt and pebbles on the cave floor. Upon approach,
they get up visibly excited. Almost in unison they yell “Vek, vek:
of Goblins (area 2, below).
Bizel fak, gever vaza!”

Scaling the Encounter Those who speak Goblin will know they yell: “hurray, hurray: no
more mushroom, there’s meat tonight!”
3rd-LLevel Characters (EL 4): no change.


Creatures: Characters who were played during LGR1

Extermination or XGR1 Under High Lord’s Hall have a chance
(Knowledge [local] or Intelligence check DC 5) that these gob-
lins were the same rat-motif tattoos and weapon marking that the
goblins who served Hekkut the Molted and Kassuz of Malar
did—these goblins are more minions of the Hark. Even PCs who
weren’t played in those adventures have heard the stories and
have a chance at this realization (Knowledge [local] or
Intelligence DC 10).
Goblins (6): hp 9, 7, 6, 6, 2, 2; see Monster Manual.
Tactics: The very first thing the goblins do is yell to their
master, Lazurak, who lounges in the gallery over the mushroom
garden. If the PCs didn’t surprise the goblins, their joyous cries at
the chance at a drastic menu change serves as that calling. If the
goblin’s were surprised, their call to Lazurak is much more fran-
tic and pleading. Given the opportunity the goblins let off a vol-
ley of javelins before entering melee.
Most adventuring groups will have no problem with these
goblins, and as they begin to make short work of the buggers, the
goblins will strategically retreat to Lazurak’s position for support.
They worship the barghest like a god (lesser only to the Hark),
and believe he can demolish all who oppose him.
At the same time Lazurak and his companions support the
lesser troops from the gallery overhead. Read that area’s descrip-
tion for their tactics and how they affect this encounter.

Scaling the Encounter

5th-LLevel Characters (EL 4): Two of the eight goblins are
elite goblin warriors (hp 21, 19); see Appendix 1.
6th-LLevel Characters (EL 5): Four of the eight goblins are
elite goblin warriors (hp 21, 19, 19, 16); see Appendix 1.

3. Steam Cave (EL 5)

Like the Steam Room, this cavern’s sulfur-odored steam creates
an effect similar to the obscuring mist spell, but with a vision range
of 10 feet rather than 5 feet. The slick stone of the chamber’s
shore is potentially debilitating to fast movement. Those running
or charging on its floor must succeed a Balance check (DC 10) to
do so.
While the steam does no damage, exposure to the bubbling
water does. Thick with sediment, a creature exposed to the water
takes 1d4 hit points of fire damage each round. Total exposure
into the water does 10d4 points of damage. Once the creature
leaves the water, damage ceases.
Creatures: Two evil and mischievous steam mephits inhabit
the place, starving for some fun and prey. The spring has a strange
and tenuous connection—a sort of phasing natural gatelike phe-
nomena—to the steam clouds of the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Every so often mephits get stuck here, only returning when the
connection is briefly reestablished. These two have been here for
more than a tenday. Use Illustration 6 to describe these creatures.
Steam Mephits (2): hp 19, 13; see Monster Manual.
18 Tactics: Like the grand majority of steam mephits, these two
are arrogant egotists who believe they can handle just about any-
thing the Material Plane’s muddy little backwater can throw at

them. While not afraid of combat, and more than willing to rush Development: After the PCs defeat Lazurak, they can find
in when the opportunity presents itself, they also love toying many clues implicating the barghest as the killer. He took tro-
with their victims. The two move silently over the lake, asking phies. Scattered in his gallery are a number of items that imply
their quarry pointless as stupid questions with no correct answer; that he has been attacking orcs of the High Forest—a wooden
things like, “what’s it like to be a demented little meat puppet liv- holy symbol to Herne the Hunter, a dagger of High Forest Orc
ing on the pimple of the ass of existence” or “do your gods know make, a bronze earring in the style popular with those orcs. He
that they are served by beings with the intellect of cold hard also wears a necklace stringed with orc teeth: eight orc teeth in
lead?” With each question the mephits giggle at their own juve- all, one for every orc he killed but didn’t consume. Most
nile jokes. While taunting the PCs they also attempt to summon damming is a scroll tub with three letters from the Hark praising
others of their kind. When those attempts either survive or fail, his “son” for the chaos he is able to cause in the city. In the letters,
they move in to the attack, activating their plume of vapor and the Hark hints that his allies will be pleased, especially the Green
assaulting the PCs with the rainstorm of boiling water before King. Some PCs might be able to capture the powerful outsider
engaging in melee. or one of the Rat Bastards and have them confess the crime. Even
Development: The two doors leading out of this room to the the normal goblins knew what Lazurak and his allies were up to,
Lair of Goblins (area 2) are locked (average lock DC 25) and the barghest would brag about his exploits in the city upon his
trapped with a glyph of warding. The original builders of the Steam return to the cavern.
House learned about the phasing connection to the Elemental Treasure: Among the mostly worthless trophies is some 80
Plane of Fire at a deadly cost as a large group of steam mephits gp, and a red glowing continual flame torch that Lazurak used to
slew a group of laborers digging one of the pipe connections to bypass his carrion crawler “pet.”
the establishments. Like the electrical grates up top, these doors
are to keep unwanted visitors to the Material Plane out of the
general population. The lock and the trap on at least one of the
Scaling the Encounter
doors must be defeated before the PCs can progress to area 2. 3rd-llevel characters (EL 4): The Harkson has no elite
Glyph of Warding: CR 4: spell; spell trigger; no reset; spell goblins.
5th-LLevel Characters (EL 7): Increase the number of elite
effect (glyph of warding [blast], 5th-level cleric, 2d8 cold, DC 14
goblins to 3 (hp 20, 17, 15).
Reflex save half damage); multiple targets (all targets within 5 ft.);
6th-LLevel Characters (EL 8): Advance the Harkson to 8
Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 28.
HD (hp hp 54).

Scaling the Encounter

3rd-llevel characters (EL 4): There is only one steam
mephit (hp 13). CONCLUSION
5th-LLevel Characters (EL 6): Increase the number of If the PCs are successful, they prove that Lazurak and the Rat
steam mephits to three (hp 16). Bastards killed the orcs. They earn the thanks of the High Lord
6th-LLevel Characters (EL 7): Increase the number of Kalahar Twohands, Loudwater’s orc population, and the Red
steam mephits to five (hp 16, 14, 8). Fellowship. Both the high lord and Stedd Rein grant the PCs
monetary gifts for their services. If any PC contracted lycan-
thropy, the curse is removed thanks to Prior Athosar.
4. Gallery of the Barghest (EL 6) If the high lord put the orc settlement under martial law, he
Lazurak the Harkson looks over his minions like a ruler onto his immediately lifts it, not wanting to further damage the relation-
subjects. The barghest dwells here with his elite soldiers, waiting ship between his people and the orc visitors.
for the Rat Bastards to give him progress report and the chance to If they wish, the PCs can attempt to aid Haargh in his trial. If
hunt with them in the streets of Loudwater. they give good and convincing reasons as to why the orc should
Creatures: Lazurak keeps to his goblin form, enjoying the not be sentenced to hardly for his transgressions, the magistrate
deception and extra defenses, while commanding the goblins sentences Haargh with exile from the city rather than death. The
with all the pomp and bluster of a confident general. He keeps orc thanks them for their assistance, and promises that by Herne
his elite guards close to him, and has armed them with wicked he will make it up to them some day.
crossbows. Use Illustration 7 to describe these creatures. If the PCs attempt to seek another audience with Beyvan
Elite Goblin Warriors (2): male and female goblins War3: Keth at the Ivy Enclave, they are politely told that he sees no one
hp 20, 17; see Appendix 1. without an appointment. Thayan Knights escort the PCs away
Lazurak Harkson: hp 44; see Appendix 1. from the enclave if necessary.
Tactics: Lazurak stays in his gallery until he is sure that his
goblins can’t handle the threat posed. During this time, his elite
goblins fire crossbows down on the invaders (gaining a +1 to hit
bonus for being on higher ground). When he finds his goblins
are in trouble, he casts rage on his elite goblins, and he and they 19
come down to meet the invaders in melee. Before going, Lazurak
attempts to activate his blink spell-like ability.

ADVENTURE QUESTIONS b. Yes. They defeated all of the creatures under the
Steam House.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CAMPAIGNS (of which LEGACY OF THE c. Almost. They defeated the carrion crawler, the
GREEN REGENT is that program’s first offering) tracks character goblins, and Lazurak, but not the mephits.
progress digitally. At the adventure’s end, you report what the d. Almost. They defeated the steam mephits, the
characters did, by answering a number of questions. The answers goblins, and Lazurak, but not the carrion crawler.
to those questions are tallied, and determine not only what hap- e. Almost. They defeated the carrion crawler or the
pens in the campaign, but also the experience points (xp) and steam mephits, and the goblins, but not Lazurak.
gold piece (gp) value increase each character gains. f. Almost. They defeated only the carrion crawler or
At the end of this adventure, you’ll find the RPGA Session only the steam mephits.
Tracking form, tailored for this adventure. On the section titled
“Adventure Questions” fill in the bubble that corresponds to the 6. Did the PCs speak at Haargh’s trial?
best answer for the questions below. a. no.
Many times the questions ask whether or not the PCs defeat-
b. Yes, and that orc owes them one!
ed an encounter. Defeating doesn’t necessarily mean killing all
enemies, but many times such an event suffices as defeating an
7. Rate the players roleplaying.
encounter. Sometimes PCs merely bypass an encounter.
a. Fantastic. Everyone had interesting and engaging
Through luck or circumstance a group of PCs can avoid encoun-
characters that interacted with the adventure in very
ters unscathed. Does bypassing an encounter earn the xp that
fun ways.
defeating it would? No. The reward for getting past an encounter
b. Good. Most everyone had interesting and engaging
without actually interacting with it is having extra resources to
characters that interacted with the adventure in very
bear in the next encounter. Where is the line? You are going to
fun ways.
have to make that decision, because you are the DM.
c. Okay. There was some role-playing.
For traps, PCs get experience points just for encountering
d. None. They treated the adventure as a set of objectives.
them, whether or not they have been disabled.
There was no roleplaying.

1. Were the PCs able to stop the orc assault on the Red Boar
a. Yes. They did so by defeating Haargh in combat.
b. Yes. They did so by opening diplomacy with Haargh.
c. Yes. But they did so by a surprising method not
anticipated by the adventure text.
d. Yes. They did so by defeating all the orcs, including
e. No. They ran.
f. No. The orcs defeated them.

2. Did the PCs fight with the Thayans at the Ivy Enclave?
a. No. They took Beyvan Keth’s aid without resorting to
b. Yes. But they were defeated by the Thayans.
c. Yes. And they defeated the Thayans.

3. Did the PCs encounter Sparrot at the Duelists’ Grotto?

a. Yes. They fought him, and received the location of the
Rat Bastards hideout from him.
b. No. They found out the location of the hideout by
other means.
c. Yes. And they killed him in the duel.

4. Did the PCs defeat the Rat Bastards?

a. No. The Rat Bastards defeated them.
b. Yes. The Rat Bastards were aware of the PCs
approach, but the PCs still defeated them.
c. Yes. The Rat Bastards were not aware of their
20 approach, so surprise won the day.

5. Did the PCs defeat the creatures in the Lair of the Harkson?
a. No. They didn’t make it that far.

APPENDIX I: NPCS sense, wild empathy, woodland stride, spells, trackless step, resist
nature lure; AL CN; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +5; Str 14, Dex 10,
Riot Con 13, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Haargh (EL 5 version): male orc Bbn1/Drd2; CR 3; Medium Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +9, Intimidate +4, Survival +7;
humanoid (orc); HD 1d12+2d8+3; hp 20; Init +0; Spd 40 ft; AC 14, Spell Focus (conjuration), Weapon Focus (greataxe).
touch 10, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +2; Grp +4; Full Atk +6 melee Rage (Ex): 1day—hp 45; AC 13, touch 8, flat-footed 13; Grp
(1d12+3/x3, masterwork greataxe) or +3 ranged (1d6+2/x3, mas-
+8; Full Atk +10 melee (1d12+6/x3, masterwork greataxe); Atk
terwork composite shortbow [+2]); Atk +6 melee (1d12+3/x3,
+10 melee (1d12+6/x3, masterwork greataxe); SV Fort +8, Will
masterwork greataxe) or +3 ranged (1d6+2/x3, masterwork com-
+7. lasts 6 rounds then fatigued.
posite shortbow [+2]); SA rage 1/day, spontaneous cast natures
Possessions: +1 studded leather armor, masterwork greataxe, mas-
ally spells, spells; SQ fast movement, animal companion, nature
sense, wild empathy, woodland stride, spells; AL CN; SV Fort +6, terwork composite shortbow (+2), wooden holy symbol.
Ref +0, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 13. Spells Prepared (4/4/3; Spell DC = 12 + spell level): 0—cure
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +4, Survival +5; minor wounds (2), detect poison, resistance; 1st—cure light wounds (2),
Spell Focus (conjuration), Weapon Focus (greataxe). obscuring mist, produce flame; 2nd—barkskin, bull’s strength, heat
Rage (Ex): 1day—hp 26; AC 12, touch 8, flat-footed 12; Grp metal.
+6; Full Atk +8 melee (1d12+6/x3, masterwork greataxe); Atk +8
melee (1d12+6/x3, masterwork greataxe); SV Fort +8, Will +6. Haargh (EL 7 version): male orc Bbn2/Drd4; CR 6; Medium
Lasts 6 rounds then fatigued. humanoid (orc); HD 2d12+4d8+6; hp 43; Init +0; Spd 40 ft; AC 15,
Possessions: studded leather armor, masterwork greataxe, mas- touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +5; Grp +7; Full Atk +9 melee
(1d12+3/x3, masterwork greataxe) or +6 ranged (1d6+2/x3, mas-
terwork composite shortbow (+2), wooden holy symbol.
terwork composite shortbow [+2]); Atk +9 melee (1d12+3/x3,
Spells Prepared (4/3; Spell DC = 11 + spell level): 0—cure minor
masterwork greataxe) or +6 ranged (1d6+2/x3, masterwork com-
wounds (2), detect poison, resistance; 1st—cure light wounds, obscuring posite shortbow [+2]); SA rage 1/day, spontaneous cast natures
mist, produce flame. ally spells, spells; SQ fast movement, animal companion, nature
sense, wild empathy, woodland stride, spells, trackless step, resist
Haargh (EL 6 version): male orc Bbn1/Drd3; CR 4; Medium nature’s lure, uncanny dodge; AL CN; SV Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +5;
humanoid (orc); HD 1d12+3d8+4; hp 25; Init +0; Spd 40 ft; AC 15, Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 13.
touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Full Atk +7 melee Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +10, Intimidate +5, Survival
(1d12+3/x3, masterwork greataxe) or +4 ranged (1d6+2/x3, mas- +7; Augmented Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration), Weapon
terwork composite shortbow [+2]); Atk +7 melee (1d12+3/x3, Focus (greataxe).
masterwork greataxe) or +4 ranged (1d6+2/x3, masterwork com- Rage (Ex): 1day—hp 55; AC 13, touch 8, flat-footed 13; Grp
posite shortbow [+2]); SA rage 1/day, spontaneous cast natures +9; Full Atk +11 melee (1d12+6/x3, masterwork greataxe); Atk
ally spells, spells; SQ fast movement, animal companion, nature +11 melee (1d12+6/x3, masterwork greataxe); SV Fort +9, Will
sense, wild empathy, woodland stride, spells, trackless step; AL +7. lasts 6 rounds then fatigued.
CN; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +5; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 6, Wis Possessions: +1 studded leather armor, masterwork greataxe, mas-
14, Cha 13.
terwork composite shortbow (+2), wooden holy symbol.
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +4, Survival +6;
Spells Prepared (4/4/3; Spell DC = 12 + spell level): 0—cure
Spell Focus (conjuration), Weapon Focus (greataxe).
minor wounds (2), detect poison, resistance; 1st—cure light wounds (2),
Rage (Ex): 1day—hp 33; AC 13, touch 8, flat-footed 13; Grp
obscuring mist, produce flame; 2nd—barkskin, bull’s strength, heat
+7; Full Atk +9 melee (1d12+6/x3, masterwork greataxe); Atk +9 metal.
melee (1d12+6/x3, masterwork greataxe); SV Fort +8, Will +7.
lasts 6 rounds then fatigued.
Possessions: +1 studded leather armor, masterwork greataxe, mas- Ivy Enclave
terwork composite shortbow (+2), wooden holy symbol. Thayan Knight: human male and female Ftr5/Thayan Knight†
Spells Prepared (4/3/2; Spell DC = 12 + spell level): 0—cure 2: CR 7; Medium humanoid (human); HD 7d10+14; hp variable-
-see encounter; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 24;
minor wounds (2), detect poison, resistance; 1st—cure light wounds,
Base Atk +7; Grp +10; Full Atk +10/+5 melee (1d8+6/19-20 +1
obscuring mist, produce flame; 2nd—barkskin, bull’s strength.
longsword); Atk +10 melee (1d8+6/19-20 +1 longsword); SQ horrors
of Thay, zulkir’s favor, zulkir’s defender; AL LN; SV Fort +9, Ref
Haargh (EL 6 version): male orc Bbn1/Drd4; CR 5; Medium +4, Will +5; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Chr 8.
humanoid (orc); HD 1d12+4d8+5; hp 35; Init +0; Spd 40 ft; AC 15, Skills and Feats: Climb -2, Jump -2, Ride +11; Cleave,
touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +4; Grp +6; Full Atk +8 melee Endurance, Great Cleave, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon
(1d12+3/x3, masterwork greataxe) or +5 ranged (1d6+2/x3, mas- Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword).
terwork composite shortbow [+2]); Atk +8 melee (1d12+3/x3, 21
Horrors of Thay (Ex): Because of the long exposure to the
masterwork greataxe) or +5 ranged (1d6+2/x3, masterwork com-
cruelty of her homeland, a Thayan knight gains a +2 morale
posite shortbow [+2]); SA rage 1/day, spontaneous cast natures
bonus on saving throws against fear effects and a +1 morale
ally spells, spells; SQ fast movement, animal companion, nature

bonus on saving throws against charm effects. nate form, rat empathy, low-light vision, scent, grace +1; AL NE;
Zulkir’s Favor: At 1st-level a Thayan knight undergoes a long Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10,
and painful tattooing ritual. A magical tattoo placed either on the Cha 13.
back or the forehead provides a +2 resistance bonus on Reflex Skills and Feats: Balance +6, Bluff +6, Escape Artist +6, Jump
+5, Listen +4, Spot +2, Tumble +6; Alertness, Dodge, Weapon
saves. The tattoo also marks the knight as someone loyal to the
Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier).
Red Wizards. The knight automatically fails a saving throw
Grace (Ex): Sparrot gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex
against a mid-affecting spell cast by a Red Wizard. When the tat-
too is visible, the knight gains a +2 morale bonus on Intimidate Alternate Form (Su): Sparrot can assume a bipedal hybrid
checks as an extraordinary ability. The tattoos on these knights form and the form of a dire rat.
are visible. Rat Empathy (Ex): Communicate with rats and dire rats, and
Zulkir’s Defender (Ex): A Thayan knight of 2nd level or high- +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against rats and dire
er gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls made rats.
against any creature that attacks her or that she has previously Possessions: masterwork rapier, masterwork dagger, master-
seen attack a Red Wizard. This changes the above stats in the fol- work chain shirt, explorer’s outfit, Quaal’s feather token (bird),
lowing manner: Full Atk +12/+7 melee (1d8+8/19-20 +1 potion of cure light wounds.
longsword); Atk +12 melee (1d8+8/19-20 +1 longsword) †This class is found on pages 11-13 of Complete Warrior. All
Possessions: +1 full plate, +1 tower shield, +1 longsword, potion of necessary information to run this NPCs is found in the statistic
cure moderate wounds.
†The full Thayan knight prestige class can be found on pages
Sparrot the Jack (EL 4 version): male human wererat swash-
85-87 of Complete Warrior. All the necessary information to run buckler† 3 (human form); CR 6; Medium humanoid (human,
this NPCs is given in this statistic block. shapechanger); HD 3d10+1d8+4; hp 27; Init +2; Spd 35 ft.; AC 18,
touch 12, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Full Atk +7 melee
Lesser Thayan Wizards: human male and female Evoker 5: CR (1d6+2/18-20, masterwork rapier) or +6 ranged (1d4+2/19-20,
5; HD 5d4+5; hp variable--see encounter; Init +2, Spd 30 ft., AC masterwork dagger); Atk +7 melee (1d6+2/18-20, masterwork
13, touch 12, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +2; Grp +2; Full Atk +2 rapier) or +6 ranged (1d4+2/19-20, masterwork dagger); SA
melee (1d6, quarterstaff) or +5 ranged (1d8/19-20, masterwork insightful strike, SQ alternate form, rat empathy, low-light
light crossbow); Atk +2 melee (1d6, quarterstaff) or +5 ranged vision, scent, grace +1; AL NE; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 14,
(1d8/19-20, masterwork light crossbow); AL LN; SV Fort +2, Ref Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 13.
+3, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8. Skills and Feats: Balance +7, Bluff +7, Escape Artist +7, Jump
Skills and Feats: Concentration +9, Craft (alchemy) +11, +6, Listen +4, Spot +2, Tumble +7; Alertness, Dash‡, Dodge,
Decipher Script +5, Knowledge (arcane) +11, Knowledge (the Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier).
planes) +11, Spellcraft +13; Combat Casting, Improved Grace (Ex): Sparrot gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex
Counterspell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (evocation), Spellcasting saves.
Prodigy†. Insightful Strike (Ex): If Sparrot were smart enough he
Possessions: masterwork light crossbow, 10 bolts, amulet of nat- would be able to place his finesse attacks where they deal greater
ural armor +1, arcane scroll of mage armor, arcane scroll of shield, damage. He would apply his Intelligence modifier as a bonus on
potion of cure light wounds. damage rolls on attack made by light or finesse weapons. Poor
Spells prepared (4/4+1/3+1/2+1; DC = 13 + spell level, 14 + dumb Sparrot.
spell level for evocation spells; restricted schools are necromancy Alternate Form (Su): Sparrot can assume a bipedal hybrid
and illusion): 0—arcane mark, flare‡, read magic, resistance; 1st— form and the form of a dire rat.
enlarge person, magic missile‡ (3), burning hands‡; 2nd—bull’s Rat Empathy (Ex): Communicate with rats and dire rats, and
strength, fox’s cunning, scorching ray‡ (2); 3rd—fireball‡, lightning +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against rats and dire
bolt‡, protection from energy. rats.
Power-u up Suite (after mage armor, shield, and fox’s cunning are Possessions: masterwork rapier, masterwork dagger, master-
cast): AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19; Int 20; Spellcraft +17; Spell work chain shirt, explorer’s outfit, Quaal’s feather token (bird),
DC = 15 + spell level, 16 + spell level for evocation spells. potion of cure light wounds.
†Spellcasting Prodigy can be found on page 44 of the Player's †This class is found on pages 11-13 of Complete Warrior. All
Guide to Faerûn. The benefits of this feat have been added into the necessary information to run this NPC is found in the statistic
statistic block. block.
‡Evocation spells ‡This feat is found on page 97 of Complete Warrior. It grants
Sparrot an addition 5 feet to his movement while in light or no
The Braggart
Sparrot the Jack (EL 3 version): male human wererat swash-
Sparrot the Jack (EL 5 version): male human wererat swash-
buckler† 2 (human form); CR 5; Medium humanoid (human,
buckler† 4 (human form); CR 7; Medium humanoid (human,
shapechanger); HD 2d10+1d8+3; hp 19; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18,
shapechanger); HD 4d10+1d8+5; hp 35; Init +3; Spd 35 ft.; AC 20,
22 touch 12, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Full Atk +6 melee
touch 13, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +4; Grp +5; Full Atk +9 melee
(1d6+2/18-20, masterwork rapier) or +5 ranged (1d4+2/19-20,
(1d6+2/18-20, masterwork rapier) or +8 ranged (1d4+2/19-20,
masterwork dagger); Atk +6 melee (1d6+2/18-20, masterwork
masterwork dagger); Atk +9 melee (1d6+2/18-20, masterwork
rapier) or +5 ranged (1d4+2/19-20, masterwork dagger); SQ alter-

rapier) or +8 ranged (1d4+2/19-20, masterwork dagger); SA +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against rats and dire
insightful strike, SQ alternate form, rat empathy, low-light rats.
vision, scent, grace +1; AL NE; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 14, Possessions: masterwork rapier, masterwork dagger, +1 chain
Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 13. shirt, explorer’s outfit, Quaal’s feather token (bird), potion of cure
Skills and Feats: Balance +9, Bluff +8, Escape Artist +9, Jump moderate wounds.
+7, Listen +4, Spot +2, Tumble +9; Alertness, Dash‡, Dodge, †This class is found on pages 11-13 of Complete Warrior. All
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier). necessary information to run this NPC is found in the statistic
Grace (Ex): Sparrot gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex block.
saves. ‡This feat is found on page 97 of Complete Warrior. It grants
Insightful Strike (Ex): If Sparrot were smart enough he Sparrot an addition 5 feet to his movement while in light or no
would be able to place his finesse attacks where they deal greater armor.
damage. He would apply his Intelligence modifier as a bonus on
damage rolls on attack made by light or finesse weapons. Poor
dumb Sparrot.
Steam House
Alternate Form (Su): Sparrot can assume a bipedal hybrid 3rd-L
Level Characters
form and the form of a dire rat. Jeriv (EL 3 version): halfling male Sor3; CR 3; Small humanoid
Rat Empathy (Ex): Communicate with rats and dire rats, and (halfling); HD 3d4+3; hp 9; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 14, touch 14,
+4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against rats and dire flat-footed 11; Base Atk +1; Grp –4; Full Atk +1 melee (1d3-1/19-
rats. 20, dagger) or +4 ranged (1d3-1/19-20, dagger); Atk +1 melee
Possessions: masterwork rapier, masterwork dagger, +1 chain (1d3-1/19-20, dagger) +4 ranged (1d3-1/19-20, dagger); SA spells;
shirt, explorer’s outfit, Quaal’s feather token (bird), potion of cure SQ halfling traits, spells; AL NE; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 8,
moderate wounds. Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 15.
†This class is found on pages 11-13 of Complete Warrior. All Skills and Feats: Climb +1, Concentration +6, Hide +7, Jump
necessary information to run this NPC is found in the statistic +1, Move Silently +4, Profession (accountant) +4, Spellcraft +6;
block. Dodge, Spell Focus (enchantment).
‡This feat is found on page 97 of Complete Warrior. It grants Possessions: merchant’s outfit, dagger, spell component pouch,
Sparrot an addition 5 feet to his movement while in light or no potion of blur, arcane scroll of shield.
armor. Spells Known (6/6; Spell DC 12 + spell level; DC 13 + spell
level for enchantment spells): 0—acid splash, daze†, resistance,
Sparrot the Jack (EL 6 version): male human wererat swash- touch of fatigue, prestidigitation; 1st—charm person†, hypnotism†,
buckler† 5 (human form); CR 8; Medium humanoid (human, magic missile.
shapechanger); HD 5d10+1d8+6; hp 43; Init +3; Spd 35 ft.; AC 20, †Enchantment spells.
touch 13, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +5; Grp +6; Full Atk +10 melee Power-u up Suite (after shield and blur): AC 18, touch 14 (18 for
(1d6+3/18-20, +1 rapier) or +9 ranged (1d4+3/19-20, masterwork incorporeal touch attacks), flat-footed 15; 20% miss chance; magic
dagger); Atk +10 melee (1d6+3/18-20, +1 rapier) or +9 ranged missiles target at Jeriv are negated.
(1d4+2/19-20, masterwork dagger); SA Insightful strike, SQ alter-
nate form, rat empathy, low-light vision, scent, grace +1, dodge; Dusk (Zeveron Dal)(EL 4 version): male half-elf (drow) Rog3:
AL NE; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, CR 3; Medium humanoid (elf—drow); HD 3d6+6; hp 17; Init +2,
Wis 10, Cha 13. Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +2, Grp +3;
Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Bluff +9, Escape Artist +10, Jump Full Atk +5 melee (1d6+1/18-20, masterwork rapier), or +5
+8, Listen +4, Spot +2, Tumble +10; Alertness, Dash‡, Dodge, ranged (1d6+1/x3, masterwork composite short bow [+1]); Atk +5
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier). melee (1d6+1/18-20, masterwork rapier), or +5 ranged (1d6+1/x3,
Grace (Ex): Sparrot gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex masterwork composite short bow [+1]); SQ half-elf traits, darkvi-
saves. sion 60 ft., trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +1; SA sneak attack
Insightful Strike (Ex): If Sparrot were smart enough he +2d6; AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14,
would be able to place his finesse attacks where they deal greater Wis 10, Int 12, Cha 8.
damage. He would apply his Intelligence modifier as a bonus on Skills and Feats: Balance +7, Buff +5, Climb +6, Disable Device
damage rolls on attack made by light or finesse weapons. Poor +7, Disguise +5, Escape Artist +7, Hide +7, Move Silently +7,
dumb Sparrot. Open Locks +8; Iron Will, Weapon Finesse.
Dodge (Ex): Sparrot is trained at focusing his defenses on a Possession: masterwork chain shirt, masterwork rapier, mas-
single opponent in melee. During his action, he may designate terwork composite short bow [+1], explorer’s outfit, thieves’
and opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class tools, tanglefoot bag.
against melee attacks from that opponent. He can select a new
opponent on any action. He loses this bonus when wearing Jottess (EL 4 version): female half-orc Clr2; CR 2; Medium
medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy humanoid (orc); HD 2d8+2; hp 16; Init +0, Spd 20 ft.; AC 18,
load. touch 10, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +1; Grp +4; Full Atk +5 melee
Since Sparrot already has the dodge feat, he need not desig- (1d8+3/x3 battleaxe) or +2 range (1d6+3, javelin); Atk +5 melee
nate the same opponent for that feat and this class ability, but if (1d8+3/x3 battleaxe) or +2 range (1d6+3, javelin); SA Spells,
he does the bonuses stack. rebuke undead, spontaneously cast inflict spells; SQ Half-orc
Alternate Form (Su): Sparrot can assume a bipedal hybrid traits, spells; AL CN; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +5; Str 17, Dex 10,
form and the form of a dire rat. Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 6.
Rat Empathy (Ex): Communicate with rats and dire rats, and

Skills and Feats: Concentration +6, Spellcraft +5; Martial SQ halfling traits, spells; AL NE; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4; Str 8,
Weapon Proficiency (battleaxe), Power Attack, Weapon Focus Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16.
(battleaxe). Skills and Feats: Climb +1, Concentration +7, Hide +7, Jump
Possessions: Splint armor, heavy steel shield, battleaxe, 3 +1, Move Silently +4, Profession (accountant) +5, Spellcraft +7;
javelins, silver holy symbol, potion of cure light wounds. Dodge, Spell Focus (enchantment).
Spells Prepared (4/3+1; Spell DC = 12 + spell level); 0—cure Possessions: merchant’s outfit, dagger, spell component pouch,
minor wounds (2) resistance, virtue; 1st—cause fear, doom, enlarge per- potion of blur, arcane scroll of shield.
son*, shield of faith. Spells Known (6/7/4; Spell DC 13 + spell level; DC 14 + spell
*Domain spell; Deity: Tempus; Domains: Strength (perform a level for enchantment spells): 0—acid splash, daze†, ray of frost,
feat of strength as a supernatural ability. Gain a +2 enhancement resistance, touch of fatigue, prestidigitation; 1st—charm person†, hyp-
bonus to Strength. Activating the power is a free action, the notism†, magic missile; 2nd—Tasha’s hideous laughter†.
power lasts for 1 round, as is usable once a day. Jottess has not yet †Enchantment spells.
used this power today) and War (gain free Martial Weapon Power-u up Suite (after shield and blur): AC 18, touch 14 (18 for
Proficiency and Weapon Focus in the battleaxe). incorporeal touch attacks), flat-footed 15; 20% miss chance; magic
Power-U Up Suite (After enlarge person and shield of faith)— missiles target at Jeriv are negated.
Large humanoid (orc); AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18; Grp +9; Full
Atk +5 melee (1d10+4/x3 battleaxe) or +1 range (1d8+4, javelin); Dusk (Zeveron Dal)(EL 5 version): male half-elf (drow) Rog4:
Atk +5 melee (1d10+4/x3 battleaxe) or +1 range (1d8+4, javelin); CR 4; Medium humanoid (elf—drow); HD 4d6+8; Init +3, Spd 30
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10ft.; SV Ref –1; Str 19; Dex 8. ft.; AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +3, Grp +4; Full Atk +7
melee (1d6+2/18-20, +1 rapier), or +7 ranged (1d6+1/x3, master-
work composite short bow [+1]); Atk +7 melee (1d6+2/18-20, +1
Sparrot the Jack (EL 5 version): male human wererat swash-
rapier), or +5 ranged (1d6+1/x3, masterwork composite short bow
buckler† 2 (hybrid form); CR 5; Medium humanoid (human,
[+1]); SQ half-elf traits, darkvision 60 ft., trapfinding, evasion, trap
shapechanger); HD 2d10+1d8+5, hp 19; Init +5, Spd 40 ft.; AC 21,
sense +1, uncanny dodge; SA sneak attack +2d6; AL NE; SV Fort +3,
touch 15, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Full Atk +9 melee
Ref +7, Will +3; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Wis 10, Int 12, Cha 8.
(1d6+2/18-20, masterwork rapier) and bite +3 melee (1d6+1 plus
Skills and Feats: Balance +8, Buff +6, Climb +7, Disable Device
disease, bite) or +8 ranged (1d4+2/19-20, masterwork dagger);
+8, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +8, Hide +8, Move Silently +8,
Atk +9 melee (1d6+2/18-20, masterwork rapier) or +8 ranged
Open Locks +9; Iron Will, Weapon Finesse.
(1d4+2/19-20, masterwork dagger); SQ curse of lycanthropy, dis-
Possession: masterwork chain shirt, +1 rapier, masterwork com-
ease, alternate form, rat empathy, damage reduction 10/silver,
posite short bow [+1], explorer’s outfit, thieves’ tools, tanglefoot bag.
low-light vision, scent, grace +1; AL NE; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +0;
Str 14, Dex 21, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 13.
Skills and Feats: Balance +9, Bluff +6, Escape Artist +9, Jump Jottess (EL 5 version): female half-orc Clr3; Medium humanoid
+5, Listen +4, Spot +1, Tumble +9; Alertness, Dodge, Weapon (orc); CR 3; 3d8+3; Init +0, Spd 20 ft.; AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed
Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier). 18; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Full Atk +7 melee (1d8+3/x3 masterwork
Grace (Ex): Sparrot gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex battleaxe) or +3 range (1d6+3, javelin); Atk +7 melee (1d8+3/x3
saves. masterwork battleaxe) or +3 range (1d6+3, javelin); SA Spells,
Curse of Lycanthopy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a rebuke undead, spontaneously cast inflict spells; SQ Half-orc
wererat’s bite attack in anima or hybrid form must succeed on a traits, spells; AL CN; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5; Str 17, Dex 10,
DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy. Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 6.
Disease (Ex): Filth fever; bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation Skills and Feats: Concentration +7, Spellcraft +6; Cleave,
period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is Martial Weapon Proficiency (battleaxe), Power Attack, Weapon
Constitution based. Focus (battleaxe).
Alternate Form (Su): Sparrot can assume a human form and Possessions: Splint armor, heavy steel shield, masterwork bat-
the form of a dire rat. tleaxe, 3 javelins, silver holy symbol, potion of cure light wounds.
Rat Empathy (Ex): Communicate with rats and dire rats, and Spells Prepared (4/3+1/2+1; Spell DC = 12 + spell level); 0—
+4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against rats and dire cure minor wounds (2) resistance, virtue; 1st—cause fear, doom, enlarge
rats. person*, shield of faith; 2nd—aid, bull’s strength*, sound burst.
Possessions: masterwork rapier, masterwork dagger, master- *Domain spell; Deity: Tempus; Domains: Strength (perform a
work chain shirt, explorer’s outfit. feat of strength as a supernatural ability. Gain a +2 enhancement
†This class is found on pages 11-13 of Complete Warrior. All bonus to Strength. Activating the power is a free action, the
necessary information to run this NPC is found in the statistic power lasts for 1 round, as is usable once a day. Jottess has not yet
block. used this power today) and War (gain free Martial Weapon
Proficiency and Weapon Focus in the battleaxe).
Power-U Up Suite (After enlarge person, shield of faith, and bull’s
Level Characters strength)—Large humanoid (orc); AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18;
Jeriv (EL 4 version): halfling male Sor4; CR 4; Small humanoid Grp +12; Full Atk +9 melee (1d10+6/x3 masterwork battleaxe) or
24 (halfling); HD 4d4+4; hp 14; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 14, touch 14, +2 range (1d8+6, javelin); Atk +9 melee (1d10+4/x3 masterwork
flat-footed 11; Base Atk +2; Grp –3; Full Atk +2 melee (1d3-1/19- battleaxe) or +1 range (1d8+6, javelin); Space/Reach: 10 ft./10ft.;
20, dagger) or +5 ranged (1d3-1/19-20, dagger); Atk +2 melee SV Ref +0; Str 23; Dex 8.
(1d3-1/19-20, dagger) +5 ranged (1d3-1/19-20, dagger); SA spells;

Sparrot the Jack (EL 6 version): male human wererat swash- Dusk (Zeveron Dal)(EL 6 version): male half-elf (drow) Rog5:
buckler† 3 (hybrid form); CR 6; Medium humanoid (human, CR 4; Medium humanoid (elf—drow); HD 5d6+10; hp 30; Init
shapechanger); HD 3d10+1d8+7, hp 27; Init +5, Spd 45 ft.; AC 22, +3, Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +3, Grp +4;
touch 12, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Full Atk +10 melee Full Atk +7 melee (1d6+2/18-20, +1 rapier), or +7 ranged
(1d6+2/18-20, masterwork rapier) and +4 melee (1d6+1 plus dis- (1d6+1/x3, masterwork composite short bow [+1]); Atk +7 melee
ease, bite), or +9 ranged (1d4+1/19-20, masterwork dagger); Atk (1d6+2/18-20, +1 rapier), or +5 ranged (1d6+1/x3, masterwork
+10 melee (1d6+1/18-20, masterwork rapier) or +9 ranged composite short bow [+1]); SQ half-elf traits, darkvision 60 ft.,
(1d4+1/19-20, masterwork dagger); SA insightful strike, SQ
trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge; SA sneak
Curse of lycanthropy, disease, alternate form, rat empathy, dam-
attack +3d6; AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +3; Str 13, Dex 16,
age reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent, grace +1; AL NE;
Con 14, Wis 10, Int 12, Cha 8.
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 21, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10,
Cha 13. Skills and Feats: Balance +9, Buff +7, Climb +8, Disable Device
Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Bluff +7, Escape Artist +10, Jump +10, Disguise +7, Escape Artist +9, Hide +9, Move Silently +9,
+6, Listen +4, Spot +2, Tumble +10; Alertness, Dash‡, Dodge, Open Locks +10; Iron Will, Weapon Finesse.
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier). Possession: +1 chain shirt, +1 rapier, masterwork composite
Grace (Ex): Sparrot gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex short bow [+1], explorer’s outfit, thieves’ tools, tanglefoot bag.
Curse of Lycanthopy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a
Jottess (EL 6 version): female half-orc Clr4; CR 4; Medium
wererat’s bite attack in anima or hybrid form must succeed on a
humanoid (orc); HD 4d8+4; hp 33; Init +0, Spd 20 ft.; AC 18,
DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy.
touch 10, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Full Atk +9 melee
Disease (Ex): Filth fever; bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation
(1d8+5/x3 +1 battleaxe) or +4 range (1d6+4, javelin); Atk +9 melee
period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is
(1d8+5/x3 +1 battleaxe) or +4 range (1d6+4, javelin); SA Spells,
Constitution based.
Insightful Strike (Ex): If Sparrot were smart enough he rebuke undead, spontaneously cast inflict spells; SQ Half-orc
would be able to place his finesse attacks where they deal greater traits, spells; AL CN; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +6; Str 18, Dex 10,
damage. He would apply his Intelligence modifier as a bonus on Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 6.
damage rolls on attack made by light or finesse weapons. Poor Skills and Feats: Concentration +8, Spellcraft +7; Cleave,
dumb Sparrot. Martial Weapon Proficiency (battleaxe), Power Attack, Weapon
Alternate Form (Su): Sparrot can assume a human form and Focus (battleaxe).
the form of a dire rat. Possessions: Splint armor, heavy steel shield, +1 battleaxe, 3
Rat Empathy (Ex): Communicate with rats and dire rats, and
javelins, silver holy symbol, potion of cure light wounds, divine
+4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against rats and dire
scroll of cat’s grace.
Possessions: masterwork rapier, masterwork dagger, master- Spells Prepared (4/4+1/2+1; Spell DC = 12 + spell level); 0—
work chain shirt, explorer’s outfit. cure minor wounds (2) resistance, virtue; 1st—cause fear, cure light
†This class is found on pages 11-13 of Complete Warrior. All wounds, doom, enlarge person*, shield of faith; 2nd—aid, bear’s
necessary information to run this NPC is found in the statistic endurance, bull’s strength*, sound burst.
block. *Domain spell; Deity: Tempus; Domains: Strength (perform a
‡This feat is found on page 97 of Complete Warrior. It grants feat of strength as a supernatural ability. Gain a +2 enhancement
Sparrot an addition 5 feet to his movement while in light or no bonus to Strength. Activating the power is a free action, the
power lasts for 1 round, as is usable once a day. Jottess has not yet
used this power today) and War (gain free Martial Weapon
Level Characters Proficiency and Weapon Focus in the battleaxe).
Jeriv (EL 5 version): halfling male Sor5; Medium humanoid Power-U Up Suite (After enlarge person, shield of faith, bull’s
(halfling); CR 5; HD 5d4+5; hp 19; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 15, strength, cat’s grace and bear’s endurance)—Large humanoid (orc);
touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +2; Grp –3; Full Atk +2 melee hp 41; AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20; Grp +14; Full Atk +11
(1d3-1/19-20, dagger) or +5 ranged (1d3-1/19-20, dagger); Atk +2 melee (1d10+8/x3 +1 battleaxe) or +2 range (1d8+7, javelin); Atk
melee (1d3-1/19-20, dagger) +5 ranged (1d3-1/19-20, dagger); SA +11 melee (1d10+8/x3 +1 battleaxe) or +2 range (1d8+7, javelin);
spells; SQ halfling traits, spells; AL NE; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4; Space/Reach: 10 ft./10ft.; SV Fort +7, Ref +3; Str 24; Dex 12.
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Climb +1, Concentration +8, Hide +7, Jump Sparrot the Jack (EL 7 version): male human wererat swash-
+1, Move Silently +4, Profession (accountant) +6, Spellcraft +8; buckler† 4 (hybrid form); CR 7; Medium humanoid (human,
Dodge, Spell Focus (enchantment). shapechanger); HD 4d10+1d8+9, hp 35; Init +6, Spd 45 ft.; AC 24,
Possessions: merchant’s outfit, dagger, spell component pouch, touch 16, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +4; Grp +5; Full Atk +12 melee
bracers of armor +1, potion of blur, arcane scroll of shield. (1d6+2/18-20, masterwork rapier) and +6 melee (1d6+1 plus dis-
Spells Known (6/7/5; Spell DC 13 + spell level; DC 14 + spell ease, bite), or +11 ranged (1d4+2/19-20, masterwork dagger); Atk
level for enchantment spells): 0—acid splash, daze†, ray of frost, +12 melee (1d6+2/18-20, masterwork rapier) or +11 ranged
resistance, touch of fatigue, prestidigitation; 1st—charm person†, hyp-
(1d4+2/19-20, masterwork dagger); SA insightful strike, SQ curse
notism†, magic missile; 2nd—scorching ray, Tasha’s hideous laughter†. of lycanthropy, disease, alternate form, rat empathy, damage
†Enchantment spells. reduction 10/silver, low-light vision, scent, grace +1; AL NE; Fort

+6, Ref +8, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 13. 60 ft., trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge; SA
Skills and Feats: Balance +11, Bluff +8, Escape Artist +11, Jump sneak attack +4d6, death attack, poison use, poison, spells; AL
+7, Listen +4, Spot +2, Tumble +11; Alertness, Dash‡, Dodge, NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +3; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Wis 10,
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier). Int 12, Cha 8.
Grace (Ex): Sparrot gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Buff +8, Climb +8, Disable
saves. Device +10, Disguise +8, Escape Artist +9, Hide +10, Move
Curse of Lycanthopy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a Silently +10, Open Locks +10; Blind-Fight, Iron Will, Weapon
wererat’s bite attack in anima or hybrid form must succeed on a Finesse.
DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy. Death Attack (Ex): If Dusk studies his victim for 3 rounds
Disease (Ex): Filth fever; bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation and then makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that suc-
period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is cessfully deals damage, the sneak attack has the additional effect
Constitution based. of possibly either paralyzing or killing the target (Dusk’s choice).
Insightful Strike (Ex): If Sparrot were smart enough he While studying the victim, Dusk can undertake other actions, so
would be able to place his finesse attacks where they deal greater long as his attention stays focused on the garget and the target
damage. He would apply his Intelligence modifier as a bonus on does not detect the assassin or recognize the assassin as an
damage rolls on attack made by light or finesse weapons. Poor enemy. If the victim of such an attack fails a Fortitude save (DC
dumb Sparrot. 12) against the kill effect, she dies. If the saving throw fails
Alternate Form (Su): Sparrot can assume a bipedal hybrid against the paralysis effect, the victim’s mind and body become
form and the form of a dire rat. enervated, rendering her helpless and unable to act for 1d6+1
Rat Empathy (Ex): Communicate with rats and dire rats, and +4 rounds. If the victim’s saving throw succeeds the attack is just a
racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against rats and dire rats. normal sneak attack. Once Dusk has completed the 3 rounds of
Possessions: masterwork rapier, masterwork dagger, +1 chain study, he must make the death attack within the next 3 rounds.
shirt, explorer’s outfit. If the death attack is attempted and fails (the victim makes his or
†This class is found on pages 11-13 of Complete Warrior. All her save) or Dusk doe not launch the attack with 3 rounds of
necessary information to run this NPC is found in the statistic completing the study, 3 new rounds of study are required before
block. Dusk can attempt another death attack.
‡This feat is found on page 97 of Complete Warrior. It grants Poison Use (Ex): Dusk is trained in the use of poisons and
Sparrot an addition 5 feet to his movement while in light or no never risks accidentally poisoning himself when applying poison
armor. to a weapon.
Poison (Ex): Three of Dusk’s arrows and his rapier are treated
with drow sleep poison (Injury DC 12; Initial Unconsciousness;
Level Characters Secondary Unconsciousness for 2d4 hours).
Jeriv (EL 6 version): halfling male Sor6; CR 6; Medium Possession: +1 chain shirt,+1 rapier, masterwork composite short
humanoid (halfling); HD 6d4+6; hp 23; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 15, bow [+1], explorer’s outfit, thieves’ tools, tanglefoot bag.
touch 14, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +3; Grp –2; Full Atk +3 melee Spells Known (1; Save DC = 11 + spell level): 1st—sleep, true strike.
(1d3-1/19-20, dagger) or +6 ranged (1d3-1/19-20, dagger); Atk +3
melee (1d3-1/19-20, dagger) +6 ranged (1d3-1/19-20, dagger); SA
Jottess (EL 5 version): female half-orc Clr5; CR 5; Medium
spells; SQ halfling traits, spells; AL NE; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +5;
humanoid (orc); HD5d8+5; hp 38; Init +0, Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16.
10, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Full Atk +9 melee (1d8+5/x3
Skills and Feats: Climb +1, Concentration +9, Hide +7, Jump
+1 battleaxe) or +4 range (1d6+4, javelin); Atk +9 melee (1d8+5/x3 +1
+1, Move Silently +4, Profession (accountant) +7, Spellcraft +9;
battleaxe) or +4 range (1d6+4, javelin); SA Spells, rebuke undead,
Dodge, Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Focus
spontaneously cast inflict spells; SQ Half-orc traits, spells; AL CN;
SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +6; Str 18, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14,
Possessions: merchant’s outfit, dagger, spell component pouch,
Cha 6.
bracers of armor +1, potion of blur, arcane scroll of shield.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +9, Spellcraft +8; Cleave, Martial
Spells Known (6/7/6/4; Spell DC 13 + spell level; DC 15 + spell
Weapon Proficiency (battleaxe), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bat-
level for enchantment spells): 0—acid splash, daze†, ghost sound, ray
of frost, resistance, touch of fatigue, prestidigitation; 1st—charm per-
Possessions: Splint armor, +1 heavy steel shield, +1 battleaxe, 3
son†, hypnotism†, magic missile; 2nd—scorching ray, Tasha’s hideous
javelins, silver holy symbol, potion of cure light wounds, divine scroll
laughter†; 3rd—hold person†.
of cat’s grace.
†Enchantment spells.
Spells Prepared (4/4+1/2+1/1+1; Spell DC = 12 + spell level); 0—
Power-u up Suite (after shield and blur): AC 19, touch 14 (19 for
cure minor wounds (2) resistance, virtue; 1st—cause fear, cure light
incorporeal touch attacks), flat-footed 16; 20% miss chance; magic
wounds, doom, enlarge person*, shield of faith; 2nd—aid, bear’s
missiles target at Jeriv are negated.
endurance, bull’s strength*, sound burst; 3rd—bestow curse, magic vest-
Dusk (Zeveron Dal)(EL 6 version): male half-elf (drow)
*Domain spell; Deity: Tempus; Domains: Strength (perform a feat
Rog5/Assassin 1: CR 6; Medium humanoid (elf—drow); HD
of strength as a supernatural ability. Gain a +2 enhancement bonus
6d6+12; hp 37; Init +3, Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15;
to Strength. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts for
26 Base Atk +3, Grp +4; Full Atk +7 melee (1d6+2/18-20, +1 rapier), or
1 round, as is usable once a day. Jottess has not yet used this power
+7 ranged (1d6+1/x3, masterwork composite short bow [+1]); Atk
today) and War (gain free Martial Weapon Proficiency and
+7 melee (1d6+2/18-20, +1 rapier), or +5 ranged (1d6+1/x3, mas-
Weapon Focus in the battleaxe).
terwork composite short bow [+1]); SQ half-elf traits, darkvision
Power-U Up Suite (After enlarge person, shield of faith, bull’s strength,

cat’s grace, bear’s endurance, and magic vestment)—Large humanoid crossbow); SQ darkvision 60 ft.; AL NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4;
(orc); hp 48; AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 22; Grp +14; Full Atk +11 Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8
melee (1d10+8/x3 +1 battleaxe) or +2 range (1d8+7, javelin); Atk +11 Skills and Feats: Climb +5, Hide +5, Move Silently +3, Ride +12;
melee (1d10+8/x3 +1battleaxe) or +2 range (1d8+7, javelin); Iron, Weapon Focus (morningstar).
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10ft.; SV Fort +7, Ref +3; Str 24; Dex 12. Possessions: studded leather armor, light wooden shield, mas-
terwork morningstar, light crossbow, 10 bolts, thunderstone.
Sparrot the Jack (EL 8 version): male human wererat swash- Power-U Up Suite (After Lazurak casts rage)—+3 hp; AC 16,
buckler† 5 (hybrid form); CR 8; Medium humanoid (human, touch 12, flat-footed 13; Grp +1; Full Atk +7 melee (1d6+2, master-
shapechanger); HD 5d10+1d8+11, Init +6, Spd 45 ft.; AC 24, work morningstar); Atk +7 melee (1d6+2, masterwork morn-
touch 16, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +5; Grp +6; Full Atk +13 melee ingstar); SV Fort +6, Will +6; Str 14, Con 15; Climb +6.
(1d6+3/18-20, +1 rapier) and +7 melee (1d6+1 plus disease, bite),
or +12 ranged (1d4+2/19-20, masterwork dagger); Atk +13 melee Lazurak Harkson (EL 4 and 5 version): Barghest; CR 4; hp 44; see
(1d6+3/18-20, +1 rapier) or +12 ranged (1d4+2/19-20, masterwork Monster Manual modified by following.
dagger); SA insightful strike, SQ curse of lycanthropy, disease, Possessions: chain shirt, +1 longsword.
alternate form, rat empathy, damage reduction 10/silver, low- Goblin Form: AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 23; Grp +5; Full Atk
light vision, scent, grace +1, dodge; AL NE; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +11/+6 melee (1d6+4/19-20, +1 longsword); Atk +11 melee (1d6+4
+1; Str 14, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 13. /19-20, +1 longsword); Hide +15.
Skills and Feats: Balance +13, Bluff +9, Escape Artist +13, Jump
+8, Listen +4, Spot +2, Tumble +13; Alertness, Dash‡, Dodge, Lazurak Harkson (EL 8 version): Advanced Barghest (8 HD); CR
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier). 4; Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful, shapechanger); HD
Grace (Ex): Sparrot gains a +1 competence bonus on Reflex 8d8+16; hp 54 Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18;
saves. Base Atk +8; Grp +12; Full Atk +9 melee (1d6+4, bite) and +4 melee
Curse of Lycanthopy (Su): Any humanoid or giant hit by a (1d4+2, 2 claws); Atk +9 melee (1d6+4, bite); SA Spell-like abilities,
wererat’s bite attack in anima or hybrid form must succeed on a feed; SQ Change shape, damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60
DC 15 Fortitude save or contract lycanthropy. ft., pass without trace, scent; SV Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +8; Str 19, Dex
Disease (Ex): Filth fever; bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation 16, Con 15; Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14.
period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is Skills and Feats: Bluff +13, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +8 (+10 act-
Constitution based. ing), Hide +13, Intimidate +15, Jump +12, Listen +13, Move
Insightful Strike (Ex): If Sparrot were smart enough he Silently +12, Search +11, Sense Motive +12, Spot +11 (+13 follow-
would be able to place his finesse attacks where they deal greater ing tracks); Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Track.
damage. He would apply his Intelligence modifier as a bonus on Spell-llike Abilities: At will—blink, levitate, misdirection (DC 14),
damage rolls on attack made by light or finesse weapons. Poor rage (DC 15); 1/day—charm monster (DC 16), crushing despair (DC
dumb Sparrot. 16), dimension door. Caster level 8. The save DC are Charisma based.
Dodge (Ex): Sparrot is trained at focusing his defenses on a sin- Feed (Su): When a barghest slays a humanoid opponent, it can
gle opponent in melee. During his action, he may designate and feed on the corpse, devouring both flesh and life force, as a full-
opponent and receive a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class against round action. Feeding destroys the victim’s body and prevents any
melee attacks from that opponent. He can select a new opponent form of raising or resurrection that requires part of the corpse.
on any action. He loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy There is a 50% chance that a wish, miracle, or true resurrection spell
armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. can restore a devoured victim to life. Check once for each
Since Sparrot already has the dodge feat, he need not desig- destroyed creature. If the check fails, the creature cannot be
nate the same opponent for that feat and this class ability, but if brought back to life by mortal magic.
he does the bonuses stack. A barghest advances in Hit Dice by consuming corpses in this
Alternate Form (Su): Sparrot can assume a bipedal hybrid fashion. For every three suitable corpses a barghest devours, it
form and the form of a dire rat. gains 1 Hit Die, and its Strength, Constitution, and natural armor
Rat Empathy (Ex): Communicate with rats and dire rats, and +4 increase by +1. Its attack bonus and saves improve as normal for an
racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against rats and dire rats. outsider of its Hit Dice, and it gains skill points, feats, and ability
Possessions: masterwork rapier, masterwork dagger, +1 chain score improvements normally. The barghest only advances by con-
shirt, explorer’s outfit. suming the corpses of creatures whose Hit Dice or levels are equal
†This class is found on pages 11-13 of Complete Warrior. All to or greater than its own current total. A barghest that reaches 9
necessary information to run this NPC is found in the statistic Hit Dice through featuring immediately becomes a greater bargh-
block. est upon completing the act.
‡This feat is found on page 97 of Complete Warrior. It grants Change Shape (Su): A barghest can assume the shape of a gob-
Sparrot an addition 5 feet to his movement while in light or no lin or a wolf as a standard action. In goblin form, barghest cannot
armor. use its natural weapons but can wield weapons and wear armor. In
wolf form, a barghest loses its claw attacks but retains it bite attack.
Lair of the Harkson Pass Without Trace (Ex): A barghest in wolf form can use pass
Elite Goblin Warriors: male and female goblin War3; CR 3; without trace (as the spell) as a free action.
Small humanoid (goblinoid); HD 3d8+3; hp variable--see adven- Possessions: +1 chain shirt, heavy steel shield, +1 corrosive longsword.
ture text; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15; Base Goblin Form: AC 29, touch 14, flat-footed 26; Grp +8; Full Atk 27
Atk +3; Grp –1; Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+1, masterwork morn- +13/+8 melee (1d6+5 plus 1d6 points of corrosive/19-20, +1 corro-
ingstar) or +7 ranged (1d6/19-20, light crossbow); Atk +6 melee sive longsword); Atk +13 melee (1d6+5 plus 1d6 points of acid dam-
(1d6+1, masterwork morningstar) or +7 ranged (1d6/19-20, light age/19-20, +1 corrosive longsword); Hide +17.
Illustration 2
Illustration 3

Illustration 4
Illustration 5

Illustration 6
Illustration 7

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