(FINAL) Prolonged Use of Scientific Calculators and Its Relationship To The Cognitive Ability of STEM Students at PSOSHS
(FINAL) Prolonged Use of Scientific Calculators and Its Relationship To The Cognitive Ability of STEM Students at PSOSHS
(FINAL) Prolonged Use of Scientific Calculators and Its Relationship To The Cognitive Ability of STEM Students at PSOSHS
Group Number: 00
Group Roles
● Leader/Editor: This student is in charge of organizing the final product of the project, be it a paper, a presentation, etc.
That doesn't mean technical details, but of making sure that the project meets the standards set out by the instructor (often as a
rubric), plus any extras stipulated by the group. These standards generally include punctuality and completeness.
LEADER: Shane T. Sutiangso
● Recorder/Secretary: This person takes notes whenever the group meets and keeps track of group data/sources/etc. This
person distributes these notes to the rest of the group highlighting sections relevant for their parts of the project.
● Checker: Someone needs to double-check data, bibliographic sources, or graphics for accuracy and correctness.
● Spokesperson/Press Secretary/Webmaster: This person would be responsible for the technical details of the final product
and would be ready to summarize the group's progress and findings to the instructor and to other groups.
Rubrics of Outputs
Name of Members Product Product Quality Product Conventions Group Feedback Score
Content and Organization Participation Provided to
De Guzman, Dainie O.
Morente, Arlene C.
Sutiangso, Shane T.
Use the rubrics below in rating your peers and the quality of their work.
Insert the Concept Map here.
Discuss the overview of Provide specific scenario or Provide another scenario that Discuss here the rationale of
your study. Include here observations then support it by may support or contradict the your research in connection to
your general observations readings (at least 5 sentences) observations you have in the the situations and observations
based on your study. second column. Include you presented in column 2 and
Support it with readings. readings. (at least 5 sentences) 3. (at least three sentences)
(at least three sentences)
Quality education that leads to The study of Boyle, R.W. & In a research done by Cantú et. Because of the chosen strand,
lifelong learning is one of the Farreras I.G. (2015) supports al (2019), calculators that were STEM students will one day be
sustainable goals the world the idea that even if a made to give incorrect answers able to contribute to society’s
aims to achieve. In the past, computation gadget were to be were created. Given to their technological advancements.
being educated was defined as present on assessments, that student respondents, the results However, it has gotten to a
people with the ability to read does not guarantee an show less than 50% overall point wherein students are no
and learn. First starting as a increased score. Rather, it is suspicion throughout the whole longer able to recognize the
privilege given only to the the student’s ability to use the assessment for reasons like frequency in which they are
wealthy, the continuous tool accordingly based on their “15% of students throughout allowed to use technology.
development of technology has mathematical literacy. It is these studies did not know Causing the over-reliance on
caused the globalization of important to be mathematically offhand how to calculate 15% technological tools such as the
education. “Children might literate if the students are of 21”. Yes, a calculator is able scientific calculator.
become more engaged in planning to pursue a career that to save time and give
learning if technology is used requires advanced convenience. By being aware The study aims to further
in the classroom”, (Haleem et. mathematics, wherein a grasp of the workings of the modes denounce or support the idea
al, 2019). Because of its of the basics is needed. But the and shortcuts a scientific regarding scientific calculators
interactiveness, digital continuous use of calculators calculator has, then issues and the student's cognitive
creations and tools were used has led the students to would occur less. However, if ability. Done in a way that'll be
to better the learning process of remember proper inputting on the student learned about able to bring a more efficient
children. Information onced the computation tool, rather inputting of solutions rather way of learning mathematical
only obtained in libraries can than remembering the solving than the practice of doing so by concepts. Particularly to
now be obtained in the World process themselves. The themselves, the mistakes would students at PSOSHS, the
Wide Web. In the 21st research aims not to put the go unnoticed. The study even research aims to bring
Century, other than being able presence of calculators in a bad mentions that “highly numerate contribution to the school's
to read and learn, students are light. Rather, the course of students will tend to use a future students.
now expected to be literate in action done by instructors calculator, even when they do
technology. should also be taken into not need one”.
account for they also play a big Students of this age, no matter
role in the student’s path to the degree of literacy, have
comprehension. With a study come to trust the easily
created by Bengre et. al. accessible calculator, for it's
(2022), showing results how not an unfamiliar tool.
student teachers were able to
outperform expert teachers in a
test regarding their competency
of calculators. Also, the result
of the research shows that a
teacher with a high
competency in calculators is
more likely to enthusiastically
teach using a calculator rather
than a teacher with a lower
calculator-based competency.
#1 The research aims to find #1 What are the possible The Effects of Over-Reliance Independent: Prolonged Use of
the students' use of the factors that led to the Grade 11 on Scientific Calculators Scientific Calculators
calculator by acknowledging STEM students’ over-reliance Among Grade 11 STEM
how frequent students use on scientific calculators? Students at PSOSHS
calculators for success. How often do students use the Dependent: Cognitive Ability
calculator? of STEM Students at PSOSHS
Prolonged Use of Scientific
#2 The research aims to find #2 What are the impacts of Calculators and its
out what to take notice of when over-reliance on scientific Relationship to the Cognitive
it comes to the students' calculators among Grade 11 Ability of STEM Students at
performance, particularly in STEM students? PSOSHS
achievements. How does the calculator affect
the students' achievements?
Approved Title Research Questions: Significance of the Study Scope and Delimitation
Write the approved research (Discuss the at least three (Determine the scope of
questions here. sectors that will benefit your participants, time frame
study) involve and all possible
variables you will be using)
Prolonged Use of Scientific #1 How often do students use The findings of this study is This study will focus on Grade
Calculators and its the calculator? significant to the following: 11 STEM students of Pres.
Relationship to the Cognitive Sergio Osmeña Sr. High
Ability of STEM Students at #2 How does the calculator Educational Institutions. This School only. The main purpose
PSOSHS affect the students' study can inform curriculum of this study is to know the
achievements? designs and can establish relationship between the
guidelines on the appropriate prolonged use of scientific
#3 How is there a significant use of scientific calculators in calculators and how it affects
relationship between a the school, ensuring that the cognitive ability of the
student's cognitive ability and students develop both manual Grade 11 STEM students at
prolonged use of scientific computation skills and PSOSHS.
calculators? technological computation This study aims to show the
skills. Information that will relationship between the
then be used accordingly in prolonged use of scientific
order to improve the calculators and cognitive
mathematical comprehension ability of Grade 11 STEM
of future students. students at PSOSHS. The
research will quantitatively
Teachers. This study will measure calculator usage and
provide information on how identify its relationship on
scientific calculator over- students’ cognitive abilities,
reliance affects students’ such as problem-solving and
academic performance. The manual computations in
findings can guide teachers in mathematical concepts.
developing teaching strategies Data will be gathered face-to-
that can promote a balanced face with the use of survey
approach, incorporating more questionnaires to determine the
exercises that strengthen relationship between the
students’ mental computational prolonged use of scientific
skills while still integrating in calculator and cognitive ability
calculators as supplementary of the students, particularly in
tools. Grade 11 STEM students. Data
collection will be conducted
Students. This study will over a period of three (3) to
highlight how over-reliance on four (4) weeks.
scientific calculators may
affect their cognitive ability,
particularly in computation
skills and problem-solving.
Understanding both positive
and negative impacts can
increase the awareness of
students and it will motivate
them to take balanced skills,
integrating manual problem-
solving and the use of
calculators to their learning
process in computation.
Approved Title Research Questions: Significance of the Scope and Delimitation Definition
Write the approved Study (Copy and paste the (Define terms
research questions here. (Copy and paste the approved work here) operationally. Define
approved work here) the words in the title
and research questions
Prolonged Use of #1 How often do The findings of this studyThis study will focus on Calculator - An
Scientific Calculators students use the is significant to the Grade 11 STEM electronic device used
and its Relationship to calculator? following: students of Pres. Sergio for solving
the Cognitive Ability of Osmeña Sr. High School mathematical
STEM Students at #2 How does the Educational only. The main purpose operations, including
PSOSHS calculator affect the Institutions. This study of this study is to know science, engineering,
students' achievements? can inform curriculum the relationship between and mathematical
designs and can the prolonged use of problems.
#3 How is there a scientific calculators and
establish guidelines on
significant relationship how it affects the Cognitive ability - skills
the appropriate use of
between a student's cognitive ability of the that use your brain to
scientific calculators in
cognitive ability and
the school, ensuring that Grade 11 STEM complete essential tasks.
prolonged use of students at PSOSHS. That includes reading,
students develop both
scientific calculators? This study aims to show thinking, learning,
manual computation
skills and technological the relationship between remembering, speaking,
computation skills. the prolonged use of listening, and paying
Information that will scientific calculators and attention.
then be used accordingly cognitive ability of
in order to improve the Grade 11 STEM PSOSHS - Known as
mathematical students at PSOSHS. President Sergio
comprehension of future The research will Osmena SR. High
students. quantitatively measure School, located in
calculator usage and Manila, Philippines. The
Teachers. This study identify its relationship school where the
will provide information on students’ cognitive research will take place.
on how scientific abilities, such as
calculator over-reliance problem-solving and Students - The Senior
affects students’ manual computations in High School learners in
academic performance. mathematical concepts. Grade 11 who are taking
The findings can guide Data will be gathered STEM strand at
teachers in developing face-to-face with the use PSOSHS.
teaching strategies that of survey questionnaires
can promote a balanced to determine the
approach, incorporating relationship between the
more exercises that prolonged use of
strengthen students’ scientific calculator and
mental computational cognitive ability of the
skills while still students, particularly in
integrating in calculators Grade 11 STEM
as supplementary tools. students. Data collection
will be conducted over a
Students. This study period of three (3) to
will highlight how over- four (4) weeks.
reliance on scientific
calculators may affect
their cognitive ability,
particularly in
computation skills and
Understanding both
positive and negative
impacts can increase the
awareness of students
and it will motivate
them to take balanced
skills, integrating
manual problem-solving
and the use of
calculators to their
learning process in
Researchers. The
findings of this study
will enhance their
understanding of
specific issues, serving
as a valuable resource
for their ongoing and
future work.
Future Researchers.
This study will offer a
comprehensive review
of existing literature,
identify gaps, and
suggest potential areas
for further exploration.
Write the Research Question 1 here. Then read at least 5 articles that are related to this research question. Complete the matrix
#1 How often do students use the calculator?
Source: Copy Paste Content From Paraphrase Content Write hashtag based on your
Write in APA style 7th edition. the Materials Use this in paraphrasing your readings
McDaniel, A. (2023). "Use of James Tarr, Department of Tarr (2020) conducted research #USJPPRTCALCULATORUS
Curriculum and Instruction at regarding the general behavior EINCLASS
Calculators in High School the University of Missouri, led of three counties about the
a study which used data from usage of calculators. The
the Third International countries United States,
https://ideaexchange.uakron.ed Mathematics and Science Portugal, and Japan were
Study (TIMSS) to determine chosen based on the United
u/honors_research_projects/10 trends in calculator use for States average score. In the
students in the countries of the three countries, Japan had the
12/ Unites States, Portugal, and best response to the use of
Japan. These countries were calculators. Where only 4% of
chosen as they scored students surveyed responded
significantly different from the “almost always” or “pretty
United States often” when asked about their
average score. The United frequency of using calculators.
States average score was a 500, With even 75% of Japanese
while Japan had an average of students stating that they do
605 not use calculators in math
which was third highest of the classes.
countries that participated, and
Portugal averaged a 454 which
was the sixth lowest of the
countries that participated. The
study focused on the data from
year-old students or those who
were in the eighth grade. It
focused on the data provided
both teachers and students
about how often calculators
were used and in which ways
they were
used (Tarr, 2020).
In each country, students
reported the frequency in
which calculators were used in
classroom. In the United
States, almost 68% of eighth
graders reported that they use
“almost always” or “pretty
often”. Portugal students
reported similarly with 69% of
students reporting the same
thing. Meanwhile in Japan,
only 4% of students reported
that they
used calculators in the
classroom “almost always” or
“pretty often.” Also, almost
75% of
Japanese students said that they
never use calculators during
math lessons in class (Tarr,
Jiang, Y., Cayton-Hodges, G. A., Among the limited studies on A research done by Jiang et al. #LOWABILITY
onscreen calculators is (2023)students that have low
Olah, L. N., & Minchuk, Crawford, Higgins, Huscroft- mathematical ability are more
D'Angelo, and Hall (2016),
I. (2023). Using sequence frequent to use the calculator.
where they examined the
mining to study students'
frequency of using an onscreen
calculator among 73 Grade 4-6
calcuator use, problem students in a computer-based
learning environment. They
solving, and mathematics found that students with low
working memory, low math
achievement in the fluency, and low reading
fluency used the calculator
National Assessment of more frequently than students
who were high on these traits.
Educational Progress
(NAEP). sciencedirect.
Boyle, R., & Farreras, I. Furthermore, if students today Furthermore, as stated by the #ADVANCEDLEARNING
are taught mathematics with Common Core State Standards
(2015). The Effect of calculators from the early Initiative (2015), if math is
grades on, as specifically taught to pupils using
Calculator Use on College
indicated by the Common Core calculators starting in the early
Students’ Mathematical State Standards Initiative grades, then this could have a
(2015), their approach to, and significant impact on how they
Performance. International method of, problem-solving approach and solve problems.
might very well revolve around
Journal of Research in the use of this tool.
Education and Science, 1(2),
Line, B. (2020). The Effects of In 1986, Connecticut had just As the first of several states to #REQUIRINGCALCU
mandated the use of calculators do so, Connecticut has just
Restrictions on on state tests, the first of many passed a law requiring
states to do so. This law may calculator use on state exams
Calculator Usage in
have triggered the start of a in 1986. A "calculator-
High School Algebra 1 "calculator-dependent dependent generation" might
generation" (Pang, 2016). have begun as a result of this
Classes. Hembree and Dessart found legislation (Pang, 2016).
that students' basic paper and Although this result favors the
pencil computation skills were use of calculators in the
prod/odb_etd/ws/send_fil improved with the use of classroom, it was an early
calculators with traditional discovery—calculators were
e/send? instruction (Hembree and still fairly new—that Hembree
Dessart 1986). Although this and Dessart found that
outcome favors the use of students' basic computation
824112742568&dispositi calculators in the classroom, skills on paper and pencil were
this was an early discovery; improved with the use of
calculators were still fairly calculators with traditional
0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1 new. Three years later, the instruction (Hembree and
NCTM made a significant Dessart 1986). Three years
N51WO852zhP3SWbEK move by advocating for later, the NCTM made a
yGdNxoe3Ob5Ce8JLBiz calculators in kindergarten significant move by advocating
through twelfth grade (Pang, for calculators in kindergarten
AehTwHLxsY3sQpwCni 2016). through twelfth grade (Pang,
Eleje, L., Onuigbo, C., Metu, Students in this era have Because modern students have #EXPOSUREINCALCU
I., Ejinkonye, F., & gained broad exposure to had extensive experience with
calculators thus changes in the calculators, their acceptance of
Enemouh, U. (n.d.).
numbers being calculated do the ARIS C manipulation
Influence of Secondary not much influence their technique is not much
School Students’ Use acceptance to the aris c impacted by changes in the
of Calculators on their manipulation technology numbers being calculated.
Numerical Skills.
Futurity of Social
Sciences, 2(3).
Write the Research Question 2 here. Then read 5 articles that are related to this research question. Complete the matrix below.
#2 How does the calculator affect the students' achievements?
Source: Copy Paste Content Paraphrase Content Write hashtag based on your
Write in APA style 7th edition. Use this in paraphrasing your readings
Geisweit, T. (2018). The Moreover, not every school Scientific calculators are not #INEQUALITIES
incorporates calculator use in accessed equally in schools.
Effects of Calculator their classrooms. Keckler Giving an uneven opportunity
(2015) examined the equitable when it comes to assessing the
and Technology Use on
use of calculators to see if results in achievements.
Mathematical students from different schools
had equal access to calculators.
Academic Performance. The authors surveyed high
school students about how
olars-lounge/the- often they use calculators in
math class and what kind of
effects-of-calculator- calculator they used for tests,
with the options of no
calculator use, scientific non-
mathematical- graphing calculator, online
calculator, or graphing
academic-performance- calculator. The authors
concluded that graphing
d5b91b9a1e1e calculators are very useful in
the classroom. However, The
findings suggested that not
every school district has equal
access to technology creating a
gap in achievement. The
authors also concluded that
there are inequities between
classes in the same school due
to such problems as teacher
preference (Keckler, 2015).
McCulloh, A., Hollebrands, K., The National Council of Other than calculators, the way #TOOLFORACHIEVEMENT
Teachers of Mathematics' teachers integrate calculators to S
Lee, H., Harrison, T., &
(NCTM) position on the use of their teaching can also affect
Mutlu, A. (2018). Factors technology, for example, the achievements a student can
includes the statement that get.
that influence secondary “Effective teachers optimize
mathematics teachers' the potential of technology to
develop students'
integration of technology understanding, stimulate their
interest, and increase their
in mathematics lessons.
proficiency in mathematics”
Computers & Education, (NCTM, 2015).
123, 26-30.
Jiang, Y., Cayton-Hodges, G. A., The scientific calculator can Scientific calculators improve #IMPROVEDLEARNING
have considerable impact upon STEM education as it gives
Olah, L. N., & Minchuk,
the mathematics classroom, learning opportunities to all
I. (2023). Using sequence offering new opportunities for students.
learning for all students, not
mining to study students' only those in affluent
calcuator use, problem communities. In turn,
successful integration of
solving, and mathematics scientific calculators into the
mathematics curriculum can
achievement in the
reasonably be expected to
National Assessment of improve STEM education
more generally.
Educational Progress
(NAEP). sciencedirect.
Dagan, M., Satianov, Undergraduate students have Undergraduate students find it #FILLSTHEGAP
difficulties in understanding challenging to comprehend
P., & Teicher, M. definitions and various definitions and many ways that
representations of mathematical topics are
(2020, November).
mathematical concepts. It is represented. This is due to the
Improving Calculus because teaching and learning fact that high school instruction
in high school is still based still focuses more on
Learning Using a more on algorithmic exercises memorizing and algorithmic
and memorization, rather than exercises than it does on
Scientific Calculator. on deeper understanding of developing a deeper
mathematical language and comprehension of
using its computer applications mathematical concepts and
https:// in solving complex and applying those concepts to
interesting problems. Using the solve challenging and
www.researchgate.net/ scientific calculator may fascinating issues with
publication/ contribute to a reduction of this computers. The difference
gap between enough developed between rookie engineering
347273080_Improving algorithmic skills of novice students' well developed
engineering students and algorithmic skills and the lack
insufficiency of research, of investigative, creative, and
sing_a_Scientific_Calc creative and critical mental critical mental skills needed for
skills, required in our current our contemporary academic
ulator academic studies. studies may close with the use
of scientific calculators.
Write the Research Question 3 here. Then read 5 articles that are related to this research question. Complete the matrix below.
#3 How is there a significant relationship between a student's cognitive ability and prolonged use of calculators?
Source: Copy Paste Content Paraphrase Content Write hashtag based on your
Write in APA style 7th edition. Use this in paraphrasing your readings
LaCour, M., Davis, T., & Because of the widespread use According to Cantú et al. #DIFFICULTYDETERMINE
of calculators, it is prohibitive (2019), since of the broad
Cantú, N. (2019). When (or impossible) to run a utilization of calculators, it is
controlled experiment to restrictive (or outlandish) to
calculators lie: A answer whether they are the run a controlled exploration to
cause of the decline in reply whether they are the
demonstration of mathematics abilities. cause of the decay in
However, it is possible to arithmetic capacities. Be that
uncritical calculator examine the mechanisms that as it may, it is conceivable to
usage among college influence whether people look at the instruments that
notice nonsensical outputs, impact whether individuals
students and factors which may provide a proxy for take note of absurd yields,
how such declines may arise which may give an
that improve from overreliance on intermediary for how such
calculators (Cantú et al., 2019). decreases may emerge from
performance. PLOS. overreliance on calculators.
Beros, J., Bono, K., De Additionally, Mazana and The study conducted resulted #NEGATIVECORRELATION
colleagues (2019) investigated in a negative correlation
Chavez, M. C., students’ attitudes toward between prolonged calculator
learning mathematics and the usage and mathematical skills
Labrador, L., De Jesus, relationship between attitude by taking the students’
and performance. The results experience in education into
R., Datiles, M. R., & showed that students’ attitudes account. Factors such as
toward mathematics became mental state and teacher’s
Tus, J. (2024). less optimistic as they failure to give meaningful
progressed to higher levels of lessons regarding mathematics
Calculator Usage and education. The factors gave students reasons to have
influencing students’ attitudes difficulty in learning
its Relationship on include aptitude, instructional, mathematics as a whole.
and social-psychological, while
Student’s Perception of teacher strategies are attributed
their Fundamental to environmental factors and
failure in examinations,
Mathematical Skills. institutional resources, poor
learning and examination
SciMatic. strategies, and failure to
understand instructions. It
https://scimatic.org/stor reveals that attitudes toward
mathematics may influence
age/journals/11/pdfs/27 students' perception of their
mathematical skills, which
05.pdf aligns with the findings of our
study of a negative correlation
between calculator usage and
the perceived mathematical
skills of the learners
Terseer, A. (2022). The Effect The Calculator Usage According to Terseer (2022), #CALCULATOR
Performance Test (CUPT) and Calculator Use Attitude Scale SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE
of Calculator Usage on Calculator Usage Attitude (CUAS) and Calculator Usage
Scale (CUAS). The collected Performance Test (CUPT). In
the Performance and
data for the study was analyzed order to address the research
Attitude of Secondary to answer research questions issues, the study's collected
using mean and standard data was analyzed using
School Students in deviation and ANCOVA to test ANCOVA to test the
the hypotheses. The results hypotheses and the mean and
Mathematics in Guma showed that there is a standard deviation. The
significant difference between findings demonstrated a
Local Government
the mean performance scores statistically significant
Area of Benue State. of secondary school students difference in the mean
ACADMEIA. using calculators in learning performance scores between
mathematics and those not secondary school pupils who
https://www.academia.e using calculators in learning did and did not use calculators
mathematics. It also revealed for arithmetic study. It
that there is a significant additionally disclosed a notable
difference (Terseer, 2022). distinction.
Casmir, R. O., Mazana, M. Y., The improvement might not According to Casmir et al. #CALCULATORNOSIGNIFI
solely be attributed to the ease (2018), The enhancement CANCE
& Montero, C. S. of using calculators but rather might not exclusively be
to the impact of learning ascribed to the ease of utilizing
(2018). Investigating experiences. Additionally, calculators but or maybe to the
demographic variables did not effect of learning encounters.
Students’ Attitude significantly influence Moreover, statistical factors
performance, suggesting that did not altogether impact
towards Learning classroom policies regarding execution, recommending that
calculator use should be re- classroom arrangements with
Mathematics. evaluated (Casmir et al., 2018). respect to calculators
utilization to be re-evaluated.
Ayamah, R., Awuitor, G., & It is clear that mathematics According to Amayah et. al. #CALCULATORSIGNIFICA
problem-solving requires ability (2023) it is evident that the NCE
Zutaah, P. (2023). The to reason analytically. The capacity to reason analytically
problem solver understand the is necessary for solving
role of Calculator use facts, clearly understands what mathematical puzzles. The
person solving the problem
is required, given and needed to
in Mathematics grasps the situation and knows
analyze the problem in order at
exactly what is needed in order
Problem-Solving the solution. The use of to analyze the issue and find a
calculators in this situation will solution. Since the students in
Abilities of Pupils at therefore accelerate the rate of the experimental group
solving this because during the completed the test far earlier
the Junior High School test, the pupils in the than the students in the control
experimental group finished group, using calculators in this
in Ghana. Research long before the pupils in the scenario will speed up the rate
control group. This supports of solution. That "calculators
Gate, 16(5), 28-35. are excellent aid for developing
Wheatley, et al (1970) assertion
skills in problem-solving at a
https://www.researchga that "calculators are excellent faster rate" made by Wheatley
aid for developing skills in et al. in 1970 is supported by
te.net/publication/3745 problem-solving at a faster rate" this.
(Amayah et al., 2023)
Prolonged Use of #1 How often do students use the Calculator use of students in education shows The readings will
Scientific calculator? the significant variations in frequency across help the researchers
Calculators and its different educational contexts. (McDaniel, understand the
Relationship to the 2023) reveals that 8th graders in the United gravity of the
Cognitive Ability States (68%) and Portugal (69%) reported situation regarding
of STEM Students frequent calculator use, compared to only 4% in calculators.
at PSOSHS Japan. (Jiang et al., 2023) states that low
working memory and math fluency students’
tend to rely more on calculators, increasing
concerns to dependency on calculators for
problem-solving. The common core state
standards initiative (2015) states that if
mathematics is taught to students starting in the
first grades, it may have a significant impact on
their thinking in how they approach and solve
problems. A Connecticut law was passed due to
the requirement of a calculator in the state
exams in 1986. The (2016) law has become
generation dependent on the calculator. It was
favored because the calculator that Hembree
and Dessart discovered in (1986) was still
relatively new, so the use of a calculator has
improved over the use of pencil and paper in
traditional teaching.
#2 How does the calculator affect The use of scientific calculators in The readings will be
the students' achievements? mathematical concepts has both positive and used as a foundation
negative impacts on students' achievements. later on when it
Technology claims that calculators can enhance comes to assessing
students’ skills in mathematical concepts, the results.
studies show that it isn’t always the case
(Mutsavangwa, 2016). Furthermore, the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
(2015) supports the use of calculators that can
enhance the learning process when applied
effectively. While some schools lack
accessibility to calculators, building a barrier to
students’ achievements (Keckler, 2015;
Geisweit, 2018). Furthermore, calculators can
help to fill the gaps in understanding
mathematical concepts, especially in complex
subjects like calculus (Jiang et al., 2016; Dagan
et al., 2020)
#3 How is there a significant The related literature found has a mix of The readings will be
relationship between a student's responses regarding the relationship between a used to predict the
cognitive ability and prolonged use student's cognitive ability and prolonged use of results that the
of calculators? calculators. Mazana et al. (2019) states that in researchers will gain
negative situations regarding mathematics and regarding the
calculators, students have ended up simply correlation of two
learning how to compute rather than how to variables.
rationalize. However, Casmir et al. (2018) gives
notice to the importance of a good environment,
not the calculator. Wherein learning a
comprehensive topic like Mathematics is not
easy to achieve for all institutions. (Cantú et al.,
2019) states that it is impossible to be able to
state the possibility of a relationship to occur,
because of its widespread use.
Write the approved title here: Prolonged Use of Scientific Calculators and its Relationship to the Cognitive Ability of STEM
Students at PSOSHS
Choose a Model for Conceptual Framework
Option 1:
Input Process Output
Collecting of data Data analysis carried out by Prolonged Use of Scientific Calculators
● Demographic profile of participants. ● Preparing printed questionnaires. and its Relationship to the Cognitive
● Usage of calculators among students. ● Data gathering through survey for Ability of STEM Students at PSOSHS
● Affect of calculator usage on students' Osmenians.
academic achievement. ● Collecting the data.
● Significant relationship between ● Analyze the data statically.
students' cognitive abilities and
prolonged calculator usage.
Option 2:
Independent Variable Dependent Variable