2024 Orbelo Vocal Effort and Acoustic Analysis of - 240324 - 122518
2024 Orbelo Vocal Effort and Acoustic Analysis of - 240324 - 122518
2024 Orbelo Vocal Effort and Acoustic Analysis of - 240324 - 122518
Summary: Purpose. To determine the effects of gargle phonation (GP) on self-perceived vocal improvement,
vocal effort, acoustic parameters, and speech rate in patients with muscle tension dysphonia (MTD). We hy
pothesized that GP would improve voice, reduce phonatory effort, and alter acoustic and speech measures.
Study design. Prospective randomized, single-blind cross-over clinical trial
Methods. Thirty-four participants (26 females, 8 males; average age 53 years) who were diagnosed with MTD
completed the Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) and were assigned three study conditions: Baseline (B), GP,
and Water Swallow (WS; sham), presented in one of two counterbalanced orders B-WS-GP (WS1st) or B-GP-
WS (GP1st). Participants recorded stimuli from the Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice
(CAPE-V) and rated their perceived vocal effort and vocal improvement. F0, vocal intensity, cepstral peak
prominence (CPP), and speaking rate were measured.
Results. Average VHI-10 scores by group were 16 (min/max 2–29) for WS1st and 15 (min/max 3–40) for GP1st.
About 73.5% reported more vocal improvement after GP, 17.65% after WS, and 8.8% noted no difference
between conditions. Reduced effort was reported after GP, compared to B (P < 0.001) and WS (P = 0.005).
Lower effort was also reported after the WS condition, compared to B (P = 0.011). Key acoustic findings
included an increase in F0 after GP for sustained /i/ for females. CPP was significantly higher for females
reading CAPE-V sentences after GP, when GP preceded WS, compared to B (P = 0.004) and WS (P = 0.003).
Speech rate was faster for females after GP versus B (P = 0.029).
Conclusions. GP may be beneficial in the treatment of MTD. CPP may be a useful marker for vocal im
provement after GP for women with mild MTD. Further studies would benefit from having more male par
ticipants and those with moderate and severe MTD.
Key Words: Gargle phonation–Muscle tension dysphonia–Voice therapy.
Statistical analyses
For effort ratings, a repeated measures two-way
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and pairwise t tests
were used to evaluate differences between treatment
conditions. For vowels /a/ and /i/, the effects of condi
tion (B vs GP vs WS), order (B-WS-GP vs. B-GP-WS),
FIGURE 1. Modified BORG-10 scale for measuring perceived and sex of the participants on F0, vocal intensity, and
vocal effort.
CPP were examined with three-way repeated measures
ANOVA. For the CAPE-V sentences, the effects of the
condition, order, and sex on CPP and speech rate were
rate of the recordings was 44.1 kHz with the depth of evaluated with a three-way repeated measures ANOVA.
16 bit. After the speech sample collection, each participant When the omnibus test indicated statistically significant
was asked by the clinician to rate vocal effort on a scale effect of an independent variable, pairwise t tests with
from 0–10 using a modified BORG-10 scale.34,35 Partici Bonferroni correction were conducted to identify the
pants then recorded their effort using a pen to circle their pair of conditions that produced statistically significant
chosen number on the printed visual scale (Figure 1). At differences. All statistics were run using R. 39
the end of the protocol, each participant was verbally asked
to choose one of three options: if their voice improved
more after the GP, WS, or if they noticed no difference RESULTS
between the two conditions. Items for selection were pro Demographics: A total of 43 individuals with a median age
vided in written form and were listed in the same order as of 58.5 (19−83) were assessed for eligibility. Race and
presented to the participant. ethnicity, as reported in the medical record, were 87%
White-Non-Hispanic or Latino, 7% White-Hispanic or
Participants Latino, and 4% African American. Nine individuals did
All participants were required to be between the ages of not participate; three did not meet inclusion criteria, and
18–89 and to have a diagnosis of either primary or sec six, who were screened and otherwise eligible, declined to
ondary MTD. Participants were referred to speech pa participate. Ultimately, 34 participants were randomly al
thology for voice therapy by a qualified practitioner and located to alternating testing order. The final cohort con
underwent laryngoscopy as part of their regular clinical sisted of 26 females and 8 males with an average age of
care. All participants completed the Voice Handicap Index- 53 years (range 20–83 years). Twenty-nine (85%) of 34
10 (VHI-10).36 Exclusion criteria included severe neurolo participants were referred by Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)
gical voice disorders, severe neuropsychiatric conditions practitioner (32% from a laryngologist and 53% from an
likely to affect voice, moderate to severe dysphagia for thin ENT chief resident, ENT-based nurse practitioner, or ENT
liquids based on patient report and/or chart review, and physician’s assistant). An additional five participants (15%)
uncontrolled cardiopulmonary disease (ie, uncontrolled were referred to speech pathology by physicians from non-
asthma and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). ENT departments, two from pulmonology, and one each
Non-native English speakers, extensive laryngeal surgery, from gastroenterology, general internal medicine, and
or other medical conditions that could significantly alter physical medicine and rehabilitation. All participants un
sensory-motor laryngeal function were also excluded. Any derwent laryngoscopy prior to participating in the study.
participants unable to adequately master GP within the 10- Laryngoscopy for participants referred by non-ENT pro
minute time limit were also excluded. viders was performed by a speech pathologist and cases
were reviewed with a laryngologist. Twenty-five (74%) of
Acoustic analyses 34 participants were referred for speech pathology eva
Voice recordings were visually and auditorily inspected luation and therapy with MTD as a primary diagnosis and
for silence and non-speech noise (eg, cough, background nine (26%) were referred with MTD as a secondary diag
noise, etc) and manually edited to extract target utterances nosis. Non-MTD primary diagnoses, VHI-10, and other
using Goldwave (https://www.goldwave.com/) or Audacity demographics are illustrated by order group in Table 1. All
(audacityteam.org). PRAAT was used to obtain average F0 participants were able to learn how to gargle in a median
for CAPE-V sentences and average F0 for sustained vo time of 1:39 minutes (range 0:37–9:34 minutes). Refer to
wels, vocal intensity, CPP, and speech rate. For CPP, Table 1 for median and range of GP learning time by
CAPE-V sentences were concatenated first to obtain the condition order.
4 Journal of Voice, Vol. xx, No. xx, xxxx
Table 1.
Participant Demographics by Treatment Order Group
Swallow 1st (n = 17) Gargle Phonation 1st (n = 17)
Female/male 13/4 13/4
Age (average, range) years 56 (25−83) 50 (20−78)
Baseline VHI-10 (average, range) total score 16 (2−29) 15 (3−40)
Primary MTD/secondary MTD 13/4 12/5
Secondary MTD conditions − Vocal fold paresis (n = 2) − Vocal fold lesion or fibrovascular
− Autoimmune disease (n = 2) change (n = 4)
− Atrophy of vocal folds (n = 1)
Singing voice as a primary concern for 4/13 7/17
Learning time to master gargle (median, 2:08 (0:39−8:57) 1:34 (0:37−9:34)
range) Minutes:seconds
Effort after baseline speech (average, STD) 3.2 (± 1.8) 2.8 ( ± 1.5)
scale 1−7 (7 = max effort)
STD, standard deviation.
FIGURE 3. Average F0 of vowel /a/ and /i/. Error bars indicate standard errors.
however, no interactions were significant condition and sex Within-participants analysis showed no main effect for
F(2, 60) = 1.630, P = 0.205; condition and order F(2, condition on vocal intensity, F(2, 60) = 1.595, P = 0.211;
60) = 0.291, P = 0.748, and condition, sex, and order, F(2, and interactions were insignificant (condition and sex, F(2,
60) = 2.224, P = 0.117. Pairwise t test showed no difference 60) = 0.653, P = 0.524, condition and order, F(2,
in F0 between B and GP (padj = 0.134) or B and WS (padj 60) = 0.306, P = 0.737, and condition, sex, and order, F(2,
= 1.00) for female participants. However, there was a sig 60) = 0.236, P = 0.791) (Figure 4).
nificant difference between GP and WS (padj = 0.038), in CPP for vowel /a/: Average CPP values for female par
dicating that F0 after GP was significantly higher than F0 ticipants were 13.65 dB (± 2.85) at B, 13.95 dB (± 2.83)
after WS. No differences were found for male participants following GP, and 12.62 (± 2.85) dB following WS.
(B vs GP, padj = 1.00; B vs Swallow, padj = 1.00; GP vs WS, Average CPP values for male participants were 13.36 dB
padj = 1.00) (Figure 3). (± 3.76) at B, 15.38 dB (± 3.54) for GP, and 13.03 dB
Vocal intensity for vowel /a/: Average vocal intensity for (± 4.12) for WS. Repeated measures ANOVA, though not
female participants was 67.73 dB SPL (± 4.51) at B, significant, trended toward higher CPP values for males
67.75 dB SPL (± 4.89) for GP, and 66.49 dB SPL for WS compared to females F(1, 30) = 3.961, P = 0.056. There was
(± 4.63). Average vocal intensity for male participants was no main effect of order on CPP, F(1, 30) = 1.631, P = 0.211,
71.13 dB SPL (± 4.60) at B, 71.93 dB SPL (± 4.92) for GP, and there was no interaction between sex and order, F(1,
and 72.25 dB SPL for (± 5.16) WS. Repeated measures 30) = 0.234, P = 0.632. Within-participants tests did reveal
ANOVA showed that males produced significantly higher a significant main effect of condition on CPP, F(2,
dB SPL compared to females, F(1, 30) = 6.314, P = 0.018. 60) = 3.965, P = 0.024, and there was a significant interac
There was no main effect of order, F(1, 30) = 0.189, tion between condition and sex, F(2, 60) = 3.759, P = 0.029.
P = 0.667, and no interaction between sex and order, F(1, Alternately, there were no significant interactions between
30) = 1.807, P = 0.189. condition and order, F(2, 60) = 0.969, P = 0.385, or condi
Within-participants analysis showed no main effect of tion, sex, and order, F(2, 60) = 1.063, P = 0.352.
condition on vocal intensity, F(2, 60) = 1.521, P = 0.227 A pairwise t test with Bonferroni correction was used to
and interactions were insignificant (condition and sex, F(2, examine the effects of condition on CPP of vowel /a/. For
60) = 1.823, P = 0.170, condition and order, F(2, female participants, no significant differences were found
60) = 0.774, P = 0.466, and condition, sex, and order, F(2, between B and GP (padj = 1); however, CPP for WS was
60) = 0.646, P = 0.528.). significantly lower when compared to B (padj = 0.040) and
Vocal intensity for vowel /i/: Average vocal intensity of when compared to GP (padj = 0.011). For male participants,
female participants was 67.05 dB SPL (± 3.74) at B, no significant differences were found among any of the
66.01 dB SPL (± 4.52) for GP, and 66.79 dB SPL for WS condition comparisons: B and GP (padj = 0.139), B and WS
(± 4.40). Average vocal intensity of male participants was (padj = 0.618), and GP and WS (padj = 0.99).
70.73 dB SPL (± 4.13) at B, 69.99 dB SPL (± 5.36) fol CPP for vowel /i/: Average CPP values for female par
lowing GP, and 70.48 dB SPL (± 3.57) following WS. ticipants were 12.89 dB (± 2.85) at B, 13.44 dB (± 2.48)
Repeated measures ANOVA showed that males again following GP and 12.61 dB (± 3.12) following WS. Average
produced higher dB SPL than females, F(1, 30) = 5.481, CPP values for male participants were 14.51 dB (± 4.21) at
P = 0.026. There was no main effect of order on vocal in B, 14.81 dB (± 3.18) following GP and 13.43 dB (± 3.47)
tensity, F(1, 30) = 0.144, P = 0.707, and no interaction be following WS. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated no
tween sex and order, F(1, 30) = 1.501, P = 0.230. main effect of sex, F(1, 30) = 1.126, P = 0.297 or order on
6 Journal of Voice, Vol. xx, No. xx, xxxx
FIGURE 4. Average vocal intensity of vowel /a/ and /i/. Error bars indicate standard errors.
CPP, F(1, 30) = 0.121, P = 0.73; and no interaction between and GP (padj = 0.017) and for GP and WS (padj = 0.005),
sex and order, F(1, 30) = 0.003, P = 0.956. Within-partici but not for B and WS (padj = 1). For male participants, no
pants tests showed a significant main effect of condition on significant differences were found among any of the con
CPP, F(2, 60) = 5.798, P = 0.005. However, there were no dition comparisons: B and GP (padj = 1), B and WS (padj
significant interactions between condition and sex, F(2, = 1), and GP and WS (padj = 1). Another pairwise t test
60) = 0.755, P = 0.475, condition and order, F(2, with Bonferroni correction was conducted to examine the
60) = 0.935, P = 0.398, or condition, sex, and order, F(2, effects of order on CPP. In the GP1st group, a significant
60) = 0.791, P = 0.458. difference was found between B and GP (padj = 0.004) and
Pairwise t test with Bonferroni correction examining the between GP and WS (padj = 0.003), but not between B and
effects of condition on CPP of vowel /i/ showed, for female WS (padj = 1). Alternatively, in the WS1st group, no sig
participants, that CPP values for GP were higher when nificant differences were found among condition compar
compared to WS (padj = 0.026), but not when comparing isons (B and GP (padj = 1), B and WS (padj = 1), and GP and
GP and B (padj = 0.073), or B and WS (padj = 0.93). For WS (padj = 1)) (Figure 5).
male participants, no significant differences were found Speech rate: For female participants, the average speech
among any of the condition comparisons (B and GP (padj rate was 3.30 syllables per second (sps) (± 0.74) for B, 3.51
= 1), B and WS (padj = 0.774), and GP and WS sps (± 0.78) for GP, and 3.42 sps for WS. For male parti
(padj = 0.549). cipants, the average speech rate was 3.00 sps (± 0.72) for B,
3.21 sps (± 0.68) for GP, and 3.32 sps (± 0.81) for WS.
Repeated measures ANOVA for the between-participants
Sentences analysis for speech rate showed no significant main effect of
CPP: For female participants, average CPP values across condition (F(1, 28) = 0.405, P = 0.529), sex (F(1,
six sentences from the CAPE-V were 9.32 dB (± 1.50) at B, 28) = 2.259, P = 0.144), or order (F(1, 28) = 0.287,
9.71 dB (± 1.18) for GP, 9.32 dB (± 1.04) for WS. For male P = 0.597). Likewise, no significant interactions were noted
participants, average CPP values were 8.69 dB (± 1.80) at between condition and order (F(1, 28) = 0.877, P = 0.357),
B, 8.89 dB (± 1.36) for GP, 8.70 dB (± 1.64) for WS. par or order and sex (F(1,28) = 1.515, P = 0.229). The within-
ticipants, Repeated measures ANOVA for the between- participants analysis showed a significant effect of condi
participants analysis revealed no effect of sex on CPP, F(1, tion on speech rate (F(2, 567) = 5.155, P = 0.006). There
30) = 1.896, P = 0.179, Similarly, there was no effect of was no significant effect of order F(1, 567) = 2.014,
order on CPP, F(1, 30) = 1.376, P = 0.250, and no interac P = 0.156). Likewise, no significant interactions were noted
tion between sex and order, F(1, 30) = 1.514, P = 0.228. between condition and sex F(2, 567) = 0.988, P = 0.373),
Within-participants tests revealed a significant main effect order and condition (F(2, 567) = 1.298, P = 0.274), and
of condition on CPP, F(2, 60) = 4.494, P = 0.015. While condition, order, and sex (F(2, 567) = 0.818, P = 0.442).
there was no significant interaction between condition and Pairwise t tests with Bonferroni correction were con
sex, F(2, 60) = 0.241, P = 0.787, there was a significant in ducted to investigate differences in speech rate across
teraction between condition and order, F(2, 60) = 3.592, conditions for both male and female participants. For
P = 0.034, and a significant three-way interaction between female participants, a speech rate was significantly faster
condition, sex, and order, F(2, 60) = 3.224, P = 0.047. for GP compared to B (padj = 0.029). No significant dif
Pairwise t test with Bonferroni correction was used to ferences were observed between B and WS (padj = 0.573)
examine the effects of conditions on CPP. For female or between GP and WS (padj = 0.462). For male partici
participants, a significant difference was found between B pants, speech rate was significantly higher for WS
Diana M Orbelo, et al Gargle Phonation for Mild MTD 7
FIGURE 5. CPP for vowel /a/ and /i/ and CAPE-V sentences. Error bars indicate standard error. CAPE-V, Consensus Auditory-
Perceptual Evaluation of Voice; CPP, cepstral peak prominence.
This study aimed to evaluate the potential effect of GP on
self-perceived vocal improvement and phonatory effort as
well as on acoustic measures (F0, vocal intensity, CPP, and
speech rate) in individuals with MTD. The study utilized a
clinical trial format, which to our knowledge, is the first
study to do so while assessing GP and incorporating a
“sham” procedure. The importance of using clinical trial
study designs is well documented40 and ideally, study de
signs should include a sham procedure and blinding.41 FIGURE 6. Speech rate for CAPE-V sentences. Error bars in
Blinding to testers and participants was not possible for dicate standard error.
GP; however, a crossover design using WS was used to
address this limitation. The WS condition incorporated all
elements of GP, including the presence of water and act of with primary MTD. The predominance of females in the
swallowing, with the act of gargling itself being the only present study mirrors the demographic trends reported in
difference between the two, in order to isolate the act of the literature, which show a higher incidence of MTD and
gargling from simply swallowing water. Most of the par voice disorders in females compared to males.12,42 The re
ticipants in this study were females, who were diagnosed sults of this study showed that most participants reported
8 Journal of Voice, Vol. xx, No. xx, xxxx
vocal improvement and reduced vocal effort after GP. on vocal improvement. This result supports the improve
These self-perceived changes were reflected in some of the ment reported by the participants. Interestingly, CPP for
acoustic measures. Overall, our findings support the use of the vowel samples did not change after GP but decreased
GP as a treatment tool for MTD. after WS. The results were also vowel-specific: CPP was
The results for the self-reported measures were in support of lower for WS compared to B and GP for the sustained
our hypothesis: participants reported improvements in voice vowel /a/, while for the sustained vowel /i/, CPP was lower
quality and decreased vocal effort following GP. These findings for WS compared to GP only. The reason for this decrease
are consistent with those of Albuquerque et al27 who observed is unclear. Because CPP is known to be affected by the
a reduction in electrical activity in suprahyoid and infrahyoid intensity of a signal, it is possible that the decrease in CPP
muscles. While our study did not measure the treatment effect is explained by a decrease in vocal intensity from B to WS.
on the change in muscle physiology, the self-reports may reflect However, this intensity change was observed only with the
the reduced extrinsic muscle activity elicited by GP. Ad vowel /a/. One potential explanation is that the 5 seconds
ditionally, the reduction of vocal effort following GP observed water hold incorporated in the WS condition required the
in this study also aligns with the reports by Amorim et al. 28 participants to hold their breath, or swallow aggressively,
Our acoustic results indicated that GP elicited notable which may have perturbed the balance between the pho
changes in both vocal and speech production character natory and respiratory systems. Though these statistical
istics. There was an increased F0 for female participants in differences were found, CPP values for the vowels hovered
the sustained vowel /i/ after GP, which aligned with the around established cut-off points for vocally-normal
increased F0 reported by Amorim et al.29 Amorim et al adults.45,46 Therefore, interpreting these differences for
posited that GP may have increased F0 due to the chin their clinical significance should be approached with cau
lifting to produce GP. Our finding challenges this view, as tion. Similarly, caution is also warranted when interpreting
participants did not maintain this posture and were in a the changes in CPP elicited by GP or WS.
neutral head position for audio recordings following GP. As predicted, the effect of GP on speech rate was noted but
Additionally, our participants always swallowed water only in female participants. For this group, the speech rate
after gargling, suggesting a probable reset of laryngeal increased from B to GP, but not from B to WS. The speech
height. It may be that pitch increased as the voice was re rate for GP was significantly higher compared to WS, in
turning to a higher, more optimal F0 due to increased dicating that GP had a distinctive effect on speech production
muscle relaxation. However, it should be noted that this that was not elicited by WS. For male participants, GP did not
interpretation is not definitive, as our study did not involve elicit a change in speech rate; however, there was a significant
monitoring the electrical activity of the muscles, which increase from B to WS. There was no difference between GP
would provide more direct evidence of increased muscle and WS. The difference between the female and male groups is
relaxation. Additionally, considering that the baseline F0 difficult to explain due to the small sample size of the male
values were within normal limits, it is essential to ac group. Regardless, this observation may underscore a close
knowledge that the observed vocal change, while sig relationship between the larynx and supraglottic articulators.
nificant, remains subtle in its nature. Excessive tension in the laryngeal and peri-laryngeal muscles
Our results also highlight the importance of considering might have restricted the movements involved in articulation.
both sex and vowel type in assessing the treatment effects By reducing this tension, GP and WS may have enabled par
of GP. Unlike the study by Amorim et al, our study ana ticipants to speak more quickly. It should be noted that speech
lyzed male and female voices separately given the potential rate was the only objective measure sensitive to the treatment
sex-related differences in F0.43 Additionally, we examined effects of GP in both sexes, suggesting its potential utility in
the treatment effect with two vowels. This approach re tracking clinical progress in MTD.
vealed that the effect of GP was specific to women and The effect of WS on some outcome measures was un
particularly evident for the vowel /i/. The absence of a expected, including the decrease in CPP for the CAPE-V sen
noticeable treatment effect in male participants may be tence in the female participants and an increase in speech rate
attributed to the relatively small sample size of this group. seen in the male cohort. Though this may indicate that the
This finding also underscores the need for larger sample effects of swallowing impacted the speech production system,
sizes in future research to fully understand the differential the precise mechanism behind these findings is yet to be de
impacts of GP across sexes and vowel types. For vocal termined and beyond the scope of our current study. Although
intensity, we did find that males spoke louder than females; WS did demonstrate some effects, our findings demonstrated
unlike Albuquerque et al,27 we found no relative change in greater positive effects following GP.
vocal intensity following GP.
CPP, an objective measure of breathiness and general Possible mechanisms of action and gargle phonation
dysphonia,44,45 showed the effect of GP only with the as a voice therapy tool for MTD
sentence level samples. An increase in CPP indicates a de The clear findings in the present study were the self-per
crease in aperiodicity, suggesting reduced dysphonia se ception of improved voice and decreased vocal effort after
verity. GP significantly raised CPP for the sentence-sized GP. There are several potential explanations for these im
samples from the B and WS conditions, implying an effect provements. As mentioned, perilarygeal muscles were likely
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