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The deciduous teeth

• Primary teeth have been called(temporary, milk,

or baby teeth, or deciduous teeth) are teeth that
appear in the mouth of a child and stay there for
some years before falling and leaving their
place to permanent teeth
Primary teeth
• Primary teeth start to calcify (Calcification is
the accumulation of calcium salts in a body
tissue) in the fourth month of fetal life
• Emerge in children at ages of 6months to 2-2
½ years
Mixed dentition
• At the age of 6 years,
gradually replaced by
permanent teeth
• Permanent teeth
begin their
calcification at birth
Importance of primary teeth
It is important to keep
sound primary teeth:
 Efficient mastication of
 Maintenance of a
proper diet
 Formulation of clear
 avoidance of infection
and concomitant pain
Importance of primary teeth
 Maintenance of a normal face appearance
Importance of primary teeth
Maintenance of space and arch continuity
for the permanent teeth
• The development of
adequate space is a
significant factor in the
development of normal
occlusal relation in
permanent teeth
• A lack of space
associated with
premature loss of
deciduous teeth is a
significant factor in
development of
Differences between deciduous
and permanent teeth
 General
1. Deciduous teeth smaller in size
2. Whiter than permanent
3. Enamel and dentin layers are thinner than permanent
3. Pulp cavities are larger
4. Primary teeth have fewer anomalies
on crown
Primary permanent
In anterior teeth crown Larger in cervicoincisal than
wider in mesiodistal MD
dimesion than
 on crown
Primary permanent

Cervical constriction is Less constriction

Primary permanent

Cervical ridge more Cervical ridge are less

prominent prominent
Differences on crown
Primary permanent

Occlusal surface of molar Less convergence of buccal

is narrow buccolingualy and lingual surface toward
Differences on crown
Primary teeth Permanent teeth

Molar occlusal anatomy Molar occlusal anatomy

is shallow (short cusps, is shallow pronounced
ridges are not
pronounced and fossae
are not deep)
Second molars larger First molars larger than
than first molars second molars
 on root
• Roots longer and narrower in proportion to crown length and
• Roots of deciduous molars are thin and slender
• Root furcations are near the crown with little or no root trunk
On the root
• Roots of molar widely
flared/diverge beyond
outline of the crown
to allow room for
development of
permanent teeth
• 2nd molar roots
spreader more than
1st deciduous molar
Description of each primary
Maxillary deciduous teeth
 Central and lateral
• Mesiodistal width is more
than labiolingual dimension
• Root: crown ratio, the root
length is greater in
comparison with crown
length than permanent
• From mesial aspect the
crown appear thicker
because of short crown
Maxillary canine
• Crown is more constricted at
• Long well developed sharp
• Mesial slop is longer than distal
slope (opposite for permanent
max canine)
• Mesial and distal contact area
at the same level 2x
• Root is long more than twice
crown length
• From mesial aspect: crown
appear thicker labiolingualy
Maxillary first molar
• There are 4 cusps, mesiolingual
cusp is the largest, then
mesiobuccal, distobuccal and
distolingual is the smallest
• Has three roots mesiobuccal,
distobuccal and lingual
Maxillary 2nd molar
 Has 5 cusps, 4 is well developed
and one supplemental
• Mesiolingual is the largest
• Mesiobuccal
• Distobuccal
• Fifth cusp (distolingual)
 Has 3 roots:
• Mesiobuccal
• Distobuccal
• lingual
Maxillary 1st and 2nd molars
Mandibular deciduous
Central and lateral 2x
 labiolingual width
appears more due to
short crown (Crown is
wide in proportion to its

 Root: crown ratio is

increased (root is twice
the length of crown)
Mandibular canine
dimension is less than
maxillary canine
Cervical ridge is less
pronounced than
maxillary canine
Distal slope of cusp is
longer than mesial
Mandibular deciduous 1 st molar
• Has 4 cusps: mesiolingual is largest,
mesiobuccal, distobuccal and distolingual
• Has 2 roots (mesial and distal)
Mandibular deciduous 2nd molar
Has 5 cusps
• Mesiobuccal,
distobuccal and distal
Has 2 roots:
• mesial
• distal

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