Seasons & Weathers (03-09-2024)
Seasons & Weathers (03-09-2024)
Seasons & Weathers (03-09-2024)
English Learning with OIIP
change in a quite long period time in
a year
they can be different in each country,
depending on the geographic location
what are they? Spring-Summer-
Autumn-Winter | Rainy &Wet Season
easily change in a short time or even
every day
Season: Winter Season: Autumn/fall
Weather: cold, snowy Weather: cool, cozy
Two seasons in a year
We like to live in Indonesia. We have two seasons in a year. First
is rainy season or we sometimes call this season as wet season. It
almost rains everyday and sometimes the weather is cold and wet.
The weather in dry season is hot especially in the midday. On a
rainy day people usually stay at home or make hot drink or food.
But also we can do fishing and planting. On hot day people
usually make cold drink and wear hats and sunglasses. They can
do shopping, swimming, and other activities that they can not do
in rainy day.
Wet season, also known as rainy
season is a period of time when high
rainfall occurs. It usually lasts for at
least one month. In Indonesia, the wet
season is from November to March.
3. Most of european countries have four seasons in a year. What are they?