Adventure - Doomkeep
Adventure - Doomkeep
Adventure - Doomkeep
February, 1980
4. 27 Blackbirds fly out of the mirror and images of a number of warriors battling evil A deep, melodic voice will appear to
confuse (saving throw allowed vs. spell) creatures, demons especially. speak from within the portal and say:
everyone in the area for 2 melee rounds. ((The chest is not locked and is filled with “Behold the Portal of Eternal Life” . . .
5. The object pointed at is sucked into many sets of clothing and leather armor, bits “You stand upon the threshold of the un-
the mirror, never to return. of metal armor, old weapons, remnants of dying lands. Those with strong will and great
6. The object pointed at turns into a food and religious items. There is a 1 in 6 courage may reap the rewards of never-
Type I Demon which attacks the holder of chance per person searching through this ending life. Lay down your implements of
the mirror. stuff (per turn) of finding The Staff and Boots mortal man and witness that neverending
7. A 6-die lightning bolt shoots out 60’ of the Earth Lord (value 4,800). life is possible to those who believe . . .
from the mirror. The staff is an unbreakable cylinder of Welcome.”
8. A Cure Critical Wounds spell is rock 6’ long and streaked through with veins A scene will appear with the portal por-
emitted at the thing pointed at. of platinum and gold. It has a circular hollow traying a handsome elven lord dressed in silk
9. A mist appears which obscures all spot at its tip. In a leather bag tied to the staff robes. He holds out his hand. He then turns
vision in a 20’ x 20’ area (treat this as a by a thong are a 600 gp ruby and a pair of to reveal a lush, fruit-laden valley with ankle-
Confusion spell if melee occurs in the mist). soft leather boots. high grasses and a narrow brook. An ir-
10. Poison gas fills an area 30’ x 30’ If the ruby (or any other ruby of the same regularly shaped metallic object with a rough
(+2 on s.t).)) size) is wedged into the hollow of the staff surface can be seen behind the stream. Six
4. A pair of simple wooden doors open and its tip is struck on any surface solid elven maidens and three elven gentlemen
into an area that appears to be dimly lit by enough to support a man, the ruby will turn can be seen cavorting in the grasses. The
candles in holders on the floor. The walls are to dust and a rough-sided circular pit, 16’ elven lord walks away from the portal and
concealed by black velvet draperies except across and 40’ deep, will come silently into joins the group.
for the center of the wall directly ahead, 40’ existence. This scene fades, the colors reappear,
away. The walls to the immediate right and However, an illusion makes it appear and the candles brighten.
left are angled off at 45° from the 20’ wide that the surface is still solid, and the sudden If anyone approaches the portal to enter
double door until the room is 40’ wide. The appearance of the pit will go unnoticed, it, the lord will reappear, lead the character
wall ahead is lined with an array of portraits even to someone watching the transforma- down a path to the valley and join the elven
depicting various victories of good over evil. tion. The illusion will last for three full turns group in conversation. The picture then
((The diagonal curtains to immediate but the pit is permanent. The staff may be fades again. ))
right and left will part, if checked, to reveal used a maximum of once per day. ((A dwarf will definitely not trust this
modest bathing facilities. Two bath basins, The boots will allow the wearer to walk elven scene and will say as much to anyone
a shelf of clean linen garments and a partially across the illusionary surface of the pit for as present. ))
filled trunk of soiled clothing can be found in long as the illusion lasts. )) ((This portal is actually a disintegration
each area. There is nothing of value here. )) ((If the pews are inspected, a scrap of chamber with a sophisticated, programmed
((The portraits have no intrinsic value as paper will be found, neatly folded, which illusion used to create the scenes. The illu-
the quality is rather crude. )) has the following written on it (this is a false sion will be believed unless a Detect Illusion
In the center of the room are four rows clue): “Seek the old Ones.”)) spell is used.))
of narrow benches. The far wall is dominated by a large, Standing in the far corner is a strange,
((The draperies at the right and left on donut-like structure set on a dais. Above the metallic statue. It is about 8’ tall and 15’ long.
the far wall will open to reveal passages if structure is a brass plate which reads “Portal It has a large central body, and extending
checked. If the players pass through, they of Eternal Life” in large letters. The structure out in front of it are 8 razor-sharp discs. The
will see: )) appears to be made of living plant life, bear- discs are about 3’ in diameter and are
You have entered another chamber, ing bright green leaves, red and white berries mounted across a 10’ rod. Coming out of the
which is also lit by candles. It is 60’ wide and and a strange-looking, deep orange-colored rear of the body is a large cylinder of some
80’ long. Roughly in the center are two rows fruit. kind. It has two feelers extending from its top.
of church pews. On the right and left walls ((If eaten, the fruit and berries taste good, ((This is a Harrow; AC -3, 9 dice,
beside the pews are 5’ x 20’ tables, each but the berries will cause a deep, comatose 40HP, value 2,400. It is a creature from
holding two 4’-high candelabras. sleep within 3 turns if a save versus poison another universe which is composed entirely
((Each is made of mithril and plated with is not made. No ill effects will be noticed of ferrous metal. Its life force and mode of
brass; they weight 30# each and are worth immediately.)) movement are of magnetic origin, and it is
600 gp each. )) Within the plant structure a rainbow of surrounded by a strong magnetic field which
These are very thin and delicate appear- color is visible. gives it a magic resistance of 50%. It feeds by
ing, and the candles in them are the only ((If a character steps onto the dais, the absorbing the magnetic auras of dying crea-
source of illumination. At the near and far following will occur: tures and by ingesting iron and steel directly
ends of the room are a pair of daises. At the The candles will dim. into its central body. It can attack twice per
top of the near one is a 20’ x 10’ ebony and The color pattern of the portal will in- turn, once with its discs at all targets in a
teak chest which is ornately carved with crease in intensity. 10’-wide space for 3-12; if it misses, a second
attack is allowed by the massive rear drive One holds a false clue in the form of a paper dagger. You will say nothing of this to your
cylinder on the same targets for 4-16. The which reads: “Search to the east.” One friends if you wish your soul to survive.
two feelers are sensors which detect the mag- holds a 600 gp ruby. Two hold slips of parch- ((The Black Box of the Inverted Soul
netic auras of living creatures. The Harrow is ment inscribed with exploding runes (for 1-6 (value 3,900) is focused through a tiny hole
unaffected by paralyzation and all mind- HP in a 5’ radius). Two hold white powder in the secret door. It is operated by depress-
influencing attacks, and cold attacks do half which explodes upon contact with the air in a ing a small lever. Instantly (unless the target
or no damage. When it is killed, all of a bright flash, causing blindness for 3 turns. makes a save versus magic at -3), part of the
Harrow’s parts freeze up and are immov- Two are empty. Roll randomly for which soul and psyche of the target (in the form of a
able. The Harrow will not attack unless shells are opened first, unless the players tiny human replica) is sucked into the box,
attacked, or if any person who has stepped have a way of testing them.)) turned upside down and affixed to a wet
up on either dais leaves the dais. )) ((Smashing the nuts open will destroy sheet of paper at the inside rear of the box.
the pearls.)) Co-Dacc can communicate telepathically
5. ((Opening the secret door reveals the There are bookshelves on the far wall. with the soul-psyche and the player. The
following: )) ((There is nothing of value in the player can function normally, except that he
You see a well-furnished room, 20’ x books.)) or she will not remember his/her name and
20’, extending to your right and ahead. The Near the door is a cabinet. will not recognize it if addressed. If Co-Dacc
room is obviously the study of a wealthy ((It is an illusion which can be seen but opens the box and lets light fall on the tiny
man. There are three small tables, four not touched; it does nothing.)) human, it will be destroyed, resulting in a
chairs, and an assortment of rugs and wall On each side of the cabinet are 3 carved system shock check for the player. If the
hangings. On either side of the door are large wooden wall hangings. check is made, the character will be coma-
stone urns full of dirt, which apparently once ((They are valued at 24 gp each.)) tose for 10 turns, and if it is not made, he/she
also held plants. There is a rice-paper ceiling. ((Concealed behind one hanging is a will also lose 2-8 points from both Intelli-
((The ceiling conceals the room’s true hole 6 inches in diameter and 18 inches gence and Wisdom. If the missing piece is
height of 30’.)) deep. There is nothing in the hole, but any- brought back and slipped under the door,
Facing the huge stone fireplace which thing that is stuck into the hole will be cut off Co-Dacc will open the box in a dark area and
dominates the right wall is a massive, padded by a heavy guillotine blade which will work pass out the paper in an envelope which the
wooden chair and table on which are placed repeatedly.)) player must eat to regain his/her soul. Co-
wine, cheese, bread and a large bowl of ((One of the rugs is an expensive beaver Dacc, the black box and the machine will
walnuts in the shell. Next to the chair is a skin, value 1,200 gp and it conceals a trap then immediately disappear into another
6’-long lizard with huge eyes and violet door (false). Pulling the ring on the false door universe.
scales. releases a number of spiked balls from the Co-Dacc is AC10, 2 dice, 10HP and has
((This is a Thesaurus; AC 6, 6 Dice, ceiling, which will fall, missing the furniture, a magic resistance of 75%. He is value 300.
20HP, value 900. It is 90% magic-resistant, and have a 2 in 6 chance of hitting each The players cannot figure out how to repair
of genius-level intelligence, and has such player for 4HP. )) the machine at all, even with the missing
tremendously quick mental reflexes that it part. Co-Dacc also has a Wand of Fear with
always gains the initiative in every combat 6. ((As the players walk down this corri- 20 charges (value 30).))
round. It gets a single attack which will affect dor they will notice a bright light coming from ((If the players progress past “A”, they
every creature within 60’. To attack, the somewhere up ahead.)) will see the following at “B”:))
Thesaurus will utter a single word. If any ((As they turn the corner they will come Ahead there is a set of stairs leading
player states aloud the definition of the word, upon a tremendous light, so bright that it is down, and before it is a shadowy figure.
all who could understand the definition are impossible to look at it. The purpose of this ((The shadowy figure is a Zombie, AC8,
safe. If none say the definition, or some do intense light is to disguise the secret door at 8HP, value 30. It is a normal Zombie except
not hear it, each receives three points of “A”. The light was created by the occupant that it cannot be turned (It may be destroyed
damage and is stunned for the remainder of of room A—one Co-Dacc, a being from an- by a Cleric of 6th or higher level.). It has a
the round, forfeiting the chance to attack or other universe who was stranded here when small sack containing 3 Potions of
take other action. The words the Thesaurus his universal transporter apparatus had a Gaseous Form (value 0 if used, value 300 if
will use are (in order): part stolen from it by a demon. He has been saved) which are so labeled.))
Epigram—a terse, witty, pointed state- here for 217 days, and each day he has cast a ((The stairs are 20’ long, and if the play-
ment; Continual Light spell on that spot; thus, a ers reach the bottom at landing “C”, they
Kith—friends, acquaintances; Dispel Magic or Darkness spell would only will see some stairs up and will automatically
Nostrum—a quack medicine; remove 1/217th of the light The light defi- trigger a pressure plate which will cause the
Vacuity—emptiness (or inanity); nitely prevents any kind of visual detection of entire stone ceiling above the stairs to lower
Kismet—fate, destiny; the secret door (including by a Gem of quickly in an attempt to crush them. The
Coalesce—to unite into a single body or Seeing).)) ceiling matches exactly the configuration of
group; ((If the players pass the light at “A”, se- the stairs, but the party will only notice
Avarice—greed for money; lect one of them at random until one fails to this if they specifically say that they are exam-
Apropos—opportune (or relevant); make a saving throw vs. magic at -3. Then ing the ceiling above the stairs. The ceil-
Dory—a small boat with high sides used take that player aside and read him or her the ing will descend at such a rate that the
for fishing; following:)) players can only run out if they use any of
Peeve—to become annoyed, an You suddenly feel that something is very the following spells: Haste, Speed, Fly,
annoyance; wrong with you, as if part of your psyche is or one with a similar effect. There is time
Stipple—to paint, draw or engrave in missing. Suddenly you hear a voice in your to Teleport or Dimension Door. There is
small dots. mind say that your soul-psyche has been also time to drink the potions of gaseous
The exact definition need not be given, stolen and placed in the Black Box of the form, but this will result in all equipment
just enough to convey the sense. If the Inverted Soul, and that the owner of the of the player(s) being left behind. Anyone
Thesaurus runs through all of these words, it voice has only to open the box and let light in caught on the stairs or the landing will be
will mysteriously vanish (it can teleport).)) to destroy the soul-psyche. The voice says killed, but equipment will not be de-
((Treasure is concealed inside some of that you can regain your soul by proceeding stroyed. The ceiling will close fully in 2 seg-
the walnut shells. There are 20 shells. Twelve down the corridor to a room and obtaining a ments.))
hold single black pearls worth 900 gp each. small metal part that looks like the tip of a ((At “D” is another bag with 3 more
February, 1980
Vol. IV, No. 8
center of the far wall. On top of the dresser is done once per day and only takes effect after the way. Monsters will return to the original
a small silver mirror (value 30gp). 1-4 rounds). If the left arm band is rubbed location if they run into a wall (even they
((The drawers contain clothing and the Thief or Monk will, for 10 turns, be auto- don’t know where the walls are).))
food.)) matically successful at any of the thieving ((The players see the following:))
In the far right-hand comer of the room is abilities (rubbing can only be done once per ((At “A”:))
a desk and a wooden chair. day, and only takes effect after 1-4 rounds). Ahead and slightly to the left is a Cave
((Inside the desk are paper, quills, a small If he rubs the neck band, for the next 10 turns Bear.
vial filled with black powder (dried ink), 3 an invisible aura is in existence around the ((It is AC6, 6 dice, 30HP, attacks 3 times
empty bottles, a balance scale, measuring wearer and acts as a Cloak of Protection +3 for 1-8/1-8/1-12, value 600.))
beakers, and old clothes. Taped to the back (he can only be detected by a gem of seeing, Next to the bear is a chest.
of the center drawer are the Three Body etc; this can only be formed once per day ((This contains 6,000ep and has been
Bands of Talfelon (see below).)) and takes effect only after 1-4 rounds). If he trapped with the spell “Oberon’s Faerie
On the bed is a horrid creature. It has a rubs the two armbands together, he will be Fire.” This spell, when the chest is opened,
stubby, rectangular body 4’ long and 2’ shielded, for the next 10 turns, from magic as will bask all objects within 1” in a per-
wide. It is 1½’ tall. It has two 4’-long “feel- with a 60% resistance and as a cloak of manent orange faerie fire. Thus, the person
ers” projecting from its front and dozens of protection +2. Activating this shield causes who opened the chest will forever glow in the
short legs. the wearer to take 5HP of damage; this can dark (and so will anyone else who was near-
((This is an Electric Crawler. It is AC -2, be done as often as desired by the wearer by). The spell can only be removed by a
4 dice, 20HP, value 900. It feeds off light and and takes effect immediately. Activating any Dispel Magic, Limited Wish, Alter Reality or
heat energy (including magical emanations). function of the bands will cancel any previ- Remove Curse, or by washing with a strong
There is a 10% chance per “+” (or a 1% ously activated function (if still active) im- acid (10HP).))
chance per charge) that it will absorb the mediately. The band can be removed only ((At “B”:))
magic from any magic item which strikes it or after the death of the Thief or Monk.)) Ahead and slightly to the right you see a
it touches. It can do this only once per day, ((Taped to the back of the right-hand troll.
and it is not selective about it.)) drawer is the following True Clue, value ((It is AC4, 7 dice, 35HP, attacks 3 times
((When it is attacking, it hits for 1-10 pts. 1,200: “Seek the mazes for the key to life.”)) for 2-5/2-5/2-8, value 750. It has a leather
of electrical damage; if it misses, add 5 to the 9. ((Caution: The Players are in a Trans- bag containing 1,200gp and one 600gp
“to hit” roll for the next attempt and if a hit parent Maze: All interior walls are invisible, gem.))
results with the new number, it arcs an elec- making it appear to the players that they are ((At “C”:))
tric charge from itself to a target for 1-8HP. in a large open area. They will be able to see Near the wall on the right and some dis-
Each time an opponent is hit, he must save all of the possible encounters in the area tance from the front wall is a small, hunch-
vs. paralyzation or be stunned for one round since the room is brightly lighted, but the backed man.
from electrical shock. An arc will only occur if walls distort distance, so do not give them ((He is lost, has no value, AC10, 1 HP,
the person is carrying metal of at least the numbers.)) and cannot attack. If led from the maze, he
mass of a dagger. The Electric Crawler is You see a well lit, large open area ex- will give the players the following True Clue
75% resistant to magic except for the follow- tending forward and then dog-legging to the (value 1,200) which he has committed to
ing: Polymorph adds 5HP for 1 day; Light- right. At the far end of the dog-leg, you see a memory: “The key to life is north of the
ning Bolt increases hit points to 36; Disinte- single door. There are a number of things in woods.” He knows nothing else of this area
grate has no save or resistance, it always the area which you can see. of the rock of ages.))
works; Charm always works, but each turn ((No mark can be made on the walls, and ((At “D”:))
there is a 25% chance that it will absorb the nothing will adhere to them. The players and Beyond the Troll you see a Green Dra-
magic from one of its master’s magic items. monsters can see each other, and the mon- gon sitting on a pile of treasure.
The beast has 360-degree radar and can sters will charge on a straight line when the ((It is AC2, 7 dice, 28HP, value 2,100. It
communicate telepathically, but under- players get within 30’, even if there is a wall in (Turn to page M11)
stands only the tongue of Lizard Men.))
((The Body Bands of Talfelon, value
3,000: These are three small, leather bands,
one of which is obviously to be worn as a
collar, and the other two as wristbands. A
keen eye will detect many undecipherable
marks and runes and a faint metallic trim.
The bands cannot be cut or marked in any
way. If a Fighter-class or Magic-User-class
player puts on the bands, he will immediately
lose 1 experience level and take 1-12HP. If a
Cleric-class player puts them on, he will lose
2 levels and 1-10HP. If a Thief or Monk (or a
multi-class player who is part Thief) puts the
bands on, they will fit perfectly and become
nonremovable. Damage sustained by the
other classes will occur each day until the
bands are removed. A Thief or Monk wear-
ing the body bands will have his Dexterity
increased to 18, with the appropriate in-
crease in thieving abilities, and gains the ad-
vantage of using the matrix for Fighters when
attempting to hit in combat. There are other
special abilities. If the Thief or Monk rubs the
right arm band, he will, for the next 10 turns,
be 75% magic resistant (rubbing can only be The dragon is awesome, but so is its treasure.
February, 1980
Vol. IV, No. 8
February, 1980
Vol. IV, No. 8
the floor (its feet are covered with sand to ceiling above each screw. Written on a plate cure normally, but have the side effect of
allow it to walk). The victim will be smothered above each screw is the following message: causing the drinker to glow in the dark for 1
in 2-4 rounds unless the Tar Baby is killed “To leave this room, a being must risk death full day. This effect can be removed by a
and scraped away from his face. If the Tar and turn the screw all the way.” Remove Curse, Limited Wish, Dispel Magic
Baby is set on fire, it will burn wildly and will ((As the players enter the room, two slid- (which also removes the healing effects
hurl itself at the nearest opponent, a hit caus- ing walls (at the arrows back down the corri- gained), or any similar spell.))
ing 2-12HP.)) dor) close off the passage and will not ((Turning screw “a” even the slightest
((In the room, scattered on the floor, are open.)) amount will cause a flow of fool’s gold to
several items. There is a tube, requiring Read You also see a floating form in the cham- enter by the faucet above it. The screw can-
Magic to open, which gives false directions ber which gives off a continual emanation of not be turned back. The room will fill in 4
leading out of the maze (“wing it” to lead the light and energy. hours with a slight opening of the screw, and
players in circles). There is also a thick blue ((This is an Aura Energy Monster, value in 1 hour with a maximum opening. Screw
and gold colored tube with a point on the 600. It is AC10, 3 Dice, 10HP. When at- “d” lets sand into the room at the same rate
end; actually a Wizard Pen, value 4,500. It tacked, it reacts as if in pain, but it is actually and cannot be turned back once started.
works as a normal pen, except that if the user absorbing the energy of the attack. On the Screw “c” lets in a crude oil at the same rate
writes the words “I desire . . .” the pen will next round, it will return the energy in the and cannot be turned back, torches will ig-
grant the wish. The pen has 100 charges. form of flames, striking at any one creature nite the oil if care is not taken, and the fire will
When a wish is granted, a number from with a +5. This creature can only be harmed fry the entire group. Screw “b” lets in water
1-100 is rolled and that is the number of by cold attacks. It is insubstantial, and cannot at the same rate, but this screw can be
charges used for that wish. When the charges harm those who do not attack it.)) turned back; this screw will only allow the
needed exceed the charges remaining, one The monster is resting above an opaque room to fill with water to one-fourth full,
wish will be prorated.)) vial. though (this will take only 4 minutes if all 4
((There is a third tube which opens easily ((In the vial is a piece of paper containing screws are turned on at full blast), and then
and has a True Clue, value 1,200, which a True Clue, value 1,200, and a 1,200gp screw “b” will automatically swing out of the
reads, “The key to life is to the east.”)) emerald. The clue reads: “The key to life is to room, revealing a passage behind it which
12. ((The players step into the chamber the west.”)) provides the means of escape.))
and see:)) Also under the monster are three bottles. 13. ((When the players enter, they will
You see a chamber which is 30x30’. ((They are labeled “potion of cure light see:))
Each of the 4 walls has a huge screw partially wounds.” These are actually potions of cure You see a 20’x20’ room with a single
imbedded in it, and there is a spout on the “light” wounds (value 600 if saved); they door on the far wall. In the room is a pile of
February, 1980
platinum-appearing pieces. On the right wall ((Under the pile of platinum is a tube clue) and will suffer the loss of one point from
is a strange-looking sign with a huge red (opens easily) which contains a paper with a one of his prime requisites, randomly.))
button underneath it. The sign reads: “You True Clue value 1,200, which reads: “The ((A Dispel Magic or Remove Curse will
have TEN seconds.” key to life lies in the south.”)) reverse this effect.))
((The doors to the room automatically 14. ((The players are in a corridor which 17. ((When the players enter this area
lock when the players enter the room. As the goes completely around this room. There are they will see:))
players watch, the sign mystically changes to no normal entrances to the room. On the You have entered a 30’x30’ chamber.
read, “You have NINE seconds,” and con- walls around the concealed room are the There is a pool which is 20’ in diameter in the
tinues to count down. Count down the sign words “TREASURE ROOM” in fifty differ- center of the chamber. The surface of the
slowly for the players. Pressing the red but- ent languages. The only way to get into the pool is covered with green gunk. There is a
ton resets the sign to “TEN” and begins the room is to say out loud “Goodbye”, “Fare- passage leading from the room through the
countdown over. If the sign ever reaches well”, “Au Revoir” or some other such word far wall.
“ZERO,” the doors unlock and can be or phrase. The only way to get out of the ((The water is covered with algae and is
opened normally.)) room is to say “Hello”, “Hail” or some other harmless. It is about 4’ deep. If the players
greeting. Passwall, Teleport, etc. will also walk around or past the pool, a magical di-
work to get into or out of the room.)) mension is created. The only way to get out
((Once inside the room, the players will of this tiny dimension (without teleporting,
see:)) etc.) is to touch the water and then either go
You are inside a 20’x20’ room with no through the pool or over the water and then
apparent exits. The room is empty except for out the far door. Any other attempt to leave
some litter and a small, cube-shaped stone the chamber will find the player entering
stool, very smooth and very worn. It is about another identical pool chamber. This pro-
2’ on a side. cess will repeat itself until the proper way of
((This stone is the fabled Rock of Ages, exiting is used. If a pool is marked or a cham-
value 12,000 (but no bonus for determining ber is marked in any way, the mark will re-
what it is). The rock renders the owner im- main only so long as the players stay within
mune to disease, curses and poison. The one pool chamber of the mark.
owner will never age. The owner’s Constitu- 18. ((For 30’ down the wall of this corri-
tion and Strength will go to the maximum dor is a large silver mirror. As the players
possible. The rock is covered with a micro- walk past, their reflections will come to life,
scopic bacteria which will interact with a per- possessing all the attributes of the originals,
son’s perspiration and form an incredibly and attack them; if they are hindered from
potent glue. This will cause anything the per- attacking their original, they will attack the
((The pile of platinum is 600pp; it also son touches to stick to his hands, and only a hinderer. The players always get the initia-
contains 6 Coin Ticks, value 0. They are person with greater than 18 Strength can tive. If a mirror double is injured, the original
AC2, 1HP, and are about the same size and pull them off (roll % dice for the strength % will be magically injured the same way, tak-
have the same color as the platinum pieces. If score over 18). The only way to remove the ing half the damage the reflection takes (this
a coin tick is casually scooped up with trea- bacteria is with a Cure Disease (the rock does not work the other way, though). There
sure or picked up, it is indistinguishable from won’t help for this one, though), a Limited are several ways to get out of this:))
a normal coin. It will not register as a trap or Wish, a Wish, or by immersion in acid (which ((a— Kill the double. This has the ad-
as magic. It has a 5% magic resistance. If any won’t hurt the rock if it is immersed). An vantage of causing much damage to the
coins are casually inspected, there is a 1% additional effect is that the smell of the glue original.))
chance per coin inspected that one will be a arouses Ochre Jellies, Gray Ooze, Green ((b— Douse the lights. If there is no
Coin Tick. If a Coin Tick is inspected, it will Slime, Gelatinous Cubes and Black Pud- light, there is no reflection and no double.))
be immediately seen that it has a slight bulge dings to mating frenzy.)) ((c— Bash the mirror. 25HP damage
on top and 6 legs and a tiny head on the 15. ((This is a series of teleporting doors per 10’ section of mirror will dent that section
bottom. For each player who handles or which yields unusual results. The first door is to the point where it will be useless, and the
scoops up any of the platinum, there is a a normal door from one side and a secret doubles will disappear.))
50% chance that a Coin Tick will come into door from the other. The other doors are ((d— Another mirror, if flashed in the
contact with his skin, and if that occurs, the special. They are swinging doors with no face of a double, will create a double of the
Coin Tick will secrete a sticky gel that will knobs. They must be pushed open. When double; the two of them will fight to the
pass into the skin unnoticed in 1 round. This one is pushed in a clockwise direction, it will death, causing no further damage to the orig-
gel will infest the body, and the body will open into the adjacent room. When it is inal in any event.))
begin to feel stiff in 1 turn if a save vs. paraly- pushed counterclockwise, it will open into ((Players gain no points for killing any of
zation is not made. Also, Dexterity will de- the room beyond the adjacent one. (For ex- the doubles, and may lose points for killing
crease at the rate of 1 per turn unless the save ample, if the party is in room “10” and tries or causing the death of a companion. The
is made, until Dexterity reaches “0” and total to go into room “a”, they will succeed. If they doubles will be instantly recognizable as
paralyzation sets in. Dexterity loss will be are in room “b” and try to go into room “a”, such.))
noticeable as soon as it first occurs. Neutral- they will end up in room “10”. The door ((A player can gain 600 points for figur-
ize Poison, Cure Disease, Heal, or Cure Seri- closes automatically after a room is ing a way past the mirror, but only if the
ous Wounds (which does not give back any entered.)) player takes no damage in so doing.))
HP in this case) will divest the character of 16. ((The players will see:)) 19. ((Here the players will see a pit cov-
the poison. Cure Light Wounds will get rid of You have entered a room of 20’x20 ering the entire 10’x10’ section of floor. If
the poison 60% of the time or will give back with two doors on the opposite wall. There is they look closely, they will also notice that
1-8 points of dexterity. Once a figure is para- a clear pool in the center of the room with a the pit extends up into the ceiling. The pit
lyzed, the ticks will burrow into the body and bronze plate nearby which reads: “Ask and goes down 10’ into the floor and up 10’ into
lay eggs, which, when they hatch, will con- ye shall receive.” the ceiling, for a total length of 32’. At the top
sume the body. The tick’s gel will also pene- ((Any player (not charmed beings, etc.) and bottom of the pit are teleporter fields.
trate cloth or hemp, but not leather or any who stands in the pool and says anything will Something which falls to the bottom will be
kind of metal.)) hear a voice say: “Seek a mountain” (a false transported to the top and will continue to
Vol. IV, No. 8
fall over and over, gaining speed at 16’ per the paint. The paint here is the color of the paralysis. Paralysis will last for 5-20 rounds
second. Eventually, the object will reach stone floor. Behind the secret door is a small unless the victim is eaten by the crawler be-
terminal velocity; a person will be unable to pot of this paint with a small brush attached. forehand.))
breathe and will die. What the players will It has a value of 900.)) 23. You see an area which is misty, and
not notice is that there are about 5 small 21. ((In this area are two Blentz, one at your vision is reduced to only 2’ into it.
objects falling at terminal velocity in the pit “a” and one at “b”. If the party comes from ((The mist is completely harmless, and
already, but they will hear a faint whistling room 4, they will try to trap the group be- there is nothing in the room.))
noise. Any person leaning over or moving tween them. They are AC7, 4 dice, 20HP, 24. You enter an area and see 12 Giant
over the pit has a 50% chance of being struck 25% magic resistant, value 600 each. They Rats.
by one of these objects for 10HP.)) resemble large 4, dark brown pillows, ((These are AC7, 4HP each, value 9
20. ((As players walk across this part of sprouting dozens of mobile, rope-like tenta- each. They attack once each for 1-3 HP. As
the corridor, there is a 20% chance per per- cles. Each of these ends in an eye/beak com- the players crawl from the tunnel, the rats will
son that they will notice that the floor is bination which is capable of piercing armor. gain +5 on their attacks.))
sticky. They have actually walked on Echo They are 90% resistant to normal fire. If hit
Paint. The paint will cling to the boots of by fire, they will take 2-12HP once per dose 25. ((In this area is a Carrion Crawler,
of burning oil, 1-6hp per torch. They can AC3/7, 3 Dice, 15HP, value 600. It can at-
those who walk on it, and alter 1-4 rounds tack 8 times per turn for a save versus paraly-
will begin to produce mute echoes as if attack 6 times on each side per turn for 2HP
per attack. They communicate telepathi- sis. Paralysis will last for 5-20 rounds unless
someone were walking behind at a distance the victim is eaten by the crawler before-
of 100’ or more. The echoing effect will last cally.))
22. ((This room contains a Carrion hand.))
until the paint dries (in 1 day) and then the
echoing will cease. Holy water, warming with Crawler, AC3/7, 3 Dice, 15HP, value 600. It
a torch or even the use of soap will remove can attack 8 times per turn for a save versus ((Theoretical Maximum Points: 100,000.))
This map should be given to players before they begin their adven- players will search for clues.
ture. It shows the general terrain and important features of the area THE DUST PIT is an area of vast sands, dust devils, whirlwinds and
which contains the possible locations of the Rock of Ages. Some of the a mysterious sand “drain.”
highlights of the map are further described below: CITY OF THE DEAD is an ancient city of the old race, now
NORTH END is a forgotten, sandy beach-cave complex. deserted.
KANG’S TOMB is the final resting place of the first Master of THE GRAY WOODS is a dead grove of ancient trees.
Flowers. It is located in a mountainous area. THE LOST LAKE is hidden in a mountain valley. There are rumors
PENDULUM POINT is a barren jumble of rocks, boulders and of an underwater city.
caves. EAGLE CRAG is a tall, solitary mountain honeycombed with
THE BLASTED PLAIN is a vast plain of ash with a single oak tree in caves.
its center. LOKHEIM MINES are deep, cavernous labyrinths in the Lokheim
DEVIL GATE is an ancient altar in a cavern found just off a hidden Mountains.
canyon. EVERGLADE MOUND is a tomb of the Ancient Ones. It is in a
DOOMKEEP is the deserted (?) castle/dungeon complex where forest and is rumored to have an underground complex.
+1 to Activate (in some cases) -1 on all Diplomacy cards
No Magic allowed It is said of Abator that he keeps a hot fire in
which are the “irons” of his dealings. He can, at
An old military leader, Barthenous will Activate times, perform two diplomatic functions at once:
any kingdom at +1 whenever another player’s When he draws a Special Mercenary card he may
units have crossed its border. play it, as well as attempt to raise a Barbarian
He will never use Magic, nor will he try to acti- army. No one trusts this wheeler-dealer, and he
vate the same kingdom twice in a row. gets -1 on all cards.
Lasimba, a strong-willed man, can use his +1 This ancient ambassador is no more than a
at any time. But if he uses it and fails, he is talker—but a good one. It is said that thieves once
banished from the kingdom as after an attempted caught Kremoi on the road at night. But he was
assassination. able to convince them it was day, and they ran off
in fear of what they thought was a great wizard.