Theme II Model Exam

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Human Resource and Organization Behavior Theme Model Exam

Time Allowed: 2:15

General Direction:

 Make sure that the exam paper contains three parts (Part I – Human
Resource Management Part II – Organizational Behavior and Part III –
Leadership and Change Management).
 Attempt all questions
 Follow the instructions in each part and write your answers in Capital
letters only on the answer sheet provided.
 Switch off your mobile phone
 Any kind of cheating or attempting to cheat or/and letting others to
cheat will disqualify your result (F) on the course.


Feb. /2023
Part I: Human Resource Management
Instruction: Choose the best answer among the alternatives

1. The basic managerial skill(s) is (are)

A. To supervise C. To stimulate
B. To motivate D. All of these

2. The actual achievements compared with the objectives of the job is

A. Job Performance C. Job description

B. Job evaluation D. None of these

3. HR Planning involves four distinct phases ONE of these stages is scanning C.Organization development

B.Forecasting human D. planning
resource records

4. Strategic Human Resource management is

A. proactive C. both
B. reactive D. None of these

5. Job evaluation is based on the:

A. Complexity of the job to C. Relative job worth for an

perform organization
B. Conceptual skill required D. Physical skills required by
by the job the job

6. ______________ is a performance measure of both efficiency and


A. Organizational behavior C. Employee productivity

B. Organizational citizenship D. None of these

7. Which performance appraisal methods consumes a lot of time?

A. Essay method C. Critical incident

B. Rating Scales D. Tests And Observation

8. Which of the following is a benefit of employee training?

A. Improves morale
B. Helps people identify with organizational goals
C. Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co - ordination
D. None of these

9. Which of the following is a method used in group or organizational

training needs assessment?

A. Consideration of current and projected changes

B. Rating scales
C. Interviews
D. Questionnaires

10. Which of these is a hindrance to effective training?

A. Career planning workshop C. Mentoring

B. Aggregate spending on D. Career counseling
training is inadequate

11. Which of the forecasting technique is the fastest?

A. Work study technique C. Ratio trend analysis

B. Flow models D. HR demand Forecast

12. When appraisals are made by superiors, peers, subordinates and

clients then it is called ______________.

A. 360 degree feedback C. Self - appraisal

B. 180 degree feedback D. All of these

13. The human resource Management helps to improve the


A. Production C. power
B. Productivity D. Produce

14. The solution to many so-called 'people problems' is often

associated with improving the effectiveness of the recruitment process

A. Having a robust HR department to carry out the process

B. Outsourcing the HR department
C. Careful selection of the right people for the job
D. Devolving to line managers
15. Human Resource Information system

A. Integrates core process into streamline systems

B. Collaborates core process into streamline systems
C. Plans core process into streamline systems
D. All of these

16. e-HRM stands for

A. Electronic C. Equal
B. Economic D. None of these

17. One of the most popular methods of increasing employee

responsibility and control is ______________.

A. Outsourcing
B. "Military model" of management
C. Work teams
D. Manpower planning

18. What are the main aims of Employee Assistance Programmes?

A. To alter the organizational culture.

B. To address team and individual performance and well-being in
the workplace.
C. To focus the attention of employees to the power structures of an
D. To establish effective methods of care and support for everyone
in an organization.

19. The focuses of psychological appraisals are on ______________ .

A. Future potential C. Past performance

B. Actual performance D. None of these

20. Which of these is the benefit of needs assessment?

A. Assessment makes training department more accountable

B. Higher training costs
C. Loss of business
D. Increased overtime working

21. What techniques are used while analysing the internal supply?

A. Inflows and outflows B. Turnover rate

C. Conditions of work and D. All of the these

22. Which of these is one of the seven criteria for assessing


A. Community service C. Need for supervision

B. Interpersonal contact D. All of these

23. Recruitment and selection must be effective to ensure it:

A. Offsets high labor turnover

B. Delivers the highest calibre of individuals at optimum most
C. To have a surplus in case of sickness and absence
D. Encourages new blood into the organization

24. Performance appraisals are designed to motivate workers by

providing them with feedback, recognition, and what?

A. Better work facilities C. Greater work autonomy

B. Equal opportunities D. Praise

25. What do you understand "S" in the defining SMART Goals

A. Solution C. standard
B. specific D. soft

26. Training increases the employees

A. market value C. job security

B. earning power D. All of these

27. Full form of HRD is

A. Human Resource C. Human Resource Division

Development D. None of these
B. Human Resource

28. Which of the following is a need that motivates human behavior as

per the achievement motivation theory?

A. Power C. Achievement
B. Affiliation D. All of these
29. ______________ refers to the learning opportunities designed to help
A. Training
employees grow. C. Education
B. Development D. All of these

30. Which of these is an off - the - job training method?

A. Television C. Orientation training

B. Job rotation D. Coaching

31. The ______________ refers incentives to variable pay.

A. National Tribunal D. Which of the None of the

B. International Labor office above
C. Labor Court

32. The following is a barrier while doing human resource planning?

A. HR information often is incompatible with the information used in

strategy formulation
B. Implementing human resource information system
C. Managing inventories
D. Supply forecast

33. The following is (are) concerned with developing a pool of

candidates in line with the human resources plan

A. Development C. Recruitment
B. Training D. All of these

34. Competencies are the

A. Knowledge C. Behavior
B. Skills D. All of these

35. The voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an

organisation is called ______________.

A. Turnover C. Misbehavior
B. Behavior D. None of these

36. How does training and development offer competitive advantage

to an organization?

A. Removing performance decencies

B. Individuals have the aptitude and motivation to learn
C. Deficiency is caused by a lack of ability
D. None of these

37. ______________ seeks to examine the goals of the organization and

the trends that are likely to affect these goals.

A. Organizational Support
B. Organizational analysis
C. Person analysis
D. Key skill abilities analysis

38. Which of the below given options is a pre - requisite for an

effective incentive system?

A. Increased need for planning

B. Co-operation of workers
C. Management's commitment to the cost and time necessary to
administer incentive schemes
D. All of the these

39. What are the pre - requisites for successful human resource

A. Backing of top management

B. Personal records must be complete
C. Techniques of planning should be the best
D. All of these

40. Performance development plan is set for the employee by his

immediate boss.

A. Employer
B. Department Head
C. Immediate boss
D. None of these

Answer Sheet
Name ________________________ ID No. ____________________________
Department _________________________________ Section __________________
Course Name ___________________________________________________________

Multiple Choice
1. 11 21. 31.

2. 12. 22. 32.

3. 13. 23 33.

4. 14. 24. 34.

5. 15. 25. 35.

6. 16. 26. 36.

7. 17. 27. 37.

8. 18. 28. 38.

9. 19 29. 39.

10. 20 30. 40.

Part II: Organizational Behavior

Instruction: Choose the best answer among the alternatives
____1. The capacity of person, team, or organization to influence other
A. Authority B. Power C. Politics D conflict
___2. The use of power to develop socially acceptable ends and means that balance individual
and collective interests.
A. Authority B. Power C. Politics D conflict
___3. The leadership theories are based on the assumptions that various conditions require
different leadership styles.
A. Contingency B. Situational C. Behavioural D none
___4. From the Recent Theory of Leadership who inspire followers to love and be passionately

devoted to them.

A. Transformational B. Charismatic C . Transactional D . visionary

___5. Which leadership style tends to focus on the organizational objectives and followers
empowerment by building employee commitment to accomplish those objectives.
A. Transformational B. Charismatic C . Transactional D . visionary
___6. Organizational authority for most departmental decisions is delegated to the department
A. Centralized organization B Decentralized Organization
C Authoritarian organization D. None
___7. How many employees can a manager efficiently and effectively manage/supervise?
A. Span of control B. Chain of Command C. Unity of command D. none

___8. Which structure have few levels but wide span of control?

A. Tall B. Formalization C. Narrow D. Flat

___9. The process of integrating the activities of separate departments in order to pursue
organizational goals effectively.
A. Responsibility B. Formalization C. Coordination D. Simple structure

___10. An organization in which specialists from functional departments are assigned to work on

one or more projects led by a project manager.

A. Matrix structure B. Team-based structure C. Boundary less D. None
___11. The theory focuses on individuals perceptions of how fairly they are treated in
comparison to others.
A. Equity theory B. Content/Need Based theory C. Reinforcement theory D. None
___12.From Conflict management Techniques which it involves appreciation by all conflicting
parties that something is wrong and needs attention.

A. Competition B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. None

____13. Those who are responsible and dependable in their work and life, from the five big
personality under which personality categorized.
A. Agreeableness B . Conscientiousness. C. Emotional stability D.None

___14. Employee with a high care about the kind of work they do.
A. Job satisfaction B. Organizational commitment C. Job involvement D. All
___15. Physical abilities include a person’s
A. Strength B. Manual skill C. Leg strength D. All

___16. Which human Personality important to be successful as managers

A, Open mind B. Extrovert C, Introvert D. Closed mind
___17. Describe a positive feeling about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.
A. Job satisfaction B. Job involvement C. Organizational commitment D. All
___18.______ Approach is based on the belief that there is no one way of managing that is best
in all situations.
A. Theory Y B. System Approach C. Contingency Approach D. none
___19. _____ is a consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people.

A. Organization B. Behavior C. Organizational behavior. D, All

___20. The persons feelings, of like or dislike toward the attitude of objects
A. Affect B. Cognition, C. Behaviour D. All
___21. Previously people attach some duties like nurses to _____
A. Men B. Women C. Both D. All
___22. An individual capacity or capability to perform the various tasks in the job.
A. Attitude B. motivation C. Perception D. Ability
___23. Change in which the organization moves to a radically different, and sometimes
unknown, future state
A. Incremental Change B. Strategic Change
C. Transformational Change D. None
___24. Contingency theory is based on the assumption that the ideal leader:
A. Provides clear instructions to the followers so that they know what they
are doing.
B. Shapes their leadership style depending on the situation.
C. Knows what their strengths are and makes the most out of them.
D. Spends time with their followers and therefore listens and responds to their needs.
___25. A leader high in initiating structure would be characterized as doing which of the
A. Focusing on performance evaluation
B. Assigning group members to particular tasks
C. Treating all subordinates as equal
D. Helping subordinates with personal problems

___26. A transactional leader is one who:

A.Is the ideal form of leadership
B. Inspires people and has strong interactions with them
C. .Does deals with people in order to get them to do things the leader wants
D. Works for long term goals of the organization

____27. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a transformational leader?

A. Communicates high expectations
B. .Inspires exertion of extra effort for goal achievement
C. Treats all employees collectively as one
D. Provides vision and sense of mission
____28. In leadership trait theory what is a trait?
A. A list of the key things that a leader should do to be great.
B. The list of key behaviors a leader exhibits.
C. A list of the things that make leaders different to everyone else.
D. A list of key characteristics that makes a leader great

Answer Sheet
Name ________________________ ID No. ____________________________
Department _________________________________ Section __________________
Course Name ___________________________________________________________

Multiple Choice

11. 11 21. 31.

12. 12. 22. 32.

13. 13. 23 33.

14. 14. 24. 34.

15. 15. 25. 35.

16. 16. 26. 36.

17. 17. 27. 37.

18. 18. 28. 38.

19. 19 29. 39.

20. 20 30. 40.

Part III – Leadership and Change Management

Instruction: Choose the best answer form the alternatives given for each question.

1. One of the following is not reflect the definition of the leadership. Which one?
A. Leadership is a process, D. Leadership involves common goals
B. Leadership involves influence, E. None of the above
C. Leadership occurs in groups,

2. One of the following does not reflect definition of leadership. Which one?
A. Leadership avoidably requires using power to influence the thoughts and actions
of other people
B. Leadership is ability to persuade others to seek the defined objective
C. Leadership is an art of organized group process in which one attempts to influence
D. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an

3. Leadership is :
A. A Static process at work in a group whereby one individual over a particular
period of time
B. The ability to successfully integrate and maximize available resources within the
internal and external environment for the attainment of individual goals
C. The ability to get things done with the support and cooperation of other people
within the organization
D. The process of influencing the behaviour of others to work unwillingly for
achieving pre-determined goals
4. All are features of leadership except
A. Leadership is a continuous process of behaviour
B. Leadership is equal distribution of power among leaders and group members
C. Leadership involves a social influence process in which intentional influence is
exerted by one individual over others
D. Leadership focus of attention is a common task

5. All are functions of leadership except:

A. Communicating goals C. Building teams
B. Seeking commitment through culture D. Establishing rules and procedures
6. One of the following does not reflect the notion of management
A. Inspiring and energizing people C. Review against plans
B. Designing incentive schemes D. Initiating corrective actions

7. ------------------------- involves competing motives to attain scarce resources.

A. Value conflict C. Economic conflict
B. Power conflict D. None of the above

8. _________________ involves incompatibility in ways of life, ideologies, the

preferences, principles and practices that people believe in.
A. Economic conflict C. Power conflict
B. Value conflict D. None of the above

9. Conflict between individuals in the same organization best refers to:

A. Intrapersonal conflict C. Intergroup conflict
B. Interpersonal conflict D. Inter-organizational conflict

10. A knowledge about and proficiency in a specific type of work or activity best refers

A. Conceptual skill C. Human skill

B. Technical skill D. Cognitive skill

11. A set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined business outcome best
represent the notion of :
A. Business process C. Business score
B. Business reengineering D. Business improving

12. Change agent is : All are the notions of leadership except

A. designated as the catalyst for change C. Fire a person and replace him/her with
B. desired organizational state some one
D. Resist change
13. All are purposes of change except
A. To meet changing clients needs D. All of the above
B. To meet changing market conditions E. None of the above
C. To take advantage of new opportunities
14. Pressure for change may arise from one of the following sources within the organization
A. From new strategies, D. All of the above
B. From new technologies, E. None of the above
C. From employee attitudes and behavior

15. All are sources of conflict except

A. Inadequate communication C. Filtration effect
B. Adequate training D. When information is not received on time

16. Field analysis involves all of the following except:

A. Analyzing the restringing forces or driving forces
B. Assessing which of the driving or restraining forces are critical
C. Taking steps to balance the critical driving forces and the critical restraining forces.
D. Analyzing reactions of those who see change as unnecessary or constituting
a threat.

17. Win-lose principle of managing conflicts. Which one

A. Avoidance C. Competing
B. Collaborating D. Accommodating
18. When the individual might side step, postpone or even withdraw from the conflicting
situation best represent one the models of conflict resolution. Which one?
A. Avoidance C. Competing
B. Collaborating D. Accommodating

19. Achieving by strictly enforcing the reward and punishment strategy for good or bad
behaviour best represent the notion of:
A. Identification C. Compliance
B. Internalization D. Unfreezing

20. One of the following statements is wrongly stated about leadership/leader. Which
A. Leadership is ability to persuade others to seek the defined objective
B. Leadership connotes the ability to get things done with the support and
C. A quality leader is defined as a person who measures his or her success by the
success of the individuals within the organization
D. Leadership is an art of in organized group process in which one attempts to
influence people

21. All are the notions of leadership except

A. Leadership focus of attention is a common task /goal
B. The followers work willingly and enthusiastically to achieve those goals.
C. Leadership involves equal distribution of power among leaders and group members.
D. Leadership involves intentional influence exerted by one individual over others.

22. Technically proficient effective leadership best characterized by:

A. Searching ways to guide organization to a new heights
B. Solid familiarity with employee’s tasks
C. Offering intellectual stimulation
D. Creating shared meaning and high expectations

23. All are functions of management except:

A. Designing incentive schemes C. Initiating corrective actions
B. Review against plans D. Satisfying unmet needs of the people

24. One of the following best focuses on the production and the technical aspects of the job.
Which one?
A. Relations oriented behavior C. Employee's welfare
B. Participative leadership D. Task oriented
25. All are the most common situational leadership theories except:

A. Least Preferred Co-Worker (LPC) Contingency Theory

B. Charismatic leadership
C. Path-Goal Theory
D. Hersey and Blanchard Situational leadership Theory

26. One of the following statements is stated incorrectly. Which one?

A. A leader who is critical in rating least preferred co-worker will obtain high
LPC score, whereas a leader who is lenient will obtain a low LPC score
B. A leader who is critical in rating least preferred co-worker will obtain low
LPC score, whereas a leader who is lenient will obtain a high LPC score
C. A high LPC leader is primarily motivated to have close interpersonal relations
D. A low LPC leader is primarily motivated by achievement of task objectives.

27. The extent to which the leader has authority to administer rewards and punishments
represents the notion of :
A. Leader-member relations: C. Leader Position power:
B. Task structure: D. Situational favourability

28. Leader’s behaviour which gives recognition for group members’ ideas, feelings and
mutual respect best represent the notion of.
A. Initiating Structure C. Task-oriented behaviour
B. Consideration D. Relations oriented behaviour

29. Dynamic leaders are characterized by:

A. High structure and high consideration C. Low structure and high consideration
B. Low structure and low consideration D. High structure and low consideration

30. According to path-goal theory, the motivational function of the leader is:
A. Clarify the path so that subordinates know which way to go.
B. Remove roadblocks that are stopping them from going there.
C. Increasing the rewards along the route
D. reward solely those who have exceptional performance

31. The perceived probability that a given level of effort will lead to successful accomplishment
of a task refers to :
A. Instrumentality C. Valence
B. Expectancy D. Supportive leadership

32. One of the following is not leadership behaviours in path-goal theory. Which one?
A. Supportive leadership C. Achievement-oriented leadership
B. Directive leadership D. Charismatic leadership
33. One of the following is wrongly associated. Which one?
A. Able and willing High maturity
B. Able but unwilling Moderate maturity
C. Unable but willing High maturity
D. Unable and unwilling Low maturity

34. When the follower cannot do the job but is willing to try then the leader must turn attention
to the human aspects refers to:
A. Selling/Coaching C. Participating/Supporting
B. Telling /Directing D. Delegating

35. What are conditions that prevent a leader from acting in specified way, or nullify the
effects of leader’s action?
A. Leader’s lack of authority to reward effective behaviour
B. Subordinates’ lack of interest in an incentive offered by the leader
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

36. One of the following is benefit of the Autocratic Leadership Style. Which one?
A. Increased workload for the manager
B. Improved logistics of operations
C. Teams become dependent upon their leader
D. Positive work environment

37. Transformational leadership component that increases followers’ awareness of

problems and influences followers to view problems from new perspective represents
the notion of:
A. Inspirational Motivation
B. Intellectual Stimulation
C. Idealized Influence
D. Individualized Consideration

38. In the process of aligning people, leaders are responsible to carry out the following
roles except:
A. Communicating goals
B. Seeking commitment through culture building
C. Building teams
D. Seeking commitment through culture building

39. Situational factors that determine the leadership style/behavour can be categorized in
A. Forces in the environment E. All of the above
B. Forces in the task (nature of the task)
C. Forces in the followers F. None of the above
D. Forces in the leaders

40. Effective leadership is characterized by all of the following except:

A. People oriented
B. Good representative of their team
C. Sharing decision making with their members
D. Preferring to solve problems alone in the case of crisis
Answer Sheet
Name ________________________ ID No. ____________________________
Department _________________________________ Section __________________
Course Name ___________________________________________________________

Multiple Choice

1. 11 21. 31.

2. 12. 22. 32.

3. 13. 23 33.

4. 14. 24. 34.

5. 15. 25. 35.

6. 16. 26. 36.

7. 17. 27. 37.

8. 18. 28. 38.

9. 19 29. 39.

10. 20 30. 40.

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