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ELSEVIER Wear 176 (1994) 217-229

Film thickness in elastohydrodynamically lubricated elliptic

G. Nijenbanning, C.H. Venner, H. Moes
University of Twente, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands
Received 7 January 1994; accepted 31 March 1994


A multilevel solver for the circular contact was extended to elliptical contact problems. After verification of its predictions
by comparison with results presented in literature, it was used to study the variations of film thickness with varying operating
conditions and aspect ratio of the contact ellipse. Detailed computational results are presented and observed tendencies are
traced back to the modelling equations. Subsequently it is demonstrated how and when, for contacts with the entrainment
directed perpendicular to the major principal axis of the contact ellipse, the pressure and film thickness on the centre-line
of the contact can be predicted accurately from an equivalent line contact analysis. Finally, survey graphs of the minimum
and the central film thickness are presented and a formula is given that predicts the central film thickness as a function of
load and lubricant parameters, and the ratio of reduced radii of curvature of the surfaces. This formula incorporates asymptotic
behaviour and as a result it can be applied for all conditions. In particular, its accuracy for contacts with the major principal
axis of the contact ellipse perpendicular to the entraining direction is demonstrated in this paper.

Keywords: Elliptic contacts; Contacts; Film thickness; Elastohydrodynamic; Lubrication

1. Introduction aided by developments on the hardware side, faster

computers and workstations, increasingly complex sim-
ulations can be performed nowadays. Together with
Lubricated contacts in technical equipment and ma-
chines often operate in the regime referred to as the experimental investigations, these theoretical studies
elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL), e.g. the contacts have contributed to the current quite high level of
between gear teeth, between the rolling element and understanding of the physical mechanisms determining
the inner or outer raceway in rolling element bearings, operation and service life of EHL contacts. However,
between an elastomeric seal and a rod or between a many questions are still to be answered, for example,
cam and follower. with respect to elliptical contacts.
This type of lubrication has been studied intensively Hamrock and Dowson [l] were among the first to
over the past decades, both theoretically and experi- present numerical results for these contacts. From their
mentally. Since the introduction of the digital computer, results they derived a formula to predict the film
theoretical studies often involve the numerical solution thickness as a function of the operating conditions.
of the pressure profile in the contact and the shape Using a similar numerical algorithm, Chittenden et al.
of the lubricant film from a set of differential and [2] extended this work and presented an improved film
integral equations describing the lubricant flow, the thickness formula. However, as the formula does not
lubricant behaviour and the surface deformation. In include asymptotic behaviour, it is of relatively limited
the early years this research was quite often hampered applicability.
by computing time problems and poor stability behaviour More recent are the numerical results presented by
of the numerical algorithms, particularly for the high Seabra and Berthe [3,4], Kweh et al. [S], Barragan de
loads occurring in practical contacts between steel Ling [6] and Evans and Snidle [7]. These studies,
surfaces. However, as a result of developments on the however, place emphasis on specific aspects, i.e. on
software side, more efficient and stable algorithms, surface features or on a particular gear design, and

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SSDI 0043-1648(94)06458-T
results are presented for a limited range of conditions is on the pressure and the film thickness and not on
only. Alternatively, studies with the aim to obtain a the prediction of friction.
survey of the film thickness behaviour as a function of
load parameters, lubricant parameters and the geometry 2.1. Equations
of the contact were carried out, for example, by Chit-
tenden et al. [8] (elastic isoviscous regime) and by Defining the following dimensionless variables:
Hooke [9]. Assuming relatively soft contacts, Hooke
considered different regions of the contact separately, X=x/ax Y=yla,
i.e. the central region and the region of the so-called P=plp, H = hR,la,
side-lobes. From these analyses, equations for the min- 77= e/o ti = PIP”
imum film thickness were derived. Later, charts for
Reynolds’ equation for a steady state, isothermal
determining the minimum film thickness were presented
point contact with lubricant entrainment along the x-
by Hooke [lo].
direction can be written as:
In this paper the elliptic contact problem is revisited.
The multilevel algorithm for the numerical solution of
the circular contact problem introduced by Venner [ll]
was extended to such contacts. For verification, two
loading cases considered by Kweh et al. [5] were taken with the cavitation condition Pa0 throughout the do-
and the results were compared. Subsequently, the al- main and the boundary conditions P(X,, I’) = P(X,, Y) = 0
gorithm was used to investigate the variations in the and P(X, - Y,) = P(X, Y,) = 0. The coefficient Eis defined
film thickness with varying operating conditions and by:
curvature ratio in contacts with the entrainment directed fiH3
perpendicular to the major principal axis of the contact E= -
ellipse, i.e. so-called wide elliptical contacts. A selection rlh
of the numerical results will be presented and some where h denotes a dimensionless speed parameter:
tendencies observed are traced back to the basic equa-
tions. Special attention is given to the asymptotic be-
haviour with increasing width of the contact ellipse,
i.e. it is investigated how accurately pressure profile
For theviscosity-pressure relation, the Barus equation
and film thickness on the centre-line of the contact
[14] and the Roelands equation [15] will be used. The
can be predicted from a (more simple) line contact lubricant compressibility is modelled with the Dowson
analysis. and Higginson equation [16].
Finally, survey charts of both the minimum and the In terms of the dimensionless variables the film
central film thickness are presented and a formula is thickness equation reads:
derived from the results, which predicts the central
film thickness as a function of the operating conditions
H(X, Y)=H,+ $ +D F
and curvature ratio. An advantage of this formula over
existing formulas is that it incorporates asymptotic
l+D P(X’, Y’)dX’ dY’
behaviour and thereby has the prospect of validity over +- (2)
the widest possible range of conditions. In this paper 2rE, s* J(X-xl)‘+ (Y-Y’),
its accuracy for the aforementioned class of elliptical
contacts is demonstrated. In this equation D =RJR,, denotes the ratio of the
reduced radii of curvature of the contacting surfaces
(see Appendix A), E, the Legendre normal, or complete
2. Theory elliptic integral of the second kind as used in the
Hertzian dry contact theory [17] (see Appendix B), and
Below, the physical-mathematical model for an el- H, an integration constant.
liptical contact that has been applied will be introduced, The solution is subject to the following global con-
followed by a brief discussion dealing with the dimen- dition of force balance:
sionless parameters that can be used to characterise
load situations. The model is based upon Reynolds’
equation [12] and the theory of deformation of elastic
half-spaces, see Love [13]. The lubricant is characterised
=CC =,
P(X, Y)dXdY- g =0 (3)

by its (pressure-dependent) viscosity and density. Hence, where ~=aJa,, denotes the aspect ratio of the contact
its behaviour is assumed to be Newtonian, an assumption ellipse. K can be computed once D is known; see
that is justified because in the present study emphasis Appendix B.
G. Nijenbanning et al. / Wear 176 (1994) 217-229 219

2.2. Parameters The core of the algorithm is a relaxation scheme

that, by exploiting the local behaviour of the problem,
For the physical-mathematical model as presented i.e. its integral character in regions of small pressure
above, the number of dimensionless groups needed to flow and its differential character in regions of dom-
characterise the contact fully depends on the viscos- inating pressure flow, is stable for a wide range of
ity-pressure and density-pressure relations used. If the loading conditions. This relaxation is embedded in a
lubricant is assumed to be incompressible and Bar-us’ full multigrid algorithm (FMG), where the so-called
equation is used, three dimensionless parameters are full approximation scheme (FAS) is used to deal with
sufficient, i.e. D and A, as given above, and &!=c~p~. the non-linearity, see Ref. [21]. In such an FMG
Instead of & and h, alternatively the dimensionless algorithm, in addition to the grid on which the solution
parameters M and L introduced by Moes [18] can be is desired, a set of coarser grids is used for two purposes.
used: Firstly, they are used to generate an accurate first
- 314 approximation on the finest grid. Secondly, in a process
referred to as the coarse grid correction cycle, they
serve to obtain a speed of convergence that is inde-
pendent of mesh size. Because of the multi-summations
resulting from the discretisation of the elastic defor-
mation integrals, the above procedure is not yet sufficient
to obtain optimal efficiency. The final step to achieve
In this paper the latter parameters (in addition to
that goal is the use of the coarser grids to fulfil an
D) will be used for characterising the load situations.
additional task, i.e. multilevel multi-integration, a mul-
The relation between h4, L and &, A can be found in
tigrid technique for the fast evaluation of these sum-
Appendix C. If Bar-us’ equation is replaced by Roelands’
mations; see Ref. [23]. The resulting algorithm enables
equation and compressibility (e.g. according to Dowson
solution of the problem in 0(n Inn) operations if n is
and Higginson) is taken into account, two additional
the number of nodes on the grid. Consequently, even
parameters should be introduced. However, if in that
on small capacity computers, dense grids may be used
case the pressure-viscosity coefficient a and the pres-
and extensive parameter studies may be carried out.
sure-viscosity index z are assumed to be given, once
For the circular contact this is shown in detail by
again three parameters suffice (M, L, and 0). This
Venner [ll] and by Venner and ten Nape1 [19,24].
approach has been followed here and, unless explicitly
stated otherwise (see section 4), results obtained using
Roelands’ equation and Dowson and Higginson’s equa-
4. Verification
tion apply to c*l=2.2~ low8 Pa-l and z=O.68.
Using a mixed inverse-direct numerical solution al-
gorithm on a single grid, Kweh et al. [5] presented
3. Numerical solution solutions for elliptical contacts with surface disturbances.
The pressure profile and the film thickness were com-
The equations to be solved, i.e. Eqs. (l), (2) and puted using the Barus viscosity-pressure equation, and
(3), are not essentially different from the equations the Dowson and Higginson density-pressure equation.
describing the circular contact problem (D= 1). Ob- From their paper two contact situations were taken as
viously, they can be discretised in the same way but, test cases to verify the algorithm developed. For com-
more importantly, the principal terms determining how pleteness the values of the different parameters de-
to solve the problem numerically, remain the same. scribing these two cases and the resulting values of the
Consequently, the analysis as presented by Venner [ll] various dimensionless parameters are listed in Table
also applies here, and with some minor modifications 1.
the same numerical solution algorithm can be used. For the present study both cases were solved using
For details with respect to this algorithm the reader a domain extending from - 2.5 to 1.5 in the X direction
is referred to Refs. [ll] and [19]; however, for com- and from -8 to 8 in the Y direction. The finest grid
pleteness a brief general description is given below. (highest level) used in the FMG algorithm consisted
The equations are discretised on a uniform grid and of 257 x 1025 points. Table 2 lists the values for the
the resulting system of equations is solved using multigrid minimum and central film thickness obtained on the
techniques. An introduction to these techniques is given different grids, together with the values presented for
by Briggs [20]. Applications to a variety of problems these cases by Kweh et al. [5]. Each time the grid is
can be found in Ref. [21], whereas the implementation refined, the mesh size halves. This enables verification
for EHL problems is discussed in detail by Venner of the accuracy of the discretisation, i.e. of the con-
[l l] and by Lubrecht [22]. vergence of the numerical solution to the continuous
Table I
Load conditil 311s as used by Kweh et al. [19, Table I]

Parameter Value Unit

0.01905 m
992.4 N
49.74 ms-’
2.068 10” N m2

17.9 lo-’ 2.4 IO-’ Pa s

1.48 IO-’ 0.96 lo-” Pa-’
0.125 0.125
221.56 1000
12.74 5
15.686 10.174
0.0470 0.0063 Fig. 1. Dimensionless pressure P as a function of X and Y’ for
M- 1000. I> ==10 and D-0.4.

Table 2
Minimum and central film thickness in micrometres obtained in grids
with decreasing mesh size, and values presented by Kweh et al. [19,
Table 31.

Level Case A Case B

h,i, h ccn hmi. h ES”

5 1.104 1.364 0.194 0.276

6 1.193 1.401 0.233 0.270
7 1.246 1.424 0.243 0.282
8 1.257 1.430 0.246 0.285

Kweh et al. 1.256 1.341 0.249 0.283

solution of the problem. Table 2 shows that the values

Fig. 2. Dimensionless film thickness H as a function of X and Y for
of minimum and central film thickness converge in a
M= 1000, L= 10 and D=0.4.
first-order manner to a limiting value. This is in ac-
cordance with the fact that the algorithm is based upon
a first-order discretisation. From Table 2 it can be
concluded that the accuracy of the final solution (level
8) is about 1%.
Notice the close agreement between the values ob-
tained with the algorithm developed and those presented
by Kweh et al. for these loading cases.

5. Results

Figs. 1 and 2 show the calculated dimensionless

pressure profile P and the associated dimensionless film
thickness H for M= 1000, L = 10 and D = 0.4. Similarly,
Figs. 3 and 4 show P and H for the same M and L Fig. 3. Dimensionless pressure P as a function of X and Y for
but with D =0.2. The solutions were obtained using M=lOOO, L=lO and D=O.Z.
the Roelands equation and assuming a compressible
lubricant. Both figures show the well-known features The film thickness is nearly uniform in the centre,
for medium to highly loaded EHL contacts. The pressure shows a horseshoe-shaped restriction on the downstream
profile approximates the Hertzian dry contact semi- side of the contact, and reaches its minimum value in
ellipsoid, significantly deviating from it only in the inlet the so-called side-lobes near Y= k UK. Note that the
region of pressure build-up and in the region preceding size of these side-lobes, relative to the size of the
the cavitated zone, where the pressure spike occurs. contact, is smaller for D =0.2 than for D=O.4.
G. Nijenbanning et al. I Wear 176 (1994) 217-229 221

9.13, and Ref. [24], Fig. 7). With increasing M and L

the film profile in the centre of the contact flattens
and side-lobes are formed. For low M and L the overall
minimum film thickness occurs near the exit at the
centre-line of the contact. However, once the side-lobes
have formed, they become the location where the
minimum film thickness occurs. As a result the ratio
between the central and minimum film thicknesses is
not a constant but depends on the load, as will be
discussed in more detail in section 6.
Note that, compared with the solutions with D = 0.4,
larger M and L are needed for the side-lobes to appear
when D = 0.2. Similarly, in contacts with D = 0.4, larger
M and L are required for the side-lobes to appear
Fig. 4. Dimensionless film thickness H as a function of X and Y for than for D = 1.0 (circular contact). A likely explanation
M=lOOO, L=lO and D=O.Z.
for this behaviour is that the formation of the side-
lobes is related to the elastic deformation of the surfaces
5.1. Varying load and lubricant parameter and thereby to the maximum Hertzian pressurep,. The
side-lobes will just show up once the deformation is
Pressure profiles and associated film thickness maps sufficiently large, i.e. once p,, exceeds a certain level.
were computed for a wide range of operating conditions From Appendix C it can be inferred that ph increases
and for two curvature ratios, i.e. D=O.4 and D =0.2. with increasing M and L and decreases with decreasing
Figs. 5 and 6 show the contour plots of the film thickness D. Therefore, to reach the same level of (maximum
for a selection of solutions of varyingM and L (obtained Hertzian) pressure and deformation, and thus for the
using Roelands’ equation and a compressible lubricant). side-lobes to appear, larger M and L are required for
These contour plots are a convenient way to show the smaller D.
changes in the film thickness with changing M and L. Focusing on the central region of the contact, Figs.
Both Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show the same tendencies as 5 and 6 show that a larger ellipticity of the contact
observed for the circular contact (see Ref. [ll], Fig. causes an increased region of nearly uniform film thick-

Fig. 5. Contour plots of the dimensionless film thickness H for D=O.4.

222 G Nijrnbunnirzg et ul. I Wear I76 (1994) 217-229

Fig. 6. Contour plots of the dimensionless film thickness H for D=O.2.

ness. This is indicated by the low density of contour H

lines in this region. Furthermore, by taking a closer 0.12
look an additional subtle change can be observed. When
D=O.4, as for the circular contacts (D= 1) [11,24], the
contour lines near the centre are concave with respect
\----_ 0,l /
to the line Y=O. This implies that the film thickness 0.08
decreases with increasing Y. However, for the same A4 ------ 0.2
and L but D = 0.2, the contour lines in the centre of ,-0.06
the contact may become elliptical. This suggests the 0.4
occurrence of a local minimum in the film thickness 0.04

at X= 0 and Y= 0. This phenomenon is investigated in 1

more detail in the next section. 0.02

5.2. Influence of D O., W

-5.00 -4.w -3.00 -2LI.l -LOO 0.00 Leo ml ?Fr-z- w
For one set of parameters, i.e. M= 500 and L =5,
Fig. 7. Dimensionless film thickness H as a function of Y (X=0)
the curvature ratio D is varied. Fig. 7 shows the film
for M=500, L=5 and D=l, 0.4, 0.2 and 0.1.
thickness as a function of Y on the line X= 0 for D = 1.
0.4,0.2 and 0.1. These graphs confirm what is suggested
by the contour plots, i.e. below a certain value of D The occurrence of this local minimum can be ex-
the film thickness shows a local minimum in the centre plained by the influence of the compressibility. As
of contact. explained above, by fixing M and L the contact load
G. Nijenbanning et al. / Wear 176 (1994) 217-229 223

is fixed. Consequently, decreasingD implies a decreasing the elliptical contact, dimensionless line contact pa-
maximum (Hertzian) pressure. For example the max- rameters M, and L characterising the equivalent line
imum Hertzian contact pressure for the cases shown contact are obtained, see Appendix D. For the same
in Fig. 7 decreases from 0.66 GPa (D= 1) to about set of solutions as presented in section 5.2, Fig. 8
0.35 GPa (D =O.l). Now, as long as the pressure in displays the dimensionless minimum and central film
the major part of the central region exceeds the level thickness together with the values as obtained from
where Dowson and Higginson’s equation allows sig- solving the equivalent line contact problem using the
nificant density changes, the contact form will remain algorithm presented in Ref. [26].
the same as for D= 1. However, once the pressure Starting out from a circular contact (D = l), both the
drops into the range where pressure variations cause minimum and the central film thickness increase with
significant density variations, this local minimum will decreasing D. As could be anticipated, because side-
show up. This phenomenon is rooted in the fact that, leakage is neglected, the equivalent line contact pre-
owing to a small (and for sufficiently large loads even diction overestimates the film thickness, particularly its
negligible) pressure flow, the Reynolds equation in this minimum value (which for these point contact cases
region enforces fiH=c(Y), as a result of which density occurs in the side-lobes). However, with decreasing D
changes tend to be fully compensated by film changes. the difference between the elliptical and the line contact
For a detailed explanation the reader is referred to values decreases and from D -0.1 onwards, the pre-
Venner and Bos [25]. diction from the equivalent line contact becomes very
accurate. This is, for example, illustrated in Fig. 9,
which shows the pressure profile and film thickness on
5.3. Equivalent line contact the centre-line of the contact for D = 0.1, and also the
pressure profile and film thickness as obtained from
For the class of contacts considered here, i.e. D < 1, numerically solving the equivalent line problem for 44,
with increasing ellipticity, i.e. decreasingD, the lubricant and L,. Obviously both results closely agree.
flow perpendicular to the entraining velocity (side- At this point it is noted that the onset of this close
leakage) will decrease. Consequently for sufficiently agreement between the equivalent line contact pre-
small values of D, at least at the centre-line (Y=O), dictions and the actual point contact results coincides
one may intuitively expect the solution to approximate with the disappearance of the side-lobes. As a result,
the solution as predicted by a line contact type of the minimum film thickness in the point contact occurs,
analysis. This expectation is investigated below. First as in a line contact, at the centre-line near the exit.
for a given elliptical contact an equivalent line contact Consequently, below this onset value of D, the ratio
is defined by taking the same maximum Hertzian pres- between central and minimum film thickness assumes
sure and half-width of the contact. In that way, from values obtained for the line contact problem. (1.2 for
the dimensionless parametersi%& L, andD characterising the present loading case using Dowson and Higginson’s

h ten

0 = equivalent line contact

* = elliptical contact

1.0 0.4 0.2 0.133 0.1 0.08 0.067

Fig. 8. Dimensionless minimum (&J and central film thickness (/I,..) as functions of D obtained for the full elliptic contact solution, and
the values obtained from solving the equivalent line contact problem (M=SOO, L =5).
224 CC. Nijehmning et al. I Wear 176 (1993) 217-229

numerical results in the range away from the asymptotic

regions, i.e. in the range Ma 20, 2.5 GL G 10, although
the slope with increasing load M is too steep. The full
curves in the Figs. 12 and 13 are the predictions of
the central film thickness formula as described below,
see section 7.
A detailed comparison of Fig. 10 with Fig. 12 and
of Fig. 11 with Fig. 13 shows that, as mentioned in
section 5.1, the ratio between the central and minimum
film thicknesses in a point contact is not a constant
but depends on the load. For the computational results
presented in Figs. 10-13 this is shown in more detail
in Table 3. For relatively low A4 and L the ratio is
about 4/3, which indicates that the minimum film thick-
Fig. 9. Dimensionless film thickness H and dimensionless pressure
ness appears on the centre-line near the exit, see section
profile P as functions of X (Y= 0) for the full elliptic contact solution, 5.3. For larger values of M and L the ratio between
and the result obtained by solving the equivalent line contact problem the central and the minimum film thickness increases
(M=500, L=5, D=O.O67). with increasing load, the onset of this behaviour being
the appearance of the side-lobes. Consequently for
equation and 4/3 for an incompressible lubricant, see deviations from this value to occur for the smaller value
also Ref. [26]). of D requires larger M and L, see also section 5.1.
Finally, the derivation of the equivalent line contact One of the objectives of the present study is to obtain
parameters uses results from the Hertzian contact the- a film thickness formula for practical use. The question
ory. Consequently predictions based on this equivalent then arises what film thickness value should be used
line contact will be poor in regions of small deformation, to characterise the contact, the minimum or the central
i.e. near the rigid isoviscous regime (asymptote). As a film thickness. In many cases the aim in design is to
rough estimate, it can be said that the concept of an achieve full separation of the surfaces. Generally this
equivalent line contact with M as given here should is assumed to be ensured if the minimum film thickness
only be used for M> 20. predicted by the smooth surface analysis is sufficiently
large compared with the combined roughness of the
surfaces. For the line contact problem this choice of
6. Film thickness survey diagrams the minimum film thickness as a selection criterion is
quite obvious, i.e. because the problem is one dimen-
In the previous section the changes of the film sional, any feature present on one of the surfaces will
thickness map with varying load, lubricant and ellipticity have to pass the location of the minimum film thickness.
parameter were investigated. Next, as a first step towards Besides, also because the problem is one dimensional,
a film thickness formula, calculated values of dimen- once the minimum film thickness is known, the central
sionless minimum and central film thickness are pre- film thickness can be computed and vice versa as the
sented in survey diagrams. To facilitate comparison mass flow through the contact roughly fixes the ratio
with existing film thickness formulae and asymptotic between these two film thicknesses at 4/3 for the
solutions these results were computed using Bar-us’ incompressible case and at this value divided by
equation and assuming an incompressible lubricant. $(p,) if a compressible lubricant is assumed.
First Figs. 10 and 11 display the dimensionless min- However, in the case of a point contact, using the
imum film thickness as function of M and L for D = 0.4 minimum film thickness is no longer obvious. In that
and D =0.2. The most extreme load situation repre- case the film thickness is roughly uniform at the value
sented in the diagrams is M= 1000, L = 25. This results of the central film thickness throughout the major part
in a maximum Hertzian contact pressure of ph=3.1 of the Hertzian contact region. The film thickness drops
GPa for D = 0.4, and P,, = 2.6 GPa for D = 0.2. The lines below this value only in the side-lobes (highly loaded
drawn in these figures indicate the values that can be contacts) or near the exit (lowly loaded contacts or
obtained from an analysis assuming rigid surfaces and wide contact ellipses). In the first case obviously the
an isoviscous lubricant (see section 7, Eq. (4)). side-lobes cover only a small part of the total contact
Figs. 12 and 13 present the central film thickness as region and because of their location the chances that
function of M and L for D = 0.4 and D = 0.2. The broken a particular surface feature will have to pass the min-
lines in the figures represent the central film thickness imum film thickness are relatively small. Hence in these
as predicted by the formula of Chittenden et al. [2]. cases the central film thickness may be a more realistic
Notice that the predictions agree quite well with the parameter to characterise the contact.
G. Nijenbanning et ai. / Wear 176 (3994) 217-229 225

* *
iL * sG..*‘f I I I
i 10 100 1000 *23
Fig. 10. Survey diagram of the dimensionless minimum film thickness hmin as a function of A4 and L for D-0.4.

r * *
* t
* * j:
i, = 10
i * *
\ * *
* I, = 5
: * * b.

L = 2..5
; 1, = 0

1 I I I
1 10 100 1000 *\I
Fig. 11. Survey diagram of the dimensionless minimum film thickness hmin as a function of M and L for L?= 0.2.

E. I t I

1 IO 100 1000 M
Fig. 12. Survey diagram of the dimensionless central fifm thickness h,, as a function of M and L for D-0.4. The broken curves represent
the predictions of Chittenden et al. [2]. The full curves represent the predictions of EZq.(9).
226 G. Nijenbanning et al. i Wear 176 (1994) 217-229

r 1 I I I
I IO IO0 1000 :\,I

Fig. 13. Survey diagram of the dimensionless central film thickness h,., as a function of M and L for D=O.2. The broken curves represent
the predictions of Chittenden et al. [2]. The full curves represent the predictions of E!q. (9).

Table 3 7.1. Rigid isoviscous (small M, and L = 0)

Ratio h,.lI& as a function of M and L for D = 0.4 and D = 0.2

For this regime a straightforward similarity analysis

L S 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
hmin= C:‘(D)M-’ (4)
D=O.4 and
0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 h,,,=C,R’(D)M-’ (5)
2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
5 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 The values of Cz’ and CF’ as functions of D remain
10 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 to be determined. Based on the work of Kapitza [27]
25 _ 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.9
Brewe et al. [28], and numerical solutions of the rigid
D=O.2 isoviscous point contact equations for various values
0 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
of D performed in the course of the present research,
1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4
2.5 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4
it was found that the following function fit solution
5 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 applies:
10 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5
25 - 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5
- 15’7D- 1
C,“’ = 145( 1 + 0.7960 14’15)
and CEf, = (3/4),R’.
In the second case, i.e. low load or wide contact
ellipse, as for a line contact, almost any feature will 7.2, Elastic isovkcous (large M, and L = 0)
have to pass a region with a film thickness close to
the minimum film thickness. However, for these wide This solution is characteristic of elastomeric seals.
contact ellipses, owing to the small side-leakage, the Based on the work of Hamrock and Dowson [29], Crook
central and minimum film thickness are coupled again [30], and Kanters [31], the following formal expression
by the mass flow as described above for the line contact may be derived for the central film thickness in this
problem. Hence, if in such cases the central film thick- regime:
ness is given, the minimum value can be obtained easily.
&,,, = C:JD)M --2’15 (6)
Based on these arguments the authors have chosen
to derive a formula giving the central film thickness with the function fit solution
as a function of load, lubricant parameters and the
C,“,:,=3.18(1+0.006 In D+0.63D4”)-‘4/25D-“15
curvature ratio.

7.3. Rigid piezoviscous (small M, large L)

7. Film thickness formula

For the film thickness in a point contact the following For this regime the following formal equation was
asymptotic regimes can be distinguished. derived by Grubin [32]:
G. Nijenbanning et al. I Wear 176 (1994) 217-229 221

parameters and elliptic@ of the contact were studied.

ii,,, = c::(D)Lz” (7) Also it was investigated when the film thickness on the
with the function fit solution centre-line of elliptical contact can be approximated
with an equivalent line contact. For two curvature ratio
C~;=l.29(1+0.691D)-U3 solutions of the minimum and central film thicknesses
This solution was based on the asymptotic solutions are displayed in survey diagrams. With the aid of these
for D + 0 and D + COas well as on numerical calculations results, a film thickness equation was derived for el-
for D=l. liptical contacts. Because this formula incorporates
asymptotic behaviour it is valid for all load conditions.
7.4. Elastic piezoviscous (large M, large L) In this paper it is shown to be very accurate for elliptical
contacts with D 6 1, leaving its accuracy for contacts
The following formal equivalent of the Grubin solution with D> 1 to be investigated in future research.
[32] may be derived for elliptic contacts:
h,,” = c:;(D)M- 1’12L3’4 (8)
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ten central (location aP/ax=aP/aY=O) or related to

Appendix A: Nomenclature
a variable at this location
min minimum or related to a variable at this location
a ha! Rydt! Hertzian (line contact), a= X x-direction
w 7 Y y-direction
G. Nijenbanning et al. / Wear 176 (1994) 217-229 229


RI rigid isoviscous
EI elastic isoviscous
RP rigid piezoviscous
EP elastic piezoviscous
The relation between the dimensionless film thicknesses
h and H is
- 213
Appendix B: Hertzian parameters
The Legendre normal integral (complete elliptic in-
tegral) of the second kind, used in the Hertzian theory
[17] is defined by Appendix D: Definition of the equivalent line contact
W For a given elliptic contact the equivalent line contact
so Jcosz*+ K’ sin’ * is defined as the contact having a half-width a =a,,
R =R, and the same maximum Hertzian contact pres-
In the present work the following approximation has sure. In that case the dimensionless parameters char-
been used: acterising the equivalent line contact, i.e. Zkf, and L,,
follow from the values of M, L and D for the elliptic
-0.25 log K contact:
L,=L (12)
where K=u,/u~ denotes the ellipticity of the Hertzian
contact and can be obtained from the following ap-
proximation [ 171:
Eq. (13) follows from substitution of R =R, and the
equivalent line contact load per unit width w obtained
For a given value of D, using K and E, as given above, by equating the Hertzian pressures with a =a,:
the half-width of the contact width in the x-direction -\
a, is given by pI;= Z!.!
ne contact:
7M ~FK
WC -
@I) %
elliptical contact: pti= s
x /

Appendix C: Parameters and a, from Eq. (11) in the definition of the line contact
dimensionless load parameter:
The dimensionless parameters (Yand h used in section
2.1 are related to the Moes [18] dimensionless param-
eters A4 and L in the following way:

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