A multilevel solver for the circular contact was extended to elliptical contact problems. After verification of its predictions
by comparison with results presented in literature, it was used to study the variations of film thickness with varying operating
conditions and aspect ratio of the contact ellipse. Detailed computational results are presented and observed tendencies are
traced back to the modelling equations. Subsequently it is demonstrated how and when, for contacts with the entrainment
directed perpendicular to the major principal axis of the contact ellipse, the pressure and film thickness on the centre-line
of the contact can be predicted accurately from an equivalent line contact analysis. Finally, survey graphs of the minimum
and the central film thickness are presented and a formula is given that predicts the central film thickness as a function of
load and lubricant parameters, and the ratio of reduced radii of curvature of the surfaces. This formula incorporates asymptotic
behaviour and as a result it can be applied for all conditions. In particular, its accuracy for contacts with the major principal
axis of the contact ellipse perpendicular to the entraining direction is demonstrated in this paper.
by its (pressure-dependent) viscosity and density. Hence, where ~=aJa,, denotes the aspect ratio of the contact
its behaviour is assumed to be Newtonian, an assumption ellipse. K can be computed once D is known; see
that is justified because in the present study emphasis Appendix B.
G. Nijenbanning et al. / Wear 176 (1994) 217-229 219
0.01905 m
992.4 N
49.74 ms-’
2.068 10” N m2
Table 2
Minimum and central film thickness in micrometres obtained in grids
with decreasing mesh size, and values presented by Kweh et al. [19,
Table 31.
5. Results
is fixed. Consequently, decreasingD implies a decreasing the elliptical contact, dimensionless line contact pa-
maximum (Hertzian) pressure. For example the max- rameters M, and L characterising the equivalent line
imum Hertzian contact pressure for the cases shown contact are obtained, see Appendix D. For the same
in Fig. 7 decreases from 0.66 GPa (D= 1) to about set of solutions as presented in section 5.2, Fig. 8
0.35 GPa (D =O.l). Now, as long as the pressure in displays the dimensionless minimum and central film
the major part of the central region exceeds the level thickness together with the values as obtained from
where Dowson and Higginson’s equation allows sig- solving the equivalent line contact problem using the
nificant density changes, the contact form will remain algorithm presented in Ref. [26].
the same as for D= 1. However, once the pressure Starting out from a circular contact (D = l), both the
drops into the range where pressure variations cause minimum and the central film thickness increase with
significant density variations, this local minimum will decreasing D. As could be anticipated, because side-
show up. This phenomenon is rooted in the fact that, leakage is neglected, the equivalent line contact pre-
owing to a small (and for sufficiently large loads even diction overestimates the film thickness, particularly its
negligible) pressure flow, the Reynolds equation in this minimum value (which for these point contact cases
region enforces fiH=c(Y), as a result of which density occurs in the side-lobes). However, with decreasing D
changes tend to be fully compensated by film changes. the difference between the elliptical and the line contact
For a detailed explanation the reader is referred to values decreases and from D -0.1 onwards, the pre-
Venner and Bos [25]. diction from the equivalent line contact becomes very
accurate. This is, for example, illustrated in Fig. 9,
which shows the pressure profile and film thickness on
5.3. Equivalent line contact the centre-line of the contact for D = 0.1, and also the
pressure profile and film thickness as obtained from
For the class of contacts considered here, i.e. D < 1, numerically solving the equivalent line problem for 44,
with increasing ellipticity, i.e. decreasingD, the lubricant and L,. Obviously both results closely agree.
flow perpendicular to the entraining velocity (side- At this point it is noted that the onset of this close
leakage) will decrease. Consequently for sufficiently agreement between the equivalent line contact pre-
small values of D, at least at the centre-line (Y=O), dictions and the actual point contact results coincides
one may intuitively expect the solution to approximate with the disappearance of the side-lobes. As a result,
the solution as predicted by a line contact type of the minimum film thickness in the point contact occurs,
analysis. This expectation is investigated below. First as in a line contact, at the centre-line near the exit.
for a given elliptical contact an equivalent line contact Consequently, below this onset value of D, the ratio
is defined by taking the same maximum Hertzian pres- between central and minimum film thickness assumes
sure and half-width of the contact. In that way, from values obtained for the line contact problem. (1.2 for
the dimensionless parametersi%& L, andD characterising the present loading case using Dowson and Higginson’s
h ten
* = elliptical contact
* *
iL * sG..*‘f I I I
i 10 100 1000 *23
Fig. 10. Survey diagram of the dimensionless minimum film thickness hmin as a function of A4 and L for D-0.4.
r * *
* t
* * j:
i, = 10
i * *
\ * *
* I, = 5
: * * b.
L = 2..5
; 1, = 0
1 I I I
1 10 100 1000 *\I
Fig. 11. Survey diagram of the dimensionless minimum film thickness hmin as a function of M and L for L?= 0.2.
E. I t I
1 IO 100 1000 M
Fig. 12. Survey diagram of the dimensionless central fifm thickness h,, as a function of M and L for D-0.4. The broken curves represent
the predictions of Chittenden et al. [2]. The full curves represent the predictions of EZq.(9).
226 G. Nijenbanning et al. i Wear 176 (1994) 217-229
r 1 I I I
I IO IO0 1000 :\,I
Fig. 13. Survey diagram of the dimensionless central film thickness h,., as a function of M and L for D=O.2. The broken curves represent
the predictions of Chittenden et al. [2]. The full curves represent the predictions of E!q. (9).
For the film thickness in a point contact the following For this regime the following formal equation was
asymptotic regimes can be distinguished. derived by Grubin [32]:
G. Nijenbanning et al. I Wear 176 (1994) 217-229 221
WI C.J.A. Roelands, Correlational aspects of the viscosity- half-width Hertzian contact, x-direction,
temperature-pressure relationship of lubricating oils, Ph.D.
a, = (~R,FKE,/E’T(~ + D))1’3
The& Technische Hogeschool Delft, Netherlands.
half-width Hertzian contact, y-direction, a,, = UJ
Ml D. Dowson and G.R. Higginson, Elasto-hydrodynamic Zu-
brication. The fundamentals of roller and gear lubrication, K
RI rigid isoviscous
EI elastic isoviscous
RP rigid piezoviscous
EP elastic piezoviscous
The relation between the dimensionless film thicknesses
h and H is
- 213
Appendix B: Hertzian parameters
The Legendre normal integral (complete elliptic in-
tegral) of the second kind, used in the Hertzian theory
[17] is defined by Appendix D: Definition of the equivalent line contact
W For a given elliptic contact the equivalent line contact
so Jcosz*+ K’ sin’ * is defined as the contact having a half-width a =a,,
R =R, and the same maximum Hertzian contact pres-
In the present work the following approximation has sure. In that case the dimensionless parameters char-
been used: acterising the equivalent line contact, i.e. Zkf, and L,,
follow from the values of M, L and D for the elliptic
-0.25 log K contact:
L,=L (12)
where K=u,/u~ denotes the ellipticity of the Hertzian
contact and can be obtained from the following ap-
proximation [ 171:
Eq. (13) follows from substitution of R =R, and the
equivalent line contact load per unit width w obtained
For a given value of D, using K and E, as given above, by equating the Hertzian pressures with a =a,:
the half-width of the contact width in the x-direction -\
a, is given by pI;= Z!.!
ne contact:
7M ~FK
WC -
@I) %
elliptical contact: pti= s
x /
Appendix C: Parameters and a, from Eq. (11) in the definition of the line contact
dimensionless load parameter:
The dimensionless parameters (Yand h used in section
2.1 are related to the Moes [18] dimensionless param-
eters A4 and L in the following way: