Ellel ST Johns Modern Foreign Languages KS2 Curriculum Overview
Ellel ST Johns Modern Foreign Languages KS2 Curriculum Overview
Ellel ST Johns Modern Foreign Languages KS2 Curriculum Overview
National Curriculum Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Pupils should be 3 Year 3 pupils start with the phonics, The theme is animals and colours. This unit focuses on memory and
taught to: learning the vowels first. They practise performance in that it asks pupils
• understand and
these using a variety of activities. The linguistic focus is gender, articles to retell a familiar story - The Very
respond to
spoken and (definite & indefinite), plurals and Hungry Caterpillar - in French.
written language They learn the numbers 1-12 and how to adjectives (position & basic agreement).
from a variety of ask and give their age. Pupils are first introduced to
authentic sources The grammatical concepts are all based useful vocabulary from the story -
• speak with Then they learn the other key phonic around a core vocabulary of 9 animal numbers, days of the week, fruits,
sounds. nouns and 6 colours so nothing so foods - and then introduced to the
fluency and becomes too difficult. story in video and audio format.
spontaneity, They read rhyming stories, sing
finding ways of songs, practise tongue twisters and The key verbs are 'il/elle est' After several activities developing
communicating have further opportunities to make (he/she/it is), 'ils sont' (they are), il y memory and practising
what they want the sound-written link by listening to a (there is/are). The negative is revisited pronunciation, pupils will hopefully
to say, including words and anticipating their spelling. and there is also a subtle introduction feel confident enough to retell the
discussion and to 'aussi' (also/too/as well), 'mais' story in one of a variety of verbal
asking questions, They also learn some nouns (pencil (but). ways - with pictures, with video, or
and continually case items). They are made aware of with video and subtitles (for those
improving the gender through colour coding. Pupils are encouraged at all times to strive who need the written back-up for
accuracy of their to work things out for themselves, work in now).
They use the verb forms 'j'ai - I have', pairs and small groups sharing knowledge,
and intonation
• write at varying
'il/elle est - it is' and implicitly and to speak aloud when possible - thereby
length, for encounter the negative forms of building confidence. Pronunciation,
different these. memory, pattern finding, sentence building,
purposes and autonomy, performance and creativity are
audiences, using the concepts at the heart of these
the variety of resources.
MFL (French) Key Stage 2 Curriculum – Ellel St. John’s CofE Primary School
grammatical 4 This unit focuses on numbers 1-31, This unit develops the same linguistic skills During this term, pupils learn the
structures that months, dates, asking for and giving in different contexts. language for family members. They
they have learnt re-tell the story 'The giant turnip' or
birthday, language to do with birthday
• discover and 'Les quatre amis' - The four friends.
develop an celebrations and some more Christmas There is a focus on shapes and prepositions
vocabulary. They learn how to say 'J'ai
appreciation of a of place, to be used creatively in an art un/une..qui s'appelle..' I have a
range of writing project focusing on the work of Matisse. ...called... and apply this also in the
in the language Learners will use the new language to context of pets.
studied. understand and create invitations, they
Learners will use familiar verb forms in this
will learn about how ephipany is
new context to describe pictures they They also learn adjectives for
celebrated in France, understand songs,
create. describing personality and physical
stories and video about birthdays and description (hair and eyes).
other celebrations.
Pupils will also learn the parts of the body
and face and use this language to describe They use key verbs in the 3rd
the work of other famous French artists person singular and plural: --> a
(e.g. Matisse ). (has), est (is), ont (have), sont
5 This unit starts with simple calculations This unit focuses on sports and opinions. In this term, learners use
based on the five times table, and leads Learners pronounce cognate and other dictionaries to look up different
into learning how to ask for and give the sports accurately from text, applying instruments.
time. their phonics knowledge from previous They use opinions in the context
years. of different types of music, and to
Learners also extend their food and give reasons why, using 'parce
que' (because). They use the
drink vocabulary. They learn how to say They practise using a dictionary to look language they have learnt to
when mealtimes are and what they up unknown words. create short raps or songs about
usually have, comparing with eating food, sports or music.
habits in France. They describe sports, using simple
sentences with 'je fais', 'c'est' and 'il y a '
They learn how to give their opinions of for their peers to guess.
different food and drink and complete a
simple food / drink diary in French. They learn how to say which sports they
like/dislike doing, using aimer' +
infinitive verb.
MFL (French) Key Stage 2 Curriculum – Ellel St. John’s CofE Primary School
6 Pupils begin this unit by learning to Pupils will learn how to say more about This term should be approached
describe the weather. They then move where they and others live, practising flexibly. There are opportunities
on combine weather and seasons and the key structure 'c'est' and 'ce n'est for revision and consolidation of
describe the climate in different pas'. essential KS2 language, but, if
desired, there are new topics and
places.They will study a French poem projects to explore, including
about Autumn and perform it in small They will learn the vocabulary for places holidays, clothes, going to a café
groups. in a town, and how to build sentences and/or buying ice creams.
saying what there is (il y a) and what
They will gain a basic understanding of there is not (Il n'y a pas de). They will
the geography of France and learn some develop their dictionary and memory
key geographical features in French. skills, learning a French poem about
They will learn the countries that border Paris and creating their own version.
France and the compass points. They
will learn the French for some countries Pupils will learn about some key French
and their flags, describing them in festivals and extend their use of '-ER'
French with colours. regular verbs in the present tense.