.Machine Learning Algorithms Trends, Perspectives and Prospects
.Machine Learning Algorithms Trends, Perspectives and Prospects
.Machine Learning Algorithms Trends, Perspectives and Prospects
Machine learning addresses the question of how to build computers that imp rove automatically through experience. It is one of
today’s most rapidly growing technical fields, lying at the intersection of computer science and statistics, and at the core of art ificial
intelligence and data science. Recent progress in machine learning has been driven both by the development of new learning
algorith ms and theory and by the ongoing explosion in the availability of online data and low-cost computation. The adoption of data-
intensive machine-learning methods can be found throughout science, technology and commerce, leading to mo re evidence -based
decision-making across many walks of life, including health care, manufacturing, education, financial modeling, policing, and
market ing.
I. INTRODUCTION divided into train and test dataset. The train dataset has output
variable which needs to be predicted or classified. All algorith ms
Machine learning is used to teach machines how to handle the learn some kind of patterns from the training dataset and apply
data more efficiently. So met imes after viewing the data, we them to the test dataset for prediction or classification [4]. The
cannot interpret the pattern or extract information fro m the data. workflow of supervised machine learning algorith ms is given in
In that case, we apply machine learning [1]. With the abundance Fig.1. Three most famous supervised mach ine learning
of datasets available, the demand for machine learn ing is in rise. algorith ms have been discussed here.
Many industries from med icine to military apply machine
learning to extract relevant information. Machine learning has 1) Decision Tree: Decision trees are those type of trees which
progressed dramatically over the past two decades, from groups attributes by sorting them based on their values. Decision
laboratory curiosity to a practical technology in widespread tree is used mainly for classification purpose. Each tree consists
commercial use. Within artificial intelligence (AI), mach ine of nodes and branches. Each nodes represents attributes in a
learning has emerged as the method of choice for developing group that is to be classified and each branch represents a value
practical software for computer vision, speech recognition, that the node can take [4]. An examp le of decision tree is given
natural language processing, robot control, and other in Fig. 2.
applications. Many developers of AI systems no recognize that,
for many applications, it can be far easier to train a sys tem by
showing it examples of desired input-output behavior than to
program it manually by anticipating the desired response for all
possible inputs. The effect of machine learning has also been felt
broadly across computer science and across a range of industries
concerned with data-intensive issues, such as consumer services,
the diagnosis of faults in co mplex systems, and the control of
logistics chains. There has been a similarly broad range of
effects across empirical sciences, fro m bio logy to cosmolog y to
social science, as machine-learning methods have been
developed to analyze high throughput experimental data in novel
ways. The purpose of machine learning is to learn from the data.
Many studies have been done on how to make mach ines learn by
themselves [2] [3]. Many mathematicians and programmers
apply several approaches to find the solution of this problem.
A. Supervised Learning
The supervised machine learning algorith ms are those Figure.1. Workflow of supervised machine learning
algorith ms which needs external assistance. The input dataset is algorithm [4]
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 4884 http://ijesc.org/
The pseudo code for Decision tree is described in Fig. 4; where
S, A and y are training set, input attribute and target attribute
Figure. 3. Pseudo code for decision tree [5] Figure. 6. Working of support vector machine [8]
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 4885 http://ijesc.org/
explained in Fig. 11. The pseudo code for PCA is discussed in
Fig. 12.
B. Unsupervised Learning
The unsupervised learning algorith ms learn few features from
the data. When new data is introduced, it uses the previously
learned features to recognize the class of the data. It is main ly
used for clustering and feature reduction. An example of
workflow of unsupervised learning is given in Fig. 8.
1) K-Means Clustering:
Clustering or grouping is a type of unsupervised learning
Figure.11. Visualizati on of data before and after appl ying
technique that when initiates, creates groups automatically. The
pca [11]
items which possesses similar characteristics are put in the same
cluster. This algorith m is called k-means because it creates k
distinct clusters. The mean of the values in a particular cluster is
the center of that cluster [9]. A clustered data is represented in
Fig. 9. The algorith m for k-means is given in Fig. 10.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 4886 http://ijesc.org/
C. Semi - Supervised Learning on a task, it remembers the procedure how it solved the problem
Semi – supervised learning algorithms is a technique which or how it reaches to the particular conclusion. The algorithm
combines the power of both supervised and unsupervised then uses these steps to find the solution of other similar problem
learning. It can be fruit-fu ll in those areas of machine learning or task. This helping of one algorithm to another can also be
and data mining where the unlabeled data is already present and termed as inductive transfer mechanism. If the learners share
getting the labeled data is a tedious process [14]. There are many their experience with each other, the learners can learn
categories of semi-supervised learning [15]. So me of which are concurrently rather than individually and can be much faster
discussed below: [18].
1) Generative Models: Generative models are one of the oldest F. Ensemble Learning
semi-supervised learning method assumes a structure like p(x,y) When various individual learners are combined to form only one
= p(y)p(x|y) where p(x|y) is a mixed distribution e.g. Gaussian learner then that particular type of learn ing is called ensemble
mixtu re models. Within the unlabeled data, the mixed learning. The individual learner may be Naïve Bayes, decision
components can be identifiab le. One labeled examp le per tree, neural network, etc. Ensemb le learning is a hot topic since
component is enough to confirm the mixture d istribution. 1990s. It has been observed that, a collection of learners is
almost always better at doing a particular job rather than
2) Self-Training: In self-t rain ing, a classifier is trained with a individual learners [19]. Two popular Ensemble learning
portion of labeled data. The classifier is then fed with unlabeled techniques are given below [20]:
data. The unlabeled points and the predicted labels are added
together in the training set. This procedure is then repeated 1) Boosting:
further. Since the classifier is learning itself, hence the name Boosting is a technique in ensemble learn ing which is used to
self-train ing. decrease bias and variance. Boosting creates a collection of weak
learners and convert them to one strong learner. A weak learner
3) Transductive SVM: Transductive support vector machine or is a classifier which is barely correlated with true classificat ion.
TSVM is an extension of SVM. In T SVM, the labeled and On the other hand, a strong learner is a type of classifier which is
unlabeled data both are considered. It is used to label the strongly correlated with true classification [20]. The pseudo code
unlabeled data in such a way that the marg in is maximu m for AdaBoost (which is most popular examp le of boosting) is
between the labeled and unlabeled data. Finding an exact give in Fig. 14.
solution by TSVM is a NP-hard p roblem.
D. Reinforcement Learni ng
Reinforcement learning is a type of learn ing which makes
decisions based on which actions to take such that the outcome
is more positive. The learner has no knowledge which actions to
take until it’s been given a situation. The action which is taken
by the learner may affect situations and their actions in the future.
Reinforcement learning solely depends on two criteria: trial and
error search and delayed outcome [16]. The general model [17]
for reinforcement learning is depicted in Fig. 13.
E. Multitask Learning
Multitask learn ing has a simple goal of helping other learners to
perform better. When multitask learning algorith ms are applied Figure.15. Pseudo code for bagging [20]
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 4887 http://ijesc.org/
G. Neural Network Learning The neural network (or artificial 2) Unsupervised Neural Network: Here, the neural network has
neural network or ANN) is derived fro m the biological concept no prior clue about the output the input. The main job of the
of neurons. A neuron is a cell like structure in a brain. To network is to categorize the data according to some similarities.
understand neural network, one must understand how a neuron The neural network checks the correlation between various
works. A neuron has mainly four parts (see Fig. 16). They are inputs and groups them. The schematic diagram is shown in Fig.
dendrites, nucleus, soma and axon. 19.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 4888 http://ijesc.org/
For examp le, huge data sets require co mputationally tractable
algorith ms, highly personal data raise the need for algorithms
that min imize privacy effects, and the availability of huge
quantities of unlabeled data raises the challenge of designing
learning algorithms to take advantage of it. The next sections
survey some of the effects of these demands on recent work in
mach ine-learning algorith ms, theory, and practice.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, March 2017 4889 http://ijesc.org/
VI. OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES they are computer algorithms, an imals, organizat ions, or natu ral
evolution. As the field progresses, we may see machine-learning
Despite its practical and co mmercial successes, mach ine learning theory and algorithms increasingly providing models for
remains a young field with many underexp lored research understanding learning in neural systems, organizations, and
opportunities. So me of these opportunities can be seen by biological evolution and see machine learning benefit fro m
contrasting current machine-learning approaches to the types of ongoing studies of these other types of learning systems.
learning we observe in naturallyoccurring systems such as
humans and other animals, organizat ions, economies, and VII. CONCLUS ION
biological evolution.
This paper surveys various machine learn ing algorith ms,
progress and trends in machine learn ing with their applications .
Today each and every person is using machine learning
knowingly or unknowingly. Machine learn ing is useful from
getting a recommended product in online shopping to updating
photos in social networking sites. This paper gives an
introduction to most of the popular machine learning algorith ms
and emerg ing trends.
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