Lect 4
Lect 4
Lect 4
- The design of the bridge must handle the occlusal & dislodging forces
such as torque, flexure and tension.
- Occlusion must be designed to optimize the distribution of occlusal forces
evenly throughout the envelope of motion over the entire mouth.
The biomechanical considerations include the role of span dimension, pontics’
characteristics, the connecters or joints of the prosthesis, abutment tooth &
acting forces (masticatory) on the success of the constructed bridge.
Span length
The distance between abutments that affects the feasibility of placing FPDs.
The dimensions of the span (MD length and OG height) affect the number of
the selected abutments, type of retainers & materials that are used for bridges’
construction. In addition to the increased load placed on the periodontal
ligament by long span FPDs, longer spans are less rigid. All FPDs flex slightly
when subjected to a load, the longer the span the greater the flexing. Bending
or deflection varies directly with the cube of the length & inversely with the cube
of the occlusogingival thickness of the pontic.
Length of the span (Law of beam)
Compared with a FPD having a single-tooth pontic span, a two-tooth pontic span will bend
8 times as much. A three-tooth pontic span will bend 27 times as much as a single pontic.
This mean replacing three missing posterior teeth with FPDs rarely has
favourable prognosis, especially in the mandibular arch (Treatment with RPDs
or implant supported prosthesis).
As the height of the span decreases, the flexure of a system will be the increase
in length to the power of three (cubed). Therefore, halving the connector height
would yield 8 times the flexure.
A pontic with a given occluso-gingival dimension will bend 8 times as much if the pontic
thickness is halved.
Therefore, a long span FPD on short mandibular teeth can have disappointing
results. Excessive flexing under occlusal loads may lead to failure of the long
span FPDs (fracture of the porcelain veneer, connector breakage, retainer
loosening and caries, or unfavourable tooth or tissue response).
To minimise flexing:
Double abutment
It refers to the use of two adjacent abutment teeth at one or both ends of a FPD
Arch curvature:
To solve such problem and offset the torque, additional retention is obtained in
the opposite direction from the lever arm & at distance from the inter abutment
axis equal to the length of lever arm, this mean, that two abutment teeth at
each end of long span anterior FPD must be used in order to resist this
tipping forces. This mean first premolars are used as secondary abutments for
a maxillary four pontic canine-to-canine FPD.
Pier (intermediate) abutment:
Location of the key & key way:
Long axes of posterior teeth usually lean slightly in a mesial direction and tilt
more mesially when subjected to occlusal forces. Therefore, if keyway is
placed on the distal of pier abutment, then the mesial movement seats the key
into the keyway more solidly. If placement of the keyway is on the mesial side
then it causes the key to be unseated during the mesial movement which in
time can cause a pathologic mobility in the canine or failure of the canine
Tilted molar abutment: Mesially tilted second molars
The early loss of mandibular 1st molar due caries is still relatively common. If
this space is ignored, the 2nd molar will tilt mesially with the eruption of 3rd molar
which inturn might be drifted & tilted with the 2nd molar. Then it becomes difficult
to make a satisfactory FPD, due to the positional relationship no longer allows
for parallel path of insertion without interferences from adjacent teeth, added
to the excessive preparation that is needed.
2- Using proximal hall partial crown as a retainer on tilted molar abutment
Advantages: it allows total coverage of the clinical crown while compensating
for the discrepancy between the path of insertion of the abutments.
The connection of fixed bridges in some manner that will allow the various
components of the prothesis to be seated separately
Canine replacement fixed partial denture
Evaluation of the path of insertion