A Study On User Preference Towards Selected Online Payment Applications With Special Reference To Sankari City

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An payment system facilitates the acceptance of electronic payment for online

transactions. Also known as a sample of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), e-commerce
payment systems have become increasingly popular due to the widespread use of the internet-
based payment and banking.

Over the years, credit cards have become one of the most common forms of payment
for e-commerce transactions. In North America almost 90% of online retail transactions were
made with this payment type. Turban et al. goes on to explain that it would be difficult for an
online retailer to operate without supporting credit and debit cards due to their widespread
use. Increased security measures include use of the card verification number (CVN) which
detects fraud by comparing the verification number printed on the signature strip on the back
of the card with the information on file with the cardholder's issuing bank. Also online
merchants have to comply with stringent rules stipulated by the credit and debit card issuers
(Visa and MasterCard) this means that merchants must have security protocol and procedures
in place to ensure transactions are more secure. This can also include having a certificate
from an authorized certification authority (CA) who provides PKI (Public-Key
infrastructure) for securing credit and debit card transactions.

Despite widespread use in North America, there are still a large number of countries
such as China and India that have some problems to overcome in regard to credit card
security. In the meantime, the use of smartcards has become extremely popular.
A smartcard is similar to a credit card; however it contains an embedded 8-bit microprocessor
and uses electronic cash which transfers from the consumers’ card to the sellers’ device. A
popular smartcard initiative is the VISA Smartcard. Using the VISA smartcard you can
transfer electronic cash to your card from your bank account, and you can then use your card
at various retailers and on the internet.
Customer preference

Consumer preference for a product can make or break a company. If consumers

generally like a product, it can stay around for years and sell millions of copies. However, if
consumers do not like the product, it could disappear very quickly if the company cannot
figure out how to fix the problem.

Customers are informed and remaindered about the products and are requested
and persuaded to purchase their products. Such communication may be made their along the
product or well in advance of the introduction of product into the market. Such
communication becomes necessary when a new product or service is introduced in the market
or an old product is improved or it is simply to increase the sales of the products.

Defining consumer preference

Moats driven by consumer’s preference are widely thought of as brand-based moats

or intangible assets-based moats. In some industries, there is a strong preference from the
customer for brands, for example, with colas and cigarettes. Brand preference can emerge as
an indicator of various things, including uniqueness or consistency of the product, status
symbol and product quality.

The importance of consumer behaviour and preferences

It’s time (online) marketers have a different approach towards optimization. Rather
than only thinking in terms of tactics or soloed optimization, what if we focused more on
consumer behaviour and preferences?

It doesn’t mean channels and tactics aren’t important. However, optimization is an

ongoing process that looks at Omni-channel behaviour and preferences. Optimization is about
people, experiences, emotions, simplicity, frictionless task fulfilment and continuity. It never

What is often forgotten is that it’s also a connected “exercise”. The customer
behaviour and preferences don’t only show in (online) marketing interactions or task
completions. They are everywhere, unfortunately still sitting far too much in silos.

As most of the companies are trying to catch the momentum of online market result
into the rapid growth in the field of virtual payment. With emerging field of online payment
the interest of marketers also focus on what actually motivates customer to buy products
online. It is easy to study consumer behaviour in offline payment but in case of online
payment marketers face problem while studying consumer behaviour. As vary less number of
customers write comment on their purchase experience and marketers are desperate to know
about the preferences of product, mode of payment, shipping, packaging, mode of return etc.


The study has explained about the preference and problem to increasing the attitude of
performance. To know the subscriber view about the price, quality, coverage, clearance,
service, charges and availability of the product. This study also helps to know the factors
which influence the subscriber to buy this phone pay service and also helps to know the
schemes, offers, premium etc.


1. To analyze the socio-economic factors of respondents with using mobile wallets.
2. To study the user preference towards online payment application.
3. To explain the level of satisfaction to the respondents.
4. To identify the opinion of the respondents about the online payment services.

Methodology includes sample design, procedure of data collection, and method of

analysis and tools of analysis of the study

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve research problem. Research
methodology is understood as a source of the study how to research is done scientifically.
The various steps adopted by a researcher in studying the research problem along with the
logic. The project work entitled “A study on user’s preference towards select online payment
application with special reference to Sankari city.

Research Design

The research designs constitute the blue print for the collection, measurement and
analysis of data. There are types of research design; they are exploratory research design,
experimental research design and describe and diagnostic research design. The research had
adopted descriptive research design for the study.

Sample Design

It has been carried out to draw conclusion about the entire population by selecting
some of elements in the populations. The target sample of this study is the customer
preference of online payment applications. It refers to the techniques or the procedure to the
research would adopt in selecting items for the sample (i.e.) the size of the sample.

Population Frame

This includes the list of 85 respondents (refer to the analysis of data).

Methodology of the data collection

A descriptive research was undertaken to the study of the problem. The study is
descriptive in nature. Descriptive research is those which are concerned with describing the
characteristics of a particular individual of a group. The descriptive research describes the
demographic the characteristic of the respondents and is typical concern with determining
frequency with something occurs how the variables vary together convenience sampling
method is used for data collection .
Sources of data
Primary Data

It was collected through questionnaire further this data, are processed and tabulated
using graphs the tables where analyzed and the finding has been drawn accordingly.

Method analysis

To make the view data fit for analysis, the researcher has scrutinized the filled in
questionnaire and enters the data in excel sheet.

1) The data processing was done with help of “spss20 students” version. From that
number of functional tables has been designed and the analysis was made.
2) Data analysis was done by employing percentile analysis.

Tools Analysis

1. Simple percentage analysis

Simple Percentage Analysis

This method is used to compare two or more series of data, to describe the
relationship or the distribution of two or more series of data. Percentage analysis test is done
to find out the percentage of the response of the response of the respondent. In this tool
various percentage are identified in the analysis and they are presented by the way of Bar
Diagrams in order to have better understanding of the analysis.

No. of respondents
Simple percentage = ……………………………… X 100
Total No. of respondents

 The sample size was limited to 85 due to time constraints.

 The study was conducted only in Sankari taluk.
 The findings and suggestion may or may not be applicable to other areas.
 The researcher has faced a few problems to collect the data such as unwillingness of

This study has been presented in five chapters.


The first chapter consists Introduction, statement of problem, scope, objectives,

Research methodology, Limitations of study and chapter scheme.


The second chapter indicates the Review of literature.


The third chapter concentrates on the profile of online payment.


The fourth chapter deals with Data Analysis and Interpretation.


The fifth chapter reveals about the summary of findings, suggestions and conclusion.


A literature review is an evaluative report of information found in the literature

related to your selected area of study. The review should describe, summaries, evaluate and
clarify this literature. It should give a theoretical base for the research and help you (the
author) determine the nature of your research. Works which are irrelevant should be
discarded and those which are peripheral should be looked at critically. A literature review is
more than the search for information, and goes beyond being a descriptive annotated
bibliography. All works included in the review must be read, evaluated and analyzed (which
you would do for an annotated bibliography), but relationships between the literature must
also be identified and articulated, in relation to your field of research.

AnggarRiskinanto, BayuKelana, DeliarRifdaHilmawan (2010)1Online payment is one of

the balance tech arrangements that has picked up clients from various ages. This is
remarkable as it is realized that particular ages may embrace innovation in an unexpected
way. This investigation planned to survey on how the reception of an e-payment system
varies on various ages utilizing the quantitative strategy. We utilized TAM model directed by
age as the exploration model. Information was gathered through an online survey and
effectively accumulated 532 reactions from application clients. The discoveries demonstrated
that lone saw convenience positively affects apparent of helpfulness, that was directed by
age. This outcome may give another point of view on how e-payment being embraced on
Indonesian clients.

SriramuluBojjagani, V.N.Sastry (2010)2 Near Field Communication (NFC) is one of the

quickly developing advances identified with vicinity based google pay payment. In this
paper, a protected NFC-empowered payment model that can be utilized for shared (P2P)
payment s and payer-to-vendor (P2M) payment s is displayed. This payment model uses
elliptic bend cryptography (ECC) to encode client information. The proposed convention
gives start to finish secure correspondence among client and vendor through the bank
utilizing a peruser and essayist application. In our proposed model, the essential goal is that
the clients enter the client PIN and the sum in their very own NFC gadgets and it is the
obligation of the gaining bank to rechecked and approved the measure of the exchange on the
vendor's gadget. The proposed model is helpful to use as the clients just need to enter data on
their NFC telephones and tap it onto the trader's NFC gadget. Further, the proposed
methodology is confirmed for its security includes and approved for its rightness utilizing
formal techniques for the hypothetically demonstrating by Burrows–Abadi–Needham (BAN)
rationale, and reproduction by utilizing mechanized approval of Internet security conventions
(AVISPA), Scyther and Tamarin. Additionally, the proposed convention gives greater
security characteristics and acquires less correspondence expenses and low computational
overhead contrasted with existing NFC payment conventions utilized for certifiable

XiaobingXu, RongChen, LanJiang (2011)3The present research explores how contrasts in

Payment components, and among money and e-Payment, specifically, impact dealers'
evaluating conduct. Surviving fund writing predicts that money Payment brief cost limits, yet
the present research exhibits that contrasted and e-Payment, money Payment encourage
mental symbolism forms, which increment individuals' craving for cash and actuate higher
deals costs. In a progression of five analyses, we set up an essential impact of Payment
systems on valuing (Studies 1a and 1b), at that point give proof that psychological symbolism
and want for cash underlie the impacts (Studies 2 and 3). However these impacts develop just
when purchasers center subjectively around the planned monetary profit, not when they
center around the done without item (Study 4). We thus offers both hypothetical bits of
knowledge and administrative ramifications.

JunSong, FanYang, LizheWang (2011)4The security and protection issues have been very
much researched in run of the mill vehicle specially appointed systems. In any case,
considering the drive-through Internet properties, specifically for a protected and moving
online Payment administrations case, just actualizing the current online payment plans might
be either infeasible or wasteful. In this paper, we propose a progressed online Payment
system, which incorporates three fundamental highlights, including the novel blending free
certificateless encryption, mark and semi-genuine RSU-helped confirmation, and the CA-
helped following and clump evaluating, and giving after properties autonomously, e.g.,
accomplishing a higher trust level and supporting essential security administrations,
acquainting a semi-legit RSU with show greater common sense, and advancing the checking
and reviewing productivity for an enormous number of validation solicitations case.
Execution assessments, for example, security examination, productivity investigation, and
recreation assessment demonstrate the security and possibility of the proposed structure.

ZoranKalinic, VeljkoMarinkovic (2011)5et.alThis examination is a spearheading study into

shared mobilePayment (P2PM-pay) frameworks' appropriation. It proposes a conduct model
of the utilization of P2PM-pay frameworks and recognizes the key forerunners of the client's
aim to utilize. Utilizing a two-arrange approach, the examination model is evaluated with
information gathered through an online study from an example of 701 respondents. In the
initial step, basic condition displaying (SEM) is utilized to decide P2P versatile Payment
acknowledgment indicators. In the subsequent advance, neural system models are utilized to
rank the general impact of noteworthy indicators acquired from the SEM. The outcomes
demonstrate that shoppers see the convenience of P2PM-pay as the most significant factor
impacting their choice to embrace this inventive innovation. The noteworthy effect of social
standards and saw trust are additionally validated. The paper gives significant key rules to the
administration of organizations engaged with the advancement and usage of P2PM-pay

TomiDahlberg, JieGuo, JanOndrus (2011)6This article targets surveying the advancement

of versatile Payment investigate in the course of the most recent 8 years. A past writing audit
(Dahlberg et al. 2008b), covering articles distributed somewhere in the range of 1999 and
2006, demonstrated that most of research had just centeredaround a couple of points. So as to
address this issue, an exploration plan was planned to urge analysts to investigate new
themes. Right around 10 years after the fact, our audit uncovers that specialists have kept on
concentrating on similar points (particularly purchaser selection and innovation angles) with
a constrained collection of new learning and comparative discoveries. Notwithstanding
checking on the writing, we talk about the potential purposes behind the absence of research
assorted variety and propose new suggestions to improve future versatile Payment look into.
IvianeRamosde Luna, FranciscoLiebana-Cabanillas (2012)7 et.alThis assessment
considers the factors that choose customer affirmation SMS (Short Message Service), NFC
(Near Field Communication) and QR (Quick Response) versatile installment frameworks, not
withstanding deciding the chief elements which impact the appropriation of these Paytm
payment systems as methods Payment. An extensive audit of the logical writing has
legitimized the advancement of a conduct model that discloses aim to utilization of mobile
payment. The outcomes and curiosity of this examination lies in the plan of an alternate
conduct as indicated by the utilization given by clients to every one of the PaytmPayment
apparatuses. The ends and suggestions for the executives give options in contrast to

MaryDonnelly (2012)8This article assesses the ramifications of PSD II for Payment in the
advanced market against a foundation of the European Commission's Digital Market
Strategy. It investigations the center components of PSD II significant to Payment in the
advanced market. These incorporate the development of the extent of the mandate; changes in
the rights and commitments of the gatherings and the designation of obligation for
unapproved Paymentexchanges; and, the presentation of security and confirmation
prerequisites in the online setting. The article likewise features the more orchestrated way to
deal with implementation and the nearby inclusion of the European Banking Authority. The
article likewise distinguishes holes in the PSD II structure and theorizes that these will at last
must be tended to if the Commission's Digital Market Strategy is to be accomplished. Hence,
it infers that, while the changes presented in PSD II will improve the nature of Payment
administrations and upgrade web based business inside the European Union, some Payment
related obstacles to the flawlessness of the inner advanced market remain.

enboYang, JuanruLi, YuanyuanZhang, DawuGu (2013)9The monstrous development of

brilliant cell phones has pulled in various applications to implant outsider in-application
PaytmPayment, which includes progressively complex associations between numerous
members contrasted with customary Payments. Accordingly, such Payment is blunder
inclined and could be abused effectively, prompting genuine money related double dealings.
To research flow outsider mobile Payment biological system and discover potential security
dangers, we lead an inside and out examination against China–world's biggest versatile
Payment advertise. We study four standard outsider mobile Payment clerks, and finish up
bound together procedure models. We likewise abridge the security decides that must be
managed by clerks and shippers and represent four kinds of assaults if disregarding these
standards. Additionally, we likewise identify seven instances of security rule infringement on
both Android and iOS stage. Our discovery result demonstrates that several well known
applications damage at any rate one security guideline, and thus face with different security
dangers, enabling aggressors to devour products or administrations without buying them or
misdirecting others to pay for them. Our further examination uncovers that clerks just as
dealers should be in charge of those defenseless cases. We additionally performed evidence
of-idea assaults in genuine world, detailed these issues to every single included gathering and
helped them fix the vulnerabilities.

JungKunPark, JiseonAhn, ToulanyThavisay, TianbaoRen (2013)10 Although there has

been a relentless increment in the offering and advancing of Google pay payment benefits, a
moderate take-up in appropriation has been accounted for. This present examination proposes
an exploration model, grounded in mental bookkeeping hypothesis, researching the aim to
receive mobile payment benefits by underlining the job of numerous advantages. A sum of
361 legitimate reactions were gathered from potential U.S. mobile payment clients through an
online review. Basic condition demonstrating was performed to test conjectured connections.
Social impact and innovation nervousness impacts on different advantages of mobile
payment administrations, while the way connection between innovation tension, data
security, and financial advantage are not critical. Comfort, delight, and financial advantages
decidedly sway frames of mind, while experiential advantage has a negative effect. In
general, frames of mind emphatically impact the expectation to receive mobile payment
administrations. The discoveries educate mobile payment specialist co-ops about the
significant job of advantages in deciding mobile payment administrations.

QingYang, ChuanPang, LiuLiu, David C.Yen, J.Michael Tarn (2014)11 The

vulnerabilities of exchange taking care of and buyer recognition toward hazard have been
recognized as a portion of the serious issues causing customers' aversion toward exploiting on
the online payments. With the consistently developing execution of confiding in instruments
for online payments, purchaser certainty has incredibly expanded. This exploration
investigates the components of saw hazard and trust – the two most indispensable elements
impacting purchaser conduct of online payment – in the moderately developed phase of
China's online payment condition. It additionally breaks down and arranges apparent dangers
of various nature into two classifications: deliberate apparent hazard and value-based
apparent hazard as indicated by their various jobs in influencing customer trust. In particular,
we propose a calculated model of trust and explicit hazard features just as two new develops
of correlation and assessment, in light of the structure of TRA, TPB, TAM and DTPB. The
proposed model was exactly tried utilizing information accumulated from 870 respondents in
Shanghai and Macao, China, the majority of whom have a place with the more youthful age.
The outcomes demonstrate that in the present phase of China's online payment, customers
have developed trust first as a precursor of their apparent dangers. In addition, saw complete
hazard is contrarily identified with trust while saw dangers can be arranged into two kinds:
framework ward chance which is decidedly identified with trust and value-based hazard
which is adversely identified with trust. This article finishes up with suggestions for the
scholarly community and specialists.

Bin GraceLi, JamesMcAndrews, ZhuWang (2014)12It takes numerous years for

progressively effective electronicpayment to be generally utilized, and the expenses that
traders (customers) pay for utilizing those administrations are expanding (diminishing) after
some time. We address these riddles by contemplating payment system development with a
powerful model in a two-sided market setting. We adjust the model to U.S. payment card
information and lead welfare and approach examination. Our examination demonstrates that
the market intensity of electronic payment systems assumes significant jobs in clarifying the
moderate selection and topsy-turvy value changes, and the welfare effect of guidelines may
fluctuate altogether through the endogenous R&D channel.

Luis-AlbertoCasado-Aranda, FranciscoLiébana-Cabanillas, JuanSánchez-Fernández

(2015)13 Dependable online payment systems (e-payment) are central in advancing future
online buys. However little research has concentrated on either the contrasts among secure
and hazardous e-payment or shopper responses to the various frameworks. This investigation
returns to neuroscience (fMRI) to 1) recognize the neural impacts relating to unsafe and
secure e-payment and 2) uncover the basic mind components when stood up to with two
across the board frameworks: platinum cards and Paypal. Thirty subjects took an interest in a
test reenacting a low-contribution online buy.
The examination uncovers that apparent dangerous e-payment initiate mind regions
connected to negative enthusiastic handling, while zones associated with remuneration
forecast are emphatically activated by secure e-payment. Moreover, the investigation not just
uncovers a more prominent expectation of utilization toward Paypal, however considers it to
be increasingly secure, fulfilling and full of feeling. Charge card e-payment, on the other
hand, inspire cerebrum initiations related with negative and dangerous occasions. Strikingly,
the correct cerebellum reaction (in charge of significant worth encoding) covaried with
increasingly positive use expectation toward Paypal. These outcomes offer precious
understanding into the oblivious inception of the decision of payment systems among

KamelRouibaha, Paul BenjaminLowryb, YujongHwangcd (2015) 14Although there is an

enormous assemblage of research on trust in online business, a vital hole is that surviving
examinations have not analyzed the job of apparent happiness on trust within the sight of
hazard recognition in Arab nations. In this paper, an online trust model is introduced that
shows the effect of four outside components (individual inventiveness, inclination to trust,
commonality, and nearness of outsider seals) on the aim to utilize an online payment by
means of the intervention of three endogenous factors (pleasure, hazard, and client trust). The
information was gathered from Kuwait, an Arab nation, with a blended of information
accumulation review techniques for 150 online polls and 200 paper-based surveys. The
information was then investigated utilizing incomplete least squares (PLS) relapse. The
discoveries uncovered that client trust and happiness are two significant drivers of the online
payment selection, which killed chance discernments. This examination talks about these
outcomes just as research and an administrative points of view that could help with upgrading
on the online payment acknowledgment in Kuwait.

NaXu, Shi-zhenBai, XiangWan (2016)15In this examination, we center around two fundamental
PayPal payment alternatives in internet business: pay-to-arrange (buyers pay for items when
making a request on the web) and pay-on-conveyance (buyers pay for items after
conveyance). While pay-to-arrange is the essential payment alternative in web based
business, pay-on-conveyance turns out to be more invited by customers as an extra choice.
Utilizing systematic displaying, we describe the e-rear's ideal valuing and stock choices under
two situations: 1) just with compensation to-request, and 2) double Payment scheme
(both with compensation to-request and pay-on-conveyance). In light of the ideal activity
system, we look at the e-posterior's benefit under these two situations and locate the best time
for e-rear to offer every payment conspire. At long last, numerical models are given to
demonstrate the hypothesis results and give the board proposals to e-posteriors to improve

Ming-HsiungHsiao (2016)16The goal of this examination is to investigate how phone

payadministrations can be utilized to aids co-making an incentive for the two purchasers and
shippers from the perspective on administration overwhelming rationale (S-D rationale). This
investigation receives the perspective on S-D rationale by consideringphone payan utilization
of innovation by which the two shoppers and vendors coordinate their very own operant and
operand assets to achieve payment undertaking and accordingly make attractive worth. It
fabricates a calculated structure to depict such a worth co-creation process by applying the
hope esteem hypothesis as an intercession between clients' assets and worth made, and by
utilizing task-innovation fit as an intervention between traders' assets and worth made. Along
these lines, a worth co-creation among buyers and dealers can be accomplished. No past
examinations have been found to join S-D rationale with the surviving speculations to depict
mobile payment use conduct. The structure this examination constructs, along these lines,
turns into the real commitments of this investigation.

ArpitaMazumdar,DebasisGiri (2017)17In this paper, we present an on-line Phone

papayment system for low-esteem exchange. We utilize the idea of signcryption for every
correspondence between any pair of substances and offers token updation right away as an
extra element to existing on-line e-money frameworks where token is the payment
instrument (containing electronic money) which goes about as an electronic wallet. In our
framework, the token is issued and validated by Issuing Bank (token backer). Trader verifies
the client and sends confirmed exchange subtleties to Issuing Bank. Later Issuing Bank
verifies endorsement of both client and dealer. The dealer is likewise verified by its financial
organization. Not at all like the current e-payment system question of twofold spending of e-
money emerges on the grounds that every exchange are made remarkably identifiable and
updation is in a split second done by Issuing bank.
Consequently no different conventions are should have been created for taking care of
debates. The proposed plan give secrecy, realness, confidentiality and decency.

NofieIman (2017)18Google pay have given such a gigantic chance to monetary improvement,
and are foreseen to turn into a typical apparatus for completing different money related
exchanges. Several mobile payment administrations have been presented over the globe.
Strikingly, huge numbers of these endeavors have fizzled. This investigation examines
whether mobile payment is as yet applicable in the fintech period. I look at three versatile
payment ventures – OiPaggo in Brazil, TCASH in Indonesia, and M-PESA in Kenya – as
contextual investigations. I contend that mobile payment system right now work in such
perplexing and multidimensional systems with shared regular foundations and vie for
delivering and offering some benefit to the clients based on these foundations. Three qualities
of industry and system structure are promptly of intrigue: (1) cutting the vertical inventory
network all the more finely may urge huge players to broaden their mastery, (2) the
fundamental stage keeps on being administered by worldwide administrators (MNOs) –
telecom firms, and (3) receptiveness might diminish or expanding even as the quantity of
autonomous gatherings in the production network drops.

ZhenShao, LinZhang, XiaotongLi, YueGuo (2018)19 Drawing upon trust and advancement
dispersion speculations, our examination builds up a model to look at trust building
components in the outsider mobile payment platforms. Specifically, we research whether
there exist critical contrasts among female and male buyers with respect to different trust
building systems with regards to google payment. An observational overview was directed
and 740 legitimate surveys were gathered from Alipay and Wechat pay clients in China. The
measurable examination results demonstrate that security is the most critical forerunner of
clients' trust, trailed by stage notoriety, versatility and customization. Clients' trust, thusly, is
contrarily connected with seen hazard and decidedly connected with continuation goal.
Besides, a multi-bunch investigation demonstrates that the general impacts of trust building
instruments are dependent upon sex. In particular, portability and notoriety have more
grounded impacts for male clients in structure trust, while security and customization have
progressively notable consequences for trust for female clients.
PatricioRamirez-Correa, Francisco JavierRondan-Cataluña, JorgeArenas-Gaitan,
FelixMartin-Velicia (2018)20The point of this paper is to examine the acknowledgment of
internet games, in light of the bound together hypothesis of acknowledgment and utilization
of innovation 2 (UTAUT 2). The information broke down relate to an example of online
players through cell phones in Spain. A basic condition approach dependent on Partial Least
Squares was utilized to evaluate the acknowledgment model. The aftereffect of the
investigation demonstrates that UTAUT 2 clarifies 71% of the utilization of web based games
in cell phones. The principle finish of the investigation features the significance of propensity
in the utilization of internet games. In particular, the goal to play online is clarified, arranged
by significance, by the factors propensity, libertine inspiration and social personality. What's
more, the utilization of a web based game is dictated by propensity and expectation to play.
We proposed an improved UTAUT2 model adjusted to the internet game degree.

NicoleJonker (2018)21Using an enormous delegate test of retailers dynamic in web based

business, we find that acknowledgment of MobiwikiPayment is unassuming (2%), yet there is
generous enthusiasm among online retailers to embrace them. Relapse examination
demonstrates that purchaser request, net value-based advantages and saw availability of
tolerating Mobiwiki Payment impact reception aim and real acknowledgment. Our
discoveries likewise propose that specialist co-ops who go about as middle people in internet
business assume an essential job as facilitators of rivalry and development by expanding
openness. The most genuine obstruction for crypto-acknowledgment is an absence of shopper
request. It appears to be along these lines improbable that crypto selection by online retailers
will increment significantly sooner rather than later.

HanZhang, HaizhengLi (2019)22Google payare a basic electronic markets. This

examination researches Amazon pay are Payment decisions utilizing a probit model
dependent on overview information we gathered from eBay clients. We examine Payment
decisions made by exchanging accomplices dependent on hazard, comfort and cost
measurements. At that point, we investigate how item qualities, merchants' attributes, and
Payment properties influence Payment decision. Our discoveries propose that item properties,
particularly vulnerabilities related with item quality, seem to affect Payment decisions than
brokers' attributes. We likewise locate that a vender's notoriety rating doesn't altogether
impact genuine Payment decisions, however it affects the Payment alternatives offered by a

Jing-JangHwang, Tzu-ChangYeh, Jung-BinLi (2019)23 Two updates of the first Secure

Electronic Transaction (SET) convention are proposed to cover cardholders' personalities in
the electronic commercial center where cardholders' trust for banks can be diminished to a
base. Obliged by being augmentations of the current card Payment systems to the Internet,
most on-line Visa Payment plots being used or proposed in late papers expect the delicate
card data could be unveiled to all the taking an interest banks. The supposition used to
function admirably in customary Visa Payments previously. Be that as it may, negative
effects, for example, banking embarrassments, conclusion programs because of poor
administration, and security issues with Internet banking are generally undermining
cardholders' trust in banks. The guarantor is the believed bank chosen by the cardholder,
however the acquirer isn't. To uncover the cardholder's delicate card data to each conceivable
acquirer suggests potential hazard. In view of the need-to-know standard, the two
amendments are proposed to loosen up the suspicion referenced previously.

In our answers, the touchy card data is very much secured en route and can be extricated
uniquely by the guarantor. A cardholder needs just to choose a dependable backer, rather than
stressing over the potential breakdowns of each included acquirer. The expense to accomplish
our increasingly secure plans requests just minor data changes on the inheritance framework.

YongqiangSuna, NanWanga, ZeyuPengb (2019) 24The improvement of Internet innovation

has encouraged the rise of online commercial center for different sorts of errands (e.g.,
Amazon's Mechanical Turk in USA and Taskcn.com in China). In spite of the fact that
theAmazon pay is generally low, various individuals take an interest in the undertakings in
these online commercial centers. Drawing after shopping esteem writing, we build up an
examination model by thinking about different worth recognitions in order to all the more
likely comprehend this fascinating wonder. In particular, it is recommended that gluttonous
worth and utilitarian worth (counting advantage cost proportion and net advantage) impact
fulfillment and continuation goal. A field review with 205 members in a web based working
site in China was done to look at the proposed research model and speculations. The key
discoveries are: (1) advantage cost proportion fundamentally impacts fulfillment, while net

advantage doesn't; (2) there is a huge substitutive impact or negative collaboration impact
between advantage cost proportion and net advantage; (3) epicurean worth straightforwardly
impacts duration goal, too in a roundabout way impacts continuation expectation by means of
fulfillment. Suggestions, confinements, and future research bearings are talked about.

Chin-LingChena, Jyun-JieLiaob (2018)25As of late, buy of advanced substance utilizing

the Internet has been expanding both in fame and accommodation. Then again, there are a
huge number of pilfered releases for computerized items which have turned out to be
increasingly accessible and simpler to achieve. In this way, demonstrating lawful
responsibility for substance has turned out to be significant. Numerous specialists have
proposed different plans to ensure buyer's possession utilizing watermark instruments on
secure Payment frameworks. In our plan, we need to accomplish this equivalent outcome
with the idea of subliminal channels and propose a flawless discretion instrument to unravel
the decency of the exchange between both the client and the shop. Our plan not just ensures
clients' legitimate responsibility for substance, yet in addition gives a reasonable and secure

XiangGonga, KemZ.K.Zhangb (2019)26 et.al Drawing from business as usual

predisposition hypothesis and adapting hypothesis, this investigation looks at how the inertial
utilization of occupant web Payment (WP) administrations impacts clients' expectation to
utilize new mobile Payment (MP) administrations. By leading an online review (n = 491), this
examination uncovers that dormancy shows triple impacts on aim to utilize MP
administrations: immediate, inclination, and directing. The immediate impact proposes that
dormancy straightforwardly diminishes expectation to utilize MP. The predisposition impact
implies that inactivity prompts one-sided evaluation of saw esteem and saw danger, in this
way diminishing goal to utilize MP. The directing impact signifies that inactivity qualities the
connection between saw controllability and expectation to utilize MP. We expect that these
discoveries can give essential experiences to the intercession and avoidance of idleness in the
web-mobile Payment progress setting.

ObiOgbanufea, Dan J.Kimb (2019)27Biometrics verification for electronic Payment is by
and large seen as a speedier, helpful and an increasingly secure intends to distinguish and
validate clients for MobiwikiPayment. This view is for the most part narrative and calculated
is nature. The point of the paper is to reveal insight into the correlation of discernments and
convictions of various verification techniques for electronic Payment (i.e., charge card,
Mastercard with PIN, and unique finger impression biometrics validation) in a web based
business setting. As hypothetical establishment, the valence structure is utilized in
comprehension and clarifying the person's assessment of advantage and hazard concerning
the Payment strategies. We propose an examination model with speculations that assess and
analyze the person's impression of the Payment validation strategies, trust of the online store,
and the readiness to keep utilizing the site record related with the Payment verification
strategy. A test is utilized to test the theories. The outcomes demonstrate that biometrics
verification altogether impacts the person's security concern, saw helpfulness, and trust of
online store. Hypothetically, through the investigation's specific situation – biometrics versus
charge card verification – proof is accommodated the significance of the person's
recognitions, concerns, and convictions in the utilization of biometrics for electronic
Payments. Administrative ramifications incorporate revealing insight into the observations
and worries of secure verification and the requirement for executing biometrics validation for
electronic Payments.

SunnySuna, RobLawb, MarkusSchuckertb (2019) 28The effects of site usefulness and ease
of use on the repurchase goal of customers have been demonstrated by past writing. Be that
as it may, these effects, alongside the wide selection of PayPal Payment for inn reservations,
stay misty. Henceforth, this examination coordinates the applied model of site assessment
into hypothesis of arranged conduct (TPB) to look at theimpacts of usefulness and
convenience towards mobile Payment on the repurchase aim of purchasers inside a Chinese
setting by for the most part testing the intervening impacts of demeanor, emotional standards
and saw conduct control. In view of a quantitative research plan, discoveries uncovered that
intervening impacts exist between mobile ease of use and consumer loyalty. Moreover, the
interceding impact of consumer loyalty are distinguished inside the setting of Mobiwiki
Payment for lodging reservations. Reasonable ramifications and thoughts for further research
are talked about.
AntoniaKöster,ChristianMatt, ThomasHess (2018) 29Because of the discontinuity of the
mobile payment advertise, sellers have a majority of versatile payment suppliers they can
execute payment forms in the mobile adaptations of their shops. Other than contrasts in
exchange expenses, mobile payment suppliers can likewise vary in regard of their notoriety.
Be that as it may, it stays vague how the notoriety of versatile payment suppliers and online
merchants associate and influence shoppers' hazard observation and exchange expectation. In
this way, our examination investigations various mixes of paypal payment supplier and
online seller notorieties and finds that buyers property unmistakable confiding in convictions
towards these two sorts of market players and that these considerably influence purchasers'
goals to execute. While online merchants with low notoriety can benefit from inserting
trustworthy versatile payment suppliers, legitimate online sellers don't improve exchange
probability by incorporating respectable mobile payment suppliers contrasted and less
trustworthy payment suppliers. For research, the outcomes give a novel comprehension of the
collaboration of two market players in the m-trade worth chain subject to differing degrees of
notoriety. For online merchants, our outcomes give direct direction during the time spent
choosing outside payment substances to build up buyer trust and encourage exchanges.

MaximilianGrüschow, JanKemper, MalteBrettel (2019)30Utilizing exceptional

information comprising of more than 16.3 million deals exchanges given by a main European
style web based business organization, this examination assesses a few payment instruments,
including solicitations, charge cards, PayPal payments, and prepayments, from an online
retailer's point of view as far as expense and credit proficiency. The creators recognize the
exchange size, stipend costs for fake clients, and sort of charge card supplier that impact
retailer exchange costs. Additionally, the outcomes uncover that, for little exchange sizes,
solicitations are the most cost-productive payment strategy, while prepayments overwhelm
for enormous exchange sizes. Electronic payments as far as both Mastercard and PayPal
cause higher payment costs, and don't show scale productivity in internet business. Moreover,
this examination outlines contrasts in the gathering time of records receivable crosswise over
payment strategies, suggesting the expense of capital that emerges for the retailer. The
outcomes lead to the end that prepayments and PayPal payments are related with the least
cost of capital.
Handelsman and Munson (2019)31 “Switching behaviours from credit card to cash payment
among ethnically diverse retail customers” shows that the credit card sales constitute an
important revenue source for many retailers. Their ever increasing use and evaluation into
other forms, such as debit and electron cards, demands that retailers gain a more complete
understanding of how they are used by diverse consumer segments. Particularly needed is a
better understating of the propensity to switch over from credit card to cash payment and the
incentive required to initiate switching. In view of the cost to the retailer of administering
credit card payment systems, the retailer’s overall profit position may be enhanced by
converting a larger proportion of credit card sales to cash sales. Four aspects of credit card
usage and switching ethnicities are investigated, propensity to switch over from credit card to
cash payment at various levels of monetary incentive, the effect of product price on
propensity to switch, the frequency of credit card usage, and the preferred method of payment
of credit card balances (installment versus full payment). Several significant differences are
shown among the three ethnic groups studied (Anglo-American, Chinese-American and his
panic-American) in these usage behaviours such differences might even be Review of
Literature 32 extended to international comparisons involving consumers domiciled in
different countries.

Dahlberg(2019)32 reviewed prior literature on mobile payments, analyze the various factors
that impact mobile payment services markets, and suggest directions for future research in
this still emerging field and also consumer perspective of mobile payments as well as
technical security and trust are best covered by contemporary research. The impacts of social
and cultural factors on mobile payments, as well as comparisons between mobile payment
example e- payment and traditional payment like cash and cheque payment services are
entirely uninvestigated issues. The result of study was the mobile payment services need to
evolve from limited proprietary solution and to need create the awareness for mobile

CuneytKoyuncu, GautamBhattacharya (2019)33Using binomial and multinomial strategic

models, we gauge the impacts of briskness, value, Payment hazard, and conveyance issues on
a person’s on-line payment choice and payment recurrence. We found that people want to
purchase more from the Internet since on-line payment enables them to do their payment
snappier and gives better costs. Then again, people select to buy less from the Internet
because of the way that on-line Payments include some hazard and on-line requests require
longer conveyance time. These outcomes stay substantial generally, when we do a similar
investigation for people with various on-line payment frequencies.

Oladejo (2019)34observed that commercial banks in Nigeria have adopted one form of e-
payments or the other. However the pattern of adoption was yet to be substantiated. Therefore
the influence of such adoption on profitability of the adopting banks is worthy of exploration.
This study focuses on the impact of four (ATM, POS, web/Internet and mobile) e-payments
adoption and banks specific variables on profitability of the Nigerian Deposits Money. The
aim of this study was to examine the relationship between e-payments systems and profits
and assess the influence of e-payment adoption on banks profitability measured by profit
after tax and return on Assets. The result shows that when bank adopt e-payment systems,
their performance level changes. This was reflected in the positive impact between adoption
and gross earning of banks. And the negative impact between adoption of e-payment and
profit after tax implying that increase in bank size.

Kim Changsu(2019)35reviewed the issues related e-payment security according to customer

point of you. That study aim to found the perception of related security and trust on e-
payment system and the use of e-payment systems. Result was no evidence of statistically
beneficial and relationship between the consumer and quality of transaction that procedures.
And also result was very complex to procedure of transaction.



Customer preception

A motivated person is ready to act. It is influenced by his or her perception of the

situation. Perception is an important factor of human behaviour. It is the process whereby
people select, organize and interpret sensory stimulation into meaningful information about
work environment.


Moats driven by consumer’s preference are widely thought of as brand-based moats

or intangible assets-based moats. In some industries, there is a strong preference from the
customer for brands, for example, with colas and cigarettes. Brand preference can emerge as
an indicator of various things, including uniqueness or consistency of the product, status
symbol and product quality.


An Online payment framework is any used to settle money related exchanges through
the exchange of financial worth. This incorporates the foundations, instruments, individuals,
rules; methodology, guidelines, and advancements that make it trade conceivable. A typical
kind of payment framework is considered an operational system that connections financial
balances and accommodates money related trade utilizing bank stores. Some payment
frameworks likewise incorporate credit instruments, which are basically an alternate part of

Online payment frameworks are utilized in lieu of offering money in residential and
universal exchanges. This comprises of a noteworthy administration given by banks and other
budgetary foundations. Customary payment frameworks incorporate debatable instruments,
for example, drafts (e.g., checks) and narrative acknowledges, for example, letters of credit.
With the coming of PCs and electronic correspondences, countless option electronic payment
frameworks have developed. The term electronic payment alludes to an payment produced
using one ledger to another utilizing electronic strategies and doing without the immediate
intercession of bank workers. Barely characterized electronic payment alludes to online
business—an payment for purchasing and selling products or administrations offered through
the Internet, or extensively to an electronic supports move.

Present day payment frameworks use money substitutes when contrasted with
customary payment frameworks. This incorporates charge cards, Master cards, electronic
supports moves, direct credits, direct charges, web banking and online business payment
frameworks. Online payment frameworks might be physical or electronic and every ha its
very own strategies and conventions. Institutionalization has permitted a portion of these
frameworks and systems to develop to a worldwide scale, yet there are as yet numerous
nation explicit and item explicit frameworks. Instances of payment frameworks that have
turned out to be all around accessible are Visa and mechanized teller machine systems. Other
explicit types of payment frameworks are likewise used to settle budgetary exchanges for
items in the value markets, security markets, money markets, fates markets, subordinates
markets, alternatives markets. Moreover, structures exist to move assets between money
related establishments. Locally this is practiced by utilizing Automated clearing house and
continuous gross settlement (RTGS) frameworks. Globally this is cultivated utilizing the
SWIFT system.

An internet business payment framework (or Online payment framework) encourages

the acknowledgment of electronic payment for online exchanges. Otherwise called a
subcomponent of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), online business payment frameworks
have turned out to be progressively well known because of the broad utilization of the web
based payment and banking.

Charge cards remain the most widely recognized types of payment for web based
business exchanges. Starting at 2008, in North America practically 90% of online retail
exchanges were made with this payment type. It is hard for an online retailer to work without
supporting credit and charge cards due to their across the board use. Online traders must
conform to stringent guidelines stipulated by the credit and check card backers (for example
Visa and MasterCard) as per bank and budgetary guideline in the nations where the
charge/credit administration conducts business. For most by far of payment frameworks open
on the open Internet, benchmark verification (of the money related organization on the less
than desirable end), information honesty, and confidentiality of the electronic data traded
over the open system includes getting a testament from an approved accreditation specialist
(CA) who gives open key infrastructure(PKI).

Indeed, even with vehicle layer security (TLS) set up to defend the segment of the
exchange led over open systems—particularly with payment frameworks—the client
confronting site itself must be coded with incredible consideration, so as not to spill
certifications and open clients to ensuing data fraud. Notwithstanding across the board use in
North America, there are as yet countless nations, for example, China and India that have a
few issues to defeat with respect to charge card security. Expanded safety efforts incorporate
utilization of the card confirmation number (CVN) which identifies extortion by contrasting
the check number imprinted on the mark strip on the back of the card with the data on
document with the cardholder's issuing bank.

There are organizations that represent considerable authority in budgetary exchange

over the web, for example, Stripe for charge cards preparing, Smartpay for direct online bank
payments and PayPal for elective payment techniques at checkout. A large number of the
mediaries grant customers to build up a record rapidly, and to move assets between their on-
line records and customary financial balances, regularly through Automated Clearing House
(ACH) exchanges.

The speed and effortlessness with which digital mediary records can be built up and
utilized have added to their across the board use, regardless of the danger of burglary, misuse,
and the regularly burdensome procedure of looking for plan of action when things turn out
badly. The characteristic data asymmetry of enormous monetary organizations keeping up
data protections gives the end-client will little knowledge into the framework when the
framework misuses reserves, leaving disappointed clients as often as possible blaming the
mediaries for messy or illegitimate conduct; trust between general society and the financial
partnerships isn't improved when huge money related establishments are uncovered to have
exploited their deviated influence, for example, the 2016 Wells Fargo account
misrepresentation embarrassment.

Techniques for online payment

Visas establish a well-known technique for online payment yet can be costly for the
shipper to acknowledge in view of exchange expenses essentially. Check cards establish a
fantastic option with comparable security yet generally a lot less expensive charges. Other
than card-based payments, elective payment techniques have risen and now and again even
asserted market authority.

Wallets like PayPal and all are assuming significant jobs in the biological system. Bit
coin payment processors are a less expensive option for tolerating payments online which
likewise offer better security from extortion.

Bank payments

Rather than entering card subtleties on the buyer's site, in this framework the
payment passage enables one to determine which bank they wish to pay from. At that point
the client is diverted to the bank's site, where one can verify oneself and after that favour the
payment. Ordinarily there will likewise be some type of two-factor confirmation. A few
administrations, as Trusty and Smart pay, let shippers implant its frame on their site so buyers
can pay without being diverted away from the first site. It is regularly observed as being more
secure than utilizing charge cards, as it is significantly harder for programmers to pick up
login certifications contrasted with MasterCard numbers. For some ecommerce traders,
offering a possibility for clients to pay with the money in their financial balance lessens truck
deserting as it empowers an approach to finish an exchange without Master cards.


Google pay

A Google pay is an advanced payment application. It is a straightforward method to

send and get cash to anybody utilizing a portable application. Cash payment will happen from
the sender's record number. This application will work regardless of whether the collector
isn't on Google Pay. It is a zero expense issue. Aside from sending and getting cash, you can
do internet payment, portable energize and a ton of other stuff.

Google Pay (adapted as G Pay; some time ago Pay with Google and Android Pay) is a
computerized wallet stage and online payment framework created by Google to control in-
application and tap-to-pay buys on cell phones, empowering clients to make payments with
Android telephones, tablets or watches. As of January 8, 2018, the old Android Pay and
Google Wallet have brought together into a solitary pay framework called Google Pay
Android Pay was rebranded and renamed as Google Pay. It additionally assumed control over
the marking of Google Chrome's auto fill highlight. Google Pay receives the highlights of
both Android Pay and Google Wallet through its available, shared, and online payments
administrations. The rebranded administration gave another API that enables shippers to add
the payment administration to sites, applications, Stripe, Braintree, and Google Assistant. The
administration enables clients to utilize the payment cards they have on record with Google

The Google Pay application likewise included help for tickets and occasion tickets in
May 2018. In 2016, Google started an open preliminary in Silicon Valley of a related
portable application called Hands Free. In this framework, the client does not have to exhibit
a telephone or card. Rather, a client declares they wish to "pay with Google" and give their
initials to the clerk, who checks their personality with a photograph recently transferred to the
framework. The client's telephone will possibly approve payment if its geographic area
framework demonstrates it is close to a taking an interest store.

On September 18, 2017, Google propelled an UPI-based application Tez in India. On

August 28, 2018, Google rebranded Tez to Google Pay. On January 8, 2018, Google declared
that Google Wallet would be converted into Android Pay, with the administration all in all
rebranded as Google Pay. This merger expands the stage into electronic payments
coordinated into other Google and outsider administrations. The rebranding started to take off
as an update to the Android Pay application on February 20, 2018; the application was given
a refreshed plan, and now shows a customized rundown of close-by stores which bolster
Google Pay.

On December 21, 2018, Google Payment, got an e-cash permit in Lithuania - the
permit will empower Google to process payments, issue e-cash, and handle electronic cash
wallets in the EU. On September 18, 2017, Google propelled an UPI-put together application
Tez in India. With respect to August 28, 2018, Google rebranded Tez to Google Pay.

On January 8, 2018, Google declared that Google Wallet would be converted into
Android Pay, with the administration in general rebranded as Google Pay. This merger
expands the stage into online instalments coordinated into other Google and outsider
administrations. The rebranding started to take off as an update to the Android Pay
application on February 20, 2018; the application was given a refreshed structure, and now
shows a customized rundown of adjacent stores which bolster Google Pay.
On December 21, 2018, Google Payment, acquired an e-cash permit in Lithuania - the
permit will empower Google to process payments, issue e-cash, and handle electronic cash
wallets in the EU.

The Google approach to pay

Google Pay unites all that you need at checkout and protects your payment
information in your Google Account until you're prepared to pay. In addition, Google Pay
makes it simple to monitor buys, recover faithfulness indicates and get customized proposals
help you set aside time and cash.

Adding your card to Google Pay takes only a couple of minutes. To begin with,
download the application from Google Play or verify whether it's as of now introduced on
your telephone. At that point, open the application and adhere to the guidelines. Google Pay
chips away at Android gadgets running Kit Kat 4.4 or higher

Utilize Google Pay

Google Pay is acknowledged at a huge number of spots far and wide. You can utilize
it anyplace you see either the Google Pay image or the contactless image envisioned here.
MasterCard gives its cardholders complimentary administrations that help recognize and
resolve character theft

A Google pay is an advanced payment application. It is a straightforward method to

send and get cash to anybody utilizing a portable application. Cash payment will happen from
the sender's record number. This application will work regardless of whether the collector
isn't on Google Pay. It is a zero expense issue. Aside from sending and getting cash, you can
do internet payment, portable energize and a ton of other stuff.

Key Features and Benefits of Google Pay

Send and Receive Money through Audio

Google Pay has presented another element called as Audio based QR framework for
sending and accepting cash. So as to move cash utilizing this component one have to filter
QR code showing up on screen while sliding the hover for payment and receipt. It is
guaranteed that ultrasonic wave is utilized to make one-time code for computerized payment.
Pay Utility Bills

Aside from sending and accepting the cash, you can utilize this application for paying
service bills like power, gas, water, property charge, protection charge, DTH energize and
numerous others. You can even pay for a landline, portable, and broadband. They have a tie-
up with driving brands, for example, Zerodha, Redbus, TataSky, Goibibo and so forth.

Various Payment Options

You have various payment choices in this application. Right off the bat you can
utilize the office of matching portable utilizing QR code and moving cash. Aside from that,
you can likewise utilize UPI name for moving cash. You can send cash by presenting
beneficiary's bank subtleties and IFSC code. You can likewise observe an old exchanges
history including the mentioned cash.


Like another payment application, Google Pay additionally offers prizes and cashback
benefits. Current offer is sending or getting up to Rs.150 and shot of winning Rs.1000. On the
off chance that you pay your power bill utilizing this application there is guarantee cashback
of Rs.50. On the off chance that you allude this application to your companion you will get
guarantee cashback of Rs.51

Credit offer

Google Pay has as of late tied up with ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Kotak Bank for
offering credit moving. In the event that you are qualified you will legitimately get credit
offer on the application.

Instructions to utilize Google Pay

Utilizing Google Pay is exceptionally simple. Pursue the means given beneath for

 Download Google Pay from Google Play Store.

 After establishment initial step is setting up screen lock. You can utilize your
current lock example or PIN.
 Snap on Add Bank Account and select bank from the rundown. On the off
chance that your financial balance is connected with current portable number
linkage is simple without passing much data else you have to give your Bank
record number, IFSC code and so on.
 When your financial balance is connected you can tap on hover to send and
get cash.

Advantages of Google Pay

 Fast and Easy approach to send and get cash.

 Numerous cash back and prizes benefits.
 Encryption and different layers of security by Google to verify exchange.
 Pay Utility bills, revive your portable and do internet payment utilizing this
 No extra expense of utilization.

This application can likewise be utilized for business reason. Mix is extremely simple by API
and no charge is included.


Paytm ("Pay-T-M", articulated like ATM) is an Indian online business payment

framework and computerized wallet organization, based out of NOIDA SEZ, India. Paytm is
accessible in 11 Indian dialects and offers online use-cases like portable energizes, service
charge payments, travel, films, and occasions appointments just as in-store payments at
markets, products of the soil shops, eateries, stopping, tolls, drug stores and training
establishments with the Paytm QR code. California based PayPal had recorded an argument
against Paytm in the Indian trademark office for utilizing a logo like its very own on 18
November 2016. As of January 2018, Paytm is esteemed at $10 billion.According to the
organization, more than 7 million dealers crosswise over India utilize this QR code to
acknowledge payments legitimately into their ledger The organization additionally utilizes
notices and paid limited time substance to create incomes.

Paytm author Vijay Shekhar Sharma.

Paytm was established in August 2010 with an underlying speculation of $2 million

by its author Vijay Shekhar Sharma in NOIDA, a district contiguous India's capital New
Delhi. It began off as a prepaid portable and DTH energize stage, and later included
information card, post-paid versatile and landline charge payments in 2013. By January 2014,
the organization propelled the Paytm Wallet, and the Indian Railways and Uber included it as
anpayment choice. It propelled into E-trade with online arrangements and transport ticketing.
In 2015, it disclosed more use-cases like instruction expenses, metro revives, power, gas, and
water charge payments. It likewise began controlling the payment door for Indian Railways.
In 2016, Paytm propelled films, occasions and entertainment of just as flight ticket
appointments and Paytm QR. Soon thereafter, it propelled rail appointments and gift

Paytm's enlisted client base developed from 11.8 million in August 2014 to 104
million in August 2015.Its movement business crossed $500 million in annualized GMV run
rate, while booking 2 million tickets for every month. In 2017, Paytm turned into India's first
payment application to traverse 100 million application downloads. That year,it propelled
Paytm Gold, an item that enabled clients to purchase as meager as $1 of unadulterated gold
on the web.

It additionally propelled the Paytm Payments Bank and 'Inbox', an informing stage
with in-visit payments among different items By 2018, it began enabling traders to
acknowledge Paytm, UPI and Card payments straightforwardly into their ledgers at 0%
charge. It additionally propelled the 'Paytm for Business' application, enabling shippers to
follow their payments and everyday settlements right away. This drove its vendor base to
develop to in excess of 7 million by March 2018.

Venture and securing

In 2016, Paytm invested in logistics start ups Login Next and XpressbeesIn April
2017, Paytm put resources into social insurance start up Q or QL which uses man-made
brainpower (AI) and huge information to help specialists improve their efficiency and nature
of consideration, and empower patients to deal with their wellbeing better. In July 2017, it
procured a greater part stake in internet ticketing and occasions stage Insider in, manoeuvred
by occasion the board organization just Much Louder (OML) and portable dedication start up
MobiQuest. That year, Paytm obtained little and Near purchase, and blended both.


In July 2015, One97 Communications, the firm that claims the brand Paytm, obtained
the title sponsorship rights for India's residential and worldwide cricket coordinates at home
for a time of four years beginning in August 2015. The rights incorporate support marking of
arrangement with the title support logo, assignment as the title patron of the arrangement,
deceivability at the arena, and communicate sponsorship rights. This likewise incorporates all
BCCI local (Ranji Trophy, Duleep Trophy and so on.) matches in India.

Beforehand, Paytm had procured sponsorship rights during the eighth period of Indian
Premier League. It has additionally filled in as a partner support on Sony TV organize (which
has the broadcast rights for IPL) and was the official accomplice of the IPL group Mumbai
Indians. In March 2018, Paytm turned into the Umpire Partner of the IPL for a long time.

Paytm Payments Bank

In August 2015, Paytm got a permit from Reserve Bank of India to dispatch
anpayments bank. The Paytm Payments Bank is a different element wherein author Vijay
Shekhar Sharma will hold 51% offer, One97 Communications holds 39% and 10% will be
held by an auxiliary of One97 and Sharma. The bank was formally introduced in November
2017 by the Indian Finance Minister, ArunJaitley. The introduction service highlighted
conspicuous financial characters including previous RBI Executive Director PV Bhaskar,
Saama Capital Director Ash Lilani and previous Shriram Group Director GS Sundarajan.

It was set to dispatch more than 100,000 financial outlets crosswise over India by end
of 2018. Paytm Payments Bank has designated veteran financier Satish Kumar Gupta as its
new Managing Director and CEO.

Paytm Mall

In February 2017, Paytm propelled its Paytm Mall application, which enables
customers to shop from 1.4 lakh enlisted merchants. Paytmpayment center is B2C model
enlivened by model of China's biggest B2C retail stage TMall. For 1.4 lakh dealers enlisted
items need to go through, Paytm-guaranteed distribution centers and channels to guarantee
purchaser trust. Paytmpayment center has set up 17 satisfaction focuses crosswise over India
and banded together with 40+ dispatches. Paytm Mall raised $200 million from Alibaba
Group and SAIF Partners in March, 2018.

Robotized Tax payments

Paytm has coordinated usefulness into its framework, taking into account charge
payments to be handled and afterward dissected by the NIC at eTaal Government Service.

About Paytm Internship

Temporary job at Paytm is an astounding chance to take an inside perspective on

Paytm and be a piece of voyage to advance budgetary incorporation through structure
inventive item and arrangements. You will get a chance to deal with differing ventures/issue
articulations, be it improving the purchaser experience on Paytm's internet business stage or
changing the manner in which monetary arrangement is conveyed to the majority

We comprehend that so as to make a huge effect, you would require complete help as
far as direction and access to most recent innovation/instruments. Just to give a sneak look,
you will approach extensive innovation stages, mentorship support, hand holding with Senior
partners, profundity surveys and substantially more .

Advantages of utilizing Paytm wallet-

 It is quick and safe,

 No compelling reason to convey charge or Mastercard implies less
possibilities for being misrepresentation,
 Effectively return cash to a similar bank when you need,
 Move cash from Paytm to ledger as low as 2.04%,

Get Cashback on the vast majority of the store utilizing Paytm wallet (yet it's limited
time, can be expelled such offer whenever)


PhonePe is an Indian internet business payment framework and advanced wallet

organization headquartered in Bangalore, India. It was established in December 2015, by
Sameer Nigam, Rahul Chari and Burzin Engineer. PhonePe application went live in August
2016 and was the primary payment application based on Unified Payments Interface (UPI).
The PhonePe application is accessible in more than 11 Indian dialects. Utilizing PhonePe,
clients can send and get cash, DTH[disambiguation needed], revive versatile, information
cards, make utility payments, purchase gold and shop on the web and disconnected.
Furthermore PhonePe likewise enables clients to book Ola rides, pay for Redbus tickets,
request sustenance on Fresh menu, and profit Goibibo Flight and Hotel benefits through
micro apps on its stage.

PhonePe is acknowledged as an payment choice crosswise over 5 million

disconnected and online trader outlets covering sustenance, travel, food supplies, motion
picture tickets and so on. The application crossed 100 million client mark in June 2018 and
furthermore crossed 2 billion exchanges in April 2019.

It is authorized by the Reserve Bank of India for issuance and task of a Semi Closed
Prepaid Payment framework. FxMart got its permit to work on 26 August 2014. PhonePe was
fused in December 2015. In April 2016, the organization was procured by Flipkart. and as a
piece of the Flipkart obtaining, the FxMart permit was moved to PhonePe and it was
rebranded as the PhonePe wallet. PhonePe's organizer Sameer Nigam was selected as the
CEO of the organization. In August 2016, the organization banded together with Yes Bank to
dispatch an UPI-based versatile payment application, in view of the administration upheld
UPI stage.

Inside 3 months of dispatch, the application was downloaded by more than 10 million
clients. In 2018, PhonePe additionally turned into the quickest Indian payment application to
get a 50 million identification on the Google play store. The PhonePe application
overwhelmed BHIM to rise as the market head in UPI exchanges in August 2017.

Development and Partnerships

In October 2017, PhonePe propelled a POS gadget worked in India. The Bluetooth
empowered POS gadget resembles an adding machine and works with AA batteries. The
equipment utilizes Bluetooth network and empowers payments through all the cell phones
that can get to the PhonePe application.

In January 2018, PhonePe collaborated with Free charge. This association has enabled
PhonePe clients to connect their current Free Charge Wallets to the PhonePe application.
PhonePe has additionally gone into comparable organizations with Jio Money and Airtel
PhonePe likewise joined forces with Red Bus, Ola and Goibibo to dispatch small
scale applications on its stage to fabricate and convey applications on its stage with a brought
together login and payments experience for clients.

Lawful difficulties

On 14 January 2017, ICICI bank blocked PhonePe exchanges, refering to the reasons
that it didn't meet the NPCI rules. At first, on 19 January 2017, NPCI taught ICICIto permit
UPI exchanges through PhonePe. During this period, Airtel too blocked PhonePe exchanges
on its stages. Multi day later, on 20 January 2017, NPCI repudiated the past directions
refering to the reason that PhonePe without a doubt damaged the UPI standards. After this,
PhonePe shut its tasks on Flipkart's website, to adjust itself to the terms expressed in the
refreshed decision from NPCI. By February, 2017, PhonePe settled the issues with ICICI.
FxMart got its permit to work on 26 August 2014. PhonePe was joined in December 2015. In
April 2016, the organization was gained by Flipkart. and as a piece of the Flipkart obtaining,
the FxMart permit was moved to PhonePe and it was rebranded as the PhonePe wallet.
PhonePe's organizer Sameer Nigam was named as the CEO of the organization.

In August 2016, the organization banded together with Yes Bank to dispatch an UPI-
based portable payment application, in light of the legislature upheld UPI stage. Inside 3
months of dispatch, the application was downloaded by more than 10 million clients. In 2018,
PhonePe likewise turned into the quickest Indian payment application to get 50 million
identification on the Google play store. The PhonePe application overwhelmed BHIM to rise
as the market chief in UPI exchanges in August 2017.

mPIN makes it increasingly secure

In the event that you have utilized other e-Wallet applications, you may have felt the
prerequisite of a devoted security registration which is absent from practically all the e-
Wallets in the market. As of late Paytm included a security highlight yet it is connected to the
security of your telephone which isn't as protected as amPIN. To expand minimal further,
mPIN is much the same as the ATM PIN without which cash can't be taken out from ATM or
any exchange can be made at any point.You can pay by utilizing the beneficiaries' portable
number, UPI ID or by checking the QR code at the shop. The cash will get charged from your
record and credited to the beneficiaries account in a flash. You do need to stack the PhonePe
to make the exchange like the e-Wallets. Exchange point of confinement is a lot higher than

Bother free store move

The fundamental issue with the e-Wallets is that when you need to move assets to a
financial balance, you need to request the total subtleties including Name, Bank, IFSC code,
and Bank Account. In the event of PhonePe, as the exchange is done by means of UPI, you
just need any of telephone number or UPI ID. Additionally, for accepting the payments from
anybody, you don't need to uncover your bank subtleties.

Secure and safe

Presently, it is evident to have little dread of online extortion or losing the telephone.
There are a few security includes in the telephone which are absent from the e-Wallets.

To begin with, you can't make payments without the devoted mPIN. Furthermore, on
the off chance that somebody attempts to utilize your record on another gadget, it is beyond
the realm of imagination as the application will run distinctly on the enlisted gadget. Each
PhonePe record is enlisted premise the versatile number and the gadget. Less documentation
at your home to Upgrade paytm wallet limit. Move cash to the bank whenever at extensible

Transaction limit is much higher than e-Wallets

Let’s talk about the transaction limit. Interestingly there is a transaction limit of
Rs.20000/- per month in every e-wallet for non-KYC customers. However, in case of
PhonePe it is 30 lakh. You can do transactions from Re.1 to Rs.1 lakh in a single day!

Also, from January 2017, the e-Wallets will again start charging the customers and
merchants for withdrawing money to the bank account. The charges will most probably be
borne by the paying customer in case he is paying via e-Wallet to the merchant. Now, in
PhonePe the transaction charges will remain Zero for the lifetime.
Hassle free fund transfer

The main issue with the e-Wallets is that when you want to transfer funds to a bank
account, you have to ask for the complete details including Name, Bank, IFSC code, and
Bank Account.

In case of PhonePe, as the transaction is done via UPI, you only need any one of
phone number or UPI ID. Also, for receiving the payments from anyone, you do not have to
disclose your bank details.

Secure and safe

Now, it is obvious to have little fear of online fraud or losing the phone. There are
several security features in the phone which are missing from the e-Wallets.

First, you cannot make payments without the dedicated mPIN. Secondly, in case someone
tries to use your account on another device, it is not possible as the app will run only on the
registered device. Each PhonePe account is registered basis the mobile number and the


The factors are identified such as age, qualification, occupation,

income. They study covers types of online payment, preference of payment application,

reason for switching the payment application, factors that are consider for selecting the

payment application also the opinion of the respondents. The above said factor are identified

by testing simple percentage analysis, chi-square, ANOVA

The Gender are two categories male and female group of the respondents.
TABLE – 4.1


S.NO Gender No. of Respondents Percentage

1 Male 46 54
2 Female
39 46
Total 85 100

Source: Primary data


The above shows that 54% of the respondents are male and 46%of the respondents are
female. Majority of 54% of the respondents are male
CHART – 4.1

46% Male

TABLE - 4.2

S.NO Age group No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 18-25 Years 25 29%

2 25-40 Years 38 45%

3 41-55 Years 16 19%

4 56 Years & above 6 7%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary data


The above table shows that 28.8% of the respondents are in the age group of 18-25 Years,
45.3% of the respondents are in the age group of 25-40 Years,19.4% of the respondents are
age group of41-55 Years and remaining 17% of the respondents are age group is 56 Years &

Majority of 45.3% of the respondents are in the age group of 25-40 Years.
CHART - 4.2




30% 29%


20% 19%


10% 7%

18-25 Years 25-40 Years 41-55 Years 56 Years & above

Sl. No. Marital Status No of Respondents Percentage

1 Married
41 48%
2 Unmarried
44 52%
85 100
Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 48% of respondents are married and 52% respondents
are unmarried.

The maximum percentage (52%) of the respondents was unmarried.

CHART - 4.3







Married Unmarried
TABLE - 4.4

Sl. No. Occupation No of Respondents Percentage

1 Business 32 37%

2 Student 3 4%

3 Government Employee 20 24%

4 Private Employee 30 35%

Total 85 100

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 37% of respondents are Business 4% of the
respondents are student of the occupation24% respondents are government employee of the
occupation and remaining 35% respondents are private employee.

The maximum percentages (37%) of the respondents are Business of the occupation.
CHART - 4.4

Private Employee 35%

Government Employee 24%


Student 4%

Business 37%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

TABLE - 4.5

Sl. No. Educational Qualification No of Respondents Percentage

1 Up to school level 4 5%

2 Graduate 31 36%

3 Professional 40 47%

4 Diploma/ITI 10 12%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 5% of respondents have uptoschool level educational
qualification. 36% of respondents are graduate,47% of respondents are professional, and
remaining 12% of the respondents are Diploma/ITI educational qualifications.

The maximum percentages 47% of respondents are professional educational

CHART – 4.5

50% 47%





15% 12%

Up to school level Graduate Professional Diploma/ITI
TABLE - 4.6

Sl. No. Purpose No of Respondents Percentage

1 Below 15,000 14 16%

2 Rs 15,000-Rs 30,000 25 30%

3 Rs 30,000 -Rs 45,000 21 25%

4 Above 45,000 25 29%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


Thus the table shows that16% of the respondents are Below 15,000 Family income,
30% of the respondents are Rs 15,000-Rs 30,000 Family income, 25% of the respondents are
Rs 30,000 -Rs 45,000 Family income, and remaining 29% of the respondents are Above
45,000Family income.

The Most of 30% of the respondents are Rs 15,000-Rs 30,000 Family income
CHART - 4.6






25.3% 28.3%

Below 15,000 Rs 15,000-Rs Rs 30,000 -Rs Above 45,000
30,000 45,000
TABLE - 4.7


Sl. No. Purpose No of Respondents Percentage

1 Two 10 12%

2 Three 24 28%

3 Four 26 31%

4 More than 4 25 29%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


Thus the table shows that12% of the respondents are two Family member, 28% of the
respondents are Three Family member, 31% of the respondents are Four Family member, and
remaining 29% of the respondents are More than 4 Family members.

The Most of 31% of the respondents are Four Family members.

CHART- 4.7

30% 29%






Two Three Four More than 4
TABLE - 4.8


Sl. No. Purpose No of Respondents Percentage

1 Social media 35 42%

2 Friends 14 17%

3 Relatives 6 7%

4 Advertisement 29 34%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


Thus the table shows that 42% of the respondents are information about social media,
17% of the respondents are information about friends, 6.5% of the respondents are
information about Relatives, and remaining 35% of the respondents are information about

The Majority of 35% of the respondents are information about Advertisement.

CHART - 4.8


Advertisement 34%

Relatives 7%


Friends 17%

Social media 42%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

TABLE - 4.9


Sl. No. Purpose No of Respondents Percentage

1 Very easy 43 51%

2 Easy 31 36%

3 Moderate 7 8%

4 Difficult 4 5%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


Thus the table shows that51% of the respondents are find very easy to online payment
system, 36% of the respondents are find easy to online payment system, 8% of the
respondents are find moderate to online payment system, and remaining 5% of the
respondents are find difficult to online payment system.

The Majority of 51% of the respondents are find very easy to online payment system.
CHART - 4.9






10% 8%

Very easy Easy Moderate Difficult
TABLE - 4.10


Sl. No. Purpose No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 60 70%

2 No 25 30%

3 Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


Thus the table shows that70% of the respondents are experience with mobile
payment, and remaining30% of the respondents are does not experience with mobile

The Majority of 70% of the respondents are experience with mobile payment.
CHART - 4.10


TABLE NO - 4.11


Sl. No. Service Rank

1 Transaction service I

2 Payment service IV

3 Payment gateway II

4 Location VI

5 Payment Protocol V

6 Time Consuming III

TABLE - 4.12


Sl. No. Mobile Payment No of Respondents Percentage

1 Less than 1 year 9 10%

2 1 to 2 year 16 19%

3 2 to 5 years 26 31%

4 more than 5 years 34 40%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 10% of respondents are often Less than 1 year using
mobile payment, 19% of respondents are often 1 to 2 year using mobile payment, 31% of
respondents are often 2 to 5 years using mobile payment, and remaining 40% of respondents
are often more than 5 years using mobile payment.

Thus the Majority 40% of respondents are often more than 5 years using mobile
CHART - 4.12




19% Percentage



Less than 1 year 1 to 2 year 2 to 5 years more than 5 years
TABLE - 4.13


Sl. No. Mobile Wallets No of Respondents Percentage

1 Time saving 20 23%

2 Easy to use 20 24%

3 Security 15 18%

4 All the above 30 35%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 23% of respondents are prefer time saving,24% of
respondents are prefer easy to use, 18% of respondents are prefer Security, and remaining
35% of respondents are prefer to All the above.

Thus the Majority 35% of respondents are prefer mobile wallets over the modes of
payment to All the above.
CHART - 4.13



25% 23%

20% 18%



Time saving Easy to use Security All the above
TABLE - 4.14


Sl. No. Device No of Respondents Percentage

1 Smartphone 34 40%

2 Computer 14 16%

3 Laptop 16 19%

4 Tablet 21 25%

Total 85 100.0

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 39% of respondents arousing smartphone,16% of
respondents are using Computer, 19% of respondents are using laptop, and remaining 25% of
respondents are using Tablet.

Thus the Majority 39% of respondents arousing smart phone.

CHART - 4.14



Tablet 25%

Laptop 19%


Computer 16%

Smartphone 40%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

TABLE - 4.15


Sl. No. Mobile Wallet No of Respondents Percentage

1 Cash pack 30 35%

2 Offers 20 24%

3 Discount 25 29%

4 Others 10 12%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 34.7% of respondents are using cash pack, 24.1% of
respondents are using offers, 28.8 % of respondents are using Discount, and remaining 12.4%
of respondents are using others.

Thus the Majority 34.7% of respondents are using cash pack.

CHART - 4.15




30% 29%

25% 24%





Cash pack Offers Discount Others
TABLE - 4.16

Sl. No. Awareness No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 75%

2 No 25%

Total 85 100.0

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 75% of respondents are Awareness on online payment
and service, and remaining 25% of respondents are does not Awareness on online payment
and service

Thus the Majority 75% of respondents are Awareness on online payment and service
CHART - 4.16


TABLE - 4.17


Sl. No. Mobile Wallet No of Respondents Percentage

1 Google Pay
20 24%
2 Phone Pe
24 28%
3 Paytm
27 31%
4 Mobwiki
14 17%
85 100%
Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 24% of respondents are using Google Pay,28% of
respondents are using Phone Pay, 31% of respondents are using Paytm, and remaining 17%
of respondents are using Mobwiki.

Thus the Majority 31% of respondents are using Paytm.

CHART - 4.17



Google Pay
Phone Pe
28% Mobwiki
TABLE - 4.18


Sl. No. Purpose No of Respondents Percentage

1 Money transfer 31 36%

2 Bill payment 25 29%

3 Recharge 19 23%

4 Bus Ticket 10 12%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 36% of respondents are purpose using Money transfer,
29% of respondents are purpose using Bill payment, 23% of respondents are purpose using
Recharge, and remaining 12% of respondents are purpose using Bus Ticket.

Thus the Majority 36% of respondents are purpose using Money transfer.
CHART - 4.18


Money transfer

23% Bill payment

Bus Ticket

TABLE - 4.19


Sl. No. Satisfied No of Respondents Percentage

1 High 43 51%

2 Low 6 7%

3 Average 25 29%

4 Poor 11 13%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 51% of respondents are High satisfied with Online
payment system,7% of respondents are low satisfied with Online payment system, 29% of
respondents are Average satisfied with Online payment system, and remaining 13% of
respondents are poor satisfied with Online payment system.

Thus the Majority 51% of respondents are High satisfied with Online payment system
CHART - 4.19






10% 7%

High Low Average Poor
TABLE - 4.20


Sl. No. Reliable Service No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 73 86%

2 No 12 14%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 86% of respondents are online payment is reliable
service, and remaining 14% of respondents are does not online payment is reliable service

Thus the Majority 86 % of respondents are online payment is reliable service.

CHART - 4.20



TABLE - 4.21


Sl. No. Factors Rank

1 Google Pay
2 Phone Pay
3 Paytm
4 Mobwiki
TABLE - 4.22


Sl. No. Monthly Basis No of Respondents Percentage

1 Less than Rs500 12 14%

2 Rs500-Rs1000 19 22%

3 Rs1000-Rs2000 33 39%

4 More thanRs2000 21 25%

Total 85 100.0

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 14% of respondents are load in Less than Rs500,22%
of respondents are load in Rs500-Rs1000,39% of respondents are load inRs1000-Rs2000, and
remaining 25% of respondents are load in More thanRs2000.

Thus the Majority 39% of respondents are load inRs1000-Rs2000.

CHART- 4.22


More thanRs2000 25%

Rs1000-Rs2000 39%

Rs500-Rs1000 22%

Less than Rs500 14%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

TABLE - 4.23

Sl. No. Wallet Service No of Respondents Percentage

1 Very satisfied 36 42%

2 Satisfied 30 35%

3 Neutral 16 19%

4 Unsatisfied 3 4%

Total 85 100.0

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 42% of respondents are Very satisfied with mobile
wallet service,35% of respondents are satisfied with mobile wallet service,19% of
respondents are neutral with mobile wallet service, and remaining 4% of respondents are
unsatisfied with mobile wallet service.

Thus the Majority 42% of respondents are Very satisfied with mobile wallet service.
CHART - 4.23


Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied


TABLE - 4.24


Sl. No. Availability No of Respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 31 37%

2 Disagree 14 16%

3 Agree 29 34%

4 Strongly Disagree 9 10%

5 No opinion 2 3%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 37% of respondents are availability for Strongly
Agree,16% of respondents are availability for Disagree,34% of respondents are availability
for agree, 10% of the respondents are availability for strongly disagree ,and remaining 3% of
respondents are availability for No opinion.

Thus the Majority 37% of respondents are availability for Strongly Agree.
CHART - 4.24

40% 37%




5% 3%

Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly No opinion
TABLE - 4.25


Sl. No. Safety&Secutiry No of Respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree
30 35%
2 Disagree
13 15%
3 Agree
25 30
4 Strongly Disagree
13 15%
5 No Opinion
4 5%
85 100%
Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 35% of respondents are Strongly Agree in
Safety&Secutiry,15% of respondents are Disagree Safety&Secutiry,30% of respondents are
agree in Safety&Secutiry, 15% of the respondents are strongly disagree Safety&Secutiry ,and
remaining 5% of respondents are No opinion Safety&Secutiry.

Thus the Majority 35% of respondents are Strongly Agree in Safety&Secutiry

CHART - 4.25




Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
No Opinion


TABLE - 4.26


Sl. No. Time saving No of Respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree
35 41%
2 Disagree
15 18%
3 Agree
25 29%
4 Strongly Disagree
7 8%
5 No opinion
3 4%
85 100%
Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 40.6% of respondents are Strongly Agree time
saving,18.2% of respondents are Disagree in time saving,28.8% of respondents are agree in
time saving, 8.2% of the respondents are strongly disagree time saving ,and remaining 4.1%
of respondents are No opinion in time saving.

Thus the Majority 40.6% of respondents are Strongly Agree time saving.
CHART - 4.26




30% 29%


20% 18% Percentage


10% 8%

Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly No opinion
TABLE - 4.27


Sl. No. Convenient No of Respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 29 34%

2 Disagree 19 22%

3 Agree 21 25%

4 Strongly Disagree 14 16%

5 No opinion 2 3%

Total 85 100.0

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 34% of respondents are Strongly Agree Convenient
22% of respondents are Disagree in Convenient,25% of respondents are agree in Convenient,
16% of the respondents are strongly disagree Convenient ,and remaining 2% of respondents
are No opinion in Convenient.

Thus the Majority 34% of respondents are Strongly Agree Convenient.

CHART - 4.27



35% 34%


16% Percentage


5% 3%

Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly No opinion
TABLE - 4.28

Sl. No. Easy to use No of Respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 31 36%

2 Disagree 14 17%

3 Agree 24 28%

4 Strongly Disagree 12 14%

5 No opinion 4 5%

Total 85 100.0

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 36% of respondents are Strongly Agree Easy to
use17% of respondents are Disagree in Easy to use,28% of respondents are agree in Easy to
use, 14% of the respondents are strongly disagree Easy to use ,and remaining 5% of
respondents are No opinion in Easy to use.

Thus the Majority 36% of respondents are Strongly Agree Convenient.

CHART - 4.28



30% 28%


20% 17%
14% Percentage


Strongly Agree Disagree Agree Strongly No opinion
TABLE - 4.29


Sl. No. Quick Access No of Respondents Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 33 39%

2 Disagree 11 14%

3 Agree 27 32%

4 Strongly Disagree 9 11%

5 No opinion 3 4%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 39% of respondents are Strongly Agree Quick
Access14% of respondents are Disagree in Quick Access,32% of respondents are agree in
Quick Access, 11% of the respondents are strongly disagree Quick Access ,and remaining
4% of respondents are No opinion in Quick Access.

Thus the Majority 39% of respondents are Strongly Agree Quick Access.
CHART - 4.29


No opinion 4%

Strongly Disagree 11%

Agree 32% Percentage

Disagree 14%

Strongly Agree 39%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

TABLE - 4.30


Sl. No. Transaction No of Respondents Percentage

1 Yes 69 81%

2 No 16 19%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 81% of respondents are transaction are secured, and
remaining 13% of respondents are does not transaction are secured

Thus the Majority 81% of respondents are transaction are secured.

CHART - 4.30


Yes No


TABLE - 4.31

Sl. No. Refer No of Respondents Percentage

1 Likely 26 30%

2 Very likely 35 41%

3 Neutral 10 12%

4 Other please specified 14 17%

Total 85 100%

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 30% of respondents are likely refer your friend, 41%
of respondents are very likely refer your friend, 12% of respondents are likely refer your
friend, and remaining 17% of respondents are using Other please specified.

Thus the Majority 41% of respondents are very likely refer your friend.
CHART - 4.31





20% Percentage
15% 12%


Likely Very likely Neutral Other please
TABLE - 4.32


Sl. No. Refer No of Respondents Percentage

1 Excellent 38 45%

2 Good 32 37%

3 Fair 10 12%

4 Poor 5 6%

Total 85 100.0

Source: Primary Data


The above table shows that the 45% of respondents are Excellent to this online
payment services, 37% of respondents are good this online payment services, 12% of
respondents are Fairto this online payment services, and remaining 5% of respondents are
poor to this online payment services.

Thus the Majority 45% of respondents are Excellent to this online payment services
CHARTN - 4.32

Excellent Good Fair Poor






 Majority of 54% of the respondents are male

 Majority of 45.3% of the respondents are in the age group of 25-40 Years.
 The maximum percentage (52%) of the respondents was unmarried.
 The maximum percentages (37%) of the respondents are Business of the
 The maximum percentages 47% of respondents are professional educational
 The Most of 30% of the respondents are Rs 15,000-Rs 30,000 Family income
 The Most of 31% of the respondents are Four Family members
 The Majority of 35% of the respondents are information about Advertisement
 The Majority of 51% of the respondents are find very easy to online payment
 The Majority of 70% of the respondents are experience with mobile payment
 Thus the Majority 40% of respondents are often more than 5 years using
mobile payment.
 Thus the Majority 35% of respondents are prefer mobile wallets over the
modes of payment to All the above.
 Thus the Majority 39% of respondents arousing smart phone.
 Thus the Majority 35% of respondents are using cash pack.
 Thus the Majority 75% of respondents are Awareness on online payment and
 Thus the Majority 31% of respondents are using Paytm.
 Thus the Majority 51% of respondents are High satisfied with Online payment
 Thus the Majority 86 % of respondents are online payment is reliable service.
 Thus the Majority 39% of respondents are load inRs1000-Rs2000.
 Thus the Majority 42% of respondents are Very satisfied with mobile wallet
 Thus the Majority 37% of respondents are availability for Strongly Agree.
 Thus the Majority 35% of respondents are Strongly Agree in Safety &
 Thus the Majority 41% of respondents are Strongly Agree time saving.
 Thus the Majority 34% of respondents are Strongly Agree Convenient.
 Thus the Majority 36% of respondents are Strongly Agree Convenient.
 Thus the Majority 39% of respondents are Strongly Agree Quick Access.
 Thus the Majority 81% of respondents are transaction are secured.
 Thus the Majority 41% of respondents are very likely refer your friend.
 Thus the Majority 45% of respondents are Excellent to this online payment

 Online payment should be given more importance and can be made more preference
to customers.
 The online payment has to design the strong distribution channels to capture by phone
pay sector.
 It may provide good margins compare than other service.
 In the payment sector need and nature of work comfortable for customer action
throughout the surety and solutions, decision making etc.,
 Phonepay is the most attractive and reliability to the Customer satisfaction with day to
day service activity for their customer service.
 In the modern world find the phonepay new technical to the customer’s preference.


Most of payment systems described above offer a secure means directly related to
transfer credit/debit details for settlement in the existing financial systems. This also suffers
from transaction processing costs, ensuring that low value transactions cannot be cost-
effective. Well known institutions are able to aid in EPS (electronic payment system)
adoption through the provision of a large installed base of customers.

This study has also found that these institutions play other crucial roles in online
payment system adoption. Large vital role are able to provide Electronic phonpay system
with association with trusted brand names and marketing boom. These result in the system
gaining credibility and public awareness. Once this has been achieved the system is assessed
by users on factors such as simplicity, security and mutuality of customer benefits.

1. Agarwal, R., Raastogi, S., &Malhotra, A. (2009), “Customers’ perspectivesregarding

e-banking in an emerging economy”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,

Vol.16, Iss. 5, pp. 340-351

2. Anthoney, R. (2004), “User Friendly E-Banking: A Survey of Online E-Banking

Retail Initiatives”, Communications of theACM , Vol. 47, Iss. 10, pp.99-102.

3. Asghar, O. (2004), “Banking In a Cloud of Electrons”.

4. Data Protection in Consumer E-Banking Journal of Internet Banking and commerce,

April 2006, vol.11, no.1.

5. Towards online banking by Soutiman Das Gupta.






1. Gender :

a) Male b) Female

2. Age :

a) 18-25 Years[ ] b) 25-40 Years [ ]

c) 41-55 Years [ ] d) 56 Years& above [ ]

3. Marital status :

a) Married b) Unmarried

4. Occupation

a) Business [ ] b) Student [ ]

c) Government Employee [ ] c) Private Employee [ ]

5. Qualification

a) Up to school level [ ] b) Graduate [ ]

C) Professionals [ ] d) Diploma/ ITI [ ]

6. Family Income

a) Below 15,000 [ ] b) R.s 15,000-R.s 30,000 [ ]

c) R.s 35,000- R.s 45,000 [ ] d) Above 45,000 [ ]

7. Number of family members.

a) Two [ ] b) Three [ ]

c) Four [ ] d) More than 4 [ ]

8. where did you get information about online payment applications?

a) Social media [ ] b) Friends [ ]

c) Relatives [ ] d) Advertisement [ ]

9. How do you find online payment system?

a) Very easy [ ] b) Easy [ ]

c) Moderate [ ] d) Difficult [ ]

10. Do you remember any experience with mobile payments?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

11. Rank the following are using online payment service in customer

S.No Point of Service Rank

1 Transaction

2 Shopping service

3 Payment gateway

4 Location

5 Payment Protocol

6 Time Consuming

12. How often do you have been using mobile payment?

a) Less than 1 year [ ] b) 1 to 2 year [ ]

c) 2 to 5 years [ ] d) more than 5years [ ]

13. why do you prefer mobile- Wallets over the modes of payment?
a) Time saving [ ] b) Easy to use [ ]
b) Security [ ] d) All the above [ ]
14. which device do you use for making the payment?

a) Smartphone [ ] b) Computer [ ]

c) Laptop [ ] d) Tablet [ ]
15. what you keep in mind when use mobile wallet?

a) Cash pack [ ] b) offers [ ]

c) Discount [ ] d) Others [ ]

16. Do you have awareness on online payment and service?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

17. which is your online payment application?

a) Google Pay [ ] b) Phone Pay [ ]

c) Pay tm [ ] d) Mob wiki [ ]

18. what are the purpose of using payment application?

a) Money transfer [ ] b) Bill payment [ ]

c) Recharge [ ] d) Bus Ticket [ ]

19. Are you satisfied with the online payment system?

a) High [ ] b) Low [ ] C) Average [ ]

d) Poor [ ]

20. if the online payments are reliable service to you?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

21. Rank the following factors are using online payment application

S.No Point of factors Rank

1 Google pay

2 Pay tm

3 Mobiwiki

4 Phone pay
22. How much money do you load in mobile- wallet on a monthly basis?

a) Less than Rs500 [ ] b) Rs500 - Rs1000

c) Rs1000- Rs2000 [ ] d) More thanRs2000

23. How do you rate the mobile –wallet service?

a) Very satisfied [ ] c) satisfied [ ]

c) Neutral [ ] d) Unsatisfied [ ]

24. Rate the following reason for using the online payment application?

SD- Strongly Agree, D- Disagree, A- Agree, SA-Strongly Agree, No- No opinion

S.No Particulars Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly No opinion

Agree Agree

1 Availability

2 Safety&

3 Time saving

4 Convenient

5 Easy to use

6 Quick Access

25. Do you believe your transaction are secured?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

26. would you like to refer your friend to use mobile wallet?

a) Likely [ ] b) very likely [ ]

c) Neutral [ ] d) others please specified

27. what rating would you give to this online payment services?

a) Excellent [ ] b) Good [ ]

c) Fair [ ] d) Poor [ ]

28. Any other suggestion to improve the online payment services?

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