Cross Layer Approach For Efficient Dissemination of
Cross Layer Approach For Efficient Dissemination of
Cross Layer Approach For Efficient Dissemination of
Abstract— This paper proposes a cross layer approach for governs the delivery ratio of the broadcast messages, especially
efficient dissemination of emergency messages in VANETs (CL- over densely populated networks [5]. The multimedia safety
DEM) by minimizing the message redundancy and maintaining low messages need high reliability and high priority to effectively
end-to-end communication delays. We propose a scheme to select a broadcast safety messages. Thus, the end-to-end delay for
one-hop neighbor relay as a potential forwarder for relaying the broadcasting messages should be minimized. Without any
broadcast messages to improve the transmission reliability in a control mechanism for broadcasting messages, flooding of
platoon of vehicles. The relay selection metrics compose of vehicular broadcast messages can occur between vehicles, because the
density, vehicular velocity, and the geographical location. The wireless channel is shared by all vehicles in the transmission
selected relay controls the broadcast messages with minimum
range. This can lead to poor network resource utilization,
overhead and with minimum bandwidth consumption. To provide the
service differentiation to different traffic classes, we adopt 802.11e
under-utilization of bandwidth, excessive re-transmission of
MAC. The cross layer is further extended to the transport layer to messages. To accomplish multi-hop data delivery and to
dynamically adapt the data transmission rate based on the physical prevent this message redundancy, VANET needs to select an
channel state. The extensive simulation analysis conducted reveals optimal next hop vehicle as the forwarder to disseminate safety
that the proposed cross-layer scheme effectively propagates the messages through a platoon which typically covers a few
critical broadcast messages with minimum latency. kilometers [6]. Various metrics can be used for selecting
suitable forwarder. For example, geographical information like
Keywords—Cross-layer; dissemination; emergency messages; the location of a vehicle through the GPS can be used to select
VANETs; a suitable forwarder. Most of the proposed multi-hop broadcast
protocols select the farthest vehicle in broadcast range as the
I. INTRODUCTION forwarder [7][8]. Although the end-to-end broadcast delay and
Cooperative communication in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks the number of forwarding hops are decreased in that case, high
(VANET) has become the de-facto in enabling technology to contention delay is introduced in the case of high vehicle
improve its efficiency. Recently, the intelligent transportation density.
systems (ITSs) have been used in wireless communication to In this paper, we propose a cross-layer based distributed
enhance the road transportation systems. Most of ITS cooperative safety messages broadcast algorithm. The
applications utilize VANETs to provide the communications proposed scheme uses cross-layer coupling of the network,
between inter vehicular communication (IVC). VANETs are MAC, and physical layer to broadcast the messages through a
one of the promising wireless technologies that are largely cooperative relay in the network. The highlights of proposed
applied to enhance the driving safety and passenger comfort. CL-DEM are listed as follows:
VANETs can improve driving safety by dissemination of
safety and caution messages in the case of accidents. VANETs 1. The optimal one hop forwarder is selected based on
can also be used to avoid traffic congestion and provide multiple metrics like distance, position, and velocity
location services, thus increasing passenger comfort, reducing rather than selecting a random farthest vehicle as a
travel time, etc [2]. In recent years, although the progress in forwarder.
VANETs has evolved rapidly due to their diverse and useful
2. One hop forwarder vehicle is selected which is
applications, but several technical problems still need an
moving in the same direction as that of source by
attention. For example, guaranteeing the data delivery due to
computing its moving direction.
the high mobility of the moving vehicles, network topology
changes regularly, which leads to volatile links in inter-vehicle 3. To provide service differentiation to emergency
communication [3][4]. Different types of vehicles are present messages, 802.11e MAC is modified with an
on the road, each having contrasting processing power, the additional access category.
amount of memory present, the types of the antenna used,
which can lead to various different scenarios in a realistic 4. A variable data rate is chosen to disseminate
environment. Multi-hop messaging is the fundamental form of emergency messages rather than a base data rate.
communication in VANETs. Most of the existing IVC The next section will first review the related work. Section
techniques use a broadcast method to disseminate time critical III discusses the proposed protocol for next hop forwarder
safety information and selects the farthest vehicle in broadcast selection and a scheme for message dissemination. We provide
range as the forwarder to reduce the number of forwarding simulation results and conclusion in section IV and in section
hops. In the design of multi-hop broadcast messaging V, respectively.
technique, proper relay node selection is crucial, which highly
The neighbor nodes on receiving the REQB packet undergo
the qualifying test to be eligible for the relay node. The
neighbor nodes based on QoS metrics such as moving
direction, velocity, and vehicular neighbor density, determines
if it is suitable to act as a relay to propagate the broadcast
message efficiently. The neighbor node estimates its weight
Wrelay based on QoS metrics as given in (1).
( ) ( ) ( ) (1)
Table I : Priority to Access category
1 0 Background
2 0 Background
0 1 Best effort
3 1 Best effort
4 2 Video
5 2 Video
6 3 Video
Fig.3. Modified 802.11e EDCA to accommodate emergency messages 7 4 Emergency Message
All vehicles move with different velocity in the range of density is less, we receive slightly poor performance in terms
80-100 km/h, which is randomly assigned from the above- of the packet delivery ratio with the proposed method, as
mentioned range. Ten data flows are set up at the rate of 15 compared to FD and 802.11p. However, with an increase in
packets per second. The transmission range of the vehicles is the number of vehicles, CL-DEM outperforms the other
set to 300 meters along with a GPS device and a data popular protocols such as 802.11p and FD. The analysis also
processing unit. Also, there is a wireless transceiver which shows that when the number of vehicles exceeds 100, 802.11p
follows the IEEE802.11p standards. Packets of size 512 bytes provides the worst performance in the simulation scenario.
are emitted by CBR at an interval of 0.05 s. A platoon consists
of nodes varying in the range of 100 to 200, which increases
by 25 nodes per simulation scenario.
A. Performance evaluation
The proposed CL-DEM scheme is analyzed and compared
against two existing schemes 802.11p standard and
Fig.5. Shows the relay selection delays for the compared
protocols as a function of vehicle density variation. Relay
selection delay is defined as the time interval from which the
broadcast node attempts to deliver a REQB frame, to the time
it successfully receives a REPB frame. Service differentiation
is applied in the CL-DEM in which the emergency messages
are served with the highest priority. Alternatively, the FD ad
802.11p adopts a basic CSMA/CA mechanism, which doesn’t
consider the requirements of delay-sensitive traffic, and Fig.5. Relay selection delay v/s vehicle density
priorities of all the packets are same which access the channel.
Therefore, the access delay of FD and 802.11p is longer than
that of the CL-DEM. Additionally, the node sending the
longest channel jamming signal becomes the relaying node in
the FD, while a node waiting the shortest time to reply a
REQB frame becomes the relaying node in the CL-DEM.
The results of the broadcast count required to cover all the
vehicles are shown in Fig.6 The measurement of message
dissemination progress can be done by the broadcast count,
which considers both the success and failure broadcast. As a
result, two cases can be considered. For larger hop distances,
channel conflict probability will be high leading to a higher
number of failure broadcasts. However, for smaller hop
distances, coverage range is small leading to more relay hops.
802.11p randomly selects the forwarder vehicle and thus has
the highest broadcast count, but also requires more relay hops
Fig.6. Broadcast count v/s vehicle density
to transmit the message to last vehicles. If the objective is only
maximum coverage, then the broadcast count of FD performes
better than that of CL_DEM and 802.11p. The performance
of CL-DEM is nearly same as that of FD although CL-DEM
does not always choose the farthest vehicle as the forwarder.
Fig.7 shows the emergency access delay against the
vehicle density. Initially with lower vehicle density, all three
protocols incur minimum delay. As the density increases, the
result shows that CL-DEM outperforms FD and 802.11p.
This is because, firstly CL_DEM uses additional access
category by adjusting contention window parameters for
transmitting emergency messages with highest priority.
Secondly, the CL-DEM uses a higher data rate based on
channel quality to disseminate emergency messages. As a
result, the speed of dissemination of the message is reduced in
Fig.8 shows the packet delivery ratio for the compared Fig.7. Emergency message access delay v/s vehicle density
protocols. The figure analysis shows that, when the vehicle
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