Holistic Crop Production
Holistic Crop Production
Holistic Crop Production
approach to crop
Dr Ida Wilson,
he word holism comes from a Greek which is the supporting backbone of the
word holos, meaning the whole or process. Followed by the choice of cultivar
the sum of everything. It considers all and in field crops the crop rotation system.
aspects or components of a system, Then water quality also plays a role, as do
and the system is not defined based on a the tillage and management practices. Other
single factor within the system. A holistic aspects of the system which contribute to crop
system is not static but dynamic and it production are the nutrition, crop protection,
considers the past, present, and future. the data collection and analysis process, as
So, both the actual dimension, but also the well as the conclusions drawn from data. The
probable future dimension of the system is economic aspects of the system must also be
considered. considered. What are the input costs, what are
the expenses and what does the profit margin
In crop cultivation, a holistic approach look like?
means that the crop cultivation system is
approached as an integrated whole. All the A holistic approach aims to improve the
different components of the cultivation entire system by optimising the different
system are considered simultaneously. The components of the system and considering
approach also considers the future of the the interaction of those components. When
given system, and how current inputs should we look at nature, we will see that natural
be beneficial to future farming. The approach vegetation ecosystems only need sunlight
recognises the interconnection between and water to thrive. Because the agricultural
different components in the system, but it environment is not a natural system, the
also considers the regional effects of crop system is supplemented with artificial inputs.
production. The inputs include fertilizer, pesticides, and
irrigation, among others. In a holistic system,
Several components play a role in successful each component is optimised so that the
crop production. Firstly, there is soil health,