Holistic Crop Production

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The value of a holistic

approach to crop

Dr Ida Wilson,

he word holism comes from a Greek which is the supporting backbone of the
word holos, meaning the whole or process. Followed by the choice of cultivar
the sum of everything. It considers all and in field crops the crop rotation system.
aspects or components of a system, Then water quality also plays a role, as do
and the system is not defined based on a the tillage and management practices. Other
single factor within the system. A holistic aspects of the system which contribute to crop
system is not static but dynamic and it production are the nutrition, crop protection,
considers the past, present, and future. the data collection and analysis process, as
So, both the actual dimension, but also the well as the conclusions drawn from data. The
probable future dimension of the system is economic aspects of the system must also be
considered. considered. What are the input costs, what are
the expenses and what does the profit margin
In crop cultivation, a holistic approach look like?
means that the crop cultivation system is
approached as an integrated whole. All the A holistic approach aims to improve the
different components of the cultivation entire system by optimising the different
system are considered simultaneously. The components of the system and considering
approach also considers the future of the the interaction of those components. When
given system, and how current inputs should we look at nature, we will see that natural
be beneficial to future farming. The approach vegetation ecosystems only need sunlight
recognises the interconnection between and water to thrive. Because the agricultural
different components in the system, but it environment is not a natural system, the
also considers the regional effects of crop system is supplemented with artificial inputs.
production. The inputs include fertilizer, pesticides, and
irrigation, among others. In a holistic system,
Several components play a role in successful each component is optimised so that the
crop production. Firstly, there is soil health,

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inputs can lead to the greatest possible that it is possible to reduce inputs and
benefit. increase profits.
A basic, but important question for achieving Within the system, the nutrient cycle must be
agricultural sustainability is how to optimise effective, which brings us back to the health
all inputs? All inputs must be always used of the soil. The pollution of soil and water
efficiently so that the maximum yield per should also be considered since polluted
input can be achieved. The effectiveness of soils and water do not support optimal crop
inputs into the agricultural system is becoming production. Several of the synthetic chemicals
increasingly important because input costs used in agriculture remain present in the soil
are skyrocketing and there is pressure on for years, affecting the microbe populations
reduced use of fossil fuels. in the soil. Artificial chemical compounds are
not so easily broken down in nature, because
In this context is important to recognise that
the decomposers (biological organisms) are
maximizing yield does not always support
not adapted to break down those compounds.
sustainability. The attempt to increase
Over years, this can have a considerable
yield through excessive input costs means
effect on the soil microbe communities. In
that there is a decrease in efficiency per unit
return, the soil microbe communities play
of the yield. Practices that focus solely on
an exceptionally significant role in recycling
maximising yields do not always consider the
nutrients. Healthy soil microbial communities
cost of that yield. A decrease in the income
nurture plants, when the soil microbial
derived from the highest possible yield can
community is harmed, its role in supplying
be offset by improved energy consumption.
nutrition to plants diminishes.
In lower-yielding systems, the input costs are
lower, and the damage to the environment Plants that have an inherent resistance to
is less. It takes a mind shift towards how to pests and pests are more resilient. In diverse
use the energy consumption on the farm systems, where a variety of crops are grown,
with maximum efficiency. It asks, how do you the inoculum or infestation pressure of
go about getting the most for the money pests and pests are lower, and the systems
you spend? What is the impact on the profit are under less pressure in terms of crop
margin, rather than the impact on yield alone? protection. Plants that can take up sufficient
Just how much does the farmer have to spend nutrients will also be less prone to pest and
to keep his system running? How can he do disease attacks.
this so that the greatest possible benefit is
Water pollution can also have significant
achieved with the minimum and only most
impacts on crop cultivation. Water pollution
necessary inputs?
can occur when, for example, animal
In both field and tree crops, there are excretions from livestock farms in the vicinity
examples of farmers reducing their inputs, of crop-producing areas end up in rivers and
without losing profits. It is not only commercial other water bodies. Or, as I experienced once,
farmers in South Africa who have managed a problem arose when an olive processing
to do so, but also in a study conducted by a factory dumped its salty wastewater into a
French group when they examined 946 farms nearby river. The wastewater had an impact
for the impact of reduced inputs (in the case on the surrounding crop production area
specifically pesticides) on the farmers’ profit as it turned the waterbodies saline which
margin. The pesticides could be reduced by eventually caused the soil in the immediate
40% without any impact on the profit margin areas under irrigation (irrigated from polluted
on the farms they studied. So, it seems that water bodies) to turn saline as well.
pesticide reduction on many farms can be
Consideration for the impacts of various
feasible, without losing profit. Adapting to
factors on the regional production of a
low pesticide use management strategies,
crop should also be considered. Suppose
however, is a challenge for farmers as it can
wheat farmers plant cultivars that are highly
increase the complexity of decision-making on
susceptible to disease year after year. The
the farm. Such technical obstacles impede the
diseases are caused by fungi and their
pace of transformation. Yet, it is encouraging

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spores (such as seeds for plants) are carried in the crops cultivated on given farms and
hundreds of kilometres on winds. Then, for regions, as well conservation and regenerative
example, these farmers may unknowingly be farming. Yet, it requires cooperation by a
responsible for the disease pressure over the variety of industry role-players to support
whole region. In South Africa, and other parts farmers to farm for their highest benefit for
of the world, plant-breeders breed cultivars themselves, but also the environment.
that are less susceptible to diseases (and
Volatile markets, the interruption of supply
insects), and it is with appreciation that I will
chains, growing labour costs, ecosystem
also acknowledge and thank them here. Their
uncertainty – with a shortage or excess of rain
contributions help to reduce the regional
on farms – and end-consumer preferences will
disease pressure, particularly in field crops.
continue to shape crop cultivation systems.
Within the holistic system, we consider Crop production systems have always been
how an adjustment in a single component dynamic systems that must respond to a
in the system will impact the whole. Thus, myriad of factors. To enjoy the absolute best
for instance, when the irrigation strategy result from the production system every
changes, it necessitates a different approach in single aspect should be considered as a
other components in the system. Knowledge, part of the whole. Excessive crop protection
experience, and information must be shared efforts, for example, cannot replace the part
by the agricultural community. We need to healthy soil, sufficient nutrition or appropriate
build capacity, innovate, and have platforms irrigation systems play in the health of the
that farmers query for advice with given inputs crop. The bigger and overall picture will
in their cultivation system. always be important, by keeping the whole
in consideration farmers will be able to gain
Practices and technology that are considered
optimal profits while ensuring a sustainable
essential for sustainable crop production need
future for their farms.
to be strengthened. This includes diversity

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