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Vocabulary Reading Challenge 2

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New word Pronunciation Meaning Example
arcade (n) /ɑ:'keid/ khu vực trò chơi We spent the afternoon at the arcade playing
pinball and classic video games.
accessory (n) (adj) /əkˈsɛsəri/ trang sức, phụ kiện She bought a new necklace as an accessory to
match her dress.
coach (n) /kəʊtʃ/ huấn luyện viên Do you have the email from our volleyball coach?
by mistake do nhầm lẫn I think I deleted the email by mistake.
sign (v) (n) /saɪn/ ký, chữ ký She signed the documents to confirm her
sign up /saɪn ʌp/ đăng ký I decided to sign up for the yoga class next week.
council (n) /ˈkaʊnsəl/ hội đồng Students can sing with the student council.
creative (adj) /kriˈeɪtɪv/ sáng tạo She’s creative and fashionable.
trendy (adj) /ˈtrɛndi/ thời thượng, theo Her outfit is really trendy; she's always wearing
= fashionable xu hướng the latest styles.
influence (v) (n) /ˈɪnfluəns/ ảnh hưởng, tác A lot of Korean fashion is influenced by pop
= impact động culture.
be a big fan of rất thích I'm a big fan of jazz music; I listen to it every day.
= be a huge fan of
= be crazy about
= be fond of
= be into
= be interested in

be obsessed with bị am ảnh với… I am obsessed with fashion.

(thể hiện sự quan
tam hoặc niềm
dam me mạnh mẽ)
keep up to date with cập nhật thông tin She uses social media to keep up to date with
= stay up to date mới nhất về vấn đề her friends and family.
with nào đó
teenage (adj) /ˈtiːneɪdʒ/ tuổi thiếu niên She is going through a lot of changes during her
= adolescent teenage years.
essential (adj) /ɪˈsɛnʃəl/ cần thiết, quan Technology is now essential for entertainment,
= necessary trọng school and even socializing.
= important
associated with /əˈsəʊʃieɪtɪd liên quan đến There are many problems associated with
= connected with wɪð/ technology use.
= related to
= linked to
cyberbullying (n) /ˈsaɪbərˌbʊlɪɪŋ/ bắt nạt qua mạng The most serious problem is cyberbullying.
whilst /waɪlst/ trong khi She read a book whilst waiting for the train.
= while
jam-packed (adj) /dʒæm ˈpækt/ đông đúc, không My weekly schedule is jam-packed with activities.
còn chỗ trống
participate in /pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪt ɪn/ tham gia vào The school expects us to participate in clubs.
= take part in
= join in
= engage in
exhausted (adj) /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ kiệt sức I am usually so exhausted on Sunday evenings!
= tired

Vocabulary-Reading-Challenge 2-Julie
compare (v) /kəmˈpeə/ so sánh They had much more free time compared to me.
positive <> negative /ˈpɒzɪtɪv/ tích cực <> tiêu Smartphones help me a lot, so I guess there are
/ˈnɛɡətɪv/ cực positives and negatives to both.
inventor (n) /ɪnˈvɛntər/ nhà phát minh Thomas Edison was a famous inventor who
invented the light bulb.
walking in nature đi dạo trong thiên He used to love walking in nature when he was a
nhiên child.
yolk (n) /joʊk/ lòng đỏ trứng He is the first person in history to mix paint with
water and egg yolk to make a special paint.
backward (adj) (adv) /ˈbækwərd/ ngược lại He is famous for writing backward.
be regarded as được coi la, dược He is regarded as one of the best chefs in the
= be considered xem xet la world.
career (n) /kəˈrɪər/ sự nghiệp He has had a successful career in medicine.
fortunate may mắn She felt fortunate to have found a great job in a
<>unfortunate (adj) <>không may difficult job market.
upfront (adj) /ˌʌpˈfrʌnt/ về phía trước The car's headlights are positioned upfront to
improve visibility.
pay upfront trả trước Unfortunately, I don’t have a large amount of
money to pay upfront.
scholarship (n) /ˈskɒl.ə.ʃɪp/ học bổng You might be able to offer a scholarship.

Vocabulary-Reading-Challenge 2-Julie

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