Ex-11 Implementation of RNN

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Ex-11 Implementaion of RNN

Aim: Write a program to implement RNN using python.

1.Import the required libraries
2.Load and preprocess the data
3.Define the RNN model architecture
4.Compile the RNN model
5.Train the RNN model
6.Evaluate the RNN model
7.Make predictions using the RNN model
8.Use the trained RNN model to make predictions on new data using the predict() function

from pandas import read_csv
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, SimpleRNN
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def create_RNN(hidden_units, dense_units, input_shape, activation):

model = Sequential()
model.add(SimpleRNN(hidden_units, input_shape=input_shape,
model.add(Dense(units=dense_units, activation=activation[1]))
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
return model

demo_model = create_RNN(2, 1, (3,1), activation=['linear', 'linear'])

wx = demo_model.get_weights()[0]
wh = demo_model.get_weights()[1]
bh = demo_model.get_weights()[2]
wy = demo_model.get_weights()[3]
by = demo_model.get_weights()[4]

print('wx = ', wx, ' wh = ', wh, ' bh = ', bh, ' wy =', wy, 'by = ', by)

x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
# Reshape the input to the required sample_size x time_steps x features
x_input = np.reshape(x,(1, 3, 1))
y_pred_model = demo_model.predict(x_input)
h0 = np.zeros(m)
h1 = np.dot(x[0], wx) + h0 + bh
h2 = np.dot(x[1], wx) + np.dot(h1,wh) + bh
h3 = np.dot(x[2], wx) + np.dot(h2,wh) + bh
o3 = np.dot(h3, wy) + by
print('h1 = ', h1,'h2 = ', h2,'h3 = ', h3)
print("Prediction from network ", y_pred_model)
print("Prediction from our computation ", o3)
# Parameter split_percent defines the ratio of training examples
def get_train_test(url, split_percent=0.8):
df = read_csv(url, usecols=[1], engine='python')
data = np.array(df.values.astype('float32'))
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
data = scaler.fit_transform(data).flatten()
n = len(data)
# Point for splitting data into train and test
split = int(n*split_percent)
train_data = data[range(split)]
test_data = data[split:]
return train_data, test_data, data
sunspots_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbrownlee/Datasets/master/monthly-sunspots.csv'
train_data, test_data, data = get_train_test(sunspots_url)
# Prepare the input X and target Y
def get_XY(dat, time_steps):
# Indices of target array
Y_ind = np.arange(time_steps, len(dat), time_steps)
Y = dat[Y_ind]
# Prepare X
rows_x = len(Y)
X = dat[range(time_steps*rows_x)]
X = np.reshape(X, (rows_x, time_steps, 1))
return X, Y
time_steps = 12
trainX, trainY = get_XY(train_data, time_steps)
testX, testY = get_XY(test_data, time_steps)
model = create_RNN(hidden_units=3, dense_units=1, input_shape=(time_steps,1),
activation=['tanh', 'tanh'])
model.fit(trainX, trainY, epochs=20, batch_size=1, verbose=2)
def print_error(trainY, testY, train_predict, test_predict):
# Error of predictions
train_rmse = math.sqrt(mean_squared_error(trainY, train_predict))
test_rmse = math.sqrt(mean_squared_error(testY, test_predict))
# Print RMSE
print('Train RMSE: %.3f RMSE' % (train_rmse))
print('Test RMSE: %.3f RMSE' % (test_rmse))
# make predictions
train_predict = model.predict(trainX)
test_predict = model.predict(testX)
# Mean square error
print_error(trainY, testY, train_predict, test_predict)
# Plot the result
def plot_result(trainY, testY, train_predict, test_predict):
actual = np.append(trainY, testY)
predictions = np.append(train_predict, test_predict)
rows = len(actual)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6), dpi=80)
plt.plot(range(rows), actual)
plt.plot(range(rows), predictions)
plt.axvline(x=len(trainY), color='r')
plt.legend(['Actual', 'Predictions'])
plt.xlabel('Observation number after given time steps')
plt.ylabel('Sunspots scaled')
plt.title('Actual and Predicted Values. The Red Line Separates The Training And Test Examples')
plot_result(trainY, testY, train_predict, test_predict)
# Parameter split_percent defines the ratio of training examples
def get_train_test(url, split_percent=0.8):
df = read_csv(url, usecols=[1], engine='python')
data = np.array(df.values.astype('float32'))
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
data = scaler.fit_transform(data).flatten()
n = len(data)
# Point for splitting data into train and test
split = int(n*split_percent)
train_data = data[range(split)]
test_data = data[split:]
return train_data, test_data, data
# Prepare the input X and target Y
def get_XY(dat, time_steps):
Y_ind = np.arange(time_steps, len(dat), time_steps)
Y = dat[Y_ind]
rows_x = len(Y)
X = dat[range(time_steps*rows_x)]
X = np.reshape(X, (rows_x, time_steps, 1))
return X, Y
def create_RNN(hidden_units, dense_units, input_shape, activation):
model = Sequential()
model.add(SimpleRNN(hidden_units, input_shape=input_shape, activation=activation[0]))
model.add(Dense(units=dense_units, activation=activation[1]))
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
return model
def print_error(trainY, testY, train_predict, test_predict):
# Error of predictions
train_rmse = math.sqrt(mean_squared_error(trainY, train_predict))
test_rmse = math.sqrt(mean_squared_error(testY, test_predict))
# Print RMSE
print('Train RMSE: %.3f RMSE' % (train_rmse))
print('Test RMSE: %.3f RMSE' % (test_rmse))
# Plot the result
def plot_result(trainY, testY, train_predict, test_predict):
actual = np.append(trainY, testY)
predictions = np.append(train_predict, test_predict)
rows = len(actual)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6), dpi=80)
plt.plot(range(rows), actual)
plt.plot(range(rows), predictions)
plt.axvline(x=len(trainY), color='r')
plt.legend(['Actual', 'Predictions'])
plt.xlabel('Observation number after given time steps')
plt.ylabel('Sunspots scaled')
plt.title('Actual and Predicted Values. The Red Line Separates The Training And Test Examples')

sunspots_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbrownlee/Datasets/master/monthly-sunspots.csv'
time_steps = 12
train_data, test_data, data = get_train_test(sunspots_url)
trainX, trainY = get_XY(train_data, time_steps)
testX, testY = get_XY(test_data, time_steps)

# Create model and train

model = create_RNN(hidden_units=3, dense_units=1, input_shape=(time_steps,1),
activation=['tanh', 'tanh'])
model.fit(trainX, trainY, epochs=20, batch_size=1, verbose=2)

# make predictions
train_predict = model.predict(trainX)
test_predict = model.predict(testX)
# Print error
print_error(trainY, testY, train_predict, test_predict)
#Plot result
plot_result(trainY, testY, train_predict, test_predict)

Result: Hence, a program to implement RNN using python is done successfully.

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