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Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design

Copyright © Spannovation, 2020

All rights reserved.

All photos in this course were either taken by the Spannovation principals or
provided to us courtesy of our industry contacts. Where possible, these have
been referenced. Spannovation has not designed any of the bridges shown or
discussed in the course videos. The design examples are completely fictitious
and produced by the principals for educational purposes.
No part of this online course, presentation or educational material may be
reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without written
permission from the author, Spannovation Bridge and Seismic School. In case
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from the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency.
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design

Module B
Design, Multi-discipline and
Constructability Considerations
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations - Geotechnical
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design

Module B: Critical Considerations and Challenges

2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical - Site classification

• Site classification is a critical step in determining the site seismic hazard for
a given location. The classification is based on Vs30, N60, or Su.

• S6-19 provides 6 different Site Classes (A-F), starting with A and B being
Hard Rock and Rock sites.

• Site classes C and D comprise very dense soil (or soft rock), and stiff soil,

• Site class E is designated as Soft soil.

• Site Class F includes amongst others, liquefiable soils, soil susceptible to

collapse under seismic loading, high plasticity clays (PI>75 and thickness,
t > 8m), soft to medium stiff clays (t > 30m)
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical - Site classification

• A site-specific evaluation is required for a Site class F.

• One can use the Natural Resources Canada website to obtain the
spectral acceleration values corresponding to Site class C for various
return-period events.


• The code-based site coefficients for different periods F(T) can then be
used to determine the spectral accelerations at different periods for
other Site classes: S(T) = F(T) * Sa(T), where Sa(T) corresponds to
Site class C spectral acceleration at period T.
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical - Consequence classification and Degree of understanding

• The factored geotechnical resistance for ULS or SLS is given by

ψΦg(u/s)R(u/s); where ψ is the consequence factor, Φg(u/s) is the
geotechnical resistance factor for ULS or SLS, and R(u/s) is the geotechnical
resistance for ULS/SLS

• High, typical and low consequence levels are assigned to bridges and
associated geotechnical systems tied to limit state exceedance.

• The consequence classification is assigned by the Owner and in the absence

of such designation, the consequence classification must be considered as

• The consequence factors per Table 6.1 of S6-19 for SLS and ULS are 0.9, 1.0,
and 1.15 for High, Typical and Low consequence classifications, respectively.
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical - Consequence classification and Degree of understanding

• The geotechnical resistance factors Φg(u/s) are dependent on the failure mode
and the degree of site and prediction model understanding.

• For the above, consideration must be given to ground and geotechnical

properties understanding and the quality of the prediction models.

• High, typical and low understanding levels are defined in S6-19.

• A few examples of failure modes are bearing, sliding, settlement of shallow

foundations, etc. and compression, tension, settlement or lateral deflection of
deep foundations.
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical: Consequence classification and Degree of understanding

• Varying geotechnical resistance factors are assigned to different components

based on the failure mode, test method/model and degree of understanding.

• For example, using a Typical degree of understanding and carrying out static
analysis for deep foundation compression, a geotechnical resistance factor of
0.4 can be utilized for design capacity.

• In contrast, changing the degree of understanding to High and utilizing

Static testing, a geotechnical resistance factor of 0.7 can be utilized for
compression design capacity of a deep foundation component. (See Table

• For seismic design, the consequence factor for capacity protected elements
and PBD is 1.0
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations
g. Geotechnical: Bridge approach embankments – Interface Zone

• The slopes and embankments within the “Embankment Bridge

Interface Zone” must be designated as Lifeline, Major-route or
Other by the Owner

Bridge approach embankment interface

zone length ≥ 20 m


Bridge approach embankment interface zone
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical: Bridge approach embankments – Interface Zone

• Like the bridge design, the embankment and slope requirements

become more stringent with an increase in the importance category

• Lifeline geotechnical systems must have i) 100% of the travelled lanes

available for use following ground motions with a return period of at
least 975 years; and ii) 50% of the travelled lanes available for use
following ground motions with a return period of at least 2475 years.

• Major-route geotechnical systems shall have 100% of the travelled lanes

available for use following a return period of at least 475 years.

• Other geotechnical systems must not collapse following ground motions

with a return period of at least 2475 years and have 50% of the
travelled lanes, but not less than one, available for use following an
event with return period of at least 475 years.
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical: Bridge approach embankments – Outside the

Interface Zone

• The seismic performance criteria are less stringent outside the bridge
embankment interface zone.

• Lifeline geotechnical systems must have at least 50% of the travelled

lanes, but not less than one available for use following ground motions
with a return period of at least 975 years.

• Major-route geotechnical systems must have at least 50% of the

travelled lanes, but not less than one, available for use following ground
motions with a return period of at least 475 years.
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical: Design for frost potential

• When shallow foundations are used in frost-susceptible soils, the

footings must be embedded below the maximum depth of frost

• Proper embedment prevents foundation heave as a result of

foundation soil volumetric expansion due to freezing as well as
settlement due to shear strength reduction as a result of thawing.

• Frost heave is usually not an issue when shallow foundations bear

on clean sand and gravel or dense till.

• Similarly, if the footing is founded in bedrock, it’s not considered

frost susceptible
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical: Design for permafrost

• For design of foundations underlain by permafrost, one of the

following strategies could be utilized:

 Permafrost preservation during construction and entire

design life of the structure
 Designing for permafrost thaw during construction and the
design life of the structure
 Complete permafrost thaw and soil consolidation before

• Expert geotechnical advice should be sought for designing foundations

in cold climates. Where deep foundations are utilized, they should
penetrate through and be founded in non-frost susceptible soils
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical: Liquefaction considerations and impacts on design

• Liquefaction is a phenomenon whereby coarse grained saturated or

partially saturated soils lose their strength and stiffness as a result of
applied seismic stresses, causing the soil to behave more like a fluid.

• The phenomenon is related to saturated sandy silts and silty sands.

• The result is excessive vertical and/or lateral displacements unrelated

to the structural dynamic response.

• Soil settlements cause downdrag on the piles while lateral soil

displacements induce kinematic loads on the piles
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical: Liquefaction considerations and impacts on design

• Structural continuity is preferred in a situation like this as simply

supported spans are particularly susceptible to span failure.

• Differential liquefaction between supports and presence of a non-

liquefiable crest on top of a liquefiable layer can exacerbate the
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical: Liquefaction considerations and impacts on design

Soil deformation
load application
through p-y curves

p-y curves Ground
Liquefiable soil deformation

Liquefiable layer overlain with a crust
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical

Liquefaction considerations and impacts on design

• If liquefaction causes lateral spreading, the design can be carried out

as follows:

 Design the piles to resist the forces generated by lateral

spreading. Larger piles that extend through liquefiable
strata may be required.
 Carry out ground improvements in addition to the use of
larger/stronger piles, to meet the performance criteria.
 Bridge superstructure must be designed to withstand the
anticipated foundation/soil movements and kinematic
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical

Liquefaction considerations and impacts on design
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical

Ground improvements

• Soil preloading/surcharging for consolidation settlement

• Dynamic compaction

• Vibro stone columns (vibro replacement)

• Compaction piles

• Soil mixing

• Drainage

• Vibroflotation
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations

g. Geotechnical

Soil preloading: William R Bennet Bridge, Kelowna, BC –

courtesy Dr. Uthaya Uthayakumar, Stantec Inc.
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations
g. Geotechnical

Dynamic compaction – courtesy Keller North America (URL:
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations
g. Geotechnical

Vibro stone columns – courtesy Keller North America (URL:
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations
g. Geotechnical

Vibro stone columns: Fort Lauderdale Airport Expansion – courtesy Keller North
America (URL:
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations
g. Geotechnical

Vibro stone columns: Centerm Berth 5/6 – courtesy Dr. Uthaya Uthayakumar,
Stantec Inc.
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations
g. Geotechnical

Vibro stone columns: Richtor Street Condominiums, Kelowna – courtesy Dan

Bruton, Ecora
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations
g. Geotechnical

Wet soil mixing – courtesy Keller North America (URL:
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations
g. Geotechnical

Atlantic Wood Superfund site: Wick Drains – courtesy Keller North America
Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design
2.2 Multidiscipline Considerations
g. Geotechnical

Baptist Memorial Hospital: Earthquake Drains – courtesy Keller North America

Context-Sensitive Conceptual Bridge Design

Copyright © Spannovation, 2020

All rights reserved.

No part of this online course, presentation or educational material may be
reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without written
permission from the author, Spannovation Bridge and Seismic School. In
case of photocopying, or other reprographic copying, a license must be
obtained from the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency.

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