Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM) - GeeksforGeeks
Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM) - GeeksforGeeks
Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM) - GeeksforGeeks
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Types of Memory
Memory is the most essential element of a computing system because
without it computer can’t perform simple tasks. Both types of memory
(RAM and ROM) are important for the computer, but they serve different
purposes. RAM is used to store data that the computer is currently
using, while ROM is used to store data that the computer needs to boot
and operate. RAM is faster than ROM, as the data stored in it can be
accessed and modified in any order, while data stored in ROM can only
be read.
Uses less power. Uses more power.
Generates less heat. Generates more heat.
Store data in MBs. Store data in GBs.
Data Writing
Writing data is faster. Writing data is slower.
In the realm of computer memory, RAM (Random Access Memory) and
ROM (Read-Only-Memory) play pivotal roles, each with its unique
purpose. Think of RAM as the bustling workspace of your computer-
where data is temporarily stored and readily accessible for quick tasks
and modifications.
However, this workspace is fleeting; once the power goes out, so does
the information.
The two types of RAM are Static RAM (SRAM) and Dynamice
RAM (DRAM). SRAM is faster and more expensive, using
transistors to store data, while DRAM is less expensive and uses
capacitors, requiring periodic refeshing to maintain its data.
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