Vegetable Growing Guide Bangalore

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Detailed Guide to Growing Vegetables in Bangalore


Type: Annual

Sowing: Sow seeds in cool weather, from September to November.

Companion Plants: Fenugreek, spinach, and carrots.

Growing: Needs full sun and well-drained soil. Water regularly but avoid over-watering.

Harvesting: Ready in 3-4 weeks. Harvest leaves when they are young and tender.

Seed Saving: Allow some plants to flower and produce seeds. Collect seeds when they turn brown and dry.


Type: Annual

Sowing: Sow seeds in cool weather, from September to November.

Companion Plants: Coriander, spinach, and radish.

Growing: Prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Water regularly.

Harvesting: Ready in 3-4 weeks. Harvest leaves when they are young and tender.

Seed Saving: Allow some plants to flower and produce seeds. Collect seeds when they turn brown and dry.


Type: Annual

Sowing: Sow seeds in cool weather, from September to November.

Companion Plants: Coriander, fenugreek, and radish.

Growing: Needs partial shade and well-drained soil. Water regularly.

Harvesting: Ready in 4-6 weeks. Harvest leaves when they are young and tender.

Seed Saving: Allow some plants to flower and produce seeds. Collect seeds when they turn brown and dry.

Type: Annual

Sowing: Sow seeds in cool weather, from September to November.

Companion Plants: Spinach, radish, and cabbage.

Growing: Prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Water moderately.

Harvesting: Ready in 30-40 days. Harvest leaves when they are young and tender.

Seed Saving: Allow some plants to flower and produce seeds. Collect seeds when they turn brown and dry.


Type: Perennial in tropical climates but grown as an annual.

Sowing: Sow seeds indoors in January-February, transplant outdoors in March-April.

Companion Plants: Basil, onions, and tomatoes.

Growing: Requires full sun and well-drained soil. Water regularly but do not over-water.

Harvesting: Ready in 70-90 days. Harvest when fruits turn red or green, depending on the variety.

Seed Saving: Save seeds from fully ripened chillies. Dry and store.


Type: Annual

Sowing: Sow seeds during monsoon (June-July) or early summer (February-March).

Companion Plants: Beans, peas, and radish.

Growing: Needs full sun and well-drained soil. Train the vine on a trellis.

Harvesting: Ready in 2-3 months. Harvest when fruits are young and tender.

Seed Saving: Allow some fruits to mature on the vine. Collect and dry seeds.

Type: Annual

Sowing: Sow seeds during monsoon (June-July) or early summer (February-March).

Companion Plants: Beans, peas, and radish.

Growing: Requires full sun and well-drained soil. Train the vine on a trellis.

Harvesting: Ready in 2-3 months. Harvest when fruits are young and tender.

Seed Saving: Allow some fruits to mature on the vine. Dry and collect seeds.


Type: Annual

Sowing: Sow seeds in cool weather, from September to November.

Companion Plants: Carrots, spinach, and lettuce.

Growing: Prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Water regularly.

Harvesting: Ready in 4-6 weeks. Harvest when roots are about 1 inch in diameter.

Seed Saving: Allow some radishes to bolt and produce seeds. Collect seeds when pods are dry and brown.


Type: Perennial in tropical climates but grown as an annual.

Sowing: Sow seeds indoors in January-February, transplant outdoors in March-April.

Companion Plants: Basil, beans, and marigolds.

Growing: Needs full sun and well-drained soil. Water regularly.

Harvesting: Ready in 70-90 days. Harvest when fruits are firm and glossy.

Seed Saving: Save seeds from fully ripened brinjals. Dry and store.


Type: Annual

Sowing: Sow seeds during monsoon (June-July) or early summer (February-March).

Companion Plants: Beans, peas, and radish.

Growing: Prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Train the vine on a trellis.

Harvesting: Ready in 2-3 months. Harvest when fruits are young and green.

Seed Saving: Allow some fruits to mature on the vine. Collect and dry seeds.

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