Renyi Anti Conc
Renyi Anti Conc
Renyi Anti Conc
Key words. Concetration function, Sums of independent random variables, Rényi entropy, Anti-
concentration, Sections of convex bodies, Pointwise lower bounds on convolutions.
1. Introduction
More precisely, for a random vector X taking values in Rd , we define its concentra-
tion function QX : [0, +∞) → [0, 1] as
where DX (λ) = λ−2 E[min{|X|, λ}2 ]. Note that DX ≤ 1. Recently, Bobkov and
Chistyakov in [5] have further strengthened this inequality by removing the factors
P 2 1/2
DXj at the expense of shrinking the domain λ & max λj to λ & λj , which is
necessary for such a modified inequality to hold (see their remark before Theorem
1.2 in [5]). Namely, they obtain the inequality
Xn P 1/2
2 −2 n
(1) QS (λ) ≤ C λj QXj (λj ) , λ≥ j=1 λ2j ,
The aim of this note is to extend these results to higher dimensions, as well as
provide a new extension of those to Rényi entropies, which continues the recent body
of works devoted to developing subadditivity properties for sums of independent
random variables in various settings, see for instance [4, 6, 7, 23]. Our approach has
incidentally led us to a curious sharp lower bound on noncetral sections of isotropic
convex bodies, which may be of independent interest.
1.1. Noncentral sections. Our first main result is the following uniform bound.
Theorem 1. Let d ≥ 1. Let U1 , U2 , . . . be i.i.d. random vectors uniform on the
unit Euclidean ball B2d in Rd . There is a positive constant cd depending only on d
such that for every n ≥ 1 and real numbers a1 , . . . , an with j=1 a2j = 1, we have
inf p(x) ≥ cd ,
where p is the density of the random vector j=1 aj Uj .
The example of the symmetric uniform distribution shows that in the parameter
√ √
σ 3, constant 3 cannot be replaced with any larger number for such a lower
bound to continue to hold (uniformly over all even log-concave densities). The
parameter σ 3 can be loosely thought of as the effective support of f , as stems
from the following basic lemma (see, e.g. Theorem 5 in [25] for a generalisation to
Rényi entropies).
a contradiction.
Theorem 2 readily yields a sharp lower bound for the volume of noncentral sections
of isotropic symmetric convex bodies (on their effective support). For a recent
survey on this topic, see [28]. Recall that a convex body K in Rd is called (centrally)
symmetric if K = −K and in that special case it is called isotropic if it has volume 1
and covariance matrix proportional to the identity matrix,
xi xj dx = L2K Id×d ,
K i,j≤d
Remark 5. This bound is sharp, in that for every > 0, there is d and a symmetric
isotropic convex body K in Rd which admits a hyperplane H at distance LK 3
to the origin for which vold−1 (K ∩ H) < L1K √12 e− 6 + .
1.2. Subadditivity of Rényi entropy. To state our second main result and elu-
cidate on the connection between Rényi entropies and concentration function, we
begin with recalling the necessary definitions.
For a random vector X in Rd with density f on Rd , and p ∈ [0, +∞], we define the
p-Rényi entropy of X as
1 p
hp (X) = log f (x) dx ,
1−p Rd
with the cases p ∈ {0, 1, ∞} treated by limiting expressions: h0 (X) = log vold (supp(f )),
h1 (X) = − Rd f log f , and h∞ (X) := − log kf k∞ , provided the relevant integrals
exist (in the Lebesgue sense). We define the Rényi entropy power to be
M (X) = kf k∞
and we have
N∞ (X) = M (X)−2/d .
We observe that if U is uniform on the unit ball B2d and independent of X, then
the concetration function of X is up to scaling factors the maximum functional of
the smoothed variable X + λU , that is, plainly
QX (λ) = sup P (|X − x| ≤ λ) = sup 1{|y−x|≤λ} f (y)dy
(5) x∈Rd x∈Rd Rd
= λd ωd M (X + λU )
and, consequently,
(6) N∞ (X + λU ) = ωd λ2 QX (λ)−2/d .
This relationship allows to rewrite the anti-concentration bound (1) in terms of the
maximum functional, or ∞-Rényi entropy power, of smoothed densities. It turns
out that thanks to Theorem 1, the same continues to hold for p-Rényi entropies of
random vectors in Rd .
where U0 , U1 , . . . , Un are independent random vectors uniform on the unit ball in
2p d+7
Rd , also independent of the Xj ’s. One can take Cp,d = e · 2 p−1 d .
The next sections present the proofs of our main results Theorem 1, 2 and 6. The
last section is devoted to remarks on reverse bounds in the log-concave setting.
2.1. A probabilistic formula. One of the key ingredients is the following prob-
abilistic formula for the density p of j=1 aj Uj , established in [21] via a delicate
Fourier analytic argument when d = 1, 2 (Proposition 3.2 in [21]). We extend it to
all dimensions and give an elementary direct and short proof.
The crux is an intimate connection between the uniform measure on the sphere and
its projection to a codimension 2 subspace which turns out to be uniform on the
ball. This is folklore which specialised to two dimensional spheres amounts to the
Archimedes’ Hat-Box theorem. We refer to Corollary 4 in [3] for a generalisation
to `p balls.
Lemma 9. Let d ≥ 1 and let X = (X1 , . . . , Xd , Xd+1 , Xd+2 ) be a random vector
uniform on the unit Euclidean sphere S d+1 in Rd+2 . The random vector X̃ =
(X1 , . . . , Xd ) in Rd is uniform on the unit Euclidean ball B2d .
Proof. Let P : S d+1 → B2d be the projection map P (x1 , . . . , xd , xd+1 , xd+2 ) =
(x1 , . . . , xd ). The preimage of a point x ∈ B2d with |x| = r under P is a circle
x2d+1 +x2d+2 = 1−r2 of radius 1 − r2 . Using cylindrical coordinates (r, xd+1 , xd+2 ),
the preimage on S d+1 of an infinitesimal volume element dr under P then has
(d + 1)-volume on S d+1 equal to
p q p
2π 1 − r2 (d( 1 − r2 ))2 + (dr)2 = 2πdr,
P (Y ∈ A) = P (P (X) ∈ A) = P X ∈ A × R2 .
Pn Pn
Lemma 10. The random variables | j=1 aj ξj | and | j=1 aj Uj | have densities,
say, f : [0, +∞) → R and g : [0, +∞) → R, respectively, which satisfy
Z ∞
g(r) = dr d−1
s−d f (s)ds, r ≥ 0.
Their proof relies on the Fourier inversion formula and a subtle calculation. Cu-
riously, going the other way around, Lemma 10 can be readily obtained from
Lemma 8. We sketch the argument for completeness.
Pn Pn
Proof. Let X = j=1 aj ξj , Y = j=1 aj Uj . To see that |X| has a density, let S =
Pn−1 2 2 2
j=1 aj ξj and note that |X| = |S| + 2|S|an θ + an , where θ has the distribution
of, say, the first coordiante of ξn and is independent of S. Thus |X|2 has a density.
By Lemma 8, the density p of Y is given by
Z ∞
1 1
p(x) = E|X|−d 1{|X|≥|x|} = s−d f (s)ds.
ωd ωd |x|
2.2. Probabilistic bounds. We will use the following bounds established by König
and Rudelson, see Propositions 5.1 and 5.4 in [21].
Pn 2
Note that under our normalisation, E j=1 aj ξj = 1. Inequality (9) quantifies
the strong concentration of j=1 aj ξj . Bound (8) is of anti-concentration type;
it is sometimes referred to as Stein property, see [10], can robustly be approached
by moment estimates (Paley-Zygmund-type inequalities), see [32], and has been
very well studied for random signs, see [11, 29]; for a generalisation to matricial
coefficients, see Theorem 2 in [12].
We are now ready to prove Theorem 1. Since we do not try to optimise the values
of constants involved, we forsake potentially more precise calculations in favour of
simplicity of the ensuing arguments.
Proof of Theorem 1. We fix x ∈ B2d and let X = |
aj ξj |. By Lemma 8, we want
to lower bound
1 −d
p(x) = E X 1{X>|x|} .
and !
2 2 −x
σ = 2c + (x + a) e dx .
3 0
AB 2 − A3 ≥ (AB 2 − A3 )|b=0 = 0.
Let h(a, b) be the difference between the right hand side and the left hand side,
h(a, b) = e−b + ψ(A) + ψ( 6) − ψ(B).
Claim 3. For every a > 0, we have limb→∞ h(a, b) ≥ 0 with equality if and only if
a = 0.
∂b A = e−b
(x+a)2 e−x dx
a3 +3
and, using B 2 = 0
A ,
3(a + b)2 e−b a3 + 3 (a + x)2 e−x dx −b e−b
3(a + b)2 − B 2 .
2B∂b B = − 2
e =
Plainly, ψ 0 (x) = 1 − x1 . Thus,
1 1 1
eb ∂b h = −1 + ψ 0 (A) − ψ 0 (B)eb ∂b B = − 3(a + b)2 − B 2 .
− 1−
Since A > 0, ∂b h ≤ 0 is therefore equivalent to the inequality
(1 − B) 3(a + b)2 − B 2 ≤ 2B 2 .
or, equivalently,
AB 2 − 3A(a + b)2 1 + 2eb ≥ 0.
We fix a > 0. There is equality at b = 0. We take the derivative in b of the left
hand side which reads
−1 −1
3(a + b)2 e−b − 3e−b (a + b)2 1 + 2eb − 6A(a + b) 1 + 2eb
−2 b
+ 6A(a + b)2 1 + 2eb e
6(a + b)2 Aeb
= 1 − + .
1 + 2eb a + b 1 + 2eb
Clearly, a + b ≥ a + 1 − e−b = A. Consequently the above expression is positive,
which finishes the proof.
A(a, ∞) = a + 1,
r r
a3 + 3(a2 + 2a + 2) (a + 1)3 + 3(a + 1) + 2
B(a, ∞) = = .
a+1 a+1
As a result, setting x = a + 1 and
f (x) = x2 + 3 + , x ≥ 1,
we obtain
h(a, ∞) = ψ(x) + ψ( 6) − ψ f (x) ,
where, recall, ψ(u) = u − 1 − log u. Note that the right hand side vanishes at x = 1.
To conclude, we show that its derivative is positive for every x > 1. The derivative
1 1 1 f (x) − 1 1
1− − 1− f 0 (x) = 1 − − x −
x f (x) x f (x)2 x2
f (x)2
x − 1 f (x) − 1 1
= · −x−1−
x f (x)2 f (x) − 1 x
Plainly, f (x) > 1. Moreover,
r r
f (x)2 2 1 1
> f (x) + 1 = x2 + 3 + + 1 > x2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = x + + 1,
f (x) − 1 x x x
which shows that the derivative is positive and finishes the proof.
3.3. Proof of Remark 5. Given λ = (λ1 , λ2 ) ∈ (0, ∞)2 , we define a double cone
Kλ in Rd+1 by
d |t|
Kλ = (x, t) ∈ R × R, |t| ≤ λ2 d, |x| ≤ λ1 1− .
λ2 d
We have by direct computation
2d ωd λd1 λ2
vol(Kλ ) = .
(d + 2)(d + 3)
λ1 = Ld ,
(d + 2)(d + 3)
λ2 = Ld ,
with 1
(d + 1)d+2
Ld = ,
2((d + 3)(d + 2))d+1 ωd2
the body Kλ is in isotropic position with isotropic constant Ld , and, in particular,
vold+1 (Kλ ) = 1. Moreover,
Ld d→∞ √
−−−→ 2
and r
d+1 d+1
ωd λ1 = .
√ !d
√ Ld 3
Ld vold (Kλ ∩ {t = Ld 3}) = Ld ωd λd1 1−
λ2 d
s √ !d
d+1 Ld 3
= ωd λd+1
1 1−
(d + 2)(d + 3) λ2 d
s √ !d
(d + 1)2 Ld 3
= 1− .
2(d + 2)(d + 3) λ2 d
4. Rényi entropy: Proof of Theorem 6
The argument simply relies on combining Theorem 1 with the following subaddi-
tivity result for Rényi entropies extending the classical entropy power inequality.
In fact, they obtained the better constant cp = e−1 p1/(p−1) in place of e−1 . More-
over, as established in [24], the case p = ∞ admits an optimal dimensionally depen-
Γ( d
2 +1)
dent constant c∞ (d) = d , for d ≥ 2. However, for simplicity of expression,
2 +1
and as our other computations do not attempt to approach optimal constants, nor
do the larger constants attainable effect the asymptotics of corollaries to come, we
will not make use of this sharpening.
Proof of Theorem 6. By Theorem 1 and (2), the density function of j=1 λj Uj is
P n
bounded below by 100·2d
times the density function of U0 . It follows that j=1 (Xj +
λj Uj ) has a density function bounded pointwise below by 100·2d
times the density
function of S + U0 . Thus,
− d(p−1)
Np (S + U0 ) ≥ (100 · 2d ) Np (Xj + λj Uj ) .
By Theorem 13,
Xn n
Np (Xj + λj Uj ) ≥ e−1 Np (Xj + λj Uj ).
j=1 j=1
The same argument can be applied with sharpened constants in the case p = ∞.
Proof of Corollary 7. By homogeneity, we can assume that j=1 λ2j = 1. When
2p d+7
λ = 1, in view of (6), the corollary follows immediately with constant (e·2 p−1 d )d/2 =
e 2by setting p = ∞ in Theorem 6. When λ ≥ 1, using the union bound,
we get QX (λ) ≤ (2λ + 1)d QX (1) because by a standard volumetric argument a ball
of radius λ ≥ 1 can be covered by at most (2λ + 1)d unit balls (see, e.g. Theorem
4.1.13 in [1]), and the corollary follows from the previous case.
5. Reversals under log-concavity
It turns out that in the one dimensional case, the variance of a log-concave ran-
dom variable X is a good proxy for its maximum functional, more precisely 12 ≤
Var(X)M (X) ≤ 1, see Proposition 2.1 in [5]. Building on this and the additivity
of variance under independence, Bobkov and Chistyakov ([5], Corollary 2.2) derived
two-sided matching bounds on the concentration function of sums of independent
log-concave random variables.
Since covariance matrices add up for sums of independent random variables, we get
two-sided bounds as in the one-dimensional case, modulo bounds on the isotropic
Proof. For a log-concave random vector X, by the definitions of the isotropic con-
stant and constants κd and Kd , we have
κdd Kdd
p ≤ M (X) ≤ p .
det[Cov(X)] det[Cov(X)]
Crucially, sums of independent log-concave random vectors are log-concave and
uniform distributions on convex sets are log-concave. Therefore, we can apply this
double-sided bound to X = S + λU , where U is a random vector uniform on the
unit ball independent of the Xj ’s. Using (5) and noting that
n n
X 1 X
Cov(X) = Cov(λU ) + Cov(Xj ) = λ2 I + Cov(Xj ),
d j=1
where I stands for the d × d identity matrix, we arrive at the desired bounds.
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(JM) Department of Probability and statistics, Centro de Investigacion en matemáticas
(CIMAT), Mexico.