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Advanced Lead Acid Battery Care and Monitoring System Using Cloud Technology

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2023 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA) | 979-8-3503-0681-1/23/$31.

00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICAECA56562.2023.10199927

Advanced lead acid battery care and

monitoring system using cloud technology

Maithili P Sadhana S Gayathri U

Assistant Professor Undergraduate Student Undergraduate Student
Kumaraguru College of Technology Kumaraguru College of Technology Kumaraguru College of Technology
Coimbatore, India Coimbatore, India Coimbatore, India
[email protected] [email protected]
Giridharan R
Undergraduate Student
Kumaraguru College of Technology
Coimbatore, India

of battery, damages the battery and sometimes it physically

Abstract— The storage appliances used in home, hurts the person using it. There are few batteries explosion
automobile and grids do not exists for longer period as happened in recent days [3-4]. Battery management system
expected. This may be due to the inefficient measurement is essential for following reasons: to maintain safety,
of SoH [State of Health], SoC [State of Charge] and balancing cells, controlling the operating temperature and
improper discharge function in batteries. In this proposed reliability of the battery. Lead acid battery parameters are
system, the health maintenance of the lead acid battery is measured and monitored in the proposed system since it is
done using the developed circuit and microcontroller used in most of the storage appliances[5-6]. The
feedback system. The technique involved in this system discharging time of lead acid battery is much faster than
helps to maintain battery’s health and finely measures the lithium-ion. If the load is in standstill mode more than the
charging parameters and self-discharges the unutilized recommended period, then self-discharging will take
energy when it is needed. This system can also be place. To monitor the parameters virtually we use cloud
implemented in e-vehicles to monitor the parameters of technology[7-8], and the measured parameters are
battery like SoC, charging percentage and so on. Through displayed in mobile. Here, we use Wi-Fi module to collect
this we can also ensure the safety level of vehicle. The the required data like amount of current and voltage
discharging time is set up and the system will apply force flowing from battery to load.
discharge if it is needed. This helps to increase the lifetime
of storage devices. The measured parameters are then II. PROPOSED SYSTEM
displayed in mobile or any other user’s device using the
cloud technology. This helps the user to continuously Our system uses extended Kalman filter technique to
monitor the battery’s parameter if any parameter goes find SoC and SoH of battery. The calculations are
beyond the threshold value, the user can also prevent compared with the simulation results which is done using
battery damage manually. Simulink.. Kalman filters are used to estimate a variable
of interest as precisely as feasible when an indirect
Keywords— – self-discharge, lead acid battery, cloud, State measurement is available, but the variable of interest
of Charge (SoC), State of Health (SoH), Depth of Discharge cannot be measured directly. In the presence of noise,
DoD), State of Discharge (SoD). they are also used to aggregate data from several sensors
to establish the most accurate estimation of states. By
I. INTRODUCTION converting state or measurement equations to linear form
Hydrocarbon combustion of fossil fuels provide power and using the conventional Kalman filter formulas, the
to most vehicles across the globe. Vehicles that rely on extended Kalman filter resolves the nonlinear estimate
battery to supply power is the emerging technology. But challenge.
the factor that creates fear among consumers about e- A. Block Diagram
vehicles is the unhealthy function of battery[1-2]. Battery
monitoring and management is the crucial system in all This block diagram explains the important components of this
proposed system. A battery's lifespan will be shortened if it is
applications. It has been a major drawback in electric
not properly discharged. As a result, this block shown in Fig.1
vehicles, and it greatly affects the usage of e-vehicle. The
indicates that there is a switch to convert it into battery
battery should not get overcharged or over discharged. If
supply. When the coding is set so that the relay operates once
that happens, it leads to temperature rise, reduces life span
it receives less than 2V, this can be done automatically.

979-8-3503-0681-1/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

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. of SoC.. SoD = 1-SoC. DoD = (capacity charged discharged
from fully charged)/ nominal battery capacity).
If the battery is fully charged and discharged, then
lifetime of battery will be reduced[12]. A battery's
capacity could be more than its stated rating. As a result, the
depth of discharge value may be more than the nominal
C. Flowchart
The flowchart of the proposed system is drawn for the
battery charging and discharging monitoring conditions its
shown in Fig.2.

Fig. 1. Block Diagram of Proposed System for SoD

The discharge graph fluctuates in response to the load

connected. With the appropriate sensors, the battery
parameters are measured. The output displays this
measurement. To calculate the SoD, these values are provided
to the SoD block, and the SoD is then passed to the graph so
that it can be plotted. The SoD's properties will change when
more load is applied.
The methodology of this battery monitoring system
system has discussed in this chapter. We uploaded the sensor
data collected from 12V, 1.5A Lead acid battery.
A. State of Charge
It displays the battery's current state of charge. The range
is in the region of 75% and 80%. SoC must be at least 50%
for real- time applications. After the SoC reaches 50%, the
cell is recharged since in real-world applications, the SoC Fig.2. Flowchart for battery charging and discharging
cannot grow over that mark [9-10]. monitoring system.
The most accurate way to determine the battery's level of The system works in the following steps.
charge is to continuously monitor voltage, ampere, and
Step 1: Battery charging level is to be checked.
remaining amp hours. It is difficult to determine how much
energy is available, spent, and returned to the battery when it Step 2: If it is less than twenty percentage
is charging.
Dis-charging has to be stopped and charging process have
+1 = + ∆ ∗ [ ] (1) to be started.
a – self discharging rate If the battery charge is greater than or equal to 90%-Stop
Charging the battery.
Ib - battery charging current
If not >=90% Continue charging
n[Ib(t)]- efficiency of charging current
Ft - sampling period
Step3: else
B. State of Discharge
Depth of Discharge (DoD) is the volume of resources dis-charging process of battery is continued
discharged either in on state or off state[11]. It helps to Here we set 10 cycles [2 secs] as a predetermined
determine the battery cycles and thus we can equate discharge time after this time the device will start force
battery’s life span. It is recommended to maintain State of discharging
Discharge(SoD) above 50% and not to discharge entirely in
orderto prevent damage of the battery. It is the complement

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The proposed system monitors the health of the battery 1 LEAD ACID BATTERY
and fetch the battery characteristics as shown in Fig.3. The 2 VOLTAGE SENSOR
system consists of voltage sensor, current sensor, lead 3 CURRENT SENSOR
acid battery (12V, 1.5A), wi-fi module, buck converter,
relay and bulb (9W)as a load. Voltage and current sensors 6 BUCK CONVERTER
are to read voltage and current values respectively. Buck 7 ARDUINO MODULE
converter is steps down inputhigh voltage from supply to 8 LCD DISPLAY
low voltage in load. Arduino UNOis to store and build code. 9 Wi-Fi module
Relay helps to provide self-discharge.Power module is used 10 Power module
to feed power to the wi-fi module. The microcontroller gets
the current and voltage values from the sensor and evaluates
the records of the battery. If the battery isunactive for a long
period, it will start discharging to maintain its health.
Whenever it is necessary, it also activates the charging. The
entire status is displayed through lcd display andit can be
viewed from mobile using wi-fi module which is coded
using Think Speak platform.

Fig.4. Hardware setup

Thevalues such as current, voltage, battery duration and

battery percentage are displayed in LCD and in mobile app
using Think Speak. The relay provides force discharge if
discharge doesn’t happen until 10 cycles. It is set as 10
cycles for project purposein real time the duration may be
one day or more than that.


The results obtained in simulation and experimental results
are presented.
A. Simulation Results
The battery begins to deplete, if battery is not utilized
Fig.3. Block diagram of hardware (Battery fetching
for a predetermined period of time. Fig.5 presents the dis-
information) charging level of battery and its also changes as the load
The hardware setup of the proposed work is shown in Fig.4. varies. The below Fig.5. is obtained using Simulink. With
When the supply is ON, the buck converter steps down the the appropriate sensors, the battery's voltage and current are
voltage and the code which is prebuild in Arduino will start measured. Then, for reference, this value is shown on the
executing. The sensors provide voltage and current values. output side. The value is shown along with a plot of the
SOD. The loading of battery, time to dis-charge and level
There is a wi-fi module which supports to provide data in
used to create Fig.5. Here, the features of the discharge cure
mobile app using cloud technology. altertogether with the load value. This means that the State
of Discharge is dependent on the size of the connected load.

Table 1: Hardware Components

Power conversion module is used to power up wi-fi

module whenever needed.

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Fig.5. Battery Dis-charging Results
B. Hardware Results
The amount of current and voltage flowing through Fig.7. Battery Parameters displayed in Web using
battery to load, battery percentage and the duration of battery ThingSpeak
will be displayed in LCD as in Fig.6. and it can also be The results are shown that the battery SoC, Voltage, Current
viewed in mobile. In Fig.6 the voltage value is displayed as of battery.
9.55V and this value decreases if load is powered ON. The
LCD displays current value as 0Ah until the load is ON. VI. CONCLUSION
Lead-acid batteries are extensively employed in
numerous functions, including automotive, stationary, and
renewable energy storagesystems. To ensure their reliable
and safe operation, it is essential to monitor and manage
their performance through a battery monitoring and
management system (BMMS). A BMMS typically includes
hardware and softwarecomponents that enable continuous
monitoring of various battery parameters, such as voltage,
current, temperature, and state of charge. It also provides
algorithms for battery modelling, state estimation, and
control strategies for chargingand discharging cycles. By
implementing a BMMS, users can improve battery
performance, extend its life, and reduce the riskof failures
that could lead to safety hazards and financial losses.
Fig.6. Battery parameters Additionally, a BMMS can help optimize battery
(V, I, %charge, duration) utilization, reduce maintenance costs, and enable remote
Force discharge will be displayed if the load is OFF for monitoring and control of battery systems.
more than 10 cycles. Battery duration is shown as 301.64
MIN in Fig.6. which is approximately equal to 5 hrs. i.e., REFERENCES
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