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CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10

Board Question Paper 2024

General Instructions :
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them :
(i) This question paper comprises 39 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper is divided into five sections A, B, C, D and E.
(iii) Section A Questions No. 1 to 20 are Multiple Choice Questions. Each question
carries 1 mark.
(iv) Section B Questions No. 21 to 26 are Very Short Answer type questions. Each
question carries 2 marks. Answer to these questions should be in the range of 30 to
50 words.
(v) Section C Questions No. 27 to 33 are Short Answer type questions. Each ques-
tion carries 3 marks. Answer to these questions should in the range of 50 to 80 words.
(vi) Section D Questions No. 34 to 36 are Long Answer type questions. Each ques-
tion carries 5 marks. Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120
(vii) Section E Questions No. 37 to 39 are of 3 source-based/case-based units of as-
sessment carrying 4 marks each with sub-parts.
(viii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
some sections. Only one of the alternatives has to be attempted in such questions.
Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of
the questions no. 1 to 20. There is no negative marking for incorrect response.
1. Zn + 2CH3COOH → (CH3COO)2 Zn + H2
The above reaction is a :
(A) Decomposition reaction (B) Displacement reaction
(C) Double displacement reaction (D) Combination reaction
2. An aqueous solution of a salt turns blue litmus to red. The salt could be the one ob-
tained by the reaction of :
(A) HNO3 and NaOH (B) H2SO4 and KOH
(C) CH3COOH and NaOH (D) HCl and NH4OH
3. Four solutions, namely glucose, alcohol, hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid filled in
four separate beakers are connected one by one in an electric circuit with a bulb. The
solutions in which the bulb will glow when current is passed are :
(A) Glucose and alcohol
(B) Alcohol and hydrochloric acid
CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
(C) Glucose and sulphuric acid
(D) Hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid
4. The metals which are found in both free state as well as combined state are :
(A) Gold and platinum (B) Platinum and silver
(C) Copper and silver (D) Gold and silver
5. The number of single and double bonds present in a molecule of benzene (C6H6) re-
spectively, are :
(A) 6 and 6 (B) 9 and 3 (C) 3 and 9 (D) 3 and 3
6. In human beings, when the process of digestion is completed, the (i) proteins, (ii) car-
bohydrates, and (iii) fats are respectively finally converted into :
(A) (i) Amino acids, (ii) glucose and (iii) fatty acids
(B) (i) Amino acids, (ii) glucose, (iii) fatty acids and glycerol
(C) (i) Glucose, (ii) fatty acids and glycerol, (iii) amino acids
(D) (i) Sugars, (ii) amino acids, (iii) fatty acids and glycerol
7. A plant growth inhibitor hormone which causes wilting of leaves is called :
(A) Auxin (B) Cytokinin (C) Abscisic acid (D) Gibberellin
8. The plants that can be raised by the method of vegetative propagation are :
(A) Sugarcane, roses, grapes (B) Sugarcane, mustard, potato
(C) Banana, orange, mustard (D) Papaya, mustard, potato
9. The part of seed which is a source of food during germination of seed is :
(A) Cotyledon (B) Radicle (C) Plumule (D) Embryo
10. A zygote is formed by the fusion of a male gamete and a female gamete. The number
of chromosomes in the zygote of a human is :
(A) 23 (B) 44 (C) 46 (D) 92
3 4
11. Absolute refractive index of glass and water is and 3 respectively. If the speed of
light in glass is 2 x 108 m/s, the speed of light in water is :
5 7 16
(A) 94 x 108 m/s (B) 2 x 108 m/s (C) 3 x 108 m/s (D) 9 x 108 m/s
12. When a beam of white light passes through a region having very fine dust particles,
the colour of light mainly scattered in that region is :
(A) Red (B) Orange (C) Blue (D) Yellow
13. Consider the following combinations of resistors :


CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10

The combinations having equivalent resistance 1 Ω is/are :

(A) I and IV (B) Only IV (C) I and II (D) I, II and III
14. An electric iron of resistance 20 Ω draws a current of 5 A. The heat developed in the
iron in 30 seconds is :
(A) 15000 J (B) 6000 J (C) 1500 J (D) 3000 J
15. A rectangular loop ABCD carrying a current I is situated near a straight conductor XY,
such that the conductor is parallel to the side AB of the loop and is in the plane of the
loop. If a steady current I is established in the conductor as shown, the conductor XY

(A) remain stationary.
(B) move towards the side AB of the loop.
(C) move away from the side AB of the loop.
(D) rotate about its axis.
16. Some wastes are given below :
(i) Garden waste (ii) Ball point pen refills
(iii) Empty medicine bottles made of glass (iv) Peels of fruits and vegetables
(v) Old cotton shirt
The non-biodegradable wastes among these are :
(A) (i) and (ii) (B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i), (iv) and (v) (D) (i), (iii) and (iv)
For Questions number 17 to 20, two statements are given one labelled as Asser-
tion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these
CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
questions from the codes (A), (B), (C) and (D) as given below.
(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explana-
tion of Assertion (A).
(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct ex-
planation of Assertion (A).
(C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
(D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
17. Assertion (A) : The extraction of metals from their sulphide ores cannot take place
without roasting of the ore.
Reason (R) : Roasting converts sulphide ores directly into metals.
18. Assertion (A) : In the human heart ventricles have thicker muscular walls than atria.
Reason (R) : Ventricles have to pump the blood into various organs.
19. Assertion (A) : Magnetic field lines never intersect each other.
Reason (R) : If they intersect, then at the point of intersection, the compass needle
would point towards two directions, which is not possible.
20. Assertion (A) : Oxygen is essential for all aerobic forms of life.
Reason (R) : Free oxygen atoms combine with molecular oxygen to form ozone.

Questions no. 21 to 26 are very short answer type questions.

21. (a) 1 gram of solid sodium chloride was taken in a clean and dry test tube and con-
centrated sulphuric acid was added to it.
(i) Name the gas evolved in the reaction.
(ii) What will be observed when this gas is tested with (I) dry, and (II) wet blue litmus
paper ? Write your conclusion about the nature (acidic/basic) of this gas.
(b) Some metals react with acids to produce salt and hydrogen gas. Illustrate it with
an example. How will you test the presence of this gas ? 2
22. Distinguish between a saturated and an unsaturated hydrocarbon by flame test. List
the products of combustion reaction of a saturated hydrocarbon.
23. (a) We need to water the soil in plants on a regular basis. But it ultimately reaches the
leaves of the plant. Explain how this takes place.
(b) Name the type of nutrition exhibited by Amoeba. Explain how food is taken in and
digested by this organism.


CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
24. The survival of a species is promoted through creation of variations. Illustrate with an
25. A person suffering from presbyopia needs bifocal lens. If he needs two lens of power
- 4·0 dioptre and + 2·0 dioptre, which one of these two lenses is for the correction of
distant vision and what is its focal length ?
26. Two wires A and B of same material, having same lengths and diameters 0·2 mm
and 0·3 mm respectively, are connected one by one in a circuit. Which one of these
two wires will offer more resistance to the flow of current in the circuit ? Justify your
Questions no. 27 to 33 are short answer type questions.
27. Write the common name and the chemical name of the compound CaSO4. H O.
2 2
Write the method of its preparation. Give chemical equation for the reaction, when
water reacts with CaSO4. 1 H2O.
28. Why is the conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid an oxidation reaction ?
Name the oxidising agent used in this conversion. Write chemical equation for this
oxidation reaction. How is this reaction different from the reaction in which ethanol
burns in the presence of oxygen ?
29. (a) Explain with the help of a labelled diagram, the process of reproduction in Hydra
by budding. Name the cells used for reproduction in this process.
(b) List two roles of each of the following in human reproductive system :
(i) Seminal vesicles and prostate gland
(ii) Oviduct
(iii) Testis
30. List two differences between dominant traits and recessive traits. What percentage of
pea plants in the F2 generation were with yellow seeds in Mendel’s cross between the
pea plants having yellow (YY) and green coloured (yy) seeds ?
31. Define the term power of accommodation of human eye. What happens to the image
distance in the eye when we increase the distance of an object from the eye ? Name
and explain the role of the part of human eye responsible for it in this case.
32. A student fixes a sheet of white paper on a drawing board. He places a bar magnet in
the centre of it. He sprinkles some iron filings uniformly around the bar magnet. Then
he taps the drawing board gently and observes that the iron filings arrange them-
selves in a particular pattern. (a) Why do iron filings arrange in a particular pattern ?
(b) What does the crowding of iron filings at the ends of the magnet indicate ?
(c) What do the lines, along which the iron filings align, represent ?
CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
(d) If the student places a cardboard horizontally in a current carrying solenoid and
repeats the above activity, in what pattern would the iron filings arrange ? State the
conclusion drawn about the magnetic field based on the observed pattern of the lines.
33. Study the picture given below showing three food chains (a), (b) and (c) and answer
the following questions :

(i) Name the type of ecosystems that exist in food chains (b) and (c).
(ii) The first trophic level in all food chains are producers. Why ? What percentage of
solar energy do these producers capture for their use ?
(iii) Why are the arrows shown in the diagram in one direction only and not vice versa
? Justify.
Questions no. 34 to 36 are long answer type questions.
34. (a) What is a chemical reaction ? Describe one activity each to show that a chemical
change has occurred in which
(i) change of colour, and (ii) change in temperature has taken place.
(b) (i) Define a decomposition reaction. How can we say that (I) electrolysis of water,
and (II) blackening of silver bromide when exposed to sunlight, are decomposition
reactions ? Mention the type of energy involved in each case.
(ii) The type of reactions in which (I) calcium oxide is formed, and (II) calcium hydrox-
ide is formed are opposite reactions to each other. Justify this statement with the help
of chemical equations.
35. (a) (i) Define a reflex arc. Why have reflex arcs evolved in animals ? Trace the se-
quence of events which occur, when you suddenly touch a hot object.
(ii) Name the part of nervous system which helps in communication between the cen-
tral nervous system and other parts of the body. What are the two components of this
system ?
CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
(b) (i) Leaves of chhui-mui plant begin to fold up and droop in response to a stimu-
lus. Name the stimulus and write the cause for such a rapid movement. Is there any
growth involved in the movement ?
(ii) Define geotropism in plants. What is meant by positive and negative geotropism ?
Give one example of each type.
36. (a) The variation of image distance (v) with object distance (u) for a convex lens is
given in the following observation table. Analyse it and answer the questions that fol-
low :

S. No. Object distance (u) cm Image distance (v) cm

1 -150 + 30
2 -75 + 37·5
3 -50 + 50
4 -37.5 + 75
5 -30 + 150
6 -15 + 37·5

(i) Without calculation, find the focal length of the convex lens. Justify your answer.
(ii) Which observation is not correct ? Why ? Draw ray diagram to find the position of
the image formed for this position of the object.
(iii) Find the approximate value of magnification for u = - 30 cm.
(b) (i) Define principal axis of a lens. Draw a ray diagram to show what happens when
a ray of light parallel to the principal axis of a concave lens passes through it.
(ii) The focal length of a concave lens is 20 cm. At what distance from the lens should
a 5 cm tall object be placed so that its image is formed at a distance of 15 cm from
the lens ? Also calculate the size of the image formed. The following questions are
source-based/case-based questions. Read the case carefully and answer the ques-
tions that follow.
The following questions are source-based/case-based questions. Read the
case carefully and answer the questions that follow.
37. Three metal samples of magnesium, aluminium and iron were taken and rubbed with
sand paper. These samples were then put separately in test tubes containing dilute
hydrochloric acid. Thermometers were also suspended in each test tube so that their
bulbs dipped in the acid. The rate of formation of bubbles was observed. The above
activity was repeated with dilute nitric acid and the observations were recorded.
Answer the following questions :
CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
(a) When activity was done with dilute hydrochloric acid, then in which one of the test
tubes was the rate of formation of bubbles the fastest and the thermometer showed
the highest temperature ?
(b) Which metal did not react with dilute hydrochloric acid ? Give reason.
(c) (i) Why is hydrogen gas not evolved when a metal reacts with dilute nitric acid ?
Name the ultimate products formed in the reaction.
(c) (ii) Name the type of reaction on the basis of which reactivity of metals is decided.
You have two metals X and Y. How would you decide which is more reactive than the
other ?
38. Kidneys are vital organs for survival. Several factors like infections, injury or restricted
blood flow to kidneys reduce the activity of kidneys. This leads to accumulation of poi-
sonous wastes in the body, which can even lead to death. In case of kidney failure, an
artificial kidney can be used. An artificial kidney is a device to remove waste products
from the blood through dialysis.
(a) (i) Name the artery that brings oxygenated blood to the kidney.
(ii) Name the cluster the thin-walled blood capillaries present in the Bowman’s cap-
(b) In human excretory system name the organ which stores urine. Is this organ under
hormonal control or nervous control ?
(c) (i) List two major steps involved in the formation of urine and state in brief their
(c) (ii) In which part of the nephron does selective reabsorption take place ? List the
factors which the amount of water reabsorbed depends on.
39. Study the following circuit :

On the basis of this circuit, answer the following questions :

(a) Find the value of total resistance between the points A and B.
(b) Find the resistance between the points B and C.
(c) (i) Calculate the current drawn from the battery, when the key is closed.


CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
(c) (ii) In the above circuit, the 16 Ω resistor or the parallel combination of two resistors
of 8 Ω, which one of the two will have more potential difference across its two ends ?
Justify your answer.
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (B)
6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (C)
11. (A) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (B)
16. (B) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (A) 20. (B)
21. (a)
(i) • HCl gas was evolved
(ii) (I) No change in colour
(II) Wet blue litmus turns red
• HCl gas is acidic in nature
(b) • Zn + H2SO4 ―→ ZnSO4 + H2 (g) ( Any other example)
• Hydrogen burns with a pop sound when a burning matchstick is brought near it.
saturated hydrocarbon unsaturated hydrocarbon
Burns with clean blue flame/ Burns with yellow flame with lots of
Complete combustion black smoke. or Sooty flame /
Incomplete combustion

• Carbon dioxide; Water

23 (a) When water is lost through stomata in the leaves by transpiration, it creates a suc-
tion force/transpiration pull. Due to which water is pulled up through xylem of the roots
to the leaves.
(b) • Heterotrophic /Holozoic Nutrition
• Amoeba takes in food using temporary finger-like projections/pseudopodia of the
cell which fuse over the food particle forming a food vacuole. Inside the food vacuole
complex substances are broken down into simpler substances.
24. Example − A population of bacteria living in temperate waters that can withstand heat
due to the rise in temperature due to global warming will survive better in a heat wave
than the non-variant bacteria having no capacity to tolerate heat wave. Thus, suitable
CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
variations promote survival.
25 • For distant vision: lens of power – 4.0 dioptre
1 1
• f (meter) = p = - 4.0 D = 0.25 m or - 25 cm
26 • Wire A will offer more resistance
•R∝ A
Thinner the wire, more resistance to the flow of current.
27. • Plaster of Paris; Calcium sulphate hemihydrate
• Prepared from gypsum (CaSO4 . 2H2O) by heating it at 373K

CaSO4. 1 H O + 1 1 H O → CaSO . 2H O
2 2 2 2 4 2

28 • Oxygen is added to ethanol to produce ethanoic acid.

• Alkaline potassium permanganate or Acidified potassium dichromate

• It is oxidation reaction while other is combustion reaction/ burning of ethanol is exo-
thermic while other is endothermic.
29. (a) In hydra, a bud develops as an outgrowth due to repeated cell division at one spe-
cific site. These buds develop into tiny individuals and when fully mature, detach from
the parent body and become new independent individuals.

• Regenerative cells.
(i) Seminal vesicles and prostate glands:
• Secrete a fluid for nourishment of sperms.
• Secrete a fluid which makes the transport of the sperms easier
(ii) Oviduct:
• Egg is carried from ovary to the womb or uterus.


CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
• Site of Fertilization
(iii) Testis:
• Produces sperms
• Secretion of hormone – testosterone

Dominant Traits Recessive Traits

(i) When both dominant and (i) When both dominant and reces-
recessive traits are inherited, the sive traits are inherited, the reces-
dominant trait gets expressed. sive trait does not get expressed.

(ii) A single copy of dominant trait (ii) Both the copies of a trait should
is enough to get it expressed. be recessive to get it expressed.

• 75% yellow seeds

31 • Ability of the eye lens to adjust its focal length.
• Image distance remains unchanged
• Ciliary muscles –

While focusing on distant objects ciliary muscles relax, eye lens becomes thin
and its focal length increases.
32 (a) Because a magnetic field exists around the bar magnet
(b) Strength of the magnetic field is maximum near the poles of the magnet
(c) The lines represent the magnetic field lines
(d) Equidistant parallel lines, magnetic field inside the solenoid is uniform
33 (i) • Terrestrial /Grassland / cropland
• Aquatic /Pond
(ii) First trophic level are always producers or autotrophs as they can capture the solar
energy and convert it into chemical energy.

• 1% energy is captured.
(iii) Because energy flows in one direction only.
Justification : When energy passes from one trophic level to other it cannot revert
34. (a) A chemical reaction involves the breaking and making of bonds between atoms to
produce new substances. / when reactant changes to products.
(i) Add lead nitrate solution to potassium iodide solution taken in a test tube. The co-
lour changes from colourless solution to yellow ppt.
CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI → PbI2 ↓ + 2KNO3
(ii) Calcium oxide reacts vigorously with water to produce slaked lime
(calcium hydroxide) releasing a large amount of heat.
CaO (s) + H2O (l) → Ca(OH)2 (aq) + Heat
(Quick lime) (Slaked lime)
(b) (i) • A reactant breaks down to give two or more products. Or
A reaction which requires energy to split a compound or reactant in two or more
simple substances.
(I) Water splits into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas.
• Electrical energy
(II) Silver bromide decomposes into silver and bromine
• Light energy
(ii) (I) Formation of calcium oxide:
CaCO3 (s) → CaO (s) + CO2 (g)
• It is an endothermic reaction/decomposition reaction.
(II) Formation of calcium hydroxide:
CaO + H2O → Ca (OH)2 + Heat
• It is exothermic/combination reaction
35. (a) (i) • The pathway in which impulses travel during the reflex action is called a reflex
• Because the thinking part of the brain is not fast enough / for quick response to avoid
• Reflex arc :

Hot Plate (Stimulus) → Receptors (like - skin) Sensory Neurons

Spinal Cord
Response ← Effectors (like- muscles) ← ↓
Motor Neurons

(ii) Peripheral Nervous System

Components : Cranial Nerves; Spinal Nerves
CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
(b) (i) • Touch
• The shape of the leaves changes by changing the amount of water in them.
• No
(ii) Growth of a part of plant in response to the pull of earth or gravity is called geotro
• Positive geotropism − Movement of plant part towards the earth gravity.
Example − Roots grow downwards
• Negative geotropism − Movement of plant part away from the force of gravity.
Example − Shoots grow upwards.
36. (a) (i) S. No. 3
2 f is 50 cm.
∴ 2 f = 50 cm, or f = 25 cm.
Justification: Object distance(u) and image distance (v) are same so it implies that
object is placed at 2F.
(ii) S. No. 6, is not correct.
Reason: For u = −15 cm, sign of v must be – ve ( as the image is formed on the same
side of the lens as the object)

(iii) Magnification : m = u

+ 150 cm
= -30 cm = - 5 cm


(b) (i) Principal axis : It is an imaginary line passing through the two centres of curva-
tures of a lens.

(ii) f = − 20 cm; h = 5 cm; v = −15 cm
1 1 1
- =
ν u f
CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10

1 = 1 - 1 = ( - 15 ) - ( - 20 ) =
1 1 -1
u ν f 60 cm
or u = − 60 cm
Object is at a distance of 60 cm from the lens
h’ ν
• Size of the image(magnification) : m = =
h u
ν ( - 15 )
h’ = u x h = ( - 60 ) x 5 = 1.25 cm

37. (a) In the test tube containing magnesium.

(b) All three metals react with HCl because they are more reactive than hydrogen.
(c) (i) Because HNO3 is a strong oxidizing agent and oxidizes the H2 produced to wa-
• Ultimate products are water, oxides of nitrogen.
(c) (ii) • Displacement Reaction
• If metal X displaces metal Y from its salt solution it is more reactive than Y or vice
38. (a) (i) Renal Artery
(ii) Glomerulus
(b) • Urinary bladder
• Nervous control
(c) (i) Filtration: Nitrogenous wastes such as urea or uric acid are removed
Reabsorption: Glucose, amino acids, salts/some useful materials and major amounts
of water reabsorbed
(c) (ii) Tubular part of nephron.
• The amount of water absorbed depends on:
1. how much water is there in the body.
2. how much dissolved waste is there to be excreted.
39. (a) Rs = 4 Ω + 6 Ω + 16 Ω = 26 Ω
1 1 1 1
(b) Rp = 8 Ω + 8 Ω = 4 Ω
Rp = 4 Ω
(c) (i) Total resistance = 26 Ω + 4 Ω = 30 Ω


CBSE Board Question Paper Class 10
Potential difference = V = 6V
V 6 1
Current I = R = 30 = A = 0.2 A.


(c) (ii) 16 Ω
Justification: According to Ohm’s law when same current flows, the potential differ-
ence across a higher resistance is always higher.
Potential difference across 16 Ω = V = IR = 0.2 x 16 = 3.2V
Potential difference across 8 Ω = V = IR(total)= 0.2 x 4 = 0.8V

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