Arti 18
Arti 18
Arti 18
Chapter 9Labs
- Troubleshooting the BIG-IP System 9-1
Lab Requirements:
This lab is dependent on connectivity to both BIG-IP and the Internet from the same workstation.
If not already registered for an iHealth account, the student must have a working email address
and be able to read their email in class, either on their workstation or on a personal
If you do not already have an iHealth account, please register for one at before beginning this lab. You will need a valid email
address and be able to pick up the registration confirmation email in
order to finish creating your account.
1. Change the password for your admin user from adminX back to just admin.
2. Generate a qkview file on your BIG-IP.
Configuration utility
The qkview process may take several minutes to complete. When it does, continue with the steps
VDOM Labs 3-7
3. Download the qkview file to your workstation. (Assumes you have just successfully generated a
qkview file, as in step1).
If you do not have Internet access from your workstation, the instructor
may demonstrate these steps instead.
9. Do you have any high priority diagnostic results? What are the recommended actions?
10. Download a synopsis of the Diagnostics in PDF format to your workstation. In the Diagnostics
area, click the PDF link to the right of the Links entry.
11. View the bigip.conf file associated with this BIG-IP system.
12. What hardware specifications are shown by iHealth?
13. View the Network Map. Expand one of the virtual addresses completely and notice how your
objects are displayed. Vary the display using the tabs under Network.
14. Execute commands against the qkview output. From the Commands menu, open tmsh, and try
several commands suchas:
a. list /net self all-properties
b. show /net vlan all-properties–hidden
c. show running-config /netself
d. show /ltm virtual
e. show /ltm pool members
f. show /cm device
15. Generate some statistical graphs at Graphs > Standard. Download the graphs to your
workstation and view them.
16. View and customize your iHealth settings at Options > Settings (upper right corner of the page).
17. Find the BIG-IP iHealth Tutorial by navigating to Help > About. Although the tutorial is for an
older version of iHealth, it still provides a wealth of basic information on how to use this
diagnostic tool.
18. Add a comment to your qkview file. In the upper right area of the page, click the Comments link
and enter: This is a test qkview. Remember: Whatever comments you put here are visible by F5
Technical Support staff.
19. On your BIG-IP system, change the password for the admin user from admin back to adminX.