1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CP 343 2 / CP 343 2 P AS Interface Master Simatic Net

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Preface, Contents

Technical Description

Installation and Commissioning


Configuration with STEP 7

Data Exchange between the
User Program and AS-i Slaves
CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P
AS−Interface Master 5
Using the Command Interface
Diagnostics and Interrupts of the 6
CP 343−2
Dealing with Problems / 7
Error Displays

AS-Interface Protocol Implemen-
tation Conformance Statement

References and Literature


Notes on the CE Mark




The following supplements belong to

this documentation:

Edition 08/2010
1 Technical description
1.10 AS-Interface operation with 24 V voltage
(AS-i Power24V)
5 Using the command interface
5.1 Description of FC "ASI_3422" (supplements
5.2 Description of the AS-i-slave commands (supplements)
7 Dealing with problems / error displays
7.1 Replacing a defective AS-i slave/automatic address
Release 08/2008 7.2 Error displays/remedying errors (incompatibilities)
Edition 01/2023
8 Approvals
8.1 Ex Certificates
Classification of Safety-Related Notices
This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own perso-
nal safety, as well as to protect the product and connected equipment. These noti-
ces are highlighted in the manual by a warning triangle and are marked as follows
according to the level of danger:

! indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are
not taken.

! indicates that death or severe personal injury can result if proper precautions are
not taken.

! with warning triangle indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper
precautions are not taken.

without warning triangle indicates that damage to property can result if proper
precautions are not taken.

indicates that an undesirable result or status can result if the relevant notice is

highlights important information on the product, using the product, or part of the
documentation that is of particular importance and that will be of benefit to the

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

2 Release 08/2008
SIMATICR, SIMATIC HMIR and SIMATIC NETR are registered trademarks of
Third parties using for their own purposes any other names in this document which
refer to trademarks might infringe upon the rights of the trademark owners.
Safety Instructions Regarding your Product:
Before you use the product described here, read the safety instructions below tho-
Qualified Personnel
Only qualified personnel should be allowed to install and work on this equipment.
Qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, to
ground, and to tag circuits, equipment, and systems in accordance with establis-
hed safety practices and standards.
Correct Usage of Hardware Products
Note the following:

! This device and its components may only be used for the applications described in
the catalog or the technical description, and only in connection with devices or
components from other manufacturers which have been approved or
recommended by Siemens.
This product can only function correctly and safely if it is transported, stored, set
up, and installed correctly, and operated and maintained as recommended.
Before you use the supplied sample programs or programs you have written
yourself, make certain that no injury to persons nor damage to equipment can
result in your plant or process.
EU Directive: Do not start up until you have established that the machine on which
you intend to run this component complies with the directive 98/37/EG.

Correct Usage of Software Products

Note the following:

! This software may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the
technical description, and only in connection with software products, devices, or
components from other manufacturers which have been approved or
recommended by Siemens.
Before you use the supplied sample programs or programs you have written
yourself, make certain that no injury to persons nor damage to equipment can
result in your plant or process.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 3
Prior to Startup
Prior to startup, note the following:

Prior to startup, note the information and follow the instructions in the latest docu-
mentation. You will find the ordering data for this documentation in the relevant
catalogs or contact your local Siemens office.

Copyright E Siemens AG 2001−2008 All rights reserved Disclaimer of Liability

The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement with the hard-
permitted without express written authority . Offenders will be liable for ware and software described. Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely,
damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this manual are
a utility model or design, are reserved. reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections included in subsequent
editions. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.

Siemens AG
Industry Automation
Industrial Communication
Postfach 4848, D-90327 Nuernberg Technical data subject to change.
CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master
Siemens4Aktiengesellschaft G79000−G8976−C149−03
Release 08/2008

Purpose of the Manual

This manual supports you when using the following modules:
S CP 343-2
S CP 343-2 P
It contains information about how the PLC can address AS-i actuators and AS-i
sensors via this module.

What’s new?
The CP 343-2 (6GK7 343-2AH01-0XA0) and the CP 343-2 P
(6GK7 343-2AH11-0XA0) as of firmware version V3.0 support all combined
transaction type slaves (CTT slaves) according to AS-i Specification V3.
For these CPs as of firmware version V3.0, configuration of the CTT slaves is
supported as of STEP 7 version 5.4 SP4. The command interface has been
expanded to allow the transfer of CTT2 strings.
The following AS-i CPs do not support CTT slaves complying with AS-i
specification V3:
S 6GK7 343-2AH00-0XA0
S 6GK7 343-2AH10-0XA0
As of STEP 7 version 5.3 SP3, the selection of Siemens slaves is supported in the
slave project engineering.
This issue of the manual also includes several corrections.
The notes on installation have been integrated in the manual. The product
information bulletin no longer ships with the product.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 5

We recommend the following procedure when...

... You want an overall picture of the AS-Interface.
− First read ‘AS-Interface − Introduction and Basic Information’ (on the
accompanying product CD). This contains general information about the
AS-Interface, abbreviated to AS-i in the following chapters.
... You want to set up an AS-i system and include the CP 343-2 module in it:
− You will find the relevant information about connecting and operating the
CP 343-2 in Chapter 1, 2 and 3.
... You want to know how to operate the CP 343-2 from the PLC:
− Read Chapter 4.
− Chapter 5 explains the command interface.

To understand this manual, you require the following:
S Basic knowledge of SIMATIC S7, STEP 7
S Familiarity with the manual ‘AS-Interface − Introduction and Basic Information’
(on the accompanying product CD).

CD with sample program

The accompanying CD contains a sample program for operating the CP 343-2.

You will find FAQs on Siemens AS-i products on the Internet on the Service and
Support pages of Industry Automation at the following address:

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

6 Release 08/2008

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1 Technical Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.1 General Notes on Operation − Safety Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2 Overview of the Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.2.1 Uses of the Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.2.2 The Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3 Technical Specifications of the Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.4 Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.5 Displays and Operator Controls of the CP 343-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.6 Configuring using Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.7 Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.8 Permitted Slots for the CP 343-2 in the SIMATIC S7-300 and in
the ET 200M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.9 Addressing the CP 343-2 in the S7 Automation System . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2 Installation and Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.1 Safety Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2 Installing and Commissioning the CP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3 Configuration with STEP 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1 General Information on Configuring the CP 343-2 with STEP 7 . . . . . 28
3.2 STEP 7 Basic Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3 Extra Configuration of the CP 343-2 P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.1 Configuring in STEP 7 − Operating Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3.2 Configuring AS-i Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.4 Uploading the Actual Configuration to the PG (CP 343-2 P only) . . . . 38
4 Data Exchange between User Program and AS−i Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.1 Exchanging AS−i Binary Values with Standard or A Slaves . . . . . . . . . 39
4.1.1 Addressing the Standard or A Slaves with the PLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.1.2 Accessing Binary Data of Standard or A Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.2 Exchanging AS-i Binary Values with B Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.2.1 How the PLC Addresses the Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.2.2 Accessing Binary Data of B Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.3 Points to Note about Binary Data of Analog Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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4.3.1 Point to Note About Analog Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.3.2 Points to Note About AS-i Safety Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.4 Transferring AS-i Analog Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.4.1 Addressing Analog Values of AS-i Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.4.2 Programming Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5 Using the Command Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.1 Description of FC “ASI_3422” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.2 Description of the AS-i Slave Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.2.1 Set_Permanent_Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.2.2 Get_Permanent_Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.2.3 Write_Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.2.4 Read_Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.2.5 Store_Actual_Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.2.6 Set_Extended_Permanent_Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.2.7 Get_Extended_Permanent_Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.2.8 Store_Actual_Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.2.9 Read_Extended_Actual_Configuration 70 ..........................
5.2.10 Set_LPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.2.11 Set_Offline_Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.2.12 Select Autoprogramming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.2.13 Set_Operation_Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.2.14 Change_AS-I_Slave_Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.2.15 Get_AS-i_Slave_Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.2.16 Get_LPS, Get_LAS, Get_LDS, Get_Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.2.17 Get_Extended_Total_Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.2.18 Store_Extended_Total_Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.2.19 Write_Extended_Parameter_List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.2.20 Read_Extended_Parameter_Echo_List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.2.21 Read_Write_CTT2_request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.2.22 Read_Version_ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.2.23 Read_AS-i_Slave_ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5.2.24 Read_AS-i_Slave_Extended_ID1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.2.25 Write_AS-i_Slave_Extended_ID1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
5.2.26 Read_AS-i_Slave_Extended_ID2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
5.2.27 Read_AS-i_Slave_I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.2.28 Get_LPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.2.29 Write_AS-i_Slave_Parameter_String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.2.30 Read_AS-i_Slave_Parameter_String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.2.31 Read_AS-i_Slave_ID_String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.2.32 Read_AS-i_Slave_Diagnostic_String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

8 Release 08/2008

6 Diagnostics and Interrrupts of the CP 343-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.2 Interrupt Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
6.3 Sequence of Diagnostic Interrupt Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.4 Response to Interrupts in Different CP Operating States . . . . . . . . . . . 106
6.5 Local Data of the Diagnostic Organization Block (OB82) . . . . . . . . . . . 106
6.6 Reading the Diagnostic Data Record DS 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
6.7 Programming Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
6.8 Diagnostic Interrupts: Some Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7 Dealing with Problems / Error Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
7.1 Replacing a Defective AS-i Slave/Automatic Address Programming . 111
7.2 Error Displays/Remedying Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
A AS−Interface Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statement (PICS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
B References and Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
C Notes on the CE Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
D Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 9
1 Technical Description
This chapter describes the features of the module and familiarizes you with the
basic functions of the AS-i master module CP 343-2.
You will learn the following:
S The PLC systems on which the AS-Interface can be operated with the
CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P.
S Which displays and operator controls are available on the CP 343-2 /
CP 343-2 P.
S Which modes are supported by the CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P.
S Which options are available with the button configuration
S How addressing is handled on the CPU

The two device types CP 343-2 and CP 343-2 P are largely identical in terms of
functionality. The CP 343-2 P however has additional options for configuration and
parameter assignment during startup (see Section 2.1).
The CP 343-2 P module is not therefore intended as a replacement for the
CP 343-2 that can still be ordered!

In the description below a distinction between the types CP 343-2 and CP 343-2 P
is made only where their performance characteristics differ.
Otherwise, unless specifically indicated, the name CP 343-2 (or CP) stands for
both device types CP 343-2 and CP 343-2 P

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

10 Release 08/2008
1 Technical Description

1.1 General Notes on Operation − Safety Warnings

Using the CP
You can use the CP 343-2 in the following automation systems:
S S7-300 − central configuration
S S7-300 − distributed configuration via ET 200M (IM153)
You can also connect the CP to an S7-400H via a redundant ET 200M.

To ensure protection from electrostatic discharge, the module may only be
operated when the front panel is closed.
When operating the module, implement the measures for preventing build up of
electrostatic charges. For information on this topic, refer to the S7-300 device
manual /4/.
You will find further information on conditions for use in Chapter 2.


! When used under hazardous conditions:
S If the cable or conduit entry point exceeds 70_C or the branching point of
conductors exceeds 80_C, special precautions must be taken: If the equipment
is operated in an air ambient of 50_C ... 60_C, only use cables with admitted
maximum operating temperature of at least 80_C.
S Provisions shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by
transient disturbances of more than 40%. This criterion is fulfilled, if supplies
are derived from SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) only.

Access to AS-i analog values using data records 140 to 147 and to the binary
values of the B slaves using data record 150 is not possible with the CPU 318 with
a firmware version V1.1.3 or earlier.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 11
1 Technical Description

1.2 Overview of the Module

1.2.1 Uses of the Module

The CP 343-2 module can be operated in the automation systems (AS or PLC) of
the S7-300 series and in the ET 200M system. It allows the connection of an AS-i
chain to the programmable controllers listed above.
Using the CP 343-2, you can access the inputs and outputs on the AS-i slaves
from the PLC. Depending on the slave type, you can access binary values or
analog values.
All AS-i slaves complying with AS-i specification V3.0 can be operated except for
slaves complying with slave profile 7.1 and 7.2.

CP 343-2

Active module
Passive module (with slave ASIC)
(without slave ASIC)

AS-i power supply unit Binary actuators/

sensors without
Binary sensors/actuators slave ASIC
with slave ASIC

AS-i cable Branch of the AS-i

with direct connection

Figure 1-1 Using the CP 343-2 Master Module in the S7-300

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

12 Release 08/2008
1 Technical Description


CP 343-2
ET 200M
(IM 153) *)

Active module
Passive module (with slave ASIC)
(without slave ASIC)

AS-i power supply unit Binary actuators/

sensors without
Binary sensors/actuators slave ASIC
with slave ASIC

AS-i cable Branch of the AS-i

Actuator/sensor cable
with direct connection
Figure 1-2 Distributed Use of the Master Module CP 343-2 in the ET 200M
*) The CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P is not released for operation in the IM 153-3.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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1 Technical Description

1.2.2 The Product

The product consists of the following:

1. One of the modules of the following type:
− CP 343-2 Order number 6GK7 343-2AH01-0XA0
− CP 343-2 P Order number 6GK7 343-2AH11-0XA0
2. Backplane bus connector
3. Labeling strips
4. CD with sample programs and documentation
The STEP 7 block FC “ASI_3422” (version 2.0) required for extended operation
of the CP 343-2 is included on this CD.

The 20-pin front connector for attaching to the AS-i cable is not supplied with the
CP 343-2. You will find the order number of the front connector in the Catalog

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

14 Release 08/2008
1 Technical Description

1.3 Technical Specifications of the Module

The CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P module has the following characteristics:

Table 1-1 Technical Specifications

Feature Explanation/Values
Bus cycle time 5 ms with 31 slaves
10 ms for 62 slaves with the extended
addressing mode
Depending on the slave profile, analog values
have longer update times.
Configuration Using buttons on the front panel or with
(download of the configuration with
FC “ASI_3422”, see section 5.1)
Supported AS-i master profiles M4
Connection of the AS-i cable Via S7-300 front connector with screw
contacts (20-pin)
Current load between contact 17 and 19 and
between 18 and 20 maximum 4 A

Address area 16 I bytes and 16 Q bytes in the analog area

of the S7-300
Current consumption from SIMATIC max. 200 mA
backplane bus 5 V DC
Power supply SIMATIC backplane bus
Current consumption from the AS-i cable max. 100 mA
Power supply from the AS-i cable DC 29.5 to 31.6 V, according to the AS–i
Ambient conditions
S Operating temperature S 0..60_C (horizontal installation of the S7
standard rail)
S 0..40_C (vertical installation of the S7
standard rail)
S Transportation and storage temperature −40_C to +70_C
S Relative humidity max. 95% at +25_C
S Module format Compact module S7-300, single width
S Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 40 x 125 x 115
S Weight approx. 200 g

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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1 Technical Description

1.4 Approvals

Table 1-2 Description of the Approvals

c−UL−us UL 508
CSA C22.2 No. 142
c−UL−us for hazardous locations ANSI / ISA 12.12.01, CSA C22.2 No. 213−M1987
CL. 1, Div. 2 GP.A.B.C.D T4
CL. 1, Zone 2, GP.IIC, T4
CL. 1, Zone 2, AEx nC IIC T4
FM FM 3611
CL. 1, Div. 2 GP.A.B.C.D T4
CL. 1, Zone 2, GP.IIC. T4
Ta: 0...+60°C
C−TICK AS/NZS 2064 (Class A)
CE EN IEC 60079-0:2018
UKCA EN IEC 60079-7/A1:2018
EN IEC 63000:2018
EN IEC 60079-15:2019
ATEX See Chapter Approvals

The current approvals are printed on the module.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

16 Release 08/2008
1 Technical Description

1.5 Displays and Operator Controls of the CP 343-2

The following diagram shows the front panel of the CP 343-2 with its indicators and
operator controls. The front connector for connecting the AS-i cable is below the
cover on the front of the CP 343-2.




17 2
AS-i+ (brown) 18 1
AS-i− (blue) 19

Contacts 17, 19 and 18, 20 are jumpered internally on the CP 343-2.

Figure 1-3 Front Connector Pin Assignment and Labeling on the CP 343-2

The CP 343-2 has internal contacts for two AS-i cables that are jumpered internally
on the CP. This allows the CP 343-2 to be “looped” into the AS-i cable.

The load capacity of the contacts is a maximum of 4 A. If this value is exceeded
on the AS-i cable, the CP 343-2 must not be “looped into” the AS-i cable but must
be connected by a separate cable (only one pair of contacts used on the
CP 343-2).
For further information on connecting the AS-i cable, refer to Section 2.2.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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1 Technical Description

Meaning of the Indicators and Operator Controls:

LED Meaning
SF System fault.
The LED is lit when:
S The CP 343-2 is in the protected mode and an AS-i configuration error has
occurred (for example slave failed)
S The CP detects an internal fault (for example EEPROM defective)
S In response to a button command, the CP cannot execute the required mode
change at the present time (for example, because there is a slave with
address 0).
RUN Indicates that the CP has started up correctly.
APF AS-i Power Fail.
This indicates that the voltage supplied to the AS-i cable by the AS-i power
supply unit is too low or there is a complete power outage.
CER Configuration Error.
This LED indicates whether the slave configuration detected on the AS-i cable
matches the configuration configured on the CP (LPS). If they do not match, the
CER LED is lit.
The CER LED is lit in the following situations:
S When a configured AS-i slave does not exist on the AS-i cable
(for example failure of the slave).
S When a slave exists on the AS-i cable but it has not been configured
S When an attached slave has different configuration data (I/O configuration, ID code)
from the slave configured on the CP.
S When the CP is in the offline phase.
AUP Autoprog available.
In the protected mode of the CP, this indicates that automatic address
programming of a slave is possible. Automatic address programming makes it
easier to replace a defective slave on the AS-i cable (for more detailed
information, see Chapter 5.2.12).
CM Configuration Mode.
This LED indicates the mode.
Indicator on: configuration mode
Indicator on: protected mode

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

18 Release 08/2008
1 Technical Description

LED Meaning
S Configuration Mode

The configuration mode is used during AS-i installation and commissioning.

In the configuration mode, the CP 343-2 can exchange data with every AS-i
slave connected to the AS-i cable (except for the AS-i slave with address ‘0’).
Any AS-i slaves that are added later are detected immediately by the master
and activated and included in the cyclic data exchange.
When installation and startup is completed, the CP 343-2 can be switched to
the protected mode using the SET button. Any AS-i slaves active at this point
are therefore configured.
The following data of the AS-i slaves is stored in non-volatile memory on the
CP 343-2:
− the PLC addresses
− the ID codes
− the I/O configuration

S Protected Mode

In the protected mode, the CP 343-2 exchanges data only with the configured
AS-i slaves. In this sense, “configured” means that the slave addresses and
the configuration data stored on the CP 343-2 match the values of existing
AS-i slaves.

SET Button
The SET button is required for configuring the CP 343-2 in standard operation. The
button is only activated when the PLC is in the STOP mode.
If the CP 343-2 is in the configuration mode (CM LED lit), the CP 343-2 is
configured automatically when the button is pressed. Configuration involves the
following steps:
1. The CP 343-2 saves the existing slave configuration as indicated by the LEDs
of the active slaves as the expected configuration.
2. The CP 343-2 then changes to the protected mode.
If the CP 343-2 is in the protected mode (“CM” LED is not lit), pressing the button
on the CP switches to the configuration mode.
For information on the method, refer to Section 1.6.

Display of the Detected and Activated AS-i Slaves

The detected and activated slaves are indicated by the LEDs 0 to 9 and the LEDs
10+, 20+, B. The activated slaves are displayed in groups of ten. The switchover is
time-controlled. The LEDs labeled 10+, 20+ indicate which group of 10 is currently
displayed by LEDs 0 to 9. If the “B” LED is lit, this indicates that the detected and
activated slaves are slaves from the extended address area B.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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1 Technical Description

Characteristics of the Slave Display

S If the CP 343-2 is in the configuration mode, all detected AS-i slaves are
S If the CP 343-2 is in the protected mode, all activated AS-i slaves are
indicated by the LED being permanently lit. Failed or existing but unconfigured
AS-i slaves are indicated by the corresponding LED flashing.

Example 1
Indicates that the slaves with
addresses 1, 2 and 5 are detected
and activated.

Example 2
Indicates that the slaves with
addresses 20, 21 and 22 are
detected and activated.

Figure 1-4 Examples of the Display of Detected and Activated AS-i Slaves on the Front Panel of the
CP 343-2

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

20 Release 08/2008
1 Technical Description

Example 3
Indicates that the slave with
address 31B is detected and

Example 4
Indicates that the slaves with
addresses 10B and 17B are
detected and activated.

Figure 1-5 Examples of the Display of Detected and Activated AS-i Slaves on the Front Panel of the
CP 343-2

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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1 Technical Description

1.6 Configuring using Buttons

Preparation for Button Configuration

Make sure that the following situation applies:
S The PLC CPU must be switched to STOP.
S The CP 343-2 and all AS-i slaves must be connected to the AS-interface and
supplied with power.
S The AS-i slaves must have unique addresses other than “0”.

Setting the Configuration with Buttons

1. Check whether the CP 343-2 is in “configuration mode” (”CM” LED is lit).
If the ”CM” LED is not lit, change the CP 343-2 to the configuration mode with
the “SET” button.
2. Check whether all the slaves connected to the AS-interface exist and are
3. Press the SET button. This configures the CP 343-2; in other words, the
detected actual configuration is stored as the default in the non-volatile
EEPROM. At the same time, the CP 343-2 is changed to the protected mode;
the “CM” LED goes off. (See Section 1.5 > SET button)
The “CER” LED also goes off since following configuration, the “expected
configuration” stored on the CP 343-2 matches the “actual configuration” on the

Changing from the configuration mode to the protected mode is only possible
when there is no AS-i slave with address 0 connected to the AS-Interface. If a
slave 0 is connected, the “SF” LED lights up when the SET button is pressed.
If you run a button configuration when there is no AS-i power supply (APF state) or
when no AS-i slaves are connected, all the internal lists are set to their default
values. In particular, all the AS-i parameters are set to = F Hex and the
AutoAddress_Enable bit is set to = 1.

The following applies to the CP 343-2 P: A configuration of the AS-i slaves set by
STEP 7 and downloaded to the S7 station is transferred to the CP 343-2 P by the
CPU during startup. Any configuration set with the buttons is then overwritten.

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1 Technical Description

1.7 Modes
The CP recognizes two modes:
S Configuration mode
S Protected mode

Configuration mode
The configuration mode is used during AS-i installation and startup.
You can change the CP module from protected mode (productive operation) to
configuration mode with the ”SET” button. (“CM” LED is lit, see Section 1.6).
In Configuration mode, the CP can exchange data with every AS-i slave connected
to the AS-i cable. Any AS-i slaves that are added later are detected immediately by
the master, activated and included in the cyclic data exchange.

Protected mode
In protected mode, the CP exchanges data only with the configured AS-i slaves.
After configuring with the “SET” button, activate protected mode by pressing the
”SET” button again, the “CM” LED goes off.

1.8 Permitted Slots for the CP 343-2 in the SIMATIC S7-300

and in the ET 200M
In principle, the CP can be installed in all the slots for I/O modules in the S7-300
and ET 200M.
There may, however, be restrictions depending on the CPU or power supply unit
being used in terms of the following:
S The expandability with several racks (multi-tier expansion of the PLC only with
the CPU 314 and higher),
S The electrical configuration, in other words the total current consumption from
the S7 backplane bus.
For more detailed information, refer to the relevant SIMATIC system manuals /4/.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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1 Technical Description

1.9 Addressing the CP 343-2 in the S7 Automation System

The CP 343-2 can be addressed by the PLC like an analog module with 16 input
bytes and 16 output bytes. The CP occupies 16 input bytes and 16 output bytes in
the I/O address space of the S7 automation system (analog area on the AS).
Of the 16 bytes I/O address area of the CP 343-2, 31 x 4 bits are used for the
binary data of the AS-i standard slaves or A slaves. The remaining four bits are
reserved for later applications.
The base address n of this address area is fixed as follows by the slot of the
CP 343-2.

Rack 0
Slot number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Base address 1 2 3 256 272 288 304 320 336 352 368

Rack 1
Slot number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Base address 384 400 416 432 448 464 480 496

Rack 2
Slot number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Base address 512 528 544 560 576 592 608 624

Rack 3
Slot number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Base address 640 656 672 688 704 720 736 752

In most CPUs (for example, the CPU 315-2DP, 318), the slot-oriented addressing
can be modified with STEP 7 configuration (HW Config).
In particular, with the freely configurable CPUs, it is possible to address the
standard AS-i slaves or the A/B slaves with A addresses from the extended
address area via the process image of the inputs and outputs.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

24 Release 08/2008
2 Installation and Commissioning
This chapter explains how to install and commission the module.

2.1 Safety Warnings

! When used under hazardous conditions (zone 2), the devices must be installed in an
To comply with Directive 2014/34/EU on Equipment and Protective Systems
Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres and UK-Regulations
2016 (S.I. 2016 No. 1107), and related amendments, this enclosure must meet the
requirements of at least IP54 in compliance with EN 60529.



! S ”WARNING” − Explosion Hazard − Do not disconnect while circuit is live unless
area is known to be non-hazardous.
S ”WARNING” − Explosion Hazard − Substitution of components may impair
suitability for Class I, Division 2 or Zone 2.
S ”This equipment is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D;
Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC or non-hazardous locations.

! The device is designed for operation with safety extra-low voltage (SELV). This
means that only safety extra-low voltages (SELV) complying with
IEC950/EN60950/ VDE0805 may be connected to the power supply terminals.
The power unit for supplying the device must comply with NEC Class 2 as descri-
bed by the National Electrical Code(r) (ANSI/NFPA 70).
The power of all connected power units in total must correspond to a limited power
source (LPS).
If the cable to the external power unit is very long and liable to energy spikes, con-
nect a surge protection element.

! Please keep to the ESD guidelines when installing and operating the CP.
Connect the CP only when the power supply is turned off.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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2 Installation and Commissioning

Ground/Chassis Ground Concept

To achieve the noise immunity of the CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P the AS and AS-i
power supply unit must be correctly grounded.
Please note the instructions regarding the grounding and chassis ground concept
in the SIMATIC S7 installation guidelines; see “SIMATIC S7 Automation System
S7-300 − Installation: installation manual” /4/.

2.2 Installing and Commissioning the CP

The CP can be installed in a SIMATIC S7-300 or an ET 200M.

The CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P is not released for operation in the IM 153-3.

Step Explanation / Meaning

Only wire up the S7-300 with the power switched off!
Follow the steps as described in detail in /4/ when wiring between the power supply and the CPU.
1. Install the CP on the S7 standard rail. Slots 4 to 11 are permitted for the CP in racks 0 to 3
(connected by IM 360/361).
Proceed as in the sections dealing with setup and
wiring, described in detail in /1/.
2. Establish the connection via the enclosed bus
connector to the backplane bus.
3. Then secure the CP by the screws in its casing.
4. Connect the AS-i cable to the terminals on the Contact is made at terminal pairs 17 and 19 or 18
front connector of the CP. and 20 of the front connector. Terminals 17 and 19
and terminals 18 and 20 are electrically connected
within the CP.
The assignment of the terminal pair and the polarity
are indicated on the front panel of the CP.
The second terminal pair (18/20) is intended for
connecting the AS-i power supply unit or a branch
of the AS-i cable. This allows the CP to be “looped”
into the AS-i cable. The AS-i power supply unit can,
however, be connected to any point on the AS-i

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

26 Release 08/2008
2 Installation and Commissioning

! The load capacity of the AS-i contacts is a maximum of 4 A. If this value is
exceeded on the AS-i cable, the CP must not be “looped into” the AS-i cable but
must be connected by a separate cable( only one pair of CP terminals used).

Step Explanation / Meaning

5. Turn on the power supply for the SIMATIC
station and the AS-i system.
6. The remaining steps in commissioning involve For details on configuration, refer to Section 1.6
downloading the configuration data. and 3.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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3 Configuration with STEP 7
This chapter explains how to configure the CP with STEP 7 as of V5.2.
You will learn the following:
S What basic configuration will need to create for the CP 343–2 and CP 343–2 P
S What other configuration options the CP 343–2 P provides

3.1 General Information on Configuring the CP 343-2 with


Significance of the Configuration in STEP 7

Configuration in STEP 7 is necessary for the use of the CP 343-2 in an S7-300.
Here, a distinction must be made between the obligatory basic configuration and
the optional slave configuration for the CP 343–2 P.
The following applies to the CP 343–2 P:
While configuration with the buttons as described in Section 1.6 simply allows
querying of the current actual configuration, by configuring in STEP 7, you can
create a defined configuration regardless of the actual configuration and download
it to the CP.

The information on the basic configuration in Section 3.2 applies both to the
CP 343-2 and to the CP 343-2 P.
The information in Section 3.3 relates only to the CP 343-2 P!

3.2 STEP 7 Basic Configuration

Entering the AS-i Master into the S7-300 Station in HW Config

The CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P is taken from the hardware catalog in STEP 7
HW Config just like any other module and placed in the required slot in the rack of the
S7-300 station.
After you have inserted the CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P, there are still no AS-i slaves
configured. In this default setting, the rules of “button configuration” apply initially
(see Section 1.6).

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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3 Configuration with STEP 7

Configuring Properties of the CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P

To view general information, addresses, and operating parameters and to configure
or modify them, change to the Properties dialog of the CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P.
S “General” Tab
Here, you can change the name of the CP.
S “Addresses” Tab

Start addresses:
must be identical for inputs and

Reserved length:
S In the default setting, 16 bytes
are reserved;

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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3 Configuration with STEP 7

3.3 Extra Configuration of the CP 343-2 P

The information in Section 3.3 relates only to the CP 343-2 P!

3.3.1 Configuring in STEP 7 − Operating Parameters

S ”Operating Parameters” tab

The diagnostic interrupt can be se-

lected here for the protected mode.

Automatic address programming if

a slave is replaced:
If an AS-i slave is replaced (due to
a fault), the address is programmed
automatically with the factory set-
ting address ”0” for a replacement
slave of the same type.
If this reaction is not desired, for ex-
ample for safety reasons, the op-
tion can be deselected here.

The settings you have made up to now in the Properties dialog are adequate to be
able to access the AS-i slaves from the user program. If you want to set a more
detailed AS-i configuration with STEP 7, follow the steps below.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

30 Release 08/2008
3 Configuration with STEP 7

3.3.2 Configuring AS-i Slaves

A configuration of the AS-i slaves set by STEP 7 and downloaded to the S7 station
is transferred from the CPU to the CP 343-2 P when the S7 station starts up. Any
configuration set with the buttons is then overwritten.

To configure a specific slave configuration, select the “Slave Configuration” tab.

Double-click on the row in the displayed table in which you want to enter an AS-i
slave with the corresponding address; this opens the Properties dialog for AS-i

Take the AS-i slaves from the drop-down list. Three basic types of AS-i slave are
S AS-i A/B Slave Universal
AS-i slave with extended addressing mode
S AS-i Standard Slave Universal or AS-i Analog Slave
AS-i slave for the standard address area; if you use this slave type, you cannot
place an AS-i A/B slave at the same address in the B address area.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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3 Configuration with STEP 7

S Siemens Slaves
As of STEP 7 version 5.3.3, you have the option of simple configuration of
slaves from Siemens AG, by selecting the relevant order number from the
drop-down list.

As an alternative, you can open the slave selection dialog with the “Selection”
button. Here, you will find the Siemens slaves with order numbers arranged
according to groups.

Configuring the Properties of an AS-i Slave

By configuring the properties of the AS-i slaves, you can do the following:
S Enter configuration data of the AS-i slaves
S Specify the I/O configuration
S Set the AS-i parameters

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

32 Release 08/2008
3 Configuration with STEP 7

Standard AS-i Slave

The AS-i standard slave can only be placed at an AS-i address in the A area. This
address is then no longer available in the B area.

Enter the following vendor information for

the AS-i slaves in this area:
S I/O configuration: standardized
S ID code: standardized meaning;
S ID1/2 code: Extended ID code as of
AS-i Specification 2.11).

As an option, start-up
parameters can be permitted
Whether this parameter can
be used depends on the
slave type.

1) For AS−i slaves that do not support the ID1/ID2

codes, the values F (hexadecimal) must be

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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3 Configuration with STEP 7

Configuring Analog Slaves as Standard Slaves

If you want to configure an analog slave with more than two channels, use the AS-i
standard slave.
You then set the properties of the analog interface using the combination of the I/O
configuration and the three ID codes. Please refer to the operating instructions of
the AS-i slave you are using for information on the parameter settings.
These parameters are set in accordance with the DP standard V1.

General I/O configuration for analog


ID codes for analog slaves as listed

in the relevant operating instructions.
Here, for example:
S ID code: 3h
S ID1: Fh (is not evaluated)1)
S ID2: 5h = 2-channel analog slave

1) For AS-i slaves that do not support the ID1/ID2

codes, the values FH must be entered.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

34 Release 08/2008
3 Configuration with STEP 7

AS-i A/B Slave

The AS-i A/B slave can either be placed at an AS-i address in the A or B area. The
B area can be used only when no AS-i standard slave is placed in the A area.

The parameters in this area specify

the slave profile.
As well as the I/O configuration:
S ID code: standardized meaning;
S ID1/2 code: Expanded ID code
as of AS-i Specification 2.1.

As an option, start-up para-

meters can be permitted he-
Whether this parameter can
be used depends on the sla-
ve type.
Only 3 bits are available for
A/B slaves!
The 4th bit is required for the
address switchover.

AS−i analog slaves with expanded address area

If you use an analog slave with only 2 channels, you can configure this as an AS-i
A/B slave in the expanded address area. Configuration is as described above in
the section “AS-i A/B slave”.

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3 Configuration with STEP 7

Slaves Complying with AS-i Specification V3

AS-i slaves complying with AS-i Specification V3 (combined transaction type (CTT)
2−5) are supported by the CP as of firmware version V3.0. You can access the
analog values of these slaves using data records 140 to 147.

In the corresponding digital values, STEP 7 does not indicate the correct number
of bits. Access to the user data by the user program is nevertheless always possi-

The following screenshot shows an example of the “Slave Configuration” tab in the
Properties dialog of a module with configured CTT slaves:

“Slave Configuration” tab in the Properties dialog of a CP 343–2 P (example): Not

all bits of the I/O addresses of the CTT slaves are relevant!

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

36 Release 08/2008
3 Configuration with STEP 7

Table 3-1 shows the relevant bits of the CTT slaves.

Table 3-1

Slave in the Type, IO.ID.ID2 Relevant bits Non-relevant bits

(see figure)
Slave 1A CTT2, S−7.5.5 I0.0...I0.1 I0.2...I0.3
Q0.2...Q0.3 Q0.0...Q0.1
Slave 2A CTT2, S−7.A.5 I1.4...I1.5 I1.6...I1.7
Q1.6 Q1.4...Q1.5
Slave 3A CTT2, S−B.A.5 − All bits irrelevant. Data access using
data record 140...147
Slave 4A CTT3, S−7.A.7 I2.4...I2.7 −
Q2.4...Q2.7 * ) −
Slave 5A CTT3, S−7.A.A − All bits irrelevant. Data access using
data record 140...147
Slave 6A CTT4, S−7.A.8 I3.4...I3.7
Q3.6 Q3.4, Q3.5
Slave 7A CTT4, S−7.A.9 − All bits irrelevant. Data access using
data record 140...147
Slave 8A, 9A, CTT5, S−6.0.x − All bits irrelevant. Data access using
10A, 11A data record 140...147

*) Bit Q2.7 is not shown but can be used.

Slaves with IO code 6 and ID code 0 occupy several AS-i addresses. The IO and
ID code specified by the vendor must be configured for each occupied AS-i ad-

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3 Configuration with STEP 7

3.4 Uploading the Actual Configuration to the PG

(CP 343-2 P only)

You can upload the current actual configuration over the CP 343–2 P to the open
STEP 7 project.
This allows you to
S read in a complex configuration and use it as a basis for a further configuration
in STEP 7
S check a current configuration.

The uploaded configuration is always the current actual configuration. This can
deviate from the configuration set with the buttons and stored on the AS-i master ,
for example when an AS-i slave is added or removed using the button
configuration function.
When you download the configuration defined in the STEP 7 project to the
CP 343-2, the configuration detected by the button configuration function is

Follow the steps below

Preparation: Create the basic configuration and download to the station:
1. Create a basic configuration by inserting the CP 343-2 P in an S7-300 station
without AS-i slaves in HW Config.
2. Download this basic configuration to the S7-300 station using HW Config.
3. Select the “AS-i Slave Options” tab in the Properties dialog of the CP.
4. Click the “Download to PG” button and, if a warning is displayed, simply confirm
An existing configuration in the STEP 7 project is overwritten. Before the new
configuration is adopted, you must first confirm the warning.
5. Change to the “Slave Configuration” tab to view the actual configuration and
edit it if necessary.
To use the function for information despite an existing configuration in STEP 7, you
can upload the actual configuration and then after checking it, quit the dialog with
the “Cancel” button.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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4 Data Exchange between User Program and
AS−i Slaves
This chapter provides you with the information you require to access the data of
the AS-i slaves from the PLC user program via the CP 343-2. The chapter explains
the transfer of the following:
S Binary values of the standard or A slaves via the PLC I/Os
S Binary values of the B slaves by reading or writing data record 150
S Analog values of the AS-i analog slaves complying with profile 7.3/7.4 by
reading or writing data records 140−147
For information on using the data record numbers with the CPU 318, refer to
“Restrictions” in Section 1.1.

4.1 Exchanging AS−i Binary Values with Standard or A


Interface between PLC CPU and CP 343-2

You can access the binary values of AS-i standard slaves or A slaves in the user
program using suitable STEP 7 I/O commands.

PLC CPU CP 343-2 Standard / A


I/O commands

(e.g. L PIW 288) AS-i

slave 1

slave 2
I/O commands
(e.g. T PQD 260)


Backplane bus

Figure 4-1

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4 Data Exchange between User Program and AS−i Slaves

4.1.1 Addressing the Standard or A Slaves with the PLC

Each standard or A slave on the AS-i cable is assigned four bits (a nibble) by the
CP 343-2. The PLC can write (slave output data) and read (slave input data) this
nibble. This allows bi-directional slaves to be accessed.
The first four input bits (first nibble) are reserved for using FC “ASI_3422”. If you
do not use an FC, the first four input bits alternate between the values 8H and EH
approximately every 2.5 seconds. The first four output bits (first nibble) have no
significance for the CP 343-2.


I/O byte number Bit 7−4 Bit 3−0

n+0 reserved Slave 1 or 1A
Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0
n+1 Slave 2 or 2A Slave 3 or 3A
n+2 Slave 4 or 4A Slave 5 or 5A
n+3 Slave 6 or 6A Slave 7 or 7A
n+4 Slave 8 or 8A Slave 9 or 9A
n+5 Slave 10 or 10A Slave 11 or 11A
n+6 Slave 12 or 12A Slave 13 or 13A
n+7 Slave 14 or 14A Slave 15 or 15A
n+8 Slave 16 or 16A Slave 17 or 17A
n+9 Slave 18 or 18A Slave 19 or 19A
n+10 Slave 20 or 20A Slave 21 or 21A
n+11 Slave 22 or 22A Slave 23 or 23A
n+12 Slave 24 or 24A Slave 25 or 25A
n+13 Slave 26 or 26A Slave 27 or 27A
n+14 Slave 28 or 28A Slave 29 or 29A
n+15 Slave 30 or 30A Slave 31 or 31A
Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0

n = base address
The table shows the assignment of the CP 343-2 interface for standard and A
slaves (where n is the base address of the I/O address area occupied by the
CP 343-2). The assignment of the slave I/O bits to the I/O byte of the PLC can
also be seen in the table.

Special Feature of AS-i Analog Slaves

If you use AS-i analog slaves complying with profile 7.3 /7.4, the following applies:
S The input nibbles of these AS-i slaves are set to the value “0” by the CP 343-2;
S The output nibbles of these AS-i slaves are ignored by the CP 343-2;

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4 Data Exchange between User Program and AS−i Slaves

Example of a Configuration
Figure 4−2 shows an example of the PLC CPU addressing 4 standard or A slaves.
The base addresses m = 256 for the I/O data are configured in STEP 7.
The bits relevant for the user program are shown on a gray background. The bits
shown on a white background are irrelevant for the user program since no AS-i
slave bits are assigned here.

DP master

16 16
Input bytes Output bytes

slave 1 slave 1
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 256 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

slave 2 slave 3 1 slave 2 slave 3

257 257
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

slave 4 slave 5 slave 4 slave 5

258 258
. Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 . Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
. .
. .
slave 30 slave 31 slave 30 slave 31
271 271 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 3 2 1 0 0
7 66 55 44

Slave no. 2 Slave no. 3 Slave no. 4 Slave no. 31

AS-i slaves
4 4I module
I module 2 I/2 O module 4 O module 4 I/4 O module

Figure 4-2

In the figure above, for example, the 2I/2O module (AS-i slave number 3 with two
inputs and two outputs) occupies bits 0 and 1 in input byte 1 and bits 2 and 3 in
output byte 1.
The assignment of the AS-i terminals of the AS-i bus modules to the data bits of
the input/output bytes is shown below based on the example of slave number 3:

1 0 Bit no.
Input byte 1

Terminal 2 on AS-i bus module

Terminal 1 on AS-i bus module

3 2 Bit no.
Output byte 1

Terminal 4 on AS-i bus module

Terminal 3 on AS-i bus module

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4.1.2 Accessing Binary Data of Standard or A Slaves

The bits of the AS-i slaves are accessed using S7 load and transfer commands,
such as:
X stands for the byte address on the CP 342-2.

The internal system allows access only to even byte addresses in words or double
words. The byte transfer commands L PIB X and T PQB X are not permitted in
conjunction with the CP 342-2.

Correct: L PIW 260
Wrong: T PQB 260
Wrong: L PIW 257

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If you require bit access to slave data, you can, for example, use the strategy
shown in the following program example of a CP with base address 256:

Table 4-1

STL Explanation
//Read in binary input data of standard/A slaves
L PID 256
T DB20.DBD 0
L PID 260
T DB20.DBD 4
L PID 264
T DB20.DBD 8
L PID 268
T DB20.DBD 12

Examples: binary access to standard / A slaves

A DB20.DBX 0.1 //Slave 1, terminal 2
A DB20.DBX 3.0 //Slave 7, terminal 1
= DB20.DBX 47.3 //Slave 31, terminal 4

//Output binary output data of standard/A slaves

L DB20.DBD 32
T PQD 256
L DB20.DBD 36
T PQD 260
L DB20.DBD 40
T PQD 264
L DB20.DBD 44
T PQD 268

If you use a PLC CPU with configurable I/O addresses (for example, 315-2DP),
you can also access the 16 bytes of I/O data directly via the process image using
single commands.

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4.2 Exchanging AS-i Binary Values with B Slaves

Interface between PLC CPU and CP 343-2

You access the binary values of B slaves in the user program using the system
function blocks SFC 58 / SFC 59 (”write_data_record” / “read_data_record”). For
this function, you always use data record number 150.

PLC CPU CP 343-2 Standard / B



DSNR 150 AS-i slave

Data areas for 1B

binary outputs

slave 2B
Data areas for
binary inputs
DSNR 150

AS-i slave


Backplane bus AS-Interface

Figure 4-3

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4 Data Exchange between User Program and AS−i Slaves

4.2.1 How the PLC Addresses the Slaves

The CP 343-2 manages the binary data of the B slaves in two 16-byte long areas
(one area for the input data and one area for the output data). The structure of
these areas corresponds to the structure of the binary data for the standard or A

I/O byte number Bit 7−4 Bit 3−0

n+0 reserved Slave 1B
Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0
n+1 Slave 2B Slave 3B
n+2 Slave 4B Slave 5B
n+3 Slave 6B Slave 7B
n+4 Slave 8B Slave 9B
n+5 Slave 10B Slave 11B
n+6 Slave 12B Slave 13B
n+7 Slave 14B Slave 15B
n+8 Slave 16B Slave 17B
n+9 Slave 18B Slave 19B
n+10 Slave 20B Slave 21B
n+11 Slave 22B Slave 23B
n+12 Slave 24B Slave 25B
n+13 Slave 26B Slave 27B
n+14 Slave 28B Slave 29B
n+15 Slave 30B Slave 31B
Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0

n = base address

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4.2.2 Accessing Binary Data of B Slaves

The following sample program illustrates access to the binary data of B slaves.

Table 4-2

STL Explanation
//Read in binary input data of the B slaves:
REQ :=TRUE //Permanent trigger
IOID :=B#16#54 //Fixed value
LADDR :=W#16#100 //CP address (here 256 dec.)
RECNUM :=B#16#96 //DSNR=150 (binary data B slaves)
BUSY :=M9.0
RECORD :=P#DB20.DBX16.0 Byte 16 //Dest. area binary data

//Examples: Binary access to B slaves:

A DBX 17.4 //Slave 2B, terminal 1
S DBX 49.6 //Slave 2B, terminal 3
A DBX 17.0 //Slave 3B, terminal 1
R DBX 49.6 //Slave 3B, terminal 3

//Output binary output data of the B slaves:

REQ :=TRUE //Permanent trigger
IOID :=B#16#54 //Fixed value
LADDR :=W#16#100 //CP address (here 256 dec.)
RECNUM :=B#16#96 //DSNR=150 (binary data B slaves)
RECORD :=P#DB20.DBX48.0 Byte 16 //Source area binary data
BUSY :=M9.1

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4.3 Points to Note about Binary Data of Analog Slaves

4.3.1 Point to Note About Analog Slaves

If you use slaves complying with CTT 1−5, all or some I/O bits may be used for
special transfer functions.
The following applies to these protocol bits:
S In the input direction, the CP sets the value “0”.
S In the output direction, the CP ignores the bits;
How to access AS-i analog slaves is described in Section 4.4.

4.3.2 Points to Note About AS-i Safety Slaves

The CP sets the input bits

S 0 and 1 = 0 if the contact at F−IN1 is open;
S 0 and 1 = 1 if the contact at F−IN1 is closed;
S 2 and 3 = 0 if the contact at F−IN2 is open;
S 2 and 3 = 1 if the contact at F−IN2 is closed;

4.4 Transferring AS-i Analog Values

The following descriptions apply only to AS−i slaves whose data is stored in the
analog area. Analog value transfer in compliance with AS-i slave profile 7.1/7.2 is
not supported by the CP 343-2. In this case, analog value transfer must be imple-
mented in your software.

Analog Interface between the PLC CPU and CP 343-2

You can operate up to 31 AS-i slaves each with up to 4 analog input or 4 analog
output values.
You can operate up to 62 analog slaves in the A/B area each with up to 2 analog
input or analog output values.
You access the analog values of AS-i analog slaves in the user program using the
system function blocks SFC 58 / SFC 59 (“write_data_record” /
“read_data_record”). For this function, you use data record numbers 140−147.

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PLC CPU CP 343-2 Analog


S DSNR 140−147
Data records
Data area for 140−147 for
ÍÍÍÍÎÎÎ slave 1

analog analog
output values values


slave 2

read_record Data records
S DSNR 140−147
140−147 for
values inputs
Data area for
analog input

slave n

Figure 4-4

4.4.1 Addressing Analog Values of AS-i Slaves

Mapping the Analog Values in the Data Records

For each data record number, you can use data record lengths between 2 bytes
and max. 128 bytes.
An 8-byte area is used for each slave address to address four analog channels.
Table 4-3 below shows which data record is used to transfer the analog values of
which AS-i slave. The way in which the analog values of the analog slave are
arranged is shown in Table 4-4.
The tables can be used both for the analog inputs and for the analog outputs.

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Table 4-3 Accessing Analog Values using Data Records

Byte addresses occupied by analog values in the data record

AS-i slave DS 140 DS 141 DS 142 DS 143 DS 144 DS 145 DS 146 DS 147
1 0−7
2 8−15

3 16−23
4 24−31
5 32−39 0−7
6 40−47 8−15
7 48−55 16−23
8 56−63 24−31
9 64−71 32−39 0−7
10 72−79 40−47 8−15
11 80−87 48−55 16−23
12 88−95 56−63 24−31
13 96−103 64−71 32−39 0−7
14 104−111 72−79 40−47 8−15
15 112−119 80−87 48−55 16−23
16 120−127 88−95 56−63 24−31
17 96−103 64−71 32−39 0−7
18 104−111 72−79 40−47 8−15
19 112−119 80−87 48−55 16−23
20 120−127 88−95 56−63 24−31
21 96−103 64−71 32−39 0−7
22 104−111 72−79 40−47 8−15
23 112−119 80−87 48−55 16−23
24 120−127 88−95 56−63 24−31
25 96−103 64−71 32−39 0−7
26 104−111 72−79 40−47 8−15
27 112−119 80−87 48−55 16−23
28 120−127 88−95 56−63 24−31
29 96−103 64−71 32−39 0−7
30 104−111 72−79 40−47 8−15
31 112−119 80−87 48−55 16−23

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Table 4-4 Address Area for the Analog Values of an AS-i Slave

Byte no. (start address + offset) Analog value channel

Start address + 0 Channel 1 / high byte
Start address + 1 Channel 1 / low byte
Start address + 2 Channel 2 / high byte
Start address + 3 Channel 2 / low byte
Start address + 4 Channel 3 / high byte
Start address + 5 Channel 3 / low byte
Start address + 6 Channel 4 / high byte
Start address + 7 Channel 4 / low byte

Analog A/B slaves with 2 channels occupy only half the address area. The A
slaves, in this case, occupy bytes 0−3 and the B slaves bytes 4−7.

Examples / notes on reading Table 4-3:

1. Configuration: analog slaves have AS-i addresses 1−6
You use data record 140 and specify 48 as the data record length.
2. Configuration: 1 analog slave with AS-i address 7 is used
You use data record 141 and specify 24 as the data record length.
3. Configuration: the entire address area for 31 analog slaves is used
You use data record 140 and specify 128 as the data record length. This covers
analog slaves 1−16.
For the other analog slaves 17−31, you use data record 144 in a second job
and specify 120 as the data record length.
4. Configuration: analog slaves are located in the address area 29−31
You use data record 147 and specify 24 as the data record length.

Representation of the analog values

The analog values are interpreted according to slave profile 7.3 or 7.4 as 16-bit
values in two’s compliment.
The transparent values are interpreted as two independent bytes.
For further information regarding the range of values, the measurement range and
the accuracy please refer to the relevant documentation of the analog slaves.

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Special cases when transferring analog values in the output direction

S The following applies in the output direction:
S With firmware version V2.x, the AS−i master interrupts the transfer of the
analog output values when the CPU is in STOP. How the analog slave reacts
depends on the particular device.
S As of firmware V3.0, the AS−i master sends the substitute value ”0” to all slaves
when the CPU is in STOP.

Special cases when transferring analog values in the input direction

S In the input direction the AS−i returns the substitute value 7FFFh when
− The AS−i slave has failed or does not exist
− The channel number is not supported by the analog slave
− The analog slave signals “Value Invalid”
According to AS−i Specification 3.0, these are slaves with the following profiles:
6.0.A to 6.0.C
7.3.4 to 7.3.7
7.3.B to 7.3.F
7.4.1 to 7.4.F
7.A.8 (ID1 = 6)
7.A.8 (ID1 = 7)
7.A.5 and 7.5.5 and B.A.5
S Transparent data:
In the input direction, the AS−i master returns the substitute value 0h when the
analog slave supplies transparent data and when
− This analog slave has failed
− This analog slave signals “Value Invalid”
According to the AS−i Specification 3.0, these are slaves with the following
6.0.2 to 6.0.4
7.3.0 to 7.3.3
7.3.8 to 7.3.A
7.A.8 (ID1 = 3,4,5)

If the CP 343-2 is used in the ET 200M, only a limited number of
read_data_record and write_data_record jobs can be active at the same time on
the S7 CPU. The maximum number of jobs depends on the S7 CPU.
If more jobs are triggered, these are terminated with the error 80C3h (temporary
lack of resources). The rejected job must then be repeated.

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4.4.2 Programming Examples

Table 4-5

STL Explanation
//Read in analog input data for slave 5:
Call SFC 59 //RD_REC
REQ :=TRUE //Permanent trigger
IOID :=B#16#54 //Fixed value
LADDR :=W#16#100 //CP address (here 256 dec.)
RECNUM :=B#16#8D //DSNR=141 (analog data slave 5...)
BUSY :=M9.2
RECORD :=P#DB20.DBX64.0 BYTE 8 //Dest. area analog input data

//Examples: processing analog values:

L DB20DBW 64 //Slave 5, input channel 1
+ 400
T DB20.DBW 88 //Slave 6, output channel 1
T DB20.DBW 106 //Slave 8, output channel 2

//Output analog output data for slave 5..8:

REQ :=TRUE //Permanent trigger
IOID :=B#16#54 //Fixed value
LADDR :=W#16#100 //CP address (here 256 dec.)
RECNUM :=B#16#8D //DSNR=141 (analog data slave 5...)
RECORD :=P#DB20.DBX80.0 Byte 32 //Source area analog output data
BUSY :=M9.3

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5 Using the Command Interface

Via the command interface, you can control the response of the AS-i master
completely from within your user program.
This chapter contains the information you require to access the command interface
of the CP 343-2.

5.1 Description of FC “ASI_3422”

In SIMATIC S7, a convenient command interface is available with FC ASI_3422.
By calling FC ASI_3422, you can handle both the transfer of the command and the
acceptance of the response data. After it has been called, FC ASI_3422 instigates
and handles the “write_record” and “read_record” calls independently.

Points to Note
S You will find FC ASI_3422 at the following locations:
− In the STEP 7 block library “SIMATIC_NET_CP” (as of STEP 7 V5.4 SP4)
− On the accompanying product CD
S You must use version 2.0 or higher of the FC ASI_3422
S FC ASI_3422 must be interrupted during execution! FC calls must not be
programmed in priority classes that can interrupt each other (for example by a
call in OB1 and in OB35).
S If the CP 343-2 is used in the ET 200M, only a limited number of
read_data_record and write_data_record jobs can be active at the same time
on the S7 CPU. The maximum number of jobs depends on the S7 CPU.
If more than the maximum number of jobs are triggered, they are terminated
with the error 80C3h (temporary lack of resources). The rejected job must then
be repeated.

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5 Using the Command Interface

Call Interface



Table 5-1 Formal Parameters

Name Para Type Data Type Memory Area Remarks

ACT I BOOL I,Q,M,D,L,constant As long as ACT = 1, command
processing is started provided no
other call is being processed.
STARTUP I BOOL I,Q,M,D,L,constant A CPU startup is indicated to the FC
by STARTUP = 1. After the function is
run through the first time, STARTUP
must be reset by the user.
LADDR I WORD I,Q,M,D,L,constant Base address of the CP 343-2 in the
S7 address space.
The module base address is specified
during STEP 7 configuration.
SEND I ANY I,Q,M,D,L Send buffer
The parameter references a memory
area in which the command must be
specified by the user.
for example: P#DB20.DBX 20.0 byte
RECV I ANY I,Q,M,D,L Receive buffer
This buffer is only relevant for
commands that supply response
data. The parameter references a
memory area in which the command
response is stored. The length
information in the ANY pointer
specified here is irrelevant. The FC
itself obtains the length of the
response data.
for example: P#DB30.DBX 20.0 byte
DONE Q BOOL Q,M,D,L DONE = 1 signals ’job completed
without error’.
ERROR Q BOOL Q,M,D,L ERROR = 1 signals ’job terminated
with error’.

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Table 5-1 Formal Parameters, continued

Name Para Type Data Type Memory Area Remarks

STATUS I/Q DWORD M,D 1st word: Job status / error code (see
Table 5-2);
For ’job terminated with error’, an
error code is generated that describes
the error in greater detail.
2nd word: Required by the FC for
internal purposes and must not be
For FC calls to different logical
addresses (LADDR), different double
words must be used for the STATUS

Commands in the User Program

To work with commands, include the following in your user program:
1. In the warm restart branch of your S7 user program, call FC ASI_3422 once
with the parameter value STARTUP = TRUE.
2. Specify the command call in a send buffer in the user program. You transfer this
send buffer with the SEND call parameter.
3. Depending on the command type you will also require a response buffer. You
transfer this response buffer with the RECV call parameter. For status
information, the response buffer is not required for this FC interface.
4. Activate the job with the parameter ACT=1
5. You then query the parameters DONE, ERROR and STATUS. For handling
these parameters in the user program, note the signal sequence of the
parameters explained below.
The CD that ships with the CP contains sample programs.

Signal Sequence of the Formal Parameters ACT, DONE, ERROR and STATUS
A command call is started by ACT = 1. During the processing of the job, the first
word of STATUS has the value 8181H. This indicates that a job is being processed.
On completion of the job, the user is informed of the result in the DONE or ERROR
If no error occurred, DONE is set. In jobs involving response data from the CP
343-2, these are available in the receive buffer specified for RECV. In this case,
0000H is entered in the first word of STATUS.
If an error occurred, ERROR is set. In this case, no receive data are available from
the CP 343-2 for jobs with response data. To identify the error in greater detail, an
error code is entered in the first word of STATUS.

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The DONE, ERROR and STATUS parameters remain unchanged until the next job
is processed.




STATUS 8181h 0000h 8181h 0000h 8181h 8181h 8181h

8381h 0000h 0000h
Figure 5-1

Table 5-2 Error Coding


1 0 0000H Job completed without error
0 1 8090H Address in LADDR invalid
0 1 8092H A type other than BYTE is specified in the ANY reference.
0 1 8093H This SFC is not permitted for the module selected with
LADDR and IOID. (S7-300 modules are permitted for
S7-300, S7-400 modules for S7-400, S7-DP modules for
S7-300 and S7-400.)
0 1 80A0H Negative acknowledgment when reading from AS-i master.
0 1 80A1H Negative acknowledgment when writing to AS-i master
0 1 80A2H DP protocol error at Layer 2
0 1 80A3H DP protocol error involving user interface/user
0 1 80A4H Communication problems on K bus
0 1 80B0H AS-i master does not recognize the data record
0 1 80B1H Specified data record length incorrect
0 1 80B2H The configured slot is not in use.
0 1 80B3H Actual module type does not match the expected module
type in SDB1
0 1 80C0H Data record cannot be read
0 1 80C1H The specified data record is currently being processed
0 1 80C2H There is a job pileup
0 1 80C3H Resource (memory) in use
0 1 80C4H Communication error
0 1 80C5H Distributed I/Os not available

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Table 5-2 Error Coding, continued


0 1 80C6H Data record transfer aborted due to priority class abort
(warm restart or background) of the distributed I/Os.
0 0 8181H Job active (no error)
0 1 8182H ID from block execution with STARTUP=TRUE (not an
0 1 8184H Data type of the RECV formal parameter illegal
0 1 8185H Communications errors with the AS−i master
0 1 8381H The AS-i slave address is incorrect
0 1 8382H The AS-i slave is not activated (not in LAS).
0 1 8383H Error on the AS-Interface
0 1 8384H Command not permitted in the current status of the AS-i
0 1 8385H An AS-i slave with address 0 exists.
8386H The AS-i slave has illegal configuration data (I/O or ID
0 1 83A1H The addressed AS-i slave was not found on the
0 1 83A2H An AS-i slave with address 0 exists.
0 1 83A3H An AS-i slave with the new address already exists on the
0 1 83A4H The AS-i slave address cannot be deleted.
0 1 83A5H The AS-i slave address cannot be set.
0 1 83A6H The AS-i slave address cannot be stored permanently.
0 1 83A7H Error reading the extended ID1 code.
0 1 83A8H The target address is not plausible (for example a B slave
address was used for a standard slave).
0 1 83B1H A length error occurred transferring a string.
0 1 83B2H A protocol error occurred transferring a string.
0 1 83F8H The job number or the job parameter is unknown.
0 1 83F9H The AS-i master has detected an EEPROM error.
0 1 8F22H Area length area reading a parameter
8F23H Area length error writing a parameter
This error code indicates that a parameter is entirely or
partly outside the address area or that the length of a bit
array of an ANY parameter cannot be divided by 8.
0 1 8F24H Area error reading a parameter
8F25H Area error writing a parameter
This error codes indicates that a parameter is located in an
area that is illegal for a system function.
0 1 8F28H Alignment error reading a parameter

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Table 5-2 Error Coding, continued


8F29H Alignment error writing a parameter
This error code indicates that the reference to a parameter
is a bit address other than 0.
0 1 8F30H The parameter is in the write-protected global DB
8F31H The parameter is in the write-protected instance DB
This error code indicates that a parameter is located in a
write-protected data block.
0 1 8F32H The DB number in the parameter is too high
0 1 8F3AH The parameter contains the number of a DB that is not
0 1 8F42H An access error has occurred while the system attempted
to read out a parameter from the peripheral area of the
0 1 8F43H An access error occurred while the system was attempting
to write a parameter to the peripheral area of the outputs
0 1 8F44H This parameter code indicates that read access to a
parameter was denied
0 1 8F45H This error code indicates that write access to a parameter
was denied
0 1 8F7FH Internal error

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2 Description of the AS-i Slave Commands

This section describes the command calls that can be sent by the user program to
the CP 343-2. With these command calls, the CP 343-2 provides the complete
functionality of the master profile M4 of the AS-i master specification. How to use
the jobs is explained in the descriptions of the individual jobs, the PICS appendix
and the explanations in /1/ and /2/.

Table 5-3 AS-i Slave Commands

Name Parameter Return Coding

Set_Permanent_Parameter Slave address, 00H
−> described in section 5.2.1 parameter

Get_Permanent_Parameter Slave address Parameter 01H

−> described in Section 5.2.2
Write_Parameter Slave address, Parameter echo 02H
−> described in section 5.2.3 parameter (optional)

Read_Parameter Slave address Parameter value 03H

−> described in section 5.2.4
Store_Actual_Parameters 04H
−> described in section 5.2.5
Set_Extended_Permanent_Configuration Slave address 25H
−> described in section 5.2.6 Configuration data
to be created
Get_Extended_Permanent_Configuration Slave address Specified configuration 26H
−> described in section 5.2.7
Store_Actual_Configuration 07H
−> described in Section 5.2.8
Get_Extended_Actual_Configuration Slave address Actual configuration 28H
−> described in Section 5.2.9
−> described in section 5.2.10
Set_Offline_Mode Mode 0AH
−> described in section 5.2.11
Select_Autoprogramming Mode 0BH
−> described in section 5.2.12
Set_operation_mode Mode 0CH
−> described in section 5.2.13
Change_AS-i_Slave_Address Address 1, 0DH
−> described in Section 5.2.14 Address 2
Get_AS-i_Slave_Status Slave address Error record of the AS-i 0FH
−> described in Section 5.2.15 slave

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Table 5-3 AS-i Slave Commands, continued

Name Parameter Return Coding

Get_LPS, Get_LAS, Get_LDS, Get_Flags LDS, LAS, LPS, flags 30H
−> described in section 5.2.16
Get_Extended_Total_Configuration Actual configuration, 39H
−> described in section 5.2.17 current parameters,
LAS, flags
Store_Extended_Total_Configuration Total 3AH
−> described in section 5.2.18 configuration
Write_Extended_Parameter_List Parameter list 3CH
−> described in Section 5.2.19
Read_Extended_Parameter_Echo_List Parameter echo list 33H
−> described in section 5.2.20
Read_write_CTT2_request Slave address CTT2 string 44H
−> Description see Section 5.2.21 CTT2 string

Read_Version_ID Version string 14H

−> described in section 5.2.22
Read_AS-i_Slave_ID Slave address ID code 17H
−> described in section 5.2.23
Read_AS-i_Slave_Extended_ID1 Slave address Extended ID1 code 37H
−> described in section 5.2.24
Write_AS-i_Slave_Extended_ID1 Extended ID1 code 3FH
−> described in section 5.2.25
Read_AS-i_Slave_Extended_ID2 Slave address Extended ID2 code 38H
−> described in section 5.2.26
Read_AS-i_Slave_I/O Slave address I/O configuration 18H
−> described in section 5.2.27
−> described in section 5.2.28 LPF
Write_AS-i_Slave_Parameter_String Slave address, 40H
−> described in section 5.2.29 parameter string

Read_AS-i_Slave_Parameter_String Slave address Parameter string 41H

−> described in section 5.2.30
Read_AS-i_Slave_ID_String Slave address ID string 42H
−> described in section 5.2.31
Read_AS-i_Slave_Diagnostic_String Slave address Diagnostic string 43H
−> described in section 5.2.32

General Structure of the Send Buffer

The basic structure of the send buffer for commands is shown below. The bytes
only relevant with certain commands are shown on a gray background.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

Byte Meaning
q+0 Command number
q+1 Job data
q+... Job data
q = base address of the send buffer on the DP master

General Structure of the Receive Buffer

The basic structure of the response buffer is shown below. The bytes only relevant
with certain commands are shown on a gray background.

Byte Meaning
n+0 Response data
n+1 Response data
n+... Response data
n = base address of the response buffer on the DP master

General Structure of the AS-i Slave Address

If an AS-i slave is addressed in a command or in a response, the address is
structured as shown below:

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 0

S bit Slave address

Where the S(elect) bit for selecting the slave type is specified as follows:
S S bit = 0
Standard AS-i slave or AS-i slave with extended addressing mode in address
area A
S S bit = 1
AS-i slave with extended addressing mode in address area B

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.1 Set_Permanent_Parameter

With this call, a parameter value for the specified AS-i slave is configured on the
CP 343-2. The value is stored permanently in the EEPROM of the CP 343-2.
The configured parameter is not transferred immediately by the CP 343-2 to the
AS-i slave. The configured parameter value is only transferred when the AS-i slave
is activated after turning on the power supply on the CP 343-2.
This call is not permitted for AS-i slaves that comply with the AS-i slave standard
profile 7.4. For these AS-i slaves, the AS-i master handles the AS-i slave
parameter assignment itself. In this case, the configured parameters are always
set to F H.

If you configure the AS-i slaves with HW Config, using the call described here is
generally unnecessary
If you do use the call, you will overwrite the corresponding configuration data
originating from the button configuration or the configuration set with HW Config.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 Command number: 00 H
1 Slave address
2 0 Parameter

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.2 Get_Permanent_Parameter

With this call, a slave-specific parameter value stored on the EEPROM of the CP
343-2 is read.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 01 H
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 0 configured parameters

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.3 Write_Parameter

Purpose of the Command

The AS-i slave parameter value transferred with the command is passed on to the
addressed AS-i slave.
The parameter is stored on the CP 343-2 only temporarily and is not entered as a
configured parameter in the EEPROM!
The AS-i slave transfers its current parameter value in the response (parameter
echo). This can deviate from the value that has just been written according to the
AS-i master specification (/2/). The AS-i slave response is returned as a parameter
echo in the response data.
This call is not permitted for AS-i slaves that comply with the AS-i slave standard
profile 7.4. For these slaves, the AS-i master handles the AS-i slave parameter
assignment itself.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 Command number: 02 H
1 Slave address
2 0 Parameter

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 0 Parameter echo

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.4 Read_Parameter

This call returns the current parameter value (actual parameter) of an AS-i slave
sent by the CP 343-2.
This value must not be confused with the parameter echo that is supplied by the
AS-i slave as a response to the write_parameter job.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 03 H
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 0 Parameter

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.5 Store_Actual_Parameters

With this call, the configured parameters stored on the EEPROM are overwritten
with the current, permanently stored (actual) parameters; in other words, the
parameters of all the AS-i slaves are configured.
For AS-i slaves that comply with the AS-i slave standard profile 7.4, the AS-i
master manages the AS-i slave parameter assignment itself. The configured
parameters for these AS-i slaves always have the value F H.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 04 H

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.6 Set_Extended_Permanent_Configuration

This call sets the following configuration data for the addressed AS-i slave.
S I/O configuration
S ID code
S Extended ID1 code
S Extended ID2 code
The configuration data are stored permanently on the EEPROM of the CP 343-2
and are used as the expected configuration by the AS-i master in the protected
mode. The configuration data are specified by the manufacturer of the AS-i slave.
The meaning of the configuration data is described in /2/.
If the addressed AS-i slave does not support an extended ID code 1/2, the value
FH must be specified.
When this command is executed, the AS-i master changes to the of fline phase and
then changes back to the normal mode (warm restart on the AS-i master).
This call is not made in the protected mode.

If you configure the AS-i slaves with HW Config, using the call described here is
generally unnecessary
If you do use the call, you will overwrite the corresponding configuration data
originating from the button configuration or the configuration set with HW Config.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 Command number 25 H
1 Slave address
2 ID code I/O configuration
3 Extended ID1 code Extended ID2 code

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.7 Get_Extended_Permanent_Configuration

This call reads the following configuration data (configured data) of an addressed
AS-i slave stored on the EEPROM of the AS-i master .
S I/O configuration
S ID code
S Extended ID1 code
S Extended ID2 code
The configuration data are specified by the manufacturer of the AS-i slave. The
meaning of the configuration data is described in /2/.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number 26H
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 ID code I/O configuration
1 Extended ID1 code Extended ID2 code
2 0
3 0

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.8 Store_Actual_Configuration

Purpose of the Command

With this call, the (actual) configuration data (I/O configuration, ID code, extended
ID1 code and extended ID2 code) of all AS-i slaves are stored permanently in the
EEPROM as the (expected) configuration data. The list of activated AS-i slaves
(LAS) is adopted in the list of permanent AS-i slaves (LPS).
When this command is executed, the AS-i master changes to the of fline phase and
then changes back to the normal mode (warm restart on the AS-i master).
The call is not executed in the protected mode.

If you configure the AS-i slaves with HW Config, using the call described here is
generally unnecessary
If you do use the call, you will overwrite the corresponding configuration data
originating from the button configuration or the configuration set with HW Config.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 07 H

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.9 Read_Extended_Actual_Configuration

Purpose of the Command

With this call, the following configuration data of an addressed AS-i slave obtained
by the AS-i master on the AS-Interface are read.
S I/O configuration
S ID code
S Extended ID1 code
S Extended ID2 code
The configuration data are specified by the manufacturer of the AS-i slave. The
meaning of the configuration data is described in /2/.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number 28 H
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 ID code I/O configuration
1 Extended ID1 code Extended ID2 code
2 reserved
3 reserved

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.10 Set_LPS

Purpose of the Command

With this call, the list of configured AS-i slaves is transferred for permanent storage
in the EEPROM of the master.
When this command is executed, the AS-i master changes to the of fline phase and
then changes back to the normal mode (warm restart on the AS-i master).
The call is not executed in the protected mode.

If you configure the AS-i slaves with HW Config, using the call described here is
generally unnecessary
If you do use the call, you will overwrite the corresponding configuration data
originating from the button configuration or the configuration set with HW Config.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Command number 29 H
1 00H
2 0 Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3 Slave 4 Slave 5 Slave 6 Slave 7
3 Slave 8 Slave 9 Slave 10 Slave 11 Slave 12 Slave 13 Slave 14 Slave 15
4 Slave 16 Slave 17 Slave 18 Slave 19 Slave 20 Slave 21 Slave 22 Slave 23
5 Slave 24 Slave 25 Slave 26 Slave 27 Slave 28 Slave 29 Slave 30 Slave 31
6 0 Slave 1B Slave 2B Slave 3B Slave 4B Slave 5B Slave 6B Slave 7B
7 Slave 8B Slave 9B Slave Slave 11B Slave Slave Slave Slave
10B 12B 13B 14B 15B
8 Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave
16B 17B 18B 19B 20B 21B 22B 23B
9 Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave
2B4 25B 26B 27B 28B 29B 30B 31B
The bits in the LPS data have the following meaning: 0: AS-i slave not configured
1: AS-i slave configured.

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.11 Set_Offline_Mode


This call switches between the online and offline mode.

The online mode is the normal operating situation for the AS-i master. Here, the
following jobs are processed cyclically:
S During the data exchange phase, the fields of the output data are transferred to
the slave outputs for all AS-i slaves in the LAS. The addressed AS-i slaves
transfer the values of the slave inputs to the master when the transfer was free
of errors.
S This is followed by the inclusion phase in which there is a search for the existing
AS-i slaves and newly added AS-i slaves are entered in the LDS or LAS.
S In the management phase, jobs from the user such as writing parameters are
In the offline mode, the CP 343-2 only processes jobs from the user. (Jobs that
involve the immediate addressing of an AS-i slave are rejected with an error.)
There is no cyclic data exchange with the AS-i slaves.
The OFFLINE=TRUE bit is not permanently stored; in other words, following a
warm/hot restart, the CP 343-2 is once again in the online mode.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Command number: 0AH
1 0 Mode

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.12 Select Autoprogramming

This call can enable or disable the “automatic address programming” function (see
also Section 7.1).
The AUTO_ADDR_ENABLE bit is stored permanently; in other words, it is
retained after a warm/hot restart on the AS-i master.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Command number: 0BH
1 0 Value for AUTO_ADDR_ENABLE
1= Automatic address program-
ming enabled
0= Automatic address program-
ming disabled

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.13 Set_Operation_Mode

Purpose of the Command

This call changes the module between the configuration mode and the protected
In the protected mode, only AS-i slaves are activated that are entered in the LPS
and whose expected and actual configurations match, in other words, when the I/O
configuration and ID codes of the detected AS-i slaves are identical to the
configured values.
In the configuration mode, all detected AS-i slaves (except for AS-i slave “0”) are
activated. This also applies to AS-i slaves in which there are differences between
the expected and actual configuration.
The “OPERATION MODE” bit is stored permanently; in other words, it is retained
following a cold/warm restart.
When you change from the configuration mode to the protected mode, there is a
warm restart on the AS-i master (change to the of fline phase followed by a change
to the online mode).

If an AS-i slave with address 0 is entered in the LDS, the CP
343-2 module cannot change from the configuration mode to the protected mode.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Command number: 0CH
1 0 Operating mode
0= Protected mode
1=Configuration mode

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.14 Change_AS-I_Slave_Address

Purpose of the Command

With this call, the AS-i address of an AS-i slave can be modified.
This call is mainly used to add a new AS-i slave with the default address “0” to the
AS-Interface. In this case, the address is changed from “AS-i slave address old”=0
to AS-i slave address new”.
This change can only be made when the following conditions are fulfilled:
1. An AS-i slave with “AS-i slave address old” exists.
2. If the old AS-i slave address is not equal to 0, then an AS-i slave with address 0
cannot be connected at the same time.
3. The “AS-i slave address new” must have a valid value.
4. An AS-i slave with “AS-i slave address new” must not exist.
Note: When the AS-I slave address is changed, the AS-i slave is not reset, in other
words, the output data of the AS-i slave are retained until new data are received at
the new address.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 0DH
1 Slave address old
2 Slave address new

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5.2.15 Get_AS-i_Slave_Status

With this call, the status register of the addressed AS-i slave can be read out.
Depending on the type of AS-i slave, the flags of the status register have the
following meaning:

Status AS-i slave complying with standard 2.0 AS-i slave complying with standard
Bit 2.1
S0 Address volatile Address/ID code volatile
This flag is set when
S the internal slave routine for permanent storage of the AS-i slave address is
active. This can take up to 15 ms and must not be interrupted by a further
addressing call.
S the AS-i internal slave address comparison recognizes that the stored
address is not the same as the entry in the address register.
S1 Parity error detected I/O error detected
This flag is set when the AS-i slave has An AS-i slave can set this flag
recognized a parity error in a received when it has detected and error (for
frame since the last “read and delete example wire break) in the attached
status” job. I/Os.
S2 End bit error detected reserved
This flag is set when the AS-i slave has
recognized an end bit error in a frame
since the last “read and delete status” job.
S3 Read error in non-volatile memory
This bit is set when the AS-i slave has detected a read error when reading the
non-volatile memory.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 0FH
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 S3 S2 S1 S0

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.16 Get_LPS, Get_LAS, Get_LDS, Get_Flags

With this call, the following entries are read out of the CP 343-2:
S The list of active AS-i slaves (LAS)
S The list of detected AS-i slaves (LDS)
S The list of permanent AS-i slaves (LPS)
S The flags according to the AS-i slave specification

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 30H

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 reserved LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
3 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
4 reserved LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B
5 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B
6 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
16B 17B 18B 19B 20B 21B 22B 23B
7 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
24B 25B 26B 27B 28B 29B 30B 31B
8 LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
10 LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

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Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
11 LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
12 reserved LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave
1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B
13 LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave
8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B
14 LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave
16B 17B 18B 19B 20B 21B 22B 23B
15 LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave LDS slave
24B 25B 26B 27B 28B 29B 30B 31B
16 reserved LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
17 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
18 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
19 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
20 reserved LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B
21 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B
22 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
16B 17B 18B 19B 20B 21B 22B 23B
23 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
24B 25B 26B 27B 28B 29B 30B 31B
24 Flag 1
25 Flag 2
26 reserved
27 reserved
28 reserved
29 reserved
30 reserved
31 reserved

Meaning of the Bits in Bytes 0 to 23

S Bit = 0 :
The AS-i slave is not activated, detected, or configured
S Bit = 1 :
The AS-i slave is activated, detected, or configured

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

Flag 1 Flag 2
Bit Number Meaning Bit Number Meaning
5 AUTO_ADDR_ASSIGN 5 reserved
6 LDS_0 6 reserved
7 CONFIG_OK 7 MPO startup

Meaning of the Flags

Flag Meaning
OFFLINE_READY The flag is set when the offline phase is active.
APF This flag is set when the voltage on the AS-i cable is too low.
NORMAL_MODE This flag is set when the CP 343-2 is in the normal mode.
(The flag is set when the CP is in the normal mode.)
CONFIG_MODE The flag is set in the configuration mode and reset in the protected mode.
AUTO_ADDR_AVAIL This flag is set when the automatic address programming can be executed
(in other words, exactly one AS-i slave is currently out of operation).
AUTO_ADDR_ASSIGN This flag is set when the automatic address programming is possible (in
other words, AUTO_ADDR_ENABLE = 1 and there is no “incorrect” slave
connected to the AS-i Interface).
LDS_0 This flag is set when an AS-i slave exists with address 0.
CONFIG_OK This flag is set when the desired (configured) and actual configuration
OFFLINE This flag is set when the mode is to changed to OFFLINE or this mode has
already been adopted.
EEPROM_OK This flag is set when the test of the internal EEPROM did not detect any
AUTO_ADDR_ENABLE This flag indicates whether the automatic address programming is enabled
(BIT = 1) or disabled (BIT = 0) by the user.
INTERNAL This flag is always set.
PERIPHERY_FAULT This flag is set when at least one AS-i slave is signaling a peripheral fault.
MPO startup The “master_power_on_startup” flag is set after the power supply of the
AS-i slave master has been turned on. If the master is later
changed to OFFLINE, the bit is reset.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.17 Get_Extended_Total_Configuration

With this command, the following data are read from the CP 343-2:
S The list of active AS-i slaves (LAS) This indicates which of the connected AS-i
slaves are activated.
S The current configuration data of the connected AS-i slaves (I/O configuration
and ID code).
S The current parameters of the AS-i slaves (actual parameters)
S The current flags.
This command can, for example, be used to find out the configuration of the
stations connected to the AS-i cable after installation. The configuration data read
in can, if necessary, be modified and saved on the CP 343-2 as the expected
configuration using the command ‘Configure Total System’ (see Section 5.2.18).

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 39H

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 00H
1 00H
2 reserved LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
4 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
5 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
6 reserved LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B
7 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B

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5 Using the Command Interface

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
8 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
16B 17B 18B 19B 20B 21B 22B 23B
9 LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave LAS slave
24B 25B 26B 27B 28B 29B 30B 31B
10 ID_CODE slave 0 I/O configuration slave 0
11 Ext ID1 slave 0 Ext ID2 slave 0
12 ID_CODE slave 1 I/O configuration slave 1
13 Ext ID1 slave 1 Ext ID2 slave 1
14 ID_CODE slave 2 I/O configuration slave 2
15 Ext ID1 slave 2 Ext ID2 slave 2
16 ID_CODE slave 3 I/O configuration slave 3
17 Ext ID1 slave 3 Ext ID2 slave 3
18 ID_CODE slave 4 I/O configuration slave 4
19 Ext ID1 slave 4 Ext ID2 slave 4
20 ID_CODE slave 5 I/O configuration slave 5
21 Ext ID1 slave 5 Ext ID2 slave 5
22 ID_CODE slave 6 I/O configuration slave 6
23 Ext ID1 slave 6 Ext ID2 slave 6
24 ID_CODE slave 7 I/O configuration slave 7
25 Ext ID1 slave 7 Ext ID2 slave 7
26 ID_CODE slave 8 I/O configuration slave 8
27 Ext ID1 slave 8 Ext ID2 slave 8
28 ID_CODE slave 9 I/O configuration slave 9
29 Ext ID1 slave 9 Ext ID2 slave 9
30 ID_CODE slave 10 I/O configuration slave 10
31 Ext ID1 slave 10 Ext ID2 slave 10
32 ID_CODE slave 11 I/O configuration slave 11
33 Ext ID1 slave 11 Ext ID2 slave 11
34 ID_CODE slave 12 I/O configuration slave 12
35 Ext ID1 slave 12 Ext ID2 slave 12
36 ID_CODE slave 13 I/O configuration slave 13
37 Ext ID1 slave 13 Ext ID2 slave 13
38 ID_CODE slave 14 I/O configuration slave 14
39 Ext ID1 slave 14 Ext ID2 slave 14
40 ID_CODE slave 15 I/O configuration slave 15
41 Ext ID1 slave 15 Ext ID2 slave 15
42 ID_CODE slave 16 I/O configuration slave 16
43 Ext ID1 slave 16 Ext ID2 slave 16
44 ID_CODE slave 17 I/O configuration slave 17
45 Ext ID1 slave 17 Ext ID2 slave 17
46 ID_CODE slave 18 I/O configuration slave 18
47 Ext ID1 slave 18 Ext ID2 slave 18
48 ID_CODE slave 19 I/O configuration slave 19
49 Ext ID1 slave 19 Ext ID2 slave 19
50 ID_CODE slave 20 I/O configuration slave 20
51 Ext ID1 slave 20 Ext ID2 slave 20
52 ID_CODE slave 21 I/O configuration slave 21
53 Ext ID1 slave 21 Ext ID2 slave 21

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54 ID_CODE slave 22 I/O configuration slave 22

55 Ext ID1 slave 22 Ext ID2 slave 22
56 ID_CODE slave 23 I/O configuration slave 23
57 Ext ID1 slave 23 Ext ID2 slave 23
58 ID_CODE slave 24 I/O configuration slave 24
59 Ext ID1 slave 24 Ext ID2 slave 24
60 ID_CODE slave 25 I/O configuration slave 25
61 Ext ID1 slave 25 Ext ID2 slave 25
62 ID_CODE slave 26 I/O configuration slave 26
63 Ext ID1 slave 26 Ext ID2 slave 26
64 ID_CODE slave 27 I/O configuration slave 27
65 Ext ID1 slave 27 Ext ID2 slave 27
66 ID_CODE slave 28 I/O configuration slave 28
67 Ext ID1 slave 28 Ext ID2 slave 28
68 ID_CODE slave 29 I/O configuration slave 29
69 Ext ID1 slave 29 Ext ID2 slave 29
70 ID_CODE slave 30 I/O configuration slave 30
71 Ext ID1 slave 30 Ext ID2 slave 30
72 ID_CODE slave 31 I/O configuration slave 31
73 Ext ID1 slave 31 Ext ID2 slave 31
74 reserved reserved
75 reserved reserved
76 ID_CODE slave 1B I/O configuration slave 1B
77 Ext ID1 slave 1B Ext ID2 slave 1B
78 ID_CODE slave 2B I/O configuration slave 2B
79 Ext ID1 slave 2B Ext ID2 slave 2B
80 ID_CODE slave 3B I/O configuration slave 3B
81 Ext ID1 slave 3B Ext ID2 slave 3B
82 ID_CODE slave 4B I/O configuration slave 4B
83 Ext ID1 slave 4B Ext ID2 slave 4B
84 ID_CODE slave 5B I/O configuration slave 5B
85 Ext ID1 slave 5B Ext ID2 slave 5B
86 ID_CODE slave 6B I/O configuration slave 6B
87 Ext ID1 slave 6B Ext ID2 slave 6B
88 ID_CODE slave 7B I/O configuration slave 7B
89 Ext ID1 slave 7B Ext ID2 slave 7B
90 ID_CODE slave 8B I/O configuration slave 8B
91 Ext ID1 slave 8B Ext ID2 slave 8B
92 ID_CODE slave 9B I/O configuration slave 9B
93 Ext ID1 slave 9B Ext ID2 slave 9B
94 ID_CODE slave 10B I/O configuration slave 10B
95 Ext ID1 slave 10B Ext ID2 slave 10B
96 ID_CODE slave 11B I/O configuration slave 11B
97 Ext ID1 slave 11B Ext ID2 slave 11B
98 ID_CODE slave 12B I/O configuration slave 12B
99 Ext ID1 slave 12B Ext ID2 slave 12B
100 ID_CODE slave 13B I/O configuration slave 13B
101 Ext ID1 slave 13B Ext ID2 slave 13B
102 ID_CODE slave 14B I/O configuration slave 14B
103 Ext ID1 slave 14B Ext ID2 slave 14B

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104 ID_CODE slave 15B I/O configuration slave 15B

105 Ext ID1 slave 15B Ext ID2 slave 15B
106 ID_CODE slave 16B I/O configuration slave 16B
107 Ext ID1 slave 16B Ext ID2 slave 16B
108 ID_CODE slave 17B I/O configuration slave 17B
109 Ext ID1 slave 17B Ext ID2 slave 17B
110 ID_CODE slave 18B I/O configuration slave 18B
111 Ext ID1 slave 18B Ext ID2 slave 18B
112 ID_CODE slave 19B I/O configuration slave 19B
113 Ext ID1 slave 19B Ext ID2 slave 19B
114 ID_CODE slave 20B I/O configuration slave 20B
115 Ext ID1 slave 20B Ext ID2 slave 20B
116 ID_CODE slave 21B I/O configuration slave 21B
117 Ext ID1 slave 21B Ext ID2 slave 21B
118 ID_CODE slave 22B I/O configuration slave 22B
119 Ext ID1 slave 22B Ext ID2 slave 22B
120 ID_CODE slave 23B I/O configuration slave 23B
121 Ext ID1 slave 23B Ext ID2 slave 23B
122 ID_CODE slave 24B I/O configuration slave 24B
123 Ext ID1 slave 24B Ext ID2 slave 24B
124 ID_CODE slave 25B I/O configuration slave 25B
125 Ext ID1 slave 25B Ext ID2 slave 25B
126 ID_CODE slave 26B I/O configuration slave 26B
127 Ext ID1 slave 26B Ext ID2 slave 26B
128 ID_CODE slave 27B I/O configuration slave 27B
129 Ext ID1 slave 27B Ext ID2 slave 27B
130 ID_CODE slave 28B I/O configuration slave 28B
131 Ext ID1 slave 28B Ext ID2 slave 28B
132 ID_CODE slave 29B I/O configuration slave 29B
133 Ext ID1 slave 29B Ext ID2 slave 29B
134 ID_CODE slave 30B I/O configuration slave 30B
135 Ext ID1 slave 30B Ext ID2 slave 30B
136 ID_CODE slave 31B I/O configuration slave 31B
137 Ext ID1 slave 31B Ext ID2 slave 31B
138 reserved Parameters slave 1
139 Parameters slave 2 Parameters slave 3
140 Parameters slave 4 Parameters slave 5
141 Parameters slave 6 Parameters slave 7
142 Parameters slave 8 Parameters slave 9
143 Parameters slave 10 Parameters slave 11
144 Parameters slave 12 Parameters slave 13
145 Parameters slave 14 Parameters slave 15
146 Parameters slave 16 Parameters slave 17
147 Parameters slave 18 Parameters slave 19
148 Parameters slave 20 Parameters slave 21
149 Parameters slave 22 Parameters slave 23
150 Parameters slave 24 Parameters slave 25
151 Parameters slave 26 Parameters slave 27
152 Parameters slave 28 Parameters slave 29
153 Parameters slave 30 Parameters slave 31

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154 reserved Parameters slave 1B

155 Parameters slave 2B Parameters slave 3B
156 Parameters slave 4B Parameters slave 5B
157 Parameters slave 6B Parameters slave 7B
158 Parameters slave 8B Parameters slave 9B
159 Parameters slave 10B Parameters slave 11B
160 Parameters slave 12B Parameters slave 13B
161 Parameters slave 14B Parameters slave 15B
162 Parameters slave 16B Parameters slave 17B
163 Parameters slave 18B Parameters slave 19B
164 Parameters slave 20B Parameters slave 21B
165 Parameters slave 22B Parameters slave 23B
166 Parameters slave 24B Parameters slave 25B
167 Parameters slave 26B Parameters slave 27B
168 Parameters slave 28B Parameters slave 29B
169 Parameters slave 30B Parameters slave 31B
170 Flag 1
171 Flag 2
172 reserved
... .....
218 reserved

Flag 1 Flag 2
Bit Number Meaning Bit Number Meaning
5 AUTO_ADDR_ASSIGN 5 reserved
6 LDS_0 6 reserved
7 CONFIG_OK 7 MPO startup
The meaning of the flags is the same as for the Get_LPS, Get_LAS, Get_LDS,
Get_Flags job.

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.18 Store_Extended_Total_Configuration

With this call, the required total configuration of the AS interface is transferred to
the AS-i master and stored permanently in the EEPROM as the expected
configuration. This configures the CP 343-2.
The following data are transferred:
S The list of configured AS-i slaves specifying the AS-i slaves that can be
activated by the AS-i master in the protected mode.
S The list of configuration data specifying the ID codes and I/O configurations the
AS-i slaves must have.
S The list of AS-i slave parameters configured on the AS-i master and stored in
non-volatile memory. These parameters are transferred to the AS-i slaves when
the AS-i master starts up.
S The flags that determine the operating status of the AS-i master following start
Up to firmware version V2.x, this call is not executed in protected mode.
As of firmware version V3.0, the call is permitted both in protected and in
configuration mode.
For AS-i slaves that comply with the standard profile 7.4, the AS-i master manages
the parameter assignment itself. The parameter values for slaves complying with
standard profile 7.4 specified in the call are ignored by the AS-i master.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Command number: 3Ah
1 00h
2 reserved LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
4 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
5 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
6 reserved LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B
7 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B

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Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
8 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
16B 17B 18B 19B 20B 21B 22B 23B
9 LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave LPS slave
24B 25B 26B 27B 28B 29B 30B 31B
10 ID_CODE slave 0 I/O configuration slave 0
11 Ext ID1 slave 0 Ext ID2 slave 0
12 ID_CODE slave 1 I/O configuration slave 1
13 Ext ID1 slave 1 Ext ID2 slave 1
14 ID_CODE slave 2 I/O configuration slave 2
15 Ext ID1 slave 2 Ext ID2 slave 2
16 ID_CODE slave 3 I/O configuration slave 3
17 Ext ID1 slave 3 Ext ID2 slave 3
18 ID_CODE slave 4 I/O configuration slave 4
19 Ext ID1 slave 4 Ext ID2 slave 4
20 ID_CODE slave 5 I/O configuration slave 5
21 Ext ID1 slave 5 Ext ID2 slave 5
22 ID_CODE slave 6 I/O configuration slave 6
23 Ext ID1 slave 6 Ext ID2 slave 6
24 ID_CODE slave 7 I/O configuration slave 7
25 Ext ID1 slave 7 Ext ID2 slave 7
26 ID_CODE slave 8 I/O configuration slave 8
27 Ext ID1 slave 8 Ext ID2 slave 8
28 ID_CODE slave 9 I/O configuration slave 9
29 Ext ID1 slave 9 Ext ID2 slave 9
30 ID_CODE slave 10 I/O configuration slave 10
31 Ext ID1 slave 10 Ext ID2 slave 10
32 ID_CODE slave 11 I/O configuration slave 11
33 Ext ID1 slave 11 Ext ID2 slave 11
34 ID_CODE slave 12 I/O configuration slave 12
35 Ext ID1 slave 12 Ext ID2 slave 12
36 ID_CODE slave 13 I/O configuration slave 13
37 Ext ID1 slave 13 Ext ID2 slave 13
38 ID_CODE slave 14 I/O configuration slave 14
39 Ext ID1 slave 14 Ext ID2 slave 14
40 ID_CODE slave 15 I/O configuration slave 15
41 Ext ID1 slave 15 Ext ID2 slave 15
42 ID_CODE slave 16 I/O configuration slave 16
43 Ext ID1 slave 16 Ext ID2 slave 16
44 ID_CODE slave 17 I/O configuration slave 17
45 Ext ID1 slave 17 Ext ID2 slave 17
46 ID_CODE slave 18 I/O configuration slave 18
47 Ext ID1 slave 18 Ext ID2 slave 18
48 ID_CODE slave 19 I/O configuration slave 19
49 Ext ID1 slave 19 Ext ID2 slave 19
50 ID_CODE slave 20 I/O configuration slave 20
51 Ext ID1 slave 20 Ext ID2 slave 20
52 ID_CODE slave 21 I/O configuration slave 21
53 Ext ID1 slave 21 Ext ID2 slave 21

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54 ID_CODE slave 22 I/O configuration slave 22

55 Ext ID1 slave 22 Ext ID2 slave 22
56 ID_CODE slave 23 I/O configuration slave 23
57 Ext ID1 slave 23 Ext ID2 slave 23
58 ID_CODE slave 24 I/O configuration slave 24
59 Ext ID1 slave 24 Ext ID2 slave 24
60 ID_CODE slave 25 I/O configuration slave 25
61 Ext ID1 slave 25 Ext ID2 slave 25
62 ID_CODE slave 26 I/O configuration slave 26
63 Ext ID1 slave 26 Ext ID2 slave 26
64 ID_CODE slave 27 I/O configuration slave 27
65 Ext ID1 slave 27 Ext ID2 slave 27
66 ID_CODE slave 28 I/O configuration slave 28
67 Ext ID1 slave 28 Ext ID2 slave 28
68 ID_CODE slave 29 I/O configuration slave 29
69 Ext ID1 slave 29 Ext ID2 slave 29
70 ID_CODE slave 30 I/O configuration slave 30
71 Ext ID1 slave 30 Ext ID2 slave 30
72 ID_CODE slave 31 I/O configuration slave 31
73 Ext ID1 slave 31 Ext ID2 slave 31
74 0 0
75 0 0
76 ID_CODE slave 1B I/O configuration slave 1B
77 Ext ID1 slave 1B Ext ID2 slave 1B
78 ID_CODE slave 2B I/O configuration slave 2B
79 Ext ID1 slave 2B Ext ID2 slave 2B
80 ID_CODE slave 3B I/O configuration slave 3B
81 Ext ID1 slave 3B Ext ID2 slave 3B
82 ID_CODE slave 4B I/O configuration slave 4B
83 Ext ID1 slave 4B Ext ID2 slave 4B
84 ID_CODE slave 5B I/O configuration slave 5B
85 Ext ID1 slave 5B Ext ID2 slave 5B
86 ID_CODE slave 6B I/O configuration slave 6B
87 Ext ID1 slave 6B Ext ID2 slave 6B
88 ID_CODE slave 7B I/O configuration slave 7B
89 Ext ID1 slave 7B Ext ID2 slave 7B
90 ID_CODE slave 8B I/O configuration slave 8B
91 Ext ID1 slave 8B Ext ID2 slave 8B
92 ID_CODE slave 9B I/O configuration slave 9B
93 Ext ID1 slave 9B Ext ID2 slave 9B
94 ID_CODE slave 10B I/O configuration slave 10B
95 Ext ID1 slave 10B Ext ID2 slave 10B
96 ID_CODE slave 11B I/O configuration slave 11B
97 Ext ID1 slave 11B Ext ID2 slave 11B
98 ID_CODE slave 12B I/O configuration slave 12B
99 Ext ID1 slave 12B Ext ID2 slave 12B
100 ID_CODE slave 13B I/O configuration slave 13B
101 Ext ID1 slave 13B Ext ID2 slave 13B
102 ID_CODE slave 14B I/O configuration slave 14B
103 Ext ID1 slave 14B Ext ID2 slave 14B

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104 ID_CODE slave 15B I/O configuration slave 15B

105 Ext ID1 slave 15B Ext ID2 slave 15B
106 ID_CODE slave 16B I/O configuration slave 16B
107 Ext ID1 slave 16B Ext ID2 slave 16B
108 ID_CODE slave 17B I/O configuration slave 17B
109 Ext ID1 slave 17B Ext ID2 slave 17B
110 ID_CODE slave 18B I/O configuration slave 18B
111 Ext ID1 slave 18B Ext ID2 slave 18B
112 ID_CODE slave 19B I/O configuration slave 19B
113 Ext ID1 slave 19B Ext ID2 slave 19B
114 ID_CODE slave 20B I/O configuration slave 20B
115 Ext ID1 slave 20B Ext ID2 slave 20B
116 ID_CODE slave 21B I/O configuration slave 21B
117 Ext ID1 slave 21B Ext ID2 slave 21B
118 ID_CODE slave 22B I/O configuration slave 22B
119 Ext ID1 slave 22B Ext ID2 slave 22B
120 ID_CODE slave 23B I/O configuration slave 23B
121 Ext ID1 slave 23B Ext ID2 slave 23B
122 ID_CODE slave 24B I/O configuration slave 24B
123 Ext ID1 slave 24B Ext ID2 slave 24B
124 ID_CODE slave 25B I/O configuration slave 25B
125 Ext ID1 slave 25B Ext ID2 slave 25B
126 ID_CODE slave 26B I/O configuration slave 26B
127 Ext ID1 slave 26B Ext ID2 slave 26B
128 ID_CODE slave 27B I/O configuration slave 27B
129 Ext ID1 slave 27B Ext ID2 slave 27B
130 ID_CODE slave 28B I/O configuration slave 28B
131 Ext ID1 slave 28B Ext ID2 slave 28B
132 ID_CODE slave 29B I/O configuration slave 29B
133 Ext ID1 slave 29B Ext ID2 slave 29B
134 ID_CODE slave 30B I/O configuration slave 30B
135 Ext ID1 slave 30B Ext ID2 slave 30B
136 ID_CODE slave 31B I/O configuration slave 31B
137 Ext ID1 slave 31B Ext ID2 slave 31B
138 0 Parameters slave 1
139 Parameters slave 2 Parameters slave 3
140 Parameters slave 4 Parameters slave 5
141 Parameters slave 6 Parameters slave 7
142 Parameters slave 8 Parameters slave 9
143 Parameters slave 10 Parameters slave 11
144 Parameters slave 12 Parameters slave 13
145 Parameters slave 14 Parameters slave 15
146 Parameters slave 16 Parameters slave 17
147 Parameters slave 18 Parameters slave 19
148 Parameters slave 20 Parameters slave 21
149 Parameters slave 22 Parameters slave 23
150 Parameters slave 24 Parameters slave 25
151 Parameters slave 26 Parameters slave 27
152 Parameters slave 28 Parameters slave 29
153 Parameters slave 30 Parameters slave 31

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154 reserved Parameters slave 1B

155 Parameters slave 2B Parameters slave 3B
156 Parameters slave 4B Parameters slave 5B
157 Parameters slave 6B Parameters slave 7B
158 Parameters slave 8B Parameters slave 9B
159 Parameters slave 10B Parameters slave 11B
160 Parameters slave 12B Parameters slave 13B
161 Parameters slave 14B Parameters slave 15B
162 Parameters slave 16B Parameters slave 17B
163 Parameters slave 18B Parameters slave 19B
164 Parameters slave 20B Parameters slave 21B
165 Parameters slave 22B Parameters slave 23B
166 Parameters slave 24B Parameters slave 25B
167 Parameters slave 26B Parameters slave 27B
168 Parameters slave 28B Parameters slave 29B
169 Parameters slave 30B Parameters slave 31B
170 Flag 1
171 Flag 2

Flag 1 Flag 2
Bit Number Meaning Bit Number Meaning
6 LDS_0 6 0
7 CONFIG_OK 7 MPO startup
Flags whose values modify the AS-i master mode are shown in gray. The values of
the other flags have no significance for the ‘store total configuration’ command and
cannot be modified on the AS-i master with this call.

CONFIG_MODE The entry ‘0’ means that the AS-i master changes to the protected mode
after executing the command. The entry ‘1’ means that the configuration
mode is retained.
0: On completion of the job, the AS-i master starts up in the protected mode.
1: On completion of the job, the AS-i master starts up in the configuration
AUTO_ADDR_ENABLE ’0’ means that the automatic address programming is disabled, ’1’ means
that the automatic address programming is enabled.
0: Automatic address programming disabled.
1: Address programming enabled

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5.2.19 Write_Extended_Parameter_List

With this command, the parameters for all slaves are transferred to the AS-i
master. The AS-i master transfers only the parameters that have changed; in
other words, that differ from the previously set (actual) parameters to the
AS-i slaves.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Command number: 3C H
1 00H
2 irrelevant Parameters slave 1
3 Parameters slave 2 Parameters slave 3
4 Parameters slave 4 Parameters slave 5
5 Parameters slave 6 Parameters slave 7
6 Parameters slave 8 Parameters slave 9
7 Parameters slave 10 Parameters slave 11
8 Parameters slave 12 Parameters slave 13
9 Parameters slave 14 Parameters slave 15
10 Parameters slave 16 Parameters slave 17
11 Parameters slave 18 Parameters slave 19
12 Parameters slave 20 Parameters slave 21
13 Parameters slave 22 Parameters slave 23
14 Parameters slave 24 Parameters slave 25
15 Parameters slave 26 Parameters slave 27
16 Parameters slave 28 Parameters slave 29
17 Parameters slave 30 Parameters slave 31
18 irrelevant Parameters slave 1B
19 Parameters slave 2B Parameters slave 3B
20 Parameters slave 4B Parameters slave 5B
21 Parameters slave 6B Parameters slave 7B
22 Parameters slave 8B Parameters slave 9B
23 Parameters slave 10B Parameters slave 11B
24 Parameters slave 12B Parameters slave 13B
25 Parameters slave 14B Parameters slave 15B
26 Parameters slave 16B Parameters slave 17B
27 Parameters slave 18B Parameters slave 19B
28 Parameters slave 20B Parameters slave 21B
29 Parameters slave 22B Parameters slave 23B
30 Parameters slave 24B Parameters slave 25B
31 Parameters slave 26B Parameters slave 27B
32 Parameters slave 28B Parameters slave 29B
33 Parameters slave 30B Parameters slave 31B

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.20 Read_Extended_Parameter_Echo_List

The read parameter echo list call outputs the echo values of all AS-i slaves. The
echo values of an AS-i slave originate from the last parameter call sent to this AS-i

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 33h
1 00h

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
1 irrelevant Par echo slave 1
2 Par echo slave 2 Par echo slave 3
3 Par echo slave 4 Par echo slave 5
4 Par echo slave 6 Parameters slave 7
6 Par echo slave 8 Par echo slave 9
5 Par echo slave 10 Par echo slave 11
6 Par echo slave 12 Par echo slave 13
7 Par echo slave 14 Par echo slave 15
8 Par echo slave 16 Par echo slave 17
9 Par echo slave 18 Par echo slave 19
10 Par echo slave 20 Par echo slave 21
11 Par echo slave 22 Par echo slave 23
12 Par echo slave 24 Par echo slave 25
13 Par echo slave 26 Par echo slave 27
14 Par echo slave 28 Par echo slave 29
15 Par echo slave 30 Par echo slave 31
16 irrelevant Par echo slave 1B
17 Par echo slave 2B Par echo slave 3B
18 Par echo slave 4B Par echo slave 5B
19 Par echo slave 6B Parameters slave 7B
20 Par echo slave 8B Par echo slave 9B
21 Par echo slave 10B Par echo slave 11B
22 Par echo slave 12B Par echo slave 13B
23 Par echo slave 14B Par echo slave 15B
24 Par echo slave 16B Par echo slave 17B
25 Par echo slave 18B Par echo slave 19B
26 Par echo slave 20B Par echo slave 21B
27 Par echo slave 22B Par echo slave 23B
28 Par echo slave 24B Par echo slave 25B
29 Par echo slave 26B Par echo slave 27B
30 Par echo slave 28B Par echo slave 29B
31 Par echo slave 30B Par echo slave 31B

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.21 Read_Write_CTT2_request

Using this call, a CTT2 request according to AS-i slave profile
“CombinedTranslationType2” can be sent to the AS-i master as a byte string. This
forwards the string bytes to the AS-i slave address specified in the send buf fer.
With this call, a send buffer with a maximum of 223 bytes is transferred to the AS-i
master. The actual number of string bytes to be sent to the AS-i slave is calculated
by the AS-i master from byte 2 of the send buf fer (number of string bytes).
The CTT2 request is replied to by the addressed AS-i slave with a CTT2 response.
The AS-i master transfers this response as a byte string in the response buf fer.
The strings are transferred by the AS−i master with the response.
The structure of the CTT2 request or CTT2 response (code, index, ...) always
begins with string byte 1. For more detailed information, refer to the relevant AS-i
slave description.
As long as strings are being transferred on AS-i, there is no cyclic data transfer
with the addresses AS-i slave.
Due to the type of protocol, the transfer of approximately 200 bytes can take up to
half a minute.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 44 H
1 Slave address
2 Number of string bytes
3 String byte 1
4 String byte 2
... ...
... String byte (n−1)
... (String byte n)

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Number of string bytes
1 String byte (1)
2 String byte (2)
... .....
String byte (n-1)
... String byte (n)

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5.2.22 Read_Version_ID


This call reads out the version ID of the firmware of the AS-i master .

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 14H

The response of the AS-i master contains the name and the firmware version

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
0...31 Version string

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5.2.23 Read_AS-i_Slave_ID

With this call, the ID code of an AS-i slave can be read out directly over the AS-i
cable. The call is intended for diagnostic purposes and is not required in the normal
master mode.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 17H
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 reserved ID code

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5.2.24 Read_AS-i_Slave_Extended_ID1

With this call, the extended ID1 code of an AS-i slave can be read out directly over
the AS-i cable. The call is intended for diagnostic purposes and is not required in
the normal master mode.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 37H
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 reserved Extended ID1 code

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5.2.25 Write_AS-i_Slave_Extended_ID1

With this call, the extended ID1 code of an AS-i slave with address “0” can be
written directly over the AS-i cable. The call is intended for diagnostic purposes
and is not required in the normal master mode.
The AS-i master passes on the extended ID1 code to the AS-i slave without any
plausibility check.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 3FH
1 irrelevant Extended ID1 code

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5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.26 Read_AS-i_Slave_Extended_ID2

With this call, the extended ID2 code of an AS-i slave can be read out directly over
the AS-i cable. The call is intended for diagnostic purposes and is not required in
the normal master mode.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 38H
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 reserved Extended ID2 code

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5.2.27 Read_AS-i_Slave_I/O

With this call, the I/O configuration of an AS-i slave can be read out directly over
the AS-i cable. The call is intended for diagnostic purposes and is not required in
the normal master mode.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 18
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0
0 reserved I/O configuration

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5.2.28 Get_LPF

With this call, the list of peripheral faults (LPF) signaled by the AS-i slaves is read
out from the AS-i master. The LPF is updated cyclically by the AS-i master.
Whether and when as AS-i slave signals faults of the attached peripherals (for
example wire break) can be found in the description of the AS-i slave.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number 3E H

Structure of the Replies in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Slave 0 Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3 Slave 4 Slave 5 Slave 6 Slave 7
1 Slave 8 Slave 9 Slave 10 Slave 11 Slave 12 Slave 13 Slave 14 Slave 15
2 Slave 16 Slave 17 Slave 18 Slave 19 Slave 20 Slave 21 Slave 22 Slave 23
3 Slave 24 Slave 25 Slave 26 Slave 27 Slave 28 Slave 29 Slave 30 Slave 31
4 Slave 0B Slave 1B Slave 2B Slave 3B Slave 4B Slave 5B Slave 6B Slave 7B
5 Slave 8B Slave 9B Slave 10B Slave 11B Slave 12B Slave 13B Slave 14B Slave 15B
6 Slave 16B Slave 17B Slave 18B Slave 19B Slave 20B Slave 21B Slave 22B Slave 23B
7 Slave 2B4 Slave 25B Slave 26B Slave 27B Slave 28B Slave 29B Slave 30B Slave 31B
8 reserved
... reserved
13 reserved
For the LPF data, the bit values have the following meaning:
Bit=0: Slave signals no peripheral fault
Bit=1: Slave signals peripheral fault.

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5.2.29 Write_AS-i_Slave_Parameter_String

With this call, a parameter string complying with AS-i slave profile 7.4 can be sent
to the AS-i master that passes on the string to the AS-i slave address specified in
the send buffer.
With this call, a send buffer with a maximum of 223 bytes is transferred to the AS-i
master. The actual number of parameter bytes to be sent to the AS-i slave is
calculated by the AS-i master from byte 2 of the send buf fer (number of parameter
The remaining information in the string is not evaluated by the AS-i master and is
passed on to the AS-i slave transparently. As long as the string transfer is active,
there is no user/analog data exchange with the addressed AS-i slave.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number: 40 H
1 Slave address
2 Number of parameter bytes
3 String byte (1)
4 String byte (2)
... .....
String byte (n-1)
... String byte (n)

Maximum value for n=220

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5.2.30 Read_AS-i_Slave_Parameter_String

With this call, a parameter string complying with AS-i slave profile 7.4 can be read
from the AS-i slave with the AS-i slave address specified in the send buffer.
The AS-i master supplies up to 221 bytes of response data. The number of
parameter bytes actually sent by the AS-i slave is signaled by the AS-I master in
byte 0 of the receive buffer (number of parameter bytes).
If the AS-i slave sends a string longer than 220 bytes, the AS-i master aborts the
string transfer and terminates the job with an error. The received data are then not
made available to the user program.
As long as the string transfer is active, there is no user/analog data exchange with
the addressed AS-i slave.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number 41H
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Number of parameter bytes
1 String byte (1)
2 String byte (2)
... .....
String byte (n-1)
... String byte (n)

Maximum value for n=220

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 101
5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.31 Read_AS-i_Slave_ID_String

With this call, an identification string complying with the AS-i slave profile 7.4 can
be read from the AS-i slave with the AS-i slave address specified in the send
buffer. The AS-i master supplies up to 221 bytes of response data. The number of
ID bytes actually sent by the AS-i slave is signaled by the AS-i master in byte 0 of
the receive buffer (number of ID bytes).
If the AS-i slave sends a string longer than 220 bytes, the AS-i master aborts the
string transfer and terminates the job with an error. The received data are then not
made available to the user program.
As long as the string transfer is active, there is no user/analog data exchange with
the addressed AS-i slave.

As an exception, with this call, the bytes contained in the bits “Follows” and “Valid”
are also transferred (see AS-i slave profile 7.4).

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number 42H
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Number of ID bytes
1 String byte (1)
2 String byte (2)
... .....
... String byte (n-1)
... String byte (n)

Maximum value for n=220

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

102 Release 08/2008
5 Using the Command Interface

5.2.32 Read_AS-i_Slave_Diagnostic_String

With this call, a diagnostic string complying with AS-i slave profile 7.4 can be read
from the AS-i slave with the AS-i slave address specified in the send buffer. The
AS-i master supplies up to 221 bytes of response data. The number of diagnostic
bytes actually sent by the AS-i slave is signaled by the AS-i master in byte 0 of the
receive buffer (number of diagnostic bytes).
If the AS-i slave sends a string longer than 220 bytes, the AS-i master aborts the
string transfer and terminates the job with an error. The received data are then not
made available to the user program.
As long as the string transfer is active, there is no user/analog data exchange with
the addressed AS-i slave.

Structure of the Job Data in the Send Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Command number 43H
1 Slave address

Structure of the Response Data in the Receive Buffer

Byte Meaning
0 Number of diagnostic bytes
1 String byte (1)
2 String byte (2)
... .....
... String byte (n-1)
... String byte (n)

Maximum value for n=220

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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6 Diagnostics and Interrrupts of the CP 343-2

In the protected mode, the CP 343-2 signals a diagnostic interrupt whenever the
configuration on the AS-Interface is changed. Changes in the configuration might
be that voltage on the AS-Interface is too low (AS-i Power Fail) or that
configuration errors have been detected (missing, incorrect or existing but
unconfigured AS-i slaves).

6.1 Overview
If the CP 343-2 detects an external or internal fault/error (AS-i slave failures,
EEPROM error on the CP, ...) during operation, it signals this by triggering a
diagnostic interrupt on the S7 I/O bus.
The S7 CPU then interrupts the cyclic user program (OB1), enters the event as
“module fault” in the system diagnostic buffer and behaves as follows:
S If the user has not programmed a suitable interrupt OB (OB82), the PLC CPU
changes to the STOP mode!
S If the user has programmed OB 82, this is started by the PLC operating
system. The local data of OB 82 already provides the user with a certain
amount of diagnostic information. (Which module triggered the interrupt. What
type of error has occurred ...). The user program can obtain more detailed
information (which slave has failed? ...) by reading the diagnostic data record
DS 1 using the system functions SFC 51 (”RDSYSST”) or SFC 59 (”RD_REC”).
When OB82 has been executed, the PLC continues the cyclic program (OB1)
at the point at which it was interrupted.

OB82 cannot be programmed on the CPU 312; in other words, if a diagnostic
interrupt occurs, the CPU changes to the STOP mode.

6.2 Interrupt Events

The CP 343-2 distinguishes between interrupt events entering and leaving the
state. If the occurrence of an interrupt event leads to an error-free status, a
diagnostic interrupt leaving state is triggered (in OB 82: Bit OB82_MDL_DEFECT
= 0). All other interrupt events result in a diagnostic interrupt entering state (Bit
The following events can lead to a diagnostic interrupt being triggered by the CP

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

104 Release 08/2008
6 Diagnostics and Interrrupts of the CP 343-2

CP-external interrupt events:

S All changes to the AS-i slave configuration in the protected mode
S AS-i Power Fail in the protected mode

CP-internal interrupt events:


CP-internal interrupt events are always events entering the state. After a
CP-internal interrupt event occurs, the group error bit remains = TRUE. This is
only reset again after a restart on the S7-300.

6.3 Sequence of Diagnostic Interrupt Processing

If the CP 343-2 detects an interrupt event, it triggers a diagnostic interrupt. The
PLC CPU finds the source of the interrupt and reads data record 0 from the CP. It
then interrupts the cyclic user program and behaves as follows:
S If OB82 is not programmed, the PLC CPU changes to ST OP as the default
S If organization block OB82 his programmed, this is started. DS 0 is available in
the local data bytes 8 to 11 in the local data area of OB82. It is possible (but not
necessary) to read DS 1 that contains the delta list in OB82 using an SFC call
(SFC 51 “RDSYSST” or SFC 59 ”RD_REC”). When OB has been executed, the
PLC CPU acknowledges the diagnostic interrupt on the CP 342-2.

If interrupt events occur in a status in which they cannot be signaled by triggering a

diagnostic interrupt (for example, when the PLC is in the STOP mode or when an
older diagnostic interrupt is not yet been acknowledged), the CP 343-2 behaves as
S As soon as it becomes possible to trigger a diagnostic interrupt again, and if the
total CP configuration (in other words, AS-i slave configuration and CP-internal,
interrupt-relevant state) at this point in time is not the same as the configuration
signaled earlier with the diagnostic interrupt, a diagnostic interrupt with the
current configuration information is triggered.
S When it becomes possible again to trigger a diagnostic interrupt and if the total
CP configuration is the same as signaled earlier with the diagnostic interrupt, no
diagnostic interrupt is triggered. This means that brief slave failures (for
example, a bad contact) can go unnoticed.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 105
6 Diagnostics and Interrrupts of the CP 343-2

6.4 Response to Interrupts in Different CP Operating States

The CP 343-2 generates diagnostic interrupts triggered by external interrupt events
only in the protected mode and not in the configuration mode.
If the PLC CPU changes to STOP, the internal interrupt history is reset; in other
words, the bit OB82_MDL_DEFECT and all other error bits in DS 0 are reset.
If there is a change from the protected mode to the configuration mode, the
external interrupt history is reset. If the CP 343-2 changes from the configuration
mode to the protected mode and if there is a configuration error at this point in
time, this is signaled with a diagnostic interrupt. If it is temporarily not possible to
issue a diagnostic interrupt (for example, because the PLC is in the STOP mode),
a diagnostic interrupt is generated at the next possible time only if the problem still

6.5 Local Data of the Diagnostic Organization Block (OB82)

The following table shows the DS 0 available in the local data of OB82 (local byte 8
to local byte 11). For the meaning of the other OB82 local data, please refer to the
STEP 7 descriptions.

Byte Bit Variable Name Data Type Meaning

8 20 OB82_MDL_DEFECT BOOL Group error bit (0: interrupt leaving
state, 1: interrupt entering state)
8 21 OB82_INT_FAULT BOOL Internal CP error (for example
EEPROM defective).
8 22 OB82_EXT_FAULT BOOL External CP error (for example slave
failed or APF).
8 23 OB82_PNT_INFO BOOL At least one slave differs from the
expected configuration.
8 24 OB82_EXT_VOLTAGE BOOL Voltage on the AS-Interface too low
8 25 OB82_FLD_CONNCTR BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
8 26 OB82_NO_CONFIG BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
8 27 OB82_CONFIG_ERR BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
9 20... OB82_MDL_TYPE − Module class, for CP 343–2: C hex
9 24 OB82_MDL_TYPE BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 1
9 25 OB82_MDL_TYPE BOOL reserved

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

106 Release 08/2008
6 Diagnostics and Interrrupts of the CP 343-2

Byte Bit Variable Name Data Type Meaning

9 26 OB82_MDL_TYPE BOOL S with the CP with firmware V2.x:
always “0”
S with the CP as of firmware V3.0:
at least 1 AS−i slave is signaling
an IO error.
9 27 OB82_MDL_TYPE BOOL reserved
10 20 OB82_SUB_NDL_ERR BOOL At least one slave differs from the
expected configuration.
10 21 OB82_COMM_FAULT BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
10 22 OB82_MDL_STOP BOOL 0: CP 343-2 is in the normal state,
1: CP 343-2 is in the offline state
10 23 OB82_WTCH_DOG_FLT BOOL Hardware error on the CP (internal
10 24 OB82_INT_PS_FLT BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
10 25 OB82_PRIM_BATT_FLT BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
10 26 OB82_BCKUP_BATT_FLT BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
10 27 OB82_RESERVED_2 BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
11 20 OB82_RACK_FLT BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
11 21 OB82_PROC_FLT BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
11 22 OB82_EPROM_FLT BOOL EEPROM of the CP 343-2 defective
11 23 OB82_RAM_FLT BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
11 24 OB82_ADU_FLT BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
11 25 OB82_FUSE_FLT BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0
11 26 OB82_RESERVED_3 BOOL with the CP 343-2 always 0

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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6 Diagnostics and Interrrupts of the CP 343-2

6.6 Reading the Diagnostic Data Record DS 1

The CP 343-2 continuously updates a delta list containing all the slaves that exist
but that differ from the configuration; in other words, they are missing, incorrect, or
not configured (each slave is assigned a bit in the delta list: 0 = no error; 1 = error).
This delta list is part of the diagnostic data record DS1 that can be read out by
calling the operating system functions SFC 51 “RDSYSST” or SFC 59 ”RD_REC”.
To optimize the time at which DS1 is read, it is advisable to use SFC 51.
On the CP 343-2, DS 1 always has a length of 16 bytes and is structured as

Byte Value/meaning
0−3 These four bytes contain DS 0 and correspond to the local data bytes 8
to 11 in OB82.

Byte Value Purpose

4 60H Fixed value
5 00H Fixed value
6 40H Fixed value

Byte Bit *) Value/meaning *)

7 0..7 1: error in AS-i slave 0.. 7
8 0..7 1: error in AS-i slave 8..15
9 0..7 1: error in AS-i slave 16..23
10 0..7 1: error in AS-i slave 24..31
11 0..7 1: error in AS-i slave 0B.. 7B
12 0..7 1: error in AS-i slave 8B..15B
13 0..7 1: error in AS-i slave 16B..23B
14 0..7 1: error in AS-i slave 24B..31B
15 reserved
*) Bit 0 belongs to slave 0, bit 1 belongs to slave 1 etc.

After the programming example, Section 6.7 contains an example of evaluating the
delta list.

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108 Release 08/2008
6 Diagnostics and Interrrupts of the CP 343-2

6.7 Programming Example

The following example illustrates how you can react to a diagnostic interrupt of the
CP 343-2 in OB82 by reading the data record (DS1).

Table 6-1

STL Explanation
OB82 local data:

20.0 temp t_header Struct //No relevance for the CP 343-2

+0.0 temp len WORD
+2.0 temp nr WORD
=4.0 temp END_STRUCT

OB82 Code:

L 256 //Address of the CP 343-2

L #OB82_MDL_ADDR //Interrupt from the CP 343-2
SZL_ID :=W#16#B3 //DS1 via logical base address
INDEX :=W#16#100 //CP address (256 dec.)
BUSY :=M9.4
SZL_HEADER :=#t_header //Structure of the local data
DR :=P#M 100.0 Byte 16 //Destination for DS1

//Example of an error reaction

0 M107.1 //Error: slave 1

0 M107.7 //Error: slave 7
0 M111.3 //Error: slave 3B
= M9.5 //Error bit

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

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6 Diagnostics and Interrrupts of the CP 343-2

6.8 Diagnostic Interrupts: Some Examples

It is assumed that slaves 1 and 12 were configured using the buttons on the CP
343-2 and that the CP 343-2 is in the protected mode.
If slave 7 fails, the CP 343-2 generates a diagnostic interrupt. The PLC operating
system then enters the “module fault” message in the system diagnostic buf fer and
starts OB82 (refer to the programming example in Section 6.7). When OB82 has
been executed, the delta list contains the following information:
MD 107 80 00 00 00H
MD 111 00 00 00 00H
If the unconfigured slave 15 is then connected to the AS-interface, the CP 343-2
generates another diagnostic interrupt. The “module fault” message appears in the
system diagnostic buffer again.The delta list then changes to the following value:
MD 107 80 80 00 00H
MD 111 00 00 00 00H
After reconnecting slave 7 to the AS-interface, there is still an error (slave 15). The
“module fault” message appears in the system diagnostic buffer and the delta list
has the following value:
MD 107 00 80 00 00H
MD 111 00 00 00 00H
After disconnecting slave 15, no error exists any longer. The CP 343-2 signals this
in the diagnostic interrupt. The “module OK” appears in the system diagnostic
buffer and the Delta list is empty:
MD 107 00 00 00 00H
MD 111 00 00 00 00H

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

110 Release 08/2008
7 Dealing with Problems / Error Displays

This chapter contains information about special operating states of the CP 343-2. It
is intended to help you to deal with problems.

7.1 Replacing a Defective AS-i Slave/Automatic Address


Simple Replacement of AS-i Slaves

Using the automatic address programming function, you can replace failed AS-i
slaves extremely simply.

Remember that “automatic address programming” is only possible when the CP
343-2 is in the protected mode and only one AS-i slave has failed.
Slaves with profile CTT5 (multiaddress slaves) do not support automatic address

The sections below explain how to replace failed AS-i slaves using the automatic
address programming function.

Detecting a Defective AS-i Slave

If the AUP LED is lit (only in the protected mode) this indicates the following:
S Exactly one slave has failed.
S Automatic address programming by the CP 343-2 is possible.
You can recognize the failed AS-i slave simply because the LED assigned to the
slave flashes on the front panel.

Replacing a Defective AS-i Slave

S Replace the defective AS-i slave with an identical AS-i slave with address
zero (default address).
The CP 343-2 then programs this slave with the address of the original station that
had failed.
The “AUP” display goes off. The LED in the slave display of the CP 343-2 module
indicates that the slave has been included.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 111
7 Dealing with Problems / Error Displays

7.2 Error Displays/Remedying Errors

The following table lists the possible causes of errors that can occur when
operating the CP 343-2 and how to remedy the problem.

Table 7-1

Error Possible Cause Remedy

APF LED lit Power requirements of the AS-i Check the power requirements of
slaves are too high. Result: The the AS-i slaves. If necessary, sup-
voltage on the AS-i cable is too ply the AS-i slaves with an exter-
low. nal voltage.
Power requirements of the AS-i Check the power requirements of
slave too high. the AS-i slaves. If necessary,
supply the slaves with power
PWR LED not lit The CP connection to the Check whether the module is
backplane bus is faulty. plugged in correctly.
SF lights up without pressing the The CP 342−2 is in the protected Eliminate the configuration error.
button. mode and an AS-i configuration
error has occurred (for example
slave failure).
The CP is defective. Internal Replace the CP.
EEPROM error −> see signaling
S7−300 system diagnostic buffer.
SF is lit when the SET button is A slave with address 0 exists Remove the slave with address 0
pressed. when there is a change to the pro- from the AS-i cable.
tected mode.
CER LED is permanently lit. The CP 343-2 module has not yet Configure the CP 343-2 module
been configured. using the SET button on the front
A configured AS-i slave has failed Replace the defective AS-i slave
(evaluate the slave display). or reconfigure the CP 343-2 mo-
dule if the AS-i slave is not requi-
An unconfigured slave was con- Remove the AS-i slave or reconfi-
nected to the AS-i cable. gure the CP 343-2 module.
An AS-i slave was connected Check whether the wrong slave
whose configuration data (I/O con- has been connected. If necessary,
figuration, ID code) do not match reconfigure the CP 343-2.
the values of the configured AS-i
Short circuit on the AS-i cable Check the AS-i cable and the con-
nected AS-i slaves.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

112 Release 08/2008
7 Dealing with Problems / Error Displays

Table 7-1 continued

Error Possible Cause Remedy

The CER display flickers, in other Bad contact Check the electrical connections
words a configured slave is lost of the AS-i slaves.
Interference on the AS-i cable. Check the correct grounding of
the CP 343-2 module and check
the AS-i cable. Check that the
shield of the AS-i power supply
unit is connected correctly.
The CP 343-2 does not switch The PLC is in the “RUN” mode. Switch the PLC to “STOP”.
from the configuration mode to
The SET button was not pressed Press the SET button for at least
the protected mode.
long enough. 0.5 seconds.
An AS-i slave with address 0 is Remove the AS-i slave with ad-
connected to the AS-i cable. dress 0.
The CP 343-2 cannot change to
the protected mode as long as
this slave exists.
The CP 343-2 does not switch The PLC is in the “RUN” mode. Switch the PLC to “STOP”.
from the protected mode to the
The SET button was not pressed Press the SET button for at least
configuration mode.
long enough. 0.5 seconds.
After failure of an AS-i slave, the The CP 343-2 is in the configura- ”Automatic Programming” is not
“AUP” display remains off. tion mode. possible in the configuration
Program the address of the new
AS-i slave with the address pro-
grammer or using the command
interface of the CP 343-2.
More than one AS-i slave has fai- Check the AS-i cable.
led. If “APF” is displayed at the same
time, check the power supply on
the AS-i cable.
If more than one slave is defec-
tive, program the address on the
replaced slaves using the addres-
sing unit.
The CP 343-2 has not detected Remove the unconfigured AS-i
configured AS-i slaves. slaves from the AS-i cable.
The AUTO_ADDRESS_ENABLE Set the bit with the appropriate
flag is not set. FC calls
Automatic address programming The configuration data (I/O confi- Check whether the correct “repla-
is unsuccessful although the guration, ID code) of the replaced cement slave” was used.
“AUP” display is lit. AS-i slave do not match the va- Compare the information from the
lues of the original slave. manufacturer about configuration
If you want to replace the original
slave with a different type, assign
the address with the addressing
unit and reconfigure the CP 343-2
module (with the SET button).
The replaced AS-i slave does not Set the address of the replaced
have the address “ZERO”. slave with the addressing unit.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 113
7 Dealing with Problems / Error Displays

Table 7-1 continued

Error Possible Cause Remedy

The replaced AS-i slave is not cor- Check the connections of the
rectly connected or is defective. slave and if necessary replace the
The “CER” LED and the LEDs of An extender is installed in the AS- Correct the connections on the
active AS-i slaves flicker irregu- interface with “Line1” and “Line2” extender.
larly. and the connections are reversed.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

114 Release 08/2008
A AS-Interface Protocol Implementation
Conformance Statement (PICS)

PICS for the CP 343−2

Table A-1

Product Name CP 343-2
Order Number 6GK7 343−2AH11−0XA0
Version V3.0
Master Profile M4
Date 03.03.2008

List of Available Master Functions

Symbols in column 3 (M4)

Symbol Meaning

X Function exists

− Function does not exist

Table A-2 PICS

No. Function or Call on the Host Interface M4 Comment / Function implemented by

(symbolic representation)
1 Image, Status = Read_IDI() X By the PLC accessing the I/O data of the
CP 343−2 or with data record DS 150 for B
2 Status = Write_ODI(Image) X By the PLC accessing the I/O data of the
CP 342−2 or with data record DS 150 for B
3 Status = Set_Permanent_Parameter(Addr, X see Section 5.2
4 Param, Status = X see Section 5.2
5 Status, Param = Write_Parameter(Addr, X see Section 5.2
6 Status, Param = Read_Parameter(Addr) X see Section 5.2

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 115
A AS-Interface Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)

Table A-2 PICS, (continued)

No. Function or Call on the Host Interface M4 Comment / Function implemented by

(symbolic representation)
7 Status = Store_Actual_Parameters() X see Section 5.2
8 Status = X see Section 5.2
9 Status, Config = X see Section 5.2
10 Status = Store_Actual_Configuration() X By pressing the SET button; also using a
command (see Section 5.2)
11 Status, Config = X see Section 5.2
12 Status = Set_LPS(List31) X see Section 5.2
13 Status, List31 = Get_LPS() X see Section 5.2
14 Status, List31 = Get_LAS() X see Section 5.2
15 Status, List32 = Get_LDS() X see Section 5.2
16.0 Status = Get_Flags() X see Section 5.2
16.1 Status, Flag = Get_Flag_Config_OK() X see Section 5.2
16.2 Status, Flag = Get_Flag_LDS.0() X see Section 5.2
16.3 Status, Flag = X see Section 5.2
16.4 Status, Flag = X see Section 5.2
16.5 Status, Flag = X see Section 5.2
16.6 Status, Flag = X see Section 5.2
16.7 Status, Flag = Get_Flag_APF() X CPerror bit, LED display;
(see Section 5.2)
16.8 Status, Flag = Get_Flag_Offline_Ready() X see Section 5.2
16.9 Status, Flag = Get_Flag_Periphery_OK() X see Section 5.2
17 Status = Set_Operation_Mode(Mode) X By pressing the SET button; also using a
command (see Section 5.2)
18 Status = Set_Offline_Mode(Mode) X see Section 5.2
19 Status = Activate_Data_Exchange(Mode) − optional command
20 Status = Change_Slave_Address(Addr1, X see Section 5.2
21.1 Status = Set_Auto_Address_Enable X see Section 5.2
21.2 Status = Get_Auto_Address_Enable X see Section 5.2

116 CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008
A AS-Interface Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)

Table A-2 PICS, (continued)

No. Function or Call on the Host Interface M4 Comment / Function implemented by

(symbolic representation)
22.1 Status, Resp = − optional command
Cmd_Reset_ASI_Slave(Addr, RESET)
22.2 Status, Resp = X see Section 5.2
22.3 Status, Resp = X see Section 5.2
22.4 Status, Resp = Cmd_Read_Status(Addr, X see Section 5.2
22.5 Status, Resp = − optional command
22.6 Status, Resp = X see Section 5.2
22.7 Status, Resp = X see Section 5.2
23 Status, S_List = Get_LPF() X see Section 5.2
24 Status = X see Section 5.2
25 AImage, Status = Read_AIDI() X not implemented
26 Status = Write_AODI(AImage) X not implemented
27 String, Status = Read_ParamStr(S_Addr) X not implemented
28 Status = Write_ParamStr(S_Addr, String) X not implemented
29 String, Status = Read_DiagStr(S_Addr) X not implemented
30 String, Status = Read_IdentStr(S_Addr) X not implemented

Part B Supported Slave Profiles

1 Support of extended address mode X

2 Support of Combined transaction type 1 X
integrated (S-7.3 only)
3 Full support of Combined transaction X Only profiles 7.3/7.4 are supported.
type 1 integrated
4 Support of Combined transaction type 2 X
5 Support of Combined transaction type 3 X

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 117
A AS-Interface Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)

Table A-2 PICS, (continued)

No. Function or Call on the Host Interface M4 Comment / Function implemented by

(symbolic representation)
6 Support of Combined transaction type 4 X
7 Support of Combined transaction type 5 X

How the AS-i cycle time depends on the number of connected slaves
The AS-i cycle time can be calculated using the following formula:

If 5 or more AS-i slaves are activated:

tcycl = (1 + number of activated AS-i slaves) x 154 ms

If less than 5 AS-i slaves are activated:

tcycl = (1 + number of activated AS-i slaves) x 654 ms

If two 2 AS-i slaves with extended addressing mode occupy the same address (for
example, address 5A and address 5B), this slave pair is calculated as one 1 AS-i
slave in the above formula. The reason for this is that slave pairs with the same
address are addressed only in every second cycle. The cycle time in the formula
above is therefore doubled for such slaves.

118 CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008
B References and Literature

/1/ AS−Interface. Das Aktuator−Sensor−Interface für die Automation

ISBN 978−3446210646
AS−Interface. The Actuator−Sensor−Interface for Automation
ISBN 978−3446210653
Werner Kriesel, O.W. Madelung, Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien 1999

/2/ AS−Interface Complete Specification

can be ordered from the AS-i Association
AS−International Association
Zum Taubengarten 52
D−63571 Gelnhausen
Tel.: +49 − 6051 − 473212
Fax.: +49 − 6051 − 473282
E−Mail: info@as−interface.net
(The AS-i technology is promoted by the AS-Interface Association)
Internet address of the AS-International Association:

/3/ SIMATIC NET Industrielle Kommunikation für Automation and Drives

Catalog IK PI
The catalog can be ordered from your local SIEMENS branch office or distributor.

S7−300 Automation System
− CPU 31xC and 31x Installation: Operating Instructions (ID: 13008499)
− Module Data: Reference Manual (ID: 8859629)
Siemens AG

− Distributed I/O Device ET 200M
Operating Instructions (ID: 1142798)
− ET 200M Signal Modules for Process Automation
Configuration Manual (ID: 7215812)
Siemens AG

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 119
B References and Literature

Order numbers
The order numbers of the SIEMENS documentation listed above can be found in
the catalogs “SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication and Field Devices, Catalog
IK PI” and “SIMATIC Programmable Controllers SIMATIC S7 / M7 / C7 −
Components for Integrated Automation, Catalog ST70”.
You can order these catalogs and obtain additional information from your local
SIEMENS branch or distributor.
You will find many of the Siemens AG manuals on the Internet pages of Siemens
Customer Support for automation:

Enter the ID of the manual in the search box. The ID is shown in parentheses in
the literature references.
You can locate manuals included in the online documentation of the STEP 7
installation on your PG/PC from the Start menu (Start > SIMA TIC >
You will find an overview of the SIMATIC documentation at:

120 CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008
C Notes on the CE Mark

Product name:
CP 343−2 Order no.: 6GK7 343−2AH01−0XA0
CP 343−2 P Order no.: 6GK7 343−2AH11−0XA0

EC Directive EMC 2014/30/EU

The product listed above meets the requirements of the EC Directive
2014/30/EU “Electromagnetic Compatibility”.
The EC Declaration of Conformity is available for the responsible authorities
according to the above mentioned EU Directive at the following address:
Siemens AG
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 48
92224 Amberg

For more information see:


Area of Application
The product meets the following requirements:

Area of application Requirements

Emission Immunity
Industrial area EN 61000−6−4 : 2007 EN 61000−6−2 : 2005

If the product is used in a domestic area, it may interfere with other devices.

Installation Instructions
The product meets the requirements if you adhere to the installation instructions in
Chapter 2 and in /4/ and /5/ during installation and operation.

Notes for the Manufacturers of Machines

The product is not a machine in the sense of the EU Machinery Directive. There is
therefore no declaration of conformity relating to the EU Machinery Directive
2006/42/EC for this product.
If the product is integrated as part of the equipment of a machine, it must be included in
the conformity application of the manufacturer.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 121
D Glossary

AS-i Power Fail Flag or LED display that indicates that the power supply on the
AS-i cable is too low or has failed (for example failure of the AS-i power supply

Automation system

AS-i (AS-Interface)
Actuator-sensor interface. A network system for the lowest field area of the
automation range. It is suitable for networking sensors and actuators with the
controllers (previously known as: SINEC S1).

AS-i A/B slave

AS-i A/B slaves use the extended addressing mode. Pairs of A/B slaves can be
assigned to one address on the AS-Interface; by organizing addresses in this
way, up to 62 AS-i A/B slaves can be attached to the AS-Interface.

AS-i analog slave

AS-i analog slaves are special AS-i standard slaves that exchange analog values
with the AS-i master.

AS-i master
The AS-i master is used to monitor and control the simplest binary actuators and
sensors via AS-i modules or AS-i slaves.
A distinction is made between a standard AS-i master and the extended AS-i

122 CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008
D Glossary

AS-i module
For the AS-Interface, a module concept has been defined that allows the block-
like linking of AS-i slaves − sensors and actuators − via AS-i modules.
The following types of module exist:
The active AS-i module with an integrated AS-i chip; using this, up to four con-
ventional sensors and actuators can be connected.
The passive AS-i module; this functions as a distributor and provides a connec-
tion for up to four sensors and actuators with an integrated AS-i chip.
In keeping with the concept of the standard AS-i master and the extended AS-i
master, either AS-i chips with standard functions or with extended functions are
used in the AS-i slaves.

AS-i slave
All the nodes that can be addressed by an AS-i master are known as AS-i
AS-i slaves are distinguished by their design (AS-i modules and sensors or
actuators with an integrated AS-i attachment) and their address range (AS-i
standard slaves and AS-i A/B slaves with the extended addressing mode).

AS-i standard slave

An AS-i standard slave always occupies one address on the AS-Interface; with
this address organization, up to 31 AS-i standard slaves can be attached to the

AS-i Power Fail Flag or LED display that indicates that the power supply on the
AS-i cable is too low or has failed (for example failure of the AS-i power supply

Extended AS-i master

An extended AS-i master supports 31 addresses that can be used for standard
AS-i slaves or AS-i slaves with the extended addressing mode. This increases
the number of addressable AS-i slaves to a maximum of 62.
The extended AS-i masters of SIMATIC NET support the integrated transfer of
AS-Interface analog slaves that operate in compliance with Profile 7.3/7.4 of the
AS-Interface Specification.

Protected mode
In protected mode, the AS−i master exchanges data only with the configured
AS−i slaves. ”Configured” means that the slave addresses stored on the AS−i
master and the configuration data match the values of the existing AS-i slaves.

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 123
D Glossary

List of activated slaves

List of detected slaves.

List of permanent slaves.

A nibble is a unit of information consisting of four bits.

Standard AS-i master

Up to 31 standard slaves or slaves with the extended addressing mode (A slaves
only) can be attached to a standard AS-i master.

124 CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008
A ESD guidelines, 11
Examples, binary/analog value access. Siehe
Accessing binary data
programming examples
B slaves, 44, 46
standard and A slaves, 42
Acyclic services, programming, 48
Addressing in the S7−AS, 24 F
Addressing slaves, 45 FAQs, 6
Analog values FC ASI_3422, 14, 53
examples of accessing via data records, 50
mapping in data records, 48
AS−i A/B slave, 31, 35 I
AS−i analog slave, 31, 34
Interface , AS CPU, 39
in B address area, 35
Interrupt events, external/internal, 105
AS−i slave commands, 59
AS−i Slaves to AS−i Specification V3, 36
AS−i standard slave, 31
AS−Interface, interface to the slave, 39 M
AS-i analog slave, addressing, 40 Master functions, available, 115
cycle time, 118
slave, replacing defective slaves, 111 N
Automatic address programming, 111
Nibble, 40
Noise immunity/grounding, 11
Command interface, 53 P
description of the commands, 59
PICS, 115
general structure of the receive buffer, 61
Problems, 112
general structure of the send buffer, 60
Programming examples, 43, 46, 52
in SIMATIC S7, 53
Protected mode, 19, 22, 23, 104
Configuration, button configuration, 19
Configuration mode, 19, 22, 23
Configuration with S7−300 / ET 200M, 12, 13
Configuring, Button configuration, 22 R
Configuring in STEP 7, 28 Response to interrupts, in different CP
CTT slaves, 36 operating states, 106

Diagnostic data record, DS1, 108 Siemens slave, 32
Diagnostic interrupt processing, sequence, 105 Signal sequence of the formal parameters
Diagnostic OB, OB82, 106 ACT, DONE, ERROR and STATUS, 55
Download to project, 38 Slave address, general structure, 61
DP slave, configuring properties, 29 Slave addressing, example, 41
Slave configuration, 31
Slave Diagnostics, 104
E Slaves, detected/activated, display, 19
Slots, 24
Error coding, 56
permitted, 23, 26
Error displays, 112
Standard AS−i slave, 33
remedies, 112

CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008 125
Technical specifications, 15

Upload to PG, 38
User program, 55

126 CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master

Release 08/2008
Technical description 1
Using the command
interface 5
Dealing with problems /
error displays 7

Supplement to manual
AS-Interface Master
CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P

Operating Manual

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation for the specific task, in particular its warning notices and
safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of
identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be adhered to. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this
publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG A5E03006584020A-01 Copyright © Siemens AG 2010.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 08/2010 Technical data subject to change
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Technical description ................................................................................................................................. 5

1.10 AS-Interface operation with 24 V voltage (AS-i Power24V) ..........................................................5
5 Using the command interface .................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Description of FC "ASI_3422" (supplements) ................................................................................9
5.2 Description of the AS-i-slave commands (supplements) .............................................................10
5.2.17 Read_extended_total_configuration (command number: 39H) ................................................... 10
5.2.21 Read_write_CTT2_request (command number: 44H) ..................................................................10
5.2.30 Read_AS−i−slave_parameter_string (command number: 41H) ...................................................10
5.2.31 Read_AS−i−slave_ID−string (command number: 42H)................................................................10
5.2.32 Read_AS−i−slave_diagnostic_string (command number: 43H) ...................................................10
7 Dealing with problems / error displays ..................................................................................................... 11
7.1 Replacing a defective AS-i slave/automatic address programming ............................................11
7.1.1 Automatic address programming after failure of one or more AS-i slaves (CP with
firmware version V3.1 or higher)..................................................................................................11
7.1.2 Automatic address programming after failure of an AS-i slave (CP with firmware version
V3.0 or lower)...............................................................................................................................13
7.2 Error displays/remedying errors...................................................................................................14
7.2.1 Error displays/remedying errors (incompatibilities) ......................................................................14

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01 3
CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7
4 Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01
Technical description 1
1.10 AS-Interface operation with 24 V voltage (AS-i Power24V)

The AS-Interface cable transports communication signals as well as supply voltage for the
modules and sensors / actuators (depending on module type). The nominal supply voltage is
normally 30 V DC and is supplied by an AS-Interface power supply unit. This power supply
unit also contains the data decoupling circuit required to operate the system.
Following enhancement of the AS-Interface specification in 2010, it is now possible to use a
nominal supply voltage of 24 V DC, which means that standard power supply units can be
employed. In this case, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
● An external data decoupling module is connected between the power supply unit and
other bus components (master and slaves).
● All components are approved for a 24 V DC supply voltage.
In order to limit the voltage drop on the AS-Interface cable, the maximum permissible cable
length specified for a 24 V DC supply voltage is 50 m. The extension plug cannot be used to
extend the cable length.
The AS-Interface method of communication is identical for both 30 V and 24 V supply
voltages. The possible number of addresses and slaves on the AS-Interface network is
therefore unaffected by the supply voltage used. Communication signals must be decoupled
from the power supply. The data decoupling circuit required is integrated in standard AS-
Interface power supply units (30 V DC).

Using a standard 24 V DC or 30 V DC power supply unit
 The AS-Interface system is designed to comply with protection class III (PELV) in
accordance with IEC 61140. For this reason, the standard 24 V DC or 30 V DC power
supply unit must also comply with these requirements!
 When you use a standard 24 V DC or 30 V DC power supply unit, you must install a
data decoupling module between the power supply unit and AS-Interface network!

● CP 343−2 (6GK7 343-2AH01-0XA0) and
● CP 343−2 P (6GK7 343-2AH11-0XA0)
with product version 02 or higher have been approved for operation with 24 V DC and
30 V DC.

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01 5
Technical description
1.10 AS-Interface operation with 24 V voltage (AS-i Power24V)

Voltage lower than 22.5 V on the AS-Interface
If the voltage on the AS-Interface is less than 22.5 V (+/-1 V),
 the CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P generates the message "AS-i POWER FAIL" (APF) when
voltage monitoring is activated (setting in delivery state) and
 halts operation of the AS-Interface network.
The slaves connected to the AS-Interface network shut down automatically in response to
In order to ensure fault-free operation under these conditions, voltage monitoring must be

Voltage monitoring is activated in the delivery state and the

CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P module is thus preset for operation on a 30 V supply voltage.

Checking the setting of voltage monitoring (only on 6GK7 343-2AH01-0XA0 and

6GK7 343-2AH11-0XA0, product version 02):

Step Meaning
1: Install the CP as described in Section 2.2.
2: Switch the power supply to the SIMATIC station off and The CP performs a self-test when it powers up. All the LEDs
then on again. on the CP light up while it is powering up. Then the LEDs go
3: Check the status of the voltage monitoring by reading the There are two different cases:
LED display.  Voltage monitoring is activated (setting in delivery state):
The LEDs immediately indicate the operating state
described in Section 1.5
 Voltage monitoring is deactivated (for AS-i Power24V
operation): The two LEDs "APF" and "0" flash for about
2 s, the LEDs then display the operating state described
in Section 1.5.

Checking the setting for voltage monitoring

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

6 Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01
Technical description
1.10 AS-Interface operation with 24 V voltage (AS-i Power24V)

Deactivating the voltage monitoring (only on 6GK7 343-2AH01-0XA0 and 6GK7 343-2AH11-0XA0,
product version 02):

Step Meaning
1: Install the CP as described in Section 2.2.
2: Switch the power supply to the SIMATIC station off and The CP performs a self-test when it powers up. All the LEDs
then on again. on the CP light up while it is powering up. Then the LEDs go
3: Check the status of the voltage monitoring by reading the There are two different cases:
LED display.  Voltage monitoring is activated (setting in delivery state):
The LEDs immediately indicate the operating state
described in Section 1.5
 Voltage monitoring is deactivated (for AS-i Power24V
operation): The two LEDs "APF" and "0" flash for about
2 s, the LEDs then display the operating state described
in Section 1.5.
4: Press and hold down the "SET" button (for at least 5 s) Pushbutton actuation detected. The device is in setting
until the LED "APF" flashes. mode.
This action is only possible within 30 s of switching on the
SIMATIC station.
5: Release the "SET" button. The LED "APF" flashes.
Voltage monitoring status display:
 LED "1" lights up: Voltage monitoring is activated
(setting in delivery state)
 LED "0" lights up: Voltage monitoring is deactivated
(AS-i Power24V operation).
6: Press the "SET" button briefly (several times if The LED "APF" flashes.
necessary). Voltage monitoring switchover:
 LED "1" lights up: Voltage monitoring is activated
 LED "0" lights up: Voltage monitoring is deactivated.
7: Press and hold down the "SET" button (for at least 5 s) The setting of the voltage monitoring has been stored in
until the LED "APF" goes out. non-volatile memory in the CP.
Observe the information in the safety notices underneath
this table.
8: Transition to normal operation Meaning of the displays and operator controls: Analogous to
Section 1.5.
Deactivating the voltage monitoring

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01 7
Technical description
1.10 AS-Interface operation with 24 V voltage (AS-i Power24V)

Note on step 2: Termination of power-up by pressing the "SET" button:
While the CP is powering up, do not press the "SET" button, if you press the "SET" button
the CP will switch to a special internal state: An LED running light display is activated (LED
"SF" - "PWR" - "APF" - "CER" - "AUP" - "CM"). The CP cannot operate normally in this
special state.
To cancel this special state, the power supply to the SIMATIC station must be switched off.

Note on step 7 (storing the setting):
If you want to cancel the setting of the voltage monitoring without saving it, you must switch
off the power supply to the SIMATIC station instead of performing step 7.

The CP will be ready to run (normal operation) immediately after powering up.

Note on steps 4 to 8:
Perform steps 4 to 8 only if you want to change the current setting of the voltage

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

8 Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01
Using the command interface 5
5.1 Description of FC "ASI_3422" (supplements)

If the receive buffer of the FC ASI_3422 is too short, any bordering memory areas are
overwritten. The length specification in the ANY pointer of the parameter RECV when
calling the FC ASI_3422 is irrelevant. The required length of the receive buffer can be found
in the description of the command. The supplements listed below must be observed.

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01 9
Using the command interface
5.2 Description of the AS-i-slave commands (supplements)

5.2 Description of the AS-i-slave commands (supplements)

5.2.17 Read_extended_total_configuration (command number: 39H)

The receive buffer must have a length of 221 bytes (byte 0 to 220).
The highest bytes 172 to 220 are reserved and may be overwritten by the AS-i master with
zero values.

5.2.21 Read_write_CTT2_request (command number: 44H)

The receive buffer must have a length of 221 bytes (byte 0 to 220).
The number of bytes actually transferred by the AS-i slave depends on the CTT2 response.
The additional bytes contained in the receive buffer may be overwritten by the AS-i master
with zero values.

5.2.30 Read_AS−i−slave_parameter_string (command number: 41H)

The receive buffer must have a length of 221 bytes (byte 0 to 220).
The number of bytes actually transferred by the AS-i slave depends on the slave. The
additional bytes contained in the receive buffer may be overwritten by the AS-i master with
zero values.

5.2.31 Read_AS−i−slave_ID−string (command number: 42H)

The receive buffer must have a length of 221 bytes (byte 0 to 220).
The number of bytes actually transferred by the AS-i slave depends on the slave. The
additional bytes contained in the receive buffer may be overwritten by the AS-i master with
zero values.

5.2.32 Read_AS−i−slave_diagnostic_string (command number: 43H)

The receive buffer must have a length of 221 bytes (byte 0 to 220).
The number of bytes actually transferred by the AS-i slave depends on the slave. The
additional bytes contained in the receive buffer may be overwritten by the AS-i master with
zero values.

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

10 Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01
Dealing with problems / error displays 7
7.1 Replacing a defective AS-i slave / automatic address programming

7.1.1 Automatic address programming after failure of one or more AS-i slaves (CP with
firmware version V3.1 or higher)

AS-i slave replacement with CP 343-2 (6GK7 343-2AH01-0XA0) and

CP 343-2 P (6GK7 343-2AH11-0XA0), product version 02/firmware version V3.1 or higher
The "Automatic address programming" function makes it particularly easy for you to
replace defective AS-i slaves.

Automatic address programming:
You can use the automatic address programming function only if the CP is operating in
"protected mode" and one or more AS-i slaves have failed.
If several AS-i slaves have failed, the defective slaves must be uniquely identified in the
configuration by their slave profile (I/O configuration, ID code, ID2 code) and ID1 code. The
automatic address programming function does not work if two identical slaves have failed.
The automatic address programming function also supports slaves with the "CTT5" profile
(multi-address slaves) and AS-i devices which contain multiple internal slave addresses. A
precondition for support is that each internal slave is uniquely identified (I/O configuration,
ID code, ID2 code, ID1 code).

Examples of devices with multiple internal slave addresses which support automatic address
● K60 module with 8DI/2DO (3RK2400-1HQ00-0AA3)
● M200D motor starter AS-i standard (3RK1325- ...).
If no address has yet been assigned to these devices (setting in delivery state), only one
zero address is visible on the bus. The device automatically suppresses the other internal
zero addresses.

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01 11
Dealing with problems / error displays
7.1 Replacing a defective AS-i slave / automatic address programming

Automatic address programming does not work on the following devices as the internal
slaves all have identical identifiers (I/O configuration, ID code, ID2 code, ID1 code).
 K60 module with 8 DI (3RK1200-0DQ00-0AA3, 3RK2200-0DQ00-0AA3,
 K45 safety-oriented module with 4 F-DI (3RK1205-0CQ00-0AA3).

Detection of a defective AS-i slave

An illuminated "AUP" LED signals the following (in "protected operation" only):
1. Slave failure:
● Exactly one slave has failed, or
● A device containing multiple different slaves has failed, or
● Multiple slaves or devices have failed, each of the failed slaves having a unique
configuration (identifier)
2. Automatic address programming by the CP 343-2 is possible.
You can identify a failed AS-i slave by flashing of the LED assigned to the slave on the front
The corresponding LEDs flash to indicate failure of a device with more than one internal
slave address.

Replacement of a defective AS-i slave

● Replace the defective AS-i slave by an identical AS-i slave with address "zero" (setting in
delivery state),or
● Replace the defective AS-I device (containing multiple internal slave addresses) by an
identical AS-i device with address "zero" on all internal slaves (setting in delivery state).

Replacement of a defective AS-i slave:
Only one address "zero" may be configured on the bus at any one time. If you want to
replace several slaves or devices, you must replace them one after the other (with
AS-i master switched on).

For the new slave or device, the CP 343-2 programs the address or addresses of the original
node which has been replaced.
The LEDs "AUP" and "CER" go out once all slaves have been correctly replaced. The newly
added slave is signaled by illumination of the relevant LED.

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

12 Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01
Dealing with problems / error displays
7.1 Replacing a defective AS-i slave / automatic address programming

7.1.2 Automatic address programming after failure of an AS-i slave (CP with firmware
version V3.0 or lower)

AS-i slave replacement with

● CP 343-2 (6GK7 343-2AH01-0XA0) and CP 343-2 P (6GK7 343-2AH11-0XA0),
product version 01 / firmware version V3.0 or earlier, and
● CP 343-2 (6GK7 343-2AH00-0XA0) and CP 343-2 P (6GK7 343-2AH10-0XA0),
all product versions or firmware version V2.x

The "Automatic address programming" function makes it particularly easy for you to
replace defective AS-i slaves.

Automatic address programming:
You can use the automatic address programming function only if the CP 343-2 is operating
in "protected mode" and only one AS-i slave has failed.
Slaves with the "CTT5" profile (multi-address slaves) do not support automatic address

Detection of a defective AS-i slave

An illuminated "AUP" LED signals the following (in "protected operation" only):
● Exactly one slave has failed
● Automatic address programming by the CP 343-2 is possible.
You can identify a failed AS-i slave by flashing of the LED assigned to the slave on the front
The corresponding LEDs flash to indicate failure of a device with more than one internal
slave address.

Replacement of a defective AS-i slave

Replace the defective AS-i slave by an identical AS-i slave with address "zero" (setting in
delivery state).
For this slave, the CP 343-2 programs the address of the original node which has been
The LEDs "AUP" and "CER" go out once the slave has been correctly replaced. The
CP 343-2 signals the newly added slave by illumination of the relevant LED in the slave

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01 13
Dealing with problems / error displays
7.2 Error displays/remedying errors

7.2 Error displays/remedying errors

7.2.1 Error displays/remedying errors (incompatibilities)

Below are listed possible fault indicators, and potential remedial measures, when operating
the CP 343−2 with incompatible slaves.
Error Possible cause Remedy
CER indicator flickers or lights up, and A connected slave is not compatible Connect only slaves that are
other LEDs may also flicker or light up with the AS-i master since the slave compatible with the AS-i specification
(AUP, SF, LEDs 0-9) operates in accordance with a higher of the master, or replace the (older)
version of the AS-i specification. master with a current AS-i master that
For examples, see below. is compatible with the connected
slaves. A master can process slaves if
the version of the slave specification is
equal to or lower than the version of the
master specification.
Examples of incompatible combinations of AS-i slaves and AS-i master (list not complete):
● Slave of type A/B
including A/B slave with 4 inputs/3 outputs (e.g. 3RK2400-1FQ03-0AA3, in accordance
with AS-i spec. V2.1)
master 6GK7342-2AH00-0XA0 (in accordance with AS-i spec. V2.0), especially if the
highest output bit of the slave is set in the PLC (output D3 = "1").
● Slave of type A/B (spec. 3.0),
including A/B slave with 4 inputs/4 outputs (e.g. 3RK2400-1DQ00-0AA3, in accordance
with AS-i spec. V3.0)
or A/B slave with 4 outputs (e.g. 3RK2100-1CT30-0AA3, in accordance with AS-i spec.
or A/B slave with analog profile 7.A.9 (e.g. 3RK2207-1BQ50-0AA3, in accordance with
AS-i spec. V3.0)
master 6GK7343-2AH00-0XA0 (AS-i spec. V2.1) or
master 6GK7343-2AH10-0XA0 (AS-i spec. V2.1)
● Slaves of the Combined Transaction Type 2-5 (CTT slaves in accordance
with AS-i spec. 3.0),
including A/B slave with profile 7.A.5 (e.g. 3RK1325-… SIRIUS motor starter M200D AS-i
standard with 2 integral AS-i slaves)
master 6GK7343-2AH00-0XA0 (AS-i spec. V2.1) or
master 6GK7343-2AH10-0XA0 (AS-i spec. V2.1)

CP 343-2/CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master for SIMATIC S7

14 Supplement to Operating Manual, 08/2010, A5E03006584020A-01
DP/AS-Interface Link 20E
Approvals 8

CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P
AS‑Interface Master

Manual (Supplement)

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG C79000-G8976-C149-04 Copyright © Siemens AG 2023.

Smart Infrastructure Ⓟ 01/2023 Subject to change All rights reserved
Electrical Products
Postfach 10 09 53
93009 Regensburg
Table of contents

8 Approvals ............................................................................................................................................... 5
8.1 Ex certificates ...................................................................................................................... 5

CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P AS‑Interface Master

Manual (Supplement), 01/2023, C79000-G8976-C149-04 3
Table of contents

CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P AS‑Interface Master

4 Manual (Supplement), 01/2023, C79000-G8976-C149-04
Approvals 8
This chapter contains a selection of information about certificates and approvals.

You can find more information on the Internet at

or (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/6GK7343-2AH01-0XA0).
Select the entry type "Certificate".

8.1 Ex certificates



II 3 G Ex ec IIC T4 Gc or
II 3 G Ex ec nC IIC T4 Gc

EN IEC 60079-0 : 2018 EN 60079-7 : 2015 + A1 : 2018 EN 60079-15 : 2019

Specific conditions of use

1. The equipment shall only be used in an area of not more than pollution degree 2, as
defined in EN 60664-1.
2. The modules shall be installed in a suitable enclosure providing a degree of protection of
at least IP54 according to EN 60079-7, taking into account the environmental conditions
under which the equipment will be used.
3. Provisions shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by transient
disturbances of more than 119 V.
For more information, see (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109783172)

CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P AS‑Interface Master

Manual (Supplement), 01/2023, C79000-G8976-C149-04 5
8.1 Ex certificates



II 3 G Ex ec IIC T4 Gc or
II 3 G Ex ec nC IIC T4 Gc

EN IEC 60079-0 : 2018 EN 60079-7 : 2015 + A1 : 2018 EN 60079-15 : 2019

Specific conditions of use

1. The equipment shall only be used in an area of not more than pollution degree 2, as
defined in EN 60664-1.
2. The modules shall be installed in a suitable enclosure providing a degree of protection of
at least IP54 according to EN 60079-7, taking into account the environmental conditions
under which the equipment will be used.
3. Provisions shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by transient
disturbances of more than 119 V.

Importer UK
Siemens plc
Sir William Siemens House
Princess Road
M20 2UR
United Kingdom

For more information, see (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109815522)

CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P AS‑Interface Master

6 Manual (Supplement), 01/2023, C79000-G8976-C149-04
8.1 Ex certificates


IECEx DEK 20.0026X

IEC 60079-0 : 2017 (Ed.7) IEC 60079-7 : 2015 (Ed.5.1) IEC 60079-15 : 2017 (Ed. 5)

Specific conditions of use

1. The equipment shall only be used in an area of not more than pollution degree 2, as
defined in IEC 60664-1.
2. The equipment shall be installed in a suitable enclosure providing a degree of protection
of at least IP54 according to IEC 60079-7, taking into account the environmental conditions
under which the equipment will be used.
3. Provisions shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by transient
disturbances of more than 119 V.

For more information, see (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109783171)

The product has been tested and certified according to CNCA-C23-01 : 2019
China Compulsory Certification
Implementation Rules - Explosion-proof Electrical Products

For more information, see (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/us/en/view/109815161)

For more information, see (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/us/en/view/109750842)

CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P AS‑Interface Master

Manual (Supplement), 01/2023, C79000-G8976-C149-04 7
8.1 Ex certificates

CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P AS‑Interface Master

8 Manual (Supplement), 01/2023, C79000-G8976-C149-04

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