SPED Process
SPED Process
SPED Process
To be admitted in the special education class
must submit a current assessment report made by a
developmental pediatrician or a SPED diagnostician or
other appropriate professionals with the expertise and
experience in the field of assessment for the
identification of disability.
In the absence of a current assessment report,
these children need to undergo a psychoeducational
assessment to be conducted by these professionals to
determine the appropriate identification as so the
type of disability, classification and placement,
current performance level and educational need, to
determine and evaluate teaching programs and
strategies , to determine related services (ancillary or
auxiliary) and for the development of Individualized
Education Programs (IEPs).
An Individualized Education Program ( IEP) is a systematic, purposive
and developmental educational programming of curricular and
instructional priorities and content designed to meet a child's special
needs and aimed at ensuring mastery of learning target skills and
behaviors. Each learner referred to Special Education must have an IEP.
A meeting must be set up with al the members of the interdisciplinary
team needed for the design of IEP.
NOTE: not all individuals who are referred to the consultation team are
referred for academic problems nor are candidates for special education .
e.Once the consultation team/learner study team/
learner intervention team has tried everything
possible and all the issues still exist, another written
referral must be made to be sent to a
multidisciplinary team that will be responsible for the
formal thorough assessment.
Psychoeducational Assessment
Developmental Pediatric
Assessment Occupational
Therapy Evaluation
Psychological Examination
Speech and Language
Evaluation Neurological
Evaluation Audiological
Evaluation Psychiatric
Visual Training Evaluation