Achiever DLP Review Test 2 QP Eng Only
Achiever DLP Review Test 2 QP Eng Only
Achiever DLP Review Test 2 QP Eng Only
TEST # 10
sion : 2023 - 2024) 18-02-2024
ss/Repeaters Students
uestion, English version shall be treated as final.
Invigilator’s Signature :
(1) Flux(1)linked
P पर वैwith
तु surface
े क ती isताincreasing
Q से अिधकatहै। a (1) electric field intensity at P is greater than
dϕ that at Q
rate(2) प =र kछे द के ईकाई ै फल से इले ान वाह क दर
(2) Flux linked (2) Rate of electrons crossing per unit area of
P पर Qwith
से कमsurface
है। is decreasing at
dϕ cross-section at P is less than that at Q.
the rate = −k
(3) इकाईdt लंबाई मे उ प न उ मा क दर P पर Q से (3) The rate of generation of heat per unit
(3) Flux linked with surface is increasing at the
d ϕअिधक 1 है। length at P is greater than that at Q.
rate =
(4)dt मु kइले ान क औसत गितज ऊजा P पर Q से (4) Mean kinetic energy of free electrons at P
q is greater than that at Q.
(4) Flux linked
अिधकwithहै। surface is .
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8. In12.the circuit
हाइ ोजनshown
परमाणinु मfig.
इले theोन cell
का isयनू ideal
तम चुwith
बक य ि वु 12. The minimum magnetic dipole moment of
e.m.f. 9आघV.णू हैIf। the resistance of the coil of electron in hydrogen atom is :-
galvanometer iseh1 Ω , then incorrect option will be :-
(1) (2) eh (3) eh (4) 0 (1) eh (2) eh (3) eh (4) 0
2πm 4πm πm 2πm 4πm πm
13. → . d ℓ के मान को िदए गए बंद प रपथ के िलए छोटे
∮ B 13. Rank the value of ∮ → . dℓ
B for the closed paths
से बड़े म म यवि थत क िजए - shown in figure from the smallest to largest :-
(1)sin थम
(1) (4/3) i चमक ली(2)
ि ज1/sin
(2)i थम काली ि ज (1) First bright fringe (2) First dark fringe
(3) 4/3(3) ि तीय चमक ली(4)ि 1ज (4) ि तीय काली ि ज (3) Second bright fringe (4) Second dark fringe
27. For िदये गये ofमा light
31. a colour यम के the
वु ीय कोण 60° forहोairतबisमा यम के 31. For a given medium, the polarizing angle is 60°.
6000Å िलए
and inांितकwaterकोणthe
? is 4500 Å. What will be the critical angle for this medium?
–1 be –1
Then the(1)speed
sin of (0.577)
light in water (2)will sin :- (0.177) (1) sin –1 (0.577) (2) sin –1 (0.177)
(1) 5.0(3) 14 m/s
× 10sin –1 (0.277)(2) 2.25 8 m/s
(4)× 10
sin –1 (0.415) (3) sin –1 (0.277) (4) sin –1 (0.415)
(3) 8
32. 4.0िच× 10
ानसु ारm/s't' मोटाई (4)
क एवZero
ं μ = 5/3 अपवतनांक क एक 32. If a thin mica sheet of thickness 't' and refractive
28. प of
Variation का angle
को काश के पथ म रख( δकर
of deviation यितकरण
) versus angleित प ा index μ = 5/3 is placed in the path of one of the
िकया जाता है। प का क उपि थित म ि
of incident (i) for a prism is given in the ं figure. ज के िनकाय का interfering beams as shown in fig. then the
िव of
The value थापन होगा - index of prism material.
refractive displacement of the fringe system is -
(1) √2(1) (2)
Dt √3(2) (3)
Dt √ 3(3) Dt
2Dt (1) Dt (2) Dt (3) Dt (4) 2Dt
3d 5d 2 4d 5d 3d 5d 4d 5d
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33. In the following circuits
अनभु PN-junction diodes
ाग - B (भौितक ) D1, D2 SECTION - B (PHYSICS)
and D3 are ideal for the following potentials of A
36. B. The correct increasing order of resistance
and 36.
between A and B will be
(2) िद गई अिभि या म उ पाद 'Q' है :- The product 'Q' in the above reaction is :-
(3) (4) (3) (4)
52. Which of the following will not produce alcohol?
56. 56.
53. Which of the following is most reactive towards
अमीन substitution
electrophilic यु प न का ितशत
reactionया ?होगा :- Select the percentage in which these
amine derivatives are formed in the reaction mixture.
(1) X → 2% Y→ 47% Z → 51% (1) X → 2% Y→ 47% Z → 51%
(1) (2)
(2) X → 51% Y → 2% Z → 47% (2) X → 51% Y → 2% Z → 47%
(3) X → 51% Y→ 47% Z → 2% (3) X → 51% Y→ 47% Z → 2%
(3) (4)
(4) X → 47% Y→ 51% Z → 2% (4) X → 47% Y→ 51% Z → 2%
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57. 61. िदएoneगए of
Which यौिगकtheको following
ारीयता के sets
म म ofयवि थत 61. Arrange the following compound in there correct
क िजए। forms sucrose ?
monosaccharides order of basic strength :-
β −D-Glucopyranose and
α − fructofuranose
α −D-Glucopyranose and
β −D-fructopyranose
α −(1) III > II > I > IVand (2) II > III > I > IV
D-Galactopyranose (1) III > II > I > IV (2) II > III > I > IV
α −(3)
II > I > IV > III (4) III >I > II > IV (3) II > I > IV > III (4) III >I > II > IV
62. α −िन
न म से िकतने यौिगकandचलावयवता दिशत करते है :- 62. How many compounds can show tautomerism in
(4) following group of compounds :-
β −D-fructofuranose
58. Match the column :
Column-I Column-II
(Vitamins) (Deficiency Disease)
(a) Vit A (p) Osteomalacia
(b) Vit B12 (q) Pernicious anaemia
(c) Vit C (r) Xeropthalmia
(d) Vit(1)D तीन (s)(2) Scurvy
चार (3) पाँच (4) छः (1) Three (2) Four (3) Five (4) Six
63. a-p,िनb-q,
(1) न म c-r,
से कौनसा
d-s सवािधक अ b-p,
(2) a-r, लीय c-s,
है :- d-q 63. Which of the following is most acidic :-
b-s, c-p, b-q(2) (4) a-r,(3)
(3) a-r,(1) b-q, c-s, d-p(4) (1) (2) (3) (4)
64. िन न म से िकस यौिगक म काबन नाइ ोजन बंध ल बाई 64. In which of the following compound carbon
59. सवािधक है ? nitrogen bond length will be maximum ?
of the reaction is (2) (1) (2)
4 (3) (4)
Semicarbazone (3) (4)
(3) (4) (3) (4)
70. कथन : – बिजल ोमाइड को जल म रखने पर बिजल 70. Assertion : – Benzyl bromide when kept in water
ए कोहाॅल बनता है। it produces benzyl alcohol.
(3) कारण : – अिभि या S 2 ि यािविध ारा होती है। Reason : – The reaction follows SN2 mechanism.
(4) Both (A) एवं (R) सही ह लेिकन (R), (A) क सही
(1)(2)दोन& (3) (1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not
या या नह है। the correct explanation of (A)
67. (2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct
(2) (A) सही है लेिकन (R) सही नह है।
(3) (A) सही नह है लेिकन (R) सही है। (3) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct
B is :- (4) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is the
(4) दोन (A) एवं (R) सही ह लेिकन (R), (A) क सही
या या है। correct explanation of (A)
(1) (2) 71.
(3) िन न म से िकस ि थित(4)पर मु य प से नाइ ीकरण होगा ? At which position nitration mainly takes place ?
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 5 (4) 4 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 5 (4) 4
72. Correct match is : 72. Correct match is :
त भ-I त भ-II Column-I Column-II
68. Correct order of boiling point of following
compound(P):- (a) मीसो यौिगक (P) (a) Meso compound
(I) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3
(Q) (b) कािशक सि य (Q) (b) Optically active
(1) sp2, sp2 (2) sp2, sp (3) sp, sp2 (4) sp, sp
74. The correct IUPAC name of the given compound
(I) (II) (III) (I) (II) (III)
(1) I > II > III (2) II > I > III (1) I > II > III (2) II > I > III
(3) I > III > II (4) II > III > I (3) I > III > II (4) II > III > I
77. 1, 1-bis(4-Chlorophenyl)-2,-2,-2- 77.
(2) 2, 2-bis(4-Chlorophenyl)-2,-3,-2-
कौनसा िविसनल डाईहैलाइड है :-
(3) 2, 2-bis(4-Chlorophenyl)-1,-1,-2- which is vicinal dihalide product :-
(1) Both A & B (1) Both A & B
(4) 1,1,1-trichloro-2, 2-bis (4-Chlorophenyl)
(2) A
ethane (2) A
75. Correct(3)
B is : (3) B
Column-I Column-II
(4) None of these (4) None of these
78. PbI4 संभand
व नही है, य िक :- 78. PbI4 does not exist because :-
(P) (a) Metamers
(1) आयोडीन ि याशील नह है। (1) iodine is not a reactive
(2) Pb(IV) बल ऑ सीकारक एवं I – बल (2) Pb(IV) is strong oxidizing and I – is strong
अपचायक है। reducing agent
andPb(II) क तल
(3) Pb(IV), ु ना म कम थायी है। (3) Pb(IV) is less stable than Pb(II)
(Q) (b) Not isomers
(4) Pb4+ आसानी से िनिमत नही होता। (4) Pb4+ is not easily formed
79. कथन-I :- SnCl4, PbCl2 तथा SbCl5, SnCl2, 79. Statement-I :- SnCl4, PbCl2, SbCl5 are more
PbCl4 तथा and
SbCl3 क तल ु ना म अिधक थायी होगा। stable than SnCl2, PbCl4 & SbCl3.
(R) कथन-II :- SnCl (c)2, Identical
PbCl2, SbCl3 तल ु ना म Statement-II :- SnCl4, PbCl4, SbCl5 are less
मशः SnCl4, PbCl4, SbCl5 कम सहसंयोजक है। covalent than SnCl2, PbCl2, SbCl3 respectively.
(1) कथन-I सही है पर तु कथन-II गलत है। (1) Statement-I is correct while statement-II is
and incorrect.
(S) (d) Functional isomers
(2) कथन-I गलत है पर तु कथन-II सही है।
(2) Statement-I is incorrect while statement-II
(1) P → a, Q → b, R → c, S → d
is correct.
(2) P→ Q → तथा
(3)d,कथन-I c, RII→ S→
दोनोb,सही है। a
(3) P → b, Q → c, R → d, S → a (3) Both statement-I and statement-II are correct.
(4) P→ Q → तथा-II
(4)d,कथन-I b, R → S →हैc।
दोनोc, गलत (4) Both statement-I and statement-II are incorrect.
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80. 85. िनtheनिलिखत
Select संकुल statement
incorrect म से होमोलेि टक संकुलmetal
about है 85. Homoleptic complex from the following complexes is :
carbonyl(1)complex compounds
डाइऐ मीन लो रडोनाइ: ीटो-N- लैिटनम (II) (1) Diamminechloridonitrito-N-platinum (II)
(1) Metal carbon bond in metal carbonyls
(2) पे टाऐ मीनकाब नेटोकोबा ट (III) लोराइड (2) Pentaamminecarbonatocobalt (III) chloride
possess both σ and π character
(2) Due(3)to synergic
ाइऐ मीन bonding
ाइए वा ोिमयम
bond (3) Triamminetriaquachromium (III) chloride
(4) पोटैweak
िशयम ाइऑ सैलेटोऐलिु मनेट (III) (4) Potassiumtrioxalatoaluminate (III)
(3) Due to synergic bonding carbon oxygen
bond strengthअन भु ाग-B (रसायनशा )
86. In metal carbonyls extent of synergic 86.
bonding will increase with increase in -
ा उ पाद होग Products obtained
negative charge on central metal ion
81. The wave length of light absorbed is highest in:
are :
(1) [Co(NH 2+
3)5Cl] H, HCHO
(1) 4HCO (1) 4HCO2H, HCHO
(2) [Co(NH 3)5H2O,
(2) 4CH O]3+
2 HCO2H (2) 4CH2O, HCO2H
(3) [Co(NH 3+
(3) CO3)6] , 4HCHO (3) CO2, 4HCHO
(4) [Co(en) ] 3+
(4) CO3
2 , 3HCO2H, HCHO (4) CO2 , 3HCO2H, HCHO
82. Find
87. theिनvalue x + yक–िजए
of 'a'.या [aपर=िवचार z] 87.
न अिभि Consider the following reaction
(I) [Co(en)2Cl2]+1 → Total no. of stereoisomer's
is 'x'.
(II) [Pt(NH3)4] [CuCl4] → Total no. of
(B) KOH क उपि थित म फ नोल से अिभि या करके देता If (B) Reacts with phenol in presence of KOH it
structural isomer's is 'y'.
है :- )(Py)ClBr] → Total no. of optical
(III) [Pt(NH gives :
isomer's(1)is 'z'सेिलिसिलक अ ल (1) Salicylic acid
(1) 4 (2) से(2)िलिसि3 डहाइड(3) 7 (4) 5 (2) Salicylaldehyde
83. Correct(3)
ंटर lewis
ीन का acidic
तेल strength is : (3) Oil of winter green
(1) BF(4)
3 > BCl
एि 3 न> BBr3 (4) Aspirin
88. BF3 < BCl3 < BBr3 88.
(3) BF3 = BCl3 = BBr3
B है :- B is :-
(4) BBr3 > BF3 > BCl3
84. (2) of magnetic
For the(1)t62g e2g system, the value (1) (2)
moment ( μ ) is :
(1) I > II > III > IV (2) II > I > IV > III (1) I > II > III > IV (2) II > I > IV > III
(3) II > III > I > IV (4) III > I > IV > II (3) II > III > I > IV (4) III > I > IV > II
94. िन न म कौनसा सही मैल नही है 94. Which of following is not correctly match
(1) त भ वणलेखन – Al2O3 थायी ाव था है। (1) Column chromatography – Al2O3 is stationary
(2) कागज वणलेखन – जल थायी ाव था है। (2) Paper chromatography – Stationary phase
is water
(3) पतली परत वणलेखन – िवतरण वणलेखन (3) Thin layer chromatography – Example of
partition chromatography
Q isवणले
:- खन का उपयोग याैिगको क शु ता क जाँच म
(4) Chromatography can be use to check purity
िकया जा सकता है। of compounds
95. % N प रकलन क जै डाल िविध म 0.50 ाम यौिगक से 95. In KJEHDAHL method of % N estimation, 0.50 gm
(2) िनकली अमोिनया 0.5 मोलर H2SO4 के 50 ml म organic compound was taken, ammonia evolved
अवशोिषत हो जाती है एवं बचे हए अ ल को 0.5 M was absorbed in 50 ml of 0.5 M H2SO4, residual
(3) NaOH के 60 ml ारा उदासीनीकरण िकया जाता है, % N acid requires 60 ml of 0.5 M NaOH for
या होगा ? neutralisation. Find % N?
(1) 14% (2) 28% (3) 56% (4) 70% (1) 14% (2) 28% (3) 56% (4) 70%
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96. Topic : Ecosystem : Ecology : Organisms and Populations, Ecosystem, Biodiversity and Conservation, Ecology and
Environment & Demography,
? Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Respiration in Plants, Enzyme, Plant Growth and
1 Development,
– Methylcyclopentene → of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Flowering Plants
(4) 10-12 cms × 5-7 cms × 7-8 cms र कै ि सयम तर Regulates blood
1 Thyroid Thyroxine
194. Statement1 I थायराॅ इड थायराॅि सन का िनयमन करती
: Multipolar neurons are found in the calcium level
cerebral cortex. Contraction of
िशश ज म के दौरान Anterior uterine muscles
Statement II : Unipolar neurons are foundु only 2 Oxytocin
2 अ पीयषू ऑ सीटोिसन गभाशयी पेिशयो pituitary during child
in the retina of eye. birth
का संकुचन
(1) Both Statements are correct Stimulates
ने ाॅन म
(2) Statement I is correct and II is incorrect resorption
दरू थनिलकाओ ं म
Posterior of water in the
(3) Statement
3 प पीय I isषू incorrect
ेिसनII is correct
जल के 3 Vasopressin
pituitary distal
(4) Both Statements are incorrect. अवशोषण को tubules in the
195. Which of the following endocrine gland isउpaired ीिपत करता
? है। nephron
(1) Hypothalamus गभाव था म Corpus Supports
4 ए ोजन 4 Estrogen
एि बके स सहायक है। albicans pregnancy
(2) Pineal gland
(3) ाथिमकglandितर ा अनु ि या के दौरान थम ितर ी 198. The first antibody during primary immune
है ? response is ?
(4) Pituitary gland
(1) IgG (2) IgM (1) IgG (2) IgM
196. Find out incorrect labelling in following diagram
(3) IgA (4) IgD (3) IgA (4) IgD
199. सहज ितर ा का उदाहरण है :- 199. An example of innate immunity is :-
(1) T-लिसकाणु (2) B-लिसकाणु (1) T-lymphocyte (2) B-lymphocyte
(3) यू ोिफल (4) मृित कोिशका (3) Neutrophils (4) Memory cell
200. सहज ितर ा के िलए िन न म से कौनसा िमलान सही 200. Which of the following is correct match for
है? innate immunity ?
(1) भौितक अवरोध - वर, अ लीय PH, लाइसोजाइम (1) Physical barrier - Fever, PH, lysozyme
(2) काियक य अवरोध - वचा, ाकृ ितक मारक (2) Physiological barrier - Skin, NK cells,
कोिशकाऐ, मे ोफे ज macrophage
(1) Axonal transport and Anterior pituitary
(3) कोिशक य अवरोध- ाकृ ितक मारक कोिशका (3) Cellular barrier - NK cells, monocytes, B-
(2) Portal circulation and Posterior
मोनोसाइट, B-िल फोसाइट. pituitary lymphocyte.
(3) Anterior pituitary
(4) काियक and Posterior
य अवरोध - pituitary
वर, अ लीय PH, (4) Physiological barrier - Fever, Acidic PH,
लाइसोजाइम and Axonal transport
(4) Portal circulation lysozyme
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