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Achiever DLP Review Test 2 QP Eng Only

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TEST # 10
sion : 2023 - 2024) 18-02-2024
ss/Repeaters Students


et until you are asked to do so.

of this Test Booklet.

Important Instructions :
1. On the Answer Sheet, fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 3 hours 20 minutes duration and this Test
Booklet contains 200 questions. Each question carries 4
marks. For each correct response, the candidate will get 4
marks. For each incorrect response, one mark will be deducted
from the total scores. The maximum marks are 720.
3. In this Test Paper, each subject will consist of
two sections. Section A will consist of 35 questions
(all questions are mandatory) and Section B will have
15 questions. Candidate can choose to attempt any
10 question out of these 15 questions. In case if
candidate attempts more than 10 questions, first
10 attempted questions will be considered for marking.
4. In case of more than one option correct in any question,
the best correct option will be considered as answer.
5. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing
particulars on this page/marking responses.
6. Rough work is to be done on the space provided for this
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9. Use of white fluid for correction is not permissible on
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uestion, English version shall be treated as final.


Invigilator’s Signature :

d Rank in Pre-Medical 2024

1 Hindi + English Hindi + English 2
Heating Effects
4. ofएकCurrent,
बहत बड़े Magnetic
खोखले धािeffect of current
वक गोले A(R ि and
या) को 100 4. A large hollow metallic sphere A(of radius R) is
rrent, Electromagnetic Waves, Ray optics and optical
V िवभव तक धना मक आवेिशत िकया गया है, एक
Digital Electronics and Experimental Skills
R/5 positively charged to a potential of 100 V and a
ि या के छोटे गोले B को भी 100 V िवभव तक धना मक small sphere B (of radius R/5) is also positively
आवेिशत िकया - Aगया(PHYSICS)
है। अब B को A के भीतर रख िदया charge to a potential of 100 V. Now B is placed
जाता है तथा दोन गोल को चालक तार से जोड़ िदया जाता inside A and they are connected by a wire. The
1. Consider a regular cube with positive point
charge है+Qतो on
A काallअिcorners
तम िवभव होगा :-for one which
except final potential of A will be :-
has a negative V charge – Q.(2)
(1) 200point Let 150
the V
distance (1) 200 V (2) 150 V
from any corner to the centre of the cube be r.
What is(3) 120 V
the magnitude of electric(4)field
उपरो म से P,
at point कोई नह (3) 120 V (4) None of above
the centre of the cube ? What is the current in branch AB of the circuit
5. शाखा AB म धारा का मान ात करो ? 5.
shown ?

(1) E = 0 (2) E = kQ/r2

(3) E = 2kQ/r2 (4) E = 6kQ/r2
Assertion 1.5:-AIf (2) 2 A and(3)an 1.33
a proton A (4)areअन त
electron (1) 1.5 A (2) 2 A (3) 1.33 A (4) Infinite
6. िदए in the
गए पsame
रपथ मuniform
धारा 'I' काelectric
मान होगाfield,
:- they 6. In the circuit shown in figure, the current 'I' has a
experience different acceleration. value equal to
Reason (R) :- Electric force on a test charge
depends on its mass.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not
the correct explanation of (A)
(2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct
(3) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct
(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the
(1) 1explanation
A (2) of 2 A(A) (3) 4 A (4) 3.5 A (1) 1 A (2) 2 A (3) 4 A (4) 3.5 A
3. A7. charge
िच ानqुसारisएकenclosed
असमान प by र छे दanवालेimagenary
चालक के िसरो पर 7. A source of constant potential difference is connected
Gaussian surface. If radius of surface is
िनयत िवभवा तरdrका ाेत जुड़ा है। सही कथन का चयन across a conductor having irregular cross section as
करे at
:- the rate dt = k then : shown in figure. Select the correct statement :-

(1) Flux(1)linked
P पर वैwith
तु surface
े क ती isताincreasing
Q से अिधकatहै। a (1) electric field intensity at P is greater than
dϕ that at Q
rate(2) प =र kछे द के ईकाई ै फल से इले ान वाह क दर
(2) Flux linked (2) Rate of electrons crossing per unit area of
P पर Qwith
से कमsurface
है। is decreasing at
dϕ cross-section at P is less than that at Q.
the rate = −k
(3) इकाईdt लंबाई मे उ प न उ मा क दर P पर Q से (3) The rate of generation of heat per unit
(3) Flux linked with surface is increasing at the
d ϕअिधक 1 है। length at P is greater than that at Q.
rate =
(4)dt मु kइले ान क औसत गितज ऊजा P पर Q से (4) Mean kinetic energy of free electrons at P
q is greater than that at Q.
(4) Flux linked
अिधकwithहै। surface is .
18-02-2024 18-02-2024 0999DMD363161230010
3 Hindi + English Hindi + English 4
8. In12.the circuit
हाइ ोजनshown
परमाणinु मfig.
इले theोन cell
का isयनू ideal
तम चुwith
बक य ि वु 12. The minimum magnetic dipole moment of
e.m.f. 9आघV.णू हैIf। the resistance of the coil of electron in hydrogen atom is :-
galvanometer iseh1 Ω , then incorrect option will be :-
(1) (2) eh (3) eh (4) 0 (1) eh (2) eh (3) eh (4) 0
2πm 4πm πm 2πm 4πm πm
13. → . d ℓ के मान को िदए गए बंद प रपथ के िलए छोटे
∮ B 13. Rank the value of ∮ → . dℓ
B for the closed paths
से बड़े म म यवि थत क िजए - shown in figure from the smallest to largest :-

(1) No current flows in the galvanometer

(1) a, b, c, d (1) a, b, c, d
(2) Charge flowing through 8 µF is 40 µC
(2) a, c, d, b (2) a, c, d, b
(3) Potential difference across 10 µF is 5V
(3) a, d, c, b (3) a, d, c, b
(4) Potential difference across 10 µF is 4 V
(4) a, c, b, d (4) a, c, b, d
9. A specimen of iron of permeability 8 × 10 –3
14. amp
weber/ िच म×िकसी प रपथ
metre का एक भाग
is placed in aदशाया गया है।field
magnetic यिद िकसी ण 14. A network shown in figure is a part of a circuit.
of intensity If at a certain instant the current 'i' is 10 A and
प रपथ160 amp/metre.
म धारा 10 A है तथाThen
तर VA – field
VB = 20 V है
in this iron is : potential difference VA – VB = 20 V then rate of
तो धारा य क दर होगी :- decay of current is :-
(1) 20 × 103 Wb/m2 (2) 1.28 Wb/m2
(3) 5 × 10 –5 Wb/m2 (4) 0.8Wb/m2
3A/sec 5 × 103A/sec
10. A paramagnetic sample
(1) 3 × 10 shows a net
(2) magnetisation (1) 3 × 103A/sec (2) 5 × 103A/sec
of 8 A/m when placed in external magnetic field
(3) 9 × 103A/sec (4) कोई नह (3) 9 × 103A/sec (4) None
0.6 T at a temperature 4K. When the same sample
placed in an external magnetic field of 0.3 T at a 15.
temperature 16 K, the magnetisation will be :-
(1) 1 A/m (2) 2 A/m (3) 4 A/m (4) 8 A/m
11. Two equal bar magnets are kept as shown in the figure.
The direction
िच ानसुofारresultant
एक तार magnetic
समाना तर field,
रे ल परindicated
िफसल रहाby है िजनके A wire is sliding on two parallel conducting rails
arrow head at the point P is (approximately) placed at a separation of 1m as shown in figure.
बीच क दरू ी 1m है। वहाँ पर 2T का चु बक य े उपि थत
Magnetic field 2T exists in a direction
है िजसक िदशा रे ल के ल बवत अ दर क तरफ है। इस तार
perpendicular to rails and inward. What force is
को 1 m/s के िनयत वेग से चलाने के िलए िकतने बल क necessary to keep the wire moving with a
आव यकता होगी? constant velocity of 1 m/s ?
(1) 2 N (2) 0.2 N (1) 2 N (2) 0.2 N
(1) (2) N
(3) 0.4 (3) (4) N
(4) 0.8 (3) 0.4 N (4) 0.8 N
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5 Hindi + English Hindi + English 6
16. एकof यावत
In20.which धारा वो टेजcircuit
the following ाेत काtheिनगत वो टेजis िन न है:
current 20. An AC voltage source has an output of
maximum Δ Vjust
= (200 sin 2 πSƒtis closed
afterवोtheट)switch Δ V = (200 V) sin 2 π ƒt. This source is connected
इसे ाेत को 100 Ω के ितरोध के साथ जोड़ा जाता है। to a 100 Ω resistor. RMS current in the resistance
ितरोध म धारा का वग-मा य-मल ू मान है :- is :-
(1) 1.41 ऐि पयर (2) 2.41 ऐि पयर (1) 1.41 A (2) 2.41 A
(3) 3.41 ऐि पयर (4) 0.71 ऐि पयर (3) 3.41 A (4) 0.71 A
21. (i) िन न प रपथ म यावत
(1) (2) िव
(ii) तु वाहक बल E का मान या 21. The value of alternating emf E in the given
होगा :- circuit will be :-
(3) (iii) (4) Both (ii) and (iii)
17. The sun delivers 104 W/m2 of electromagnetic
flux to the earth's surface. The total power that is
incident on a roof of dimensions (10 × 10) m2
will be :-
(1) 104 W (2) 105 W
(3) 106(1)
W 220 V (2) 140 (4) V107(3)
W 100 V (4) 20 V (1) 220 V (2) 140 V (3) 100 V (4) 20 V
18. A22. 10 μ H rod
conducting के rotates
ेरक व सेwith
E =a100 sin (1000t)
constant angularवो ट का 22. An alternating current source E = 100 sin (1000t)
velocity ‘ यावत
ω ’ aboutाेतtheजaxis
डु ा हैwhich
तो इससे जानेthrough
passes वाली धारा का volt is connected through a inductor of 10 μ H,
point ‘O’ and होगा :-
perpendicular to its length. A then the equation of current is :-
100 sinfield
)Aparallel to the (1) 100 sin (1000t − π )A
2 2
axis of the rotation. Then potentialπ
difference π
(2) 100 sin ( 1000t
between the two ends of the rod + ) A (2) 100 sin (1000t + )A
2 is : 2
(3) 10000 sin (1000t − π )A (3) 10000 sin (1000t − π )A
2 2
(4) 10000 sin (1000t + π )A (4) 10000 sin (1000t + π )A
(1) 6B ω ℓ 2 (2) B ω2ℓ 2 2
23. धारा i = 2 sin 100 π t + 2 sin(100 π t + 30°) का 23. The effective value of current
ω ℓ 2 मान (वग मा य(4)मल
(3) 10B भावी ू Zero
मान) होगा :- i = 2 sin 100 π t + 2 sin(100 π t + 30°) is :
19. (1) √2isAbased on the principle
A transformer + √3 A
(2) 2 √of2 mutual (1) √2 A (2) 2 √ 2 + √3 A
induction. Input is supplied to primary coil and
output is(3)taken
4 A across the secondary
(4) √coil + √the
2 (2 of 3)A (3) 4 A (4) √2 (2 + √3)A
24. वै तु चItु बक Es Ns दोलन Ip करते हए
transformer. is यfound
तरंग मthat
आवितत = प से = , 24. Electromagnetic wave consists of periodically
वै तु एवं चु बक य सिदश होतेEहैpः- Np Is oscillating electric and magnetic vactors :-
when there
(1) isजोno िक
energy loss.लThe
पर पर बवतefficiency of a (1) In mutually perpendicular planes but
् तल म होते है,
transformer परis given by तर से क पन करते है।
तु π कला vibrating with a phase difference of π
Poutput E I
= S S (2) In mutually perpendicular planes but vibrating
η = (2) जो िक पर पर ल बवत् तल म होते है, पर तु π
with a phase difference of π
Pinput E P IP
A battery ofकला
10 Vतरisसे connected
क पन करते हैto। primary of a 2
transformer of भी
(3) िकसी ratio
कोण20. The
ु े तल output
पर झक म होते है,across
पर तु समान (3) In randomly oriented planes but vibrating
secondary isकला
:- म क पन करते है। in phase
(1) 20 (4)
V जो(2)िक5 पर
V पर (3)ल बवत तल (4)
10् V म होतेZero
है, पर तु समान (4) In mutually perpendicular plane but
कला म क पन करते है। vibrating in phase
18-02-2024 18-02-2024 0999DMD363161230010
7 Hindi + English Hindi + English 8
25. diverिचin aम glass
A29. एक छोटा अवतल
bubble दपण looks
helmet है, िजसक
at aमfish
ु य-अ CP 29. Figure shows a small concave mirror with CP as its
। एक िकरण XY दपण पर आपितत होती
as shown. Where is the image of the fish relative है। तो चार principal axis. A ray XY is incident on the mirror.
to its true म से कौन
location ? सी िकरण परावितत िकरण हो सकती है ? Which of the four rays can be the reflected ray :-

(1) Closer to the diver

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4
(2) Farther from the diver The figure shows a double slit experiment where
30. िच म ि -ि लट योग िदखाया गया है। P और Q दो ि लट 30.
(3) Theह।same
PX वdistance
QX क fromपथ दू the
रयाँ diver
मशः n λ व (n + 2) λ ह। P and Q are the slits. The path lengths PX and
QX are n λ and (n + 2) λ respectively, where n is
(4) Theयहाँ पर n एक
answer depends theλlocation
पणू ाकonतथा तरंगदै यofहै।the
के ीय ि ज a whole number and λ is the wavelength. Taking
को शू य माना जाये तो X पर होगी :- the central fringe as zero, what is formed at X :-
26. A ray of light is incident at the glass-water interface
at an angle i, it emerges finally parallel to the
surface of water, then the value of µg would be :-

(1)sin थम
(1) (4/3) i चमक ली(2)
ि ज1/sin
(2)i थम काली ि ज (1) First bright fringe (2) First dark fringe
(3) 4/3(3) ि तीय चमक ली(4)ि 1ज (4) ि तीय काली ि ज (3) Second bright fringe (4) Second dark fringe
27. For िदये गये ofमा light
31. a colour यम के the
वु ीय कोण 60° forहोairतबisमा यम के 31. For a given medium, the polarizing angle is 60°.
6000Å िलए
and inांितकwaterकोणthe
? is 4500 Å. What will be the critical angle for this medium?
–1 be –1
Then the(1)speed
sin of (0.577)
light in water (2)will sin :- (0.177) (1) sin –1 (0.577) (2) sin –1 (0.177)
(1) 5.0(3) 14 m/s
× 10sin –1 (0.277)(2) 2.25 8 m/s
(4)× 10
sin –1 (0.415) (3) sin –1 (0.277) (4) sin –1 (0.415)
(3) 8
32. 4.0िच× 10
ानसु ारm/s't' मोटाई (4)
क एवZero
ं μ = 5/3 अपवतनांक क एक 32. If a thin mica sheet of thickness 't' and refractive
28. प of
Variation का angle
को काश के पथ म रख( δकर
of deviation यितकरण
) versus angleित प ा index μ = 5/3 is placed in the path of one of the
िकया जाता है। प का क उपि थित म ि
of incident (i) for a prism is given in the ं figure. ज के िनकाय का interfering beams as shown in fig. then the
िव of
The value थापन होगा - index of prism material.
refractive displacement of the fringe system is -

(1) √2(1) (2)
Dt √3(2) (3)
Dt √ 3(3) Dt
2Dt (1) Dt (2) Dt (3) Dt (4) 2Dt
3d 5d 2 4d 5d 3d 5d 4d 5d
18-02-2024 18-02-2024 0999DMD363161230010
9 Hindi + English Hindi + English 10
33. In the following circuits
अनभु PN-junction diodes
ाग - B (भौितक ) D1, D2 SECTION - B (PHYSICS)
and D3 are ideal for the following potentials of A
36. B. The correct increasing order of resistance
and 36.
between A and B will be

िब दु A, B, C और O एक समान वै ुत े म A, B, C and O points situated in uniform electric field

मशः ( – 1, 0)m, (0,1)m, (1, 0)m और (0, 0)m there co-ordinates are ( – 1, 0)m, (0,1)m, (1, 0)m and
पर ि थत है, िजनके िवभव मशः – 8V, 6V, 8V और (0, 0)m. Their electric potential are – 8V, 6V, 8V and
(i) – 10V,0 V– 5V
वो ट(ii)है, –वै5V,
ुत – 10V
े का प(iii) होगा––12V
रमाण– 4V, 0 V respectively. The magnitude of electric field is :-

(1) (i) (1)

< (ii)6<V/m
(iii) (2) 8 V/m (1) 6 V/m (2) 8 V/m

(2) (iii)(3)< (ii)

10 <V/m
(i) (4) 12 V/m (3) 10 V/m (4) 12 V/m
37. (ii)आपके
(3) = (iii) पास
< (i)ताँबे के तीन तार ह, िजनक ल बाईय तथा 37. You have 3 copper wires of length ratio x : y : z
यमान< का
(4) (i) = (iii) (ii)अनपु ात x : y : z तथा yz : zx : xy है तो and mass ratio yz : zx : xy then ratio of their
उनके ितरोध का अनपु ात है :- resistances is :-
34. Two identical photo-cathodes receive light of
(1) xf1: yand: z f2 (f1 > f(2) 2 2 2 (2) x2 : y2 : z2
frequencies 2 > x f0:).y If: z the (1) x : y : z
(3) ofx3the
: y3 photo
: z3 electrons (4) (of
नह m) (3) x3 : y3 : z3 (4) None
coming out are respectively v1 and v2 then :-
38. िच ानसु ार चार ले प को संयोिजत िकया गया है। जब ि वच 38. Four lamps are connected in the way as shown in
(1) v1 −S v2ख=ल 2h figure. When switch S2 is open and switch S1 is
[ (f
2 ु ा हैmतथा1 ि वच − f ) ]
2 S1 ि थित-2 पर है, ले प B2 क

on position-2, Lamp-B2 is the brightest, and

(2) चमक सबसे
2h अिधक है तथा ले प B3 व ले प B4 क चमक
v21 − v22 = (f1 − f2 ) lamp B3 and lamp B4 are the dimmest and are of
सबसे कमmहै व उनक चमक समान है। अब ि वच S2 को
1/2 the same brightness. Now switch S2 is closed
(3) 2h
ब vद2िकया
v1 + = [ जाता
f2 )]ि वच S1 ि थित-1 पर है। तब ब ब and S1 is on position-1, the descending order of
क चमक2hका घटता हआ म होगा brightness of bulbs is
(4) v21 + v22 = (f1 + f2 )
35. Which of the following is heavily doped ?
(a) Photo diode
(b) Light emitting diode
(c) Zener diode
(d) Solar cell
(1) All(1)
fourB2, B1, B3, B4 (1) B2, B1, B3, B4
(2) (a),(2)
(b) B&1,(c)B2, B3, B4 (2) B1, B2, B3, B4
(3) (b)(3)
& (c)B4, B3, B2, B1 (3) B4, B3, B2, B1
(4) B1, B4, B3, B2
(4) c only (4) B1, B4, B3, B2
18-02-2024 18-02-2024 0999DMD363161230010
11 Hindi + English Hindi + English 12
39. 43. 43.
List-I List-II List-I
[धारावाही चालक [िब दु P पर चु बक य [Orientation
[Value of magnetic
का िव यास] े का मान] of current
field at point P]
carrying conductor]
μ 0I 3 π
(P) (A) ( + 2) ⊙
In the above diagram :- 4πR 2 (P) (A) μ 0 I ( 3 π + 2) ⊙
4πR 2
(1) Potential at junction 'O' is zero
(2) Current
(Q) in 3 Ω is 2A μ 0I 3π
(B) ( − 2) ⊙
μ 0I 3 π
4πR 2 (Q) (B) ( − 2) ⊙
(3) Current in 5 Ω is 2.3 A 4πR 2

(4) All the above are correct

40. The plates of a capacitor are charged to potential
difference of V volts and then connected across a
resistor. The potential difference across the
decreases exponentially with respect to
(C) μ 0 I ⊗
time. After one second, the potential4Rdifference (R) (C) μ 0 I ⊗
between the plates is V/3; then after two seconds 4R
from the start, the potential difference between
the plates is :-
(1) 2V/3 (2) V/6 (3) V/9 (4) V/3
41. 3 μ 0I
A parallel(S)plate air capacitor has(D)a capacitance C.

(S) (D) 3 μ 0I
8R ⊙
When it is half filled with dielectric of dielectric 8R
constant 5, the percentage increase in
capacitance will be :
Codes P Q R S
Codes P Q R S
(1) C D B A
(1) C D B A
(2) A D B C (2) A D B C
(3) D B A A (3) D B A A
(1) 400%(4)(2) C66.6% D(3) 33.3% A (4) B200% (4) C D A B
42. In44.the given
काँच सेfigure
plateलेofस capacitance
का अपवतनांकC 1.5 है, 44. A concave lens of glass of refractive index 1.5
has value of charge
िजसक :- क व ता ि या R समान है। यिद इसे
दोन सतह has both surfaces of same radius of curvature R.
1.75 अपवतनांक के मा यम म डुबोया जाता है, तो यह On immersion in a medium of refractive index
यवहार करे गा :- 1.75, it will behave as a :-
(1) 3.5 R फोकस दरू ी के अिभसा रत ले स के समान (1) convergent lens of focal length 3.5 R
CER1 रत ले स के समान
(1) CE(2) 3.0 R फोकस द(2)
रू ी के अिभसा (2) convergent lens of focal length 3.0 R
R2 − r
(3) 3.5 R फोकस दरू ी के अपसा रत ले स के समान (3) divergent lens of focal length 3.5 R
(3) CER2 (4) CER1
+ r 3.0 R फोकस दरू ी के अपसा
R1 − rरत ले स के समान (4) divergent lens of focal length 3.0 R
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13 Hindi + English Hindi + English 14
45. A49.smallएकtelescope
इले ाॅिनकhas णाली
an objective
के िलये दोlens
िनवेशofी तरfocal
ं ग प िदखाये 49. For a electronic system two input waveform are
length 144
गये cm
है। तोandिनगत
an eye
तरंगpiece of focal
प िकसके अनlength
सु ार होगी6 cm. as shown.
Find the magnifying power and separation between
the objective and the eye piece :-
(1) +24,148 cm (2) – 24,150 cm
(3) 10,138 cm (4) 3,75 cm
46. A single slit of width a is illuminated by violet
light of wavelength 400 nm and the width of the
diffraction pattern is measured as y. When half
of the slit width is covered and illuminated by
yellow light of wavelength 600 nm, the width of Then output waveform is as shown by.
the diffraction pattern is :-
(1) The(1)pattern vanishes and the width is zero (1)
(2) y/3
(2) (2)
(3) 3y
(4) None of these
(3) (3)
47. The I-V characteristic of a p-n junction diode is
shown in figure.Find the approximate dynamic
(4) of the p-n junction when a forward
resistance (4)
bias of 1 volt is applied -
50. कुछ रे िडयोसि य ि याओ ं को त भ – I म िदया गया है 50. Certain radioactive processes are listed in
column I and some properties and processes
तथा उनसे स बि धत कुछ गणु ा तथा ि याओ ं को त भ – II related to them are listed in column II. Match
म िदया गया है। त भ-I का त भ-II से िमलान करे :- column-I with column-II :
Column-I Column-II
त भ–I त भ – II
Increase in atomic
(A) α – य (P) परमाणु मांक बढ़ता है। (A) α – decay (P)
(B) β – – य (Q) परमाणु मांक घटता है। (B) β – – decay (Q)
Decrease in atomic
(1) 20 Ω (2) 40 Ω (3) 11 Ω (4) 15.5 Ω number
परमाणु मांक No change in atomic
48. (C) γ –are
Two resistances measured (R)
उ सजन in Ohm. (C) γ – emission (R)
अप रवितत रहता है। number
R1 = 3 Ω ± 1%; R2 = 6 Ω ± 2%
यमान सं या No change in mass
(1) When(D)theyK –are
हण (S)in parallel, the (D) K – capture (S)
अप रवितत रहती है।
percentage error in equivalent resistance is 4.67% Decrease in mass
(T) यमान स या घटती है। (T)
(2) When they are connected in parallel, ं the number
percentage error inB-P,S;
(1) A-Q,T; equivalent resistance
C-R,S; D-Q,Sis 0.67% (1) A-Q,T; B-P,S; C-R,S; D-Q,S
(3) When they areB-Q,R;
(2) A-P,Q; connected
C-R,P;inD-T,Sseries, the (2) A-P,Q; B-Q,R; C-R,P; D-T,S
percentage error in equivalent resistance is 1.66%
(3) A-Q,R; B-P,T; C-S,Q; D-P,T (3) A-Q,R; B-P,T; C-S,Q; D-P,T
(4) When they are connected in series, the
(4) A-R,S;
percentage errorB-R,P; C-T,S;resistance
in equivalent D-Q,P is 5% (4) A-R,S; B-R,P; C-T,S; D-Q,P
18-02-2024 18-02-2024 0999DMD363161230010
15 Hindi + English Hindi + English 16
n Compounds, Classification & Nomenclature, Isomerism,
54. िन नQualitative
ons, Biomolecules, म से कौन सीand
अिभि या सही नहAnalysis
Quantitative है :- of 54. Which of the following reaction is incorrect :-
Compounds Containing Oxygen, Organic Compounds
mistry (1) (1)
(2) (CHEMISTRY) (2)

51. (3) (3)

(4) (4)
Product is -
55. 55.
(1) −−−−−−−−

→ (P ) −−−−→ (Q)
2/ 2 ,

→ (P ) −−−−→ (Q)
2/ 2 ,

(2) िद गई अिभि या म उ पाद 'Q' है :- The product 'Q' in the above reaction is :-

(3) (1) (2) (1) (2)

(3) (4) (3) (4)
52. Which of the following will not produce alcohol?

56. 56.



53. Which of the following is most reactive towards
अमीन substitution
electrophilic यु प न का ितशत
reactionया ?होगा :- Select the percentage in which these
amine derivatives are formed in the reaction mixture.
(1) X → 2% Y→ 47% Z → 51% (1) X → 2% Y→ 47% Z → 51%
(1) (2)
(2) X → 51% Y → 2% Z → 47% (2) X → 51% Y → 2% Z → 47%
(3) X → 51% Y→ 47% Z → 2% (3) X → 51% Y→ 47% Z → 2%
(3) (4)
(4) X → 47% Y→ 51% Z → 2% (4) X → 47% Y→ 51% Z → 2%
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17 Hindi + English Hindi + English 18
57. 61. िदएoneगए of
Which यौिगकtheको following
ारीयता के sets
म म ofयवि थत 61. Arrange the following compound in there correct
क िजए। forms sucrose ?
monosaccharides order of basic strength :-
β −D-Glucopyranose and
α − fructofuranose
α −D-Glucopyranose and
β −D-fructopyranose
α −(1) III > II > I > IVand (2) II > III > I > IV
D-Galactopyranose (1) III > II > I > IV (2) II > III > I > IV
α −(3)
II > I > IV > III (4) III >I > II > IV (3) II > I > IV > III (4) III >I > II > IV
62. α −िन
न म से िकतने यौिगकandचलावयवता दिशत करते है :- 62. How many compounds can show tautomerism in
(4) following group of compounds :-
β −D-fructofuranose
58. Match the column :
Column-I Column-II
(Vitamins) (Deficiency Disease)
(a) Vit A (p) Osteomalacia
(b) Vit B12 (q) Pernicious anaemia
(c) Vit C (r) Xeropthalmia
(d) Vit(1)D तीन (s)(2) Scurvy
चार (3) पाँच (4) छः (1) Three (2) Four (3) Five (4) Six
63. a-p,िनb-q,
(1) न म c-r,
से कौनसा
d-s सवािधक अ b-p,
(2) a-r, लीय c-s,
है :- d-q 63. Which of the following is most acidic :-
b-s, c-p, b-q(2) (4) a-r,(3)
(3) a-r,(1) b-q, c-s, d-p(4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

64. िन न म से िकस यौिगक म काबन नाइ ोजन बंध ल बाई 64. In which of the following compound carbon
59. सवािधक है ? nitrogen bond length will be maximum ?
of the reaction is (2) (1) (2)

(1) (3) (2) (4) (3) (4)

65. 65.
(3) (4)

60. Which of the following product is not correct :

Carbonyl compound + Reagent ——→ Product
उ पादReagent
(A) है : Product Product (A) is :
1 NH3 Imine
2 NH(1)
2OH Oxime
(2) (1) (2)

4 (3) (4)
Semicarbazone (3) (4)


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69. िन न मे से कौन से यौिगक म X-परमाणु को बल नािभक 69. In which of the following compounds X-atom can
नेही ारा आसानी से ित थािपत िकया जा सकता है :- be easily substituted by a stronger nucleophile :-

(1) (2) (1) (2)

The possible compound is

(3) (4) (3) (4)
70. कथन : – बिजल ोमाइड को जल म रखने पर बिजल 70. Assertion : – Benzyl bromide when kept in water
ए कोहाॅल बनता है। it produces benzyl alcohol.
(3) कारण : – अिभि या S 2 ि यािविध ारा होती है। Reason : – The reaction follows SN2 mechanism.

(4) Both (A) एवं (R) सही ह लेिकन (R), (A) क सही
(1)(2)दोन& (3) (1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not
या या नह है। the correct explanation of (A)
67. (2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct
(2) (A) सही है लेिकन (R) सही नह है।
(3) (A) सही नह है लेिकन (R) सही है। (3) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct
B is :- (4) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is the
(4) दोन (A) एवं (R) सही ह लेिकन (R), (A) क सही
या या है। correct explanation of (A)
(1) (2) 71.

(3) िन न म से िकस ि थित(4)पर मु य प से नाइ ीकरण होगा ? At which position nitration mainly takes place ?
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 5 (4) 4 (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 5 (4) 4
72. Correct match is : 72. Correct match is :
त भ-I त भ-II Column-I Column-II
68. Correct order of boiling point of following
compound(P):- (a) मीसो यौिगक (P) (a) Meso compound
(I) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3
(Q) (b) कािशक सि य (Q) (b) Optically active

(R) (c) लेकािशक असि य Optically inactive

िकन मीसो नही (R) (c)
(III) but not meso
(1) P → a ; Q → b ; R → c (1) P→a;Q→b;R→c
III >PII→ a ; Q →
(1) I >(2) (2)c ;I R> →
II >bIII (2) P→a;Q→c;R→b
> II >P I→ c ; Q →
(3) III (3) (4)b ;IIR>→ III a> I (3) P→c;Q→b;R→a
(4) P → c ; Q → a ; R → b (4) P→c;Q→a;R→b
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21 Hindi + English Hindi + English 22
73. 76. outिन the
Find न अन नु ादी संरचनाओofं को
Hybridisation थायीCव3 carbon
C2 and के घटते म म 76. Arrange following resonating structures in
atom of following
यवि थत क structure?
िजए :- decreasing order of stability :-

(1) sp2, sp2 (2) sp2, sp (3) sp, sp2 (4) sp, sp
74. The correct IUPAC name of the given compound
(I) (II) (III) (I) (II) (III)
(1) I > II > III (2) II > I > III (1) I > II > III (2) II > I > III
(3) I > III > II (4) II > III > I (3) I > III > II (4) II > III > I
77. 1, 1-bis(4-Chlorophenyl)-2,-2,-2- 77.
(2) 2, 2-bis(4-Chlorophenyl)-2,-3,-2-
कौनसा िविसनल डाईहैलाइड है :-
(3) 2, 2-bis(4-Chlorophenyl)-1,-1,-2- which is vicinal dihalide product :-
(1) Both A & B (1) Both A & B
(4) 1,1,1-trichloro-2, 2-bis (4-Chlorophenyl)
(2) A
ethane (2) A
75. Correct(3)
B is : (3) B
Column-I Column-II
(4) None of these (4) None of these
78. PbI4 संभand
व नही है, य िक :- 78. PbI4 does not exist because :-
(P) (a) Metamers
(1) आयोडीन ि याशील नह है। (1) iodine is not a reactive
(2) Pb(IV) बल ऑ सीकारक एवं I – बल (2) Pb(IV) is strong oxidizing and I – is strong
अपचायक है। reducing agent
andPb(II) क तल
(3) Pb(IV), ु ना म कम थायी है। (3) Pb(IV) is less stable than Pb(II)
(Q) (b) Not isomers
(4) Pb4+ आसानी से िनिमत नही होता। (4) Pb4+ is not easily formed
79. कथन-I :- SnCl4, PbCl2 तथा SbCl5, SnCl2, 79. Statement-I :- SnCl4, PbCl2, SbCl5 are more
PbCl4 तथा and
SbCl3 क तल ु ना म अिधक थायी होगा। stable than SnCl2, PbCl4 & SbCl3.
(R) कथन-II :- SnCl (c)2, Identical
PbCl2, SbCl3 तल ु ना म Statement-II :- SnCl4, PbCl4, SbCl5 are less
मशः SnCl4, PbCl4, SbCl5 कम सहसंयोजक है। covalent than SnCl2, PbCl2, SbCl3 respectively.
(1) कथन-I सही है पर तु कथन-II गलत है। (1) Statement-I is correct while statement-II is
and incorrect.
(S) (d) Functional isomers
(2) कथन-I गलत है पर तु कथन-II सही है।
(2) Statement-I is incorrect while statement-II
(1) P → a, Q → b, R → c, S → d
is correct.
(2) P→ Q → तथा
(3)d,कथन-I c, RII→ S→
दोनोb,सही है। a
(3) P → b, Q → c, R → d, S → a (3) Both statement-I and statement-II are correct.
(4) P→ Q → तथा-II
(4)d,कथन-I b, R → S →हैc।
दोनोc, गलत (4) Both statement-I and statement-II are incorrect.
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23 Hindi + English Hindi + English 24
80. 85. िनtheनिलिखत
Select संकुल statement
incorrect म से होमोलेि टक संकुलmetal
about है 85. Homoleptic complex from the following complexes is :
carbonyl(1)complex compounds
डाइऐ मीन लो रडोनाइ: ीटो-N- लैिटनम (II) (1) Diamminechloridonitrito-N-platinum (II)
(1) Metal carbon bond in metal carbonyls
(2) पे टाऐ मीनकाब नेटोकोबा ट (III) लोराइड (2) Pentaamminecarbonatocobalt (III) chloride
possess both σ and π character
(2) Due(3)to synergic
ाइऐ मीन bonding
ाइए वा ोिमयम
bond (3) Triamminetriaquachromium (III) chloride
(4) पोटैweak
िशयम ाइऑ सैलेटोऐलिु मनेट (III) (4) Potassiumtrioxalatoaluminate (III)
(3) Due to synergic bonding carbon oxygen
bond strengthअन भु ाग-B (रसायनशा )
86. In metal carbonyls extent of synergic 86.
bonding will increase with increase in -
ा उ पाद होग Products obtained
negative charge on central metal ion
81. The wave length of light absorbed is highest in:
are :
(1) [Co(NH 2+
3)5Cl] H, HCHO
(1) 4HCO (1) 4HCO2H, HCHO
(2) [Co(NH 3)5H2O,
(2) 4CH O]3+
2 HCO2H (2) 4CH2O, HCO2H
(3) [Co(NH 3+
(3) CO3)6] , 4HCHO (3) CO2, 4HCHO
(4) [Co(en) ] 3+
(4) CO3
2 , 3HCO2H, HCHO (4) CO2 , 3HCO2H, HCHO
82. Find
87. theिनvalue x + yक–िजए
of 'a'.या [aपर=िवचार z] 87.
न अिभि Consider the following reaction
(I) [Co(en)2Cl2]+1 → Total no. of stereoisomer's
is 'x'.
(II) [Pt(NH3)4] [CuCl4] → Total no. of
(B) KOH क उपि थित म फ नोल से अिभि या करके देता If (B) Reacts with phenol in presence of KOH it
structural isomer's is 'y'.
है :- )(Py)ClBr] → Total no. of optical
(III) [Pt(NH gives :
isomer's(1)is 'z'सेिलिसिलक अ ल (1) Salicylic acid
(1) 4 (2) से(2)िलिसि3 डहाइड(3) 7 (4) 5 (2) Salicylaldehyde
83. Correct(3)
ंटर lewis
ीन का acidic
तेल strength is : (3) Oil of winter green
(1) BF(4)
3 > BCl
एि 3 न> BBr3 (4) Aspirin
88. BF3 < BCl3 < BBr3 88.
(3) BF3 = BCl3 = BBr3
B है :- B is :-
(4) BBr3 > BF3 > BCl3
84. (2) of magnetic
For the(1)t62g e2g system, the value (1) (2)
moment ( μ ) is :

(1) 2.83(3)B.M. (2) 1.73(4)B.M. (3) (4)

(3) 3.87 B.M. (4) 4.92 B.M.
18-02-2024 18-02-2024 0999DMD363161230010
25 Hindi + English Hindi + English 26
89. 92. कौनसा सही िमलान है ? 92. Which is correct Match ?
त भ-I त भ-II Column-I Column-II
D2 D2
A Cis-2-butene P ितिब ब प A Cis-2-butene P Enantiomers
Ni/ Δ Ni/ Δ
D2 D2
B and C BcanTrans-2-butene
not be differentiated by :-Q मीसो B Trans-2-butene Q Meso
Ni/ Δ Ni/ Δ
(1) Benedict solution (2) Tollen’s reagent
C test D2(4) Fehling Rsolution
(3) iodoform िवव रम प C D2
R Diastereomers
Ni/ Δ Ni/ Δ
90. The major product (Y) in the following reactions
is: (1) A → Q, B → P, C → R (1) A → Q, B → P, C → R
(2) A → Q, B → R, C → P (2) A → Q, B → R, C → P
(3) A → P, B → Q, C → R (3) A → P, B → Q, C → R
(4) A → P, B → R, C → Q (4) A → P, B → R, C → Q
93. िन न को SN1 अिभि या के ित सही म म यवि थत 93. Arrange the following in there correct order of
(1) क िजए :- reactivity towards SN1 :-

(1) I > II > III > IV (2) II > I > IV > III (1) I > II > III > IV (2) II > I > IV > III
(3) II > III > I > IV (4) III > I > IV > II (3) II > III > I > IV (4) III > I > IV > II
94. िन न म कौनसा सही मैल नही है 94. Which of following is not correctly match
(1) त भ वणलेखन – Al2O3 थायी ाव था है। (1) Column chromatography – Al2O3 is stationary
(2) कागज वणलेखन – जल थायी ाव था है। (2) Paper chromatography – Stationary phase
is water
(3) पतली परत वणलेखन – िवतरण वणलेखन (3) Thin layer chromatography – Example of
partition chromatography
Q isवणले
:- खन का उपयोग याैिगको क शु ता क जाँच म
(4) Chromatography can be use to check purity
िकया जा सकता है। of compounds
95. % N प रकलन क जै डाल िविध म 0.50 ाम यौिगक से 95. In KJEHDAHL method of % N estimation, 0.50 gm
(2) िनकली अमोिनया 0.5 मोलर H2SO4 के 50 ml म organic compound was taken, ammonia evolved
अवशोिषत हो जाती है एवं बचे हए अ ल को 0.5 M was absorbed in 50 ml of 0.5 M H2SO4, residual
(3) NaOH के 60 ml ारा उदासीनीकरण िकया जाता है, % N acid requires 60 ml of 0.5 M NaOH for
या होगा ? neutralisation. Find % N?
(1) 14% (2) 28% (3) 56% (4) 70% (1) 14% (2) 28% (3) 56% (4) 70%
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27 Hindi + English Hindi + English 28
96. Topic : Ecosystem : Ecology : Organisms and Populations, Ecosystem, Biodiversity and Conservation, Ecology and
Environment & Demography,
? Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Respiration in Plants, Enzyme, Plant Growth and
1 Development,
– Methylcyclopentene → of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Flowering Plants

अनभु ाग-A (वन पित िव ान) SECTION-A (BOTANY)

Here suitable reagent will be ?
101. कथन (A) :- फल, प रप व 1.अHgडाशय होता है।
(OAc)2 ,D2 O
101. Assertion (A) :- Fruit is the mature or ripened ovary.
(1) dil.कारण
D2SO(R) 4 :- फल (2) −−−−−−−−−−
का िवकास बीजा4 ड →
2. NaBD से िबना िनषेचन Reason (R) :- Fruit develop from ovule without
होता है6। fertilization.
(3) −−−−−−−−
1. B2 D
(4) −−−−−−−−−
1.B2 D6 /T HF
→ →
2. D2 O, AcOD 2.D2 O2 ,NaOD
(1) दोन (A) एवं (R) सही ह लेिकन (R), (A) क सही (1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not
97. Choose the correct
या या नहstatement
है। : the correct explanation of (A)
(1) Diamond
(2) (A)isसही covalent
है लेिकनand(R)graphite
सही नह isहै।ionic (2) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct
(2) Diamond sp3
(3) (A)isसही नहhybridised andसहीgraphite
है लेिकन (R) है। is (3) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct
sp hybridized
(4) दोन (A) एवं (R) सही ह लेिकन (R), (A) क सही (4) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is the
(3) Diamondयाis या used
है। as dry lubricants correct explanation of (A)
िदये गये पु पand
िच के fullerene
िलए कौनसा पhave
ु प सू सहीtwo
है ? 102. Which of the floral formula is correct for given
dimensional network
floral diagram ?
98. Deep sea divers use a mixture to respirate, is :
(1) O2 + Ar (2) O2 + He
(3) O2 + Cl2 (4) O2 + CO2
99. Match the columns :
Species Property
(A) P4 (P) Crown shape
(1) ⊕ K(5)C1+2+(2)A(9+1) G(2) (1) ⊕ K(5)C1+2+(2)A(9+1) G(2)
(B) S8 (Q) P – H bond
(2) % K(5)C1+2+(2)A(9+1) G(2) (2) % K(5)C1+2+(2)A(9+1) G(2)
(C) SO2 (R) Garlic smell
(3) % K CA G (3) % K2+2C4A2+4 G(2)
(D) H3PO2 (S) 2+2p π 4-d π2+4bond(2)
(4) ⊕ K C4A2+4 G(2) (4) ⊕ K2+2C4A2+4 G(2)
(1) A → R; B→P;2+2 C→S; D→Q
(2) िन न कथनो
B→R; पर िवचार
C→S;क D→Q
िजये :- 103. Consider the following statements :-
(i) बेरीB→Q;
फल फे बेC→P;
सी कुल का अिभला िणक ल ण है (i) Berry fruit is characteristic feature of
(3) A→T; D→S
(ii) िलिलऐसी
(4) A→Q; B→P;मेC→P; ंजु उपि थत होते है
प रदल पD→S
(ii) Perianth are present in Liliaceae
100. Type of(iii)isomerism
फाॅबेसी कुल मwhich
पु प अिधजाया
cannotंगी be
होते shown
है (iii) Flowers are epigynous in Fabaceae
by [Co(en)
से कौनसा/से कथन सही है ? Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(1) Geometrical
(1) के वल (i) (2) Optical
(2) के वल (ii) (1) (i) only (2) (ii) only
(3) Ionisation
(3) (i) व (ii) दोन (4) Coordination
(4) (ii) व (iii) दोन (3) (i) and (ii) both (4) (ii) and (iii) both
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104. Statement-I
108. र क :-कोिशकाओ
ं के inसमीप
कुछ अिधचम 108. Few cells of epidermis present in close vicinity
within aआकृ
flower is found
ित तथा आकारinमcruciferae.
पा त रत हो जाती है तथा of guard cells are modified in their shape and
Statement-II :- है5 :sepals & 5 petals are found in
कहलाती size and are known as :
(1) सहचर कोिशका (2) पण म यो क (1) Companion cell (2) Mesophyll
(1) Both
(3) Statement-I
सहायक कोिशकाand Statement-II
(4) रोह रोम are (3) Subsidiary cell (4) Trichome
109. िन न म से िकतने ि बीजप ी मल म व कुट के भाग है ? 109. How many of the following are part of cortex in
(2) Statement-I is correct but ू Statement-II is dicot root ?
ररंभ, म जा, अधः वचा, सामा य व कुट, अ त म,
Pericycle, Pith, Hypodermis, General cortex,
जाइलम is incorrect but Statement-II is
(3) Statement-I Endodermis, Xylem
correct (1) Three (2) Two (3) Four (4) Five
(1) तीन (2) दो (3) चार (4) पाँच
(4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are
110. ि बीजप ी त भ म बाहर से भीतर क ओर उ को का म 110. In a dicot stem the sequence of tissues from the
या होता है :- outside to the inside is :-
105. Which of the following statements are correct?
I. Tap root अिध मis→
(1) system प ररंभin→
present dicot म → लोएम
अ plants. (1) Epidermis → pericyle → endodermis →
II. Fibrous root system is present in monocot phloem
plants. (2) अिध म → लोएम → अ म → प ररंभ (2) Epidermis → phloem → endodermis →
III. Adventitious roots are present in only pericyle
dicot plants.
(3) अिध म → अना म → प ररंभ → लोएम (3) Epidermis → endodermis → pericycle →
(1) I and III are correct
(4) Pericycle → phloem → endodermis →
ंभ →
(4) IIIप ररare
(2) II and लोएम → अ
correct म → काग
111.I and
(3) II are correct
क जकिटव उ क एधा उदाहरण है :- 111. Conjunctive tissue is the example of :-
(4) I, II(1)and थायी
III areउ correct
क (1) Permanent tissue
106. The edible
(2) part
शीषofिवभा यो कis उ– क का
potato (2) apical meristem
(1) Tap(3)
root ाथिमक िवभा (2)
यो कAdventitious
उ क का root (3) primary meristem
(3) Aerial
(4) stem
अ तवशी िवभ (4) यो कUnderground
उ क का stem (4) intercalary meristem
107. Assertion
112. िन न(A)म से:- कौनसा
are अपघटन
more efficient
क ि याinको धीमा 112. Which of the following is not the factor
conduction of water than tracheids. responsible for decreasing the process of
करने के िलए िज मेदार नह है ?
Reason (R) :- Vessels members have perforated decomposition ?
end walls
(1)andकमa तापमान
large central cavity.
(2) चीनी िवलयन (1) Low temperature (2) Sugar solution
(1) Both(3)(A)काईिटन
and (R) are correct (4)butिलि(R)
ननis not (3) Chitin (4) Lignin
correct explanation of (A)
िविश समय पर येक पोषण तर पर जीिवत पदाथ क 113. Each trophic level has a certain mass of living
(2) (A)कisु छcorrect
खास मा but (R)हैisिजसे
ा होती notकहा
जाता है ? material at particular time called as the ?
(3) (A)(1)
is incorrect
समि but (R) is correct
(2) शु क भार (1) Population (2) Dry weight
(4) Both
(R) are correct(4)andखडी
is the
था (3) Standing crop (4) Standing state
correct explanation of (A)
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114. Percentage
118. िन निलिखत energyमtransferred to higher
से कौनसा उदाहरण भारतtrophic
म, हाॅट पाॅट का 118. Which of the following is not an example of
level in नहfoodहै ?chain is : hotspot in India ?
(1) 1%(1) पि (2) मी10%
घाट तथा(3) ील90%
ंका (4) 100% (1) Western ghat and Srilanka
115. In which (2) पofवू धाट the following ecosystem all (2) Eastern ghat
pyramids (3)areिहमालय
upright ? (3) Himalaya
(1) Tree (4)ecosystem
इ डोबमा (4) Indo-Burma
(2) िकसी ीप प रतं म िवदेशी जाितय के परु थापन से या
ecosystem 119. In any island ecosystem, introduction of exotic
होगा :- or alien species may cause :-
(3) Grass land ecosystem
(1) देशी जाितयाँ लु होगी (1) Disappearance of native species
(4) All of above
(2) पा रि थितक अि थरता (2) Ecological imbalance
116. Given below are two statements :
(3) जैिवक िविवधता बढेगी (3) Increased biodiversity
Statement I : Saprotrophs play a vital role in the
ecosystem(4) soउपरो they (1) व (2)occupy
always दोन the top level in (4) Both (1) & (2)
िवलु जीव pyramid.
का संर ण िकस बा थाने जगह पर िकया 120. Species extinct in the wild are maintained in
Statementजंगल म जाता हैtrophic
II : Each ? level in grazing food which of the following ex-situ conservation site ?
chain and in detritus food chain represents a (1) Zoological parks (2) Biosphere reserves
specific(1) ज तु उ ान
species. (2) जीव मंडल संरि त े
(3) हाॅofट the
In the light पाॅट above statements,
(4) रा choose
ीय पाकthe (3) Hot spot (4) National parks
121. appropriate
िन न म से कौन answer
व रत from
आवासtheितoptionsे है ?given 121. Which one is the region of accelerated habitat loss ?
below :
(1) जैविविवधता हाॅट पाॅट (1) Biodiversity hotspots
(1) Both statement I and statement II are incorrect
(2) वन पित उ ान (2) Botanical garden
(2) Statement I is correct but statement II is (3) Zoological parks
(3) ज तु उ ान
(4) व य ाणी सफारी पाक (4) Wildlife safari parks
(3) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is
डेिवड िटलमैन के ‘‘आँउट डोर लाट’’ परी ण के अनसु ार, 122. According to, David Tilman out door plots experiment
िन निलिखत म से कौन सा-से कथन स य है ? which of the following statement(s) is true ?
(4) Both statement I and statement II are
(1) अिधक िविवधता वाला लांट म अिधक ितरोधक
correct (1) Plot with more diversity leads to more
शि होती है। resistance
117. Choose the incorrect option for following food
chain:- (2) अिधक िविवधता वाला लांट हर साल लगभग समान (2) Plot with more diversity produces its
Grass → Insect जैवभार
यार करता →है। Hawk biomass almost same every year
(a) Hawk(3)is ecologically
अिधक जाितweak समृि वाले भख ू डे उ पादन म (3) Plot with more species richness are more
(b) Sparrow isअिधक predator
ि थर होते है। stable in production
(c) Insect(4)is phytophagous
सभी स य है। (4) All are true
(d) Energy from insect is completely transfered to
123. नाव के चहू े व लोर बीटल क 'r' वै यू मशः है :-
sparrow 123. The values of 'r' for Norway rat and flour beetles
are respectively :-
(1) only(1)d 0.015, 0.0205(2) only(2)a 0.12, 2.71828 (1) 0.015, 0.0205 (2) 0.12, 2.71828
(3) a, b,(3)c 0.015, 0.12 (4) a &(4)d 0.0205, 0.015 (3) 0.015, 0.12 (4) 0.0205, 0.015
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33 Hindi + English Hindi + English 34
129. C4 पादप
124. Statement-I के काश सrepresents
: Lichens ं'ysषण म अanकािशक अिभि या के
intimate 129. During the dark reaction of photosynthesis in
दौरान relationship
mutualistic सही कथन को चbetween
नु ो - a fungus and C4 plants (choose the correct one)
(1) पनु जननalgae
के वल or cyanobacteria.
मीजोिफल कोिशका म होता है। (1) Regeneration step occurs in mesophyll cell only
Statement-II : The mycorrhizae are associations
(2) Regeneration step occurs in bundle sheath
पनु जनन ब डल
and the शीथofकोिशका
roots म होता
the higher है।
plants. cell only
(1) Both(3)Statement
पनु जनन मीजोिफल
I and II are कोिशका
correctव ब डलशीथ दोन (3) Regeneration step occurs in both mesophyll
कोिशका म होता है। cell and bundle sheath cell
(2) Only Statement I is correct
(4) कोई नह (4) There is no step of regeneration
(3) Only statement II is correct
130. पादप कारक जो काश सं ' ys ष ण को िनयं ि त नही 130. Which of the following is not a plant factor
(4) Both Statement
करता ? I and II are incorrect regulating photosynthetis ?
125. Which of(1)theप following
ी क आयु is incorrect statement? (1) Age of leaf
(1) In Australia
(2) मीजोिफल the invasive
कोिशका cactus
क सं याbrought under
control only after predator moth introduced (2) Number of mesophyll cells
(2) In (3) वातावरणीयpacific
American CO2 साcoast ता the starfish (3) Atmospheric CO2 concentration
(4) isलोरोिफल
an important
क मा ाparasite. (4) Amount of chlorophyll
131.Chemical substanceजलlikeिव nicotine,
काश अवशोषण, टन, O2 काcaffeine
मु होना, ATP 131. Light absorption, water splitting, oxygen release,
etc. are produced by plant as defense ATP formation, NADPH formation, Glucose
against NADPH िनमाण, लक ू ोज िनमाण formation.
उपरो म से िकतने म काश-सं'ysषण क काश How many of the above processes are carried out
(4) Resources need not be limiting for
रसायिनक ाव था म होते ह ? in photo chemical phase of photosynthesis ?
competition to occur.
(1) 3 (2) 5 (3) 4 (4) 2 (1) 3 (2) 5 (3) 4 (4) 2
126. Enzyme + substrate ⇌ ES → A → B + C
Find दो Cकथन िदये गये है : एक कथन-A है और दसू रा
A, B, 132. Given below are two statements : One is labelled
as Assertion-A and the other is labelled as
(1) A -कारण-R
EP, B -हैEnzyme,
। C - Product Reason-R.
(2) A -कथन (A) :Bयह- EP,
Enzyme, मानाC जाता है िक लोरोिफल 'a' काश
- Product Assertion (A) : It can be concluded that
(3) A -सProduct,
ं'ysषण के Bिलए- EP,मख
ु C वणक है।
- Enzyme chlorophyll 'a' is the chief pigment associated
with photosynthesis.
(4) Moreकारणthan(R)one: option
तरंगदै यis िज ह लोरोिफल 'a' अिधकतम
correct Reason (R) : Wavelength at which there is
अवशोिषत करता है अथात् नीले एवं लाल े म, उनम maximum absorption by chlorophyll 'a' i.e. in the
127. Enzyme show narrow range for –
काश सं'ysषण क दर भी अिधक होती है। blue and red regions, also shows higher rate of
(1) Inhibitor photosynthesis.
उपयु कथन के संदभ म, नीचे िदये गये िवक प म से सही
(2) Substrate concentration In the light of the above statements, choose the
उ र का चयन क िजए : correct answer from the options given below :
(3) pH and Temperature
(1) A एवं R दोन स य है पर तु R, A क सही या या (1) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the
(4) ATP नह है। correct explanation of A.
128. At how(2)many A सsteps
य है परCOतु 2Risअसreleased
य है। in aerobic (2) A is true but R is false.
respiration :
(3) A अस य है पर तु R स य है। (3) A is false but R is true.
(1) One or two (2) Three
(4) A एवं R दोन स य ह एवं R, A क सही या या (4) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
(3) Five है। (4) Twelve explanation of A.
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35 Hindi + English Hindi + English 36
133. Assertion
137. त भ I(A)त भ :II व The conversion
III का िमलान of िदये गये
क िजये तथा 137. Match the column-I, II, and III and select the
िवक प म से सही िवक प का चयन intoक िजये 1,3- correct option from options given below :-
bisphosphoglycerate is an oxidation reaction. Column-
त भ-I त भ-II त भ-III Column-I Column-II
Reason (R) : The reaction in which 1,3- III
(1) ोप मल
bisphosphoglycerate ू (a)is गformed ना (i) from
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate utilises NADP . + (1) Prop root (a) Sugarcane (i) Support
अव त भ
(1) Both(2)A andमRल (b) राइजोफोरा (ii) खा सं ह food
ू are true and R is the correct (2) Stilt root (b) Rhizophora (ii)
explanation of A storage
तने क
(2) Both(3)A and R are true, but R is not the Lower
यमू ेटोफोर (c) बरगद (iii) नीचली पव (3) Pneumatophore (c) Banyan (iii) node of
correct explanation of A.
संिध stem
(3) A is true, but R is false
ऑ सीजन Help to
(4) A is false, कbutं िदलR is true Sweet
(4) (d) शकरक द (iv) ा करने म (4) Tuberous root (d) (iv) get
म लू
134. How does pruning help in making hedge, denseसहायक ? potato
(1) It releases wound hormones
(1) 1-c-ii, 2-a-iii, 3-d-iv, 4-b-i (1) 1-c-ii, 2-a-iii, 3-d-iv, 4-b-i
(2) Apical shoot grows faster after pruning
(2) 1-a-i, 2-c-iii, 3-b-iv, 4-d-ii (2) 1-a-i, 2-c-iii, 3-b-iv, 4-d-ii
(3) It frees axillary bud from apical dominance
(3) 1-c-i, 2-a-iii, 3-b-iv, 4-d-ii (3) 1-c-i, 2-a-iii, 3-b-iv, 4-d-ii
(4) It induces differentiation of new shoots
stock. 2-b-iii, 4-a-iv, 3-d-ii (4) 1-c-i, 2-b-iii, 4-a-iv, 3-d-ii
138. कथन-1 :- एकबीजप ी मल क म जा बहत िवकिसत 138. Statement-1 :- Pith of monocot root is well developed.
135. Root elongation at constant rateू shows ?
होती है। Statement-2 :- Secondary growth are absent in
(1) exponential
कथन-2 :- growth
एकबीजप ी मल ू म ि तीयक वृि नह होती है। monocot root.
(2) determinate growth
(1) दोन कथन 1 तथा 2 सही है (1) Both statement 1 and 2 are correct
(3) geometric growth
(2) दोन कथन 1 तथा 2 गलत है (2) Both statement 1 and 2 are false
(4) arithmetic growth
(3) कथन 1 सही है लेिकन 2 गलत है (3) Statement 1 is correct but 2 is incorrect
(4) कथन 2 सही है लेिकन 1 गलत है (4) Statement 2 is correct but 1 is incorrect
136. Assertion
139. सही :कथन In चनु basal
ो :- placentation, ovary is 139. Select correct statements :-
unilocular. (i) Growth in plants is largely restricted to
(i) पौध म वृि मु यतः िवशेष भाग म ही सीिमत रहती है।
Reason : Basal placentation is found in sunflower. specialized regions
(ii) िवभ यो क जो प रप व ऊतक के म य उपि थत रहता (ii) Meristem which occurs between mature
(1) If both Assertion & Reason are True & the
है, शीषisथ िवभा
Reason a correctयो क कहलाता है। of the
explanation tissues known as apical meristem
(iii) पण का भरण ऊतक पणम यो क कहलाता है।
Assertion. (iii) Ground tissue of leaves is known as
(iv) ि Assertion
बीजप ी मल ू &मReason
ि तीयक वृare
ि होती mesophyll
(2) If both Trueहै।but
(iv) Dicot roots show secondary growth
(v) एकबीजप
Reason is not aी correct
पौध क explanation
पण म संवहनof पthe ल
ू अ यिधक (v) Size of vascular bundles is highly variable in
िविभ न आकार के होते ह। monocot leaves
(3) If Assertion is True
(1) i, ii, iii, iv but the (2)
Reasoni, iii,is iv,
v (1) i, ii, iii, iv (2) i, iii, iv, v
(4) If both
(3) Assertion
i, iii, iv & Reason (4)
are False.
ii, iii, v (3) i, iii, iv (4) ii, iii, v
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37 Hindi + English Hindi + English 38
140. The
जीव िवofानीenergy
ने खिलहान
fixed मin चproducer
हू क जनसin ं या पर 144. A biologist studied a population of rats in barn. He
an ecosystem
अ ययन including
िकया उसनेtheपायाorganic
औसत matter
ज मदर used
250, औसत found that average natality was 250, average mortality
up in respiration
मु यदु र 240,known
आ वासन as:- 20, उ वासन 30 जनसं या म 240, immigration 20 and emigration 30. The net
(1) Gross वृि िकतनी होगी?
productivity increase in population is :
(2) Net(1) 10 productivity
primary (2) 15 (3) 5 (4) शू य (1) 10 (2) 15 (3) 5 (4) Zero
(3) productivity
त भ-I और त भ-II का िमलान कर। 145. Match the column-I with column-II.
(4) Net community productivity Column-I Column-II
त भ-I त भ-II
141. (i) Gause (a) Phytophagous
(i) गाॅस (a) पादपभ ी
(ii) MacArthur (b) Competitive release
(ii) मैक आथर (b) पध मोचन Competitive
(iii) Connell (c)
(iii) काॅनेल (c) पध अपवजन exclusion
Above given pie chart is showing number of Resource
लगभगIn above
vertebrate(iv)species. 25% pie chart फूदकidentify
म S संसाधन Nearly 25% of
(d) (iv) (d) partitioning in
is representingकspecies
ट of:- िवभाजन all insect
(1) Reptiles (2) Amphibians
(1) (i)-(c), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a) (1) (i)-(c), (ii)-(d), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(a)
(3) Birds (4) Fishes
(2) (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(d) (2) (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c), (iv)-(d)
142. Which of the following statement(s) is/are
the (ii)-(c),
options (iii)-(a),
given below(iv)-(d)
? (3) (i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a), (iv)-(d)
(A) Speciation in generally
(4) (i)-(d), (ii)-(a),a(iii)-(b),
of time. (4) (i)-(d), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(b), (iv)-(c)
(B) Conventional taxonomic methods are suitable
for काॅलम – Iofकाmicrobial
identification काॅलम – IIspecies.
से िमलान कर ? 146. Match the column – I with column – II ?
(C) Loss of biodiversity in a region lead to
काॅलम – Ito environmental
increased resistance काॅलम – IIdisturbance. Column – I Column – II
(D) Hotspots are regions of lower habitat loss.
(A) लाइगेज (i) लाइपेज (A) Ligase (i) Lipases
(1) A only (2) B, C & D
(3) B &(B) C हाइ ोलेज (ii) (4) Cहे &सोकाइने
D ज (B) Hydrolases (ii) Hexokinase
143. Read the(C)following
ांसफे रे जstatements.
(iii) ए डोलेज (C) Transferase (iii) Aldolase
(A) 6th mass extinction of species is being
caused anthropogenically
(D) लाइसेज (iv)andिसisेट10 िसंथtimes
ेज faster (D) Lyases (iv) Citrate synthase
than the rate of natural extinctions.
(B) Passenger
(1) A pigeon
– iv, B have – i, Cbecome
– ii, Dextinct
– iii due to (1) A – iv, B – i, C – ii, D – iii
over exploitation by humans.
(2) Ahas
(C) Norway – iv,
lower B – ecosystem
i, C – iii, Ddiversity
– ii than (2) A – iv, B – i, C – iii, D – ii
India. (3) (3) A – i, B – iv, C – ii, D – iii
(D) More than A –50,000
i, B – iv, C – ii,ofD mango
varieties – iii
in India.(4) A – i, B – ii, C – iii, D – iv (4) A – i, B – ii, C – iii, D – iv
Choose the option with correct set of statements
147. ाइपाि मटीन म 'o सन गुणां क होता है - 147. Respiratory quotient (RQ) value of tripalmitin is :
(1) A and D (2) A and B
(1) C0.1 (2) 0.7
(3) B and (3) D0.07 (4) 0.09
(4) C and (1) 0.1 (2) 0.7 (3) 0.07 (4) 0.09
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39 Hindi + English Hindi + English 40
Topic : Biology and Human Welfare : Human Health and Disease, Excretory Products And Their Elimination (Human
148. Find out correct
Excretory matchBreathing
System), : And Exchange of Gases (Respiratory System), Body Fluids and Circulation (Human
Circulatory System), Neural Control And Co-ordination (Nervous System), Chemical Co-ordination And Regulation
(Endocrine System)

अनभु ाग - A ( ािणिव ान) SECTION - A (ZOOLOGY)

151. पेसमेकर दय म ि थत रहता है :- 151. Pacemaker is situated in heart :-
(1) दाएं आिल द क दीवार म (1) In the wall of right atrium
(1) A - chl.b (2) B - Carotenoids
(2) अंतर आिल द पट पर (2) On interauricular septum
(3) C - chl.a (4) All of these
(3) अंतर िनलय पट पर (3) On interventricular septum
149. Which of
ंए आिलंद कstatement
दीवार म is wrong ? (4) In the wall of left atrium
एक सामाin यconcentration
व थ वय क मानवupto म0.05% canml र म
ित 100 152. The haemoglobin content per 100 ml of blood of
हीमो an
क मा ा inिकतनी
2 fixation
है? rate, a normal healthy adult is ?
beyond this levels can become damaging
(1) 12 - 16 gms (1) 12 - 16 gms
over longer periods.
(2) 5 - 11 gms (2) 5 - 11 gms
(2) C4 plant show saturation at about 360 μ l L –1
(3) 25 - 30 gms (3) 25 - 30 gms
while C3 responds only beyond 450 μ l L –1.
(4) 17 - 20 gms (4) 17 - 20 gms
(3) Current availability of CO2 levels is
मनु य मtoसामा
153.limiting the Cय4पplants
रप व RBC
not forह: C3 plants. 153. Normal mature RBC in human beings is :
(1) उभयावतल
(4) Tomato and bell pepper are C plants. (1) Biconcave
(2) वृ ाकार (2) Circular
150. Fill in the blanks
(3) के क रिहत (3) Non-nucleated
I. Spraying sugarcane crop with __A__
इनम सेofसभी
the stem (4) All of these
िन न enhances
म से कौनtheमानव E.C.G. rate
respiration का रेduring
खां िकत िच ण 154. Which of the following diagramatic presentation
ripeningसही है ? fruit.
of the of a standard E.C.G. is correct ?
III. _C_ does not occur naturally in plants.
(1) for natural substances with cytokinin
IV. Search (1)
like activities led to the isolation of __D__ from
corn kernels and coconut milk.
(2) (2)
(1) A – Auxin, B – ABA, C – NAA, D – Kinetin
(2) A – Gibberellins, B – Ethylene, C – Kinetin,
(3) (3)
D – Zeatin
(3) A – Ethylene, B – Gibberellins, C – Kinetin,
D –(4)
Zeatin (4)
(4) A – Auxin, B – NAA, C – ABA, D – Cytokinin
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41 Hindi + English Hindi + English 42
158. िनincorrect
155. Choose statement
न म से कौनसा कथन :-'oसन दर और ज तओु ं के शरीर के 158. Which of the following statement best
(1) Eosinophil summerises the relationship between respiratory
आकार के resists
बीच सहीinfection.
संब ध को दिशत करता है :-
rate and body size in related animals
(2) Erythroblastosis foetalis can be avoided by
(1) छोटे ज तओ
administration ु ofं म anti-Rh
अिधक 'oसन दर
antibodies to (1) Smaller the animal higher the respiratory
mother immediately after first delivery. rate
(2) छोटे ज तओ ु ं म कम 'oसन दर (2) Smaller the animal lower the respiratory
(3) During pregnancy blood of mother and
foetus are well separated by placenta. rate
(3) बड़े ज तओु ं म अिधक 'oसन दर
(4) Person with AB blood group is universal (3) Larger the animal higher the respiratory
donor rate
(4) शरीर के आकार और 'oसन दर एक दसू रे से संबिधत
156. Given belowनहareहोते (4) Size and respiratory rate are not related in
two। statements : any orderly fashion
Statement-I : Erythroblastosis foetalis can be
159. िनbyनिलिखत
avoided म से याanti-Rh
administering अंतः 'oantibodies
सन ि या केto संदभ म 159. Which of the following is correct during
the foetus ह? after the delivery. inspiration process ?
(1) डाया: Fibrins
Statement-II ाम क पेिशयाँ
िु शिथल होby
रही हthe (1) Muscles of diaphragm relaxing
(2) of
राफु फुसीयfibrinogens
आयतन कमinहो theरहा हplasma (2) Intrapulmonary volume decreasing
by the enzyme thrombin.
(3) अंतराफु फुसीय दाब बढ़ रहा ह (3) Intrapulmonary pressure increasing
(4) Statement-I
(1) Both डाया ाम चपटाand हो रहाStatement-II
ह are (4) Diaphram becoming flat
160. 'oसन के िनयमन म, मि त क के मेडुला े म लय क से 160. In the regulation of respiration, a chemosensitive
(2) Statement-I is correct
सटा एक रसायन-स but Statement-II
ंवेदनशील े िकसके िलएis अ यिधक area adjacent to the rhythm centre in the medulla
संवेदनशील होता है region of the brain, is highly sensitive to:
(3) Statement-I
(1) HCOis−3 incorrect
(2) CO2 but(3) Statement-II
O2 (4)is N2 (1) HCO−3 (2) CO2 (3) O2 (4) N2
161. Column – I व Column – II का िमलान क िजये- 161. Match Column – I with Column – II
(4) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are
correct Column – I Column – II Column – I Column – II
157. How many(a) statements
अंतः'oसनare correct (i) ? िनि य ि या (a) Inspiration (i) passive process
(b) a िन
(A) During 'oसन cycle each(ii)ventricle
cardiac सि यpumps
ि या (b) Expiration (ii) Active process
out approximately Hb से अिधक O More O2 released
(c) pH क70वृिml of blood
(iii)which is called 2 (c) Increase in pH (iii)
the stroke volume क मिु from Hb

(B) Human Hb से कम O2 क Lesser O2 is

(d) have
pH 4कchambered
कमी heart.
(iv) (d) Decrease in pH (iv)
मिु released from Hb
(C) The cardiac output of an athlete will be
(1) that
higher than a – (i),
of ban– (ii), c – (iii),
ordinary man.d – (iv) (1) a – (i), b – (ii), c – (iii), d – (iv)
(D) The(2)body
a – (ii),
has bno– (i), c – (iv),
ability – (iii)the stroke
to dalter (2) a – (ii), b – (i), c – (iv), d – (iii)
volume(3) – (iii),
and athe b – (iv),
cardiac c – (i), d – (ii)
output. (3) a – (iii), b – (iv), c – (i), d – (ii)
(1) 1 (4) a(2)
– (iv),
2 b – (iii),
(3) c –3(ii), d –(4)
(i) 4 (4) a – (iv), b – (iii), c – (ii), d – (i)
18-02-2024 18-02-2024 0999DMD363161230010
43 Hindi + English Hindi + English 44
162. (a)167.7%िवoxygen
ामाव थाisम एcarried
सोन िझ by plasma
ली होती है? in the 167. In a resting neuron, the axonal membrane is ?
K+ के िलए लगभग अपारग य (1) Nearly impermeable to potassium ions (K+)
(b) Oxygen dissociation curve is highly useful in
studying(2) the
ए सोeffect
ला म मofि थतfactors
ऋणा मकlikeोटीनPCO 2, य
हेतु पारग (2) Permeable to negatively charged proteins
H concentration etc. on binding of CO2 with present in the axoplasm.
(3) तल
haemoglobin. ु ना मक प से K+ हेतु यादा पारग य (3) Comparatively more permeable to K+
(c) Respiratory+ rhythm centre is present in
medulla(4) Na हेतु पणू तः पारग य
oblongata. (4) Completely permeable to sodium ions (Na+)
168. मिoption
त क which
त भ बनाinclude
होता है wrong
- statements. 168. Brain stem is made by -
(1) (a) (1)
onlyम य मि त क का (2) (a), (b) & (c) (1) Midbrain
(3) (b)(2)
& (c)प स का (4) (a) & (b) (2) Pons
163. The conditional +
(3) मेड्यलू reabsorption
ा ओबल गेटा काof Na and water (3) Medulla oblongata
occurs in which part of nephron?
(4) उपरो सभी का (4) All of these
(1) PCT
169. दय प रसंचारी प रवतन और पाचक रस का िनयं ण करता 169. Cardiovascular reflexes and gastric secretions
(2) Loopहै - of Henle are controlled by -
(3) Bowman's
(1) प स capsule (2) मेड्यल
ू ा ओबल गेटा (1) Pons (2) Medulla oblongata
(4) DCT (3) अनमु ि त क (4) मे र जु (3) Cerebellum (4) Spinal cord
164. In170.
अंतरसtoंवdecrease in blood
ेदी सहभािगता, मृित volume
एवं संपकand
सू blood
िन निलिखत म 170. Intersensory association, memory and
pressure,से which
िकसके of
कायtheहै following
:- does not occur ? communication are the functions of :-
(1) Secretion of renin
(1) माइिलन आ छदी तिं का (2) सहभािगता ै (1) Myelinated neuron (2) Association area
(2) Secretion
(3) अनofमु िaldosterone
तक (4) मे र जु (3) Cerebellum (4) Spinal cord
िसने स केofसvassopressin
ब ध म सही कथन का चनु ाव िकिजए :- 171. Select the correct statement regarding synapses :-
(4) Secretion
(1) िव ofतु ीय
ANF िसने स, यरू ो ांसमीटर उपयोग म लेते है। (1) Electrical synapses use neurotransmitters
165. The pH(2) of human urine isस approximately
िव ुतीय-िसने से आवेग का संच: रण, रासायिनक (2) Impulse transmission across a electrical
(1) 9 िसने
(2) स7 से संच(3) रण क6 तुलना(4) म अिधक
7.5 ती होता synapse is always faster than that across a
है। chemical synapse
166. Assertion :- Angiotensin II increases the
glomerular(3) blood
यूरो ाँसpressure
मीटर पूवandिसनेthereby
ि टक िझGFR.
ली पर ि थत होते (3) Neurotransmitter receptors are situated on
Reason :-है। Angiotensin II is powerful pre synaptic membrane
(4) हमारे त म रासायिनक िसने स बहत कम होते है। (4) Chemical synapses are rare in our system
िन नAssertion & Reasonंिथ are
म से कौन थाइराइड True
के िलए स य&है?the 172. Which of the following are true for thyroid gland?
Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(1) ि पािलत ंिथ (1) Bilobed gland
(2) Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason
(2) आपस म इ थमस से जडु े (2) Interconnected with isthmus
is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(3) र कै ि शयम तर को िनयंि त करना (3) Regulation of blood Ca+2 level
(3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
(4) उपरो सभी (4) All of the above
(4) Both Assertion & Reason are False.
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45 Hindi + English Hindi + English 46
173. Glucagon
180. िन is
न म? से कौनसा रोग िबंदक
ु ो के ारा फै ल सकता है ? 180. Which of the following disease can spread
(1) Hypoglycemic hormone through droplet infection ?
(1) यमु ोिनया hormone (2) टाइफाॅइड
(2) Hyperglycemic (1) Pneumonia (2) Typhoid
(3) सामा
(3) Steroidal य जक
hormone ु ाम (4) दोन (1) तथा (3) (3) Common cold (4) Both (1) and (3)
181.(2)िनandन म(3)से both
िकसम अप रप व लिसकाण,ु ितजन संवेदनशील 181. In which of the following, immature lymphocytes
174. ________लिसकाण ु म िवभेgrowth
stimulates िदत होते हैand
? development of differentiate into antigen sensitive lymphocytes ?
the ovarian
(1) follicles
थाइमस in females. (2) लीहा (1) Thymus (2) Spleen
(1) L. H.
(3) प(2)रशेिACTH
षका (3) GH(4) लिसका (4) F.S.H.
ंिथ (3) Appendix (4) Lymph node
175. Group
182. ofिकस
टीके का उ पादनcells
पनु य are
गज present
डीएनए inौ ?ोिगक के ारा 182. Which vaccine is produced by recombinant DNA
होता है ?
(1) Thalamus (2) Hypothalamus technology ?
(1) टाइफाॅ
(3) Anterior इड
pituitory (4) (2)(2)
& (3)सामा
bothय जक
ु ाम (1) Typhoid (2) Common cold
176. Which of(3)theएडfollowing
्स hormone(4)is यकृ
secreted (3) AIDS (4) Hepatitis-B
पीयषू म िकस ितर? ी क चरु ता होती है ? 183. Which antibody is present in abundance in
(1) GH (2) TSH colostrum ?
(1) IgG
(3) ACTH (2) IgD (3) IgA (4) IgM
(4) Oxytocin (1) IgG (2) IgD (3) IgA (4) IgM
184. of
177. Which िन the
न म following
से कौनसा यstatement
ु म समु ेिलत नह है ? ?
is correct 184. Which pair is not matched correctly ?
(1) कोिशक and
(1) Adrenaline य रोध ⇒ ाकृ ितक मारक
cortisol are कोिशका
called (1) Cellular barrier ⇒ Natural killer cell
(2) काियक य रोध ⇒ आँख के आँसू (2) Physiological barrier ⇒ Tears from eyes
(2) Cortisol regulates ु Ca +2 balance in our body
(3) टी-लसीकाण ⇒ ितर ी का उ पादन (3) T-lymphocytes ⇒ Produce antibodies
(3) Glucocorticoid
(4) ऐलज ⇒stimulates
IgE gluconeogenesis, (4) Allergy ⇒ IgE
lipolysis and proteolysis.
185. काॅलम-I का काॅलम-II के साथ िमलान कर और नीचे िदए 185. Match the column-I with column-II and choose
(4) Aldosterone play a role in growth of axial
hairगए िवक प म से सही का चयन कर :- the correct option given below :-
काॅलम-I statement is incorrect?
178. Which of the following काॅलम-II Column-I Column-II
(a) gland
(1) Thyroid सहज secretes
ितर ा only(i)steroid
ाकृ hormones.
ितक सं मण (a) Innate immunity (i) Natural infection
(2) Hypothroidism
(b) उपािजत isितर
related to goitre
ा (ii) इटं रफे राॅन (b) Acquired immunity (ii) Inteferons
(3) Thyroxine
(c) सि influences
य ितर ा water (iii) and
म (c) Active immunity (iii) Colostrum
(d) िनि य ितर ा (iv) ितरि यां (d) Passive immunity (iv) Antibodies
(4) TCT regulates blood calcium level.
179. Lips and(1)finger
gray to bluish in (1) a-(ii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(iii)
colour in(2)which
the following disease ?
c-(iii), d-(iv) (2) a-(i), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(iv)
(1) Common cold b-(iv),(2)c-(ii),
(3) a-(iii), Typhoid
d-(i) (3) a-(iii), b-(iv), c-(ii), d-(i)
(3) Pneumonia
(4) a-(ii), b-(iv),(4) Malaria
c-(iii), d-(i) (4) a-(ii), b-(iv), c-(iii), d-(i)
18-02-2024 18-02-2024 0999DMD363161230010
47 Hindi + English Hindi + English 48
उस रोग का- Bपता(ZOOLOGY)
लगाइये िजसमे वृ क म अघल
ु नशील 189. Find out the disease in which insoluble mass of
ि टिलत लवण के िपंड बनते है :- crystallised salt formed within the kidney :-
186. Match the following-
(1) रीनल के लकलाई (2) गु छ शोथ (1) Renal calculi (2) Glomerulonephritis
Column-A Column-B
(3) गाऊट (4) अपतािनका (3) Gout (4) Tetany
(A) Fever (i) Cellular immunity
190. Monocyte
(B) त भ को समु ेिलत(ii)कर :-Humoral immunity 190. Match the column :-
वरयं क उपाि थ Name of Shape of
उपाि थ क आकृ ित
Physiological Type of
(C) Killer उपाि थ (iii)
T-cell का कार laryngeal the
barrier cartilage cartilage
i. Thyroid a. Pyramidal आकृ ित x. Hyaline
(D) Plasma cells (iv)b. CCellular
ii. Cricoid आकृ ित
barrier y. Elastic i. Thyroid a. Pyramidal x. Hyaline
(1) (A – iii), (B – i), (C – iv), (D – ii) White ii. Cricoid b. C shaped y. Elastic
iii. Arytenoid c. गोलाकार आकृ ित z.
fibrous White
(2) (A – iii), (B – iv), (C – i), (D – ii) iii. Arytenoid c. Spherical z.
Signet fibrous
(3) (A –iv. Santorini
ii), (B – iv), (C –d.i), Ring
(D – ii)
आकृ ित iv. Santorini d. Signet Ring
(4) (A – ii), (B – i), (C – iv), (D – iii)
(1) i-d-y, ii-c-x, iii-b-x, iv-a-y (1) i-d-y, ii-c-x, iii-b-x, iv-a-y
187. Which one
(2) of the following
i-a-x, set of element
ii-b-x, iii-c-y, iv-d-y is not (2) i-a-x, ii-b-x, iii-c-y, iv-d-y
present in plasma ?
(3) i-b-x, ii-a-x, iii-c-y, iv-d-y (3) i-b-x, ii-a-x, iii-c-y, iv-d-y
(1) Na+, Mg++, amino acid
(4) i-b-x, ii-d-x, iii-a-x, iv-c-y (4) i-b-x, ii-d-x, iii-a-x, iv-c-y
(2) HCO3 – , Mg++, lipids
191. िन न– म से –कौनसे कारक गैस के िवसरण क दर को भािवत 191. Which of the following factors can affect the rate
(3) HCO , Cl है ,?Glucose
कर3सकते of diffusion of gas?
(4) Na+(1)
, Mgगै++
स , का
आंिशक दाब (1) Partial pressure of gases
188. Select the
(2) incorrect
गैस क घल ुstatement
नशीलता regarding the two (2) Solubility of gases
types (A and B) of synapses shown below
(3) िवसरण िझ ली क मोटाई (3) Thickness of diffusion membrane
(4) उपरो सभी (4) All of the above
192. कथन : अंतः िवसरण िझि लका म से ित इकाई आंिशक 192. Assertion: The amount of CO2 that can diffuse
दाब के अंतर क िवस रत होने वाली CO2 क मा ा O2 क through the diffusion membrane per unit
ु ना म बहत अिधक होती है। difference in partial pressure is much higher
compared to that of oxygen.
कारण : चँिू क CO2 क घलु नशीलता O2क घल
ु निशलता से Reason : As the solubility of CO2 is 20-25 times
20-25 गनु ा अिधक होती है। higher than that of O2.
(1) A is(1)frequently
कथन एवं found
कारण in दोनhigher
स य हैvertebrates
तथा कारण कथन का (1) Both Assertion & Reason are True & the
(2) Impulseसहीtransmission
प ीकरण है। across A is faster Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
कथनBएवं कारण दोन स य है, लेिकन कारण, कथन (2) Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason
(3) In B neurotransmitters
का सही प ीकरण नह are हैreleased
। from a is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
post synaptic neuron that interact with
(3) कथन
specific स य हैon
receptors , लेिpresynaptic
कन कारण असneuronय है। (3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
(4)1 and
(4) Both कथन3व कारण दोन अस य ह। (4) Both Assertion & Reason are False.


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49 Hindi + English Hindi + English 50
193. Length,
197. अ width & thickness
ंत ावी ि थ का of
एकkidney respectively
ाेत का इसके सापेis ?हामान के 197. Match the endocrine gland as a source with its
(1) 10-12 cms ×इसके
5-7 काय
2-3 cmsक िजये :- respective hormone as well as the function :-

(2) 5-7 cms × 10-12 cms × 2-3 cms

(3) 2-3 cms × ोत5-7 िcms
थ × 10-12
cms काय
Hormone Function

(4) 10-12 cms × 5-7 cms × 7-8 cms र कै ि सयम तर Regulates blood
1 Thyroid Thyroxine
194. Statement1 I थायराॅ इड थायराॅि सन का िनयमन करती
: Multipolar neurons are found in the calcium level
cerebral cortex. Contraction of
िशश ज म के दौरान Anterior uterine muscles
Statement II : Unipolar neurons are foundु only 2 Oxytocin
2 अ पीयषू ऑ सीटोिसन गभाशयी पेिशयो pituitary during child
in the retina of eye. birth
का संकुचन
(1) Both Statements are correct Stimulates
ने ाॅन म
(2) Statement I is correct and II is incorrect resorption
दरू थनिलकाओ ं म
Posterior of water in the
(3) Statement
3 प पीय I isषू incorrect
ेिसनII is correct
जल के 3 Vasopressin
pituitary distal
(4) Both Statements are incorrect. अवशोषण को tubules in the
195. Which of the following endocrine gland isउpaired ीिपत करता
? है। nephron
(1) Hypothalamus गभाव था म Corpus Supports
4 ए ोजन 4 Estrogen
एि बके स सहायक है। albicans pregnancy
(2) Pineal gland
(3) ाथिमकglandितर ा अनु ि या के दौरान थम ितर ी 198. The first antibody during primary immune
है ? response is ?
(4) Pituitary gland
(1) IgG (2) IgM (1) IgG (2) IgM
196. Find out incorrect labelling in following diagram
(3) IgA (4) IgD (3) IgA (4) IgD
199. सहज ितर ा का उदाहरण है :- 199. An example of innate immunity is :-
(1) T-लिसकाणु (2) B-लिसकाणु (1) T-lymphocyte (2) B-lymphocyte
(3) यू ोिफल (4) मृित कोिशका (3) Neutrophils (4) Memory cell
200. सहज ितर ा के िलए िन न म से कौनसा िमलान सही 200. Which of the following is correct match for
है? innate immunity ?
(1) भौितक अवरोध - वर, अ लीय PH, लाइसोजाइम (1) Physical barrier - Fever, PH, lysozyme
(2) काियक य अवरोध - वचा, ाकृ ितक मारक (2) Physiological barrier - Skin, NK cells,
कोिशकाऐ, मे ोफे ज macrophage
(1) Axonal transport and Anterior pituitary
(3) कोिशक य अवरोध- ाकृ ितक मारक कोिशका (3) Cellular barrier - NK cells, monocytes, B-
(2) Portal circulation and Posterior
मोनोसाइट, B-िल फोसाइट. pituitary lymphocyte.
(3) Anterior pituitary
(4) काियक and Posterior
य अवरोध - pituitary
वर, अ लीय PH, (4) Physiological barrier - Fever, Acidic PH,
लाइसोजाइम and Axonal transport
(4) Portal circulation lysozyme
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