Event Enrolment Form
Event Enrolment Form
Event Enrolment Form
1. Examination Type
7. Weld Inspection
Initial 4yr (plastics only) 5yr 10yr
Supplementary Retest Bridging Endorsement Visual Welding Inspector Welding Inspector
Senior Welding Inspector AWS/CSWIP
BGAS/PCN No. (if known)_________________________________________ CSWIP/CSWIP-BGAS
Code/standard chosen for examination (in full)
CSWIP qualification (if held): (for CSWIP Welding Inspectors only)
Current qualification______________________________________________ (include CSWIP Approval letter for 10 year exam)
Current Certificate No._____________________________________________
8. Underwater inspection
2. Examination Subject 3.1U 3.2U 3.3U 3.4U
NDT go to Q3 Plastics welding go to Q9 Concrete OGI A-Scan
Welding Insp. go to Q7 Plant Inspector go to Q10 Please contact Customer Services for the relevant EX07 document
Underwater go to Q8 IIW/EWF diploma go to Q11
BGAS-CSWIP go to Q12 Other go to Q12
9. Plastics
Country of Birth ____________________________________
3. NDT (tick one in a,b,c and d)
Please state options required
a) PCN CSWIP ACCP ________________________________________________________
Other (please specify)______________________________________ ________________________________________________________
b) General Aerospace Axles
Please contact Customer Services for the relevant EX07 document
Weld Wrought Rails
c) Magnetic Penetrant
Ultrasonic go to Q4 Radiography go to Q5
Eddy current go to Q6 ACFM 10. Plant Inspector
EMA Visual & Optical testing
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
d) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
For levels 2 & 3:
4. Ultrasonic
Plate Pipe Tee
11. EWF Diploma
Nozzle Node Critical sizing
Specialist Technologist Engineer
Automated Automated Interpreter
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Aerospace Retest Oral
Material & Components
Material, Components & Structures
12. BGAS-CSWIP and other examinations
Please give details
5. Radiography
WeldsAerospace ________________________________________________________
X-ray light metal Material & Components
X-ray dense metal Material, Comp & Structures ________________________________________________________
Gamma-ray dense metal Welds light
Welds dense ________________________________________________________
Radiographic Interpretation
Ferrous Stainless Aluminium Copper & alloys ________________________________________________________
Abington Middlesbrough Sheffield
If recertification or supplementary please list the relevant Qualifications and Certificates already held and append copies of relevant
Pre-certification training
If you have attended relevant approved training courses in the past five years, please list below and attach evidence with any additional on-
the-job training (if appropriate)
Course title_____________________________________________________________________
Pre-certification experience
Please list your specific experience and duration as required by the scheme documentation and attach copies of log book entries if available for
NDT examinations, this is not a pre-requisite for examination, however certification will not be awarded until the experience is gained and
evidence provided. This experience must be verified by your employer or a recent major client:
To the best of my belief, the candidates statement given above is correct at the time of signing.