Digital Marketing Internship Report
Digital Marketing Internship Report
Digital Marketing Internship Report
Submitted To
Kurukshetra University,Kurukshetra
Submitted to Submitted By
Ms Karishma Grover Priyanshu Manori
Assistant Professor BBA 5th sem
Roll No 20119
Univ. Roll No- 201002414
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This is to certify that Priyanshu Manori a student of
Bachelor of Business Administration has worked on
the project Steelmans Broaches Pvt Ltd in partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the program .This
is original work to best of my knowledge
Ms Karishma Grover
Assistant Professor
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I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the project report entitled
"Steelmans" by Priyanshu submitted to the management department at
Technology Education and Research Integrated Institute (TERII) is an
authentic record of my own work carried out during a period from Aug 16, 2022 to
2 October 2022 under the supervision of Mr. Mani Sharma.
Signature of Student
Name of the student: Priyanshu
Roll No: 201002414
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I would also like to thank Mr. Mani Sharma, who is the trainer at
Solitaire Infosys Pvt. Ltd., for their consistent guidance on each and
every step of my project.
Without their support and directions, this project would not have been
completed. Their continuous support and motivation made this project
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company. This internship project is a part of my final year Bachelor program at
Eternal University.
I worked on a live project .We used different SEO
techniques to promote the website 1.On page SEO 2.Off page SEO .
We used different techniques
• Social Bookmarking
• Blogging
• Infographics
• Email Marketing
B.B.A 201002414
5th sem
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S No. Description
1 Company Profile
2 Introduction to the topic
3 Literature Review
4 Research Methodology
5 Data Analysis
6 Finding
7 Suggestion
8 Conclusion
9 Bibliography
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Company Profile
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Solitaire Infosys Inc. was a dream came into existence over three years
ago with a of becoming a best IT service provider around the globe.
Presently, Solitaire Infosys is already leading the race with its
competitors. Being nurtured by a team of experienced and sensitive
people we try to bond emotionally with our clients and love to go an
extra mile to satisfy their needs, which is the reason that we hold the
edge in the league.
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Introduction to the
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A division of this new company was an electric motor repair shop that serviced the
East Texas area. Business quickly increased to the point that a larger process oven
was needed for the rewinding operation. Drawing on their engineering, metal
fabrication, and electrical control experience, Steelman designed and built their
own industrial process oven.
In the early 1980’s Steelman expanded their electrical control line to include rotary
phase convertors and power factor correction equipment.
For more than 60 years Steelman has been constantly working to make their
quality equipment and customer service even better.
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• SEO will give you results (not immediately but rather quickly) and as be
exactly what is company needs to rank above your competitors in the google
• SEO can bring it thousands upon thousands of visitors to your website a day.
This may put your company in a position of needing to expand to a larger
web server to accommodate the traffic and sales to your website. Your
customers may recommend you a product or service that they were looking
for when they visited your website. SEO is a really great investment for your
company and could be what you need to take it to the next level.
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• SEO: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the
practice of increasing the quantity and quantity of traffic to your
website through organic search engine results.
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• AFFILIATE MARKETING: Affiliate marketing is an advertising
model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to
generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The
third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee
incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.
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Literature Review
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Search engines such as Google and Bing use bots to crawl pages on the web,
going from site to site, collecting information about those pages and putting
them in an index. Next, algorithms analyze pages in the index, taking into
account hundreds of ranking factors or signals, to determine the order pages
should appear in the search results for a given query.
On-page SEO relates to the content on your website. It includes strategies to
optimize an individual page on a website. These factors help search engines
understand the topic of the content and see that the website is a valuable source that
people would want to find. This type of SEO includes:
• Keyword research: Finding the best keywords to target on a page of content.
• Keyword optimization: Using the target keyword in all the right places and using
good meta tag SEO.
Off-Page optimization techniques help strengthen the influence and relationship of
the website has with other websites. Most off-site SEO relates to high quality
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Google algorithms are a complex system used to retrieve data from its search
index and instantly deliver the best possible results for a query. The search engine
uses a combination of algorithms and numerous ranking signals to deliver
webpages ranked by relevance on its search engine results pages (SERPs).
In its early years, Google only made a handful of updates to its algorithms. Now,
Google makes thousands of changes every year. Most of these updates are so
slight that they go completely unnoticed. However, on occasion, the search engine
rolls out major algorithmic updates that significantly impact the SERPs such as:
▪ Fred Panda
▪ Rank Brain Humming Bird
▪ Penguin Pigeon
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Research Methodology
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Research Methodology
As per the analysis above regarding the domain statistics, we have noticed that the website has
22 years, 7 months, and 16 days. The rest of the statistics, such as the website's Alexa rank is 0,
Moz rank is 3.3, Domain Authority is (DA) 15, and Page Authority (PA) is 33. Overall domain
visibility stats are poor at this time.
As stated above, we need to do quality off-page optimization for its better Alexa ranking and
page rank, which in turn will also improve its trust flow. We will do link building by creating
theme-based links to high quality websites and quality backlinks, which will come up with more
improved results in its domain statistics, and that helps to make a strong identity for a website
in search engines.
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2. Crawl Statistics of Website
57 indexed pages on Google and Bing. Yahoo has indexed 46 pages on this website. We will
create quality links to index more pages for our website.
In terms of indexability, the website has 47 indexed pages on Google, indicating no sign of
receiving leads or traffic. I will work to make website indexability count better on other search
engines too.
__ Server Errors NA
__ DNS Errors NA
We need Google Webmaster and Google Analytic access to check these errors. We will check
these errors once your website is verified with webmaster and analytic. Please share Google
analytic access to "[email protected]".
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4. Accessibility of Website
HTTPS Present
XML Sitemap Present
Site Architecture Good
Site Load Speed 4.20 s
The Robots.txtfile is found, the HTTPS status code and the XML Sitemap are present on our
website. The loading time is 4.07 seconds, which is acceptable.
The website architecture is good, but it could be better.
5. Indexability of Website
Indexed pages 57
Page Searches Present
Brand Searches Present
Search Engine Penalties Need Search console access
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Cache Sep 06 2022 22:33:50 GM
Regarding the indexability concern of the website, it has come up with 47 indexed pages and
needs to check Google penalties from the webmaster too. There was a cache discovered;
however, the website must be retrieved using Google Webmaster Tools.
I will work on pages to improve the Google Index Status. The tasks come under: targeting all the
required pages of the website. Content optimization, new page optimization Next, for brand
reputation, we will focus and work on a strategy to make the brand recognized on the Internet,
and for cache, I will fetch the website using Google Webmaster Tool.
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Data Analysis
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On – Page Ranking Factor
On-page factors are the aspects of a given web page that influence search engine
ranking. There are several on-page factors that we will optimize here to know the
current on-page status of the website that affect search engine rankings. These include:
Content Overview:
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One of the most important aspects of a website is web content, which is one of the reasons
that people visit your website. Not only for people, but web content is also extremely
important for search engines as well. Good web content should contain the keywords you wish
to target so that it makes it easy for search engines to index your page and should contain all
the required information that visitors might need.
This section analyses how well you’ve identified and targeted the keywords that people use to
find your website. While the site does an excellent job of targeting brand terms, and individual
posts rank well for their page topics,
As per the content analysis, yes, the websites optimized with quality content that helps
crawlers and users visit the website.
14% of duplicate content was found. We need to reduce the duplicate percentage and keep
updating the website with fresh content from time to time. It is good from a crawling and
indexing point of view.
URL Structure
A site’s URL structure is extremely important to both users and search engines. Poor URL
structure can hurt rankings, prevent pages from being indexed and lower your click-through-
rate (CTR).
• It is extremely important that URLs be readable, user-friendly, and contain the keyword
of the page. Always separate keywords with dashes, not underscores.
• URLs should also be relatively short, with 100 characters being the current SEO best
practice. While longer URLs aren't necessarily bad, the shorter the URL, the less likely
that URL is to truncate in search results and the more likely it is to have a positive
impact on SERP click-through rates.
URLs are often responsible for the majority of duplicate content on a website because every
URL represents a unique entry point into the site. If two distinct URLs point to the same page
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(without the use of redirection), search engines believe two distinct pages exist. Our website is
working well with a single URL.
Meta Titles
The title tag is the second most important place on a page to have the keyword. The title tag is
the first description of the page that search engine users will read, and it is extremely important
to both users and search engines that it contain the keyword they are searching for. This will
not only help your rankings but will also increase your click-through rate significantly.
• Be unique to that page "don’t use the same title tag on multiple pages.
• Use the keyword from that page twice if space permits: once at the start, followed by a
separator such as a colon, hyphen, or pipe, and then once again in a call to action! If the
character limit prevents the use of the keyword twice, use it once in a good call to
action, with the keyword as close to the beginning of the title tag as possible.
Meta Tags are found.
We have to modify the title tags as we analysed above. 92 characters are present out of 65
characters, which is not good for the website.
Meta Descriptions
While Meta description tags are not a factor in the ranking algorithm, they are used as the
description that searchers will see in the search engine results. Having the keyword used
properly in the Meta description tags can increase the likelihood that users will click on the link
to the page if the keyword usage matches their search query.
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Meta descriptions should adhere to the following guidelines:
• It should contain 1-2 complete sentences with correct punctuation and no more than 5
• Use the keyword once per sentence, as close to the start of each sentence as possible.
We can add more keywords as per targeted pages and keywords.
We need to add more keywords in Meta descriptions. It will help the website rank better on
Google or other platforms.
Alt Tag is not present in the site.
We have to add the alt tags on the website.
The Webmaster code on your site will ensure that you are running a healthy website with the
utmost efficiency.
Basic Benefits
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• Access to search statistics on Google
• It notifies you if your site has crawl errors (misdirection) or malware (spam, viruses,
• It shows you the keywords you are targeting and how effective they are.
Not Found
We need to add the Google analytic script to our website to get the best results.
Image Favicon
The favicon.ico file is a little picture, e.g., with a logo of a company, which is placed just before
the Internet URL in your web browser.
Image Favicon icon is not present in website.
Changes are required. We need to add the image favicon to our websites.
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Backlink Profile 3121
Alexa Traffic N/A
Domain Moz Rank 3.3/10
Indexed Pages 57
Website Grade 53
As I have analyzed currently, our website's Alexa traffic is at N/A. To increase the quality of our
website, we need to create quality back-links for our website.
For the improvement of your website, we will do theme-based off-page tasks that will improve
the traffic of your website, and quality off-page work will increase the site's linking.
As per analysis, our website is mobile responsive website.
No need to change anything
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• Robots.txt File:
The robots.txt file is present and there are no changes in the file.
• Sitemap:
The sitemap is present in the file. And no changes in the file.
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⚫ Site Load Speed
Loading speed within 4.20 Second which is good.
• Index-Pages:
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As per regarding the Indexability concern of website, It has come
up with 46 Indexed pages and Need to check Google penalties
from Webmaster too.
• Brand Searches:
Page 33
• Cache:
• Website Grader:
• URL Structure:
Page 34
• Meta Title Tags:
Ranking in SEO refers to a website position in the search engine
result page. There are various ranking factors that influence
whether a website appears higher on the SERP based on the
content relevance to the search term, or the quality of backlinks
pointing to the page.
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• Off- Page Activities: -
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Targeted Done A Keyword is a word or phrase - typically a
Number of Key
phrase of two or three words - which has been
identified as one which potential customers use
when they are searching the internet.
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Initial Done Analysing backlinks is a messy and time-
Backlinks consuming business. When we perform SEO
penalty assessments and link pruning services
for our clients, the most tedious part is
manually evaluating the individual backlinks.
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added to favorites. A descriptive
<strong>title</strong> tag is important in
helping search engines determine your web
page' s relevancy for certain keywords.
SERP Analysis Done Check how your page might look in the
Google search results page (SERP's). A
Google search result uses your webpage title,
URL, and meta-description in order to display
relevant summarized information about your
site. If these elements are too long, Google will
truncate their content, so you are advised to set
your webpage title under 70 characters and
your webpage description under 160 characters
in order to optimize readability.
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H1 Header Tag Done This indicates if any H1 headings are used in
your page. H1 headings are HTML tags than
can help emphasize important topics and
keywords within a page.
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folder of your website:<br /> There
are two important considerations when using
"robots.txt":<br /> - the "robots.txt" file is a
publicly available file, so anyone can see what
sections of your server you don't want
robots to use;<br /> - robots can ignore your
"robots.txt", especially malware robots that
scan the web for security vulnerabilities;
HTML & Done This test will check if your website is using a
XML Sitemap
"sitemap" file: sitemap.<g class="gr_ gr_7 gr-
alert gr_spell undefined Contextual Spelling
ins-del multi Replace" id="7" data-gr-
id="7">xml</g>, sitemap.xml.gz or <g
class="gr_ gr_8 gr-alert gr_spell undefined
ContextualSpelling ins-del multiReplace"
id="8" data-gr-
id="8">sitemapindex</g>.xml.<br />Sitemaps
are an easy way for webmasters to inform
search engines about pages on their sites that
are available for crawling. In its simplest form,
a sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a
Page 41
site along with additional metadata about each
URL (when it was last updated, how often it
usually changes, and how important it is,
relative to other URLs <g class="gr_ gr_9 gr-
alert gr_gramm undefined Grammar multi
Replace" id="9" data-gr-id="9">in</g> the
site) so that search engines can more
intelligently crawl the site.
Broken Links Done Check your website for broken or dead links.
This tool scans your website to locate internal
and external broken links that are not only
frustrating to your visitors, but damaging to
your websites overall ranking with the major
search engines.
Page 42
answer/76329">Google' s suggestions
for URL structure</a> specify using hyphens
or dashes (-) rather than underscores (_).
Unlike underscores, Google treats hyphens as
separators between words in a URL.
Images and Alt Done Check images on your webpage for required
tag alt attributes. If an image cannot be displayed
(wrong source, slow connection, etc), the alt
attribute provides alternative information.
Using keywords and human-readable captions
in the alt attributes is a good SEO practice
because search engines cannot really see the
images. For images with a decorative role
(bullets, round corners, etc) you are advised to
use an empty alt or a CSS background image.
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pages will render differently. Check this <a
asp" target="_blank">list</a> with all HTML
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86" target="_blank">brand your site</a>,
making it easy for users to navigate to your site
among a list of bookmarks.
Page 45
Website Page Done Website Page Load Optimization is a process
in which we check our website's page loading
time and other factors like Optimize Image
Size and Format, Optimize Dependencies,
Avoid Inline JS and CSS files, Optimize
Caching, avoid render blocking scripts, Avoid
Redirects, Reduce HTTP Requests, Reduce
Cookie Size
Page 46
Keywords Done Keyword Density is known as the number of
density Set
times a keyword or phrase used in a page
compared to the total number of words present
in it. While writing an article/content for your
business page you have to make sure that your
content is rich in keywords.
Page 47
Google & Bing Done We will check the Google webmaster account
to track the performance of your website on
Google Search Engine.
Done Check if your server' s signature is ON.
Signature Test
A server signature is the public identity of your
web server and contains sensitive information
that could be used to exploit any known
vulnerability, so it' s considered a good
Page 48
practice to turn it OFF as you don' t
wants to disclose what software versions you
are running.
Page 49
No Follow Tag Done Check if your webpage is using the No follow
Checker meta tag. This tag will tell search engines not
to crawl any outgoing links from your
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• Blog Posting:
Page 52
⚫ Social Bookmarking:
⚫ Infographic:
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Conclusion: -
Overall, we found that the SEO situation on
is not so good. We need to work on some major ON-Page factors, i.e.,
Meta Tags, Alt Tags, etc., and also need to create quality backlinks for
our website. That said, there is still room for improvement. By working
to fix the issues identified in this audit, we’ll surely be able to achieve
more accurate or desired ranking results for our website.
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