P443 - EN - Tech Data - 51K Release
P443 - EN - Tech Data - 51K Release
P443 - EN - Tech Data - 51K Release
MiCOMho P443
MiCOMho P443
Technical Data P443/EN TD/A22
Amplitude: 4 kV, burst frequency 2.5kHz Per IEC 61000-4-10: 1993, Level 5,
(Class IV). 100A/m applied in all planes at
Applied directly to auxiliary supply, and 100kHz/1MHz with a burst duration of 2s.
applied to all other inputs. EIA(RS)232
ports excepted. Conducted Emissions
Per EN 55022: 1998:
Surge Withstand Capability 0.15 - 0.5MHz, 79dBμV (quasi peak)
IEEE/ANSI C37.90.1: 2002: 66dBμV (average)
4kV fast transient and 2.5kV oscillatory applied 0.5 - 30MHz, 73dBμV (quasi peak) 60dBμV
common mode and differential mode to opto (average).
inputs (filtered), output relays, CTs, VTs,
power supply, field voltage.
4kV fast transient and 2.5kV oscillatory applied Radiated Emissions
common mode to communications, IRIG-B. Per EN 55022: 1998:
TD 30 - 230MHz, 40dBμV/m at 10m
measurement distance
Surge Immunity Test 230 - 1GHz, 47dBμV/m at 10m
EIA(RS)232 ports excepted. measurement distance.
Per IEC 61000-4-5: 2002 Level 4,
Time to half-value: 1.2/50 µs,
Amplitude: 4kV between all groups and case EU Directives
Amplitude: 2kV between terminals of each EMC Compliance
group. Per 89/336/EEC:
Compliance to the European Commission
Immunity to Radiated Electromagnetic Directive on EMC is claimed via the Technical
Energy Construction File route. Product Specific
Per IEC 60255-22-3: 2000, Class III: Standards were used to establish conformity:
Test field strength, frequency band 80 to 1000 EN50263: 2000
10 V/m, Product Safety
Test using AM: 1 kHz / 80%, Per 73/23/EEC:
Spot tests at 80, 160, 450, 900 MHz Compliance with European Commission Low
Per IEEE/ANSI C37.90.2: 1995: Voltage Directive.
25MHz to 1000MHz, zero and 100% square Compliance is demonstrated by reference to
wave modulated. generic safety standards:
Field strength of 35V/m. EN61010-1: 2001
EN60950-1: 2002
Radiated Immunity from Digital
Per EN61000-4-3: 2002, Level 4: 73/23/EEC
Test field strength, frequency band 800 to 960
MHz, and 1.4 to 2.0 GHz: R&TTE COMPLIANCE
30 V/m, Radio and Telecommunications Terminal
Test using AM: 1 kHz / 80%. Equipment (R & TTE) directive
95/5/EC.Compliance demonstrated by
Radiated Immunity from Digital Radio compliance to the Low Voltage Directive,
Telephones 73/23/EEC amended by 93/68/EEC, down to
Per ENV 50204: 1995 zero volts by reference to safety standards.
10 V/m, 900MHz and 1.89GHz. Applicable to rear communications ports.
Mechanical Robustness
Vibration Test
Per IEC 60255-21-1: 1996
Response Class 2
Endurance Class 2
Seismic Test
Per IEC 60255-21-3: 1995
Class 2
Pick-up: Setting ±5%
Broken Conductor Logic
Drop-off: 0.95 x setting
Definite time operation: Accuracy
±60ms or 2%, whichever is greater Pick-up: Setting ±2.5%
Repeatability: 1% Drop-off: 0.95 x setting ±2.5%
Directional boundary accuracy: Definite time operation:
±2° with hysteresis <1° ±50ms or 2%, whichever is greater
Reset: <35ms Reset: <25ms
Accuracy Accuracy
DT Pick-up: Setting ±2% Thermal alarm pick-up:
IDMT Pick-up: 0.98 x setting ±2% Calculated trip time ±10%
Drop-off: 1.02 x setting ±2% Thermal overload pick-up:
Definite time operation: Calculated trip time ±10%
±40ms or 2%, whichever is greater Cooling time accuracy ±15% of theoretical
Repeatability: 1% Repeatability: <5%
IDMT characteristic shape: * Operating time measured with applied
±40ms or 2%, whichever is greater current of 20% above thermal setting.
Reset: <75ms
P443/EN TD/A22 Technical Data
Measurements and Recording The most recent records are stored in battery-
backed memory, and can be extracted via the
communication port or be viewed on the front
panel display.
Typically ±1%, but ±0.5% between 0.2 - 2In/Vn No of Event Records: Up to 512 time tagged
Current: 0.05 to 3In event records.
Accuracy: ±1.0% of reading No of Fault Records: Up to 5
Voltage: 0.05 to 2Vn
Accuracy: ±1.0% of reading No of Maintenance Records: Up to 5
Power (W): 0.2 to 2Vn and 0.05 to 3In
Technical Data P443/EN TD/A22
Input Optical
Timer Accuracy Power dBm
Min. -33.5 –31
Minimum at avg.
Timers: ±2% or 40ms whichever is greater Window Edge
Reset time: <30ms
Input Optical
Power Bm
Min. -34.5 -31.8
Minimum at avg.
Undercurrent Accuracy Eye Center
Pick-up: ±10% or 25mA whichever is greater
Input Optical
Operating time: <20ms
Reset: <25ms
-14 -11.8
avg. TD
InterMiCOM64 Fiber Optic Note: The 10BaseFL connection will no
Teleprotection longer be supported as IEC 61850
does not specify this interface
End-end operation. Table below shows bit
transfer time.
For multiplexed links, ‘MUX’ denotes the
multiplexer delay.
Output Optical
Power BOL -19 dBm
62.5/125 µm, PO -16.8 -14
-20 avg.
NA = 0.275
Fiber EOL
Output Optical
Power BOL -22.5 dBm
50/125 µm, PO -20.3 -14
-23.5 avg.
NA = 0.20 Fiber
Optical 10 %
Extinction Ratio -10 dB
IED Configurator
Switch Conf. Bank: No Action/Switch Banks
Binary function link string, selecting which Bit 0 VTS Blks ISEF>1
ground overcurrent elements (stages 1 to 4) Bit 1 VTS Blks ISEF>2
will be blocked if VTS detection of fuse Bit 2 VTS Blks ISEF>3
failure occurs. Bit 3 VTS Blks ISEF>4
IN> Char Angle: -95…95° Bit 5 A/R Blks ISEF>4
IN> Polarization: Bit 6 Not Used
Zero Sequence Bit 7 Not Used
Neg Sequence ISEF> Directional
IN> VNpol Set: 0.5…40.0V ISEF> Char Angle: -95°…95° deg
IN> V2pol Set: 0.5…25.0V ISEF> VNpol Set: 0.5…80V
IN> I2pol Set: 0.08…1.00 In Wattmetric SEF
PN> Setting: 0...20InSEF W
Directional Aided Schemes - DEF
Settings Neutral Voltage Displacement TD
DEF Status: Disabled/Enabled (Residual O/V NVD)
DEF Polarizing: VN>1 Function:
Zero Sequence (virtual current pol) Disabled
Neg Sequence DT
DEF Char Angle: -95…95° IDMT
DEF VNpol Set: 0.5…40.0V VN>1 Voltage Set: 1…50V
DEF V2pol Set: 0.5…25.0V VN>1 Time Delay: 0.00…100.00s
DEF Threshold: 0.08…1.00 In VN>1 TMS: 0.5…100.0
VN>1 tReset: 0.00…100.00s
VN>2 Status: Disabled/Enabled
Group 1 Sensitive E/F VN>2 Voltage Set: 1…50V
Sens E/F Options: SEF Enabled VN>2 Time Delay: 0.00…100.00s
Wattmetric SEF
ISEF>1 Function: IDMT Curve Type
Disabled Thermal Overload
DT Characteristic:
IEC S Inverse Disabled
IEC V Inverse Single
IEC E Inverse Dual
UK LT Inverse Thermal Trip: 0.08…4.00 In
IEEE M Inverse Thermal Alarm: 50…100%
IEEE V Inverse Time Constant 1: 1…200mins
IEEE E Inverse Time Constant 2: 1…200mins
US Inverse
US ST Inverse
ISEF>1 Directional:
Power Swing/Out Of Step
Non-Directional (Power Swing)
Directional Fwd Power Swing:
Directional Rev Blocking
ISEF>1 Current Set: 0.005…0.1 InSEF Indication
ISEF>1 Time Delay: 0 s…..200s PSB Reset Delay: 0.05…2.00s
ISEF>1 TMS: 0.025…1.2 Zone 1 Ph PSB: Blocking/Allow Trip
ISEF>1 Time Dial: 0.01…100 (up to):
ISEF>1 Reset Char: DT/Inverse Zone 4 Ph PSB: Blocking/Allow Trip
ISEF>1 tRESET: 0 s-100s Zone 1 Gnd PSB: Blocking/Allow Trip
ISEF>2 as ISEF>1 (up to):
ISEF>3 Status: Zone 4 Gnd PSB: Blocking/Allow Trip
Disabled PSB Timeout: Disabled/Enabled
Enabled PSB Timeout Set: 0.1…10.0s
ISEF>3 Directional:
Non-Directional Out of Step
Directional Fwd OST (Out of Step Tripping) mode:
Directional Rev Disabled
ISEF>3 Current Set: 0.05…0.8 InSEF Predictive and OST Trip
ISEF>3 Time Delay: 0 s…200s OST Trip
ISEF>3 Intertrip: Enabled/Disabled Predictive OST
ISEF>4 as ISEF>3
Z5 Fwd Reach: 0.1…500.00/In Ω
ISEFN> Blocking
Z6 Fwd Reach: 0.1…500.00/In Ω
P443/EN TD/A22 Technical Data
CB Operate Time: s
Relay Trip Time: s
Fault Location: km/miles/Ω/%
I ϕPre Flt
Iϕ Angle Pre Flt
Per phase record of the current magnitudes
and phase angles stored before the fault
IN Prefault Mag
IN Prefault Ang
IM Prefault Mag
IM Prefault Ang
Vϕ Prefault Mag
Vϕ Prefault Ang
Per phase record of the voltage magnitudes TD
and phase angles stored before the fault
VN Prefault Mag
VN Prefault Ang
Iϕ Fault Mag
Iϕ Fault Ang
Per phase record of the current magnitudes
and phase angles during the fault.
IN Fault Mag
IN Fault Ang
IM Fault Mag
IM Fault Ang
Vϕ Fault Mag
Vϕ Fault Ang
Per phase record of the voltage magnitudes
and phase angles during the fault.
VN Fault Mag
VN Fault Ang
P443/EN TD/A22 Technical Data