What are these diseases? Varicella, also called chickenpox, is a virus that
Measles (rubeola), also known as “red measles”, is a causes a very itchy rash with blisters all over the body.
virus that causes blotchy red rash, fever, cough, runny Varicella is spread through the air or by contact with
nose, and red, watery eyes. Most people fully recover chickenpox or shingles blisters and can be serious,
from measles within 2-3 weeks, but measles can be especially for newborn babies and adults who have
dangerous, especially for infants, pregnant women, and weakened immune systems.
those with weakened immune systems. In some cas-
es, measles can cause swelling of the brain leading to Complications from varicella infection include:
seizures, hearing loss, or even death. • Pneumonia (lung infection),
• Encephalitis (swelling of the brain),
Because of immunization, measles was a rare disease • Bacterial infections of the skin.
in Canada, but outbreaks have been occurring with • A pregnant person can pass varicella to their
increasing frequency. Measles occurs all over the world unborn baby.
and is one of the most contagious diseases we know of.
The MMRV vaccine is very effective against measles, 2 Once you have had varicella, it stays in the body forever.
doses are almost 100% effective in protecting against For some people, the virus becomes active again later
the measles virus. causing a painful blistering rash called “shingles”.
Mumps is a virus that causes painful swelling of the How are these diseases spread?
cheeks and neck, fever, dry mouth, headache, earache,
These viruses spread easily through the air when an
fatigue, sore muscles, loss of appetite, and trouble
infected person coughs or sneezes. You become infect-
talking, chewing, or swallowing. Mumps can also cause
ed when you breathe in air or touch a surface
deafness, meningitis, and infections of the testicles or
contaminated with the virus. These viruses can also be
spread through contact with an infected person’s saliva
or skin lesions through things like kissing, sharing
Rubella, also known as “German measles”, is a virus
food/drinks, cigarettes, or toys.
that causes rash and low-grade fever, swelling of the
lymph nodes, and achy joints and muscles. Rubella
infection in pregnant women can lead to miscarriage
and birth defects.
What are possible reactions to the MMRV vaccine?
Vaccines, like any medicine, can have side effects. These If you are unsure if your child is protected,
reactions are normal and usually go away within a few or for travel with infants under 12 months of
days. You can give medication for pain/fever to your child age, please call 811 or book an appointment
if needed. Check with your health care provider if you with your local health care provider to discuss
have concerns or need advice about which medications to vaccination eligibility.
Mild side effects include:
• Swelling, redness, and soreness where you got the
1-3 weeks after getting the vaccine some people get:
• Fever,
• Stiffness,
• Mild rash,
• Face or neck swelling,
• Temporary joint pain.
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Si vous voulez ces renseignements dans une autre langue officielle, communiquez avec nous au 1-855-846-9601.