EPPTLE - Q2 - W1 - Agri

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School: Grade Level: VI

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: TLE-Agriculture

DATES: Quarter: Quarter 2 – Week 1


Content Holiday (Election day) demonstrates an Holiday (All Saints Day) Holiday (All Souls Day) demonstrates an
Standards understanding understanding
of scientific practices in of scientific
planting practices in
trees and fruit trees planting
trees and fruit
Performance applies knowledge and applies knowledge
Standards skills in and skills in
planting trees and fruit planting trees and
trees fruit trees
Most Essential discusses the discusses the
Learning importance of planting importance of
Competencies and propagating trees planting
and fruit-bearing and propagating
trees and marketing trees and fruit-
seedlings. bearing
trees and
TLE6AG-0a-1 marketing

Subject Matter Planting and Planting and
Propagating Trees Propagating
Resources K-12 MELCS Page K-12 MELCS
408 Page 408


a. Reviewing Can you name a fruit Review the

Previous Lesson bearing trees? previews lesson.
or Presenting
the New Lesson Santol, Mangga,
Banana, etc.

Can you name a non-

fruit bearing trees?
b. Establishing How trees help Group Activity
purpose for the humans? Plan marketing
lesson If we don’t have tree strategies for your
what will happen to us? seedlings. Use the

c. Presenting Trees are important Presentation of

example/instanc sources of life on earth. Group Activity
es of the new If the trees did not
lesson exist, we wouldn’t have
such a beautiful
environment to live in.
d. Discussing Importance of planting Feed backing
new concepts trees and fruit-bearing
trees to the family and

Trees are valuable to

the family and family
and the community for
the products and
amenities they give
such as:
1. Foods like fruits,
vegetables, nuts, and
2.wood used as fuel for
cooking heating;
3. construction
materials which include
lumber, plywood, and
4. fiber for production
of pulp and paper; and
5. chemical production
such as resin, rubber,

How about you, what

else do you think trees
provides for us?
e. Continuation Strategies on Instruction: Read
of the discussion marketing seedlings the statement
of new concepts carefully and
1.Plan a marketing choose the letter
strategies-a plan of of the correct
action designed to answer and write
promote and sell a in your answer
product or service. sheet.
2. Read as many
article/information as 1. ____is a tree
you can or research on which bear fruits
how to grow seeds and that is consumed
care for them. or used by
3. Know what kind of humans and some
seedlings are in animals.
demand in the market. a. Fruit-Bearing
4. Choose seedling Trees
varieties to grow and b. Plant
sell. propagation
5. Choose the right c. Seedlings
container for your d. Trees
6. Label seedlings 2. ____ a young
7. Decide on how you plant, especially
will advertise these one raised from
seedlings seed and not from
8. Be able to cutting.
determine the market a. Fruit-Bearing
price for your Trees
seedlings consider b. Plant
your expenses in propagation
growing them. c. Seedlings
9. Choose an d. Trees
appropriate marketing 3. ___ Process of
strategies (ex. Home reproducing new
garden display, plan or seedling.
marketing selling or a. Fruit-Bearing
online selling) Trees
b. Plant
c. Seedlings
d. Trees

f. Developing

g. Finding Group activity What have you

practical Group the class into 4 learned from you
applications of groups. Each group will group activity?
concepts and plan their strategies in
skills in daily marketing their
living seedlings. Presentation
will be the next day.

h. Making What are the things What is the most

generalizations you have to consider in important thing
and abstractions marketing your you need to
about the lesson seedlings? market your
i. Evaluating While preparing you While preparing
learning group activity you group activity
(strategies) what have (strategies) what
you discover in making have you discover
propaganda or in making
marketing to your propaganda or
seedlings? marketing to your

Additional To be more effective To be more

Activities for for your group activity, effective for your
application or research some group activity,
remediation. strategies in marketing research some
seedlings. strategies in
___ The Lesson was ___ The Lesson was ___ The Lesson was ___ The Lesson was ___ The Lesson
successfully done. successfully done. successfully done. successfully done. was successfully
___ The lesson was not ___ The lesson was not ___ The lesson was not ___ The lesson was not done.
carried due to; carried due to; carried due to; carried due to; ___ The lesson
___ a. suspension of ___ a. suspension of ___ a. suspension of ___ a. suspension of was not carried
class class class class due to;
___ b. special non- ___ b. special non- ___ b. special non- ___ b. special non- ___ a.
REMARKS working holiday working holiday working holiday working holiday suspension of
___ c. emergency ___ c. emergency ___ c. emergency ___ c. emergency class
meeting meeting meeting meeting ___ b. special
___ d. the pupils ___ d. the pupils ___ d. the pupils ___ d. the pupils non-working
need more mastery need more mastery need more mastery need more mastery holiday
___ c.
___ d. the
pupils need more
REFLECTION _____% of the pupils _____% of the pupils _____% of the pupils _____% of the pupils _____% of the
got 80% mastery got 80% mastery got 80% mastery got 80% mastery pupils got 80%
___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners
a. Number of
require additional require additional require additional require additional who require
learners who
activities for activities for activities for activities for additional
earned 80% of the
remediation remediation remediation remediation activities for
b. Number of ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners
require additional caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson who caught up
activities for the lesson
remediation who
scored below 80%
___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners
c. Did the require additional require additional require additional require additional who require
remedial lesson activities for activities for activities for activities for additional
work? remediation remediation remediation remediation activities for
d. Number of Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used
learners who have work well: work well: work well: work well: that work well:
caught up with the ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group
lesson ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games collaboration
___ Power ___ Power ___ Power ___ Power ___ Games
PointPresentation ___ PointPresentation ___ PointPresentation ___ PointPresentation ___ ___ Power
Answering preliminary Answering preliminary Answering preliminary Answering preliminary PointPresentation
___ Answering
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises preliminary
___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion
___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method activities/exercise
___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Think-Pair-Share s
(TPS) ___ (TPS) ___ (TPS) ___ (TPS) ___ ___ Discussion
Rereading of Rereading of Rereading of Rereading of ___ Case Method
Paragraphs/Poems/Stor Paragraphs/Poems/Stor Paragraphs/Poems/Stor Paragraphs/Poems/Stor ___ Think-Pair-
ies ies ies ies Share (TPS)
___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated ___ Rereading of
Instruction ___ Role Instruction ___ Role Instruction ___ Role Instruction ___ Role Paragraphs/Poem
Playing/Drama Playing/Drama Playing/Drama Playing/Drama s/Stories
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method Instruction ___
Why? Why? Why? Why? Role
___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims Playing/Drama
___ Availability of ___ Availability of ___ Availability of ___ Availability of ___ Discovery
Materials ___ Pupils’ Materials ___ Pupils’ Materials ___ Pupils’ Materials ___ Pupils’ Method
eagerness to learn eagerness to learn eagerness to learn eagerness to learn ___ Lecture
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s Method
Cooperation in doing Cooperation in doing Cooperation in doing Cooperation in doing Why?
their tasks their tasks their tasks their tasks ___ Complete Ims
___ Availability of
Materials ___
Pupils’ eagerness
to learn ___
Group member’s
Cooperation in
doing their tasks
__ Bullying among __ Bullying among __ Bullying among __ Bullying among __ Bullying among
pupils pupils pupils pupils pupils
__ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’
behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude
__ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims
__ Unavailable __ Unavailable __ Unavailable __ Unavailable __ Unavailable
Technology Equipment Technology Equipment Technology Equipment Technology Equipment Technology
e. Number of (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) Equipment
learners who __ Science/ Computer __ Science/ Computer __ Science/ Computer __ Science/ Computer (AVR/LCD)
continue to require Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab __ Science/
remediation __ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical Computer Internet
works __Reading works __Reading works __Reading works __Reading Lab
Readiness Readiness Readiness Readiness __ Additional
__Lack of Interest of __Lack of Interest of __Lack of Interest of __Lack of Interest of Clerical works
pupils pupils pupils pupils __Reading
__Lack of Interest
of pupils
f. What Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned
difficulties did I __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos Innovations:
encounter which __ Making use big __ Making use big __ Making use big __ Making use big __ Localized
my principal or books from views of books from views of books from views of books from views of Videos
supervisor can the locality the locality the locality the locality __ Making use big
help me solve? __ Recycling of plastics __ Recycling of plastics __ Recycling of plastics __ Recycling of plastics books from views
to be used as to be used as to be used as to be used as of the locality
Instructional Materials Instructional Materials Instructional Materials Instructional Materials __ Recycling of
__ local poetical __ local poetical __ local poetical __ local poetical plastics to be
composition composition composition composition used as
__Flashcards __Flashcards __Flashcards __Flashcards Instructional
__ local poetical
g. What ___Lesson carried. ___Lesson carried. ___Lesson carried. ___Lesson carried. ___Lesson carried.
innovation or Move on to the next Move on to the next Move on to the next Move on to the next Move on to the
localized materials objective. objective. objective. objective. next objective.
did I use/discover ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not
which I wish to carried.
share with other
Prepared by: Checked & Noted:

Position Master Teacher


Principal IV

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