Judgment 0001
Judgment 0001
Judgment 0001
1. All the Judicial Officers dealing with Civil matters, Central District,
Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi for compliance/necessary action.
2. Ld. Officer Incharge, Judicial Branch, Central, THC, Delhi for
compliance/ necessary action.
3. Ld. Officer Incharge, Filing Section and Facilitation Centre, Central,
THC, Delhi for compliance/necessary action.
4. · Office of Ld. Senior Civil Judge, Central District, Tis Hazari Courts,
Delhi for compliance/ necessary action.
5. The Ld. Registrar General, Hon'ble High Court or Delhi, New Delhi for
information. -~
6. PS to Ld. Principal District & Sessions Judge (HQs), Tis Hazari (:;:./
Courts, Delhi for information.
~The Chairperson, Website Committee, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi with
the request to direct the concerned official to upload the same on the
Website of Delhi District Courts.
Officer-in Charge, Genl. Branch, (C)
Addl. District & Sessions Judge,
Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi~
Encl.: As above.