An Analytical Study of Tunnel-Pile
An Analytical Study of Tunnel-Pile
An Analytical Study of Tunnel-Pile
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Tunnelling under the foundations of structures is becoming more common because of the lack of avail-
Received 7 December 2013 able space for infrastructure, both above and below ground. The interaction between newly constructed
Received in revised form 8 August 2014 tunnels and existing piled foundations is an important issue. This paper presents results obtained using a
Accepted 1 September 2014
computationally efficient analytical approach which aims to estimate the effect that constructing a new
Available online 30 September 2014
tunnel will have on an existing pile. The method uses a spherical cavity expansion analysis to evaluate the
end-bearing capacity of the pile, and cylindrical cavity contraction to estimate the decrease in the
confining pressure and resulting reduction in pile capacity caused by tunnel volume loss. The paper
extends previously published work using this method by considering the effect of tunnel location on
Soil–structure interaction the tunnel–pile interactions, examining different possible assumptions of soil stiffness used in the anal-
Cavity expansion ysis, and by considering the effect that tunnel cavity contraction has on the friction along the pile shaft.
Ó 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
0886-7798/Ó 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
44 A.M. Marshall, T. Haji / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 45 (2015) 43–51
a current radius of a cavity Q0 total load capacity of pile before tunnel volume loss
a0 original cavity radius Q Vl total load capacity of pile after tunnel volume loss
C cohesion rp pile radius
c current radius of the plastic zone around a pile or a tun- rt tunnel radius
nel Rqb pile end-bearing capacity reduction factor
c0 original distance from pile tip to elastic–plastic interface RQ pile capacity reduction factor
c1 parameter used to calculate G0 RQ;S pile capacity reduction factor including effect on pile
Dp pile diameter shaft
dtp distance from tunnel axis to pile tip S parameter used to calculate G0
dlp distance from tunnel lining to pile tip St ratio of radial effective stress near pile tip at failure to qb
E Young’s modulus Vl volume loss due to tunnelling, in %
G soil shear modulus z depth to any point below the ground surface
G0 small strain shear stiffness zp depth to pile tip
G0; mod modified shear stiffness due to the effect of pile instal- zt depth of tunnel axis
lation ac parameter used in calculation of qb
G0; tun shear stiffness calculated at tunnel depth bs ratio of shaft shear stress to vertical effective stress of
Id relative density soil
IR relative dilatancy index bmin , bmax minimum and maximum values of bs
K0 the coefficient of at-rest lateral earth pressure ds soil-shaft friction angle
k cavity expansion parameter: spherical k = 2; cylindrical h parameter used in calculation of ac
k¼1 / soil friction angle
L embedded pile length /0cv critical state friction angle
n parameter used to calculate G0 c soil unit weight
Nq bearing capacity factor ls a parameter to calculate bs
p0 mean effective stress or confining pressure m Poisson’s ratio
p00 initial isotropic stress at tunnel or pile tip r0 normal effective stress
p00; mod modified pressure r0r radial stress
p00; pile confining pressure at pile tip r0er radial stress in elastic zone
p00; tun confining pressure at tunnel depth r0pr radial stress in plastic zone
p0mid confining pressure half-way between pile tip and tunnel r0v vertical stress
lining r0h circumferential stress
p0V l confining pressure after tunnel volume loss r0eh circumferential stress in elastic zone
pa atmospheric pressure (100 kPa) r0ph circumferential stress in plastic zone
p0lim limiting stress for spherical cavity expansion ss shaft shear stress
P cavity pressure ss average shear stress on pile shaft
Pa current cavity pressure when cavity radius = a ss;0 average shear stress on pile shaft before tunnel volume
qb end-bearing capacity of pile loss
qb;0 end-bearing capacity of pile before tunnel volume loss ss;V l average shear stress on pile shaft after tunnel volume
qb;V l reduced end-bearing capacity of pile after tunnel vol- loss
ume loss w soil dilation angle
Q total load capacity of the pile
bored piles in which the effect of pile installation on the ground is the stresses within the ground between the tunnel and the pile.
minimal. The volume loss induced by tunnelling affects the pile (4) The reduction in pile end-bearing capacity is evaluated based
and may reduce its load-carrying capacity. The analysis aims to on the altered stress conditions within the ground (due to (3)) at
evaluate the distance between the pile and the tunnel, dtp , that is the tip of the pile. Stage (3) of the analysis incorporates an estima-
required to ensure the pile does not suffer a significant reduction tion of the effect of pile installation on soil stiffness; this aspect of
of its capacity (which could result in large pile displacements). the analysis is examined closely in this paper.
The cavity expansion method has been used for the study of a The method involves superposition of results from two separate
wide variety of geotechnical problems since its early application elastic–plastic analyses, and therefore can only be regarded as pro-
to pressuremeter test interpretation by Gibson and Anderson viding an approximation of the real interaction between the tunnel
(1961). These include the study of in situ soil testing (Salgado and pile. Also, it is assumed that the installation of the pile has lit-
and Prezzi, 2007; Mo et al., 2014), deep foundations (Randolph tle effect on the confining stress at the location of the tunnel. This
et al., 1994), and tunnels and underground excavations (Mair and is likely to be adequate for most practical scenarios however it
Taylor, 1993; Yu and Rowe, 1999). Yu (2000) provided a thorough should be recognised as a feature of the method. A summary of
review of the method and its various applications. the analysis and the relevant equations is provided as Appendix
The adopted analysis considers an enlarging or contracting cav- A. Readers should also refer to Marshall (2012, 2013) for further
ity of initial radius a0 in an infinite soil mass, as illustrated in Fig. 2. details. This type of analysis could be used to evaluate the effect
The cavity can be either cylindrical or spherical in shape. Various of tunnelling on bored piles (where pile installation has little effect
assumptions can be applied in the method; the description here on the ground) by omitting stage (2) of the analysis. In this case, if
applies to the analysis undertaken by Marshall (2012). The soil is an estimation of the effect of tunnelling on pile shaft friction is
assumed to be elastic–perfectly plastic with a non-associated required then an appropriate relationship between radial and ver-
Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion. Prior to the formation of the cavity, tical stress along the pile shaft should be adopted, as described by
isotropic stress conditions are assumed and given by p00 . Initially, Fleming et al. (1992).
the cavity pressure P is equal to this isotropic stress. As the cavity
pressure increases to Pa and the cavity expands to radius a, a plas-
4. Effect of tunnel and pile depth
tic zone forms around it that extends to radius c from the cavity
centre. The yielded soil mass is surrounded by elastic soil that
The results presented in Marshall (2012) illustrate the sensitiv-
extends to infinity. The radial and circumferential stresses within
ity of the analysis to the tunnel–pile separation, given by dtp . The
the ground are given by r0r and r0h , respectively. The cavity contrac-
analysis results are also sensitive to the depth at which the tunnel
tion problem, where the cavity size decreases, can be considered in
and pile are located; the variation of results with dtp will vary
a similar manner.
depending on this depth. To illustrate this feature of the analysis,
the cases presented in Fig. 3 are examined using the original
3. Basic analysis procedure Marshall (2012) analysis method. In Case 1, the relative tunnel–
pile separation is increased by moving the tunnel laterally away
The analyses undertaken as part of this work followed the gen- from the pile so that the depth of the pile and tunnel remain con-
eral approach set out in Marshall (2012, 2013). The cavity expan- stant but dtp increases. In Case 2, the pile tip depth remains con-
sion analysis for the interaction between tunnel construction and stant and the tunnel–pile separation is increased by increasing
an existing driven or jacked pile can be summarised as follows. the depth of the tunnel. In Case 3, the tunnel–pile separation is
The analysis consists of 4 stages. (1) The end-bearing capacity of kept constant while the depth of both the tunnel and pile are
the pile is evaluated following the method of Randolph et al. increased. All cases considered the following parameters: tunnel
(1994) whereby a spherical cavity expansion analysis is used to radius rt = 3 m, pile radius r p = 0.5 m, tunnel volume loss V l = 5%,
evaluate the limiting cavity pressure, p0lim , and the end-bearing critical state friction angle /0cv = 30 , soil unit weight c = 18 kN/
pressure of the pile, qb . (2) The change in ground stress around m3, relative density Id = 0.8, at rest earth pressure coefficient K 0
the installed pile and the effect of pile installation on the ground = 0.5, Poisson’s ratio m = 0.2. All other parameters, including soil
stress profile is evaluated from the spherical cavity expansion anal- stiffness, friction angle, and dilation angle were determined using
ysis in (1). (3) A cylindrical cavity contraction analysis is used to the methods outlined in Marshall (2012, 2013) and in Appendix A.
evaluate the effect of tunnel volume loss (cavity contraction) on The results of the Marshall (2012) analysis of the 3 cases are
presented in Fig. 4. The results relate to the pile end-bearing capac-
ity reduction factor, Rqb , which was defined by Marshall (2012) as:
qb;V l
Rqb ¼ ð1Þ
Fig. 3. Cases considered in evaluating the effect of tunnel and pile depth.
where p00; tun is the isotropic confining pressure at the depth of the and the tunnel lining (d=dlp = 0.5). Fig. 6b shows that for the case
tunnel and p0mid is the value of p0 due to pile installation at a dis- considered, there is very little difference between the values of
tance equivalent to half-way between the pile tip and the tunnel Rqb between the two methods of modifying G0 (based on d=dlp =
lining (d=dlp = 0.5 in Fig. 5). 0.5 in Fig. 6b). In Fig. 6b, the ’new method’ is noted to agree with
There may be a more sensible and conservative approach to the unmodified method at the plastic–elastic interface, which
calculate G0; mod than that proposed in Marshall (2012). The seems more reasonable than the Marshall (2012) trend. The use
Marshall (2012) method added the value of p0 at the mid-point of this ’new method’ of evaluating soil stiffness to determine the
between the pile tip and the tunnel lining to the value of confining effect of tunnelling on pile capacity is compared against the
stress at the depth of the tunnel axis in order to evaluate p00; mod and original results of Marshall (2012) in a later section.
G0; mod in stage (3) of the analysis. It is suggested here that a more
rational approach is to normalise the calculated confining pressure
at the mid-point using the initial confining pressure at the pile tip 6. The effect of tunnel volume loss on pile shaft friction
(p00; pile Þ and then to factor the confining pressure at the tunnel axis
by this value. This ‘new method’ of calculating p00; mod is represented The original analysis of Marshall (2012) did not consider the
by Eq. (2) and results in a more rational trend of G0; mod =G0; tun , as effect of tunnelling on shaft friction but did include the
illustrated in Fig. 6a where the value for this ‘new method’ is 1.0 contribution of shaft friction to the total pile capacity. The b-method
when G0; mod is calculated based on p0 at the plastic–elastic interface described in Randolph et al. (1994) was used to estimate the distri-
(the Marshall (2012) line from Fig. 5 is presented again in Fig. 6a bution of shear stress along the pile shaft, as defined by Eq. (3).
for comparison). ss
bs ðzÞ ¼ ¼ bmin þ ðbmax bmin Þ exp ls ðL zÞ=Dp ð3Þ
p00; mod ¼ 0 mid p00; tun ð2Þ
p0; pile where bmin = 0.2, bmax = St N q tanðds Þ; N q ¼ qb =r0v (r0v is vertical effec-
tive stress at pile tip), St ¼ 2exp½7tanð/0cv Þ; Dp = pile diameter, ls =
In Fig. 6b, the values of Rqb calculated based on the modified 0.05, qb is calculated using the cavity expansion analysis outlined in
stiffness values in Fig. 6a are compared against results obtained Randolph et al. (1994), L is the embedded pile length, and z is mea-
when no modification to G0 is made (i.e. G0 is calculated based sured from the surface. The profile of shear stress (ss ) can be
on the confining pressure at the depth of the tunnel axis). The integrated along the pile length in order to calculate the total shaft
’no modification’ line represents an example of results which could friction contribution to the pile capacity. It should be noted that Eq.
apply to bored piles in which pile installation does not have a sig- (3) is based on driven piles. If this type of analysis were to be used
nificant effect on the in situ soil conditions. In Marshall (2012), the for bored piles then a modified profile of horizontal stress along the
value of p00; mod is calculated at the mid-point between the pile tip pile length should be adopted (refer to Fleming et al. (1992) for
guidance on this topic).
A pile capacity reduction factor, RQ , was defined in Marshall
(2012) as:
Q V l qb;V l Dp þ 4ss;0 L
RQ ¼ ¼ ð4Þ
Q0 qb;0 Dp þ 4ss;0 L
Fig. 8. Profiles along pile length: (a) p0V l =p00;tun and (b) bs .
The data shows that as the lateral offset between the tunnel and
pile increases, the length of the pile affected by the tunnel
decreases; the bs profile is unaffected when the offset is 15 m.
The modified profile of bs can be used to determine a new distribu-
tion of shear stress along the pile shaft using Eq. (3). The contribu-
tion of pile shaft shear stress to the total pile capacity after tunnel
volume loss, Q V l , can then be calculated. A new pile capacity reduc-
Fig. 7. Contours of p0V l =p00;tun . tion factor which accounts for the effect of the tunnel cavity con-
traction on both pile end-bearing capacity and shaft friction is
defined by Eq. (5). The term ss;V l that now appears in the numerator
(compared to Eq. (4)) accounts for the effect of tunnel cavity con-
As discussed in Randolph et al. (1994), the bs function essen-
traction on shaft friction. The following section compares results
tially describes a profile of horizontal effective stress along the pile
obtained using this method for evaluating the effect of tunnelling
length. A given change in horizontal stress will therefore result in a
on pile capacity against the original method from Marshall (2012).
proportional change in the value of bs . It is suggested here that in
order to obtain an estimate of the effect of tunnel cavity contrac- Q V l qb;V l Dp þ 4ss;V l L
tion on the pile shaft shear stress, the profile of bs may be scaled RQ ;S ¼ ¼ ð5Þ
Q0 qb;0 Dp þ 4ss;0 L
by the ratio of p0V l =p00;tun along the pile axis (as illustrated in
Fig. 7). This is an approximation since it involves the superposition
of the mean effective stresses from the isotropic tunnel cavity 7. Comparison of results with Marshall (2012)
contraction analysis on the original horizontal effective stress state
along the length of the pile, which would realistically not be isotro- This section compares analysis results from the original
pic (K 0 is assumed to be 0.5 in the current analysis). Marshall (2012) method against those obtained by considering
The profiles of p0V l =p00;tun and bs for different values of tunnel–pile the ’new method’ for evaluating p00;mod (Eq. (2)) as well as the effect
offsets are shown in Fig. 8 (all other parameters are consistent with of tunnelling on shaft friction (Eq. (5)). The geotechnical centrifuge
cases from Fig. 7). The data in Fig. 8a illustrate the sections of the experiments of tunnel–pile interaction provided by Marshall
pile in which mean effective stress is affected by the tunnel cavity (2009) and Jacobsz (2002) which were analysed in Marshall
contraction (i.e inside the elastic–plastic interface where (2012) are considered again here. Fig. 9 shows the results obtained
p0V l =p00;tun < 1). When the original profile of bs is factored by the from the three analyses. Note that the shaft analysis (RQ ;S ) also
values in Fig. 8a, the new profiles shown in Fig. 8b are obtained. incorporates the ’new method’ for evaluating p00;mod . Each set of
A.M. Marshall, T. Haji / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 45 (2015) 43–51 49
data points represents the analysis of an individual centrifuge
experiment and includes an input of material properties,
The authors would like to thank Mr. Tiago Dias and Professor
geometrical conditions, and the known tunnel volume loss at which
Adam Bezuijen of the University of Ghent for their insightful sug-
the pile failed (defined as the moment when the rate of change of
gestions during the preparation of this paper.
the pile displacement showed a significant increase). Including
the ’new method’ is shown to give a slightly more conservative
(lower) evaluation of RQ than the original method (maximum value Appendix A. Summary of analytical tunnel–pile interaction
of RQ reduced from 0.78 to 0.75). As illustrated in Fig. 6, the ’new method
method’ tends to give a higher value of soil stiffness, resulting in
a lower prediction of base capacity and therefore a lower evaluation This appendix provides a summary of the analytical tunnel–pile
of RQ . Likewise, incorporating the effect of shaft friction (and using interaction analysis presented in Marshall (2012, 2013). The cavity
the ’new method’) gives an even lower result, where RQ ;S < RQ and expansion analyses are based on Yu (2000), with common param-
the maximum value of RQ ;S is 0.72. Fig. 8 showed that the shaft anal- eter definitions provided in Eq. (A.12).
ysis only reduces the value of bs therefore resulting in a lower value
of Q V l and reducing the value of RQ ;S below that of RQ . (1) Predict the end-bearing pressure, qb , using spherical cavity
The conclusion from Marshall (2012) was that, based on the expansion analysis to evaluate p0lim in Eq. (A.1) (Randolph
experimental data available and the analysis proposed, a value of et al., 1994) where ac ¼ h þ /0cv =2 and h = 45 or the
RQ = 0.85 provides a conservative approximation of a safe volume penetrometer cone tip angle.
loss or tunnel–pile separation to avoid pile stability issues and
qb ¼ p0lim 1 þ tan /0cv tan ðac Þ ðA:1Þ
potentially large displacements. This conclusion is still valid when
adopting the ’new method’ proposed here since RQ = 0.85 is an The limit pressure, p0lim , is found using Eqs. (A.3)–(A.5) by
even more conservative threshold for this analysis. Including the varying the value of p0lim in Eq. (A.3) until the left and right
effect of tunnelling on shaft friction in the analysis provides an sides of Eq. (A.4) are equal. Soil stiffness may be evaluated
even more conservative evaluation of pile capacity reduction. The using a variety of methods; in this analysis the small strain
proposed shaft analysis method involves an approximation shear stiffness, G0 , was used based on the method suggested
whereby the change in mean effective stresses from the tunnel by Randolph et al. (1994):
cavity contraction analysis are used to evaluate the change in hor- 0 n
G0 p
izontal stresses along the pile shaft. Given the higher level of con- ¼ S expðc1 Id Þ 0 ðA:2Þ
pa pa
servatism obtained, it is suggested that the validity of this
approximation should be evaluated by any individual conducting where S = 600, c1 = 0.7, n = 0.43 (Lo Presti, 1987), and pa is
such an analysis, with appropriate consideration of the various atmospheric pressure (100 kPa).
project-specific conditions and risks.
ðk þ aÞ Y þ ða 1Þp0lim
Rlim ¼ ðA:3Þ
að1 þ kÞ Y þ ða 1Þp00
8. Conclusions X
v bþk
An ðRlim ; lÞ ¼ ð1 dÞ b ðA:4Þ
This paper deals with the problem of tunnel–pile interaction ( ln
and presented results obtained using analytical cavity expansion/ n!
ln R if n ¼ c
contraction methods. The analysis aims to provide an efficient An ðR; lÞ ¼ ln ðA:5Þ
ðRnc 1Þ otherwise
means of assessing the effect of a newly constructed tunnel on
an existing pile. The results presented were obtained using an anal- (2) Assuming an infinite ground mass with an isotropic stress p00
ysis which generally followed the approach set out by Marshall based on the pile tip depth, and using the determined value
(2012, 2013), as summarised in Appendix A. The paper illustrated of p0lim from stage 1, use spherical cavity expansion to calcu-
the importance of considering the specific geometry of each case late the location of the elastic–plastic interface, c (Eq. (A.6)),
due to the sensitivity of results to the depth of the pile and tunnel. and distribution of confining stress, p0 , resulting from pile
A new method of evaluating the soil stiffness and modified confin- installation, where p0 ¼ ðr0r þ 2r0h Þ=3. Ground stresses result-
ing stress used in the analysis was proposed. The new method ing from pile installation, where the superscripts e and p
gives a more rational approach since the value of G0; mod =G0; tun goes refer to elastic and plastic, respectively, are given by Eq.
to unity at the plastic–elastic interface. A method for approximat- (A.7) (refer also to Fig. 2).
ing the effect of tunnel cavity contraction on pile shaft shear stress
50 A.M. Marshall, T. Haji / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 45 (2015) 43–51
( ) a
E E 2C cos / 1 þ sin /
c ðk þ aÞ½Y þ ða 1Þp G¼ M¼ Y¼ a¼
¼ ðA:6Þ 2ð1 þ mÞ 1 m2 ð2 kÞ 1 sin / 1 sin /
a0 að1 þ kÞ Y þ ða 1Þp00
1 þ sin w aðb þ kÞ Y þ ða 1Þp00
b¼ c¼ d¼
1 sin w kða 1Þb 2ðk þ aÞG
Plastic zone : r < c
ð1 þ kÞd 1 m2 ð2 kÞ kmða þ bÞ
r0pr ¼ a1
þ Ar
l¼ ab þ kð1 2mÞ þ 2m
ð1 þ mÞða 1Þb 1 mð2 kÞ
kða1Þ ðb þ kÞð1 2mÞð1 þ ð2 kÞmÞ Y þ ða 1Þp00
r0ph ¼ a1
þ Aa r a v ¼ exp
Eða 1Þb
ð1þkÞa½Yþða1Þp00 kða1Þ ðA:12Þ
A2 ¼ ða1ÞðkþaÞ
c a
Elastic zone : r > c
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