9 V04 Aefk 00002
9 V04 Aefk 00002
9 V04 Aefk 00002
27-12-2015 27-12-2015 27-12-2015
A A.Raafat M.Sewelam Y.Kamel
10071-CP-104 X
9999-9-3SS-AEFK-00001 SCALE
Drawing title:
- 60 Litres
- Higher protection against rust and electrochemical reactions for longer tank life.
- Resistance to high pressures and tank displacement due to the enamelled coatings high
cohesive and bonding capabilities.
Olympic Electric has always been the leader in
electric water heaters and this line was expanded
to cover mechanical electric water heaters, digital
water heaters and, finally, instant water heaters.
Olympic Electric produces not only electrical
products but the brand expanded the range to increase the consumer’s involvement and deliver Modern style and technological advancement,
introduce gas and solar powered products too. the promise. because it offers consumers the new modern life
Market Achievements venture; Cairo Light Industries. In the early 1970s In 1984 it further developed its electric water All the Brand’s products were positioned at an style that he/she are striving for.
Olympic Group, the regional leader in household Olympic Electric is the first brand launched by it introduced the first locally produced electric heater with the invention and implementation of affordable price with value features to create a Heritage: because of its name that has been
appliances industry, was established in 1995 as Olympic Group and was launched during the water heaters under the brand name” Olympic “Stone” technology, which is a breakthrough that, perfect balance for consumers. there since the early 70’s offering reliable
a holding company that overlooks a number early 1970s through the first electric water Electric”. This innovative product provided a safe till today, no one can imitate. Finally the revolutionary Slim electric water products which is always associated with
of closely related subsidiaries engaged in heaters in Egypt, and since then it has been alternative to the gas water heaters that were Since the Olympic Electric name has heaters launched in 2010. The latest, totally new durability
the manufacturing and trading of household maintaining market share leadership until the popular at the time. successfully been associated with the heating innovation that launched for the first time in the Understanding: because it has evolved to offer
appliances, consumer electronics and related present day. Olympic Electric also catered for the emerging business they expanded their product range and Egyptian market hits the heart of the consumer consumers products that are tailored to their
industries but its roots extend back to the 20s of In 2009 Olympic Electric introduced the Gas consumer demand for electrical appliances and introduced oil radiators, in 1981, and microwaves need for a much more elegant looking and less needs at value.
the last century. water heater, with safety options, that was well affordable electric energy prices. The water in 2004. space consuming product. Smart: because it gives consumers the
With its subsidiaries Olympic Group offers its heaters soon dominated the market and Olympic Within the past twenty years the home balance they are searching for : technology at an
consumers a complete home experience from Electric brand became synonymous with appliances market in Egypt witnessed a Brand Values affordable price.
white goods and home appliances products reliability and affordability. tremendous growth and expanded to new Olympic Electric believes in the smart choice,
to kitchens manufacturing. Since then Olympic Electric has led the categories that had been very limited in the that’s why it always looks for the correct www.olympicgroup.com
market with innovative products and style past such as electronics and small domestic equation that will offer its consumers the right
and the brand has always appliances. Olympic Electric a strong name balance of technology and price with the end
already in the market, expanded its range of result of the best value for money:
small domestic appliances to include vacuum Up to date:
cleaners, ventilators and fans to capture all its Olympic Electric is a brand that promotes
consumers’ needs. technology which powers consumers’ lifestyles
Finally, in 2009, a new entry in a totally new with a range of products that have a daily
family, Olympic Electric introduced automatic usage, associated with an exciting experience
washing machines with a range of regular and of the daily life.
digital products. Quality:
This addition to the Olympic Electric portfolio Driven from functional efficiency, which is a
has proved to be a successful product and has primary pillar of Olympic Electric. Efficiency is
moved the brand to a totally new, and more the fuel of their durability and stability. They
prominent, position in consumers’ minds. offer a product that lasts.
Recent Developments Olympic Electric understands the struggle of its
With the continuous evolution in the field of target consumer, and aims to offer the Egyptian
technology Olympic Electric felt it needed a new home a product that is value for money. Thus
face and a new proposition, thus the new face the affordable technology. Because it chooses
lift in 2008 with the slogan “technology at your from the available world-wide technology the
finger tips”. most suitable one for the average Egyptian
The challenging positioning for the electric consumer.
water heaters leader required an innovative In this way Olympic Electric balances the
product to implant Olympic Electric’s leadership price with the quality and technology leading
role, thus technologically advanced products to the smartest outcome for its consumers.
were injected into the Olympic Electric product Today Olympic Electric stands in the minds of Things you didn’t know about
Within a growing dynamic market like Egypt, been strongly associated with electric water
portfolio to raise the image of the brand and to consumers as: Olympic Electric
Olympic Group has been the pioneer in each received and by the end of the year it gained heaters. In 1968: Olympic Electric was the first locally produced
segment of the white goods market with strong rapidly in market share and it is still growing. Through the 70s and the 80s Olympic Electric electrical water heater under the brand name
vertically and horizontally integrated operations. Olympic Electric launched its microwaves in managed to expand its product range to widen “Olympic Electric”, electric water heaters were a
Olympic Group capitalised on its diverse 2004 and today the brand is one of the biggest the experience of customers and make their breakthrough in the market.
history and expertise to further expand in market players and growing. daily life more enjoyable. The Brand introduced
In 1981 the first oil filled radiator was from “Olympic
the whole region, driven with its consumer Keeping within its attempts to help the oil radiators, extraction fans, automatic washing Electric”.
needs, Olympic Group has used its expertise environment, Olympic Electric launched the first machines fans, microwaves and vacuum cleaners
to produce products that exactly match those locally manufactured Solar Water Heater. in addition to expanding its main core business In 1984 the development and implementation of
needs through its brands portfolio: Ideal, Ideal through introducing different heating solutions “Stone” technology in electric water heaters,
History which is an innovation that no one could imitate
Zanussi, Olympic Electric and Iberna. such as solar water heaters, gas water heaters till now.
Olympic Group leadership is supported In the 1930s Olympic Group’s founder, Abdallah and instant water heaters.
through a large household industrial base, a wide Sallam, started manufacturing and trading With the simple, yet modern, designs and In 2003 Expanded the range of Olympic Electric small
network of wholesale and retail outlets across operations selling radios, small appliances and innovative technologies, Olympic Electric has appliances into vacuum cleaners.
Egypt, a regional network of distribution and producing electric transformers. By 1950 his succeeded in exceeding the expectations In 2005 Expanded the range of Olympic Electric small
the largest and most effective after sales service enterprise expanded into retail operations with of its customers and paved the way to the appliances into Microwaves.
network that is geographically spread throughout the establishment of “Shaher” store chain which introduction of even more durable technologies In 2009 Expanded the range of Olympic Electric
the country serving their customers seven days specialised in consumer financing. under its brand name. water heaters to include gas water heaters and
a week. All this is operated by more than 8,000 The manufacturing branch of Sallam’s The old logo, similar to the Olympic Games conquered a new category with its new digital
highly qualified employees operations endured in the form of a new logo, was very well known since the 70s, yet it automatic washing machine.