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Hld1800cz HLD Radar900 Operation Manual Rev 1.6 210810

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Radio Detection and Ranging


Revision V1.6
Issue Date 2021-08-10

Beijing Highlander Digital Technology Co., Ltd.


For service, please contact:

Service Hotline in China: 400-088-3335 Ext. 1 for Domestic Ext. 2 for Broad

Service Hotline broad: +86 513 80582906

E-mail: [email protected]

Service Center: No.199, Qingfeng Road Sutong Science & Technology Industrial Park,

Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, China 226017

Copyright: © Highlander. All rights reserved.

The information contained herein is proprietary to Highlander and shall not be duplicated in whole

or in part. The technical details contained in this manual are accurate at the date of issue but are

subject to change without notice.

Highlander pursues a policy of continuous development. This may mean that the product delivered

has additional enhancements not yet covered by the latest version of this manual.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their

respective owners.

2 / 190 HLD1800CZ Rev1.6


TABLE CONTENT........................................................................................................................................ 8
FIGURE CONTENT......................................................................................................................................9
PREFACE.................................................................................................................................................. 11
Copyright and Disclaimer................................................................................................................ 11
About This Manual..........................................................................................................................11
Change Log...................................................................................................................................... 12
IMPORTANT SAFETY MESSAGE........................................................................................................13
Safety Precautions...........................................................................................................................16
Safe Distance from the antenna......................................................................................................17
Regulatory Statements....................................................................................................................18
Terms and Abbreviation.................................................................................................................. 20
1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................... 25
1.1 System Compatibility.................................................................................................................25
1.1.1 INS Compatibility............................................................................................................25
1.1.2 Functions........................................................................................................................26
1.1.3 Features..........................................................................................................................27
1.2 System Inputs/outputs..............................................................................................................28
1.2.1 Gyro input...................................................................................................................... 28
1.2.2 Log input........................................................................................................................ 28
1.2.3 Position input (EPFS)...................................................................................................... 29
1.2.4 AIS input/output............................................................................................................ 29
1.2.5 VDR output.....................................................................................................................29
1.2.6 BNWAS output............................................................................................................... 29
1.2.7 Radar system failure alarm output................................................................................ 29
1.2.8 Radar data and alerts output......................................................................................... 30
1.2.9 Sentences used in the HLD-RADAR 900 System.............................................................30
1.3 System Diagram.........................................................................................................................30
2 THE USER INTERFACE........................................................................................................................... 32
2.1 Radar interface..........................................................................................................................32
2.1.1 Control panel..................................................................................................................34
2.1.2 The Menu....................................................................................................................... 35
2.2 Conning interface...................................................................................................................... 36
2.3 Buttons...................................................................................................................................... 36
2.3.1 Function buttons............................................................................................................ 37
2.3.2 Menu buttons.................................................................................................................37
2.3.3 Toggle buttons................................................................................................................38
2.3.4 Operate buttons............................................................................................................. 38
2.3.5 Sliders............................................................................................................................. 38
2.4 Other Controls...........................................................................................................................38
2.4.1 Check box....................................................................................................................... 38
2.4.2 Input box........................................................................................................................ 39
2.4.3 Information console....................................................................................................... 39
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2.4.4 Tabs................................................................................................................................ 39
2.4.5 Latitude/Longitude Input Box........................................................................................ 40
2.5 Cursor Shapes............................................................................................................................40
2.6 Symbols..................................................................................................................................... 41
2.6.1 Heading line................................................................................................................... 42
2.6.2 List of symbols................................................................................................................42
2.7 Default Colors............................................................................................................................44
2.8 Side Panel.................................................................................................................................. 44
2.9 Virtual Keyboard........................................................................................................................45
3 HUMAN INTERFACE UNIT (HMI)...........................................................................................................47
3.1 Human Interface Unit Overview............................................................................................... 47
3.2 Trackball System........................................................................................................................48
3.3 Adjustment Rotary Knobs......................................................................................................... 48
3.4 Function Keys............................................................................................................................ 49
3.5 EBL Rotary Knob and Keys.........................................................................................................50
3.6 VRM Rotary Knob and Keys.......................................................................................................50
3.7 Radar View Options...................................................................................................................51
4 BASIC OPERATIONS.............................................................................................................................. 52
4.1 Operation Flow..........................................................................................................................52
4.2 Turn ON and Turn Off the System............................................................................................. 52
4.3 Adjusting Display Brightness..................................................................................................... 53
4.4 Radar Sensor and Signal Processing..........................................................................................53
4.4.1 RADAR selection.............................................................................................................53
4.4.2 Status..............................................................................................................................54
4.4.3 PL (Pulse length).............................................................................................................55
4.4.4 MASTER.......................................................................................................................... 56
4.4.5 TUNE...............................................................................................................................56
4.5 Adjusting the Radar Image........................................................................................................57
4.5.1 ENH (Target enhance).................................................................................................... 57
4.5.2 SC/SC (Multi-scan integration).......................................................................................58
4.5.3 IR (Interference rejection)..............................................................................................58
4.5.4 Signal processing............................................................................................................59
4.6 Range Scale and Range Rings....................................................................................................61
4.7 Radar View Options...................................................................................................................62
4.7.1 Color mode.....................................................................................................................62
4.7.2 Display settings.............................................................................................................. 62
4.7.3 Azimuth stabilization mode........................................................................................... 63
4.7.4 Radar Motion mode.......................................................................................................67
4.7.5 Stabilization mode..........................................................................................................69
4.7.6 Offsetting the PPI center................................................................................................72
4.7.7 Show/hide objects on the PPI........................................................................................74
4.7.8 Default configuration..................................................................................................... 74
4.7.9 Capture...........................................................................................................................74
4.8 Own Ship Sensors Data............................................................................................................. 74
4.9 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 76

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4.10 Other Radar Responses...........................................................................................................77
4.10.1 The operation of Search and Rescue Transmitter (SART)............................................ 77
4.10.2 Radar Beacons..............................................................................................................79
4.10.3 Radar target enhancers................................................................................................79
4.10.4 False echoes................................................................................................................. 79
4.10.5 Ghost echoes................................................................................................................80
4.10.6 Multi-path signals........................................................................................................ 80
4.10.7 Blind sectors.................................................................................................................80
4.10.8 Blank sectors................................................................................................................ 81
5 GENERAL OPERATIONS.........................................................................................................................84
5.1 Radar Menu...............................................................................................................................84
5.2 Radar Defaults...........................................................................................................................85
5.3 Tuning Optimization.................................................................................................................. 88
5.4 Performance Monitor............................................................................................................... 89
5.5 Acquisition Zones...................................................................................................................... 92
6 CHARTS (OPTIONAL).............................................................................................................................95
6.1 Overview................................................................................................................................... 95
6.2 Chart Presentation.................................................................................................................... 95
6.3 Chart Menu............................................................................................................................... 97
6.3.1 Primary mode.................................................................................................................98
6.3.2 Standard mode...............................................................................................................98
6.4 Chart Setting (Optional, only together with Chart functionality)............................................. 99
6.5 Test Charts Displaying............................................................................................................... 99
6.6 Test Symbols Displaying.......................................................................................................... 100
6.7 Chart Management................................................................................................................. 101
6.7.1 Permits and Certificates............................................................................................... 101
6.8 Charts Basic Operations.......................................................................................................... 104
6.8.1 Install Charts.................................................................................................................104
6.8.2 Delete Charts................................................................................................................105
6.9 Synchronize Charts..................................................................................................................105
6.9.1 Explore Updates........................................................................................................... 106
6.9.2 Own Ship Report.......................................................................................................... 108
6.9.3 Test Mode.....................................................................................................................109
7 THE ALERT SYSTEM.............................................................................................................................110
7.1 Alert Priority Levels................................................................................................................. 110
7.2 Alert Notifications................................................................................................................... 110
7.3 Alert Acknowledgment........................................................................................................... 112
7.4 Common List of Alerts.............................................................................................................112
7.5 List of Radar Alerts.................................................................................................................. 114
7.6 Central Alert Manager.............................................................................................................115
7.7 CAM History............................................................................................................................ 118
7.8 Alerts Escalation......................................................................................................................120
8 TARGETS&COLLISION AVOIDANCE..................................................................................................... 121
8.1 Target Functions......................................................................................................................121
8.1.1 Vector Modes............................................................................................................... 122

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8.2 Manual Radar Acquisition.......................................................................................................123
8.3 Tracked Target Settings Menu................................................................................................. 124
8.4 Prediction Vector Time............................................................................................................126
8.5 Trails........................................................................................................................................ 126
8.6 Past Position............................................................................................................................ 127
8.7 Vector Indicator.......................................................................................................................128
8.8 Target Tracking........................................................................................................................ 128
8.8.1 Radar target list............................................................................................................129
8.8.2 Target tracking characteristics..................................................................................... 129
8.9 CPA/TCPA.................................................................................................................................131
8.10 AIS......................................................................................................................................... 131
8.10.1 AIS capacity of display................................................................................................132
8.10.2 AIS data...................................................................................................................... 133
8.10.3 AIS selection...............................................................................................................134
8.10.4 AIS filtering.................................................................................................................135
8.10.5 Safety related messages.............................................................................................136
8.11 Association of Tracked and AIS Targets................................................................................. 136
9 NAVIGATIONAL TOOLS....................................................................................................................... 138
9.1 Parallel Index Lines..................................................................................................................138
9.1.1 Working with the PI lines............................................................................................. 139
9.2 Maps........................................................................................................................................142
9.3 Map Menu...............................................................................................................................142
9.3.1 Plotting objects............................................................................................................ 144
9.3.2 Edit objects...................................................................................................................146
9.4 Route....................................................................................................................................... 148
9.5 EBL/VRM................................................................................................................................. 149
9.6 Anchor Watch..........................................................................................................................151
10 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................154
11 USER MAINTENANCE....................................................................................................................... 157
11.1 Maintenance (Display).......................................................................................................... 157
11.2 Components with limited lifetime........................................................................................ 157
11.2.1 Radar magnetron....................................................................................................... 157
11.2.2 Display screen............................................................................................................ 158
11.2.3 Retained parameters..................................................................................................158
11.2.4 System failure diagnostics by active alerts................................................................ 158
11.3 Maintenance & Self-test....................................................................................................... 159
12 CONNING APPLICATION................................................................................................................... 161
12.1 Navigation Page.....................................................................................................................161
12.2 Docking Page......................................................................................................................... 162
12.3 AIS Page.................................................................................................................................162
12.4 NAVTEX Page......................................................................................................................... 164
12.5 Records Page......................................................................................................................... 165
12.6 CCRS Page..............................................................................................................................166
12.6.1 Own ship shape and CCRP location........................................................................... 167
12.6.2 GPS and RADAR Antenna location............................................................................. 168

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12.6.3 Anchor location..........................................................................................................169
12.7 Sensor Page........................................................................................................................... 170
12.7.1 Selection mode of Sensor Sources.............................................................................171
12.7.2 Status of Sensor Data................................................................................................. 171
12.7.3 Status of Sensor Source............................................................................................. 171
12.8 System Page.......................................................................................................................... 172
13 APPENDIX......................................................................................................................................... 174
13.1 Trial Manoeuvre.................................................................................................................... 174
13.1.1 Using trial manoeuvre................................................................................................175
13.2 Simulation............................................................................................................................. 176
13.2.1 Test scenarios............................................................................................................. 176
13.2.2 Simulation conditions................................................................................................ 177
13.3 Radar Detection Performance...............................................................................................181
13.3.1 Important Factors.......................................................................................................181
13.3.2 Target Detection in Minimal Sea Clutter....................................................................183
13.3.3 Target Detection in sea clutter...................................................................................184
13.3.4 Target Detection in Sea and Rain Clutter................................................................... 185
13.3.5 Other Factors Compromising Performance............................................................... 186
13.3.6 Standard Signal Filtering Functionality...................................................................... 187

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Table 1 Trails and past position intervals...................................................................................... 125

Table 2 Display features................................................................................................................ 154

Table 3 Input / Output Interface................................................................................................... 154

Table 4 ARPA..................................................................................................................................154

Table 5 AIS..................................................................................................................................... 155

Table 6 Maps................................................................................................................................. 155

Table 7 Radar scanners..................................................................................................................155

Table 8 Typical attenuation and backscatter in rain conditions....................................................183

Table 9 Range of target first detected (clutter-free conditions)................................................... 183

Table 10 Direction prediction in sea clutter conditions: X-band...................................................185

Table 11 Direction prediction in sea clutter conditions: S-band...................................................185

Table 12 Predicted target detection (averaged) in rain & sea clutter at 0.7-0.8 NM....................186

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Figure 1 System diagram................................................................................................................. 31

Figure 2 PPI with the rings OFF....................................................................................................... 61

Figure 3 Heading Up view............................................................................................................... 64

Figure 4 North Up view................................................................................................................... 65

Figure 5 Course Up view................................................................................................................. 66

Figure 6 Trail Up view...................................................................................................................... 67

Figure 7 Relative Motion mode.......................................................................................................68

Figure 8 True Motion mode............................................................................................................ 69

Figure 9 Some bearing marks are skipped then in order to keep clear indication......................... 72

Figure 10 Off center &Max view..................................................................................................... 73

Figure 11 Own ship sensor data......................................................................................................74

Figure 12 Example of SART arranged very close to the radar antenna origin................................ 78

Figure 13 Radar beacon in the PPI.................................................................................................. 79

Figure 14 Blind sectors.................................................................................................................... 81

Figure 15 Blank sector.....................................................................................................................83

Figure 16 Optimize tune..................................................................................................................89

Figure 17 Performance monitor operation result of Aidos.............................................................90

Figure 18 Performance monitor operation result of Sperry........................................................... 91

Figure 19 Acquisition zone edit mode............................................................................................ 94

Figure 20 Chart is ON...................................................................................................................... 96

Figure 21 Cell information displayed by default............................................................................. 98

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Figure 22 Chart management window......................................................................................... 101

Figure 23 Show User Permit..........................................................................................................103

Figure 24 The certificate page.......................................................................................................103

Figure 25 Certificate selection...................................................................................................... 104

Figure 26 Information of update...................................................................................................107

Figure 27 Own ship report............................................................................................................ 108

Figure 28 Test Mode......................................................................................................................109

Figure 29 Bearing is ON.................................................................................................................141

Figure 30 Default Pls..................................................................................................................... 141

Figure 31 Beam range is ON..........................................................................................................142

Figure 32 Select icon dialog.......................................................................................................... 145

Figure 33 System page.................................................................................................................. 172

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Copyright and Disclaimer

The information contained herein is proprietary to Highlander and shall not be duplicated in whole

or in part.

Copyright: © Highlander. All rights reserved.

Highlander pursues a policy of continuous development. This means that the current version of the

manual may not reflect all additional enhancements of the delivered product. The technical details

contained in this manual are accurate at the date of issue but are subject to change without notice.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their

respective owners.

About This Manual

This manual introduces how to operate HLD-RADAR 900. The installation of radar antenna is included

in the installation manual.

This manual is intended for operators and engineers. It assumes that users have the necessary

qualification and skills for work with radar and navigation equipment.

This is the owner who is responsible for installation and usage of the equipment in a proper manner.

The proper manner means that the installed equipment will not cause accidents, personal injury or

property. And the user of this product is responsible for observing maritime safety practices.

It is the user, who is responsible for reading, understanding and following all instructions and

NOTE If you have any questions regarding these safety instructions, please contact HIGHLANDER.

The manual contains drawings, schemes, and screenshots.

The GUI has the black background, so it could make some difficulties for printing the manual. To

avoid these difficulties screenshots are represented in inverted colors.

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Change Log
Date Version Change Chapter Changes
26.12.2016 1.0 All The first release
2017.4.26 1.1 All Update
2018.7.21 1.1 1. Chapter 5.3 1. Add safety note
2. Chapter5.4 2. Add safety note and the operating procedures of
3. All Sperry transceiver
4. Chapter4.4 3. Adjust the text in table
5. Chapter4.5.4 4. Add pictures and update the description of ENH
6. Chapter 2.1, 5.5 and 9.1.1 5. Update the description of sea clutter in ADP mode
7. Chapter 9.3.1 6. Add new explanations of certain version
8. Chapter12.5 7. Update the inferface of Icons
9. Chapter12.6 8. Update the text
10. Chapter7.6 and 7.2 9. Add the part of unlocking
11. Chapter 7.7 10. Add the part of permanent silence
12. Chapter 2 11. Add CAM history page
13 Chapter 2.3.1 12. Update the description of Side panel and add
14 Chapter 12.3 Conning interface
13. Add explanations of original pictures
14 Update the description of AIS page
2019.3.18 1.2 1. 12.6.1, 12.6.2 1. Update the descriptions of 2 coordinates
2020.01.19 1.3 ALL Update logo
2020.2.20 1.4 1.1 Update Category of ship/craft
2020.3.10 1.5 2.1.2,5,5.1 Update MENU page
4.7.1,12.8 Add color mode setting method
8.1,8.3,8.6 Update PAST POSN in TGT SET and right lower corner
8.7 Update the description of vector indicatiors
8.8 Update taget information of AIS and TT
9.4 Update deactivate route function
9.6 Update Manual Input of ANCH
11.2.1,4.9 Update reference working time of magnetron
11.3 Add maintenance and self-test
12.6,12.6.3 Udate CCRS page about radar3, radar4, left and right
8.1,8.2 Adjust the order
2021.3.12 1.6 1.1.1 Modify data server
2.1 Modify 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and delete ADP mode
2.5 Delete Acquisition cursor
2.6.1 Add the button to hide heading line temporarily Delete ADP mode
4.7 Add functions to hide heading line and map temporarily
8.1 Delete relative mode

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The manual contains information that requires special attention. The following emphasis is used for

such information:

This text warns personnel that the situation is potentially hazardous and it may result in serious
injury or death. The personnel must proceed carefully to prevent the risk.

This text indicates a potentially hazardous situation. As a possible result could be minor or
moderate injury, or property damage. The personnel must proceed carefully to prevent the risk.

This text informs that the operation is unsafe. The operation could lead to property damage or
NOTE equipment malfunction. The personnel must proceed carefully to prevent the risk.
Some other important information is represented in this way too to draw the user’s attention.

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High Voltages are located over

Maintenance and repairs must only be carried out by
many areas in the systems!
trained and qualified personal with knowledge for
electrical devices.

Caution during Operations:

NEVER touch or have any body contact with active Observe handling regulations!
electrical circuits! Removal or insertion of a subgroup or printed wiring
board with live voltage can lead to severe damage.

All relevant safety regulations and safety standards

must be closely observed. Never insert fuses with other values than those

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Safety Precautions

This section describes common rules for operating the equipment. These are general precautions

that are not related to the specific procedure. Personnel must understand and apply these rules

during operation and maintenance of the system.

Having these operating instructions always at hand on all relevant locations is the must. Ensure that

the instruction copies are available to all operators. Operating personnel must at all times follow all

safety regulations.

When operating in normal mode, the equipment can be easy disconnected from the main power line.

Turn OFF the relevant circuit breaker.

Before any actions inside the unit or components replacement, switch OFF the voltage supply.

It is prohibited to open units, replace components or perform any other activity with the
equipment internal hardware when the equipment is powered ON.

It is necessary to provide easy access to all operator panels, controls, and relevant switchgear

cabinets. This enables instant response to alarms.

Some equipment components can carry electrical current even after being powered off. It is
CAUTION mandatory to unplug the power connector before the maintenance, repairing or other type of
work with equipment.

When replacing magnetrons, make sure to switch off the main power and let the equipment stand

for more than 5 minutes to discharge the high-voltage circuit. Failure to comply may result in


Make sure to take off your watch when your hand must be close to the magnetron.

Do not make any adjustments during navigation. Failure to comply may result in adverse effects on

the radar function which may lead to accidents or equipment failure.

The radar is used for navigation only. The final navigation decision must always be made by the

operator. Making the final navigation decision based only on the radar display may cause accidents

such as collisions or running aground.

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Safe Distance from the antenna

Be aware of the safe distances from the antenna. -The safe distances are outside of the antenna

turning circle; at this distance the radiation levels (for standard marine radar, with a rotating antenna)

are below 50 W/m2 and normally below the radio frequency levels of 10 W/m2.

Check the exact levels and related transceiver and antenna distances in the table below.

Antenna length 100 W/m² 50 W/m² 10 W/m²

6” X-BAND 3.26 m 4.61 m 10.31 m
8” X-BAND 3.45 m 4.89 m 10.93 m
12” S-BAND 2.90 m 4.11 m 9.18 m

Never look into a rotating antenna aperture while the antenna is stationary.
WARNING Exercise care when approaching a rotating antenna. Se sure to turn OFF the radar power switch
or the radar system before performing maintenance or inspection of the antenna.

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Regulatory Statements

The HLD 900 Radar is compliant with standards described below.

Standards Description
IEC 60945 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and
systems – General requirements – Methods of testing and
required test results
IEC 61162 (all parts) Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and
systems – Digital interfaces
IEC 61174 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and
systems – Electronic chart display and information systems
(ECDIS) – Operational and performance requirements, methods of
testing and required test results
IEC 61924-2:2012 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and
systems – Part 2 Modular Structure for INS - Operational and
performance requirements, methods of testing and required test
IEC 61996-1:2012 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and
systems – Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) – Part 1: Voyage
data recorder (VDR) – Performance requirements – Methods of
testing and required test results
IEC 62288-2014 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and
systems – Presentation of navigation-related information on
shipborne navigational displays – General requirements, methods
of testing and required results ITU-R Recommendation M.628,
Technical characteristics for search and rescue radar transponders
IEC 62388-2013 Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment and
systems – Shipborne radar – Performance requirements, methods
of testing and required test results
ITU-R Recommendation M.628 Technical characteristics for search and rescue radar transponders
ITU-R Recommendation M.824 Technical parameters of radar beacons (racons)
ITU-R Recommendation M.1176 Technical parameters of radar target enhancers
IHO S-52 Specifications for chart content and display aspects of ECDIS
IHO S-52 Annex A IHO ECDIS Presentation Library
IMO Resolution A.424(XI) Performance standards for Gyro-compasses
IMO Resolution A.694(17) General requirements for shipborne radio equipment forming
part of the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)
and for electronic navigational aids
IMO Resolution A.821(19) Performance standards for Gyro-compasses for High-Speed Craft
IMO Resolution MSC.96(72) Amendments to IMO Resolution A.824(19), Performance
standards for devices to indicate speed and distance
IMO Resolution MSC.116(73) Performance standards for marine transmitting heading devices

18 / 190 HLD1800CZ Rev1.6

Standards Description
IMO Resolution MSC.191(79) Performance standards for the presentation of navigation related
information on shipborne navigational displays
IMO Resolution MSC.192(79) Revised performance standards for radar equipment
IMO Resolution MSC.232(82) Revised performance standards for electronic chart display and
information systems (ECDIS)
IMO Resolution MSC.302(87) Performance standards for bridge alert management
IMO MSC.1/Circ.1389 Guidance on procedures for updating shipborne navigation and
communication equipment.
IMO SN.1/Circ.243/Rev.1:2014 Guidelines for the presentation of navigation related symbols,
terms and abbreviations
VESA-2007-5:2007 Industry standards and guidelines for computer display monitor
timing (DMT)
DDWG DVI:1999 Digital Visual Interface (DVI) Revision 1.0, Digital Display Working
Group (DDWG)

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Terms and Abbreviation

ACK Acknowledge
ACQ/ACT Acquisition/Activation
Acquired radar target Automatic or manual acquisition initiates radar tracking.
Acquisition of a radar target Process of acquiring a target and initiating its tracking.
Activated AIS target AIS target representing the automatic or manual activation of a sleeping AIS target
for the display of additional information.
Activation of an AIS target Activation of a sleep AIS target for the display of additional graphical and
alphanumerical information.
AFC Automatic Frequency Control
AIS Automatic Identification System
A system which enables ships and shore stations to obtain identifying and navigation
information about other ships at sea, using an automated transponder.
AIS target Target generated from an AIS message
Anti-clutter rain Rain/snow clutter suppression
Anti-clutter sea Sea clutter suppression
ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aid
Associated target A target simultaneously representing a tracked target and a reported AIS target
having similar parameters (position, course, speed) which comply with an association
AZ Automatic Acquisition/Activation zone
A zone set up by the operator in which the system should automatically acquire radar
targets and activate reported AIS targets when entering the zone.
BCR/BCT Bow Crossing Range/Bow Crossing Time
Blank sector Sector, where the radar transmission is inhibited
Blind sector Sector, where the radar beam is blocked by certain obstacle
BRILL Brilliance
C up Course up
Own ship's course is pointed to the top center of the radar display.
CCRP Consistent Common Reference Point
A location on own ship, to which all horizontal measurements such as target range,
bearing, relative course, relative speed, CPA or TCPA are referenced, typically the
conning position of the bridge.
CCRS Consistent Common Reference System
Sub-system or function of an INS for acquisition, processing, storage, surveillance
and distribution of data and information providing identical and obligatory reference
to sub-systems and subsequent functions within an INS and to other connected
equipment, if available.
Clutter Unwanted reflections on a radar screen, from sea surface, rain or snow.
COG Course Over Ground

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The direction of the ship's movement relative to the earth, measured on board the
ship, in terms of the degrees from true north.
CPA/TCPA Closest Point of Approach/Time to the Closest Point of Approach.
Limits are set by the operator and are related to own ship.
CENT Centre
CTW Course Through Water
The direction of the ship's movement through the water
CURS Cursor
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
Dangerous target Target whose predicted CPA and TCPA are violating the values as preset by the
Default Predefined condition set by the equipment manufacturer.
EBL Electronic Bearing Line
An electronic bearing line originated from own ship's position.
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ENC Electronic navigational chart
ERBL Electronic Range bearing line
Electronic bearing line is combined with the variable range marker, used to measure
range and bearing from own ship or between two objects.
ENH Enhance
ECDIS Electronic chart display and information system, which complies with IMO resolution
MSC.232(82) and IEC 61174.
EPFS Position fixing system using electronic means.
GND stabilization Display mode in which speed and course information are referred to the ground,
using ground track input data, or EPFS as reference.
GPS Global Positioning System
GUI Graphical user interface
GZ Guard zone
HDG Heading
The horizontal direction that the bow of a ship is pointing at any instant, expressed in
angular units from a reference direction.
HL Heading line
A graphic line on a radar presentation drawn from the consistent common reference
point to the bearing scale to indicate the heading of the ship .
H up Head up
Own ship's heading line is always pointed to the top center of the radar display.
IHO International Hydrography Organization
IMO International Maritime Organization
INS Integrated navigation system

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Navigation system which complies witch the requirements of IMO resolution
MSC.252(82) and IEC 61924-2.
IR Interference Rejection
kn knot
Lost AIS target A target symbol representing the last valid position of an AIS target before the
reception of its data was lost, or its last dead-reckoned position.
Lost tracked target One for which target information is no longer available due to poor, lost or obscured
LP Long Pulse
LAH Look Ahead
LAT Latitude
LOG Refers to log of Speed measurement (relative to water)
LON Longitude
LndM Land Mask
MMI Man Machine Interface
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
MOB Man Over Board
MON Performance monitor
MP Medium Pulse
MAPS Operator defined or created lines to indicate channels, traffic separation schemes or
borders of any area important for navigation.
Menu Area of display that is allocated to the interactive display and operation of a
structured menu for the selection and entry of operational parameters, data and
NM Nautical Miles
N up North up
OE Object Editor
Operational display area Area of the display used to graphically present chart and radar information, excluding
the user dialogue area.
OS Own Ship
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PI Parallel Index line
PPI Plan Position Indicator
Past positions Equally time-spaced past position marks of a tracked or AIS target and own ship.
POSN Position
PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
The number of radar pulses transmitted each second.

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PROC Process
Radar signal processing function
RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging
Radar beacon A navigation aid which responds to the radar transmission by generating a radar
signal to identify its position and identity
Range Rings A set of concentric circles labeled by distance from CCRP.
Rings Distance between one range rings to another.
Relative speed The speed of a target relative to own ship's speed data
Relative course Direction of motion of a target relative to own ship's direction.
Relative bearing Direction of a target's position from own ship's CCRP expressed as an angular
displacement from own ship's heading.
Relative vector A predicted movement of a target relative to own ship's motion
RM Relative Motion
A display on which the position of own ship remains fixed, and all targets move
relative to own ship.
RM(R) Relative Motion. Relative Trails.
RM(T) Relative Motion. True Trails.
ROT Rate Of Turn
Change of heading per time unit.
Route A set of waypoints.
RP Reference Point
Radar target Object, fixed or moving, which is detected or detectable by a radar system and has a
motion confirmed by successive radar measurements of range and bearing.
Radar video Signal produced by a radar receiver as a result of radar echoes returned.
RR Range Rings
RX Receive
Reference target Symbol of a target's position from own ship's CCRP in terms of degrees of offset from
own ship's heading.
SART Search And Rescue Transponder
Radar transponder capable of operating in the 9GHz band
SC/SC Scan to scan processing function.
Sea state Status of the sea condition due to the weather environment, expressed as a sea state
0 for flat conditions with minimal wind, to sea state 8 for very rough sea conditions.
Selected target Manually selected target for the display of detailed alphanumeric information in a
separate data display area.
SF CNT Safety contour.
Sleeping AIS target A target indicating the presence and orientation of a vessel equipped with AIS in a
certain location.
SOG Speed Over the Ground
The speed of the ship relative to the earth, measured on board of the ship.
SOLAS International Convention for Safety Of Life At Sea
SP Short Pulse

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STAB Stabilization
STW Speed Through Water
The speed of the ship relative to the water surface.
Sea stabilization Display mode in which speed and course information are referred to the sea, using
gyro or equivalent and water speed log input as reference.
TCPA Time to Closest Point of Approach to own ship
Test target Radar target of known characteristics used for test requirement
TGT Target
TM True Motion
A display across which own ship moves with its own true motion.
Trails Tracks displayed by the radar echoes of targets in the form of an afterglow.
Trial manoeuvre A graphical simulation facility used to assist the operator to perform a proposed
maneuver for navigation and collision avoidance purposes.
True course The direction of motion relative to ground or to sea, of a target expressed as an
angular displacement from north
True speed The speed of a target relative to ground, or to sea
True vector A vector representing the predicted true motion of a target, showing
course and speed with reference to the ground or sea
TT Target Tracking
A computer process of observing the sequential changes in the position of a radar
target in order to establish its motion. Such a target is a Tracked Target.
TTG Time to Go
Time to next waypoint.
TX Transmit
UTC Universal Time Coordinated.
The international standard of time, kept by atomic clocks around the world.
VRM Variable Range Marker
An adjustable range ring used to measure the distance to a target.
VDR Voyage data recorder
WPT Waypoint
WPB Waypoint Bearing
WPD Waypoint Distance
XTE Cross Track Error

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1.1 System Compatibility

HLD-RADAR 900 is high performance radar equipment for normal speed crafts consisting of:

• Main unit based on Windows Embedded 7 system for signal processing

• Antenna and turning unit (scanner unit)

• Color Display Unit (LCD, high resolution)

• Human Interface Unit (HMI)

• Radar client software

• Radar process server(ETS)

This equipment complies with the performance standard of IMO (www.imo.org).

The frequency band is X-band (3 cm) or S-band (10 cm).

It is an up-mast radar.

Category of ship/craft
Size of ship/craft < 500 gt 500 gt to < 10000 gt All ships/craft≥1000 gt
Minimum operational display area diameter 180 mm 250 mm 320 mm
Minimum display area 195 x 195 mm 270 mm x 270 mm 340 mm x 340 mm
Usually used monitor for INS600 19” TFT 24” TFT 26” TFT
Auto acquisition of targets Yes Yes Yes
Maximum ARPA target capacity of being tracked 10000 10000 10000
Maximum ARPA target capacity of being acquired 100 100 100
Activated AIS target capacity 500 500 500
Sleeping AIS target capacity 10000 1000 1000
Trial maneuver Yes Yes Yes

If the Chart Radar option is available, above categories are extended with the suffix C, like CAT 1 C or

CAT 2 C.

1.1.1 INS Compatibility

The HLD-RADAR 900 may be part of INS together with the following applications:

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The following related HLD-RADAR 900 products are available:


• Conning Information display(CID)

• Central Alert management(CAM)

• Serial to network gateway function (SNGF)

• Data server(PostgreSQL)

• VDR data server(PIC)

1.1.2 Functions

The Radar 900 is a color radar system designed to comply with the international standards of the

IMO. The main functions include as follow.

• Sensitivity adjustment

• Sea clutter and rain clutter suppression

• Interference rejection

• Bearing, range and position measurement using a cursor

• Range measurement using a fixed/variable range markers

• Bearing measurement using an electronic bearing line

• NAV line, PI line and marker displays

• TM (True Motion) presentation

• RM (Relative Motion) presentation

• Self-diagnostic facilities

• Radar performance monitoring (Performance Monitor)

• Target Tracking functions (manual/automatic, target acquisition and tracking, vector and trail

displays, Trial maneuver and alarm displays)

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• ENC chart (option)

• Conning information display

• Central Alert HMI

1.1.3 Features

Realization of Large, Easy-to-see Screen with High Resolution

The 24&26-inch color LCD with high resolution can display radar images of 280mm or 320 mm in

diameter. Even short-range targets can also be displayed as high resolution images.

Target Detection by Latest Signal Processing Technology

The system employs the latest digital signal processing technology to eliminate undesired clutter

from the radar video signals that are obtained from the receiver with a wide dynamic range, thus

improving the target detection.

Target Tracking (TT) Function based on Advanced Technology

The target acquisition and tracking performance is enhanced by using of the fastest DSP and tracking

algorithm. It provides:

Acquisition and tracking of 100 targets.

Hazardous conditions are represented by shapes and colors of symbols as well as sounds.

Trial manoeuvre function provided.

As well as operator-created NAV lines and own ship's tracks/ARPA tracks, which is stored on the disk

can be superimpose-displayed with radar images and radar trails in all display modes including the

head-up mode.

Easy Operation with GUI

All the radar functions can be easily controlled by simply using the trackball and two switches to

operate the buttons shown on the radar display.

Improved Day/dusk/Night Illumination mode

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Three types of background colors are available in Day/Dusk/Night ambient illumination modes (total

3 background colors). The brilliance of each background color can be reproduced to be suited for the

user's operating environment by simple key or trackball operation.

Compact Design and Low Power Consumption

Since an LCD has been implemented as the display device, the weight of the display is greatly

reduced and the power consumption is lowered in comparison with the conventional radar


Self-diagnostic Program Incorporated

The Self-diagnostic program always monitors all functions of the system. If any function deteriorates,

an alarm message will appear on the radar display and an alarm sounds at the same time. Even when

the system is operating, the functionality test can be carried out. (Except on some functions)

1.2 System Inputs/outputs

The inputs and outputs are compliant with the standards. Only type approved sensors accordingly to

SOLAS chapter V, Reg. 18.1.

1.2.1 Gyro input

• Interface: IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 or IEC 61162-450.

• Data: conforms to IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 or IEC 61162-450.

• Message update rate: from 5Hz to 20Hz.

If the lower message update rate is used then the tracking precision is be compromised.

Gyro with standardized IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 interface are supported only. Other interfaces
(for example, Synchro or 6 step/◦ gyros) are not supported.

1.2.2 Log input

• Interface: IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 or IEC 61162-450.

• Data: conforms to IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 or IEC 61162-450.

It is recommended to get the log input from two different sources. For example, if the STW from
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speed log is in use, true trails and target tracking data are set as water stabilized. The longitudinal

and transverse data are got from the log, if available. The accuracy of tracked target trails and vector

data using a single axis log is only degraded when operating in the true trails mode, while for the

relative trails mode, the data is not affected.

1.2.3 Position input (EPFS)

• Interface: IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 or IEC 61162-450.

• Data: conforms to IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 or IEC 61162-450.

1.2.4 AIS input/output

• Interface: IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 or IEC 61162-450.

• Data: conforms to IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 or IEC 61162-450, ITU M.1371-2.

1.2.5 VDR output

• Interface: IEC 61162-450 and analogue VGA output.

• Data: captured screen image, which conforms to IEC 61162-450 and 61996-1

The delivery of captured radar screen image via Ethernet is the only option for the screen
resolutions not supported by VGA output or by VDR video capturing device.

1.2.6 BNWAS output

• Interface: IEC 61162-1 or IEC 61162-450.

• Data: Emergency Call alarm and General event message with respect to IEC 61162-1 or IEC


1.2.7 Radar system failure alarm output

• Interface: isolated pair of normally closed contacts.

• Data: contacts are opened in case of radar system failure, accordingly to IEC 62388.

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1.2.8 Radar data and alerts output

• Interface: IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 or IEC 61162-450.

• Data: all sentences required by IEC 62388, conforms to IEC 61162-2 or IEC 61162-1 or IEC


1.2.9 Sentences used in the HLD-RADAR 900 System

Input Output
Parameter Sentence format Parameter Sentence format
Time and date $--ZDA Activity information $--EVE
Geographic position $--GLL General alert handling $--ALF
$--GGA $--ALC
$--GND $--ARC
$--RMC $--HBT
AIS target and own ship !--VDM Emergency call for BNWAS $--ALR
information !--VDO
Datum $--DTM Own ship data $--OSD
Heading $--THS Radar system data $--RSD
Speed $--VBW Tracked target data !--TTD
$--VTG $--TLB
Alert handling $--ACK

1.3 System Diagram

The minimal configuration diagram of the radar workstation is represented on the Figure 1.

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Figure 1 System diagram

The diagram includes the minimal set of mandatory sensors and reference systems, other sensors

(wind, VRS, additional GPS, etc.) may be configured.

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Each HLD-RADAR 900 system consists of Radar application and Conning application. And Conning

contains night pages, Navigation, Docking, AIS, NAVTEX, CAM, CAM History, Records, CCRS, and


To switch the applications, the Side panel is used, which is hidden usually and will appear by clicking

the button on the upper right corner or moving cursor to this corner. See details in Section 2.8.

2.1 Radar interface

The user interface includes main display area and control panel.

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1 Plan Position Indicator (PPI)

Radar operational area. It is host to the radar image, AIS targets, navigation tools and maps.
Navigation tools inclue EBL (Electronic Bearing Line), PI (Parallel Index) lines and VRM (Variable Range Marker).
2 Own ship window
Data from the ship sensors and operation status indicator
3 Control window
This panel contains the Target, Route, and Menu panels. Use the proper tab for switching between the panels.
4 Alert panel
List of active alerts with filter, silence, and acknowledge functions.
5 System information
Source, mode, pulse, and priority details.
6 Presentation mode
Own ship center, azimuth display mode, stabilization mode, motion mode and day/night mode;
ON/OFF switchers: default setting, hiding synthetic drawings, hiding heading line, charts display, maps display
and printing screen..
7 The cursor position information
When the cursor is inside the radar operational area, the current cursor coordinates are displayed as well as
range and bearing from the ship to the current cursor position.
8 Measurement tools
Active EBL and VRM markers details (state, value). See 9.5.
9 Range settings
Range scale and rings details (state, value). See 4.6.
10 Radar and signal processing
Sliders: Gain, sea clutter suppression, rain/snow clutter suppression.
Switcher: Targets enhance, Scan-to-scan correlation, IR. See 4.5.
11 Target indicators
Switchers: CPA, TCPA.

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Trail, vector and past position settings – interval and true/relative modes.
12 AIS display and AIS filter
Switches AIS targets display and AIS filter ON/OFF.
And opens the AIS filter settings when filter is ON.
13 Radar and signal processing modes
Manual, AUTO. See 4.4.
14 Tuning slider, AFC mode
15 Switchers
Switchers to all parallel indexes (PI) and the button to acitvate Maps function. The Maps data display will only
be available whent the Maps here is activated.

NOTE 2 together with 3 and 4 are located in the Control panel.

In certains version of software, there is no 15 on interface, more details indicated on 7, and the
loctation of 12 changes.
As a measurement reference (VRM/EBL, cursor) for all navigation tools (maps, charts, PI etc.) and
features (targets, AZ etc.), the Own Ship Consistent Common Reference Point (CCRP) is used. It can
differ from the radar origin as shown at picture below:


2.1.1 Control panel

Control panel is located at the right side of the main display.

Three main consoles are located at this area:

 Own Ship window (see 2.4.3)

 Control window (see the details below)

 Alert panel (see 7.2)

The Control window includes three panels with tabs used for switching between them:

• Target (see 8.8)

• Route (see 9.4)

• Menu(see2.1.2)

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Additionally this area is used for displaying parameters and settings for the virtual keyboard (see

Virtual keyboard on 2.9) when necessary.

2.1.2 The Menu

The menu is available with the <MENU> tab on the Control window. It has 13 user submenus. The

service submenu is used for installation settings.

Chart menu, see 6.3.
Maps settings, see 9.3.
3 PI
Parallel index lines settings. Also available by the screen shortcut. See 9.1.
Anchor watch alarm function settings. See 9.6.
Target tracking settings. See 8.2.
Automatic acquisition/activation zone. Also available by the screen shortcut. See 5.5.
See 8.10.

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Simulation mode. See 13.2.
Trial maneuvers settings. See 13.1.
Display settings, see 4.7.2.
Input of manual values for speed, set and drift.
Radar settings menu. See 5.1.
Language, independently setting color mode, maintenance, self-test and version. See 4.7.1.

2.2 Conning interface

In the Conning application, the tabs which user may use to switch to different pages are located on

the top of the screen. The main presentation area is below the tabs. The current tab turns to blue.

2.3 Buttons

Functions are activated by means of buttons that indicate the current status or provide access to a

temporary function (parameter settings).

Depending on the ship’s configuration, functions/buttons may, or may not, be present. For instance,

the CHART button is only shown when the Chart option is provided.

To modify a parameter, the user must activate the relevant control button. This may be a function

button, for instance <AFC>, or a slider, for instance <GAIN>. In both cases the current parameter

setting is shown next to, or on, the button. The slider button also indicates the setting with a blue bar.

When activated, the button turns blue.

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The following types of buttons are commonly used:

• Function

• Menu

• Toggle

• Operate

2.3.1 Function buttons

When the function button is enabled, it is switched whenever the button is clicked.

The activated button changes its background color and text. Matching function is enabled as soon as

the button is activated.(The pictures in the table below are original.)

The buttons for EBL/VRM are a litter different from the common ones, see 9.5 for details.

Disabled Enabled Activated

Grey text White text White text

Black background Black background Blue background

2.3.2 Menu buttons

A menu button text shows the value, selected by user.

Click on the menu button and drop down list of values will be displayed. When the option is selected,

the menu is closed. The background color does not change.

Normal state Clicked state with drop-down items list

NOTE An items list may include the OFF option.

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2.3.3 Toggle buttons

The buttons have two states and is intended to switch between these states. These can be ON and

OFF states as well as two different values. The current state is displayed on the button.

For example, the RINGS switcher controls the rings visibility. When the visibility is ON, the distance

between the rings is displayed. The value depends on the range value and cannot be changed by


2.3.4 Operate buttons

These are service buttons that are intended for user navigation in menus and other purposes. The

buttons do not change their states and colors.

2.3.5 Sliders

Slider controls are used for following values: tune, gain, sea clutter suppression, and rain clutter


Click on the slider bar to enable it for changes. Its color turns blue and cursor symbol disappears.

Move trackball right and left to set the desired value and then click one more time. The value is set;

the slide bar turns to standard state and color.

The <TRAIL> and <PAST POSN> interval is controlled in the same way although it has different

2.4 Other Controls

The system uses other standard controls described below.

2.4.1 Check box

The check box control has two states when available. To toggle the check box, left click on it. Its

state changes from ‘ticked off’ to ‘ticked on’ or vice versa.

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2.4.2 Input box

The input box control is used for entering characters and numbers.

Click on the control for activation. Then use the system keyboard or virtual keyboard for entering.

2.4.3 Information console

Current data (for example Own ship data) is displayed in the information consoles. This information is

read only and cannot be edited by user directly. See 4.8 for more details.

Own ship window

1 Primary navigational data with sources

2 Time format selector
3 The system load indicator

2.4.4 Tabs

If pane, window or dialog contains two or more pages, the tab control is used for switching between

the pages.

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2.4.5 Latitude/Longitude Input Box

The Latitude/Longitude input boxes are used for latitude and longitude input.

A new input window appears when clicking on the input area. After entering, click the <OK> button

to confirm the input, or click the <Cancel> to drop the input.

2.5 Cursor Shapes

The cursor shape and visibility depends on position on the screen and selected function. The primary

symbols are the cross hair and arrow. The cursor is used within the PPI to specify a target or location.

Within the Own Ship window, the Control window, the Alerts window and the four corners of the

Display Panel, the cursor is used to select buttons and function options, and to vary function

parameters. The cursor symbol changes from a cross-hair inside the PPI to an arrow outside of the


Additional cursor symbols are provided for specific tasks within the PPI, for example positioning an

EBL or a VRM, or making target acquisition/activation. These intuitive cursors are designed to assist

the user and indicate the active mode of the cursor. The additional cursors are temporary and are

only shown when a specific function has been selected. On completion of the task, the primary cross

hair symbol is restored.

When the cursor is not in use, the cursor position is retained at its previous position. This allows the

user to easily locate the cursor.

Type Symbol Description Actions

Standard Within the Radar Operational Area, the Left double click acquires target (Radar
radar cursor screen cursor symbol is usually in the form target) or activates AIS target.
of a cross hair. The cursor is used to specify a Left click on a target selects the target.
location on the screen. The cursor’s latitude, Left click in any other area resets the
longitude and true bearing and range are target selection.
indicated in the CURS area whenever the Right double click on target deletes

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Type Symbol Description Actions
cursor is within the bearing scale. target (tracked Radar target) or (de-)
activates AIS target.
Function Outside the Radar operational area the Left click on a selected control.
cursor cursor symbol changes to an arrow. This
cursor is used to select a function button,
adjust a function bar level, or to select a
menu option.
Off center This cursor shape is shown when the OFF When this shape is visible, the own ship’s
cursor CENT function is active, and the cursor is in position will be (off)set to the position of
the possible offset area of the PPI. Outside the user’s left click.
the possible offset area, the cursor shows its
standard shape.
Chart object This cursor will be indicated only after
selection pressing the Pick up Properties button in the
cursor Chart Option dialog. After the object is
selected the Pick up Properties loses its
active state and the cursor is handled as
EBL EBL adjustment function is activated; the This cursor informs navigator that any
adjustment cursor is located in PPI. Trackball movement with left button
cursor pressed will modify the bearing of EBL
VRM VRM adjustment function is activated; the This cursor informs navigator that any
adjustment cursor is located in PPI. Trackball movement with left button
cursor pressed will modify VRM position
ERBL/PI ERBL/PI adjustment function is activated; This cursor informs navigator that any
adjustment the cursor is located in PPI. Trackball movement with left button
cursor pressed will modify both VRM and EBL
positions accordingly.
VRM/EBL off VRM/EBL off center function is activated; Trackball movement with left button
center cursor the cursor is located in PPI pressed causes the appropriate
movement of center of selected
VRM/EBL pair.

2.6 Symbols

Symbols used in the display are compliant with IMO MSC.191 (79) and IEC 62388/62288. Some

examples are shown in a table below. Symbols not mentioned in the table are described in the

relevant chapters of this manual.

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2.6.1 Heading line

The heading line is drawn parallel to the ship’s fore axis indicating the current own ship heading. The

heading line begin at CCRP of own ship and are drawn to the edge of the video display. The heading

line is always displayed.

The bearing of the heading line is dependent on the presentation mode.

• In H UP mode the line are always drawn vertically.

• In C UP mode the line are initially drawn vertically and change dependent on the current

heading bearing.

• In N UP mode the line are drawn at the current compass heading.

When own ship is off-center, the heading line bearing is automatically adjusted so that the scale is

always referenced correctly.

To hide the heading line temporarily, click and hold the button. The heading line and other
synthetics will be suppressed too until the button is released.

To only hide the heading line temporarily, click and hold the button. The heading line will be
suppressed until the button is released.

2.6.2 List of symbols

Object Symbol Description
Own ship For this object a symbol with the heading line and
a beam line intersecting at the CCRP. At lower
range scales, the own ship outline is shown as
well (lower figure). The heading line (HL) extends
to the bearing scale.

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Object Symbol Description
Velocity Vector, vector (top) originates at CCRP, extending in the
own ship direction of COG or CTW (Course Through Water:
direction of ship’s movement through water
defined by the angle between the meridian
through its position and the direction of the
ship’s movement through the water, in angular
units from true north). Vector length represents
the distance own ship will travel during the
User-specified time.
Velocity vector, Two types of targets are represented: Tracked
target vector target at the top and Activated AIS target at the
Dotted line is Course, solid line is Heading. The
AIS target may have a turn indicator at the end of
the heading line (small line perpendicular to the
heading line, in the direction of turn).

Past track – past The user can select Past Positions along the past
positions track, vary the duration (with button) and set the
time marker intervals (Target Settings menu). Past
positions are maintained after mode or range
If Auto Scale Target Settings in Target Setting is
On, duration is range dependent.
Radar Targets in the When the target is acquired but not in memory
acquisition state yet, it is shown as a broken circle.
In Auto Zones, new targets (not acquired yet)
have a bold broken circle and generate alarm.
Dangerous Tracked This type of targets is red and flash until
Targets acknowledged by the user. The red color is
maintained until the target is no longer a threat.
Sleeping AIS Target The target is shown as a small triangle, orientated
to the reported heading. If there is no reported
heading or COG, the triangle is orientated
towards the top of the bearing scale.
A Selected Target The target is shown as a broken square around
the tracked target. A similar symbol is used for
AIS targets.
A Lost Target The target is shown by a red cross symbol over
the appropriate target symbol (the radar target
symbol is shown in the table) . The symbol flashes
until acknowledged.

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2.7 Default Colors

A combination of DAY and NIGHT color palettes and brilliance levels meet the requirements for dusk

and dawn conditions. The primary functions and corresponding default colors are:

Radar image (Day) - Yellow

Radar image (Night) - Red
VRM/EBL - Orange
Own Ship and related symbols - White
Targets and symbols - Green/Red
PI lines - White/Magenta/Blue/Green
Maps - White/Green/Grey/Magenta (plus icons)
Route - Red
Automatic acquisition/activation zones - Cyan/Green
Blank sectors (TX Muted) - Magenta
Advisory symbols (T, S, etc.) - Blue

2.8 Side Panel

Side panel is hidden usually. Move the cursor to the upper right corner of the screen or click the

button on this corner to open it.

User may switch applications, adjust brilliance, shut down and restart the system by Side panel.

RADAR Switches to the radar task

CONNING Switches to the conning task

CAM Central alarm management: opens the CAM page

SYSTEM Activates the System configuration and settings page.

A Brilliance slider. Use the trackball to set the brilliance level of the monitor.

RESTART Restarts the system

SHUT DOWN Shut downs the system

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In case of Chart Radar, the brilliance of the monitor requires the calibration for compliancy with
regulations. The manual adjustment could compromise the presentation of ENC charts.

2.9 Virtual Keyboard

The screen keyboard can be used in all cases where alphanumeric data input is required. No

hardware keyboard is necessary for the full functionality. The keyboard dialog changes depending on

the task. It is available for the user to input, for example, the name of a ship. For example, OWN

SHIPS SENSORS, the INPUT PASSWORD keyboard is shown where password protection is used.

When the keyboard is open, use the trackball for selecting symbol or action.

The keyboard is activated for the following operations:

• Input a file name when saving maps or PI lines;

• Input text as geographically based text objects in the MAPS Dialog menu;

• Input text or a digital value in the SYSTEM Dialog menu;

• Editing the name of a selected tracked target.

1 Field to display text input

2 Numerical keyboard
3 Alphabetical keyboard (includes special symbols

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4 Backspace
5 Confirm input
6 Back without saving

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3.1 Human Interface Unit Overview

The Human Interface Unit is the human machine interface (HMI) device that includes a standard

‘QWERTY’ keyboard, trackball, function keys, and rotary knobs.

Current states and modes are indicated on the display only. The Human Interface Unit
switchers and knobs are secondary tools and do not provide full functionality.

1 Power switch
Power on/off the station. Press and hold for 3 seconds for shutting down.
2 QWERTY keyboard
Alphanumeric input device. The Enter key has additional functionality: alert acknowledgment.
3 Trackball system
Includes trackball, left button, and right button. The trackball is used for moving the cursor, the buttons
provide left click, double click, and right click correspondingly.
See 3.2 for details
4 Adjustment rotary knobs
Tune, Rain, Sea, Gain knobs and indicators.
See 3.3 for details.
5 EBL (Electronic Bearing Line) rotary knob and keys
See 3.5 for details
6 VRM (Variable Range Marker) rotary knob and keys
See 3.6 for details
7 Alarm acknowledge key
8 Function keys
Transmission/Standby, Target Enhance, Target data, Manual acquisition, Cancel acquisition, Motion mode, T/R
vector, Chart, Trails, Data OFF.See 3.4 for details.
9 Radar view options, set 1
Range, Azimuth stabilization mode, Center offsetting.

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See 3.7 for details
10 Radar view options, set 2, and keyboard illumination
AIS, Color scheme, DIMs.
See 3.7 for details.

3.2 Trackball System

1 Trackball
2 Left button
3 Right button

The following are terminology and descriptions of the operator’s standard trackball functions:

• Cursor: a small mobile icon. See 2.5 for details.

• Locate cursor: move cursor into a position on the screen by the trackball.

• Click the left button (left click): press and release the trackball left button.

• Click the right button (right click): locate the cursor on the selected position, object or

control, press the trackball right button.

• Double click the left button: press and release twice the trackball left button.

Throughout this manual, the terms 'click' and 'double click' assume the left button. It is specifically
stated when the right button is applicable.

3.3 Adjustment Rotary Knobs

1 Tune
2 Sea
3 Rain

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4 Gain

Common actions for adjusting selected parameter are the following:

1. Press the selected knob to switch the proper function in the manual mode.

2. Turn the knob clockwise to increase or counterclockwise to decrease the selected parameter.

The main state indication is located in the software GUI. The Sea/Rain/Gain modes can be
NOTE switched with GUI (and trackball system) only. The Sea/Rain/Gain knobs are in work when
operating in the Manual mode only.

The default mode for TUNE is automatic.

CAUTION Use the manual tune mode only when the best tuning is not possible in the automatic tune
mode, for example in case if the magnetron is not available.

3.4 Function Keys

The Transmission / Standby switch key. When the radar power is switched on the, 3 minutes warming up is
provided. The transmission is not available by that time. After warming up is completed, the Transmit and
Stand by modes could be toggled with referenced button.
Starts the Target enhance. See 4.5.1 for details.
Displays digital data of tracked targets.
Switch on the manual acquisition mode. Then each single click at the radar screen will force the manual
target acquisition. If this mode is not active, the target still could be manually acquired with double click.
Switch off the manual acquisition mode.
Set the radar motion mode. See 4.7.4 for details.
Set the vector display mode. See 8.1.1.
Switches the charts display on/off.
Switches the trails display on/off.

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Switches off the graphics that is not HL, range rings, EBL, and VRM.

3.5 EBL Rotary Knob and Keys

1 Rotary knob
2 The EBL 1 key
3 The EBL 2 key

Two keys are for EBL1 and EBL2 selection.

1. Press one of the EBL keys. The proper EBL is selected.

2. Rotate the knob to set the bearing.

3. Press the knob to adjust the bearing more precisely. The selected EBL can be changed

from 0.1o to 1o while rotating.

4. Press the knob to return to normal mode.

3.6 VRM Rotary Knob and Keys

1 Rotary knob
2 The VRM 1 key
3 The VRM 2 key

Two keys are for VRM1 and VRM2 selection.

1. Press one of the VRM keys. The proper VRM is selected.

2. Rotate the knob to set the range.

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3. Press the knob to adjust the range more precisely. The selected VRM can be changed from

0.01 NM to 0.1 NM while rotating.

4. Press the knob to return to normal mode.

3.7 Radar View Options

1 Range increasing key

Increases the range to 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 96 NM.
2 Range decreasing key
Decreases the range to 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 96 NM.
3 Set the azimuth stabilization mode
Switching to Heading up, North up, and Course up modes are available. The Trail up mode is available with
trackball only.
See 4.7.3 for details.
4 Offset key
Switches the display mode to 75% center offset and back.

Switches on/off the AIS target indication.
Color mode
Switches the display to the day, dusk, and night modes.
The keyboard illumination increasing key
Increases brightness of the keyboard backlight.
The keyboard illumination decreasing key
Decreases brightness of the keyboard backlight.

NOTE Brightness of the keyboard illumination cannot be decreased to 0.

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4.1 Operation Flow
It is prohibited to put anything on the operational panel. Do not put anything on the
operation panel.
Do not impact to the operation panel, trackball, or controls. Otherwise, any failure or
damage may result.

Usually the operation flow is four steps as follow.

Each operation is described in detail below.

1. Power on and start the system.

2. Input navigation information.

3. Observe and adjust video

4. Acquire and measure data

5. Display and measure with reference to CCRP

6. End the operation and stop the system.

4.2 Turn ON and Turn Off the System

When new radar is installed or a magnetron is replaced, the system should stay in standby
mode for 20 minutes or more.

1. Press Power ON/OFF button on the Human Interface Unit and hold the key for 3 seconds

to power the system on. The preheating countdown is displayed on the PPI. The mode is

STBY and control is disabled.

2. Wait for 3 minutes of preheating. The status button becomes enabled and it is allowed to

switch the transmission on.

3. Click the Status button (see 4.4.2) or press the TX/STBY key on the Human Interface Unit

(see 3.4). The radar will start transmission and the antenna will start rotating.

NOTE The radar does not start transmission if you press [TX/STBY] key while preheating countdown is on.

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Make sure that the area around the antenna is clear of personnel and equipment when turning
ON the radar power supply.

Before turn off the system it is required to stop operations. Press the TX/STBY key. This stops

transmission and antenna rotation. The TX button on the display changes to STBY.

After that, press and hold for 3 seconds the Power ON/OFF button on the keyboard.

CAUTION Only the master station controls the TX/STBY key and switching operations on and off.

In case if the radar video looks suspiciously unchanged, verify the regular update of time indication.

It must be updated each second even with no connection to any sensors. The unchanged time in

combination with frozen video means the complete system freeze. Turn to power of radar

workstation off and then on again after 30 seconds as minimum.

4.3 Adjusting Display Brightness

At first start-up the display brilliance is set to 80%. When the unit is restarted the brilliance is

automatically set to the level it was prior to switching the unit off.

The brightness is adjusted with the slider on the side panel (see 2.8).

Buttons for control of the transceiver and signal processing features are clustered in the left upper

corner of the radar display.

4.4 Radar Sensor and Signal Processing

Buttons for control of the transceiver and signal processing features are clustered in the left upper

corner of the radar display.

4.4.1 RADAR selection

The control is really a digital interswitch control. In case of numerous HLD 900 Series Radars

(maximum 4) installed on the bridge, each of them could be selected for operation at each radar (or

multifunction) workstation. The current choice (radar sensor name and band) is displayed on the

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control (see an example below).

4.4.2 Status

The control displays the current status of the system.

Normally the status is set by the user, but the system may reset the status to the standby or not

ready in case of failures.

Available values are:

• STBY (standby)

• TX (transmit)

The following functions are only available when the radar is in transmitting mode:

• Display Radar video

• Pulse length selection (see 4.4.3)

• Gain, rain and sea anti clutter control (see 4.5.4.)

• Optimize performance

• Tracking target

• Measure data

See 4.2 for more details.

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4.4.3 PL (Pulse length)

The control displays the current pulse length value. The option can be selected by the user or


The following values are available:

• Short pulses (SP) are used at close range to improve the discrimination and range accuracy of

received echoes.

• Long Pulses (LP) are used at long range to improve the ability of the radar to pick out targets

at distance.

• Medium Pulse (MP) is a pulse length used as an optimum between discrimination and long

range detection.

A short pulse length will provide better echo discrimination and may mean that small echoes on

lower range scales and/or moving at higher speed do not always correlate, i.e. are not always

confirmed. The selected pulse length should be compatible with the sea state, rainfall (precipitation)

and adequate echo discrimination.

The default pulse length (PL) and optional pulse length(s) for each range scale are the following:

• SP is optimal on the 1.5NM range and below

• MP is optimal in the 03NM range

• LP is optimal at 6NM range and above

NOTE The pulse length can only be changed on a master workstation.

If the pulse length is changed when the current range scale is outside the permitted pulse length

range and the range scale is changed to a value outside the currently selected pulse length setting,

the current indicate of Pulse lengths will be change to yellow.

To change the pulse length as following:

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1. Click on the PL button. This will toggle through the available choices for the pulse length.

2. Left click on the pulse length you want to use.

4.4.4 MASTER

Click on the <Set Master> button to set the current radar work station the master radar of current

band. The button will turn blue and the character will change to ‘Master’.

The master radar may set the functions of signal processing and radar antenna, such as GAIN, SEA

and RAIN.

4.4.5 TUNE

The system provides automatic and manual tune modes.

The default mode is automatic.

CAUTION Use the manual tune mode only when best tuning is not possible in the automatic tune
mode, for example in case of magnetron is not available.

The slider indicates the tune response.

While operating in the automatic tune mode, the tuning level is adjusted of the transmitting

frequency and the receiving frequency, and the manual tune mode enables tuning to be adjusted by

using the knob located on the operation panel (keyboard) or using the trackball.

To adjust tune manually with the trackball:

1. Switch the AFC OFF.

2. Click on the Tune control. It is activated and has the blue background. The cursor symbol


3. Move the trackball left to set the maximum tune value.

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4. Click on the control. The tune is adjusted.

When AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) is ON, tuning is held on by AFC.

To adjust tune manually with the knob (see 3.3):

1. Press the [TUNE] knob to set the manual tune mode.

2. Turn the [TUNE] knob to make adjustments so that the tuning bar is maximized.

AFC: Normally ON to optimize tuning for all pulse lengths.

4.5 Adjusting the Radar Image

In additional to tuning the sensitivity of the radar receiver, it is possible to improve the radar image

by adjusting the gain, by suppression sea clutter, rain or other weather conditions.

The appropriate controls location is in the lower left corner of the radar display.

4.5.1 ENH (Target enhance)

The function increases target geometric size for better target visibility. It is available via the ENH


• ENH OFF: Select this mode particularly when resolution is required.

• ENH1: Select this mode to easily view the radar echoes. Radar echoes are expanded by 1

pixels in all directions on the display.

• ENH2: Select this mode to easily view the radar echoes. Radar echoes are expanded by

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almost 2 pixels in all directions on the display.

When ENH is selected, sea and rain/snow clutter may increase. When using this expansion mode,
operate [SEA] knob and [RAIN] knob to suppress sea and rain/snow clutters.

Applies signal processing to increase the target size geometrically and improves target visibility.

Though the processing also reduces clutter to some extent, it is advised that clutter is first reduced to

minimize enhancement of false echoes.

4.5.2 SC/SC (Multi-scan integration)

In Ground-stabilized mode, SC/SC (scan to scan) correlates the radar images of several scans. Echoes

that are observed over several scans are deemed genuine. SC/SC correlation suppresses clutter &

interference, while retaining genuine targets, including fast targets.

In Sea stabilized mode, the recognition of fixed objects may be impaired.

SC/SC is a local setting.

Active SC/SC correlation increases the risk of loss for the high speed targets having zero
overlapping of plots at consequent scans at small radar range scales.

4.5.3 IR (Interference rejection)

Select the rejection level from drop down menu.

When viewing a radar beacon or SART signal, select (Interference Rejection OFF) because IR
processing suppresses the video.

With IR (3) selected, the level of detection of small targets (for example buoys and small boats) is
very low. In general condition it is recommended to select IR (2).

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4.5.4 Signal processing

Only master radar may set the parameters of singal processing and antenna, such as gain, sea
clutter and rain clutter. See 4.4.4 for more details. GAIN

A Gain control function is provided to set the radar signal amplitude threshold as a means to

optimize the content of the radar image. A numerical value and a colored bar show the current Gain

setting. The Gain threshold is uniform independent of range. The Gain level should be set at a value

where a light speckle of noise is visible, indicating that the Gain threshold is at an optimum level for

target detection. The standard default GAIN setting is 80%. RAIN

The rain function applies a uniform filter (fast time constant - FTC) to the radar signal independent of

range. It provides an effective means to reduce the visibility of rain and wet snow precipitation.

Heavy rain will attenuate radar signals, particularly where the X-band radar frequency is in use. A

numerical value and a colored RAIN level bar show the current RAIN anti-clutter setting. To adjust

RAIN: select the RAIN button; it turns blue to indicate an active status. Adjust the level in order to

suppress clutter as much as possible, while the targets remain visible.

Application of the RAIN function reduces most of the rain clutter, however coastlines may be thinned.

In heavy rain, use short pulse (SP). It may be advantageous to marginally reduce the GAIN setting.

WARNING If the Rain clutter level is too high, small targets may be missed. SEA

SEA is an anti-clutter function provided primarily to reduce clutter in the radar image at lower ranges.

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The function provides a time dependent swept gain (STC), with a lower sensitivity at close range

while restoring sensitivity at a longer range. It is distance-dependent filtering. A numerical value and

a colored SEA level bar show the current SEA setting. To adjust SEA: select the SEA button; it turns

blue to indicate an active status. Adjust the level in order to suppress clutter as much as possible,

while the targets remain visible.

Some minimal amount of clutter should be retained to achieve optimum target detection.

WARNING If the Sea clutter level is too high, small targets at close ranges may be missed. MAN

The manual adjusting is available for Gain/Sea/Rain. The manual SEA parameters are set on

installation (via the SYSTEM SETTINGS Menu) to compensate for the height of the radar antenna. AUTO

The AUTO button toggles the Auto threshold function ON and OFF. Auto can be used for most

conditions likely to be encountered, including in confined waters. The Auto function generates a

dynamic threshold from previous transmissions and influences the gain, sea and rain functions. The

initial level in Auto Threshold mode is based on the default values of Gain, Sea and Rain. When

selected, the Auto threshold will quickly adapt to the local clutter environment to generate an

optimum threshold. In AUTO, the RAIN and SEA controls are inactive. It is recommended to adjust

the GAIN setting, which acts as an offset when AUTO is ON, each time there is a significant change in

seagoing conditions, for example after moving from open sea to coastal areas.

The dynamic threshold is based on a weighted average of radar signals to provide a processed

automatic operational setting and is recommended for most applications. The AUTO filter thresholds

are automatically calculated over the whole range, without limitation.

This mode is especially useful in bad weather conditions, when all types of clutter are not evenly

distributed around the own ship. The Auto mode applies sophisticated filtering and is recommended

for optimal observance of small radar echoes and SARTs. The Auto function defaults to OFF

whenever the display is switched completely to OFF.

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The radar image in AUTO mode will show a reduction in land features compared to normal manual
operation, however this is usually not critical for navigation.

NOTE While switching to automatic mode, the previous manual settings are reset.

4.6 Range Scale and Range Rings

For range settings use buttons on the right upper corner of the radar display.

Click the RANGE button and select the required value from the drop-down list. The available values

are: 0.125,0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 96 NM.

Alternatively, use the RANGE+ and RANGE- keys on the Human Interface Unit (see 3.7).

Click on the RINGS button and select OFF for hiding the rings (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 PPI with the rings OFF

The ring value will be set automatically when the rings are displayed.

The range and corresponding range rings can be set to one of the following combinations:

Range 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.5 3 6 12 24 48 96

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Range Rings distance 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16

NOTE Range selection may also influence pulse length selection. See 4.4.3.

4.7 Radar View Options

The most of the options are located at the upper left corner of the radar display just under the radar

sensor and signal processing set. The set contains the MAPS button that enables or disables Maps

and also behaves as shortcut to the Maps menu, located on the Control window on the right of the

Radar display.

4.7.1 Color mode

To set the proper color mode, click on the DAY/DUSK/NIGHT button and select the mode from the

drop-down list. The current mode is displayed on the button.

The other way: press the DAY/NIGHT key on the Human Interface Unit (see 3.7) until the proper

mode is set.

4.7.2 Display settings

To customize brilliance values of different objects, click the <DISPLAY SET> button in the < MENU >.

The Display set dialog appears.

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Use sliders to set the selected object brilliance:

• Radar

• Radar contour

• Target symbols

• Map symbols

• Own ship symbol

• Navigation tools

• Chart

Reset the parameters values to default when required by clicking the button with the name on it.

To show/hide own ship outline and STAB indicator, click the proper button.

4.7.3 Azimuth stabilization mode

H/N/C UP button: Mode selection is done via a drop down menu.

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The ship’s heading marker is always shown vertically upwards indicating straight ahead movement,

no matter what own ship’s current bearing is (see Figure 3). The bearing scale moves to display the

ship’s current heading at the top of the video circle.

Figure 3 Heading Up view

Motion mode is always relative but trails and vector modes may be relative or true. If the vector

mode is true then own ship vector is displayed.

In this mode, the own ship circle symbol is not displayed if the range scale is greater than 3NM. The

circle symbol is restored if the range scale is 3NM or smaller. N UP

The 000° indication on the PPI represents north (see Figure 4). The heading line on the PPI is

oriented according to own ship heading obtained from the gyro compass. When the ship turns the

heading line changes its direction according to the ship's heading, while the radar image remains


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The North up orientation is not available if no heading source is connected to the radar. If heading

data is lost, the system will automatically switch to Head-up orientation.

If the vector mode is TRUE then own ship’s vector is displayed.

Figure 4 North Up view

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Figure 5 Course Up view

The top of the bearing scale indicates the ship’s true course measured from north at the time Course

up was activated (see Figure 5). When the ship turns the bearing scale remains fixed, while the

heading line rotates with the ship's yawing and course change.

The Course up orientation is reset by re-selecting the Course up mode.

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Figure 6 Trail Up view

The bearing scale is drawn with own ship’s trail positioned vertically (see Figure 6).

4.7.4 Radar Motion mode

The radar has two possible motion modes: True or Relative. Use the <RM(R/T)> button or [T/R

MOTION] key on the keyboard for switching the mode. Relative motion

The RM(R) indication is displayed.

In Relative motion the ship remains in a fixed location on the Radar PPI, and all other objects move

relative to its position (see Figure 7).

The advantage of this mode over true motion is that a constant range ahead of own ship is always

shown, so there is no need to reset the display.

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Figure 7 Relative Motion mode True motion

In this case the ship and all moving targets move across the Radar PPI as the ship moving. All

stationary objects remain in a fixed position, and only actually moving targets move on the radar

display (see Figure 8).

When the true motion mode is selected, the own ship’s position is set to maximal allowed offset in

the opposite direction to its course allowing for the influence of the current. Own ship starts moving

depending upon its speed and course and the influence of the current. Subsequently, when own ship

arrives at the position of maximal allowed offset, it is automatically reset to its initial position at

about maximal allowed offset in the opposite direction to its course allowing for the influence of the

current. The maximal allowed offset is about 75% of the display radius at ranges over 0.75NM and

50% of the display radius at 0.75NM and smaller display ranges.

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Figure 8 True Motion mode Automatic changing of the Radar Motion mode

Some actions or heading data lost may change the motion mode. When the mode is changed

automatically, the message is displayed.

4.7.5 Stabilization mode

There are four stabilization modes for target tracking, ground (GPS GND), sea (STAB SEA), manual

water referenced (MAN SEA) and reference target (REF GND). The mode is set with the STAB button

that displays the current option. Also, there is an unstabilized mode (indicated as “NONE”), which is

forced in absence of heading information. NONE

In absence of heading information no estimations regarding the own ship motion are possible.

Nevertheless, the tracker is able to keep the tracking of targets relatively to own ship. The

performance of such tracking degrades significantly at any own ship manoeuvre. In case of turns, the

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risk to lose the remote targets is very high.

The unstabilized mode could not be manually selected. It is only automatically forced in absence of

heading. GPS GND

The ground mode of target tracking is the default one. It requires presence of SOG and COG from the

GPS sensor and heading from gyro. In case of GPS sensor failure, the Sea stabilization is automatically

forced (if possible). When the GPS sensor recovers, the previously selected mode is restored

automatically. This stabilization mode gives the best precision of own ship motion estimations in

consistent environment (no significant changes of drift value). STAB SEA

The sea stabilization mode of target tracking takes the speed information from LOG sensor and

heading from gyro. If the LOG sensor is lost, the mode will be changed to Manual Sea stabilization

mode, referenced to the manual input STW value. When LOG sensor recovers, the Sea mode is

restored automatically. Using the single axis LOG doesn’t give the precise information about real own

ship motion. So far, the estimation of own ship position in case of significant drift are rather

approximate. Nevertheless, this mode doesn’t compromise the collision avoidance task as the

calculation of the relative vectors remains possible with high enough precision. MAN SEA

The sea stabilization with manual speed input mode of target tracking requires the up to date

manual specification of STW. It’s relatively safe for collision avoidance task, if the own ship speed

remains stable. Even some error in manual specification of the speed doesn’t influence much on the

relative vector calculations. It can’t guarantee the appropriate tracking performance in case of

unstable own ship speed. Then, in case if the reliable stationary objects are present nearby, the

Reference target stabilization mode is better. REF GND

Ground stabilization will normally use a positioning system, for example DGPS. Only in the event of

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positioning system failure, a reference target can be used to provide some of the functionality

(provided if a gyro is still available). To achieve the reliable ground stabilization using a reference

target, only a truly stable target should be used as a reference point. A reference target is assumed to

be a geographically fixed object, for example a navigation buoy or a land based feature.

To designate a target as a reference target:

1. If not yet done so, press the ACQ/ACT button and select the required target in the radar image;

alternatively, double-click on the required target

2. Select the <REF GND> option in the Stabilization drop-down list

3. Go to the List tab of the <TARGETS>.

4. Click the target button and then the <Select> button (see 8.8.2 for details). The reference target

will be indicated with the R beside the target symbol.

As a ship continues on its route, designated reference targets could become less reliable, for
example as the target range increases or when they become masked by ship structure.

Reference targets can be used to calculate true speed, however the calculation of relative speed
NOTE may be inaccurate as own ship set and drift is applied which may not be valid for all targets. It is
recommended, where possible, to use a fixed position as reference target.

Use of Reference target stabilization is inhibited when AIS is switched ON and, in general, when
the GPS stabilization is available.

The loss of a Reference Target causes the special warning. This situation degrades the accuracy of the

own ship’s true speed and accuracy of tracking so far. If the reference target is lost, the system will

attempt to switch to Sea stabilization mode. The criteria to consider a tracked reference target as lost

are the same as for any other target: if the target is not detected at the predicted position for 15

scans, it is assumed to be lost.

Only one target can be designated as the reference target at one time.

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4.7.6 Offsetting the PPI center

There are three buttons that define the PPI centering.

• OS CENT: The Own ship center switcher. When the button is clicked, the PPI is centered on

the own ship.

• OFF CENT: Click the button and move the PPI to the cursor position within 75% of the PPI

radius confirmed by another left click. Another left click activated the off center position.

While the function is active, the button is blue, the cursor shape is (inside the available

User can use the [CENTER/AHEAD] key on the keyboard to switch the <OS CENT> or <OFF CENT>.


Off-center is a function that positions own ship CCRP to the cursor position on the radar image. The off-centering is
limited to 75% on all ranges, except for 0.25 NM, 0.5 NM and 0.75 NM where the off-centering is limited to 50% or
less to ensure that the CCRP is always within the radar operational area. The extreme position of CCRP following
(with inverted colors):

Figure 9 Some bearing marks are skipped then in order to keep clear indication

The keyboard key [CENTER/AHEAD] can be also used for this operation. See 3.7.

• MAX VIEW: Click the button to locate the ship on the position that provides maximum view

ahead in the current course direction (about 75% of the range scale radius or 50% at close

ranges). Operating in the non-stabilized Heading up mode, the direction is reciprocal to the

heading marker.

In a stabilized presentation mode (Stabilized Head Up, North Up or Course Up), the direction is

reciprocal to the course over ground, or heading marker if COG is unavailable.

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HLD-RADAR 900 OPERATION MANUAL Move Own Ship’s Display Position

The own ship’s position can be moved from the PPI center to any position within 75% of the PPI

radius. This function is convenient for observing a wide coverage in any direction.

NOTE This function is not available on the 96 NM range.

Proceed as follows:

1. Click the OFF CENT button. The function is activated and the cursor has the shape .

2. Using the trackball move the cursor to a desired position. Note, that when the cursor is out

the available area, its shape becomes the standard cross. It means that the function is not

active at this area.

3. Left click to set the position. See Figure 10.

Figure 10 Off center &Max view

Click on the OS CENT button to set the position back to center.

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4.7.7 Show/hide objects on the PPI

The set of buttons switch on and off visibility of objects.

• Synth: Temporarily hide the indication of Heading Line and synthetics while the button is

pressed. Alternatively, use the DATA OFF key on the Human Interface Unit (see 3.4).

• Chart: The display of chart is set to On/Off whenever this button is clicked.

• Maps: Temporarily indicate Maps object while this button is pressed, and the map setting

menu will open or close in the panel area.

• Heading: Temporarily hide the indication of Heading Line while the button is pressed.

4.7.8 Default configuration

To load default configuration of Radar900, click button and select <OK> in prompt window.

4.7.9 Capture

Click button to complete a screenshot of the current interface. And user may select to print
the capture or to save it in certain folder in the following prompt window.

4.8 Own Ship Sensors Data

Figure 11 Own ship sensor data

The own ship sensor data indicated on the radar display is provided by the Conning system. If
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multiple sensors are available (e.g. 2 GPS or gyro compasses), this system handles the selection and

switch over between the sensors and corrects the position data for GPS antenna -> CCRP offset. The

result is sent to the radar system. The radar display shows navigation sensor information at top right.

OWN ship sensors provide data for the heading (HDG), Speed through water (STW), Course through

water (CTW) when sea stabilization is selected and over ground (COG) when any form of ground

stabilization is selected, – Speed over ground (SOG).

An electronic positioning fixing system (EPFS) provides own ship position in terms of LAT/LON and

this is normally based on GPS. The time is presented as UTC and also serves to indicate that the

display and processor are active and that the system has not frozen.

The source of the sensor data is always shown.

To select an alternative data source in case of failure of the speed-log (manual speed input) and/or

failure of the EPFS (set + drift), use the OWN SHIP SENSORS dialog from the RADAR menu (See 5.1). It

also allows the user to see the position of the sensors on a graphic of own ship. Own ship parameters

such as length, beam, and radar antenna offset from the CCRP, are fixed upon installation. These

settings are protected by password and should only be changed by qualified technicians.

Indication Function
HDG The heading indicates the gyro input.
Indicates the speed of own ship through the water. The same display location is used for
Manual Speed when the Log back-up is necessary.
Indicates the course of own ship through the water. The same display location is used for
Course over ground when any form of ground stabilization is selected.
Course over ground indicates the direction of movement with respect to the ground. It is the
true movement of own ship. The source of stabilization is shown in brackets (GPS/REF/MAN).

Speed over ground indicates the speed of movement with respect to the ground. It is the
true speed of own ship. The source of stabilization is shown in brackets (GPS/REF/MAN).
LAT Indicates the latitude of own ship.
LONG Indicates the longitude of own ship.
Universal Time, Coordinated (GPS sourced) also indicates that the display processor is active;
a processor or display failure is indicated by a frozen clock (i.e. the time is not updated).

It is recommended for consistency that GPS or DGPS is used for ground stabilization. The use of a
NOTE radar reference target for ground stabilization is only available as back-up facility when no suitable
GPS data is available.

• Alternatively, reference targets (REF GND) may be used for ground stabilization.

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• Manual SET + DRIFT is provided in the OWN SHIP SENSORS menu.

• The system is capable of a turn rate of 60º/s and can read IEC 61162 messages at a 10Hz data


• An EPFS approved to IMO resolution MSC.112(73) is required.

• A digital interface for the SDME should be compliant with IMO A.824(19).

4.9 Diagnostics

The information is available under the RADAR Status item at the Menu->Radar->Radar Sensor.

• Life time: the accumulative hours that the magnetron is operational

• Firmware version: hardware version

• Speed: rotational speed

• Rotation: rotary switch state

• Tune Reg Ctrl: parameter of tuning control register

• Magnetron: value of current magnetron current

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• Motor voltage: motor voltage value

• Heading Marker: heading information status

• Bearing marker: bearing signal status

• Serial communication: serial port communication status

• Safety switch: safety switch state

• Spark gap: the spark gap alarm

• 24V Power: the 24V voltage information

• 12V Power: the 12V voltage information

• Heater Magnetron V: heater voltage value

• Elevator V: elevator voltage value

• Elevator I: elevator current value

• Internal Boards T: limitation temperature of antenna

• Main Bang Level: value of Main Bang

• Background Level: value of noise level

If the Radar workstation loses connection with other systems, it automatically switches to the
NOTE standalone mode and operates with the remaining navigational data. The corresponding alerts are

4.10 Other Radar Responses

4.10.1 The operation of Search and Rescue Transmitter (SART)

SART responses are visible on an X-band radar at a maximum range of approximately 8NM. They are

most visible with a receiver on medium to wide bandwidth (SP or MP length). SART Transmissions

within the clutter field are best seen with the radar set off-tune (AFC / optimum tune monitor is

switched OFF and manually detuned). The content of the radar image will be reduced, while SART

responses remain visible. Until a range of about 1NM the responses are visible as a series of 12 dots

or small arcs located behind the SART position. At closer range a 2nd series of slightly smaller dots

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should appear.

Figure 12 Example of SART arranged very close to the radar antenna origin

When looking for a SART it is preferable to use either the 6 or 12 nautical mile range scale. This is

because the total displayed length of the SART response of 12 (or 24) dots may extend approximately

9.5 nautical miles beyond the position of the SART and it is necessary to see a number of response

dots to distinguish the SART from other responses.

Make sure that the radar is retuned and that the AFC is switched ON again for normal operational


SART transponders are used to ease the search of a ship in distress or a liferaft. The SART is designed

to operate in the 9 GHz frequency band.

When receiving the 9 GHz radar signal transmitted from the radar equipment on vessel or search

aircraft, the SART transmits a series of response signals to inform the distress position to the rescue

and search party. The radar receives SART automatically. It also functions for detect the beacon or

target enhancer.

The procedures of SART detection is as follow:

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• Set the radar range to 12NM.

• Set control parameters:

 Sea clutter: minimum

 AUTO SEA function: OFF

 Rain/snow clutter : minimum

 Auto rain/snow clutter: OFF

 Interference rejection: OFF

4.10.2 Radar Beacons

Both X-band and S-band radar systems are compatible with radar beacons of the same frequency.

The beacon signal is presented as a time-modulated coded response behind the beacon target.

Radar beacon responses may be reduced in length whenever RAIN is applied, and sometimes with

AUTO selected.

Figure 13 Radar beacon in the PPI

4.10.3 Radar target enhancers

Smaller boats often carry a radar target enhancer (RTE) to improve their radar visibility. These

devices operate at X-band and are effectively an active radar reflector. The enhancer response is

similar to that of a typical radar target.

4.10.4 False echoes

False echoes are the result of reflections caused by own ship structures (for example funnels and

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masts), close-by land based features (for example oil storage tanks or large buildings), or larger

objects found at sea (for example wind farms or other shipping). Frequent false echoes may mean

that the location of the antenna is sub-optimal and remedial action should be taken to improve the

radar installation. False echoes may be as strong as genuine targets and the gain or sea functions

must be used with care to reduce their visibility.

4.10.5 Ghost echoes

Ghost echoes are radial to own ship and may occur as a result of “second transmission” radar signals

(sometimes referred to as second time around signals or second trace), resulting from consecutive

radar transmissions. Ghost targets are rarely seen where the radar transmitter is applying low

frequency jitter to the pulse repetition frequency (PRF). Try to reduce the gain level in order to

minimize the unwanted echoes keeping the targets still visible.

4.10.6 Multi-path signals

Radar returns from targets are usually very complex and often consist of multiple signals, particularly

in calm sea conditions. The multiple returns may be in phase and therefore are additive to generate a

strong combined signal, or may be out of phase resulting in a weaker signal. The multi-path signals

are dependent on many factors, including antenna height, target height, radar frequency band, the

sea state and target range. As a target closes on own ship, it will pass through a series of nulls (out of

phase signals) and in this case, its visibility may be very weak. This phenomena explains why targets

fade and then reappear as strong echoes, especially within 1.5 NM of own ship. Beyond that range,

multi-path has less effect and signals (for a given Radar Cross Section) appear more consistent.

Multi-path effects are reduced in higher sea states.

4.10.7 Blind sectors

Funnels, stacks, masts, or derricks in the path of the antenna block the radar beam. If the angle

subtended at the scanner is more than a few degrees, a non-detecting sector may be produced.

Within this sector targets cannot be detected. Accordingly to IMO Circ. 271, blind sectors shall be

kept to a minimum, and shall not be placed in an arc of the horizon from the right ahead direction to

22,5◦ abaft the beam and especially shall avoid the right ahead direction (relative bearing 000◦). The

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installation of the antenna shall be in such a manner that the performance of the radar system is not

substantially degraded. The antenna shall be mounted clear of any structure that may cause signal

reflections, including other antenna and deck structure or cargo.

Figure 14 Blind sectors

The blind sectors of master radar must be drawn manually on a diagram above after the radar

installation completion. The range scale also to be manually specified there.

4.10.8 Blank sectors

In some cases the obstacles causing the blind sectors, also reflect effectively the radar beam and

cause numerous unwanted reflections. In order to suppress such reflections, it is necessary to inhibit

the transmission in specified directions. Two blank sectors could be specified for these purposes.

To set and activate the blank sector, use the BLANK SECTOR dialog from the RADAR menu.

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1 Activate/deactivate blank sector 1

Tick on to activate the blank sector. Tick off to deactivate it.
2 The sector parameters
3 Modified
Click the button to make the parameters available for editing
4 Show/Hide active blank sectors in the PPI
When the state is “show”, the button is blue

Own ship blind sectors must be identified at installation. Then the blank sectors could be specified

accordingly. On the display screen they are identified by radial magenta lines defining the boundaries

of a blanked sector.

Figure 15 represents an example of blank sector (colors are inverted).

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Figure 15 Blank sector

The blank sector settings can be changed by an authorized maintenance engineer only, and the
referenced dialog is password protected.

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5.1 Radar Menu

The settings are available under the [RADAR] menu. Most of the settings are password protected.

1 Defaults

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Contains list of saved user configurations (if they exist), and buttons to save, load, delete, and force the current
configuration. Also, the force of default radar configuration (as required by IEC 62388 13.5) is available there.
Additionally the password-protected operation Export/Import is available. For exporting or importing data, a
mobile storage device must be connected to the workstation. See 5.2.
2 Print screen
Password protected. Contains the value of the radarscreen delivery to VDR interval (in seconds). The value
could not exceed 15 seconds. The captured images are delivered out via the LAN with respect to IEC 61162-450
3 Radar sensor
The dialog contains the list of available radar sensors and functions: Optimize tune and Performance monitor.
Additionally the link to the Radar status is available.
4 Extractor
The password protected dialog. Contains the radar heading skew and Sync delay values. Must be used initial
radar configuration only.
The Sync delay value adjusts the ranges to the targets. Increasing this value makes targets closer and vice versa.
The heading line skew adjusts the radar video orientation with precision of 0.1 degree. The increase of this
value turns radar image clockwise accordingly.
It’s recommended to use the chart overlay or targets with well-known bearing and range for adjustment of
both these parameters.
The sync delay and heading line skew are related to currently selected radar sensor. In
case if another radar sensor is selected, the different values are displayed in this dialog.
5 Antenna settings
Antenna’s type (selected from the drop-down list) and pulse length values are available.
6 Radar video settings
The dialog is not password protected.
Three parameters are available to change:
Fade active period: ON or OFF
Fade period value: the user can set the value in milliseconds
Filter skipped sectors: ON or OFF
These parameters slightly influence on the visual representation of the radar video signal and don’t change the
general system performance.
7 Blank sector
Password protected settings. See 4.10.8.
8 Sensor
Password protected.

5.2 Radar Defaults

The Default control setting is forced with “Force Default Configuration” button. First the confirmation

dialogue appears as at figure below (inversed colors):

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Then in case if the operation is confirmed, the RADAR presentation and operational mode are

changed accordingly to standard (IEC 62388, table 35) requirements, as described in table below.

Also, up to 6 custom configurations can be stored for different applications and according to users’

requirements. To store current settings as a custom configuration, press the “Save Current

Configuration” button; the TEXT INPUT dialogue will. The custom name must be specified there.

After the name is specified, a new button with the custom name is shown.

Function Setting

Gain and anti-clutter functions (Sea, Rain) AUTO

Tuning AFC

Range 6NM.

Fixed range rings Off

VRMs One VRM on, 0,25 NM

EBLs One EBL on

Parallel index lines Off or last setting, if applied

Display mode of the radar picture True motion, north-up

Stabilization Sea/Ground GPS

Off-centring Appropriate look-ahead

Target trails On, 6 min (same as vector)

Past positions Off

Radar target tracking Continued

Vector mode Relative

Vector time 6 min

Auto zones Off

Graphical AIS reported target display On

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Function Setting

Radar and AIS Target fusion Association On

Collision warnings On (limits CPA 2 nm, TCPA 12 min)

Display of maps, navigation lines and routes Last setting

Display of charts Off

The following parameters are stored:

• Range scale / rings

• Orientation mode

• Sea / ground stabilization mode

• Motion mode

• Centering / off-centering (maximum look ahead)

• Vector mode

• CPA/TCPA limits

• Trails mode

• Past position mode

• Target association mode

• AIS filtering criteria

• No "lost target" alert criteria

• OS outline display mode

• AIS outlines display mode

• Chart display mode

• All sub brilliance settings, except maps

Current values are retained for all other functions.

Additionally the Export and Import of the radar configuration is available at the same dialog. The

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memory stick is required for given operations.

The Import operation influences on all radar settings including the low level adjustments. It’s
allowed only for authorized installation engineers. Not available for the crew.

5.3 Tuning Optimization

The radar sensor can have several local tuning optimums depending on the fine frequency tuning.

The manual searching for all these optimums takes time and is often not precise. The effective use of

Automatic Frequency Control (AFC) is only possible when activated close to optimal manually set


The HLD 900 provides an additional tuning function OPTIMIZE TUNING. It searches automatically

optimal tuning parameters, using the tuning indication response from radar sensor. This function is

allocated in <SENSOR> sub-menu of the <RADAR> menu.

The tuning optimization process depends on radar sensor type.

Optimize performance as following:

1. Click the Optimize Tune button, the button change to blue.

2. Then optimize tuning.

OPTIMIZE TUNE indication overlays the radar video (see Figure 16).

While the optimization process is running, the modification of radar video filtering parameters or
NOTE radar sensor mode is not available.
For safety reason, it is not recommended to use this function during sailing.

When the optimization is completed, the functions become available automatically.

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Figure 16 Optimize tune

5.4 Performance Monitor

The Performance Monitor function should be periodically used to identify a reduction in radar

performance caused, for example, by a failing magnetron or water ingress in the antenna. The

function monitors the transmitter, antenna and receiver, and should preferably be used where no

radar signals are present.

The performance monitor is accessed in the RADAR SENSOR menu and provides a means to check

that the radar sensor is operating within acceptable performance limits. For simplicity of operation,

relevant display functions are automatically set or inhibited whenever the Performance Monitor is

switched ON.

Optimize the tune automatically (5.3) or manually (4.4.5) before using perfomation monitor.
For safety reason, it is not recommended to use this function during sailing.

The transceivers of Aidos and Sperry are both available with HLD-RADAR 900. User may consult

service engineer.

Use the Performance monitor function for Aidos transceiver as follows:

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1. Set the range value 24 NM.

2. Set the Manual mode for gain.

3. Set Sea clutter to 0%, Rain clutter to 0%, Gain to 95% and set pulse length to LP.

4. Select the TX button, then a slider for TX will open up.

5. Adjust the Tune Monitor value and fix it when two lines appear near the 16 NM ring. This

gain value is optimal for the radar image adjustment.

6. Select the RX button to adjust the RX performance.

Figure 17 Performance monitor operation result of Aidos

The procedures to operate performance monitor of Sperry transceiver are described as follows:

1. Set the range value 12 NM.

2. Set the Manual mode for gain.

3. Set Sea clutter to 0%, Rain clutter to 0%, Gain to 95% and set pulse length to LP.
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4. Select the TX button, then a slider for TX will open up.

5. Adjust the Tune Monitor value and fix it when four lines appear between 6 to 12 NM rings.

This gain value is optimal for the radar image adjustment.

6. Select the RX button to adjust the RX performance.

Figure 18 Performance monitor operation result of Sperry

After activation the performance monitor needs to be tuned for maximum visibility. This is

completely independent from the tuning of the transceiver itself. Because the performance monitor

is fairly sensitive to proper tuning (a few % off-tune causes the arcs to disappear completely) when

using it for the first time or after a magnetron replacement, it is necessary to slowly scan the entire

tuning range (0-100%) to find the optimum tuning value.

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The system will store the last tuning value after deactivation of the performance monitor and apply it

after reactivation, but still always check the tuning:

• The difference in performance between the arcs is at 5 dB;

• The outermost ring has been adjusted during commissioning to be the same level as the

noise level, such that the other arcs are 5/10/15db above noise level;

• If only the innermost arc is still visible, it indicates that the transmitter and/or the receiver

radar performance have reduced by at least 10 dB. After the performance check is finished,

switch the MON to OFF.

5.5 Acquisition Zones

An acquisition zone is a defined annular or polygonal area of the display. When the system is in

Transmit mode, targets that enter the area are automatically acquired and tracked. AIS targets are

activated when entering an acquisition zone in both Transmit and Standby mode.

Any targets found in an auto acquisition zone are automatically acquired (tracked targets) or

activated (AIS targets) and displayed as referenced flashing new target symbol (see 8.2) and an “New

target” warning is raised. The new target symbol is turned off when the “New target” entry alarm is


There are two annular and two polygonal acquisition zones available, which can be turned on and off.

The annular zone parameters are edited with the Auto Zone dialog and cursor on the PPI.

To open the dialog, click on the shortcut or click the AUTO ZONE button on the MENU panel.

NOTE There may be no shorcut of AZ on interfce of certain version of software.

If the shortcut is used, the proper zone is selected. Otherwise, select one or two zones by clicking the

Acquire Zone button.

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1 Zone1
The zone is set
2 Activated zone 1
Click on the Active button to activate the zone (or deactivate if the zone is active).
3 Settings of the Zone1
The settings are disabled because the zone is active
4 Zone2
The zone is set, but not active
5 Bearing2 (R)
The value is available for edit.

For editing the zone parameters proceed as follows:

Click the Bearing1 button. It turns blue. The cursor shape turns to while located in PPI. The
zone has turquoise color.

Drag-n-drop the cursor to set the demanded value.

Click the Bearing1 button to switch the edit mode off.

Repeat these actions for Bearing2, Range1, and Range2 parameters if necessary.

Click the Active button to activate the zone. The zone turns green.

NOTE The zone number is displayed at the left lower corner.

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Figure 19 Acquisition zone edit mode

The total number of tracked targets could not exceed 100. After the 95 targets are manually or

automatically acquired, the “Tracked target capacity is 95%” caution is displayed. The warning

“Tracked target capacity is 100%” appears when 100 tracked targets are acquired. This may be a

dangerous situation as no more targets could be acquired, and there is a risk to miss a real danger.

It’s strongly recommended to get rid of noise on radar video, keep the acquisition zones reasonable

and use Land Masks to avoid tracked target table overflow.

The Land Mask is a ground stabilized polyline, screening the unwanted objects and disabling their

automatic acquisition. These lines could be also closed if necessary. The controls for operations with

Land Masks are arranged at lower part of Auto Zone dialog (see picture above).

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6.1 Overview

HLD-RADAR 900 has an optional chart facility, which allows the display of chart data under the radar

video. As the synthetics, the radar image and charts (with compatible projection and scale) are

referenced to the own ship CCRP, and all are aligned in azimuth, the combined image will match

correctly. The valid position from EPFS and heading from gyro are required to enable the chart

overlay option. Only ENC charts can be used (RNC - raster charts are not permitted).

Charts may be used in any stabilized presentation mode and provide continuous position monitoring.

Charts are presented without undue compromise to the radar presentation and are based on IMO

A.817, IHO S-52 and appendices.

The loss of ability to show the chart due to any reasons does not influence on representation of any

other objects like AIS targets, maps etc.

6.2 Chart Presentation

Click the CHART button at the left side of the display. It turns to blue and the scale indicator appears

under the DEFAULT button.

The button is active (blue) when chart layer is displayed in PPI
2 Scale indicator

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Appears when the chart layer is active
3 Scale notification
Informs about better available scale if any. Normally is not displayed.

Chart information is presented as a layer (or layers) overlaid by the radar image. The Radar

provides functionality to display ENC and other vector chart information to facilitate real-time

position monitoring. See Figure 20.

The chart underlay is available only if both the geographical position and heading are known. The

underlay has the following modes:

• Charts OFF

• Hidden (temporarily when the Charts are switched ON, using the HIDE CHART function)

• Primary Chart (only contours and navigational objects are displayed).

• Standard Chart (the chart is displayed accordingly to the ECDIS Standard Display).

Figure 20 Chart is ON

In active modes, the radar image has priority and overlays the chart. The HIDE CHARTS button in
NOTE the radar presentation area is pressed to hide all chart layers, except for the coast lines which
remain visible to provide a means of confirming radar and chart alignment.

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6.3 Chart Menu

Chart menu is available under the CHART button of the MENU (Control window).

1 Chart modes
Presentation modes: Primary, Standard, OFF. See 6.3.2.
2 Displayed objects
Show (when activated) and hide the following objects on the chart: Lights, Local names, Text
3 No data
The “no data” pattern could be enabled or disabled for the areas with no chart information available.
Opens the settings dialog, see 6.4.
Available in the STBY mode only. It handles the ENC chart installation and updates. See 6.7.
Activates the mode of picking up the chart object properties. After clicking over the chart area, the properties
of the point under cursor are displayed in referenced window, see Figure 21
7 Chart information
The information about current cell or point under the cursor. By default the information about the chart cell
arranged at the center of the screen is displayed there as on the picture below.
After the click over chart area with “PICK UP PROPERTIES” active mode, the list of available properties
The properties of the chart cell under cursor may differ from the displayed by default. Extend the items by
clicking to check them.
Also the list of chart objects is available as “Points”, where each of found objects also has expandable

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description as on picture below.

Figure 21 Cell information displayed by default

6.3.1 Primary mode

The minimum SENC information available is the Primary Chart information set. The User can select

the Primary Chart information set by the PRIMARY button. The information set includes:

• Coastline

• Own ship's safety contour

• Isolated underwater dangers or depth less than the safety contour which lie within the safe

waters defined by the safety contour

• Isolated dangers which lie within the safe water defined by the safety contour such as fixed

structures, overhead wires, etc.

• Buoys, beacons, other aids to navigation and fixed structures.

6.3.2 Standard mode

The Standard Chart Display provides the functionality of the Primary Chart Information Set and in


• Units of depth and height

• Drying line

• Buoys, beacons, other aids to navigation and fixed structures,

• Boundaries of fairways, channels, etc.

• Visual and radar conspicuous features

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• Prohibited and restricted areas

• Chart scale boundaries

• Indication of cautionary notes

• Ship’s routing systems and ferry routes

• Archipelagic sea lanes.

6.4 Chart Setting (Optional, only together with Chart functionality)

1 Offset settings
Use the sliders to set the values for X and Y offsets for the chart in meters (negative values are available).
2 Reset button
Resets the offsets to zeroes
3 Safety contour (SF CNT) settings
Use the sliders to set the Safety Contour depth in meters and time to approach the Safety Contour in
minutes to generate the Grounding Alert accordingly.
Opens the list of test cells, see 6.5.
Opens the list of the test symbols, see 6.6.

6.5 Test Charts Displaying

Click the CELLS WITH TEST CHARTS button. The predefined test set opens.

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Click on the chart name to load the cell.

The cell information is displayed in the Own Ship window below the chart set (if available).

The system uses standard test set provided by UKHO. These cells ordinary are used for testing the

chart radar.

6.6 Test Symbols Displaying

Click the CELLS WITH TEST SYMBOLS button. The predefined test set opens.

Click on the proper title to load the cell.

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The cell information is displayed in the Own Ship window below the chart set (if available).

The system uses standard test set provided by UKHO. These cells ordinary are used for testing the

chart radar.

6.7 Chart Management

To open the Chart Manager window, click the ENC MANAGEMENT button on the CHART menu.

The Chart Manager window is designed for the management of charts. The operation buttons are

located on the left of the window while the information is displayed on the right.

Charts collections displayed according to their provider on the proper tabs.

To filter displayed collection by status, click the proper status at the top of the window.

Use the search field to find specified chart by name.

The version of the Chart Manager and the information of installation will indicated on the Messages

which is located at the bottom of the window.

Click the CLOSE button to quit the Chart Manager window.

Figure 22 Chart management window

6.7.1 Permits and Certificates

The encrypted data meets the requirements of IHO S-63. The system authenticates and then

decompresses data, decrypts and extracts encrypted ENCs that comply with the IHO S-63 Data
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Protection Scheme. The system can accept ENCs from multiple providers and can accept encrypted

ENCs from CD ROM or other automatic interface available.

The SA certificate file is required for the correct handling of chart encryption. Install permits

To install permits proceed as follows:

1. Click on the Install Permits button. A window will be open to select the permit file (*.txt)

from Windows folder.

2. Select the proper permit file, and click on the Open button to install the file.

3. A message window gives information about the status of the installed permits and about

eventual errors. Click OK to confirm the operation. Delete permits

To delete one or more permits proceed as follows:

1. Select a chart with checkbox. The function of the permit

removal is activated.

2. Click the Delete Permits button. The operation should be confirmed by user.

3. Click the Yes button to confirm the deleting or the No button to cancel the operation.

When the permit is deleted, the Permit Status is set as not found. The chart is not deleted, but it

becomes unavailable. Permit information

To get the user permit information, select the chart as described before and click the Show User

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Permit button. The permit number is displayed (see Figure 23).

Figure 23 Show User Permit

Click on the © symbol to select the entire text. Show certificate

To get the certificate information page, click the Show Certificate button. See Figure 24.

Figure 24 The certificate page

Use buttons Add New, Delete, and Refresh for adding, deleting, and refreshing certificates


To add a certificate, click the Add New button and select the certificate file from the browser. Click

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the Open button. See Figure 25.

Figure 25 Certificate selection

To delete the current certificate, just click the Delete button and confirm the operation.

6.8 Charts Basic Operations

6.8.1 Install Charts

To install charts proceed as follows:

1. Click the Install charts button. The Chose source folder dialog appears.

2. Select the chart folder and click the Select Folder button.

3. Select the provider name and click the <OK> button to confirm if necessary.

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After the process is finished, the status message with information about installed charts appears.

Click the <OK> button to confirm the message.

NOTE A single hart is installed in the same way starting with the Install Single Chart button click.

6.8.2 Delete Charts

For deleting a chart proceed as follows:

1. Select a chart by ticking on the proper checkbox. The

function of deleting charts is activated.

2. Press the Delete Chart button. A confirm window will open up.

3. Confirm or cancel the operation.

6.9 Synchronize Charts

To synchronize charts proceed as follows:

1. Click the Synchronize Charts button to open the window (the figure colors are inverted).
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2. Tick on the charts to be synchronized and click the Synchronize button. A widow will open up

when the synchronization is completed.

6.9.1 Explore Updates

Click the button to open the Updates page. This page is designed for
viewing the update information of charts by text or reports. Text

Follow the procedures below:

• Use the Updates session to select the update to be explored.

• Click the edition name of the chart, the icon indicates on the left of the selected name

while the information of the cell and the details of this edition is displayed on the right list.

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Figure 26 Information of update

The details consist of four parameters, ID, Name, Action and Status.

Click the button to hide all the updates information.

Click the button to return to the Chart Manager window. Reports

Some updates sessions are shown in report.

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Click the line to open the XML report of the session.

Click the button to return to the Chart Manager window.

Click the button to print the current report.

6.9.2 Own Ship Report

Being in the main Chart management window, click the XML Report/Print button. The report is

generated. Click the Print button to print it out. See Figure 27. Click the <Bakc> button to back to

Chart Manager window.

Figure 27 Own ship report

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6.9.3 Test Mode

The test mode is designed for S64 test set.

Click the Test Mode button to switch the mode ON. The button text goes red.

Figure 28 Test Mode

Operating in this mode, it is allowed to work with the test chart set.

The operation under test mode is the same as the normal mode.

The charts installed under test mode may only be viewed and operated when test mode is on,
NOTE while the charts installed under normal mode may only be viewed and operated when the test
mode is off.

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The Radar system provides continuously checking for critical or non-critical failures and other events

while running.

7.1 Alert Priority Levels

Generally, alerts have three priority levels and are indicated with different icons in the alert list:

Level Basic icon Classification Description

The highest priority alert. Requires immediate attention and actions to
1 Alarm prevent the dangerous situation and keep the ship operation safe.
Escalation is an alarm from non-acknowledged warning.
This alert informs about a situation that may become dangerous and
2 Warning requires immediate attention. Being not acknowledged may be
escalated to alarm.
Indication of situation that requires attention but does not require an
3 Caution action. The caution is ON while the indicated situation exists. It does not
require acknowledge.

By default a sound signal accompanies an alert message that is not acknowledged and the pulse

frequency of the flashing of the alert button is 1 Hz.

The following sound patterns are used:

• Alarm: 3 beeps every 7 seconds

• Warning: 2 beeps every minute (or at interval specified by navigator)

Some warnings could be escalated to alarm state if not acknowledged in specified period of time.
Also, the unacknowledged alarms of certain types could be escalated to BNWAS. The one alert
escalated to both states by design is “Anchor watch alarm”. Others could be configured by
Radar also sends the EVE message to BNWAS in order to indicate the user activity. The radar
unattended for too long time (depending on BNWAS adjustments) causes the “Dead man” alarm.

7.2 Alert Notifications

All active alerts are displayed in the Alert console.

Generally, alerts are arranged by state, type and age. It means that unacknowledged alerts are

displayed at the top according to their priority level (alarms are on top). When alert is acknowledged,

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it is moved to the end of the list.

1 Silence Button
Click on this button, the alerts will be silenced temporary.
2 Acknowledge Button
Click on this button, the alert will be acknowledged one by one.
3 Alert Text
See 7.4 for details.
4 Alert Icon
See below for details.
5 Alert number
The number of active alerts / the total of alerts in the list.
6 Permanent silence button
See 7.6 for details.

There are the following states of alarms and warnings:

• Active - unacknowledged, not silenced

• Active - unacknowledged, silenced

• Active - acknowledged

• Active - responsibility transferred to another work station

• Rectified - not acknowledged

When a rectified alert is acknowledged it is moved out from the list.

Cautions have the active state only. They are moved out from the list just after they have been


Each alert state is indicated by the proper icon. See the table below for the details.

Alarm icon Warning icon State Indication

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Active: Unacknowledged, Not silenced Flashing symbol and descriptive text
Relevant audible signal
Active: Unacknowledged, Silenced Flashing symbol and descriptive text
No audible signal
Active: Acknowledged Steady symbol and descriptive text
No audible signal
Active: Responsibility is transferred Steady symbol and descriptive text
No audible signal
Rectified: Unacknowledged Flashing symbol and descriptive text
No audible signal

Related alerts can be aggregated and displayed as one alert. In this case the plus symbol ‘+’ appears

at the top left corner of the alert icon (a ‘-’ symbol will appears at the top left corner of the icon

when the aggregation is expanded). If there is at least one unacknowledged alert from the related

ones, the icon has the “unacknowledged” state.

When using the CAM page (see 7.6) double click on the multiple alert line, to expand the list of all
collected alerts.

7.3 Alert Acknowledgment

To acknowledge alarm or warning press the ACK button. If alert is acknowledged, the symbol stops

flashing and changes to the acknowledged icon (see 7.2). If there is no other alert, the sound is

muted. In case of multiple alarm or warning, the next alert will be displayed for acknowledgement,

the sound is not muted.

NOTE An alert can be acknowledged with the Human Interface Unit keys: [ALARM ACK] and [ENTER].

NOTE An alarm can be silenced without acknowledge for the 30 seconds.

Some of alerts of A category may not be acknowledged on the workstation. In this case the

following icons indicate the alerts: for alarm and for warning. The icons are displayed
next to the main alert symbols. This is applicable for multitask installation (typically within INS). Not
possible in case of stand-alone radar installation.

7.4 Common List of Alerts

An alert either has one of the categories below.

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• A: The information is required for the decision support. The A category alerts are generated

by workstation. All alerts of the A category require to be acknowledged. The category A

alerts can be acknowledged on the radar console only.

• B: no additional information is required for the decision support. The B category alerts are

generated by navigational system. Can be acknowledged on the BAMS.

Here is the general list of alerts represented at CAM, when the HLD-RADAR 900 is a part of INS.

Source Cause Type Category

System function lost Alarm B
Integrity verification not possible or failed Warning B
Invalid information for functions in use Warning B
Invalid information for functions not in use Caution B
Different thresholds entered Caution B
Loss of system communication Warning B
Failure or reduction in power supply Alarm B
Off heading alarm Alarm A
Heading control systems
Heading monitor Warning B
(deviation from second heading source)
Early course change indication Warning A
(track control via waypoints)
Actual course change indication Warning A
Wheel over line (actual course change indication Alarm A
not acknowledged)
back-up navigator alarm
Failure or reduction in power supply including any Warning B
Track Control systems failure of track control which stops track control
Position monitor Warning A
Heading monitor Warning B
Sensor failure (heading, position, speed) Alarm B
back-up navigator alarm
Cross-track alarm Alarm A
Course difference (heading from track course) Warning A
Low speed alarm Warning B
Positioning system failure Warning B
Crossing safety contour Alarm A
Deviation from planned route –off-track alarm Alarm A
Area with special conditions – cross the boundary Warning, Caution A
Approach to critical point Warning A
Different geodetic datum Warning B

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Source Cause Type Category
System malfunction Warning B
(system malfunction of backup device)
Target capacity Warning A
CPA/TCPA alarm Alarm A
RADAR/AIS Acquisition/activation zone Warning A
Lost target alarm Warning A
Failure of any signal or sensor in use Warning B
HDOP exceeded Caution B
No calculation of position Warning B
GNSS Loss of position Warning B
Loss of differential signal Warning B
Differential corrections not applied Warning B
Differential integrity status Warning B
Depth below keel alarm Alarm A
Echo sounder
Failure or reduction in power supply Warning B
Gyro compass System fault Warning B
Malfunction Warning B
Bridge watch alarm
Power supply failure Warning B

7.5 List of Radar Alerts

The alerts generated by each system help to recognize the problems and find a way to fix them. The

HLD-RADAR 900 itself generates following important alerts:

Text Type Meaning

Position data failed, Heading Warning Radar does not receive data of specified type at all.
data failed etc.
Radar: position error, Radar: Warning The MCU receives navigational data from referenced sensor, but the
heading error, etc. tracking module does not get it.
No communication with Warning The MCU cannot establish communication with radar sensor.
radar sensor
Radar: no video Warning MCU does not receive reasonable video signal from the radar sensor.
Radar: no sync, Warning MCU does not receive referenced synchronization signal from the radar
Radar: no azimuth, sensor.
Radar: no heading marker
Tracked target capacity is Warning Maximal number of acquired targets is achieved, no more targets may
100% be acquired. It’s recommended to optimize acquisition parameters and
remove part of targets to keep the collision avoidance function reliable.
Tracked target capacity is Caution This caution is generated prior to warning described above. The
95% preliminary notification gives navigator time to adjust acquisition
conditions better way.
Stabilization mode changed: Warning GPS stabilization mode become not available and system selected
GPS N/A another mode automatically. GPS stabilization mode requires SOG, COG

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Text Type Meaning
and heading to be present. Loss of any of these parameters causes the
automatic stabilization change.
Stabilization mode changed: Warning SEA stabilization mode become not available and system selected
SEA N/A another mode automatically. SEA stabilization mode requires STW and
heading to be present. Loss of any of these parameters causes the
automatic stabilization change.
Stabilization mode changed: Warning Manual Sea stabilization mode become not available and system
MAN SEA N/A selected another (unstabilized) mode automatically. Manual Sea
stabilization mode requires only heading to be present. Loss of any of it
forces the unstabilized mode with relative tracking.
Stabilization mode changed: Warning Ground stabilization by reference target becomes unavailable after loss
REF TGT lost of the reference target. System switches automatically to SEA
stabilization mode, if available or to Manual Sea stabilization elsewhere.
New tracked target <#> Warning New tracked target was automatically acquired in the automatic
acquisition zone or accordingly to CPA/TCPA values (dangerous target).
The alarmed state of target is kept until the alert acknowledgement.
Lost tracked target <#> Warning No correspondent radar plots were found for tracked target for last 15
consequent scans. The target remains in “lost” status until manual
removal or acknowledgement of the alert.
All TT removed Warning The heading information was lost for too long time to keep tracking of
previously acquired targets. In order to not generate too many separate
“Lost tracked target” alerts, all targets are automatically removed with
single alert.
Collision with tracked target Alarm The tracked target is assumed dangerous, accordingly to specified
<#> CPA/TCPA thresholds. It requires special attention from the navigator’s

AIS targets, when enabled, generate similar alerts to the tracked targets. The additional comments

are not necessary.

7.6 Central Alert Manager

Click the CAM button on the side panel to open the CAM page.

All unacknowledged alerts are listed in the CAM page.

• Active – unacknowledged alarm

• Active – silenced alarm

• Rectified– unacknowledged alarm

• Active –unacknowledged warning

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• Active – silenced warning

• Rectified –unacknowledged warning

• Caution

The listed alerts can be silenced. The alerts may be acknowledged too unless they must be

acknowledged on the specified workstation (for example, the Off-track alarm must be acknowledged

on the ECDIS workstation only).

Press button to silence all active alerts for 30 seconds, the

sound signal will appear again.

Press button to acknowledge active alerts one by one. When

the alerts can’t be acknowledged in CAM, the acknowledgement will work over them.

indicates the number of alerts in CAM page.

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NOTE When the alerts are aggregated, the number will be treated as one alert.

Test Alert

Test alert function is supplied, only warning and alarm priority are available, only category B is


Press the button to send the test alert and the test alert will be displayed in

alert window and


The test alert will change to rectified status automatically after 60s.

Permanent Silence

Generally, the audible signal of the alerts will be suppressed for 30 seconds after clicking the <ACK>

button on Alerts window or CAM page. But after 30 seconds or if new alerts are generated during

this period, there will be still new beeps.

ECDIS600 provides a function for permanent silence. When the function is on, the audible signal of

the existed or new generated alerts will be suppressed enduringly until user turns it off manually.

When permanent silence is on, it might be dangerous that user may ignore the new generated
WARNING alerts and at the same time the CCRS page is unlock, so please use this function with great

Click the <Unlock> button of CCRS page, after the entering of password, the <Permanent Silence>

button will appear at the Test Alert part of CAM page.

To active this function, click the <Permanent Silence> button and enter the second password

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This icon will appear at the upper left of Alerts window, click it to turn on permanent silence

function and the icon changes to . Click the icon again to turn off the function.

Click the <Lock> button of CCRS page to hidden the <Permanent Silence> button and this function

will be unavailable.

7.7 CAM History

To display the alert history list, click on the CAM HISTORY tab. All alerts data is shown there for at

least 24 hours.

CAM History page is intended for the presentation of alerts which have been eliminated in latest 24

hours. All the alerts are displayed in order of when they occur, i.e., the latest alert is located on the
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top of the list.

For convenience, CAM history page supply alert filter function by alerts category to view alerts, two

category of filter are supplied as following:

• By alert category

When the <Alarms> button is on (in blue), all alarms will be displayed. When the <Alarms> button is

off (in grey), all alarms will not be displayed.

Warnings and cautions use the same criteria.

• By alert source station

When the <Route Monitoring> button is on (in blue), all alerts from Route Monitoring application will

be displayed.

When the <Route Monitoring> button is off (in grey), all alerts from Route Monitoring application

will not be displayed.

Collision Avoidance application and Conning application use the same criteria.

Click the <Reset All Filters> button to reset filter by displaying all kinds of alerts.

At the bottom of the CAM HISTORY page, several buttons are available to operate the alerts history


One page displays 20 alerts, when more than 20 alerts are available, more pages will be used.

The area indicates current page number;

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The area indicates total number of pages;

Click the button <PrePage> to go to the previous page;

Click the button <NextPage> to go to the next page;

Click the button <Back To The Top> to go back to the first page;

7.8 Alerts Escalation

Warnings have two way of escalation:

• Repeated as a warning after a limited time period

• Changed to alarm priority after a limited time period and be sent to BNWAS after the second


An unacknowledged alarm will be transferred to BNWAS by using ALR sentence after a time defined

by the user except those specified by individual performance standards. The default time of alarm is

3 minutes and this time can be set by user except for the alerts generated in track control system

where 30s is required for transferring to BNWAS.

For anchorage warning, it will be escalated to alarm when it is not acknowledged in 2 minutes, this
NOTE escalation time is fixed. For position / heading / speed failure and heading monitor alarm, the
escalation time is 30s which is also fixed by standard.

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Collision avoidance is a primary task for marine radar. To carry out this task, the operator can use

radar targets, target trails, past positions, target tracking (TT) and reported AIS targets.

8.1 Target Functions

Primary target functions are located at the right lower corner next to PPI.

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The vector time setting. See 8.1.1.
2 R/T
Relative or true mode for vectorse: click the button to change the mode. See 8.1.1.
Radar target trails are automatically generated. The trail length (time) is an indication for the radar target’s past
velocity. The trails mode may be true or relative (see below).
Trails are reset whenever own ship is repositioned on the screen, after a change in range scale, or if the trails
mode is changed. The trails time may be set by the user. Click the button and move the cursor. Trail duration is
1-60 minutes.
The trails can be cleared (reset) by setting to zero time.
The function is not available for AIS.
PAST POSN here is generated for own ship only. The past position length (time) is indicative for the target’s past
The user can vary the total PP time and the interval time between the past positions markers. To customize the
trail interval, click the control (the cursor disappears, the control turns blue) and move the trackball for
increasing/decreasing the interval value displayed on the control. When the demanded value is set, click one
more time to fix the setting.
Past positions are retained if own ship is repositioned on the screen, after one increment or decrement in the
range scale and after a change in stabilization mode.
0.5 to 6 minute intervals, 30 minutes is a maximal duration. True or relative mode is common with target trails.
5 R
Trails/Past Position mode: True/Relative switcher
Switches ON/OFF the AIS filtering function and opens the AIS menu on the screen Control window. See 8.10.4.
The user can acquire a radar target or activate an AIS target to present a predictive velocity vector and
associated past positions. The button goes blue when selected. See 8.1.1. When this mode is active, the
acquisition/activation of target requires only single click over the target. Otherwise the double click is required
to acquire/activate target.
Shortcut to the TGT SET menu. See 8.3.

8.1.1 Vector Modes

Vectors are shown on the radar display to indicate the velocity of own ship and moving targets. All

vectors are shown as a dashed line beginning at own ship CCRP or the target origin. The length of the

vector indicates speed and its bearing indicates direction.

Vectors are only displayed when the system is in TX mode.

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HLD-RADAR 900 OPERATION MANUAL Selecting the vector mode

The vector mode confirms whether the vectors represent the true velocity of targets or the target

velocity relative to own ship. The vector mode is either TM or RM and is aligned with the trails mode. True vectors

All moving targets and own ship have a vector representing their movement over the water/ground.

Stationary targets do not have a vector. Relative vectors

If own ship is moving, all targets, both moving and stationary, have a vector representing their

movement relative to own ship. Own ship will not have a vector in this mode.

8.2 Manual Radar Acquisition

To acquire a target of interest, the user must first select the ACQ/ACT button; the button will

illuminate in the color blue to indicate that it is active and the screen cursor symbol changes as

shown below. The display is now in an acquisition/activation mode and each click in the PPI to

acquire a target.

Symbol Description
Radar targets in acquisition state are shown as a broken circle centered at the position of target

Tracked radar targets are shown as circles centered at the targets’ tracked position. The circle
forms the origin of an associated target vector.

Lost target is shown as a flashing red circle with red cross at the targets’ tracked position.

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Symbol Description
Designated dangerous tracked radar targets are shown as flashing red open circles. The symbol
and any associated graphics will flash until acknowledged by the User. Flashing will then cease
and will continue to be shown in red until they cease to be dangerous.

If the target is new (not previously tracked internally), or if no valid echo is at the designated screen

position, a broken circle symbol will be presented until a target has been verified with reliable course

and speed data.

Alternatively, the Trackball can be double clicked without first selecting the ACQ/ACT button. If the

target had previously met the tracking criteria and was therefore already being tracked internally by

the tracker software, a target symbol and velocity vector will be shown within a few seconds.

8.3 Tracked Target Settings Menu

This menu is available either from the CPA/TCPA button on the display, or from the TGT SET button

from the MENU.

1 Switch the CPA/TCPA check ON

When the mode is on, the button is blue and the values are indicated on the button on the display. Then the
targets having both CPA and TCPA values below the specified CPA/TCPA thresholds are displayed as dangerous
and generate referenced alarms.

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2 CPA threshold
Set the Closest Point of Approach distance threshold value with slider.
3 TCPA threshold
Set the Time to Closest Point of Approach threshold with slider.
4 Switch ON/OFF the automatic acquisition of dangerous targets.
The dangerous target having both CPA and TCPA below specified thresholds could be automatically acquired
(activated) if this option is ON.
In case of heavy clutter there could be many false alarms detected this way. It’s
recommended to activate such function only if the radar video is filtered effectively.
5 Past Position
User may set the parameters of past position of own ship and target ships. See 8.6 for more details.
6 Show times marks on vectors
The marks are visible when the mode is ON.

7 Auto scale trail

When the mode is ON the Trail and PAST POSN intervals automatically change according to the RANGE value.
See Table 1.
8 Vector indicator
Funciton button
Click to show vector indicator, see 8.7.
9 Target association
Select the value from the drop-down list: AIS over TT, TT over AIS, Association Disabled.
10 No alert for lost target
Enables or disables the alert for lost active AIS targets.
There is no alert for the lost sleeping AIS targets. Sleeping AIS targets don’t generate any
kind of alerts at all.

Table 1 Trails and past position intervals

Automatic MANUAL
0.125, Any scale
0.25, 48, (time is
1.5 3 6 12 24
0.5, 96 manually
0.75 variable)
Trails duration 3 6 9 12 18 24 30 0.00 - 6

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Past Positions
3 6 9 12 18 24 30 0.00 - 30
Past Positions
0.5 1 1 3 3 6 6 0.5 - 6
1. Automatic: AUTO Scale Trail option in TARGET SETTINGS menu ON
2. MANUAL: AUTO option off
3. Time in minutes

8.4 Prediction Vector Time

Acquired/activated targets and/or own ship (when true vector mode is selected) can have a

predictive vector representing the velocity and direction of the ships motion. Vector length is

indicative for target speed; it is the distance the target will travel in the vector length time interval.

The user can vary the vector time: click the vector button and select a time interval.

The vector prediction appears for targets and active AIS targets.

8.5 Trails

Radar target trails are automatically generated. The trail length (time) is an indication for the radar

target’s past velocity. The trails mode may be true or relative.

Trails are reset whenever own ship is repositioned on the screen, after a change in range scale, or if

the trails mode is changed. The trails time is optimized and automatically adjusted for the range scale

in use (provided AUTO SCALE TARGET SYMBOLS in the Target Settings menu is On) or may be set by

the user. Click/touch the button and move the cursor/finger.

The trails can be cleared (reset) by setting to zero time.

In the background Trail duration counts up to the automatic range setting and when pulse length is

changed AND the AUTO SCALE TARGET SYMBOLS in the Target Settings menu is On, Trail duration
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time is set to the automatic range setting.

The control has slider behavior. To customize the trail interval, click the control (the cursor disappears,

the control turns blue) and move the trackball for increasing/decreasing the interval value displayed

on the control. When the demanded value is set, click one more time to fix the setting.

8.6 Past Position

Past positions of TGT SET page is generated for both own ship and target ships (radar and AIS targets).

Past positions contains two parameters, length and interval. Past positions are retained if own ship is

repositioned on the screen, after one increment or decrement in the range scale and after a change

in stabilization mode.


Click the V button of Interval to open the list box menu. Click to select the track plot interval from the

menu. Enter the time value in the box of Length to display track of tracked target.(24h is maximum of

OS and 60 min is the maximum of TT) Click the <Clear> button to clear tracked target track from the

display. The operation of OS and TT are similar.

Time label

User may select <Show Time label> to indicate time labels, otherwise to hide the time labels.

Use the list box adjacent to <Interval> to select the multiple between time label and interval. For

example, x20 means the interval of time label is 20 times of the one of track.

The OS track parameters is synchronized with PAST POSN located on right lower corner of Main

Display Area, see 8.1.

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8.7 Vector Indicator

User may set the indication of indicators as required, to open, close these two indicators or only one

of them.

Select <STW> to indicate the sea stabilization indicator, and select <SOG> to show the ground

stabilization indicator. To close the display, cancel the corresponding options.

The selection of STW is non-cancelable under S stabilization mode, while the selection of SOG is

non-cancelable under G stabilization mode.

8.8 Target Tracking

1 TT Info
Target tracking information tab. Displays all tracked target information represented as info boxes.
2 List
List of the tracked targets. See 8.8.1.
3 Custom
Define target parameters displayed in the target info boxes.
4 Default
Click the button to rearrange the tracked targets in the value of CPA.
5 TT Info box
The information of a tracked target. Click on the box to select the target.
6 X
Click the button to cancel the target tracking.

128 / 190 HLD1800CZ Rev1.6

7 TT, AIS,
Switchers of the radar, AIS, and radar+AIS target tracking respectively

8.8.1 Radar target list

1 Info
The current target data
2 List of targets
Buttons with target numbers. Click to display the target data. The target in PPI is not selected.
3 Lost target button
The lost target number is red.
4 Select
Click to select the current target. The tab switches to the TT Info with the target selected and the target is
selected in PPI.
When operating in REF GND mode, the button set the reference target. See
5 Cancel
Click to cancel tracking of the current target. All referenced alerts will also disappear.
6 All cancel
Click to cancel tracking of all targets in the list. The operation requires to be confirmed.

8.8.2 Target tracking characteristics

Target tracking is available on all range scales and the maximum tracking range is 20 NM (at least,

depending on pulse length). Minimum tracking range is typically 0.1 NM. The simulated tracking

scenarios (Appendix Simulation13.2) demonstrate the tracking accuracy performance, as required by

IMO. HLD-RADAR 900 meets or exceeds that accuracy. The tracker range and bearing accuracy is

within the greater of 50 m or +/- 1 % of the target range, and the bearing is within 2°.

Typical tracked target accuracy is illustrated in Table below. The accuracy shown assumes 95%

probability values. Sensor errors, own ship stability and target characteristics affect this accuracy.

HLD1800CZ Rev1.6 129 / 190

Relative CPA TCPA
Time and status Relative speed True course º True speed
course º NM minutes

1 min: 11 Greater of 1.0 -- -- --

Trend 1.5 kn or 10%

3 Min 3 Greater of 0.8 kn 0.3 0.5 5 Greater of 0.5 kn

Prediction or 1% or 1%

Targets continue to be tracked, irrespective of the range scale selected. Radar targets can be

manually acquired or are automatically acquired using the Auto Zones. The Auto Zones are common

with automatic AIS target activation. The User may apply land masking (see 5.5) to the auto zones to

reduce the unwanted acquisition of land features. Any radar target entering, or detected within, an

Auto Zone is automatically acquired and similarly, any AIS target is activated. Up to total 100 radar

targets can be acquired, irrespective of acquisition method. After 95 targets, there is an indication

that the acquisition capacity is about to be exceeded (caution).

The display will produce a velocity vector for an acquired target previously detected (internally

tracked) within 2 scans. Targets will continue to be tracked if detected for at least 50% of scans.

Whenever own ship or a target has made a maneuver, target motion trend is available within 1

minute and a stable predicted motion is available within 3 minutes.

Some reduction in tracking accuracy will occur in the following situations:

• during the initial acquisition phase (when the target is newly detected)

• during the maneuver of own ship (gyro dependent)

• during the tracked target maneuver(notably with turns above 20º/s)

• in the presence of a tracking disturbance (for example, in heavy clutter)

• due to own ship’s motion and sensor characteristics.

However, the error within the radar tracking is insignificant relative to own ship’s sensor errors (own

ship’s gyro must be responsive to own ship’s motion) and an error of up to 1º may occur when own

ship is rolling and pitching in heavy seas. Target tracking is smoothed to reduce vector instability

though this does create a small lag in the response whenever a target makes a turn or changes its


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The tracked target is reported as lost after tracker fails to find the correspondent radar plot for it for

15 consequent radar scans. The referenced warning is generated then. The tracker keeps lost target

reported out at latest confirmed position until operator acknowledges the “Lost target” alert or

removes given target manually.


Preset CPA/TCPA limits are applied to both acquired radar targets and AIS targets. Limits are: CPA 0.0

NM to 30 NM, TCPA 1 min to 60 min.

By default, the CPA/TCPA alarm functionality is applied to all reported AIS targets. In a harbor

environment the CPA/TCPA can be set to zero to prevent an excessive number of alarms.

The CPA/TCPA limits are set in the TGT SET (target settings) menu. If the calculated CPA and TCPA

values of a tracked target or AIS target are both below the set limits, a CPA/TCPA alarm is given in

visual and audio form, and the target causing the alarm is indicated by a red flashing symbol.

For AIS targets, the CPA/TCPA limits also provide an automatic AIS activation function; it can be

disabled in situations where excessive alarms may occur. This is very useful, for instance moored in

harbor environments where many AIS targets will be reported. The tracked target (TT) visual alarm

cannot be switched OFF.

Disabling the CPA/TCPA AIS automatic activation function requires that the CPA/TCPA function and

alarm is switched off in the TGT SET menu, See 8.3.

8.10 AIS

The AIS function supports radar in the task of collision avoidance. To ensure co-location with radar

video, the reported AIS information is time-referenced. The co-location is independent of the

selected speed reference. The CCRP is used as a common reference for AIS and tracked targets.

The AIS VDL messages types listed below are processed by HLD 900 Series Radar:

• 1, 2, 3 and 5 (Class A AIS);

• 18, 19 and 24 (Class B AIS);

• 4 (AIS Base stations);

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• (AIS on Airborne SAR-craft);

• 21 (AIS for ATON);

• 14 (Safety related messages)

AIS Class A is available for SOLAS ships and provides a full set of target data. AIS Class B is available

for non-SOLAS craft and provides a subset of that data. The AIS reporting rate is dependent on the

target motion and status. The information of a selected AIS target is displayed in the same window as

the information of tracked targets, but MMSI is shown instead of status.

Whereas the display can process all of the AIS messages listed, the messages are filtered according to

a range criteria specified by the user. The range criteria for the AIS filter is indicated on the radar

operational area by a range limit circle. Targets that meet the filter criteria may be presented as

sleeping or as activated.

To show/hide AIS targets in the PPI, use the AIS button (see 4.7.7).

8.10.1 AIS capacity of display

The display of AIS targets is limited to prevent excessive symbols from being presented on the screen.

Targets are filtered for display by user-specified range criteria. The AIS target range limit is set in the

AIS menu (Max range sleeping AIS) and in addition, as the target count reaches the display capacity,

the range for displaying AIS targets is decreased to retain close range targets.

The system is able to process up to 999 AIS targets, of which up to 500 may be activated. The service

engineer can set these two parameters according to user’s requirement.

An indication is provided when the target processing or display capacity is close to (95% capacity) or

at the maximum specified, and an alarm is given when capacity has been exceeded. If the maximum

activated target display capacity has been reached, the presentation of AIS targets will be restricted

by range, however targets that meet or exceed the CPA/TCPA criteria, are retained. Individual AIS

targets can be de-activated to revert to the sleep state, however individual AIS targets cannot be

removed from the presentation.

NOTE The capacity of tracked targets is 100.

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8.10.2 AIS data

To display the AIS targets information, select AIS in the TARGET menu. Info boxes of all AIS targets are


1 AIS Info box

The user predefined parameters are displayed. Not all of them.
2 Mode button
Click to change mode from sleeping to active and vice versa. The mode to change is displayed.
3 More
Expands the entire list of AIS parameters
4 X
Click to close the data box of this AIS target.

NOTE Dangerous target is not available to switch to the sleeping mode.

To display the simple list of all AIS targets, click the LIST tab.

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The CUSTOM tab contains the list of parameters to display.

8.10.3 AIS selection

To find the AIS target information, click on the target in PPI. The selected target is the first in the AIS

Info tab.

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Alternatively, go to the AIS List, then either double-click on the target or click on the target and then

click the Select button.

8.10.4 AIS filtering

The AIS settings dialog is available either with the AIS Menu button from the MENU, or with AIS

filtering button on the radar display.

The filter parameters are displayed above the button, when the filter is active.

1 General information
Total AIS numbers and active AIS numbers
2 Option to ID display
Select the parameter, which will identify the AIS in PPI: Name, Call Sign, MMSI. It is possible to hide the ID.
3 Show AIS outlines
If the outline data is available, it is displayed when the function is active.
4 Show own ship AIS data
Opens the panel with the AIS own ship data.
5 Show safety related messages
Opens the list of messages. See 8.10.5.
6 Filtering AIS
Filter settings: use the RANGE sliders to set the area of AIS display. Tick on the target types that should be
hidden. The list of hidden types and the current range are displayed under the AIS Filtering button, when the
mode is active.

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8.10.5 Safety related messages

The console displays the list of received messages. Click on the message for viewing the message


If necessary, the messages can be acknowledged with the Acknowledge All Messages button.

8.11 Association of Tracked and AIS Targets

In order to optimize the representation of target information at the radar screen, the association of

tracked and AIS targets is provided. The tracked target and AIS target arranged at the same location

and behaving similar way are represented as single target at the radar screen. Depending on the

current settings, the priority is given to tracked targets or to AIS (see 8.3, item 8).

Following symbols are used for the target association:

Symbol Description
No association between AIS and tracked target. Both are displayed independently.

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Symbol Description
Association with AIS priority over tracked targets. The target is represented as triangle of
standard size for AIS target representation and the circle around it. The exact position, heading
and vector correspond to AIS information.

Association with tracked target priority over AIS. The target is represented as circle of standard
size for tracked target representation and the triangle inside it. The exact position and vector
correspond to tracked target information.

Following association criteria are used:

Parameter Maximal value deviation for association Minimal value deviation for de-association
Speed 25% 50%
Course 20◦ 40◦
Range 0.9% 1.8%
Bearing 0.9◦ 1.8◦

The association criteria were carefully found for compliancy with association scenarios described in
IEC 62388. No manual correction of these parameters is available.

The found target associations are reported out in $RATLB messages, as required by IEC 62388.

The target association in HLD-RADAR 900 System doesn’t influence on the tracking functionality. It

just helps to minimize clutter out of target information on the screen and to verify the tracking

performance and system adjustments. The tracked targets and AIS targets representing the same

vessel must be associated in normal conditions.

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9.1 Parallel Index Lines

Parallel indexing is an important radar technique that harnesses the inherent relative position

accuracy of a radar system. Parallel index (PI) lines provide the Mariner with a quick confirmation

that own ship is travelling in safe waters. Parallel indexing ensures that own-ship follows the

intended ground track and any deviation due to set and drift (water currents and wind) can be

readily identified.

A PI line is an electronic graphic, presented in the form of a straight line, that is set at a fixed

perpendicular distance (the beam range) from own ship, and set at a pre-set bearing. The bearing is

usually the intended course over ground (COG). The PI line can be set such that the beam range of

the PI is equivalent to the planned passing distance of a radar object (for example a buoy), or

alternatively can be set to define a limit so that the radar object should never cross the PI line. Two

PI lines may be positioned whereby one defines the intended ground track, the other set as a safety


Own ship should be conned such that the radar object remains on track as defined by the PI line. In

the event that own-ship must take avoiding action in a potential collision situation and thereby

deviate from the planned track, the radar object should always remain on the safe side of the limit PI


The required PI bearing for own-ship ground track is available on the navigation chart and the PI

offset (the beam range) can be set at the required passing distance of the radar object.

PI lines may be used in all orientation modes (H Up, C Up, H UP and T UP), and on relative motion or

true motion modes. In True Motion, the PI line will move across the display with own-ship’s motion,

whereas in Relative Motion the PI line will be static. Whatever presentation mode is selected, the PI

lines are used in exactly the same way.

Parallel index lines are shown as a series of lines (maximum of 4) aligned to a set bearing, and spaced

at a series of beam ranges. The lines are distinguishable from each other and from EBL lines by line

style and color. The functionality can adjust the lines in range, bearing and length, to be used for a

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safe water line or leading line.

9.1.1 Working with the PI lines

There are four PI lines. To start setting, click one of the buttons.

The PI line with last set parameters (or default) is displayed and the PI settings dialog is open on the

screen Control window.

In certain version of software, there is no shortcuts on interface. User may open PI by using Control
windwo->Menu->PI lines.

1 The appropriate line button

PI1, PI2, PI3, PI4. When activated (pressed), the proper PI line is displayed in the PPI and could be edited
2 Edit
The button is available when the proper PI object is activated. When the mode is ON, the proper PI is
available to edit. Only the one PI can be edited in one time.
3 Color indicator
Indicates the line colors. The colors are fixed and not available for editing.
4 True/Relative
Switches the bearing between relative to own ship and true. The current mode is displayed next to the PI

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Click to set the range in PPI with trackball.

The cursor shape changes and the bearing line is displayed while the mode is active (see Figure 31). The

current value is displayed on the Value of beam range button.

6 Value of beam range
Click to adjust the value with keyboard.
Press to set bearing in PPI with trackball.

The cursor shape changes and the bearing line is displayed while the mode is active (see Figure 29). The

current value is displayed on the Value of bearing button.

8 Value of bearing
Click to adjust the value with keyboard.
9 Limited length
When active, the edited PI has limited length
10 Set PT1
The start point of the PI (available when the Limited length is ON).
11 Set PT2
The end point of the PI (available when the Limited length is ON).
Set the PI in parallel to the current heading
13 Fix bearing and range
When the function is active, the current bearing and range are fixed and it is possible to change PT positions
without changing the range and bearing values.
14 Reset all PI
Set all PI to the default values (see Figure 30)
15 All ON
Make all PI visible
16 All OFF
Make all PI invisible
File menu: save, load, delete, set default PI configurations.
The saved PI configuration is automatically distributed between all workstation in the LAN.

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Figure 29 Bearing is ON

Figure 30 Default Pls

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Figure 31 Beam range is ON

9.2 Maps

A radar map is a combination o777f User-defined map (poly) lines, symbols (or icons) and text.

User-generated features are retained in a non-volatile memory. The user can manually create and

change, save or load navigation lines/routes/icons/text referenced to own ship or to a geographical

position. Radar maps navigation icons are similar to those used for the chart radar, as specified in

S57 (simplified).The navigational symbols are arranged for simple operation.

Symbols, lines and text can be moved, deleted or modified. A map with its reference point can be

saved to file, reloaded or deleted. The display of this information can temporarily be hidden with the

HIDE SYNTH button on the display or the DATA OFF key on the Human Interface Unit. Presentation of

map lines, colors and symbols is defined in.

9.3 Map Menu

The Map menu is available under the MAPS button in the MENU.

This menu provides operations with reference point, files and objects.

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1 Clear all
Delete all objects from the PPI.
2 File
Opens the download dialog for saved user maps. The saved MAP is automatically distributed between all
workstation in the LAN and become available at other HLD radars as well.
3 New RP
Opens the dialog for setting a new reference point position.
4 Move RP
Activates the reference point moving mode. Click the button, then drag-n-drop the reference point icon in
the PPI.
5 Go to RP
Centers the PPI on the current reference point.
6 RP
The current reference point position.
7 Go to OS
Centers PPI on the own ship position
Activates the drop-down list of colors for lines. Select color from the list. Color is applicable to the text object

Activates the drop-down list of line styles. Select style from the list.

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10 Icon
Opens the list of available icons, see
11 Current icon in use
The indicator shows the selected icon. Only one icon can be in use in one time.
12 Current line (color and style) in use
The indicator shows the current color and line style. The color is applicable to the text object too.
13 New objects area
To insert an object click the proper button: Line, Icon, or Text
14 Arrows for object selection
The only plotted objects can be selected
15 Operations with objects
The buttons functionality depends on the selected object.

9.3.1 Plotting objects Line

To plot a new line in the PPI, proceed as follows:

1. Define line color and style

2. Click the Line button in the New Object area.

3. Locate the cursor in the PPI and click, the first point is plotted.

4. Repeat the step 3 unless the polyline is complete.

5. Right click to end the line.

In case, the next line is required, repeat the procedure. Icon

To plot a new icon, proceed as follows:

1. Click the Icon button. An icon dialog appears (see Figure 32 )

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Figure 32 Select icon dialog

2. Select an icon of three categories, then click <OK> button. The selected icon is the current

default icon and displayed on the indicator.

3. Click the Icon button in the New object area. The mode is activated.

4. Locate the cursor on the proper position in PPI and click. The icon is set, the mode is off.

5. To plot the same icon, repeat steps 3 and 4. To plot other icon, repeat all steps from 1 to 4. Text

To plot text in the PPI, proceed as follows:

1. Specify the text color with the COLOR drop-down list.

2. Click the Text button in the New object area.

3. Click in the PPI at the desired location. A text box appears. The Control window is switched to

virtual keyboard.

4. Type the text and click OK.

To plot other text, repeat the procedures.

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9.3.2 Edit objects Line

The following actions are available for the line object:

• Delete: delete the selected line

• Move: move the selected line to a new position

• Insert a new point: add a new point to the line leg

• Append a new point: add a new leg to the selected line.

To delete the selected line:

1. Select the line in the PPI or using the arrows.

2. Click the Delete button. The line is deleted.

To move the selected line:

1. Select the line in the PPI or using the arrows.

2. Click the Move button.

3. Click the position where the line should be moved. When line is moved, the position is


4. To amend the position (if necessary), double click on the proper field and edit the value with


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5. Click the Move button to switch the mode off.

To insert a new point to a line leg:

1. Click on the line or select it with arrows.

2. Click the Insert button.

3. Click on the selected leg or near it. The new point appears and the leg is split on two.

4. Repeat if necessary.

5. Click the Insert button or right click to switch the mode off.

To append a new point:

1. Click on the line or select it with arrows.

2. Click the Append PT button. The new leg is appended to the last point.

3. Click on the required position. If no more legs required, right click to switch the mode off.

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To edit the plotted icon (deleting or moving) proceed as follows:

1. Click on the icon in the PPI selecting it. Alternatively, click the arrows until the Icon appears


2. Select Move and click on the desired position. The icon is moved. When the Move mode is

on, the coordinates can be edited in the same way as for the line object.

3. To delete the selected icon, click the Delete button. Text

The moving and deleting operations are the same as for the icon and line objects.

To edit the plotted text proceed as follows:

1. Select the text.

2. Click the Edit button. The virtual keyboard appears.

3. Input the new text and click OK.

4. Click on the Edit button to switch the mode off.

9.4 Route

HLD-RADAR 900 can display routes received from an external ECDIS. The content of the route

information varies according to the source. There are no active operations available for routes in the

Radar Client application.

RADAR900 can not activate a route but can deactivate a route.

To get data of the current active route, click the ROUTE button in the MENU.

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To show the route in the PPI, click the Show Route button. The button goes blue. To hide the route,

click the button again.

Click the Show WPT Names, XTD, Show To-WPT Line button, the names of the waypoints, XTD lines

and the line between own ship to activated waypoint will display on the PPI.

NOTE The deactivated route will be dispear on PPI after user click Deactivate button.


Two pairs of an EBL (electronic bearing line) and VRM (variable range marker) are present.

By default these navigation tools provide measurements referenced to own ship Consistent Common

Reference Point, the CCRP (and NOT to the radar origin!), but it is also possible to move the EBL/VRM

origin (offset).

The EBL readouts may show true bearings or bearings relative to own ship’s heading. Each active EBL

has a numerical readout with a resolution of 0.1º, with a maximum radar system error of 1° and a

measurement uncertainty of 0.5 º at the periphery of the display.

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The VRM and EBL operations are available with the Human Interface Units keys and rotary knobs.
See 3.5 and 3.6.

To set EBL or VRM with buttons proceed as follows:

1. Click the EBL or VRM button to activate the function. It goes green, that means the Follow

cursor (default) mode is on, and the EBL/VRM will appear in the radar video area, centered at

the CCRP and with the previously used bearing or range.

2. Set the required range or bearing by moving the cursor to the required value in the PPI and

click once. The button goes blue that means the Follow cursor mode is OFF.

3. Click the button and select mode from the drop-down list:

• Relative EBL/True EBL

• Dropped/Dropped(Disabled)

• Separate/Set as ERBL

• Follow cursor

• Offset

• Close

The modes mean:

• Relative EBL/True EBL: the EBL specific mode; True EBL appears when currently relative mode

(Relative to own ship heading instead of relative to the north direction) is selected and vice

versa. The mode is indicated on the button by a (T) or (R). And this option is no available for


• Dropped/Dropped (Disabled): is greyed out when the EBL/VRM origin is at the CCRP. After

applying an offset, the default mode is Dropped, and the button will become available and

change to Dropped (Disabled). And this option is no available for VRM.

• Separate/Set as ERBL: the mode allows the user to switch between individually adjusting the

EBL and VRM or combined.

• Follow cursor: can be used to change the range and/or bearing of the EBL VRM

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• Offset / Home: can be used to move the EBL/VRM origin from the CCRP to a user-defined

position and back. The button shows “Offset” when the origin is at the CCRP and “Home”

when the origin is off-centered. The only way to modify the offset of an EBL/VRM after the

first offset has been set is by moving the cursor to the origin and dragging it to the required

position or

• Close: turn off the selected EBL/VRM

The buttons change depending on the current situation.

When an EBL or VRM is switched OFF, the previous setting is retained. It is the default setting the

next time the EBL or VRM is switched ON again.

Each active VRM has a numerical readout and a resolution compatible with the measured range. All

VRM range measurements are given in nautical miles. VRM measurement accuracy is within 1% or

30m, whichever is greater. All range measurements are measured in nautical miles (NM). If the VRM

is switched ON and the VRM range previously set is outside of the range scale currently in use, the

VRM ring will be in Follow Cursor mode to allow the user to quickly reposition the VRM.

9.6 Anchor Watch

Anchor watch monitors the own ship position and gives an audible and visual alarm if the ship moves

outside the user set limit.

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The limit is defined as a circle with a user specified radius (in NM) around the current OS position. If

the own ship moves out of this circle, the Anchor Alarm is shown in the Alarm List.

1 Activation button
Click to activate the function. The button is blue when the function is active.
2 Manual Input
Select Manual Input, user may enter the predetermined anchor location and adjust the distance (radius) in new
Click <Preview> to show the location of own ship and predetermined anchor (the predetermined anchor is
Click <Active> button to apply the data of predetermined anchor.

3 Anchor location
RADAR900 provides left anchor and right anchor. User may set them in CCRS page (12.6.) as required.
To view the data of anchor, select Left ANCH or RIGHT ANCH.
User have to switch left or right anchor manually. And there is only one anchor data at a time.
4 Offset value
Check the offset parameter user set in CCRS page. For more details, see 12.6.
5 Distance value
Slider for setting the distance value. Available when the function is not active.

To set Anchor watch proceed as follows:

1. Open CCRS page (12.6.)

2. Set the offset and distance value if necessary or enter predetermined anchor by Manual

Input in ANCH page.

3. Press the ACTIVATE button of ANCH page to activate the anchor watch function.

The LAT/LON coordinates of the center of the watching circle are shown.

The green anchor watch circle appears in the radar area.

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The anchorage guard zone may be adjusted between 0.01NMand 1NM.

NOTE Set the RANGE value 12 NM or less to make the anchor watch circle more visible.

The anchor watch functionality is only provided for own ship. The anchorage zone parameters are

global for the system and available for all workstation.

Anchor watch is NOT a guard zone-like function. Setting an anchor watch does not relieve the
CAUTION Officer of the Watch of the responsibility to keep a good look-out, nor of keeping track of the
own ship’s position and of surrounding traffic.

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Table 2 Display features

Display features
Presentation mode Day, Dusk, Night
Typical viewing distance (m) 0.75
Resolution 1920x1200
Aspect ratio 8:5
PPI diameter 320mm
Available scales (NM) 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.5
Short range Range video resolution (m) 2.4
Azimuth on-screen resolution (degree) 0.1
Available scales (NM) 3
Medium range Range video resolution (m) 2.4
Azimuth on-screen resolution (degree) 0.1
Available scales (NM) 6, 12, 24, 48, 96
Long range Range video resolution (m) 2.4
Azimuth on-screen resolution (degree) 0.2
Relative motion (RM) Supported with true and relative vectors/trails.
True motion (TM) Supported with true and relative vectors/trails.
Off-centering Up to 75% range scale in use or 50% at 0.25 – 0.75 NM ranges.
MAX View 75% range scale in use or 50% at 0.25 – 0.75 NM ranges.
Geographical coordinates and bearing/range. Continuously displayed when the
cursor is within radar screen.

Table 3 Input / Output Interface

Input / Output Interface

Serials 1 x IEC 61162-2 + 3 x IEC 61162-1
LAN IEC 61162-450 at 1Gbits Redundant Ethernet
Data inputs
Analogue signals from radar Video, Trigger Pulse, Azimuth Pulse and Heading
sensor Marker
Serials 1 x IEC 61162-2 + 3 x IEC 61162-1
Data outputs IEC 61162-450 + processed radar video at 1Gbits
Redundant Ethernet
Alarm output 1 x Isolated pair normally closed radar failure contact
Data export/import 1 USB port available for user

Table 4 ARPA

Acquisition Auto, manual, up to 100 targets
Tracking In background, up to 6000 targets

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Table 5 AIS

Presentation Totally maximum 999 targets capacity, maximum 500 can be activated. AIS overflow
mechanism of priority. The service engineer can set these two parameters according
to user's requirement.
Safe checking 500 targets in total.

Table 6 Maps

Map drawing Operator compiled maps
Each map can contain a set of polylines, texts and symbols
Selectable colors and line styles
Map stabilization Geographic
Map storage By name
Map adjustment Moving and coordinate adjustment are allowed
Parallel index Four independent parallel index lines
Two-ended line mode is available
True and Relative modes
Data readout Own ship data
ARPA target data
AIS target data
Cursor parameters

Table 7 Radar scanners

Radar scanners
X-band X-band S-band
6ft Antenna 8ft Antenna 12ft Antenna
9410 MHz ± 30 MHz 3050 MHz ±15 MHz
Peak transmit power 25 kW 30 kW
Transceiver location Upmast with motorized antenna turning unit
Dynamic range ≥100 decibels (dB)
60 MHz
frequency (IF)
0.05µS/3000Hz 0.07µS/3000Hz
Pulse widths and
0.25µS/1800Hz 0.25µS/1800Hz
pulse repetition
0.75µS/785Hz 0.75µS/785Hz
frequencies (PRFs)
1.20µS/500Hz 1.20µS/500Hz
Receiver bandwidths 3 MHz / 20 MHz
Receiver noise figure ≤4.5 dB
Antenna aerial length 6 feet 8 feet 12 feet
Horizontal beam
≤1.20 degrees ≤1 degrees ≤1.80 degrees
width (at -3dB)
HLD1800CZ Rev1.6 155 / 190
Radar scanners
X-band X-band S-band
6ft Antenna 8ft Antenna 12ft Antenna
Vertical beam width
24 degrees ± 2 degrees
(at -3dB)
Side lobes within 10°
<-23dB < -24 dB
of main beam
Side lobes outside
10° of main beam
Antenna rotation
22 rpm and 44 rpm ± 2 rpm 24 rpm ± 2 rpm
Gain 29dB ± 0.5 dB 30.0 dB ± 0.5 dB 28 dB ± 0.5 dB
VSWR ≤1.15
Polarization Horizontal
Wind resistance 100 knots/h
Ingress protection IP66
Maximal video cable
30 m
Electrical power feed 220/115 VAC 50/60 Hz 220/115 VAC 50/60 Hz
1100VA on a stationary
Electrical power 150VA on a stationary platform with no wind platform with no wind
absorption 500VA under fullest load conditions 3000VA under fullest load
Performance monitor Built-in active type
Weight of complete
35 kg. 38 kg. 180 kg.
scanner unit
IMO Resolution MSC.192(79)
IEC 62388 Edition 2.0 of 2013
Standards met IMO Resolution A.694(17) of 1991
IEC 60945 Edition 4.0 of 2002
IMO Resolution A.813(19) of 1995

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11.1 Maintenance (Display)

The display is solid state and has no specific components. Regular maintenance tasks are:

• To ensure that fan filters and air intakes are clean and free from obstruction;

• To keep the display screen surface clean;

• To clean the Trackball and associated shafts (where fitted) as necessary;

11.2 Components with limited lifetime

11.2.1 Radar magnetron

The radar sensor includes a thermionic magnetron and this component has a limited life as stated by

the manufacturer.

Open MENU of Control window, and click RADAR-> RADAR SENSOR->ANTENNA.

The display keeps a record of the hours that the equipment is operational (VALUE)and this record

provides an indication of when a magnetron should be replaced (REF).

With normal radar use, it is generally recommended that the magnetron is replaced every 4000

hours for X-Band and 4000 hours for S-Band radar.

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11.2.2 Display screen

The display LCD screen uses back illumination and this has a typical operational life of up to 50,000

hours. Failure of the screen will require a technician to replace the screen unit.

11.2.3 Retained parameters

If the hard disk that retains parameters for the display is replaced, it is important to preserve the

parameters relevant to the system and to transfer them to a replacement hard disk. The server hard

disk and a portable memory stick are used for backup and easy transfer of parameters. The transfer

is accessed via the DEFAULTS menu via the "Export/Import" button; a second level dialogue will open

with an option to export / import custom data, and to export / import the complete configuration.

The saved parameters include:

• System configuration: including radar sensors, speed / heading / position serial messages;

• Radar sensor heading skew, sync delay, blind sectors, antenna height, frequency band for


• Installation, default and custom setting configurations;

• CPA/TCPA limits, lost target limits, auto zone settings;

• Own ship dimensions, turn rate / acceleration rate, CCRP position, radar/GPS antenna


• User defined maps (lines and objects).

11.2.4 System failure diagnostics by active alerts

Alert Text Meaning Action
Position data failed, Heading Radar does not receive data of Check the status of referenced device(s) and
data failed etc. specified type at all. connection cables.
Radar: position error, The MCU receives navigational This could be a failure in software functioning. If
Radar: heading error, data from referenced sensor, but the problem remains after system restart, report
Radar: SOG error, the tracking module does not get it to the manufacturer.
Radar: COG error, it.
Radar: STW error
No communication with The MCU cannot establish Ensure that the radar sensor is powered on.
radar sensor communication with radar Check if the cable from radar sensor is reliably

158 / 190 HLD1800CZ Rev1.6

Alert Text Meaning Action
sensor. connected to MCU.
Inspect the connecting cable for physical defects.
In case if after the system restart the problem is
still present, report it to the manufacturer.
Radar: no video MCU does not receive Inspect the coaxial video cable connection to the
reasonable video signal from the MCU.
radar sensor. Inspect the coaxial video cable for physical
Switch the radar sensor power off and on again
after 60 seconds. If the problem remains after
system restart, report it to the manufacturer.
Radar: no sync, MCU does not receive Check if the cable from radar sensor is reliably
Radar: no azimuth, referenced synchronization connected to MCU.
Radar: no heading marker signal. Inspect the connecting cable for physical defects.
In case if after the system restart the problem is
still present, report it to the manufacturer.

11.3 Maintenance & Self-test

Open the SYSTEM page of MENU of Control window. SelfTest and maintenance are included in


Select <Maintenance> from the list box menu of Functions window.

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Maintenance page contains two parts, Self-test and Maintenance.

Maintenance is used for software maintenance, restoring and update. This function is protected by

password, which is kept by service engineer.

Self-test function is designed to check the disk capacity, connection conditions of internet and dongle,

chart data file structure, service running condition of Redis and PostgreSQL, and the running

condition of Decider, ETS and SNGF.

Click <SelfTest> button to open the window as follow. And ECDIS600 will run the self-test program

automatically and indicate the results to user.

There are two results, Pass (in green) and Error (in yellow), and user may further maintain ECDIS600

following the results.

Click <Export> button to export the testing results to mobile storage device in PDF format.

Click <Renew> button to check ECDIS600 one more time.

Click <Close> button to quit the window.

Prompt window will indicates the relevant notes to user.

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See 7.6 and 7.7 for the details of CAM page and CAM History page.

12.1 Navigation Page

To open the Navigation page, switch to Conning application by Side panel and use the tabs on the top

to select the NAVIGATION tab.

Navigation page and Docking page of Conning application show the current information and

navigation data Conning application.

Navigation page is intended for enlarged presentation of the following data which is needed when


• l HDG (Heading);

• l STW;

• l COG;

• l SOG;

• l ROT;
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• l XTD;

• l ETA;

• l TTG (Time To Go);

• l Radius (turn radius at the next waypoint);

• l Turn Radius.

12.2 Docking Page

Use the tabs on the top of Conning application, which will be switched to by Side panel, to switch to

Docking page.

Docking page is intended for enlarged presentation of the following data which is needed when


12.3 AIS Page

The AIS page is intended for indicating the AIS targets separately.

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Press button to switch on the chart display, click it again to switch off the chart display.

Press button, a list box menu will appear with Name/Call/MMSI/NONE to be selected
to display with AIS targets. And it will display nothing with AIS targets if the NONE is selected.

Press button, a list box menu will appear with different range values to be
selected to display AIS targets. The user also may use [RANGE +] / [RANGE –] keys on keyboard to

change display range.

Button displays the distance between the rings which changes according to RANGE.

Click this button to switch off the rings display.

The list on top right corner displays all received AIS targets including their names, MMSI range and

distance, user may use the scroll bar to browse all AIS targets.

Click the interested AIS target, a window with more information about the target will appear below

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this list.

Click the button to expand the information window

12.4 NAVTEX Page

Use the tabs on the top of Conning application, which will be switched to by Side panel, to switch to

NAVTEX and EGC page.

The page shows the received NAVTEX .

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The page shows the received EGC.

12.5 Records Page

This page records the data about the heading, ROT and rudder in the latest 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes.

But the time selection is protected by the password. Unlock the protection following 12.7, user may

select the time from the list box menu of Record Time.

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12.6 CCRS Page

Use the tabs on the top of Conning application, which will be switched to by Side panel, to switch to

CCRS page.

CCRS page is protected by the password usually so that the <modify> button is greyed. Click

<Unlock> button to unlock this page. The text on this button will change to “Lock” and click it will

lock this page.

The unlocking of this page will unlock the permanent silence function too. For more details, see 7.6.

If the parameters in this page are changed, user have to restart the task station to
make the change works.

The CCRS page is designed for the setting and the presentation of the following items:

• own ship shape

• CCRP location,

• position of GPS1 antenna;

• position of GPS1 antenna;

• position of Radar1 antenna;

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• position of Radar2 antenna;

• position of Radar3 antenna;

• Position of Radar4 antenna;

• Left anchor;

• Right anchor.

User may set the antenna positions according to the antenna quantity installed in reality.

12.6.1 Own ship shape and CCRP location

The OS Shape group provides seven values in two sets, the CCRP parameters and the own ship

parameters. The four CCRP parameters are all allowed to be set by inputting.

The CCRP parameters:

• A - The vertical distance starting from the bow

• B - The vertical distance starting from the stern

• C - The horizontal distance beginning from the port

• D - The horizontal distance beginning from the starboard

The CCRP is located at the cross of the line AB and the line CD.

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The own ship parameters contain three values as the following:

• Ship length = A + B;

• Ship Width = C + D;

• Clearance.

The ship length and ship width are obtained by calculation with the CCRP parameters while the

clearance is set by inputting

12.6.2 GPS and RADAR Antenna location

The custom datum is designed for locating the position of GPS and Radar antennas. It contains the

following parameters:

• Original point – the middle point of stern;

• X axis - the horizontal center line which passes through the original point and deck level;

• Y axis - the vertical center line which passes through the original point and deck level;

• Z axis - the line which goes through the original point and is vertical to the plane identified by

the X axis and Y axis.

The X axis is positive in the right direction, while the Y axis is positive toward the bow. The Z axis is

positive toward the sky.

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To modify the position offset of the GPS1 antenna, follow the procedures below:

• Click the text box and change the value from the keyboard.

• Click the button if the value is required to be negative.

• Click the button to confirm the changes. And the changes will display on the

The position offset modifying of the GPS2, Radar1 Radar2, Radar 3 and Radar4 antennas can

reference the procedures above.

12.6.3 Anchor location

The custom datum designed for locating the position of Anchor is the same as the one for GPS and

Radar antennas.

User may set left and right anchors separately. To modify the position offset of left anchor, follow the

procedures below.

 Click the text box and change the value from the keyboard.

 Click the button if the value is required to be negative.

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 Click the button to confirm the changes. And the changes will display on
the left.

The procedures of modifying the position offset of right anchor is similar with the one of left anchor.

12.7 Sensor Page

Use the tab in the top part of Conning application, which will open up, to switch to Sensor page.

Sensor page is designed for selection of sensor source. It displays eight groups of sensor sources

including as follow:

• Position


• Date

• Compass Data

• Mode to Water

• Mode to Ground

• Depth Data

• Wind Data

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12.7.1 Selection mode of Sensor Sources

There are two selecting modes of the sensor sources supplied on the upper left corner:

• AUTO - the system sets the primary and secondary sensor source according to the result of

the data examination automatically;

• MAN - setting the primary and secondary sources by operator.

To select the mode, press the button with the mode name.

12.7.2 Status of Sensor Data

The legend shows the means of background colors of the sensor sources and data.

12.7.3 Status of Sensor Source

Each sensor source can be set to four statuses:

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• Select - to reset the status of source

• Active1 - to set the source as the primary source

• Active2 - to set the source as the secondary source

• Exclude –to manually exclude individual sensors from being automatically selected and used

To open the drop down list, pressing the last button of the sensor source line.

Select the options from the list box menu to set the source of sensor according to the result of the

data check.

12.8 System Page

Figure 33 System page

SYSTEM page indicates the configuration of the HLD-INS 600 and it will only appears when the

workstations are integrated as a system.

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The status of the task station will be indicated, including

the radar state, current application and the sensor

information of serial ports. The current task station name

will be indicated as color blue.

Click the buttons with names will change the application

of the selected task station, and the window indicating the

application of the task station will be changed too.

Click the button with the mode name to select to the mode required.

Click the button with the color scheme to change the color palette.

Click the button with the language to change the language. User can change the language on SYSTEM

menu. User also can set the language by Human Interface Unit (3.7) or button (4.7.1).

The operation buttons of setting Color Scheme independently will be appear in this part after

unlocking. When user select independent setting, the modification of Color Scheme only works in

local station.

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13.1 Trial Manoeuvre

Trial manoeuvre is used to evaluate, and graphically show, the calculated positions of all acquired

radar targets and activated AIS targets (not sleeping targets) around own ship after a specified

manoeuvre of own ship. The time required to carry out the manoeuvre is first calculated, taking into

account the specified change in speed and course, in combination with a defined turn rate and

acceleration. The user then specifies when the manoeuvre should start (max delay 6 min.).

The position of all targets after the manoeuvre has been completed is calculated assuming that the

targets move with constant speed and course (velocity). The position of the own ship during the

manoeuvre is calculated for 20 points evenly distributed in time. If a target is recognized to become

dangerous during or after the manoeuvre, the relevant alarms are activated.

Own ship dynamic characteristics (using parameters entered on installation) are included in the Trial


The Trial manoeuvre may be conducted in either ground or sea stabilized modes. However, Trial
mode might provide better information by using relative motion and sea stabilization (water

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The manoeuvre blue symbol (T) is displayed within the PPI in Trial mode, and real time target

tracking continues with updated actual target information (except vectors) indicated.

During Trial Mode, the presentation shows the actual target position, its predicted position and

vector after the manoeuvre; the track between the actual and the predicted position (dotted lines).

The target symbol remains at its original position. Only the vector moves to the predicted position,

which is connected to the original position by a white dashed line. A blue T symbol indicates the

active trial mode.

13.1.1 Using trial manoeuvre

The Trial Manoeuvre dialogue window provides controls for following trial parameters:

• Course

• Speed

• Delay time before manoeuvre start

• Turn rate

The calculated manoeuvre time, i.e. execution time plus delay time, is displayed in the lower part of

the dialogue menu.

When the operator changes a parameter of Own Ships’ movement (Course or Speed), the time

required for given manoeuvre from current course and speed is calculated according to currently set

turn-rate and speed-rate.

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The final positions of all targets (and Own Ship for True Motion mode) are calculated for the time

defined as Delay + Manoeuvre Time. All trial tracks after execution comprise 20 evenly distributed

time points.

All parameters of tracked targets and reported activated AIS are assumed as constant during the

manoeuvre period.

To end Trial mode, press RUN TRIAL again.

13.2 Simulation

The function is available with the Simulation button in the MENU.

13.2.1 Test scenarios

The Simulation mode is used mostly for training and familiarization purposes. It represent the

tracking functionality with a number of predefined scenarios, each describing the track of simulated

targets and the own ship. The manual and automatic target acquisition modes are available while

working with scenarios. Also, a number of referenced alerts are generated. The selected simulation

scenario replaces the Radar Image; a synthetic picture is generated to verify the tracking

performance using one of four pre-defined scenarios.

The simulated targets are manually acquired, and the measured parameters can then be compared

with a known solution, such that the tracking precision can be validated. A blue S symbol is shown in

PPI to indicate that Simulation mode is active.

During simulation, the actual Radar Image is removed on ALL clients until the SIMULATE
button is pressed again. When in Simulation mode, the normal radar functions are not
available on any connected client (screen). All previously tracked targets will be deleted,
and it will take several minutes to regain real-time targets tracking after ending the
simulation. For this reason it is not recommended to use the simulation mode when the
own ship is sailing.

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To start simulation, select one of predefined scenarios. The selected button turns blue and the

scenario starts. To stop simulation, click the Stop Simulation button.

The Recorded Scenario provides a real world scenario for the user to become familiar with the

display functions. The Radar Sensor related functions are not active, however the signal processing,

tracking and navigation tools (VRM/EBL/Cursor) are all available. Only Radar Sensor control related

functions are not available.

13.2.2 Simulation conditions

In brief, the four scenarios provide:

• Scenario 1 provides 120 stationary targets, eight of which are only 50% visible.

• Scenario 2 provides own ship and three targets moving with constant speed and courses.

• Scenario 3 presents the high speed motion of own ship and one target, while another target

remains stationary.

• Scenario 4 presents the own ship U-turn with 2 moving and one stationary target. Scenario 1

The first scenario demonstrate the system facility to track 100 targets.

The own ship parameters are:

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• Course 90 deg.

• Speed 10 kn.

• The following target parameters are used:

• Range: from 1 NM to 12 NM

• Speed: 0

• Bearing (deg): 45, 60, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315.

The nearest eight targets are visible each second scan (50% of time so far).

Recommended operator’s actions:

1. Set SPA limit to 1NM and TCPA limit to 6 minutes.

2. Activate the scenario 1.

3. Create and activate the automatic acquisition zone with 360 degrees coverage from 0.1 NM

range to 3.5 NM.

4. Verify that first targets are automatically acquired in approximately 1:20 since scenario start.

5. Note that the automatic acquisition of “blinking” targets takes twice-longer time than

acquisition of constantly visible ones.

6. Verify that part of targets generated “Collision with TT target” alarm and all of them

generated “New tracked target” warning.

7. Acknowledge all alerts. The “New tracked target” warnings disappear, while the “Collision

with TT target” alarms remain in acknowledged state until the referenced targets pass the

own ship by. Also, note that dangerous targets are represented as red circles, while all other –

with green circles.

8. Increase the automatic acquisition zone range to 14 NM.

9. Note the appearance of “Tracked target capacity is 100%” warning.

10. Switch the automatic acquisition zone off.

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11. Delete manually one target.

12. Note disappearance of “Tracked target capacity is 100%” warning and appearance of

“Tracked target capacity is 95%” caution instead.

13. Delete 5 more targets manually.

14. Note disappearance of “Tracked target capacity is 95%” caution.

15. Stop the simulation. All targets and referenced alerts will disappear then. Scenario 2

This scenario presents 3 targets moving with different constant speeds in different directions.

Time after start of

Object Range Bearing Speed Course
Our Ship 0 min ----------- ----------- 20 kn 90 deg
Target 1 0 min 9.5 NM 270 deg 28.3 kn 45 deg
Target 2 0 min 1.12 NM 333 deg 22.4kn 27 deg
Target 3 0 min 9.25 NM 45 deg 15.3kn 293 deg

Recommended operator’s actions:

1. Set the display range 12 NM and and true vectors with length 6 minutes.

2. Activate the scenario 2.

3. Acquire manually 3 targets.

4. Note that initially targets appear without vectors.

5. Note appearance of vector within approximately 40 seconds since start of scenario.

6. Select each of targets and compare the calculated speed and course value with expected


7. Stop the simulation. All targets and referenced alerts will disappear then. Scenario 3

In scenario 3, two targets are on the same bearing 40 degrees. Own ship is moving at 70 kn.

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Target Range Bearing Speed Course

Own ship --- --- 70 kn

Target 1 5 NM 40 deg 0 kn 45 deg

Target 2 10 NM 40 deg 70 kn 225 deg

Recommended operator’s actions:

1. Set the display range 12 NM and true vectors with length 6 minutes.

2. Activate the scenario 3.

3. Acquire manually 2 targets.

4. Note that initially targets appear without vectors.

5. Note appearance of vector within approximately 40 seconds since start of scenario.

6. Select each of targets and compare the calculated speed and course value with expected


7. Note that the relative speed of more remote target is 140knots towards to own ship.

8. Ensure that this target could be stably tracked within 4 minutes at least.

9. Stop the simulation. All targets and referenced alerts will disappear then. Scenario 4

Here the own ship makes U-turn at 30 kn speed. One of 3 targets also makes the manoeuvre at the

same time. All 3 targets are visible only 50% of time (once in 2 scans).

Target Range Bearing Speed Course ROT Duration

Own ship --- --- 30 kn 0 deg 0 deg/m 120 s
--- --- 30 kn 0 deg 600 deg/m 18 s

--- --- 30 kn 180 deg 0 deg/m till the end

Target 1 5 NM 23 deg 45 kn 180 deg 0 deg/m till the end
Target 2 3 NM 340 deg 0 kn 180 deg 0 deg/m till the end
Target 3 8 NM 180 deg 30 kn 0 deg 0 deg/m 120 s
30 kn 0 deg 600 deg/m 6s
30 kn 60 deg 0 deg/m till the end

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Recommended operator’s actions:

1. Set the display range 12 NM, North up orientation and true vectors with length 6 minutes.

2. Set SPA limit to 2NM and TCPA limit to 6 minutes.

3. Activate the scenario 4.

4. Acquire manually 3 targets in order, specified in the table above.

5. Verify that targets 1 and 2 become dangerous, and the referenced alarms are generated.

6. Select the target 3 and check it’s parameters after own ship maneouvre start.

7. Note the target 3 maneouvre is detected soon after own ship U-turn.

8. Verify that targets 1 and 2 become normal after the U-turn of own ship, while the target 3

becomes dangerous.

9. Ensure that the target 3 becomes normal after tracker detects it’s significant course change.

10. Verify that the course of target 3 is properly calculated as approximately 60 degrees in 2:30

minutes since completion of own ship U-turn.

11. Stop the simulation. All targets and referenced alerts will disappear then.

12. Set the Head Up orientation mode and repeat steps 3..11. Check the behavior of bearing

scale, plots and targets during own ship turn.

13.3 Radar Detection Performance

13.3.1 Important Factors

The radar visibility of a target is complex and can be affected by many factors, including own ship

antenna height, radar transmission frequency, target characteristics (for example: height,

construction and aspect) and environmental conditions.

Target RCS (Radar Cross Section) values vary for:

• X-band to S-band radar transmission frequencies,

• Point and distributed targets,

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• Shoreline depending on the nature of the reflecting surface,

• Ship structure / profile and aspect

Radar transmission gives a similar detection performance in clutter-free conditions for larger targets

on X-band and S-band, however for a smaller target, X-band indicates a better detection range in

clutter-free conditions (Table 9). In rain, S-band is superior (Table 11).

A distributed target, for example, a yacht generates a pattern of multi-path signals that may be

additive or destructive for the combined radar signal. These multi-path signals vary with target range

and therefore either enhance or reduce a target’s visibility as it moves closer or away from own ship.

Target aspect of a ship will affect the radar cross section and can typically impact the radar signal

from a ship by a typical factor of 5 to 10 times. The radar cross section also varies with the ship

profile, its structure and any deck cargo; all of these factors will determine the initial target detection


The environment has a major impact on target detection. Atmospheric conditions and the sea state /

surface can enhance (for example, ducting can increase detection range) or degrade (for example, in

heavy precipitation) a target’s range of first detection. An evaporation duct is a low lying duct (a

change in air density) that traps the radar energy so that it propagates close to the sea surface.

Ducting may enhance or reduce radar target detection ranges.

Sea state is defined according to different scales for example, Douglas, Hydrographic and Beaufort).

Wind speed and direction relative to own ship is often a better indication of sea clutter (as detected

by a radar system) than wave height. Sea clutter depends on the wind duration (time blowing over

the sea) and the fetch (distance blowing over the sea). In coastal waters, sea clutter spikes generated

by the water surface can produce a large radar signal even in relatively calm conditions, and the

radar signal for the spikes is comparable to buoys and small craft. Sea clutter will produce stronger

radar signals looking into the wind.

Rain (precipitation) attenuates radar signals and produces backscatter (radar clutter signals

depending on the rain volume: area x height). Rain has far less impact on the lower S-band frequency

given that most marine radar uses a transmission with horizontal polarisation. The cloud base (height)

is a guide of the rain fall rate (lower cloud equates to heavier rain). The severity of attenuation

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(expressed in dB) depends on the rate of rainfall and the distance the radar transmission has

travelled in that rain (dB/NM).

Table 8 Typical attenuation and backscatter in rain conditions

Radar frequency & parameter Light rain at 4mm/h Heavy rain at 16mm/h
X-band attenuation (dB/NM) 0.109 0.65
S-band attenuation (dB/NM) 0.0028 0.0117
X-band backscatter (m /m )
2 3
-63 -53
S-band backscatter (m /m )
2 3
-83 -73

It can be seen that at X-band, there is far more attenuation (signal loss) and greater backscatter

(more rain clutter), therefore S-band is clearly advantageous in heavy precipitation. Wet snow is

similar to rain, while dry snow has less attenuation and reduced backscatter. Only targets within or

beyond the rain area are attenuated. A total deterioration of 3 to 6dB is noticeable, whereas 10dB or

more will seriously impact target detection.

13.3.2 Target Detection in Minimal Sea Clutter

Expert predicted target detection range is tabulated in Table 9, based on a typical (minimum) IMO

(10kW) radar system in clutter-free conditions. (For performance in clutter conditions relating to

various sea states and in specified rainfall (precipitation).

In Table 9, targets are assumed to be visible on 80% of scans with the gain set to give a minimal

background noise speckle, and assuming a radar detection false alarm of 10-4. Own ship antenna

height is taken as 15m above sea level and predictions are calculated using a 1.3 m antenna.

Different antenna height (and antenna size) above sea level will give differing results, though

generally a higher antenna and longer antenna should result in a longer detection range, until the

target detection is either noise limited (signal too weak for small targets) or for stronger targets, is

not visible due to the horizon. Table 9 provides guidance regarding the range of first detection for

targets in a sea clutter-free environment.

Table 9 Range of target first detected (clutter-free conditions)

Detection range
Target Type RCS m2 Height (m)
X-band S-band
(General description with full aspect visible) (X / S-band) above sea level

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Detection range
Target Type RCS m 2
Height (m)
X-band S-band
(General description with full aspect visible) (X / S-band) above sea level
High shorelines 50,000 Rising to 60 20 20
Low shorelines 5,000 Rising to 6 8 8
Flat shorelines 2,500 Rising to 3 6 6
Ships (>5,000 gt) 50,000/30,000 10 11 11
Ships(>500 gt) 1,800/1,000 5 8 8
Small vessel with IMO radar reflector 7.5/5.0 4 5 3.7
Navigation buoy (corner reflector fitted) 10/1.0 3.5 4.9 3.6
Navigation buoy 5.0/0.5 3.5 4.6 3
Small vessel (10 m), no reflector fitted 2.5/1.4 2 3.4 3
Channel markers 1.0/0.1 1 2 1

13.3.3 Target Detection in sea clutter

Radar performance predictions provide guidance for target detection however these predictions

should only be seen as a guide. The sea conditions modelled for Table 10 and Table 11 may not

reflect the sea conditions being experienced on a ship at any particular time. Target detection is

influenced by relative wind direction and head wind generates greater radar visible clutter.

Calculations assume a 15 m antenna height and a 3.5 m target height. The probability-of-detection

has been simplified and shown as an O having a size proportional to target visibility, based on a

probability of false alarm of 10-4 and calculated at 0.2 and 0.7 NM. These predictions are without

signal processing; the performance will usually improve with processing applied.

Targets within clutter must compete with the signals generated by the sea and rain, which generate

random radar signals that are often equivalent or greater than a genuine radar target. Typically these

targets include buoys, small boats and yachts therefore there is a real risk of smaller targets not

being visible in adverse clutter conditions. Radar signal processing provides the means to improve

the extraction of genuine targets from clutter.

Sea state should be assessed as a combination of wind speed and wave height. Sea spikes will further

degrade detection and these are typically present in confined waters. Table 10 and Table 11 provide

guidance (based on Expert theoretical predictions) for target visibility at specific target ranges close

to own ship. The averaged visibility predictions are for a small target 1m2 at X-band and 0.1m2 at
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S-band (defined as channel markers in Table 9). Larger targets of the same height and at the same

range will usually be visible for the same conditions.

Table 10 Direction prediction in sea clutter conditions: X-band

X-band frequency: Target visibility

Sea state 3
Target Sea state 1 Sea state 2 Sea state 4 Sea state 5 Sea state 6
RCS wind 5-7Kn, wind 7-10Kn, wind wind wind
(m )
wave ht: wave ht: 17-19Kn, 20-25Kn, 26-33Kn,
wave ht:
0.6m 0.9m wave ht: 2m wave ht: 3m wave ht: 4m
0.2 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.7 NM
1 O O O O O O O o - - - -
5 O O O O O O O O O O O o
10 O O O O O O O O O O O O

Table 11 Direction prediction in sea clutter conditions: S-band

S-band frequency : Target visibility

Sea state 3
Target Sea state 1 Sea state 2 Sea state 4 Sea state 5 Sea state 6
RCS wind 5-7Kn, wind 7-10Kn, wind wind wind
(m )
wave ht: wave ht: 17-19Kn, 20-25Kn, 26-33Kn,
wave ht:
0.6m 0.9m wave ht: 2m wave ht: 3m wave ht: 4m
0.2 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.7 NM
0.1 O O O O O O o O o - o -
0.5 O O O O O O O O O O O o
1.0 O O O O O O O O O O O O

(Key for Table 10 and Table 11: O >80%, O >50%, o >10%, - <10%)

13.3.4 Target Detection in Sea and Rain Clutter

A combination of sea and rain clutter will further compromise target detection. Rainfall between

own ship and the target position will attenuate the radar signal (Table 8), with the greater

attenuation at the higher frequency X-band. The attenuation due to the rainfall rate is assumed to be

constant between own ship and the target.

Table 12 demonstrates the impact of rain and sea clutter for a small target at a range of 0.7 to 0.8

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NM, equivalent to a multi-path peak. In heavy rain and sea state 5, the small target is shown to be

invisible. Signal processing will improve on this performance, though it is difficult to quantify the

improvement given all of the variables to consider and that the sea and rain conditions are based on

the User assessment.

It is recommended that a short transmission pulse length is used in heavy rain conditions and an

adaptive STC and/or scan to scan correlation (SC/SC) will optimize the performance in the higher sea

states. The presentation of the radar image should be set so that there some residual clutter is

retained, indicating that the signal processing is optimal. A radar image devoid of clutter is unlikely to

show weak targets in the most demanding conditions.

Table 12 Predicted target detection (averaged) in rain & sea clutter at 0.7-0.8 NM

0mm/h 4mm/h 16mm/h

SS 0-2 Target visible Target visible Target visible
SS 3 (wind 12-16Kn, wave ht: 0.6m) Target visible Target visible Not visible
SS 4 (wind 17-19Kn, wave ht: 1m) Target visible Target visible Not visible
Marginal X-band: not visible
SS 5 (wind 20-25Kn, wave ht: 2m) Not visible
(50-80% visibility) (S-Band: marginal)
SS >5 Not visible Not visible Not visible

These predictions assume that own ship antenna height is 15 m and target height is 1 m. The target

RCS is 1m2 at X-band and 0.1m2 at S-band. The predictions were calculated at a range where

multi-path signals enhance the target visibility. Similar small targets at different ranges may not be

visible. The pitch and roll of own ship or heeling of the target will reduce average target visibility.

Other antenna height, target size / height may result in different visibility.

13.3.5 Other Factors Compromising Performance

Environmental factors that affect target detection have already been explained however the radar

installation itself will also impact radar performance:

• The antenna height (higher for a good range, lower for better performance in clutter);

• A longer antenna (for a given frequency) has a higher gain (better long range detection) and

narrower beam-width (higher bearing resolution);

• A clear field of view for the antenna, free of obstruction and reflecting surfaces within the

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antenna beam;

• A long transmission line (coaxial cable) will attenuate the transmission and received signal,

thereby reducing target detection range;

• Moisture in the antenna or the transmission line will reduce detection performance;

• Up-mast radar sensors are more efficient, as these have no high frequency transmission lines;

• A clean antenna radiation surface is essential and an antenna mounted near an exhaust

funnel will soon be coated in dust and grime which will attenuate radar signals;

IMO have produced Installation Guidelines for Marine Radar. The radar installation should comply

with these guidelines (ref - SN.1/Circ.271: 2008, IMO Guidelines for the Installation of Shipborne


13.3.6 Standard Signal Filtering Functionality

1. Raw signal

2. The following picture shows applications of filters. Gain threshold, linear sea clutter filter and

rain clutter filter

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3. On the output, the format is packed to only represent echoes that passed all filters.

4. Sweep to sweep correlation result is shown below (echoes having no neighbors are removed):

5. Connected areas (echoes) are detected and their world coordinates are calculated.

6. Search for corresponding target tracking:

1) Provide several steps with increasing the search areas to first find the associations for stable

slow targets.

2) Try to associate the maneuvering and high speed targets.

3) Recalculate tracking parameters using least square approach.

4) Deliver requested tracked targets to radar clients.

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