Energies 17 05184
Energies 17 05184
Energies 17 05184
Innovations for Holistic and Sustainable Transitions
Phoebe Koundouri 1,2,3, * , Angelos Alamanos 4 , Stathis Devves 1,2 , Conrad Landis 1,2 and Kostantinos Dellis 1,2
Abstract: Energy system planning has evolved from a narrow focus on engineering and supply
works towards addressing more complex, multifactorial challenges. Increasingly challenged by
climate change, extreme events, economic shocks, and altered supply demand patterns, the analysis
of energy systems requires holistic approaches based on data-driven models, taking into account key
socio-economic factors. We draw insights from reviewing the literature, indicating the need to cover
the following major gaps: the shift to transdisciplinary approaches, incorporating environmental
system analysis; resilient and sustainable energy designs based on flexible portfolios of renewable
mixes; the integration of socio-economic aspects, economic analyses and behavioural models to
ensure energy systems are not only technically sound but socially acceptable and viable; the need
for stakeholder engagement considering the human angle in energy security and behavioural shifts.
Responding to these pressing challenges and emerging needs, the Global Climate Hub (GCH)
initiative, operating under the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, offers a conceptual
framework, leveraging transdisciplinary approaches. In this Concept Paper, we present for the first
time the idea of the GCH as a framework that we believe has the potential to address the modern
holistic needs for energy system analysis and policymaking. By setting the conceptual/theoretical
ground of our suggested approach, we aim to provide guidance for innovative combinations of
cutting-edge models, socio-economic narratives, and inclusive interaction with relevant stakeholders
for the development and the long-term implementation of sustainable pathways.
and smart grid technologies. Energy policy has also shifted towards more integrated
approaches, based on model-driven simulations of the demand and fuel availability for
different economic sectors, providing policymakers with multiple plausible scenarios and
solutions [24,25].
One prominent example of more holistic simulation modelling is the Low Emissions
Analysis Platform (LEAP), a widely used scenario-based software tool that supports a
range of methodologies for energy policy analysis and climate change mitigation assess-
ments [26,27]. LEAP allows users to track energy consumption, production and resource
extraction in all sectors of an economy, while accounting for greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
sions [28]. LEAP supports bottom-up end-use accounting techniques as well as top-down
macroeconomic modelling on the demand side [26]. On the supply side, it provides account-
ing and simulation methodologies for electric sector generation and capacity expansion
planning [29]. Another example is the Balmorel model, an open-source partial equilibrium
model that simulates the electricity and combined heat and power sectors [30]. Balmorel
optimizes investments and operations in electricity and district heating systems, consid-
ering demand, transmission, storage, and generation technologies [31,32]. Numerous
other applications offer similar capabilities, including the PRIMES model, developed by
E3Modelling, that addresses energy demand, supply, prices, and emissions across Euro-
pean countries, integrating microeconomic foundations with engineering aspects to assess
policy impacts [33,34]. The MATRIX model focuses on energy price shocks and stabilization
policies, providing insights into macroeconomic dynamics and policy responses [35,36].
Furthermore, custom applications like the European Electricity Market Model (EMMA)
analyzes the market value of variable renewables and their integration into energy sys-
tems [37,38].
These integrated modelling approaches represent a shift from traditional siloed ap-
proaches to energy policy. By considering multiple sectors, explicit economic factors, new
technologies, the environmental angle of energy policies through GHG emissions and
fuel sources availability, and different future scenarios (often connected with other disci-
plines, e.g., climate science, natural hazards, economics, or public health), they enable a
more holistic and transdisciplinary understanding of the energy system [39]. This is cru-
cial for navigating the complex challenges of the sustainability transition, which requires
coordinating across disciplines, stakeholders, and scales [40,41].
However, implementing a truly transdisciplinary approach remains challenging. Frag-
mentation between disciplines, difficulties in data and knowledge exchange, and the need
to integrate social, economic, market, and technical aspects of the energy transition, along
with the required workforce, are ongoing barriers [10,12,42]. Overcoming these challenges
will require continued innovation in modelling methodologies, innovative model coupling
in terms of environmental and socio-economic feedbacks, stakeholder engagement and
efficient communication, and the application of systems thinking to energy policy [43].
eration of the environmental system, and the socio-economic drivers of the societies, are
the main levers we need to look at in order to achieve sustainability.
The overall transition and direction towards covering these gaps, summarizing the
main findings of the literature review of this section, are outlined in Table 1.
Table 1. The transition from one-sided and technocratic solutions towards more holistic, multifactorial
and transdisciplinary approaches in energy planning.
advancements in green energy. In addition, scholars and policymakers should also consider
the distinction between energy poverty in the Global North, which is mainly associated
with affordability, and the Global South where the pivotal issue is accessibility.
Besides the economic and technical data, environmental values must be taken also
into account. This is in line with what we described in the previous sub-section regarding
the integration of environmental modelling, as it is crucial to incorporate environmental
valuation insights in energy policymaking. Environmental valuation practically quantifies
the economic worth of ecosystem services (e.g., clean air, water, soil, etc.) and the costs of
environmental degradation, helping policymakers make informed decisions that balance
development with environmental protection [59,60].
Robust and tailored financial instruments, such as green bonds, subsidies, and public–
private partnerships, should support such policies meeting our energy needs in a sus-
tainable manner by incentivizing investments in sustainable energy technologies and
infrastructure, renewable mixes and flexible portfolios [61–63]. The state and international
financial institutions have a material part to play in the energy transition by financing basic
research, provide the necessary de-risking for private sector engagement in the most ambi-
tious projects and contribute directly to value creation through research and application.
Technological advances in areas like weather forecasting, demand response, and en-
ergy storage are enabling the integration of high shares of variable renewable generation
and greener fuels without compromising reliability [64–66]. Public support and social ac-
ceptance are crucial for the adoption and diffusion of sustainable energy technologies and
renewable sources, as well as for more efficient energy demand and consumption manage-
ment [67,68]. However, this requires behavioural changes that are likely to happen through
public engagement, education and sensitization, and making equitable access and fairness
in the distribution of costs and benefits central aspects of energy policymaking [69,70].
Energy transitions that are designed with local communities in mind—considering their
needs, preferences, and concerns—are more likely to succeed and avoid opposition. Public
acceptance of sustainable energy projects, for instance, can be improved by ensuring that
local communities are engaged and understand the ways that they can directly benefit from
the deployment of wind, solar, or hydropower projects, as well as through job creation and
market incentives focusing on the adoption of new technologies, improved infrastructure,
or shared ownership models.
A crucial element here is the notion of human security, which is linked to the need for
individuals and communities to feel safe and secure in their access to energy, especially
electricity and heating [77]. This concept is closely related to environmental security, water
security, energy security, and the overall sense of security that can be studied at a personal
or community scale [78]. Access to affordable and clean energy is inextricably linked to
environmental security; nonetheless, it is also associated with economic security as well as
personal security. Communities that are left behind in the energy transition also face signif-
icant economic adversities through higher energy costs, technological lock-in and outflow
of skilled individuals and are expected to experience societal and political tensions. This is
especially evident and crucial during extreme weather events, economic crises, or other
shocks and disturbances, where energy insecurity can exacerbate vulnerabilities [79,80].
Human security focuses on the individual rather than the nation state, which is conceptu-
ally intertwined with the SDGs framework, underscoring the need for societies to eradicate
violent conflict, hunger, multidimensional poverty, hunger, disease, and oppression of any
minority or group [77].
Despite the recognition of the need to consider the human angle in energy policymak-
ing, and its increasing trends in the literature, it is still an overlooked issue that needs more
attention, and robust metrics to measure it [81,82]. A people-centered approach helps to
develop a locally attuned understanding of energy security (and human security in general)
and shaping informed responses tailored to the contextual attributes of different communi-
ties. In the future, it is likely that researchers will focus more systematically on effectively
measuring the dimension of human security—and all its aspects—as a contextual factor
that is necessary to significantly influence and shape sustainable energy behaviors and
ensure the acceptability of policies.
Figure 1.1. The
innovationsofofthethe GCH,
GCH, summarizing
summarizing its its approach
approach to sustainability
to sustainability problems
problems (not
(not solely water security), in an indicative schematic showing their interactions. Integrated models
solely water security), in an indicative schematic showing their interactions. Integrated models are
are used/developed (I), which are coupled and updated (II) to simulate real-world scenarios. Based
used/developed (I), which are coupled and updated (II) to simulate real-world scenarios. Based
on their insights and the stakeholders’ input, the socio-economic narrative is developed, simulating
on their
the socialinsights and the stakeholders’
and economic systems (III). input, the socio-economic
The results so far are the narrative is developed,
basis of the simulating
co-design of solution
the social and
pathways witheconomic systems(IV),
the stakeholders (III).within
The results so far interaction
a two-way are the basis of the
with theco-design ofensuring
models (I), solution
pathways with the stakeholders
realistic representation (IV), within
of the problems a two-way
and solutions. interaction
Data withare
and models thepublicly
models (I), ensuring
accessible to
realistic representation
enhance reproducibilityof theThe
(V). problems and solutions.
combination Data and innovations
of these particular models are publicly accessible
and the way to
they can
enhanceand adapt to diverse
reproducibility sustainability
(V). The combination problems
of these is the coreinnovations
particular novel contribution
and the of
interact and Source:
adapt to[84].
diverse sustainability problems is the core novel contribution of the GCH’s
philosophy. Source: [84].
Figure 2.
Figure 2. The
GCH. Several
GCH. units
Several work
units on the
work on modelling of systems
the modelling (first
of systems
row), while other units focus on the development of solutions, pathways, their implementation and
(first row), while other units focus on the development of solutions, pathways, their implementation
training required to sustain them in the long run (second row). All these efforts follow the principles
and training required to sustain them in the long run (second row). All these efforts follow the
of open science based on shareable data and modelling applications (unit 1). Adapted from [86].
principles of open science based on shareable data and modelling applications (unit 1). Adapted
from [86].
4. The GCH Concept Example for Analyzing Energy Systems
4. The InGCH Conceptwe
this section, Example
providefor a Analyzing
more in-depth Energy Systems of what sort of work and
this can be used
section, by eachaone
we provide moreof the nine research
in-depth explanation units
of of the sort
what GCH, of indicatively
work and what for
tools cansystems
be usedanalysis, along
by each one of with some
the nine application
research units examples.
of the GCH, indicatively for energy
“climatology” unit (unit
along with some 2) provides climate
application examples. change scenarios, and their projec-
tionsThedownscaled to the region of interest, allowing
“climatology” unit (unit 2) provides climate change us toscenarios,
explore their impacts
and their on key
variables (e.g.,
downscaled impact
to the regionofoffuture temperature
interest, allowing us and rainfall their
to explore on energy
impacts demand and con-
on key variables
(e.g., impactThis practically
of future can be achieved
temperature by downscaling
and rainfall on energy Regional
demand Circulation Models
and consumption).
This for instance,
practically can beproviding
achieved sets
plausible future conditions
Regional in a studied
Circulation Modelsregion/area,
for can affectproviding
sets ofparameters and patterns
plausible future conditions [87,88].
in aAlso,
study of extreme that
can (e.g., historic parameters
affect energy-related floods, earthquakes, hurricanes,
and patterns [87,88].etc.) is covered
Also, the studyby ofthisextreme
unit in
order to provide
phenomena (e.g.,ahistoric
description of aearthquakes,
floods, similar disturbance.
the energy systems’
is covered perfor-
by this unit
in order
mance cantobeprovide a description
tested against of a similar
such phenomena to disturbance.
explore how toThus, makethe themenergy
more systems’
[89]. can be tested against such phenomena to explore how to make them more
“systems modelling” unit (unit 3) focuses on the modelling of natural/physical
systemsTheto “systems
providemodelling” unit (unit
us with integrated 3) focusesto
assessments onunderstand
the modelling howofsuch
systems func-
systems to provide us with integrated assessments to understand
tion. In particular, we develop and apply models simulating land-use changes, how such systems func-
tion. In particular, we develop and apply models simulating
productivity, and mainly monitor urbanization (based on remote sensing techniques, land-use changes, land
productivity, and mainly
cording to [90,91]) monitor
rates that urbanization
directly affect energy (based on remote
demand. Such sensing
are connected ac-
to models to of
[90,91]) rates thatofdirectly
the dynamics affect energy
land, agriculture, fooddemand. Suchand
production insights
dietsare connected
(based on the
to models
FABLE of the dynamics
Calculator of land,
[92]), which also agriculture,
affect energyfood use production and diets
patterns. Another key(based on the
parameter in
FABLE Calculator [92]), which also affect energy use patterns.
energy planning is hydropower, so we also employ water management and hydrologicalAnother key parameter in
to obtain is hydropower,
estimates on thesoavailability
we also employ water management
and potential use constraints and[93].
models to obtain estimates on the availability and potential use constraints
The “energy” unit (unit 4) is dedicated to the development and application of energy- [93].
The “energy”
emissions models unit (unit 4) isdata-driven
to provide dedicated toinsights
the development and application
for all sectors of energy-
of the economy. In
emissions models to provide data-driven insights for all sectors of the economy. In par-
ticular, we use the Balmorel model [94], a fully sector-coupled energy system approach
to explore plausible cross-sectoral decarbonization pathways based on the adoption of
greener fuels as supply sources [95]. Also, we use the LEAP model for more thorough
assessments of the energy demand, costs and prices, and affordability of various policy
scenarios [26]. This unit covers all sectors of the economy, namely residential, services,
agriculture and forestry, industry, and transportation. In particular, for the maritime sector,
Energies 2024, 17, 5184 10 of 16
we have developed the MaritimeGCH model, which integrates economic, energy, fuel,
emission and environmental factors, with economic and European policy considerations to
provide pathways for sustainable shipping [96].
The “public health” unit (unit 5) analyzes the effects of various energy policies in
human health. These can be associated with emissions, their future evolution and the
impact of different decarbonization pathways [97]. The tools used are econometric models
for the impact assessment and policy analyses to provide mitigation recommendations [98].
The “economics” unit (unit 7) develops the socio-economic narratives for the inte-
gration of several of the parameters and results mentioned above into robust economic
models, providing finance options for a just transition [99]. The tools used by this unit cover
environmental valuation techniques to integrate their insights into energy policymaking
to make it more holistic [100] and equilibrium models for the description/simulation of
the overall picture of the economy under recent policies and sustainable decarbonization
solutions [101,102]. An innovative example of this approach that is worth mentioning is
the use of the environmental valuation of the ecosystem services (the benefits of having
healthier ecosystems by adopting flexible renewable mixes) and the health impacts (better
health due to reduces GHG emissions) to develop subsidies for certain energy policies.
These aim to boost the uptake of innovative and more sustainable measures by local en-
ergy suppliers. Such measures refer to the use of energy-autonomous solar power units,
enabling the operation of recycling and/or water reuse options. Furthermore, solutions
related to finance opportunities and labour markets are also developed to ensure that the
decarbonization pathways will be fully sustainable and will not happen at the expense of
economic outputs or employment, but will in fact lead to increased productivity and the
creation of greener jobs [103,104].
The “transformative participation” unit (unit 8) includes the whole process of stake-
holder engagement, spanning from the early stages of model development (interacting
with the aforementioned units) to the common understanding of the problems that must
be tackled, the existing solutions and approaches, and the development of sustainable
pathways by both researchers and diverse stakeholders. Sophisticated tools and software
such as LivingLabModeler [105] or MIRO [106] and technologies (e.g., Virtual Reality) are
used to make the experience realistic and efficient. This unit ensures the inclusion of the
social and human/personal angle in energy policymaking and planning. The develop-
ment of novel Human Security metrics and newly developed Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) enable the measurement of a crucial decision-making driver for sustainable energy
transitions, revealing hidden elements (e.g., psychological, safety, etc.) for more efficient
development of implementable solutions [77].
The application of these solutions is the focus of the “innovation and acceleration”
unit (unit 6). It mobilizes local governance, technology holders, start-ups, public–private
partnerships, and all parties involved to uptake the designed pathways [107,108]. They
become owners of the proposed solutions, giving particular importance to the inclusive,
fair and equitable allocation of their benefits [109].
The “education” unit (unit 9) designs tailored training and upskilling programs to
ensure the viability of the solutions [110]. These will be managed by the local stakeholders,
after the project is finished to ensure that the necessary expertise stays in place for the
successful long-term management of the developed solutions [111].
All the data, models, and insights produced by such a process follow the principles
of open science. Unit 1 is currently developing a powerful AI-supported infrastructure to
host these insights and make them publicly available.
5. Concluding Remarks
The presented approach of the GCH is a comprehensive and systemic framework
that enables researchers and stakeholders to understand the natural and socio-economic
systems, realize the multifaceted problems, explore and co-design solutions, and sustain
them in the long run. It accomplishes this by addressing the gaps and trends presented
Energies 2024, 17, 5184 11 of 16
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.K., A.A., S.D., C.L. and K.D.; methodology, P.K., A.A.,
S.D., C.L. and K.D.; formal analysis, P.K. and A.A.; investigation, P.K. and A.A.; writing—original
draft preparation, P.K., A.A., S.D., C.L. and K.D.; writing—review and editing, P.K., A.A., S.D., C.L.
and K.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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