Project Abijith

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Stress is a normal phenomenon in contemporary life. Not that stress is recent concept.But still
the concequence are vastly different in the modern world. What they were for our ancestor's
stress is the and tear of our bodies experiences as we adjust to our dynamic environment it has
physical psychological and emotional effects on us and can create positeve or negative emotions.

As a positive influence stress can drive a person towards action it can result in a new awareness
and an existing new perspective, and such stress is called “eustress”. As a negative influence it
can result in feelings of distress rejection, anger and depression which in turn can lead to health
problems such as headaches, upset stomach , rashes, insomnia, high blood pressure, heart
disease, stroke and such stress is called “Distress”

Optimum stress is essential for performing well in one's job, but once stress excess a certain limit
it can cause burn out and determinately affects one's performance. As organizations become
more complex and competitive the potential for stress increase urbanization, industrialization and
increase in scale in operation are some of the reasons for rising stress employees should provide
a stress-free work environment recognize where stress is becoming a problem for staff and take
action to reduce productivity increase pressure and make people ill in many ways evidence of
which is still increasing work place stress affects the performance of the brain including
functions of work performance, memory, concentration and learning stress at work also provide
a serious risk of litigation for all employees and organization carrying significant liabilities for
damage bad publicity and loss of reputation dealing with stress related claim also consumes vast
amounts of management time. So, there are clearly strong economic and financial reasons for
organizations to manage and reduce stress at work aside from the obvious humanitarian and
ethical consideration.
During the past decades the banking sector had undergone rapid and striking changes like policy
changes due to globalization and liberalization increased competition due to the entrance of more
private (corporate) sector banks, downsizing introduction of new technologies etc. Due to the
change the employees in the banking sector are experiencing a high level of stress along with
other sector the banking sector also leaning towards the policy of appointing contract labors
while various compulsive as well as rewarding options such as VRS etc. All the factors discussed
above are perspective attributes to the cause occupational stress and related disorder among the
employees although a lot of studies have been conducted on the psychosocial side of the new
policy regime in many sectors there are only few studies as far as the banking sectors has been
drastically influenced by the present study is undertaken to address specific problem of bank
employees related to occupational stress. This throw light into the pathogenesis of various
problems related to occupational stress among bank employees.


Nowadays several private banks are establishing to capture the customer in competitive banking
industry in order to survive in the market the banks are giving more responsibility for their staffs
to capture new customers and retain existing customers in addition there is a sysytem of job
rotation in the private banks, So each and every staff is having ,ore burdens through this situation
it becomes a stress for them. Therefore, this research is focused on finding the factors which
leads to stress in the bank and to what extend it is influencing on the employees.


The main objective is to study and analyze the job or work stress among private bank employees.

To attain the main objective the following sub objectives are set:

• Assess current stress level of employees at bank

• Identify situations that causes stress
• To identify the measure to overcome the stress of the employees at bank.


The study seeks to analyze the stress among private bank employees in palakkad district. The
study is conducted on the important banking organization. The scope of the study is extended
only to employees working in private banks at alathur thaluk. It does not cover employees in the
three levels of displaced as manager level. Probationary officers level and cherical level


Research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem the objective of
the study and the nature of the data gathered determine the appropriateness of the descriptive
method that was adopted for this research


The study is descriptive in nature


For the study purpose both primary and secondary source of data are used


The sampling technique used for selecting sample elements in convenience sampling


The samples were selected by using non-probability sampling method. Among the non-
probability sampling method convenient sampling method and snowball sampling method were
used for the study.


Sample of 50 bank employees are taken for the study


Questionnaire is used for data collection


Simple percentage analysis and diagram are used for analyzing the data collected.


• Employees in the banks have lot of work load all the questionnaire were filled at banks
during working hours so it is possibility that they have filled the questionnaire in hurry.
• Respondents may be influenced by the collogues or some respondents may not discuss
the truth.
• Some of the information given by the respondents may not be reliable.


• Chapter 1 deals with introduction and research design.

• Chapter 2 consists of review of literature.
• Chapter 3 provides the theoretical framework for the study.
• Chapter 4 is about the study of stress on private bank employees.
• Major findings, suggestions and conclusions from the study are incorporated in the last



1. Ms. Sharmila A., Asst. Prof, Ms. Poornima J., Lecturer (2011) -The review of literature
in the study on employee stress management in selected private banks in Salem
highlights the high level of stress found in bank employees due to the competitive nature
of the banking sector. It emphasizes the impact of added responsibilities on employees,
leading to psychological problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep
disorders. The review also discusses the potential consequences of employees feeling
disconnected from their jobs, including decreased performance and the likelihood of
seeking alternative employment. Additionally, the literature review underscores the need
for further research and policy development in this area.
2. Dr. A. XAVIOR SELVAKUMAR (2015) focuses on stress management in the banking
industry. It highlights the importance of stress management in the service, financial, and
banking sectors, particularly due to the high levels of stress faced by banking employees.
The literature emphasizes the impact of long working hours, heavy workloads, and lack
of management support on employee stress levels. Additionally, it discusses the
symptoms of high stress and the potential health problems that can arise if stress is not
addressed early. The review also outlines important measures for managing stress, such
as effective communication, counseling, and specific stress reduction programs.
Furthermore, it delves into factors affecting stress management in private sector banks,
including positive communication, social support, healthy lifestyle, and boosting self-
esteem. The review employs factor analysis to identify common factors among the
variables studied, with some variables demonstrating a higher impact on stress than
3. Immanuel S. Lawrence, Dr. Selvakumar A. Xaviour (2020) The study "A study on the
job stress management among the employees of private sector bank" focuses on the job
stress levels of public and private sector bank employees in Thirunelveli. It presents
empirical data and recommendations for organizational development interventions. The
study identifies reasons for stress, including long working hours, improper reward
system, lack of job autonomy, organizational culture, and role conflict. The methodology
involved a survey of 282 public and 220 private sector employees in Thirunelveli district,
and statistical tests were applied to analyze the data. The study found that both sectors
face moderate levels of stress, with certain individual stressors such as work experience,
age group, marital status, annual income, and educational qualifications. However, it is
important to note that the study's limitation is that it was conducted only in Thirunelveli
district, and the work culture in other districts may differ.
4. Navnindra Kumari & Prof. Ram Milan (2018) stress among banking employees reveals
that the banking industry faces challenges due to technological revolution, service
diversification, and global banking, leading to increased stress among employees. Stress
negatively impacts employee performance, resulting in mental tiredness, high blood
pressure, and increased medication use. The study emphasizes the importance of stress
management through regular training, openness, and understanding among employees.
The research findings highlight that stress is prevalent among private sector bank
employees, with causes including time management, job responsibilities, and work-life
imbalance. Stress management strategies such as breathing exercises, progressive
relaxation, and stretching exercises are recommended. Overall, the literature underscores
the need for effective stress management to improve the psychological well-being and
health of banking employees.

5. Elizabath greorge,zakkaria K.A (2015) study on "Job related stress and job satisfaction: a
comparative study among bank employees" focuses on examining job satisfaction and
job-related stress among employees in different banking sectors. The study uses
questionnaires administered to 337 employees from private, public, and new generation
banks. The findings reveal that employees in different sectors have varying levels of job
satisfaction and job-related stress. Specifically, public sector banks have lower job-
related stress and higher job satisfaction compared to private and new generation banks.
The study suggests that measures should be taken to reduce job-related stress and
enhance job satisfaction in private and new generation banks. The original and empirical
nature of the study has wider implications for the service industry as a whole.

6. Nadeem Malik (2011) covers various sources related to stress at work, including studies
on role stress and work satisfaction, job stress, organizational effectiveness, and staff
burnout. It also references sources on violence and stress in financial services,
information technology-related stress, and the hospitality industry. The review highlights
the impact of workplace factors on stress and health risks, such as long hours, work
overload, lack of breaks, and poor work conditions. Additionally, it emphasizes the
importance of job development, relationships at work, and organizational culture as
buffers against stress. The review provides a comprehensive overview of the existing
literature on occupational stress and its implications for employees and organizations.
7. Shukla & Garg (2013) discussed that most of the employees fear with the fact that lack
quality in their work puts stress on them. It is found that maximum number of employees
in banks remains in stress. 50% employees feel that they are overloaded with work. 44%
employees feel tensed due to their non-achievement of their target of work. 38%
employees accepted that they will obey the order of their boss by sacrificing their
important domestic function. It indicates fear and stress among employees. 24%
employees feel stress due to their family related problems. It means such employees feel
greater level of stress as compared to other employees. Half of the employees accepted
that there is conflict among the employees. It is a concern for top management. Only 48%
employees feel that strategies used by banks to manage stress of employees are effective.
Majority of the employees try to find solution to relieve them from stress.50% employees
use YOGA or other ways to relieve them from stress. In spite of stress, majority of the
employees balance in their social life.

8. Sankpal, S., Negi, P., & Vashishtha, J. (2010) in the study "Organizational Role Stress
of Employees: Public Vs Private Banks" focuses on the specific study of organizational
role stress, particularly in the context of the banking sector in India. It highlights the lack
of extensive research in this area, especially in comparison to studies conducted in
medical and health services. The study aims to address this gap by examining and
comparing organizational role stress among employees of public and private banks. The
standardized questionnaire developed by Pareek was used for data collection, and the
data was analyzed using z-test to test 11 hypotheses. The review provides a clear context
for the study and emphasizes the significance of the research in the Indian banking sector.
9. Balder M.R. (2011), the main motive is to analyse the cause of stress & how they affect
the overall job performance of banker. Stress became a huge issue all over the world.
Every sector, organizations, companies, industries, banks facing the stress problem. In
this paper researcher identify some important factors which is the reason of stress these
are heavy work load, high market competition, low salaries, management peer support &
behaviour, lack of acknowledgement, public dealing, high targets, longer time frames at
work, outcome of decisions. These causes of stress are very harmful for banks. These
stress cause gives negative impact of the performance of bank employees. Banks should
give extra salary & compensation for overtime & banks should conduct career
development plans & time management procedure, extra time for refreshment,
counselling sessions, motivational programs, reward system, training programs, and
promotional activities for employees. These plans & programs are very helpful to reduce
the stress & increase the job performance of the employees

10. Ali T.V., Hassan A., Ali T. & Bashir R. (2013) "Stress Management in Private
Banks”published in the Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management
Sciences (JETEMS) discusses the impact of stress on employees in private banks. It
analyzes various methods and techniques used by management to reduce stress among
private sector employees, focusing on how job stress influences personal and professional
lives, as well as the physical and mental health of employees. The article identifies
several stressors, such as late working hours, work overload, role conflict, work-life
imbalance, improper reward systems, lack of management support, and communication
gaps. It also addresses the health problems faced by employees and suggests management
techniques and strategies to overcome stress.

11. Dr. Muthusamy A.(2013) employees Stress can either enhance or hinder personal
effectiveness, depending on its level. Group stressors, including lack of cohesiveness,
social support, and conflicts, contribute to job stress. Individual factors such as
personality, life changes, and work trauma also play a role in job stress. The fast-paced
nature of the modern world and the lack of time for relaxation and self-care are
significant contributors to job stress. The workplace is a major source of stress, as
employees often bring work home and have limited time for relaxation. Overall, the
abstract emphasizes the impact of stress on personal effectiveness and the various factors
contributing to job stress.
12. Hamdan Y. (2012), the main motive is to identify the work stress in organization &
explore how it affects the performance & productivity of any organization. Stress is
becoming a serious problem in this time. Researcher discussed many sources of stress
such as environmental, organizational, personal factors. These factors create stress
problems in organizations & organisations suffer low productivity, high absenteeism,
increased turnover & insurance costs. These problems affect growth & performance&
productivity of organization. Stress creates physical, mental & behavioural problems like
headache, tension, depression, anxiety, dissatisfaction, irritation, increased drinking &
smoking & eating habits, sleep disorder. It gives negative impact on employee’s personal
& professional life. So it is very necessary to take major steps to solve stress problem.
Organizations should start stress management programs, time management programs,
improve work life balance, technological system, promotional plan, retirement plans &
conduct counselling sessions, motivational & meditation sessions.

13. Bashir U. & Ramay I., (2010), analysed the impact of stress on employee’s job
performance on banking sector of Pakistan. Banking sector play a significant role for
economic growth. Work pressure increasing very quickly in banking sector. Stress affects
performance of employees very badly. (Selly, 1936) first introduced the idea of stress in
to the life science. He defined stress as the force, pressure, or tension subjected upon an
individual who resists these forces and attempt to uphold its true state. stress create many
problems such as work overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, lack of feedback,
technological changes, organizational climate & structure. Khan, Wolfe, Quinn & Snoek
(1964), was designed four stressors work conflicts, resource inadequacy, work overload
& work ambiguity. In this paper, researcher shows the relationship between stress & job
performance of employees. Employee’s job performance is negatively correlated to job
stress. Bank should organize some plans & programs to reduce stress level between
employees. Banks should start stress management programs, time management
procedure, reward system, motivational programs. Banks management should support
every employee & understand employee’s problems. Management support & managerial
strategies helps employees overcome the stress problems.
14. Mr. R. Gopalakrishnan(2014) .“A Study on Employees Job Stress in Private Banking
Sectors with Special Reference to Madurai District"The literature review in the study
provides definitions and explanations of stress, highlighting its physical, mental, and
emotional impacts. It also discusses the causes of job stress, particularly in the banking
sector, and emphasizes the importance of stress management. The review references
various sources and studies to support the understanding of stress and its effects on
employees in the banking sector. Additionally, it suggests initiatives and strategies to
reduce stress, such as meditation, counseling, and reward programs. Overall, the literature
review effectively presents a comprehensive overview of stress and its management in
the context of the banking industry.

15. Michael Leny(2013) In the study "A Study on Occupational Stress among Public,
Private and Co-operative Bank Employees: A Comparative Study" focuses on the impact
of occupational stress on employees in the banking sector. It discusses the universal
nature of stress and its negative impacts on both employees and organizations. The study
compares the levels of occupational stress in public, private, and Co-operative sector
banks, highlighting that private bank employees experience higher levels of stress
compared to their counterparts in public and Co-operative banks. The review identifies
various factors contributing to occupational stress, including excessive workload, dealing
with ambiguous or delicate situations, lack of consultation and communication, keeping
up with new techniques and technology, and inadequate guidance from supervisors. It
also emphasizes the challenges faced by bank employees, such as discrimination,
favoritism, delegation, and conflicting tasks, which hinder their ability to relax and
16. Kiran Rani Panwar and Prof. Beer Singh(2019) "Job Satisfaction and Occupational
Stress Among Public and Private Bank Employees"The study includes findings from
various studies related to job satisfaction and occupational stress among bank employees.
Hind (2013) concluded that factors like marital status, education level, city, and duration
of work positively affect job satisfaction, while gender, age, and work itself do not
substantially affect job satisfaction levels. Sangeeta Bhatnagar and P.K. Jain (2014)
examined the work-life balance of IT professionals in metro cities and found a significant
difference between age and losing temper. Reddy et al. (2016) found that demographic
variables greatly affect employee satisfaction levels, with factors like pay, promotion, and
supervision playing significant roles. Mrs. Caral Lopes and Ms. Dhara Kachalia (2016)
conducted a study in private and public banks, concluding that there is a significant
relationship between the type of banks, age, gender, and education, impacting motivation
for employees.

17. K. Suresh* & Dr. M. Hema Nalini(2016) The study "A Study on Sources of Stress for
Employees in Private Sector Banks" provides a comprehensive overview of existing
research on stress among bank employees. It references various studies such as
"Occupational Stress and the Nigerian Banking Industry," "The Impacts of Occupational
Stress of Selected Banking Sector Employees in Tamil Nadu," and "A Study on Stress
Management Among the Employees of Nationalized Banks," among others. These
studies explore the impact of stress on job performance, job satisfaction, and the factors
contributing to stress in the banking sector. The review effectively contextualizes the
current study within the broader body of research on stress in the banking industry.

18. Dr. Kazi Fayz Ahamed and Md. Mizanur Rahman (2014) Conducted a study "Job Stress
of Public and Private Sector Commercial Bank Employees in Bangladesh: A
Comparative Scenario" on job stress encompasses several key findings from various
studies. Sarker and Uddin (2007) discovered a negative association between
environmental stress and job satisfaction, as well as a positive correlation between job
satisfaction and career intention and willingness to work longer hours. Sorcar and
Rahman (1993) reported that employees with low occupational stress experienced better
mental health than those with high stress. Desai (1993) conducted research on stress and
mental workload in India, revealing that higher and middle management had higher
levels of stress, and mental workload was a significant contributor to perceived stress.
Wadud (1992) conducted research on occupational stress, mental health, and job
satisfaction among employees in public and private industries. These findings
collectively contribute to the understanding of job stress and its impact on employees in
various organizational settings.

19. M.Vetrivel (2019) Conducted a study named "A Study on Effects of Job Stress of
Employees in Indian Overseas Bank, Villupuram District” provides valuable insights into
the impact of job stress on employees in the banking sector. It uses a descriptive and
empirical research methodology, collecting primary and secondary data through
questionnaires and interviews. The study identifies factors contributing to job stress and
provides recommendations for managing stress, including balancing professional and
family life, role clarification, job-oriented training, and open communication channels.
Additionally, the study found a significant association between overall job performance
and the duration for conducting employee performance appraisals. This research offers
important implications for organizations to address employee stress and improve overall

20. Saini Meenu, Pal Rishi, and Chaudhry Nirmala.(2014) Conducted a study named “study
of occupational stress among bank employees” focuses on the rapid changes in the
banking sector, including policy changes due to globalization and liberalization,
increased competition from private sector banks, downsizing, and the introduction of new
technologies. These changes have led to a high level of stress among employees,
particularly in dimensions such as Role Overload, Role Conflict, Intrinsic
Impoverishment, Poor Peer Relations, and Strenuous Working Conditions. The literature
also highlights the higher level of occupational stress experienced by managers compared
to non-managers, as well as the equal levels of stress among male and female bank

1. Ms. Sharmila A., Asst. Prof, Ms. Poornima J., Lecturer (2011) International Journal of
Management, IT and Engineering.. A study on employee stress management in selected
private banks in Salem.. Volume 1(7), 148-161. Online ISSN: 2249-0558.
2. Dr. A. XAVIOR SELVAKUMAR(2015) Asia Pacific Journal of Research, Vol: I. Issue
XXVI, April 2015, ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793,
3. Immanuel S. Lawrence, & Dr. Selvakumar A. Xaviour. (2020). A study on the job stress
management among the employees of public and private sector bank. , 10(6), 70-88.
DOI: 10.5958/2249-877X.2020.00046.6
4. Navnindra Kumari & Prof. Ram Milan. "A STUDY ON STRESS AMONG THE
EMPLOYEES OF PRIVATE SECTOR BANK." International Journal of Research and
Analytical Reviews, Volume 5, Issue 3, July–Sept 2018.
5. George, E. and K.A., Z. (2015), "Job related stress and job satisfaction: a comparative
study among bank employees", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 34 No. 3, pp.
6. Nadeem Malik (2011) Vol.5 (8), pp. 3063-3070,
7. Harish Shukla and Ms. Rachita Garg (2013) STUDY ON STRESS MANAGEMENT
MANAGISMENT Voice of Research Vol. 2. Issue 3 December 2012 ISSN No. 2277-
8. Sankpal, S., Negi, P., & Vashishtha, J. (2010). Organizational Role Stress of Employees:
Public Vs Private Banks. , 3(1), 4.
9. Badar M.R. (2011), “Causing Stress and Impact on Job Performance, A Case Study of
Banks” European Journal of Business and Management, Vol 3, No.12
10. Ali T.V., Hassan A., Ali T. & Bashir R., (2013), “Stress Management in Private Banks of
Pakistan” Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences
(JETEMS) 4(3):308-320.
11. Dr. Muthusamy A., Assistant Professor International Journal of Management, IT and
Engineering. (2012). A study on job stress among the bank employees. Volume 2(7),
12. Yara Hamdan , (2012), “Work Stress and its Management: A Practical Case Study,”
European Journal of Business and Management, Vol 4, No.18.
13. Bashir U. (2010), “Impact of “Stress on Employees Job Performance, a Study on Banking
Sector”, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1
14. Mr. R. Gopalakrishnan(2014) .“A Study on Employees Job Stress in Private Banking
Sectors with Special Reference to Madurai District", Volume 1, Issue 6, June 2014
15. Michael Leny(2013) A Study on Occupational Stress among Public, Private and Co-
operative Bank Employees: A Comparative StudySumedha Journal Of Management
Year : 2013, Volume : 2, Issue:4
16. Kiran Rani Panwar and Prof. Beer Singh(2019) "Job Satisfaction and Occupational
Stress Among Public and Private Bank Employees" RJPSS 2019, Vol. XLIV, No. 1, pp.
114-127 Article No. 15
17. K. Suresh* & Dr. M. Hema Nalini(2016) "A Study on Sources of Stress for Employees in
Private Sector Banks" International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern
Education (IJMRME), Volume II, Issue II, 2016
18. Dr. Kazi Fayz Ahamed and Md. Mizanur Rahman (2014) The study is titled "Job Stress
of Public and Private Sector Commercial Bank Employees in Bangladesh: A
Comparative Scenario" , Jagannath University Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1
& 2, 107-114, December, 2014
19. M.Vetrivel (2019) “A Study on Effects of Job Stress of Employees in Indian Overseas
Bank, Villupuram District.” Shanlax International Journal of Commerce, vol. 7, no. 4,
2019, pp. 55–62.
20. Saini Meenu, Pal Rishi, and Chaudhry Nirmala.(2014) International Journal of
Management, IT and Engineering volume:4 issue:8 4(8), 236-249.

Chapter 3

A state of tension experienced by an individual facing extra ordinary demands constrains or

Stress is an adaptive response to an external situation that result in physical, psyhologycal and or
behaviarial deviations for organizational participants. Stress can be defined as an overload
demand state, where individual being present with more information, stimuli, intensity and
immediary than they can take in or process.


• To meet out the demands of the job.

• Relationship with collegues.
• To control staff under you.
• To meet deadlines.
• New work hours
• Promotion
• Change of the job.
• Work against will.
• Harrasment.

How to manage stress

Managing stress is all about taking change of your thoughts your emotion schedule environment
and the way you deal with problems stress management involves changing the stresssful
situations. When you can changng your reaction when you cant take care of yourself and making
time for rest and relaxaction.

Stress managemnt
The work place is challenging job assignmemnt followed by moderate stress of compatative
sipirt constructive conflict and zeal to get ahead of others and a way in which individual are deal
with stress at work is called stress management.

Some strategies used by individual and organization for managinbg the stress.

➢ Individual strategies
• Time management.
• Meditation and exercise.
• Physical exercise.
• Muscle relaxation.
• Bio feedback.
• Cognitive restructuring.

➢ Organizational strategies
• Role clarity.
• Supportive climate.
• Clear career plan.
• Company wide program.

Definition of stress
Stress is an adapttive response mediated by individal difference and or psycological processes thet is a
concequence of any extenal action, situation or event that places excesssive psychological , physical, or
deamnds upon a person stress is an interaction between individual and any source of demand with their
environment. A fortrss is the object or event that the individual perceives to be discroptive stress result
from the perception that the deamands exceed ones capacity to cope. The interpertation or appraisal os
stress is consideed an intermediate step in the realationship betweena given fortress and the individual
response to it appraisals are determined by the values, goals individual commitment as personal resource
and coping strategies that empoloyees bring to the situation.

About private banking

Private banking is banking investment and other financial service provided by banks to private individuals
who invest in sizeable asset the term private refers to customer service rendered on a more personal basis
than in mass market retail banking uasually via decising bank advisers. It does not refer to private bank
which is an incomparted institution private banking from an important more exclusive subset of wealth
management at least until recently it largerly consisted of bankingservices discertionary asset
management broker age limit tax advisory services and some basic concierge type services offered by a
single designated reslationship manager.

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